Welcome to the February edition of Coaching Moments with
Ryan D’Aprile!

In this episode Ryan spends a full hour on lead generation – the most important component of a broker’s business. Ryan spends time on the difference between lead gen and marketing, and gives the exact strategies his teaches his brokers on how to add more contacts to one’s database and how to stay in touch over time. Also, Ryan reveals that in every broker’s contact list, there are a minimum of 32-64 transactions per year (and how to capture those deals)!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.492.7900 and execassistant@daprileproperties.com.

Ryan D'Aprile
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D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers except I’m going to change that and say it is made by Chicago real estate brokers, but it’s for brokers all over the country. We do have listeners everywhere. So I’m going to teach myself not to say should just for Chicago brokers. Anyway, today is our monthly episode with Ryan Day, April. And this is called coaching moments. And Ryan is with us if you don’t know Ryan, you should, because not only is he the owner and operator and head coach of the April properties, they have 13 offices all throughout Chicago and the suburbs. He has hundreds of Realtors, lots of top 1% producers, and Ryan spends pretty much all of his time coaching and developing the careers of his realtor. So we’re so honored to have him on the show. He’s a legend in the Chicago market. And we’re really honored to have him today. So Ryan, welcome once again.

Ryan D’Aprile 1:10
Thanks, CJ, it’s good to be here. Oh,

D.J. Paris 1:12
let’s plug your let’s plug your company’s website. It’s deep, real deep, real properties.com. That’s it? All right, great. And if you’re a realtor out there and you want to study or interested in maybe joining Ryan’s team, go to do properties.com. And you can contact them and you can find an office near you and and schedule a phone call or consultation. Or if also if you’re a buyer seller or renter investor that’s interested in working with with one of Ryan’s brokers, you can do that there as well. So anyway, I’ll turn it over to Ryan.

Ryan D’Aprile 1:43
All right. Thanks, DJ. Well, thanks for having me appreciate I’m really looking forward to our our monthly meetings. And these are coaching moments that we’re doing. So let’s talk about what we want to cover today. And last month, we covered a morning routine, right? So what I’m going to do today is go over what I review with our agents and what we call our coaching one session. And so I have coaching session one at coaching session two and then we have workshops. And in summary what coaching session one is about it’s it’s kind of it’s like the game of real estate and life in general that we’re going to reveal and so workshop is we’re we’re sleeves are rolled up and we’re doing work. This is more instructive. And just showing everybody like let’s relate it to a board game Monopoly it could real estate board game. And so what we’re gonna do is we’re not going to play the game a nap and Napoli today we’re going to talk about it, we’re going to lay out the board or and show you the pieces, right, here’s go and pass, go collect 200. Here’s boardwalk, that’s a good one to own. And here’s JL and we’re gonna talk about all the different products of real estate. And we’re talking about mindset and attitude. We’re gonna talk about systems. And we’re gonna talk about skill set, and how it all comes into play. And basically give somebody like, you know, a 60,000 foot near view of the game of real estate and how to play that. How’s that sound?

D.J. Paris 3:06
Perfect, I love it.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:09
So let’s go over a couple of principles that so many famous authors and, and economists and gurus have told us over and over again, EMF, Michael Gerber’s, book eater, classic, classic, right 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and 20% stay open after five years. And I think he goes on to say, of the 20% that stay open, 50% of them should have shut their doors, right, working longer hours making less money than if they actually just had a job with the weekends off. And so the book talks about systems, and we’ll talk about systems. And what we’re going to do though, is we’re going to talk about the two different types of businesses, the ones that thrive and the ones that die or struggle. And the difference between the two of them. What do you think that get what would your guests be? DJ, the difference between those two types of businesses, the ones that thrive, versus the ones that die and fade away?

D.J. Paris 4:09
Well, I would think that the ones that thrive, figure out how to scale so they have systems in place that allow them to grow. As as new business comes in that

Ryan D’Aprile 4:20
scale, and systems systems are important, because then essentially, your company begins to work for you instead of you working for it. Right. Now, I grew up in a small entrepreneurial family and my father was, you know, an entrepreneur and he worked so hard for my mom and my four brothers. But my father always worked for his business, his business never worked for him. And he provided me a great example when I started reading E Myth to think about how important is to create systems and to scale and by the way, my father was one of my idols and most favorite people in the world. So that wasn’t like an underhand sleight against my father. It’s just that, you know, we all have to educate and learn Ernie and in, you know, you learn from people from what they did well, and what they didn’t do well, and my dad having small auto parts stores throughout the Southside Chicago, and how much he worked when it became an adult, and then I became an entrepreneur, I realized how important systems and scalability is. And so, yeah, so systems is is one of them. Another thing is our skill set. Right? You and your team work on skill set training, and a consistent basis, right?

D.J. Paris 5:28
Absolutely. And I’m just going to go back to scalability for just a moment, I just want to make this point, because it comes up in every single interview we do on this podcast, were usually the broker who is now a top 1%, producer and as a big superstar at some point in their career, or even they might be at this currently when we interview them, but they’ve all either are going through it or have been through it to get to a place and it seems to be around the 12 million to $20 million production number, which is a huge number. And where they start to go, Oh, my God, I’m working 120 hours a week, and they have to figure out a different solution. So sometimes it’s by necessity.

Ryan D’Aprile 6:07
It is and then it’s also now this could digress, I won’t go too down this path short, regarding that what you’re talking about, it’s also understanding your why. Right? Willing, and so some people when they come to those forks in the row, some of them go and grow teams, because that’s, you know, what a lot of people do, and that’s what some stop the Analyze, and they start with why first a great book by Simon Sinek. And you have to ask yourself, why are you doing what you’re doing? And a lot of times we forget that. And sometimes we go down these paths of starting these teams where some people make sense, but a lot of people doesn’t make sense. And there’s a point of diminishing returns. And so I could talk forever about that. But yes, you’re right. I mean, they get to a certain point. And then you have to ask yourself, What’s the system? What’s the scalability? What do I want to scale it to? And then where’s my point of diminishing return? Like, where’s my sweet spot? And maybe it’s right there. Or maybe I keep going, I keep going, it depends on who you are. And it’s really important to know who you’re, you know, it’s boring to know yourself, and what you’re setting out to do and understanding that your y will change, you know, from year to year, if not week to week at times, for sure. So yeah, so So skill sets important, right? And has real estate agents or mortgage lenders, or insurance salespeople, or doctors or dentists, or professional athletes, we should be going in and working on our skill set to perfect our craft, right every single day, every single day. And then another thing is internal versus external. And what I mean by internal versus external, is, let’s talk about shifts in market for a quick moment. Okay. Sure. I don’t know what the year was, was before I was in real estate, I think it might have been 1997 1998. We went from we say we that was a real estate agent then. But they went from the books to the MLS service, right, it was a shift in the marketplace because of technology. You know, and then the disruptors came in 2001, and two, and that’s a shift, and then the great recession came. And that’s a shift. And when you look at the companies, and I’m just using the real estate business, for an example, there’s so many other industries that are as examples. But if you look at the companies that didn’t make it, it was really the internal factors that destroy them that the external factors, markets are always going to be shifting. And so when I say internal versus external, I’m talking about your mindset and your attitude, it’s usually the inside that’s going to make you thrive or make you die. So I think of the difference between the two businesses, the ones that thrive, or the majority that don’t make it. And real estate agents are small businesses. So you just have to take that to mean the numbers aren’t going to lie. And everybody who’s listening here, and whether you’re brand new in the business, you’ve been in it for a while, there’s a certain percentage view 20% or less, that are thriving are making it and the difference is is the foundation, what’s at the foundation of everybody’s business. And the three things I think should be at everybody’s Foundation is a their mindset and attitude. Be their systems, and three their skill sets. So that’s the difference between the two and outs. This is different, you know, this is I think, my third podcast with you as dever. Yep. And so I’m right now at a whiteboard, and then pacing up and down. So when I teach, I’m a very visual teacher. So you really can’t see anything I wrote on the board. So I’m getting used to talk in the radio and realizing people can’t see what I’m saying. So I’m going to just try to describe what I’m seeing here. And I have two triangles drawn next to each one upside down and one is right side up. And the one that’s right side up has that foundation of the mindset, this, the systems and the skill sets. And when the markets shift and change. These are the businesses because of the internal factors that they have, that are going to keep them thriving, versus being able to collapse when a simple market shift happens, which isn’t always happen.

D.J. Paris 9:55
So could this be to to illustrate an example so maybe this seer. If, for example, the sales market potentially could be softer right than it was in previous years, we see mortgage applications are down. So you may see, we may see brokers who are wanting to adapt to that shift switching over to do more rentals, for example, would that be an example of an adaptation?

Ryan D’Aprile 10:17
That’s an example or say, when the market shifts and it saw a softens, what you’ll find out is sellers, you know, who wants to sell their home, are going to do a flight to quality. So they’re gonna find agents that have the skill set, the agents that are top of mind which comes to your systems, and the agent, they have really good reputation and done good business for themselves. And that comes to the mindset and the attitude. So when these markets shift economically, when markets go from, from a hot seller’s market, to a normal market, or to a buyers market, whichever one it shifts to, you start to see if flight to quality, especially from a seller’s market,

D.J. Paris 10:56
to a buyers market makes makes perfect sense.

Ryan D’Aprile 10:59
And so we as real estate agents, we have to understand when that flight to quality comes, are we prepared for it? And then we got to look internally, we have to look inside, we got to look in the mirror and say, Am I doing the things that I need to do on a day to day basis, in and out to achieve more? I think to you know, this is something that I think I mentioned our last session, I love podcasts, I love coaching sessions, and I love seminars, and I think agents need to continually go to them, I heard a statistic, that when you go to a seminar, within an hour of leaving, you’ve lost already 50% of the stuff that you’ve heard, right, and within 24 hours, you lost up to 70%. And after a week, you’ve lost up to 90% Of course we have we have so much data going through our minds every single day with work and life and, and everything else that’s going on. So it’s not like you can, you know, go to one coaching session, one podcast or one seminar, and think you have it figured out yet to continually work on your craft and be passionate about what you do. So let’s look at these two businesses. I’m going to talk about the two foundations, and we’re gonna talk about the mindset and attitude for a little bit. Okay, I’m gonna talk about the mindset for about five minutes here. And then I want to jump into the systems if that’s okay with you perfect. So to talk about mindset, and how it relates to the systems, and what we have to do on a daily basis to be successful in real estate, to be successful in any business that you’re in, your primary objective has to be finding a client, would you agree?

D.J. Paris 12:36
Absolutely. 100%.

Ryan D’Aprile 12:38
Okay. And there are there is our craft and what we do on an on a day to day basis, right? Listing the home, marking it properly communicating with the client. And that’s very important, and you have to perfect that. But if you don’t have the client, you’re not going to have the business or the opportunity to perfect that.

D.J. Paris 12:56
Right. That’s, that’s the customer service side of it, which assumes you’ve already had the customer.

Ryan D’Aprile 13:00
It’s exactly right. And it’s a transaction management, which a lot of times comes naturally because we are not the party that sold the home. And I think it’s really important for our listeners to understand their value. And a lot of real estate agents don’t understand the value that they provide. And some think it’s actually access to the MLS or some marketing. And I really feel strongly that the value that we add is emotional intelligence, and not being emotionally attached to the transaction. And if it wasn’t, I don’t think we would be in business,

D.J. Paris 13:37
right? Zillow does a good job of providing all the information. Anyway, what they aren’t providing is, you know, the emotional side of it. You’re

Ryan D’Aprile 13:46
right, the life consulting, giving advice, there’s so much more. So anyways, let’s get back. So So we’ll talk about the mindset now and how it has an effect on our primary focus of finding the clients. So what we say is we say find someone who wants to buy or sell a home. And when I teach this class, I write that on the board. I’ll ask anybody in the audience if they could define lead generation. Are you familiar with the term lead generation? Of course, of course, right? Everybody’s familiar, the term lead generation, I want you to do. Do something for me next week, DJ Sure. When you come across 510 Real estate agents, ask them to define lead generation for you Sure. And we just watch and listen to the responses that you get. And I bet you will probably get 80% of the incorrect definition of it. And their current definition of lead generation is finding someone who wants to buy or sell a home right? And so why I’m talking about that now in the mindset is we have to understand as humans that like 95% of our day is ran on autopilot, right? What do you mean by autopilot? It’s ran by our subconscious mind. And I think you said earliest, when you and I were talking offline, it’s how you drive a car.

D.J. Paris 15:12
That’s the reason we could drive a car is we don’t have to pay attention to all of the subconscious things we’ve just mastered, so that we can pay attention to the road, but also remember to brake and hit the gas and, you know, hit the turn signal, etc.

Ryan D’Aprile 15:26
That’s right. And so when we have moments of consciousness and clarity, which is typically in a coaching or training session, for the moments that you are conscious and clear, we have to define and talk to our subconscious mind, we got to talk to our autopilot, and say, our number one priority has to be finding somebody who wants to buy or sell a home, and understand that we have habits that are going to continually bring us back to our starting point. So when you take when you when you look at yourself, and you look at life, and sometimes life keeps bringing us back to the same place over and over and over again, that’s just our internal GPS or auto system. And it’s our habits that are leading us back to where we need to be. So when we are taking moments to work on our business. And we think about mindset and attitude, we got to say what is the primary thing is actually find somebody who wants to buy or sell a home. And then I have to do 60 minutes to 90 minutes a day of activities that are going to help me find somebody who wants to buy or sell home. If I could do that day in and day out five working days, you’ll be a superstar, you’ll be a superstar. And then what will happen is, after a year, you’ll continually do it, but you won’t even realize what you’re doing. It’s just like you’re driving a car. But you just get that. Oh boy, Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book I can’t remember, was it outliers?

D.J. Paris 16:48
Yes, you just get your book your 10,000 hours,

Ryan D’Aprile 16:52
your 10,000 hours. That’s exactly right. So if you can, when you start that me, it’s perfect. It’s the beginning of a new year. If you can’t commit to being conscious, you know, a half hour a day to plan out what you want to do. And be very specific and direct with yourself. That my job is to find somebody who wants to buy or sell a home, throw away the word lead, generate, right, find someone who wants to buy or sell a home and then focus on those activities. And then you do that day in and day out for five days a week, you’ll be lightyears ahead. So now let’s move off of

D.J. Paris 17:27
well, I want to make one point about lead generation, because I think oftentimes, brokers like you were saying, maybe think about lead generation in in a more myopic sense, or maybe not as full. For example, what I, what I was going to mention was, here’s what I think lead generation is not, I’m going to send out a Facebook post, announcing a new listing right? Now, you may end up getting a new client as a result of that. But it really is sort of accidental, because you’re not necessarily looking for people specifically who need your services, you’re just announcing kind of throwing a wide net out and seeing if any fish land in, and maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but I wouldn’t consider that a lead generation activity, you’re not proactively going out and saying I need to find somebody specifically, who needs my services.

Ryan D’Aprile 18:14
Well, okay, so and that’s, and that’s extra, I’m going to talk more and more about lead generation. Now what I was gonna transition off of is the mindset part and the habitual and the auto body. Okay, I don’t. But you’re exactly right. And what’s as you’re seeing this, I’m writing on the whiteboard right now, because I just can’t help I, you know, I’m used to having a classroom of people. And I asked agents, and they have to understand the difference between these two categories. What is the lead source? And what is marketing? And I’ll hear agents say to me, I don’t do that. And let’s throw in an action. I don’t do postcards, or I don’t do email marketing, or I don’t do what, right, because I haven’t gotten a lead from it. And I asked him, I said, Do you know the difference between the lead source and marketing? So I don’t know if I’ve done this podcast before. But can I Sure. Can they do this? Yes. Second. So let’s go over lead sources. Okay. So lead source is your network? Correct? Right. That’s one lead source. Another lead source is a referral from your network, right? The two different things right. One is your network. One is a stranger that your network referred you to? Sure. Another lead source is a farm, right? A neighborhood that you say market to consistently or an open house and open houses a lead source or your For Sale sign? That’s a lead source, correct? Yep. All about a cancelled listing. Expired listing. Or for sale by owner. That’s a lead source, correct?

D.J. Paris 19:55
Yeah. Those are people that need your service.

Ryan D’Aprile 19:58
Hey, I might got to find somebody who wants to buy or sell a home. Yep, here. They live. Yep. Okay. Those are lead sources. Now, let’s talk about marketing. Two different things. Marketing is a tool that you use to communicate with the lead source. So marketing is a postcard. Marketing is email marketing, like an email blast, it’s called spam. Marketing is digital marketing. A lot of people are using stuff like AdWords right now. It’s a great platform to market. And by the way, let’s just let’s, let’s digress. So that platform, and they’re gonna get some good free advertising space here. Ad works will give you three different ways to advertise. Are you familiar with AdWords? Okay, and it’s okay to talk about,

D.J. Paris 20:48
of course, well,

Ryan D’Aprile 20:49
so you have three ways you can market your listing, okay? To an area, you could market yourself to a zip code, or you can market yourself to what they call a sphere of influence, sphere, sphere of influence network met database, it’s like Kasaa. And house, it’s the same same thing, just a different name. Be with me. Okay. So we’ll talk about the lakes are where we find buyers and sellers here. But I point out to everybody, you have to understand, you are gambling, your time and your money, no matter whatever business venture you set out, and you’re gambling, your time and your money. And you have to in marketing, you have to spend money, you have to invest money, but you should know the statistics and the return on investments. And we’re going to get and I’ll tell you right now, if you are looking at AdWords, you hit your sphere of influence. That’s what they call it, your network first before you go to the farm, right. But anyways, let’s come back to the marketing sources. I apologize. So you have postcards, you have email marketing, you have digital, what else? Oh, you have this thing called social media, right? And social media is Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and whatever else might be out there. Correct. Okay, so I hear people say I got the sale, I got this lead. I have this buyer as well. Where did you get him? I got him from Facebook, to know you did it? Most likely, it’s a friend of yours on Facebook, they came from network marketing, you might put a advertisement on Facebook. But then where are you directing? Is it to people who like your page? Or typically your network, right? Or is it a zip code, which is a farm, but you have to understand what the tool is? It’s a marketing tool. So what you do and and again, I wish you had the whiteboard, or you could see it here. But I have my 12345 different marketing tools. And now you get to pick where you want to put them Do you want to put towards your network? You want to aim it towards your farm? Do you want to send it to like purchase web leads or whatnot? Does that make sense? Okay, so let’s transition over to systems right now. We’re gonna talk about systems and how we have to focus on marketing to become essentially the agent that number one agent in your networks mind, right? So. So our primary focus to be successful in this business when repeated again is to find somebody who wants to buy or sell a home. So I’m going to draw a triangle again, okay. And I’m going to draw two horizontal lines in the triangle. So that essentially I have three. I got three pools, I have the top of the triangle, the middle of the triangle, and the big base of the triangle with me. Okay, so the top of the triangle now these are now we’re gonna go fishing, okay. And in these three different lakes, that’s what these are. These are three different lakes, buyers and sellers live and it’s our job to find them. So the first lake which is at the top is what we call purchase web leads. What’s a purchase web leads

D.J. Paris 23:54
does it be a Zillow lead Trulia realtor.com, that sort of thing.

Ryan D’Aprile 23:58
Perfect. Exactly. So you could take your time and take your money, you can invest in it, you could put your picture up your your, your picture is gonna be next to other real estate agents, listings. It’s gonna look like your listing and Zillow selling you it so you can pick up the lead, in short, right? So that’s one place that we can go and fish for a buyer or seller. Another part, the next lake down is called Lake prospecting. It’s a little bit of a bigger lake. So it’s going to have different channels in it. Okay, so I’ll name some channels of prospecting. One is open houses, right? Who goes open houses, buyers? wires, right and who else goes open houses, sellers, and also people you can meet in your network. Now I don’t have the time and I don’t want to just eat into all our time here. But I this is for anybody who’s going to come to my coaching your regular insight lateral get set up with this question, okay? Because I see who comes to who comes to open houses. I’m going to ask it to you again. I’m gonna set you up with that Okay, DJ who comes open house buyers? All right, who else comes

D.J. Paris 25:05
neighbors? Sellers? Gosh, other realtors? Maybe?

Ryan D’Aprile 25:13
Yeah. See you past a lot of dead. You did a good job. I tell you what to do, but a lot people use the word nosy nature. Or they use looky loos I want.

D.J. Paris 25:25
looky looky and that’s great.

Ryan D’Aprile 25:29
I know, what can you use? If you had a gas? There’s 10 Real estate agents in front of us how many say they can’t stand the looky loos and the newspapers, right. And this is the internal thing that will kill your business. It’s your mindset. You know, I tell my children, you know, watch your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, right, your words become your destiny. And when you hear yourself speak, and if they come across negative, that’s how you’re thinking, and it’s gonna bring you right back to where you don’t want to be. And so there’s this matrix that I draw, right, that I’ve seen before. And we talk about your, your BS, you know, Bs stands for systems, right? Your belief system, right? A lot of people when I ask them what BS stands for, they say that oh, shit, of course. Right? And I see, well, you know, a lot of people’s belief systems aren’t bullshit. So you’re kind of right. Because your belief system leads over to white, or your actions. Man, you know what I’m talking about here? Right? Right. So I have the actions will then give my results, which will go down or reinforce my belief system or my bullshit. So you draw the red, right? You draw the green plus, or the red negative next to be right. And nosy neighbor or looky loo, does that get a negative?

D.J. Paris 26:44
Or does it get a pot, a lot of people gets a negative,

Ryan D’Aprile 26:47
negative, which then takes negative action with negative results. And then next day, you’re out. So sorry about that. But I always tend to digress back to the mindset. Because 80 percentage success, there’s no way of escaping it is going to be on your attitude and your mindset. Because if you don’t have the right attitude, and mindset, you’re not gonna do

D.J. Paris 27:06
and also, it’s the one thing you have control over, it’s about the only thing you have control over is actually your response to things, not the thing itself. Like, you don’t have control who walks in the door and an open house, but you do have control about how you perceive them and how you act towards.

Ryan D’Aprile 27:24
Right, and the beauty. I think the beautiful thing about our business is it’s just life in general meeting people. I mean, the most purposeful fulfilling part of our business, I feel is the clients that become my friends, and the relationship. Money is just a byproduct of this stuff. I’ll have another coaching session where we talk about starting with why and why we do what we need to do. But there’s a great exercise and as individuals, why are you in the real estate business? And some say for freedom, some say for money, and so on and so forth. And then I go to them, and I say, Well, I’m in it, because I have three daughters, and I would like to pay for the wedding day. And I’d like to be paid for them to go to college. And you know what, I love to travel with them. And we go to you know, we’re going to go to Vancouver ski as a family spring break. We just came back from Punta Cana and we’re, you were so lucky that we have a summer home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and that’s why I work but it’s for the experience life experience. It’s not for the money, but they take butter. I really want to focus when I’m in this business. My first and for my first focus is people it and who do I meet? Because it’s, it’s not what you know, DJ, it’s Yeah, too. You know, it’s who you know, and it’s a cliche for a reason. And if you could come into this game, playing this game with the right mindset, and understanding, I’m just looking for adventure through people and meeting people, this business becomes easier and easier, and money just tend to follow. Okay, so let me come back to my triangle. Okay, we’re going back. We’re fishing again. Okay, we’re, we’re Huck Finn, we got the fishing poles out and we’re looking for buyers and sellers. We’re in Lake prospecting right now. And one channel is that open house channel, the other channel is a farm. Now what’s a farm? Most people know what it is, but it’s a neighborhood you live in, and you’re gonna send a postcard every month you’re gonna farm the community, maybe you’ll do an eight by eight strategy, and everything else that’s out there to farm. Another prospect. Technique is, you know, marketing to cancel and expireds and for sale by owners correct. But what’s a cancelled listing? Well, it’s somebody who’s no longer on the MLS. Describe that seller for me and I point right to the definition of regeneration. Someone who wants to sell their home for Yeah,

D.J. Paris 29:41
which is which is different from how most people would describe a canceled would be an angry, upset person who had a bad experience with a realtor which may or may not be true, but it is it is the automatic almost everybody in America automatic assumption we make.

Ryan D’Aprile 29:58
That’s exactly how we’re ready springs and they definitely that’s their emotion. But their desire is the home. Your job is to find them. So that’s another channel. Okay? And there’s there’s many channels in this this bigger Lake Lake prospecting. Now let’s come down to the base. Okay? This really big lake. It’s like the size of Lake Michigan. It’s called your network. You could call it your sphere of influence. You caught your met database, like I said, house in casa, right? Different name, anything your network. So these are the three places that we can find people who want to buy or sell a home. Now, do you see the triangle and you see the three different lakes TJ Can you see that? Now they’re no longer lakes. Okay. They’re now blackjack tables. Okay. Yeah. Okay, so now we’re gonna go gambling. And we’re gonna gamble two things, we’re gonna gamble our time and we’re gonna gamble. Our money. Is your money valuable yet?

D.J. Paris 30:54
For me? It I think it is.

Ryan D’Aprile 30:56
Right is your time? Absolutely. And our clients have more time than money. In fact, there isn’t anybody that I know that has more or should be more money than time I said it backwards, they have more money right than time. Time is more valuable than money. You can’t get time back. And our clients hire us no matter how many disruptors come in, because we fill a need. And one of these is we offset we give them time back in addition, emotional intelligence and whatnot. Now we got to look at it for ourselves. And we’re going to look at these three different lakes that were fishing in. And we’re gonna convert them now to blackjack table. Okay, and we’re gonna gamble we ever blackjack tips, or blackjack chips are our time and our money. And we’re gonna look at the first blackjack table, which is called purchase web leads. And your conversion rate, your chances of winning on this blackjack table is about a one to 5%

D.J. Paris 31:54
and five for you. It might even be a little high. But that’s yes. If you’re a absolute wizard, those leads 5%.

Ryan D’Aprile 32:02
Totally is I’m actually giving them the benefit of the doubt right? Here. Let’s go. Let’s take out the 5% one to 5% chance of converting. Okay. Now our next our next blackjack table, open houses and farming and calling cancels and expires about a five to 15% chances of winning a

D.J. Paris 32:21
few great sounds about right. Yep.

Ryan D’Aprile 32:24
These are pretty big, you know, Delta isn’t my percentages. But again, I’m just trying to make a point to the listener here. Then your network, your networks about a 75% chance of winning or more. Would you agree with that? Okay, cool. So you and I were at a casino together, and we have our chips, we have our chips of money and we have chips or time, where are you going to put your chips network. That’s where I’m gonna put my money. And so many agents in this business put their chips on the one to three 5% and to five to 15%. And that doesn’t mean there aren’t agents that can have success in doing that. Because I’m not sitting here right now saying, this is the only thing you should be doing. I have a cancelled expired strategy. I have a farm and Open House strategy, I have a purchase web lead strategy, I have a strategy for each of them. I might personally not execute on every one of them. Because there’s a point of diminishing return. But I do have a strategy built out for each one of these. But I’m going to start first with the one has highest rate of return, which is our network. And it sounds like you agree with that. Alright, so then let’s talk about that. Okay. So there says we’re still on the system’s here, okay, we’re not going to talk about skill set in this coaching session. Okay, skill set is buyer presentations, competitive pricing strategies, you know, your average days on market, your average list, price of sales price, the cost of carrying a home all those really important things that go on to, you know, growing your business. We only have like a one hour segment here. Right. So I’m just talking about the middle pillar, I talked a little bit about mindset, but I’m just talking about the systems today. And the sources of where we find people that want to buy or sell a home is that okay? So we are going to talk about our network. And we are going to look at the average person. And we’re going to pick a random number, which I don’t think is the number that’s on the line, or it’s too hard to achieve. So and I encourage anybody who’s listening to this, that is local, or shoot me an email or whatever, if you have any questions about what I’m about to say here, but I think on average, the average person knows 200 people in their community basically in there in Chicagoland they know, they could find at least 200 people you could find 500 friends on Facebook, that doesn’t count. But what we have to do is we got to start with a system. We call it our dashboard. Word, people have CRMs they have databases, but you have to lay out a plan. And you have to label out and you have to list out 200 people that you know, and you might not be best friends with these people. But over the course of two years and beyond, we’re going to take action to become closer to them. Does that make sense, CJ. And the what we’re trying to achieve is market share. And when I say market share, I don’t mean market sharing a community as a real estate agent. I don’t mean well, I’m a real estate agent, I got 10% of the market. That’s not the market share I’m talking about. I’m talking the market share of that, those 200 people or more that you have the market share of their brain. And so I think I did this last time DJ, and I apologize if I’m repetitive, but I don’t think it’s too bad to be repetition is a mother. Right? Okay, great. So let’s do this. Name of fast food, hamburger restaurant domain. Name a soft drink. Name and just to name a real estate agent, right. So you have to do that exercise now. Now, every listener here, just do that thing, you guys. So hamburger place McDonald’s, soda pop Coca Cola, gym, shoe, Nike. Now,

I want you to in your mind, ask your group of 200 people, your network, name a real estate agent? And are they naming your name. And so many real estate is when agents come and join our company, we have beautiful brand, we have beautiful product, but I’m going to empower you and coach and train you. There’s so many people are saying it’s the company brand that is so important. No, it’s you. It’s your first and last name. And it is the market share that you have amongst your network. Because consumers don’t hire real estate companies. I mean, they do technically, according to the law, but they hire a person, they hire a real estate agent. And if you are going to find somebody who wants to buy or sell a home, if you’re going to capture that percentage of business that’s coming out of your network, every single year, which I’m gonna tell you what that is in a minute here. You have to be the McDonald’s, Coke or Nike in those 200 people’s mind. And I’m telling you, that is not hard or expensive to achieve. Now, if I want to become McDonald’s or Nike, across the country, I’m in trouble. I don’t have a multi million dollar budget. Right. But for 200 people using marketing tools that I know are not lead sources, a lead sources and network lead sources, a farmer lead sources open house, I’m going to use the marketing tools, I’m going to use these marketing tools, I’m going to make them very concentrated, I’m going to hit that network properly. All right, you bet your ass after two years, those 200 people are gonna say, right. And the statistics are this 16% of your network transact every year. And a lot of them transact twice. Because if you sell a home, let’s say you buy a home. So if you have those 200 people 16% of 116 16% of 232. So if you have 200 people, and you have a complete database, and what I mean by a complete database, their their name, primary contact, secondary contact, and secondary contact is their, their, their spouse, or their partner or whatnot, right? Their home address, and their email address. And why we want these things is because we need a way to deliver our marketing tools to them, so that we become top of mind. Okay. So if you do this properly for two years in a row, on the second year, alright, the second 12 months, you stand in front of 32 buyers and sellers every year, and they transact twice. That’s a potential 64 leads, and what’s a lead somebody who wants to buy or sell a home? And who are these people from a network. They’re the people that know like, and trust me, and 85% of sellers call one real estate agent as coordinator of realtors. I just want to be that one, right. And then in future coaching sessions, we’ll work on skill set, so that when I am in competition, I’m going to blow the person away, because most people aren’t going to take time to work on their craft. But if you get in front of me, I’m going to have everything in line date, show you and articulate to you my value. Does that make sense? Now here’s another cool thing. So 16% of your network transacts every year so I’m going twice. But everybody in your network on average knows for people

D.J. Paris 39:52
who want to let me pause for just one second I want to make I want to make sure we really hammer this point. What Ryan just basically said is Do you know 200 people, we know that everybody knows approximately 200 people every year 16% or 32, or 64 transactions, because some of them will transact twice. That is how many transactions are in the people that know you the best, and who are obviously most likely to use you. They are also likely to forget that you’re a real estate agent. If you are not staying in constant communication. We’re talking about developing a strategy to stay keep, you know, front of mind. So you become their Nike or their McDonald’s. But that is how many transactions are have. I mean, I would think most people listening if they could do 32 to 64 transactions from their existing network a year would be very, very happy. So I just want to make that point. That is a huge, huge thing Ryan just said,

Ryan D’Aprile 40:46
You are sitting on a goldmine. Most people are not mining or gold mined, and they’re going after other people’s gold. Nice, and it doesn’t make sense. And that’s the thing that I love about this business, too. Is there’s more than enough for everybody. There really is. I mean, how many people at cash? I really don’t really answer this DJ. But how many people live in the United States? Is that 303 50

D.J. Paris 41:06
Millions living?

Ryan D’Aprile 41:10
Okay, 350 million people. Okay, fine. Do you know how many Realtors there are in the national?

D.J. Paris 41:14
Many there are in Chicago and the suburbs? Because just a few hours ago, I did a huge dump. Of all of the realtors there are just under 40,000 In Chicago, including the suburbs alone. So 40,000 just here locally.

Ryan D’Aprile 41:30
All right, yeah. But your calculator out by chance. Cool. All right. So there’s 1.5 million real estate agents. In North America. There’s 350 million people. Now, can you do the math divide? 1.5 million divided by 350 million?

D.J. Paris 41:50
See? 233.

Ryan D’Aprile 41:56
So yeah, one and a half million divided by 300? million.

D.J. Paris 42:04
Let’s see. That is point 004.

Ryan D’Aprile 42:09
Yeah, percent. I hear so many real estate agency to me, there’s so many agents and less than

D.J. Paris 42:16
less than half of 1%.

Ryan D’Aprile 42:20
There is so much for everybody. But the thing is, when I hear people I saved myself, oh. And I said, I’ll say this, I think it, you poor thing. You got a negative mindset. Because I look at you and you’re incredibly powerful. You just don’t see it. Yeah, I think that’s my job in bringing that out of real estate agents, but you understand how powerful you are, you have got a wonderful personality, whether you realize it or not, there are people that like you, it’s called your network, you just got to be in front of them and create relationships with them, you got to go into this business, understand that your passion is about meeting people and learning and helping people, everything else will fall into place. If you do those things, there’s four tenths of 1% of the population.

D.J. Paris 43:04
And what’s funny is I did the calculation backwards. But it actually illustrated an interesting point. Because what it’s saying is, for every 233 people out there, there’s one real estate agent, which by the way, corresponds to Ryan’s, you know, 200 people. So really, there is so much business to go around, because there’s only one realtor for every 233 people.

Ryan D’Aprile 43:25
Regardless of the market, you’re talking to person, right, and I’m just I guess I’m talking myself in the third person here. But this is weird. But you, you know, I grew my business, I was a real estate agent in the Great Recession. 2008 910. Those are great years. For me, it was terrible to see what people went through. So don’t get me wrong. But as a real estate agent, I was crushing it. But I did do something in 2007, by the way in summer, 2007 and 2008. And what I did is I stopped watching the news. Now the problem with that is I’m probably the most ignorant guy you’ll ever meet. I’m not into politics anymore. I’m not very familiar what’s going on. And I’m not telling the listeners, you have to do what I’m doing. I’m a little bit of an extreme. But I’m a very sensitive person. And I understand my subconscious mind has an effect in my life. I’m living the life of my dreams. Not everything’s perfect, but I’m having a blast, okay. But I can get very depressed. If I hear about a drive by shooting, I have wobble, I can’t take it. And if I become numb, it doesn’t mean it’s not having an effect on me. It’s affecting my subconscious mind. But let me get off that I’m a freak about mindset. So let me get off that for a second. Let’s come back. Let’s come back to the 1.5 million real estate agents North America out of 350 people that live in North America. And the people that say well, you know, there’s so many real estate agents there’s not. And on top of that, of the 1.5 million real estate agents in North America, half 50% Don’t sell I mean,

D.J. Paris 44:51
it’s probably even bigger than that are part time like you were saying, you know whether they’re part time or full time so maybe even maybe half of those are even full time agents. Maybe

Ryan D’Aprile 45:02
Don’t sell a home, right and transact. Now you’re at 750,000 agents that are actually in it to win it. So there isn’t any competition except for yourself. There really isn’t. And there’s more than enough to go out. But what you have to do is you got to control the controllables. And that’s yourself. And that is your campaign. And that’s your marketing campaign, to these individuals. So that when you say Naima, hammer, drank and say McDonald’s and throw Pepsi, coke, name a gym shoe, they say Nike name, a realtor, they say, DJ, that’s your job. And once we perfect that, and we got that down, then let’s start looking at the other strategies, which we’ll talk about in later sessions. They’re phenomenal, right, and they complement your business. But let’s build on a foundation first. And the foundation is your network. Because your network is your what TJ

D.J. Paris 45:53
is your, that’s your

Ryan D’Aprile 45:57
I never said this to you before your network is your net worth. And that’s what I want to teach my three daughters, and anybody who comes in front of me when I’m going to work with them on real estate, your network is your net worth. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, and these are all cliches for a reason, because they’re true. So let’s build a business off of those fundamentals. And let’s focus on our day to day activities, the rest will fall into place. So let’s get into the marketing campaign. Okay, and these are, we’re going about 45 minutes here, and I want to be conscious of your time, so you just don’t want to stop. Okay, so we’re gonna look at, we’re gonna look at two methods that we have to perform to become that number one real estate agent, in our networks, mine, the one is auto marketing. Okay. And honestly, this should be the easiest at our company, we do this for our agents, we did it in the beginning. And then we came to the realization, we actually are going to let our agents do the second part that I’m going to tell you about, and focus on that will handle their campaign. And the campaign is the campaign to their network, and its auto marketing. So for example, I’m going to draw two stick figures on this wall. Okay, one’s a real big stick figure with a big bubble ahead, right. And that’s your network that’s representing 200 people, or more. And then all the way to the left, want to draw a little stick figure, and that’s me, okay. And then I’m going to draw a wall, like a lunch right down the middle separating me in my network. And that line is a wall between myself and those 200 people. Do you know what that wall is called? DJ? Yes, life. Everybody has life happening to them? Right? Everybody’s dealing with something dramatic, tragic, exciting. And we are the center of our own worlds. But we’re not the center of their worlds. And we never will be we never should be. And so that wall between you and your network of life, we have to figure out how can we automatically penetrate it. While we can do things that as a real estate agent that we do, that will build trust, because people hire people that they know, like, and trust. So that is like, so remember, I got these two stick figures, right. So now I’m gonna start throwing arrows. It’s kind of a silly drawing that I’ve came up with in my coaching, but I’m throwing arrows at this wall to break through. Okay, and come number one, and my big stick figure, I draw like a little brain at top of that other person’s head, I want to become number one, in their mind share. So I’m gonna throw arrows, what’s an arrow that I’m going to throw at them? It’s a postcard. It’s every other month. Ideally, it’s

D.J. Paris 48:48
just possibly talking about postcards, because it’s so interesting, because there’s so many ways to do them. And I will tell you, I live in a condo building in River North and a building that I would think would I would be getting postcards daily with 40,000 realtors in Chicago, you would think that I would be getting constant communication, I get maybe one postcard a month from one realtor, and then I never get another postcard from them again. I certainly don’t get anything weekly or monthly from even the same person. Nobody does this and everybody should consider doing it. So I just wanted to make that point.

Ryan D’Aprile 49:24
Well, it’s called a campaign. You know, and you have to have a campaign, because none of them are foolproof. And I’m going to give you a choice. Okay, we’re you and I, you know, we’re trying to break down a wall together, okay. And we’re throwing arrows at it. You gotta throw one arrow you got postcards, one of the arrow is one arrow in your quiver. We got others we need to head. Now there’s people that say I’m going to do social media and it’s all I’m going to do you know, it’s not 2018 Ryan, you’re a dinosaur. I’m like, Well, the problem was social media. It’s great. It’s a wonderful tool, okay, and it’s free. But algorithms that are built. And there’s people that just are not on it, I mean, everybody’s on it, but they’re not on it every single day, they’re not.

D.J. Paris 50:11
Also on pages, if you have your own page, you the people who like your page, only on average will see somewhere between 20 to 40% of your posts, it averages about 30% on the current algorithm, so even people that have signed up to get your, your notices on Facebook, are only seeing about 30% of those.

Ryan D’Aprile 50:32
And that’s the biggest thing. And that’s what people have to understand. It’s like signing up is key DJ, see, let me meet me. When people decide to follow you on Instagram or Facebook, they’re deciding to follow you. So though it might be free, but to provide content. Now, I’m not telling you, you guys spend all your time worrying about the content. But I’m giving you a description of the difference of marketing tools. And what the these people are deciding to follow you only 30% of them are going to see it. But you know what? I don’t think you’ve decided to follow Coca Cola, did you? But you know what, you see them at a time. And you don’t even realize it. They McDonald’s the same with Nike. And their objective is to be number one in market share. And by the way they are. So all we’re doing is learning from the past. Okay, and taking their business practices and putting them into practice for us with our network. So a postcard is one and you have to do it.

D.J. Paris 51:26
Absolutely. You just

Ryan D’Aprile 51:28
do it. And you know, you could do it 12 times a year I think your best if you’re doing anywhere from 17.

D.J. Paris 51:33
I was real quickly I did an interview with a gentleman. I’m gonna redo it because I accidentally deleted it before it went live and he wanted to kill me. He’s a nicest guy. He works for Keller Williams in Lakeview. His name is Steven Hannah. He told me what his first year this is the best story ever. He said that he provided two assumptions. When I first started number one that my the two and he had 100 people in his database. That’s all he had. He said I assumed those 100 people were the most likely to use me as a realtor. And my second assumption is they are going to forget that I am a realtor. So because those are my two assumptions, so I had to figure out how do I not let them forget the Coca Cola example. Even though I didn’t sign up to follow Coca Cola, his tweets, how is it that I thought Coca Cola right away when Ryan asked me because of course I see them constantly at eight times a week, right? So he’s he would he did, he sent out a postcard every single week, every Friday for 52 weeks. And he said it was it was almost insane. He goes but it was so silly. He said you couldn’t forget that I was the realtor. And he said he made them funny, random, cute and everything. But he said that was he was the smartest thing you ever do. After two years. He said 60 of those 100 People use

Ryan D’Aprile 52:45
it by the way, I’ve never met him. But I’ve heard his name. And I know.

D.J. Paris 52:49
One of the top top people Absolutely.

Ryan D’Aprile 52:52
Right. So everybody, we’re here to help you. And you said, Steve right now, Right? Steve a hat now myself, we’re here to help you. And by the way, I can’t speak for Steven. But I’m not a rocket scientist. This is nothing that is like we’re not splitting the atom here. Very simple, most complicated thing is the attitude, the mindset to get over to execute these things. So the arrows, we got the postcards, we have email marketing, we have a digital campaign. And then we have a social media campaign. Like I said, we do that for our agents so they could focus on really the most important part. Okay, so we just took some time and we talked about marketing, auto marketing consistently every single month your network to capture those leads, but there’s something else you have to do. And this is the work. This is the agents business and what they have to do five days a week. And what you have to do is you have to create four quality touches, I’m talking about you reaching out and saying hello, how are you? once a quarter, four times a year, you need to send four items of value, and an annual real estate report every year to all 200 individuals. You’re talking about maybe an hours a day. If that’s it, you’re talking maybe an hour’s work a day. And if you get into it and you realize all you’re doing is making friends, like again, I’m gonna call you like DJ What’s going on man? I heard this new restaurants in River North. I know you live at such and such place. Have you been there? In our I’ve seen that haven’t been there. Alright, I’m gonna go check it out. I’ll let you know what it is. But hope all’s well man. And by the way, I haven’t seen you in three years, but I just communicated with you. And I did it via text or did it via instant message you know on Instagram or Facebook message, or maybe I called you. But check, check. Right, you’re done this first quarter. I’ll see you next quarter. Because people hire people they know like and trust. My auto marketing is done set it and forget it. Now there are people that really want to dissect their marketing and really focus on the message. That’s fine. If you have the time, I never have had the time I have my company just do it for me. And I forget about it, and it works. And where I put my time is building the relationships or

D.J. Paris 55:13
relationships. Absolutely.

Ryan D’Aprile 55:16
Yes, that’s exactly. And so, you know, the quarterly items of value are very simple. You know, they could be, you know, a beers magnet. I know, it sounds silly, and someone can be cringing out there. But it works. It’s an item of value. It could be calendar events, I’m not talking about email, I’m talking by the way, this is a physical thing. Or

D.J. Paris 55:37
it could be the fina always uses the example of the ketchup, relish and mustard, the I forget the puns you use, you guys can Google it. But but you know, it costs like $4 for all three of those, and you drop it off. And there’s a cute little pun that goes along with saying I relish your referrals. And from a broker that cuts the mustard and let’s catch up or something like that. Yeah.

Ryan D’Aprile 55:57
Right, right. So just something like that. Again, those are like, look, I will never tell you to call your clients for referral. There are those out there that completely I will say call them out. But in your direct mail, in your items of value, the dollar sneeze, it’s fine. That’s doing the sales for you. You know what I mean, you don’t have to be an acronym. It just gets it. They know what it is the respect that they grab it, and they throw it on their refrigerator, throw it in their garbage, it’s at your top of mind. The annual the annual item of value is an annual Real Estate Report. And it’s a tool that you can use, you could use RPR resources, you could use a CMA, I’m not going to get into the details of it. We can maybe in a later session, but is a beautifully bound Real Estate Report that you send to all 200 people in your network once a year, I always tell my agents the magic really happens. The second and third year they received it in a row. Because what happens is, you’re taking yourself serious, and you’re treating your business seriously. So all of a sudden, they take you serious, and you know you are we are judged all the time. And if you’re inconsistent in your marketing, and you’re inconsistent, your follow through, you’re gonna be judged. And if you’re consistent, you might be worried they’re gonna throw it away. But remember that game of life, everybody’s dealing with life, you’re not the center of the world, they’re going to see it, they’re going to throw it away, don’t worry about it, it works. It’s that it’s magic. And they’re not going to sit around and ridicule you all day long. Because so many people are afraid about selling out marketing Stop, stop thinking about it. It’s a narrow second front of these people’s eyes. But it will consistently for two years in a row and you don’t skip a beat, you have laid a foundation, and you’ve sold your network, I take myself serious, I take my business serious. So when you’re ready to sell or buy a home, take me serious and they will and they’ll reach out to you. So it’s a process, right? All this is a process. It’s something that you have to work at day to day on the majority of your time, and not the majority, excuse me, but about an hour a day, you got to focus on those relationship touches, you should have some type of system, a dashboard, or CRM that tracks it, because tracking is just as important as doing it. And geez, I think that’s it for today.

D.J. Paris 58:24
So many good takeaways. I would say, you know, if you’re listening, and you’re a realtor, if you don’t have a strategy around what we talked about a lot of different areas, whether it’s whether it’s adding to your database, or deepening the relationships of your existing database, or just marketing to your existing database, this is the time you know, it’s the beginning of the year, you can now do that you can now say I’m not going to send out one postcard this year, I’m going to send out 12, or I’m going to send out an annual, you know a housing report. And I’m going to call at four times a year and make sure that my my database knows I care about them. And I’m going to look on Facebook to see what’s going on in their lives have something to talk about, and all of that. So it’s all amazing.

Ryan D’Aprile 59:10
And if you don’t think in your neighborhood, in your network, your friends that are financial planners, your friends that are accountants, your friends that are doctors, they’re not doing this. Right, you have to do it. Your customer, your client, because of the profession you chose is your network. So let’s mark it to them.

D.J. Paris 59:29
Awesome. I love it. Well, I think that is a perfect place to pause. As as always if you’re listening and you say boy, I want to you know work at a firm like Ryan’s do pro properties.com You can learn all more about what they offer brokers also if you might be a buyer or seller, renter yourself and you might be interested in working with one of Ryan’s team. These are the kinds of trainings that his team goes through. And obviously he has a lot of great success with his with his brokers to back it up so you can reach out to him directly as well. Just visit deepl properties.com You can find them on social media, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Anything else? Right?

Ryan D’Aprile 1:00:07
No, that’s it, DJ, thanks for having me, man, I really enjoy these. Well, I

D.J. Paris 1:00:10
know the audience shifts as well. And one last point, if you are listening and you say, Oh, I wish Ryan would have gone into more detail on x, y, or z or I wish, I have a question for him, I want him to go over this in the future. Send us your comments and questions. We always love the compliments, but we love questions even more. So send those to us. You can can find us at keeping it real pod.com We have a contact form there on Facebook keeping it real pod, you can send us a message there too. And let Ryan let us know what you’d like Ryan to talk about or go over and we will answer your questions in future episodes. So on behalf of Ryan and myself, I thank you for listening, please, as Ryan would probably suggest to everyone listening, tell a friend if you have other realtors that are in your office. We do this Ryan does this I do this. We do not make a living doing this. We do this to legitimately help the 40,000 Realtors here locally and across the country. Many more than that, so please tell

Ryan D’Aprile 1:01:11
TJ the question that we all decided we

D.J. Paris 1:01:13
love so definitely pass the word we we appreciate it and on behalf of Ryan and myself we say thank you for listening, and we will see everyone on the next episode and Thank you Ryan.

Welcome to the February edition of Monday Market Minute with Carrie McCormick!

In this episode Carrie discusses how the market slowed last year, but that in 2019 we’re starting to see some increases in activity. With rates being down, Carrie is noticing her buyers are poised to purchase and provides a tip on how to prep them now with a sample contract. I also talk about contacting past clients to discuss the possibility of a refinance.

Carrie can be reached at carrie@atproperties.com or by phone at 312.961.4612.

Carrie McCormick D.J. Paris Monday Market Minute

Carrie McCormick Logo


D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the only podcasts made by Chicago real estate agents for Chicago real estate agents. This is our monthly series called them the Monday market minute with Carrie McCormick. If you are a new listener and haven’t listened to one of our Monday market minutes before Carrie is a top producer without properties for over 20 years has been a top producer. Last year she finished in the top 15 of all realtors in Chicago and that’s out of 40,000 Realtors. So we are so honored, she comes on once a month and tells our listeners what they need to know about what is happening in the Chicago real estate market. And also, before I bring carry on, everyone should follow Carrie on Instagram, just do a search for Carrie McCormack real estate. That’s the thing, you can also find her on Facebook as well Carrie McCormick real estate, and welcome to the show. Carrie,

Carrie McCormick 1:06
thank you, thank you Happy 2019

D.J. Paris 1:10
Happy 2019.

Carrie McCormick 1:12
So just to get started, the one thing that people have been focused on is interest rates. And with the Fed holding off on further interest rate increases, we see that this year is starting off very good. So we’ve seen a lot of activity in the market. All of us that have been in the market for a while we know that q2 was kind of flat. So last year of 2018. Really after, I’m gonna say like July, the rest of the year was just flat. And the reason going back and looking at that, you know, interest rates were increasing, taxes were increasing, there’s a lot of talk about increasing taxes. And you know, the second bill came out and people were worried about that. And actually, the wage growth wasn’t as favorable either. And it just created this affordability issue. And people I think were just hesitant about buying. People were out looking, but they weren’t actually pulling the trigger and buying. So I do still think that housing affordability is going to be an important storyline this year. But we are definitely seeing buyers starting to get out into the market. And they’re getting motivated to buy, which is great. So also, one thing to look at is last year in 2018. Because of the interest rates and taxes, a lot of people have just decided to rent. Right? So now we’re seeing an uptick in the rental rates just because of the whole supply and demand factor. So rental rates are starting to tick up this year, which now those renters are saying like, why would I rent or pay more in rent, now let’s go by, right, because interest rates are going down. So again, looking just at the economics of the market, we’re gonna see a shift this year. But we’re going to be tied to those lease months, because, you know, obviously the spring, like April and May are big lease months, so those leases will end then and we’re gonna see buyers enter the market at that point as well. So I am happy to report though, I’m starting to see multiple offers start to happen. We’re seeing high traffic counts at open houses. I do work all of my open houses. And this past weekend, I had 22 People in WoW, one of my open houses. It was energetic, it was exciting. And I woke up the next morning with three offers in hand. So you know, again, the excitement’s there, as long as you price and position the property correctly, you’re going to start getting activity in offers on those. But for now, inventory still remains low. However, in the next few weeks, I do expect that to change quickly. So my suggestion to the brokers out there is if you are working with buyers, prep them now, one thing that I started to do, which is just a little tip, is I started going through the contract already and sending them a sample contract with you know their information on it and reading through it. So just so they know what to expect. We have a new 7.0 contract that is out, right, a little different language, so I’m walking them through it. So when we do make an offer, they they’ve already read the contract, they know where I’m putting information in and they’re ready to go. And lastly, everyone knows get your pre approvals letter ready for it from your lender. So make sure you’ve got that in hand. So your offers ready to go. You’ve got your pre approval, and you can make your offer.

D.J. Paris 4:41
Now is there a preferred lender or do you have a lender that you prefer to work with?

Carrie McCormick 4:46
Of course I do. And hopefully they’re listening and they know who they are. You know, I’ve been doing this for 20 years, and I’ve learned a lot over the last couple of years and one thing that I would say is important is to surround yourself Have with pros, I always say like pros use pros, I’ve met some of the most incredible service partners and vendors. And I’ve created what I call my little white book, not black book, but little white, maybe it should be my little white black book of providers that I have for either whether it’s inspections, it’s mortgage lenders, of course, it’s handyman, it’s plumbers, it’s, you know, everything that you possibly could need. Wallpaper hangers, I’ve got, you know, people for blinds and carpet, everything, I’ve got the best of the best, I think, team around me, and that adds value to my clients. So they, I can hand that over to them. And even like I said, designer, so if I, if I know that I can refer my clients to these people I know they’re being taken care of, and it’s an extension of my service. And you know what I stand for my, in my job?

D.J. Paris 5:58
Yeah, that’s not so important. And I know also to some of these vendors, for the listeners who are brokers can also be your partners, when it comes to advertising, some of them can partner up. And they can do all sorts of different advertising, whether it’s postcards or mailers, or even other digital marketing as well. So don’t be afraid to reach out and say, Hey, I’m thinking about doing this marketing initiative. And can you help out with that, and we’ll co brand it together, it’s very common. Great idea. And so I have a quick idea of to piggyback on what Carrie mentioned, with respect to lending rates and pre approvals, and the buyer market starting to pick up. So because rates have dropped, and I don’t know how much longer that will happen, because I don’t have obviously a crystal ball, or the expertise to know but for right now, they are pretty low and they have dropped. So a couple opportunities for brokers, obviously, anyone who’s renting you can reach out to them and, you know, talk to them about making the transition to purchasing a home or, and maybe even a better idea or not, not a better but certainly as good of an idea as contact everyone you’ve already worked with, or anyone you know, that owns a home and say, Hey, I don’t know if you’ve been checking the news, but rates seem to be down. I don’t know if it makes sense for you or not to refinance, but I just thought I’d put that bug in your ear. And you should reach out to your lender or I can provide a lender if you don’t have a good one that you want to check rates with. And I can tell you as a homeowner, myself, that lender has never ever called me to say, hey, it’s a good time to refinance. So no, but the only way I ever knew to refinance is I saw like a new story on it before I got into this business. And I went, Oh, maybe I should look into that nobody ever called me. So I think it’d be a great opportunity just to keep your name in front of your clients and provide value. And, you know, it doesn’t mean they have to refinance, but it’s just you’re providing value by letting them know it might be a good opportunity. So that was my little tip.

Carrie McCormick 7:51
It is important. Yeah, I mean, always providing value to your clients is important in whatever fashion it is. So love it. Love that tip. Anytime

D.J. Paris 7:59
you can have a good reason to contact a client and not say, hey, I need more business. Can you refer your friends to me, which I think is a very hard thing to say and not something I would be comfortable saying but when you can actually say hey, I was thinking about you. And rates are down, you may want to look into refinancing seems like a great way a great reason to pick up the phone and call somebody. So all right. Well, I think that does it for this episode of the money market minute. Please send us your questions. So you can do that via Facebook. You can find us at keeping it real pod, also our website keeping it real pod.com. Send us your questions for Kerry. Any questions you would like her to ask we’ll have on a future episode in a month. And also follow us on Facebook and and follow Carrie on Instagram, Carrie McCormack real estate. And Carrie, what’s the if there are any buyers or sellers, renters investors? Anyone out there that is looking for a broker to work with? How should they reach out to you?

Carrie McCormick 8:57
Oh, thank you. Yes, absolutely. The best way to reach me is just to call me 312-961-4612. And if you prefer email, it’s Carrie at@properties.com.

D.J. Paris 9:10
Awesome. Well, thank you so much. Thank you to the listeners, if every listener could think of one person that they feel could benefit from hearing these kinds of podcasts, forward this over to them, we would appreciate it. Our numbers keep going up. Because of you guys telling every other people because we don’t spend even $1 in advertising. So we’re very grateful to everyone who’s listening and we’re grateful to people like Carrie who come on the show every month. So on behalf of Carrie and myself, we thank you for listening and we will see you next time. Thanks Carrie. Thank you

Michael Hall finished 2018 as Baird and Warner’s second highest producing broker in Chicago and also placed in the top 50 of brokers in Chicago (this is out of 40k brokers!). As a top agent for twenty-four years, Michael talks about how open houses started his career, how listing presentations are like dating, why he encourages brokers to spend 50% of their time searching for new clients, and why he knows that you can grow your business in any type of market with the right attitude.

Michael Hall can be reached at 773.398.4359 and michaelhall@michaelhallgroup.com.

michael hall group logo


D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real. The only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Parris, I am your host, and guide through the show. And as always, we start out the show by saying thank you, to the listeners, we have, Gosh, 1000s of you now. And the only reason we have 1000s of listeners is because well, I’d like to think it’s because the content is so amazing. And I believe it is not because of me, but because of our guests, but also because you share this podcast with other realtors, so that we spend no money on marketing. So we’re really appreciative that you have sent this out and made this a popular thing. And I think we’re probably still the only podcast in Chicago that has these kinds of conversations. If you’re new to the show, what we do is talk to top 1% producers and ask them how they became successful. We believe success leaves clues and we’re 80 Plus episodes in now and we continue to keep going so we appreciate everyone’s listening and also passing this along you can download and listen and stream every single episode we have on our website keeping it real pod.com Obviously you can find us as well iTunes, Google Play and please subscribe to our Facebook page, keeping it real pod where we post links to every episode and also links to our guests information as well. On to our interview with Michael Hall.

Today on the show, we have Michael Hall from Baird and Warner Michaels client centered approach to real estate has led him to concert consistently outpaced the market in 2018. Michael finished in the top 50 of Agents Brokers in Chicago, she has a very big deal by the way on pausing his his bio from over there’s a 40,000 realtors in the Chicagoland area Michael finished in the top 50 last year, and he’s also second in the city at his firm Baird and Warner for sales volume and units. Originally a teacher, Michael’s philosophy is to provide each and every client with an unprecedented level of service, best resources in the industry and the benefit of expertise that results for 24 years as a top real estate consultant and broker, a true student of real estate Michael is constantly looking for innovative ways to improve his business and help his clients reap more. In 2014, he founded the Michael Hall group at Baird and Warner to better serve his buyers and sellers and foster synergy among fellow colleagues, the results have created raving fans and Business Growth far outpacing the market at large. And we could not be more excited to talk to Michael Hall. So welcome, Michael.

Michael Hall 3:03
Thank you. Thank you for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:05
Well, thank you for being on the show. And I say this a lot because we we only interviewed top producers, but we know you don’t have time to do this. And the fact that you’ve made time for us is really, really we couldn’t be more appreciative. So and on behalf of the listeners, thanks for being on the show.

Michael Hall 3:20
You’re welcome.

D.J. Paris 3:21
Well, you know, you boy have had a very impressive career here in Chicago. Everybody knows you. I would like to know about how you got into real estate, you know, 24 years ago? And can you do you mind telling us that story?

Michael Hall 3:33
Sure, absolutely. So I actually was working on a PhD in Spanish literature, and was on track to become a professor, when I decided to take a year off and reevaluate, if that was really the career that I wanted. And in that year off, I started a business venture, which did quite well. And I had, within a year’s time I had two locations working on a third. Wow. And I thought, well, you know, heavy money’s kind of good. And I’m pretty good at this business stuff. I don’t know, maybe I don’t want to be a teacher. So I came to Illinois to speak with my grandfather, who he’s now passed away, but he was the smartest person I knew. And he had been involved in commercial real estate large projects, and was just the smartest man I’ve ever known. And I said, you know, well, I don’t know, I guess I should finish up my PhD. And he said, No, don’t do that. And I said, why, you know, I’m thinking Why doesn’t he want his grandson to get a PhD? So because you have very expensive tastes young man, you’ll never be happy on a teacher’s salary. And then he added and let me tell you something about rich people. He said rich people own things. They own businesses, they own property, but they don’t work for someone else. My grandfather had never worked for anybody in his life. He was endure or so. He felt very strongly that I was would be a great sale. This person, he said, You need to get into real estate, you will be a great salesperson. He said, get into real estate start selling and start buying. And, you know, it was just like, wow, I never thought about that. I’d been so scholastically devoted my whole life that it was just came out of nowhere. And somehow, I took a leap of faith. And that’s what I did. I got my license a few months later. And by the third year, I was number one in my office and you know, just kind of catapulted to where I am today, after 24 years. Wow,

D.J. Paris 5:34
what do you think you did in your first year? I don’t mean production wise, or number of clients. But how did you? What did you do day one? I know it’s hard probably to remember. But what did you do in your first year? As far as how building your business?

Michael Hall 5:49
Well, the first thing that I did, I as a salesperson, I mean, I really, that’s really what I am, I, I decided right away that the best thing to do to have sales was to be in front of somebody to sell them something. If you’re not in front of somebody who might buy your product, well, you’re probably not going to sell very much of your product. So I devoted every single day to connecting to humans, who might be buying or selling real estate. And it was a little easier to do that when I first started because there was no internet. And I started Sure. So you know, people got the Saturday paper, little black and white photo, every picture looked the same. And they had to go to the Sunday open house to see it. So I open house like crazy. I had I didn’t have listings, because I was a brand new agent in my 20s. So I held open houses on other agents listings. And I just met people and connected and conversed and talked. And before long, you know, they had assisted me as their buyer’s agent to help them find properties.

D.J. Paris 6:57
Yeah, it’s funny that the doing open houses when you don’t have your own listings still seems to work today. And a lot of the people we’ve interviewed on the show even new mortgage brokers who have been more recently introduced to the business, that’s almost a universal experience. Unless, of course, you just happen to have you know, dozens of friends waiting to buy and sell condos, right when you get your license, which isn’t usually the case for most people. So the fact that you were doing open houses, it still seems to work. And so yeah, that’s very, very, very interesting. Tell us a little bit about how you how your business has grown over the last 24 years?

Michael Hall 7:38
Well, it’s, it’s been for the most part, organic, you know, hard work, you know, people always want to know, when you when you hear Realtors discussing other top agents, everybody’s like, what’s their secret, right, you know, what’s their secret? You know, what’s the ancient secret, and there really is no secret, you know, good business is one small idea after another that you implement. You don’t just come up with the idea, you actually execute it. And it’s one tiny little idea, one followed by another. So basically, you get one to 3% better every single year. So you’ve been in the business for 10 years, you’re 100% better at what you do. And your business. So part of it is just, you know, smart, organic growth. But I did have a phase where I catapulted and that was when I the time I think I was selling like around $12 million $13 million a year. Sure. And feeling kind of stressed out. And I had, you know, marketing prospecting programs that I had going, I was working, cancelled and expired. Sure I was when I would sell a property, I would send out a just sold to the neighborhood, saying, you know, I just sold your neighbor’s Sure, call me. And so but what happened is, I get slow, and I prospect, and then I would get busy again, and I wouldn’t prosper. Right. And so I realized that if I wanted to grow, I had to keep the prospecting going. And so I had to really dedicate a chunk of time in my day, when that took place. The next thing I knew, I was like, 9pm at the office, printing out flyers, stuffing envelopes, you know, getting to the office early, and then I decided to hire someone to help me because I realized, well, if this is profitable, why don’t I just double what I’m doing and then that will pay for this the salary of this person that does this and executes it for me. So that was a big leap of of for my business was to actually bring in somebody to make sure that the prospecting occurred every single day with regularity.

D.J. Paris 9:53
Yeah, that makes all the sense in the world and certainly easy for a broker once they get busy with having CLI As where they’re spending, you know, maybe seven of if you’re working an eight hour day, which I know you’ve probably worked much longer than that. But if you’re spending, you might be spending six to seven hours a day servicing existing clients and not, you know, then just the outbound marketing meeting, new people might fall by the wayside. So hiring somebody for you seems like that, that worked really well, to enable you to continually serve your clients and also keep the prospect up.

Michael Hall 10:28
It did, the only problem is that it worked too well. And within, within two years, I was on, you know, the verge of a nervous breakdown. Because, you know, we couldn’t keep up. So then I hired instead of, you know, I had my part time person that ran the prospecting, which for me, was primarily male, and some online stuff. And then I ended up hiring a licensed agent who came out and helped me do the showings. And ultimately, you know, I decided that, you know, I’m gonna, I think I could provide better service if I had other people doing the things that I’m really bad at. And that’s the I think that’s the key for all business owners, you have to look at what you’re good at and do that and what you’re bad at, have somebody else do. So on the nightmare with paperwork, I hired someone to do the paperwork, I wasn’t good at following up on the prospecting, I hired somebody for that the next. So you just sort of decide what you should parcel off and have other people do and as you do that, it creates more time for you to do what you’re really good at. And then if you focus all your energies on the things you’re really good at, you will grow your business, it will happen. And that’s what happened to me. So my team went from a person and a half, to two and a half to three and a half to now it’s four and a half people. Wow. Not including me. So I’m, I’m the extra person,

D.J. Paris 11:52
you’re the half of its, you know, and for a lot of our listeners to who think, Well, I’m not a top producer, I can’t afford to bring on someone else. I think I would challenge that because there are things thankfully due to our interconnectivity with the world, there are lots of people that you can hire who aren’t even necessarily local, maybe global. For example, I have a person I hire for $10 a week. And what she does is she calls me every morning at 730. In the morning, she’s from the Philippines. And she asks me did you do there’s some habits, I’m trying to cultivate healthy habits in my life. And she the about 10 questions, she asks me every morning did you do you know, she just goes down the list. It’s a 92nd phone call. And it has made a tremendous difference in my life, because it gets me to actually follow through on some of these things. But it only cost me $10 a week, and it’s the best $10 I spend. So if anyone’s listening, there are resources to find, you know, maybe it’s on a smaller scale, but you can find help, especially for you know, for very specific tasks.

Michael Hall 12:55
You can and the you, you’ll reap that reward. If you’re smart with the investment, you’ll reap that reward in the same year. So it’s, you know, it’s not like, you know, I think people feel like they can’t afford it. But I would argue you can’t not You can’t not afford it. Because for every dollar you put in, you’re going to make more than what you put in, if you do it wisely. So my recommendation is to look at what a look at what’s working for other agents and to mimic that. And that’s kind of what I did, I looked at well, who’s who’s big, who’s doing a lot, oh, that person is doing expireds and cancelled. So that person is, you know, doing video online, blogging, so you see what other people are doing. And then you start to do the same things and you find, you know, what’s a good match for you and your personality?

D.J. Paris 13:39
I agree. And I also think that brokers often forget that top producers are also at least the ones that that we’ve reached out to, for example, people like Michael, who so generously is here. They don’t really have time, but they make time because they tend to be willing to share, hey, here’s what I’ve done. As Michael said, there really aren’t any secrets, or if there are, no one has yet shared any real secrets with me on this podcast. But I don’t I don’t know that there aren’t secrets, like Michael said. But it’s funny every time we do a podcast every month with Carrie McCormick from App properties, and she comes on and says, Here’s what brokers need to know about what’s going on in the market. It’s very generous of her. And she says every single time she does an episode, she gets about four or five brokers who call her say, Hey, I heard you on the podcast. Do you have a few minutes to give me some advice? And she very generously does that. But I find that you know that people like like Michael are actually pretty approachable. Certainly we reached out and he was he was very agreeable to come up. But yeah, you can learn so much. I mean, the whole purpose of this podcast is to collect these great ideas so other brokers can learn. But yeah, I think that is really couldn’t be overstated. Like learn from people, they say stand on the shoulders of giants, find out what they did and and move forward and don’t try to reinvent the wheel. But let’s talk about the client experience because obviously, you it’s not just a matter of prospecting, obviously, your clients are really, really like your service. Can we talk a little bit more about why you think clients gravitate towards you, and why you think your business business has grown so much over the years?

Michael Hall 15:21
Well, I think, you know, I say this all the time to buy, you know, when I’m training other agents and helping them I say, you know, look, it’s like a date, the first time you meet a buyer, it’s a date, the first time you do meet someone to do a listing presentation on their home, it’s a day, it is mostly really about chemistry between personality types. And so I think that when I’m in front of a buyer in front of a seller, I try to treat them like they’re my best friend from college, I’m thinking, What would this and I say, What do you want to talk about? What what are you looking for? I mean, ask a lot of questions. And I think that if you listen more than you speak, you’ll be able to connect with somebody. And it’s really all about the connection. And sometimes you don’t have chemistry, and they end up with another realtor. And that’s okay. There’s a lot of people, there’s a lot of realtors, and we’re not all matches. But I think beyond that there are people do also focus on the differences between realtors that they are considering working with Sure. And you know, for me those differentiators, I think, are well, first we’re very down to earth, very approachable. And we, you know, we really try to, you know, make it a pleasant serene experience for them. But beyond that 24 years of experience, I know, I always ask people, How did you pick me? And they a lot of times will say, Well, you’ve got a lot of experience? Or they’ll say, Oh, your reviews online, right. So I think for me, it’s mainly because I’m getting old 24 years and having lots of sales in the neighborhood. That’s one reason I also keep my stats, I think every agent should be keeping track of their days on the market, their listing sale price ratio, see how it compares to the neighborhood at large. That is part of my listing presentation. And a lot of people have said, we picked you because you talked about things that other realtors did not. And if you and then of course, as you do this when you do it well, a majority of my business comes from repeat clients from referrals. And as a result, we have a lot of great reviews which we would not have if I did not have such an amazing team behind me.

D.J. Paris 17:23
Do you just just for my own curiosity? As far as from a review perspective? Are you asking clients after a transaction? Or maybe even before the end of the transaction? Are you proactively saying, hey, we’d really appreciate it if you would write a review of your experience, or do you just let that happen on its own?

Michael Hall 17:42
absolutely, positively 100%? We asked. Yeah, I assume you that. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, for us. I mean, sometimes we asked why Sure. Well, because sometimes we’ll ask and we know that we did a great job. We know they loved us, and we think they’re probably Yeah, so we sometimes we don’t get the review the first time. But we’ll ask one more time. We don’t usually ask for more than more than two times. But yes, you should be asking every client for review, unless you don’t pick it up.

D.J. Paris 18:14
I had this experience recently, where I went into two unrelated real estate just walked in for I was getting a storage unit and I for like 35 bucks a month. It was very, it wasn’t even one of their more expensive units at a small thing, but I just needed for half a year. And you would have thought that I made their entire sales quota the way they treated me like that I was a big deal. And I know I wasn’t. And it was it was so over the top in a good way and really went on to make me feel like I was this special client of theirs. And and then at the end of it, they after I was paying and signing everything they said would you it look, please if you would write us a review, that would be the nicest, thank you. Because I was saying, Well, you guys really treated me well. He said, Well, gosh, you should really write us view. And then I got back to my desk and I forgot about it because I you know, like you were saying people get busy. They sent me an email the next day and said, Hey, I don’t mean to bug you. But boy, we would love it if you could share your experience. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I forgot. And I went on and and then I wrote it on Facebook, Yahoo or sorry, Facebook, Google, I think even in Yelp. So I did three different reviews for literally a $30 a month service because I went I’ve never been treated so well. So I think you’re asking for it is is a very good idea. Because yeah, people are busy.

Michael Hall 19:33
People just get busy. Absolutely. They’re usually happy to do it. They just get busy. So yep.

D.J. Paris 19:38
And you know, we have 1000s of listeners now which I’m very grateful for as well because it’s a lot of fun to do these when people listen. One of the biggest questions we get from from our listeners is, hey, I would like to be a top producer. And again, I know there are no secrets or no magic formulas, and hard work is always the real answer. Are there any specific techniques or strategies that you would recommend maybe somebody who’s brand new, or somebody who’s just looking to grow anything that you think would be helpful for the listeners?

Michael Hall 20:10
Absolutely. I mean, look, when you first start, you don’t have any clients, right? So 100% of every working hour should be promising. And, really, I tell this to all of the agents that I train, I want you to spend at least 50% of your day, prospecting for new clients getting out in front of people, your marketing systems now are fairly automatic, right, it leaves a lot of time for you to grow your business. And even if you’re out with buyers, you know, you’re not showing eight hours a day with buyers. So you’ve got a lot of time, and you need to spend, I find that newer agents are most of the time not spending a lot of time prospecting. And so every day that you do not get in front of potential new clients, whether that’s face to face, online social media, or you get in front of them by sending a piece of mail is another day that you will not get a paycheck. And I know there’s a lot of agents out there who today maybe didn’t do any prospecting. And so it’s you have to, you really have to spend at least 50% of your time on prospecting. And once you say, and if you say to me, I’m too busy to spend 50% of my time on prospecting, then my answer is, you’re making enough money to pay somebody else to spend 50% of your time on prospecting, if you really want to have growth. And I think that the the last thing that I would say, is, don’t give up. So many of the new agents, they do something for two months or three months, you know, maybe they try open houses, and they do it for three months, and they don’t get a sale. And they say, Oh, I’m just not good at Open House. And and they give up my I’m telling you, it takes time. These are seeds that you plant, and they take time. And the last thing that I that last bit of advice I would give and this is good for everybody. And honestly, if I had applied this to my own business, I would be retired and filthy rich now, instead of here talking with you, although I’m happy, I’m here talking with you. And that is do not let perfect get in the way of progress. And I tell my clients this all the time, because are my team this all the time, because I did for years, I was such a, you know, type a I’m a very type a detail oriented person. And so I wanted to maintain control of every aspect of my business. So even though I really needed help, I thought no, I can give better business. By doing everything myself. And I when I had new ideas, I didn’t really execute them because I worked on them for months, right? And never felt they were perfect. And now we launch we take a reasonable amount of time when we have an idea, but then we launch it and you tweak it as you go. And I find a lot of new agents. I see them in the office, they’re sitting at a desk all the time. And I see they’re working on their listing presentation, but they work on it for like weeks. So just don’t let perfect get in the way of progress. It’s about reaching out. It’s about connecting. It’s about you know, being a human helping another human with something they need. In the end. That’s really all real estate is it’s really all sales is is its people, people who need things, people who give them things. So it’s really about people. Don’t worry too much about your forms. Don’t worry too much about your listing presentation. I remember when I felt about four years ago, I felt like my listing presentation wasn’t that great. And I was wasn’t sure what I was going to do. And I met with Milly Rosenbloom, who everybody knows. She’s the number one agent at Warner. And I went out to lunch with Millie and Milly, Milly took my listing presentation. I wanted her to look at it. And she said it on the side and she said, listing presentation she said they just want to talk to you. She said sometimes I don’t even open it. She said just ask them what they want. Tell them what you do have a conversation, make a connection. And it was awesome. Because all of a sudden, I let go of the anxiety of my listing presentation not being perfect. And I realized it was about connecting with the people. So you know, you should have a good listing presentation, you should tweak it. But I have definitely beat out other realtors who I’m sure had better listing presentations. You know, but that’s because I didn’t let that perfecting get in the way of connecting with the people. So just don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. Yeah,

D.J. Paris 24:27
and I think that can manifest in particular for newer brokers. The biggest fear I hear from brand newly licensed brokers is, you know, with respect to going out and connecting face to face meeting people every day, as you as you recommend it. The big question or the fear, I believe is what if they asked me something and I don’t know the answer, and I go, Well, of course you’re not going to know the answer. You’re brand new and it’s okay. All you have to say is that is an amazing question. Let me double check with my team so I can get you the best possible answer. I’ll get right back to you. Right and 99 1% of the time that is a good enough, at least immediate response, and then go back and get the answer. And like, don’t worry about knowing everything because you won’t. But don’t let that stop you from going out and meeting people. I mean, if I say, I don’t know, and I’m not a Producing Realtor, but in my own business, I say, I don’t know all the time. And I’ve been doing this quite a while. So I think this idea of, of knowing everything, or having everything perfected is really just going to get to stop you in your tracks, like, like Michael, Michael said. But yeah, I hear that a lot from from new brokers who are just worried that there’s someone’s going to ask a question that they don’t know. It’s like, that’s okay.

Michael Hall 25:39
Yeah. People don’t care if you know everything. They care if you’re honest. And you can get them the answers they seek.

D.J. Paris 25:47
Right? And yeah, and yeah, and hopefully, everyone listening works at a firm where they can get of course, those answers. And if you don’t, you deserve to work at a firm that does provide good support, because for new brokers, obviously, that’s the biggest thing they need is answers to questions from their clients. Obviously, a firm like Baird, and Warner is going to be able to provide that. What one other thing I want to Oh, I wanted to ask this because I normally never get to this question. We always ask every guest ahead of time, tell us this, the answer this question. I never get to it. But I thought this one was interesting. And I would like to get to it about you had a a you. I know you’re not going to reveal the name. But you had worked with a celebrity at one point. And you had a funny story about finding them a place if you don’t mind telling that.

Michael Hall 26:36
Oh, yeah. So I, I was fortunate enough to have a client who worked at Harpo studios with Oprah Winfrey. So every once in a while the celebrities that would come in would want to, they would be interested in seeing real estate here in Chicago. And so I had the fortune of being able to take a few of these celebrities out and I had one in particular who wanted to view but she wanted to be able to jump out a window and be caught on that thing that that you see in the movies, the circle thing that the firemen Oh, sure. You know, because she said I’m terrified to fire. So she it was it was very, it was, of course a challenge to find something and she wanted to be downtown. So imagine trying to be downtown and having a view. But I want to be able to jump out a window if there’s a fire.

D.J. Paris 27:30
Did you were you able to actually find something for that person or

Michael Hall 27:35
we found something that she liked. And in the end, she did not purchase anything in Chicago? I think that you know, it was an idea that she toyed with and quite frankly, I think she was really surprised by our prices here. She thought they would be more inexpensive than they really are. And so, yeah, you know, which is a common common thing. Of course,

D.J. Paris 27:59
why that? Yeah, boy, that is funny. I wouldn’t even know how to begin to answer a question like that when somebody says, Well, you know, I need to be able to, I guess that just means keep them low to the ground.

Michael Hall 28:11
Yeah, well, you know what I’m going to this is the new thing here that we we are calling ourselves matchmaker like it. So yeah, that’s our big thing. We’re releasing a new website in a couple of weeks. And we’re going with a noose new advertising marketing blitz. And we feel like we’re matchmakers. So I don’t care if you want a place that, you know, your dog has his own balcony like we’ll try to fit for you. That’s, that’s the thing, you know, because that’s if you know, once again, it’s people want things we give them. So when somebody says, I want to have a view, but I want to be able to jump out a window and live, you know what I dug in, I scratch and I found something. So it’s a big city, you can find almost everything here if you’re if you don’t give up well, and

D.J. Paris 28:57
I think to that point, you know, the client says, This is what’s important to me. And the broker says, Great, let me work on that and get back to you. Right, you didn’t have the answer right away. You went and found it. And yeah, and I think this idea of caring, which obviously you do, as evidenced by, I don’t think success is by accident. And I think that, you know, really caring and being able to say let me see what I can do is is often probably a bit understated in this industry. I think there’s a lot of brokers who don’t realize how important you know, going that extra step, the hard work portion really goes to demonstrate care. You know, it’s I care enough about you to find that dog balcony for you. And I’m going to do my best to do it. And I think a lot of brokers probably wouldn’t go that extra step.

Michael Hall 29:45
Yeah, for sure. I find a lot of brokers are sort of they have a formula. And when somebody falls outside of the formula, they’re not sure they’re interested but I would say this if you go out of your formula, and you find somebody what they want, you will have a fan for The rest of your life?

D.J. Paris 30:01
Oh, gosh, no, yeah, no question about that. And, and that, of course, you know, it’s how almost all of us find our broker through somebody we know or, or a referral from somebody we know. And we just forget just how important it is that every client is, or at least as many clients as as possible are raving fans, which means you do have to go above and beyond and obviously, Michael does that. Well, I have we I think we are getting to the end here. We’ve gone through so much, so much stuff. I did want to ask you one more question. I apologize. One last question. About About you wrote a funny experience to us about getting locked, locked into a rooftop deck. Which Imagine you are not the first person to have done that. Not first realtor for sure. Could you tell us that story?

Michael Hall 30:51
Yeah, absolutely. So it was in Ukrainian village. It was a long time ago, probably nine or 10 years ago, at least. But it was in Ukrainian village. We it was really actually a small building, like a four storey building. And I was showing the penthouse. And we went out. And I did not have the keys, they were on the kitchen counter, of course, the door swing shot, and the door handle was locked. And it was like one o’clock PM. So nobody was home. We were sort of pounding and yelling, and, and so we and of course my buyer, everybody, like the whole party was out on the deck. So it could have been a disaster. But I thought, you know, I never panic. You just can’t panic. Life’s too short to panic, unless you’re a heart surgeon. I mean, that’s the beauty of being a real estate agent, you’re not likely to have one of your clients die on you. So, you know, I just took a deep breath. And I thought, well, well, this will give us a good time to talk about what they want. Before you know. And but it was in the end, it ended up being really funny. To them. They were very nice about it. And we did talk and we really did connect in a way that we might not have otherwise, although I don’t recommend this as a technique. And you know, so eventually, we really were up there probably for almost oh my gosh, yeah, it was a long time because people were going by in the street, and we were waving and yelling, but they were either not hearing us or they were just like not sure what to do with. Yeah, yeah. And so finally somebody like it was almost 3pm. And somebody who lived in the building was walking up. And I was able to say, hey, we’re in the penthouse. It’s unlocked. If you can come let us in. And so a neighbor went into the penthouse unit and opened it up for oh,

D.J. Paris 32:31
my gosh, that’s an amazing two hours. That is a long time. Wow. Well, that what how funny and again, could happen, and probably has happened to a lot of brokers. But yeah, you’re right. What a great opportunity to get to know somebody better. And assuming assuming they’re not blaming you, which of course, I’m sure they didn’t. Yeah, you have a much more intimate relationship at that point. So

Michael Hall 32:58
absolutely. And I’ve been thinking about getting a Michael Hall group drone. So if this ever happens, again, I can call my team and they can drone over, you know, some drinks. Turn it into it.

D.J. Paris 33:11
That’s great. Well, Michael, I think that is a great place to to end and our episode here. And we really appreciate your time. There’s so much great advice, and really appreciate you telling your story with us and our listeners. And if by the way, if there are buyers, sellers, investors, renters, anyone that is in need of a realtor, or maybe they’re not happy with their current broker, you should definitely take a look at Michael Michaels, Michael and his group, you can visit Michael at Michael Hall group.com. He has a new website coming out which may or may not be done by the time this podcast was released. However, his current website looks pretty good as is I know Michael doesn’t like it because he’s a perfectionist. I think it looks pretty great. So even if this gets out before then, you know, definitely go there. You can also visit him on Facebook, Instagram, all the social networks, Michael Hall, just search for Michael Hall group, you’ll find him and you can, you know, obviously reach out to him. Oh, Michael, if there are any clients, customers out there that may be looking to work with with you or someone on your team, what’s the best way they should reach out to you?

Michael Hall 34:17
I think that if they go to our website or our social media and just send us a message there all of the formats we have out there have our phone number and a way to email us or message us. So really, it’s whatever, whatever is better for the client. Perfect.

D.J. Paris 34:35
Perfect Well, and, again, on behalf of Michael and myself that we thank everyone for listening again, if there’s other brokers in in the listeners, offices that are wanting to learn from people like Michael and want to continue to support the show that we do as a way to give back to the real estate industry that’s been very generous to me personally. Please let them know About this this podcast this episode, and follow us on Facebook you can find us at keeping it real pod, also our website keeping it real pod.com You can download and stream all of our episodes and, and all of the of course, it’s on iTunes, Google Play, etc. So anyway, Michael, thank you so much for your time again, really couldn’t have This couldn’t have gone better. We’re so, so thankful that you took time out of your very, very busy day to do this. So on behalf of Michael myself, we say thank you and we will see everyone on the next episode. So Thanks, Michael.

Michael Hall 35:30
Thank you. It was a pleasure.

Prior to becoming a top Chicago real estate broker with Compass, Josh Lipton had careers in private equity and as an attorney. When he made the switch to real estate, he earned CAR’s coveted Rookie Of The Year award, naming him the highest producing first-year broker in Chicago. Two years later he became (and remains) in the top 1% of ALL brokers in Chicago. In this episode Josh talks about why he visited college campus in his first year which resulted in 70+ rentals, how he uses Facebook lists to stay connected to clients, why he orders a pre-inspection for his sellers, and a dozen other strategies that brokers can implement today to increase production!

Josh Lipton can be reached at jl@compass.com and 312.504.5409


D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real. The only podcast made for Chicago real estate brokers by Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host do the show. And this is our first interview of 2019. So Happy New Year, everyone. And we have Josh Lipton, who we’re going to be bringing on in just a few moments. Before we get to Josh, couple of quick points. We were recently listed in in a a website’s list of very best real estate podcasts. So we’re really honored and grateful to be have been included. And thank you if someone’s submitted us, and we appreciate that or however they found us. It’s great. And we do get a lot of fan emails and support from all over the country. So if you’re not in the Chicagoland area. Please keep listening because the lessons and strategies that you’re hearing from Chicago brokers can apply anywhere else that you’re practicing real estate. Also, please remember, you can always find us in every episode we’ve ever done on our website, keeping it real pod.com. Also, please like us on Facebook, we post links to every episode, as well as links to some of the items we discussed in each episode on our Facebook page. So do a search for keeping it real pod that is us as well. And remember to tell a friend, we have grown this audience spending no money on marketing only through the ears of our listeners who then are nice enough to tell other people about the show. So please continue to do that. We really greatly appreciate it. And our show continues to increase in popularity. So thank you to everyone who listens and shares and now on to our interview with Josh Lipton.

Today on the show we have compass Realtor Josh Lipton. Since entering the real estate business in 2014. Josh has quickly transcended from being named Rookie of the Year by Chicago Association of Realtors in the city of Chicago to a top 1% producer by his third year in the business. Now with almost five years experience in the industry lifted as close to 140 real estate transactions, representing more than 80 million in sales placing him in the top 1% of all agents in Chicago by Chicago Association of Realtors, and in 2018 was selected by crane cranes as one of the most influential real estate brokers in Chicago 2018 Lipton closed 40 transactions totaling nearly 27 million in sales, and finished as the number 16th top producing agent within compass and it’s 550 agents in Chicago as a licensed attorney with experience in real estate, capital markets and private equity. Josh is armed with a unique skill set has built a reputation as a resourceful agent with a vast network and ability to identify off market listings and development opportunities for his residential and commercial clients. Who are looking at both established and emerging neighborhoods throughout Chicago. Josh and his wife Jordan reside in Roscoe village where proud parents to their five month old daughter Lenny. So welcome, Josh.

Josh Lipton 3:34
Hey, thank you. Thanks so much for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:36
We should also tell listeners how we met because this is kind of a funny, a funny story. We were I might my mother was in town for business. And we met at an Italian restaurant, and I was late. And you are also not there. But my mom started chatting up your mother and your father who just happened to be sitting in the bar waiting for their table. And then I started talking to your parents. And your dad asked me what I did. And then he said, Oh, my son’s in real estate. And then you walked in a few minutes later. And then coincidentally, Josh goes, Oh, yeah, I think you guys had reached out to me to be on the podcast. And so here we are. I mean, it was just that was a really wild coincidence.

Josh Lipton 4:18
Yeah, I like I like to refer to that as a collisions of life. And coincidentally, that’s similar to how I’ve actually met some of my best clients in the stage. When you’re least expecting it just randomly. start chatting somebody up in the bar, but I guess I could tell you now DJ, yes, you were late and I was later than you. But that was actually all staged. I intentionally had my parents start talking to you. And I knew exactly who you were. They knew you. Yes. Mission accomplished. Because here we are a week later. I’m on your show. That was all set up. I’m glad you’d like to think it was coincidence, but it worked out perfectly.

D.J. Paris 4:57
So well. I will say on you and your siblings behalf because I met your brother and your sister as well. And and your brother I think flew in from California. And the reason everyone was was there was it was your mom’s birthday. Yeah. So or Yes. And it was very, it was actually very sweet. And I will tell you before you got there, she was so excited that you guys were coming to celebrate. And anyway, it was it was it was a it was actually really kind of fun to watch. And then you walked in, and then we were just talking before it and your sister and I looked at each other. And we feel like we had even met before, although we haven’t figured out how that how we had. But anyway, um, let’s talk about you. Obviously, this is really excited to have you on the show. And we had reached out even before and tell us how did you get involved in real estate? what’s your what’s your background there?

Josh Lipton 5:42
Yeah, sure. What’s coming out of college, I’ll give you the cliff notes here. Sure. I graduate from business school, downtown Bloomington, Indiana. So naturally, I followed the finance path and found myself working in banking in Chicago, for JPMorgan Chase. And then I took an opportunity in Manhattan where I was working for a company called Madison Realty capital. It’s a real estate private equity fund. That was in 2008. Things were great until come 2009. I don’t know if you’ve heard this, but the market kind of took a dip. And I have found myself out of work. And there weren’t many jobs we had at that time. So I decided to go back to law school, which was always in the cards, but I didn’t really want to do it straight out of college, I wanted to get a life experience, work experience and kind of understand why I want to do it, not just do it to prolong working. Although at the time, it seemed like a great idea. So I did just that and actually went back to Bloomington and got my law degree graduate and top of my class thinking that, you know, here I was with, with great work experience prior to law school, now I’m a lawyer, I’m gonna move back to Chicago, everybody’s gonna want to hire me to write my own ticket, start 2012 graduate law school in arguably one of the worst legal economies in the history of the profession, and couldn’t find a job in the traditional law firms. So I started calling my contacts from my previous days and banking, private equity and ended up working in a dual capacity role at Cantor Fitzgerald in Chicago in their CMBS group, where, you know, here I was half the old guy, also a lawyer, so I could I could handle third party legal diligence. So that translates into about 120 hours of work a week sitting at a desk all day, sure, man, and all the corporate nonsense that comes with it. Really having no quality of life, and dreading getting up in the morning every day. Let’s go to the office. So one day, I just got burned out sitting, sitting at my desk and one of my colleagues, it’s like, man, you’d be really good at selling residential real estate, I kind of laughed it off, because I never really thought of that. Sure. Though, I had a lot of friends in the industry. Who did and I constantly be sending them referrals like Oh, call him call her right, and not realizing how much money I’ve just given away. So my buddy at work, told me, which I didn’t know he’s like, Oh, you’re a licensed attorney. So you’re exempt from all the classes like you just go straight to take the test. You just take the exam and do it. I’m like, Oh, that’s cool. So you know from my desk, it was on a Wednesday, I remember vividly, I Googled Chicago real estate exam sign up to take it on Friday thinking, No, I won’t pass it. But at least I’ll know how to prepare if I actually want to do so I take it on Friday. Somehow I passed and quit my job in one day. Wow, jump jump right in, joined a top producing team and really haven’t looked back since it’s definitely proven to be one of the best decisions I’ve made. And it was it was definitely a leap of faith at the time and kind of just went on a whim and a life epiphany but couldn’t be happier that I did it. Well, we really

D.J. Paris 9:09
should go back to the car Rookie of the Year award because that is such a big deal. You know, for those who are listening, who maybe are members of a different organization, if you’re a Realtor you might be with Main Street or or short Barrington car is is the biggest one here in the city and 1000s of brokers join it every year who are rookies and for you to to achieve that award is a huge, huge, huge deal. I can’t I can’t overstate that to our listeners. So everything Josh says going forward listen and do because he was able to knock it out of the park in his very first year and of course every year since as well. But to be even a top one percenter by your three is incredible. And out of all the people we’ve interviewed on the show, all of them who are top one percenters, very few of them made it within their first you know, three years. So huge congratulations to you. Which obviously, you already know how big a deal that is, but just want to make sure the listeners can really appreciate that. But let’s talk about, you know, your early days when when you first started, how did you go about finding clients? I mean, you don’t have the traditional real estate background, you didn’t grow up wanting to do this necessarily. So what how did you build your business?

Josh Lipton 10:26
So one of the first things I did when I when I first jumped in and you know, here I was, I didn’t know how to get get clients. Sure. I had a big network, and I ran in many different circles. But you know, generating business people buying selling renting homes was was challenging. So I actually had this idea at the time where I would go back to where I went to college, and Bloomington and other big 10 universities. And I would go speak at fraternities and sororities, I started at nine, then I went next door, and I worked my way down,

D.J. Paris 11:07
just went down Jordan Avenue with all the all the fraternity.

Josh Lipton 11:12
Jordan, yeah, it was the easiest pitch ever. Because if you think about it, the big 10 specifically Indiana, of course, Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame, all the schools, you know what percent of graduating seniors already know that they’re moving to Chicago, they would accept that job. And they’ll be there are they are three, four hours a week, just far enough away, where they’re not going to come in on the weekend to look at apartments, they don’t know where they’re going to live. And I would go speak on Sunday, I I’d order some pizzas, I bring in some beer, and only allow the ones who are available. And asked for five minutes, you get up in front of everybody, and just say, hey, here I am, you know, my name is Josh Lipton. I’m a real estate agent, you’re here, you’re moving to Chicago, you need to find a place now, because they don’t know how it works. Of course, you know, let me be your eyes and ears, you don’t even have to come into the city, I could send your listings, you know, tell me what you’re looking for where you want to be what you want to pay, do you have a roommate, yada, yada, I get all the criteria, and then they would come in for a weekend I line everything up, and we land a great apartment. Because otherwise, if they wait till they graduate in June or July, everything’s already picked over. You know, they’re gonna they’re gonna end up overpaying for something that doesn’t check all the boxes and neighborhoods that don’t want to be in. And the best part about it is, hey, you know, this is free. You don’t pay me anything, I’m getting paid for the paper, the landlord, the owner, let me do everything for you. Let me find you the best place the best deal. And you sit here and enjoy your last semester of college and know that you have an awesome place to live and come back. So I did that. And it was a huge success. And, you know, getting up and speaking in front of 100 girls or sorority

D.J. Paris 12:56
was that’s yeah, that’s I yeah, that’s something that

Josh Lipton 13:00
around the sign in sheet, get everybody’s name, number and follow up. And the first six months in the business, I knocked out 76 rent on. And you know what people don’t realize people kind of, you know, scoff at it rentals. But, you know, renters turn into buyers, buyers turn into sellers. Yeah, and that’s how you, you know, that’s how you grow your business. And even to this day, you know, I don’t, you know, I’ll take a rental every day if I can, but you know, I don’t do any rentals anymore. But you know, you gotta remember, it’s a relationship business. And people remember, you know, the service you provided on the rental side, and when they’re ready to buy their first home. But do you think they’re calm? And then when they’re ready for a step up home and ready to sell the other one? You’re You’re top of mind and things just kind of took off from there and evolved from there. And it was such a simple, no brainer concept. And it was fun, too.

D.J. Paris 13:49
Yeah, that’s, that’s such a great strategy. Well, that’s really, really smart. And we are, I think it’s easy for people listening or brokers to forget how lucky and fortunate we are that we live in a city that number one, number one has the ability to do rentals and make a living, but also and you’ve been in New York, it does not work that way. In New York, you you know, if you’re working with it with a broker, you’re paying the renter is paying that commission, whereas we’re lucky here where it’s the property management company or the owner that’s paying the Commission, the renter doesn’t pay. So that’s a really important point. It’s, you know, it’s an easy,

Josh Lipton 14:23
not a very difficult sale.

D.J. Paris 14:24
No, it shouldn’t be, but very smart. And, boy, I wish I you know, every almost every single person we’ve interviewed on the show started out doing rentals in some capacity, because of course, they didn’t have a ton of friends that were buying and selling right away. So and then, you know, obviously those people, like you said, turned into buyers and then buyers turn into sellers. So really, but you know, but prior to being a broker, you know, you talked about being in banking, in private equity. Obviously, going then on to becoming an attorney. How was your experience in the legal education you had help? You know how helps you in your career as a realtor. Has there been any, any connections you you’ve made there?

Josh Lipton 15:05
Yeah, sure. Well, you know, I think any education, whether that’s an MBA or a JD or other designations, or certifications, you know, I think they’ll help, I think they will add value anything to do to set yourself apart and put something behind your name and the credential. Certainly, you know, if anything, it gives you credibility and makes you stand out amongst other realtors and life experience to you know, that there’s nothing more valuable than that. And, you know, previously, you know, when I was working more on the banking side of private equity I was working on much larger 1020 30 $40 million commercial transactions, multifamily office retail. So that, you know, having that skill set to, you know, allows me to kind of look at deals and analyze deals through a different lens, when I’m working with a developer or builder who’s looking for a particular piece of land, being able to look at it and see its true potential and what you could build, or a value add opportunity, where maybe changing the zoning, and, and adding few floors or, or yada yada, it just offers a different perspective that, you know, affords me the opportunity to kind of work with a with a wider clientele, not just buyers and sellers, but also investors, builders, developers, and and then the legal component, too. I think, certainly, if anything that, you know, teaches you how to think trains you how to think objectively, and others, there’s many, many synergies between, you know, being in real estate and law, especially with agency and contracts. And no, it definitely has benefited me greatly.

D.J. Paris 16:53
I was curious to to know, is it I don’t know, how much, you know, depends on the type of law that that one would practice. But how would any of the negotiation skills used when you were practicing law? You know, as a full time career, it hasn’t had any of those translated over?

Josh Lipton 17:11
Yes, I think so. Just Well, you know, of course, I can’t give away all my secrets, you know, I think, again, just, you know, being able to think objectively and strategically, you know, while maintaining, obviously, obviously, ethics and morals, you know, certainly benefited me in dual agency roles, where I’m representing the buyer and the seller. Sure, in terms of putting up the, the Chinese wall there. And I think, you know, sometimes buyer’s or seller’s are uncomfortable with a dual representation, but sure, then, you know, then knowing that I’m a lawyer as well. Right. And it held you to that level of professionalism as well, if anybody could do it, they know that I know, the boundaries on that. And, and, you know, how to represent both both interests? Equally. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 18:08
And I think, you know, talking about your clients, your business, which and you and I talked about this actually at the restaurant was, briefly, we talked about, you know, how you’ve built your business, and I know that it’s, you know, it’s largely driven by referrals and repeat clients and you spend, essentially no money, very little money on traditional marketing efforts. For example, a lot of brokers, you know, purchases, you know, Zillow, Trulia leads, realtor.com leads, etc, you really don’t do that, how have you been able to continue that upward trajectory, as opposed to other you know, brokers, who, that’s where they focus their, you know, their, their marketing dollars? How have you been able to do it without that? Yeah. So,

Josh Lipton 18:48
you know, at the end of the day, everybody has their own style, and what works for me might not work for somebody else, and vice versa. And early on in my career, I did dabble a little bit in buying Zillow leads for short time. And, and actually, from an ROI standpoint, I did very well in converting them just I didn’t really enjoy the practice and having to wait for that call and then trying to establish rapport and, and look up the property real quick and try to convert it to a warm lead. You know, I just I prefer growing my business organically through my own sphere of influence and, and past clients, and really just double down on those relationships. And, you know, call people that already know me, like me, trust me, rather than spending 1000s of dollars a month buying internet leads, which can be very, you know, very, you can make a lot of money doing it. I know a lot of people that do and you know, good for them, they’ve mastered the craft and like I said, you know what’s works for them, and doesn’t necessarily work for me, but I’d rather rather than spending that money every month, and I’d rather take a bunch of clients out there. Under call it all client just to catch up not even look at your business go by mistake of taking a ballgame, send them really thoughtful personalized gifts, because the little things are what clients remember. And you know also to, aside from, you know, always staying front and center during the transaction after the transaction is most important. Absolutely, I’ll just staying in their lives and being a part of their lives. And it’s funny to this day, a few of my best friends actually started off as clients who either referrals are actually one I met in the lobby of my building at a time where I was where I was renting several years ago. And we struck it off, he actually was with another agent at the time and wasn’t had the best experience. So he asked me for my card and called me later and fast forward about two years he stood up my wedding. Oh, my gosh.

D.J. Paris 20:57
That’s yeah, that’s, that’s, that is amazing. I think too, it’s, it’s, I’ll give a quick tip. And this is actually courtesy of Ryan de April, who does a monthly coaching episode with us. He’s gives such a great suggestion if, if brokers who are listening are wondering, Well, gosh, you know, staying in touch with someone after the sale, in theory is really great. But what do I say when I call and Ryan had a great suggestion that it’s probably, I don’t know why I would have never occurred to me. But he said, If you don’t, you know, have a reason to call somebody he goes, if you’re connected with them on social media, whether it’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, you know, go through, see what they’ve been up to, in particular, like LinkedIn is a good one. Because if there’s a new career change, usually that’s highlighted, but just see what they’ve been doing in their lives and then call them. And for example, I just saw that the owner of our company, his wife just had an emergency appendix removal a couple days ago, and he didn’t even say anything to us at the time. But I saw that that she did. And so I immediately reached out because we’re friends as well. But I said, Oh my gosh, Natalie is in the hospital. And again, meet her you probably want to call with with more for other reasons that are more positive. But that’s a great a great technique. If you’re not sure, oh, gosh, I sold this person a home three years ago, I don’t really know what’s going on in their life. Go online and see if you can find some events, and then call them and say, Hey, I just saw you did X, Y, and Z and just wanted to reach out and say, you know, how you doing? And

Josh Lipton 22:22
that is great. I did I actually remember listening to Ryan’s episode on that and piggybacking his idea, let me take it a step further. And then dude, right. Yeah, episode. So, actually, through Facebook is because as you know, you have 1000s of Facebook friends, though, you probably only know about 20% of them, right? So I’m just sorting through looking at everybody’s updates and posts. And you’re like, how do we know that person or you don’t even know. So you have the ability on Facebook to create lists. So you can create lists only of people that you want to see. So you could put all your clients and business partners for anybody that you either do business with want to do business with, or think you might do business one day, and make it so you only see their feeds, so then you really know what’s going on in their lives and you don’t miss it when you’re sorting through the hundreds of other feeds that you know people that you don’t really care what’s going on their life because you don’t have a relationship.

D.J. Paris 23:18
Oh, that’s such a great idea. That is that that really takes that suggestion to the next level. So thank you for that. And I will be referencing you on future future episodes. Because that’s awesome. Aside from from what we’ve already talked about, what is something about you This is putting a little bit on the spot, but what’s something that most people don’t know about you or would be surprised to learn about your business?

Josh Lipton 23:40
I think most people are surprised by really how much this is buyers and sellers, you know, how much I enjoy and get into and and get, you know, hands on approach with the whole design build element. Oh, and you know, being able to really walk into a listing and and see its true potential. And, you know, whether that means you know, light upgrades or full gut on full gut renovations you know, I offered that insight this might have something to do with you know, growing up the son of an interior designer kind of grew up around it right.

D.J. Paris 24:16
That’s that’s your mom.

Josh Lipton 24:19
Yeah, there’s certainly there’s certainly buyers out there who you know, want to buy something turnkey or brand new where they don’t have to lift the finger or do any work. You know, but for the buyers who are willing to get their hands dirty, you know, I tell them you can either buy someone else’s value their dad or you could add it yourself and make it your own you know, in the process of doing so. So you know, whether that’s for a buyer after a purchase or you know when I’m when I’m prepping a listing to sell you and I walk through you know I’m in the trenches every day so I know what buyers like and what they don’t like and you know where they’re going to push back and kind of naturalistic down and, you know, I like to, you know, go go in there and suggest anything from No, like renovations to countertops or floors, or, you know, just making the listing as showroom ready as possible. And then, you know, in doing so you’re maximizing the value. So, you know, if the, of course, every seller out there, you know, one of the struggles is, you know, every seller thinks that their home is worth more than it actually is, of course. But, you know, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. And, you know, after we do it, you know, sellers, I was like, Man, I wish I would have done this sooner, so I could actually enjoyed it. You know, if another adage, I like to say is, you know, if it makes dollars makes sense. And I think this past year, I had at least, at least five or six, pretty much full on gut renovations were sort of situations where I was like, alright, well, if we list today, you can sell it for x, though, if you spend, you know, however much comes to you can sell for y and sing it on paper, it really, it’s kind of one of those like aha moments, and, you know, sellers totally placed their trust and confidence in me in my ability to really maximize the value and see its true potential and, you know, then you can really tell the story of the value added when you’re going to sell it, you know, always make sure to take a lot of pictures before the before and after. So you can justify why you’re selling for X amount more. Because otherwise buyers gonna walk in and be like, alright, so I see what it looked like when you bought it, it looks the exact same, you didn’t do anything aside for maybe a little market appreciation, what justifies you looking for this number. So the reality is dudes not only going to sell for more money, but you’re going to sell quicker, so less carrying costs, and in and out a deal a lot faster. And,

D.J. Paris 26:46
you know, if you’re a realtor out there listening to this episode, and you’re hearing what Josh is, is talking about, and again, Josh has only been a Producing Realtor for five years. So he’s accumulated. And again, you you had some little some of this information from, from previous careers. But really, you know, you learn this very quickly and very successfully. And if you’re a realtor listening, and you don’t have this information, you know, just imagine going up against Josh and a listing presentation, he’s gonna win, because he knows he knows some of that. So I would encourage everyone listening to really develop that skill set of knowing how to walk into a home and saying, okay, here are the five things that absolutely need to be done to being able to justify whether it’s a full gut rehab, or just you know, replacing, you know, a door or window or some floor

Josh Lipton 27:30
and take it, you know, just going on that to you, and we’re having those conversations and try and decide, should we do this, or should we not do this, right? I like to live kind of 8020 rule. I didn’t invent this, obviously, you know, I like to ask the seller or tell the seller, well, you know, it’s if 100 People walk through that door, as long as 80 people are going to walk into like, oh, wow, you know, I like that paint color. I like those new counters that light fixtures Great, then do it. If it’s questionable, you’re not sure then. Don’t do it.

Unknown Speaker 27:59
Yeah. A great.

Josh Lipton 28:02
Gotta keep in mind, this is actually kind of funny, when we’re doing this sometimes like, oh, I don’t really like that. You know, I don’t like that pink color. Yeah, I don’t like that. That’s not my style. And I kind of just last because it’s like, I don’t care if you like it or not, we need to appeal to the masses. Right about whether you like you’re selling this, you want other people to like it. So yeah, you got to deal with it for a little bit. You know, just just trust me and you’ll be gone. In no time.

D.J. Paris 28:25
Yeah, I just read a funny idea. And I don’t know if I don’t actually know if this would translate into into sales or not. But I was reading a real estate marketing idea list yesterday and somebody broker from somewhere had a great or interesting idea where she said, You should put one interesting removable object in every home and what she does is she puts a Giant Buddha statue that’s kind of silly looking. And she places it, you know, somewhere in like the living room and she just brings it from let’s do the listing. And, and she goes the reason I do it is people remember, this is silly Buddha thing. And it doesn’t get in the way of somebody not wanting to buy the home. But she’s she said, Oh, it’s just something that you know, maybe if they seen five homes that day, they remember the big silly Buddha statue and they, you know, so I don’t know if that’s a that actually.

Josh Lipton 29:14
Anything to make your listing memorable. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 29:18
Speaking of buyers and sellers, you know, what advice do you would you give because we don’t just have Realtors listening, we do have buyers and sellers. And the reason I know this is because oftentimes people that we’ve had interviewed on the show, come back to me like a month later and go, Oh my god, I got a few sales people, somebody listened and then they contacted me. So for those that are listening, who aren’t real estate professionals, but maybe have have some questions, you know, what advice would you give to them? You know, right now, if they don’t have a realtor that they’re working with,

Josh Lipton 29:51
you of course will on the buy side, you know when when you’re looking for a realtor to represent you and purchasing a property. I would say the most important thing hands down is really get to know each other on a, on a personal level, make sure you like each other personally, because you’re going to be working really closely together professionally. And if you don’t get along personally, yeah, you’re not gonna get along professionally, and it’s not going to get an easier because a lot of time together, you’re going to be having a lot of, you know, personal conversations, and you’re gonna make difficult situations, and it’s emotional. And it’s, it’s, you know, it’s a grind. So make sure you really connect on a personal level. And, you know, your your interests are aligned with your agents, business practices, and, you know, ask as physical, asking difficult questions, you know, before you, you decide you’re gonna work with somebody, you know, vet them to make sure you fully understand what they’re going to do for you. And set expectations from beginning. You know, do you want an agent who’s only going to? Have you ever had a 10 minute conversation, ask you a few questions and set up an MLS search and then just sit back on their heels waiting for you to flick interested or not interested or telling you to go look at something? No, I mean, me personally, I don’t really believe in MLS searches. I think that’s kind of, you know, a lazy way to go about finding properties for your agents, sure, I have to sign up for particular clients, and they go to me, and I sift through all the garbage, because I don’t want to just bombard my clients with a daily email where you know, 90% of properties, they’re like, why is he sending me these properties? And all it is wire? Why are people getting them? That’s because their agent is lazy search the time. So I told my clients, when I send them something, know that it’s, you know, hand selected, and I thought it would, it would actually be a good fit for you. And, you know, also you want to make sure that whoever you’re working with, say you’re looking in the West overvolt market, make sure that they know the area, right, make sure they’ve done business they’ve they’ve sold, they represented buyers and sellers in the area, they have their pulse on the market. And aside from MLS, you want someone who’s connected with other brokers amongst the industry has a good reputation that shares off market opportunities, packet listings, before they hit the market. So you know, your agent can get you in the door, before you have any competitions, avoid any multiple offers. And, you know, really, at the end of the day, you want to know what they’re gonna do to make it happen. You know, are they sometimes there’s buyers who want a really particular listing that doesn’t come up often or in a particular building that doesn’t see many resales. And you know, your agent could either sit there and look at the MLS every day or you know, sometimes you got to take the initiative and go, you know, scrolling scrubbing the castle, that expired listing, see who’s tried to sell in the last couple of years, but maybe they didn’t forever reason, attract on the phone number call the sellers directly, see if they’re still in the market. Because, you know, at the end of the day, everybody’s a seller, everything in this world is for sale for the right price. Sure. And you know, that seller, maybe they’re not interested, maybe they change your mind, but they’re gonna remember that you took the initiative for that buyer. And when the time comes, that they are ready to sell, what do you think we’re gonna call it right? So you know, and then

on the list side, too, you know, other than, you know, the same thing, just simply listing on MLS, you know, I sellers, listing presentations, you know, you’re not just hiring somebody to list your property, you’re hiring somebody to sell it and actually be there and strategically market it and keep it front and center. And you’re not just sitting back waiting for the phone ring or someone to schedule a showing and put the home on lockbox, which also is one thing that I don’t believe in, you know, if somebody’s hiring me to sell their home, you’re getting me if it’s not me, someone on my team is gonna be there and actually sell the home. And, you know, one thing too, that people overlook is you’re not only selling the home, you’re you’re selling a lifestyle, a quality of life, you’re selling the neighborhood. So you need to know, everything that’s going on in the area, you know, you need to know what’s in walking distance things to do places to eat, you know, is there new construction going on how far from public transportation grocery stores, you know, all attributes of the home because they’re not just buying the, the bricks and you know, the the actual unit they need, you need to sell it on the location, what life would be like, living in that area. And one other thing too, you know, when you’re, you know, that I think it’s smart that all sellers should do. I think it’s always smart for a seller to do a pre MLS home inspection. Have your own inspection conducted before and you know, be proactive and identify any potential issues that a buyer is going to because the reality is, if you do that, sure, you’ll spend a few $100 on a home inspection and then you could make the fixes that others are going to find. You know, then you eliminate your buyers coming in. because reality is, they always think it’s more expensive to fix something that might only, you know, be a $20 fix or an extra 200. Right. So you’re always gonna see a return on that. And you’d have the peace of mind that you already know the inspection. Yeah, there’s no surprises. Yeah, yeah. And then lastly, just, you know, I can’t stress enough about you know, pricing. And, you know, pricing it appropriately, the first time out of the gate, right, and just overpricing a listing is going to backfire. 10 out of 10 times, exactly. It’s just gonna rack up market time, you’re gonna end up doing price reductions, or you’re gonna cancel it and relisted, though that doesn’t really fool anybody, because you can see the listing history for him. So, you know, you don’t want to over promise and under deliver, because statistically, sellers are going to get their best offer than the first two or three weeks on the market.

D.J. Paris 35:52
Yeah, no, you’re you’re so right. And, again, the the other reason why it backfires, too, is then the realtor looks like they didn’t do a good job for the seller, by allowing that over price, you know, to go live, so,

Josh Lipton 36:06
yeah, totally. And of course, you can’t you can’t avoid the the sellers who, you know, are, you know, they want to try, sometimes we’re not off by much, and they want to push it a little. And sometimes, course, depending on the inventory in the market, you know, I’ll agree to do it. You know, if it’s within reason, if it’s an egregious, you know, stretch where I know, it’s completely unrealistic, you know, I’ll just pass on that listing, because there’s a lot of realtors out there, discount brokers who will take that listing Sure, and, you know, knowing that it’s overpriced, but they think they’ll be able to get price reductions, price reductions. But that’s not really a practice, I like to I like to go in there. Well,

D.J. Paris 36:47
it’s just, it’s a huge waste of your time, possibly. And then also, it you know, the, the owner is more likely to blame the realtor

Josh Lipton 36:55
when it doesn’t sell. So, you know, but it’s an extra $10,000. And I say we do it, you know, I’ll do it. But you know, we got to set the expectation at that moment, and let the seller know, all right, we’re gonna do this, but you set a timeframe. If we don’t have any serious interests, or offers and call it two or three weeks, we’re gonna scale back a little bit and remind them that we’re having, we’re having this conversation now. So when in three weeks, I tell you, we need to reduce the price, you know, don’t think it’s because I can’t sell it, or that was my fault. Right? Yeah, you’ve made it to get that in writing.

D.J. Paris 37:27
Yeah, that’s, that’s true. What do you think distinguishes you and in your, your business, your practice, from the gosh, almost 40,000 other realtors in the Chicagoland area? What? How would you answer that?

Josh Lipton 37:40
I think, you know, people are so focused on and the actual real estate, they overlook the human element in the people. And you got to remember, this is a relationship business. And I think clients really appreciate my, my brutal honesty, authenticity, patience, and, you know, tenacity and my follow through. And, you know, really, I just, you know, whether looking to the buyer or seller, you know, I, I make it a point, and I don’t tell my clients necessarily what they want to hear, but I tell them what they need to hear, you know, I’m not just going to try to sell them on a property to make a quick sale. You know, although we are in the sales, business, buyers and sellers, they don’t necessarily want to be sold, when making such a huge, life changing decision in their life, you know, they want to know that their agent is genuinely looking out for the best interest and not just looking to make a quick sale and move on to the next deal. And, you know, it’s unfortunate, so many realtors in our industry, we have a stigma for being pushy and salesy, and I think my clients really just find it refreshing to learn that that’s, that’s not how I conduct my business. And, you know, I’m not in their face all the time. And I’m not just trying to make a commission. But at the same time, you know, I’m ready to move as, as quickly as they are, when when the time is right, or when the property is right. You know, I’m not afraid to tell them, you know, no, I don’t care if you’re busy, we need to go through this. Now, this is exactly what you want. You know, if you don’t see it, you’re gonna miss out on it. So I think you just, you know, being being totally candid and honest and genuine. And lastly, you know, when working with buyers, too, you got to be respectful of their time, I’m not just going to take a buyer out and show him 10 properties when, when I know they’re genuinely only going to like two or three or maybe only only a few of them are going to check most of the boxes that they want to see. I’m going to take a buyer out and there’s only a few we’re going to see, we’re only going to see you know, there are only a few that really worked for this particular client and I think have legitimate interest in being the one we’re only going to see those I’m not going to waste my time and wasting my clients time showing them you know, 10 property Just to appease them and say, Oh, well, we sell 10 properties. So, you know, I think you really need to be respectful of people’s time. Because, you know, as busy as I am I, my buyers are busy too. And you only want to put properties in front of them that really have the potential to be the one.

D.J. Paris 40:17
Yeah, and I’ll also give you an additional complement to where I suspect this translates to your clients as well, is in prepping for this podcast, I will tell you that in we’ve Gosh, we’ve interviewed about 80 Top 1% producers and I can say in my memory is not great. But Josh is almost certainly the came the most prepared of anyone that that we’ve ever had on the show and just the amount of information he provided us helped make my job a lot easier than sometimes you know, other realtors make it. And so I will tell you that if he puts this amount of care in I know he does into his clients. That’s Boy, that’s really impressive. I was saying right before we got on, I said, Oh my gosh, I was heaping praise on him for all the all the work he did for us. So again, yeah, I’d hire you.

Josh Lipton 41:14
Let’s talk off here. Now. It’s a really, it’s all about the details. So it’s, so what I do, it’s, well, I love this job. And you know, just as no two clients are the same, no two properties are the same. And no two listing strategies are the same. And I present properties differently. And, you know, each each day is a new challenge and new adventure and, and a new fire drill. Time. So, you know, but it keeps it exciting. And, you know, I wouldn’t trade for anything.

D.J. Paris 41:44
And I have one final question for you. Because you you’re you’re at Compass we’ve we’ve owned because compass is still relatively new to the Chicago market. And they they’re killing it here and pretty much anywhere they’ve opened up shop, but we’ve only had a couple of Compass people. So we’re I’m always excited to hear from somebody who’s who’s moved to compass. Can you talk a little bit about why you why you decided on compass and what your experience has been so far.

Josh Lipton 42:10
Yeah, absolutely. So I moved over to compass last April. Crazy. It’s almost coming up on a year here. Yeah. You know, at the time, I wasn’t, I wasn’t looking to be to be frank. But, you know, I, of course, took the meeting had some conversations and kind of learn what it’s all about. And it turns out that, you know, my my business practices and the way I conduct my business, and, you know, where I see my business going is just totally aligned with Compass and what they’re doing, obviously, now we have almost 600 agents in Chicago. And, you know, we’re in dozens of markets. And, you know, what I love about them too, aside from their, you know, our platform, and our technology, just, you know, basically a one stop shop, platform to conduct business. And, you know, not only do they make it more efficient, and free up my time, you know, to focus on what I do best. And that’s, you know, selling and developing business and networking. But they’re just so forward thinking, and no idea is too big. And, obviously, we’re moving very fast, and our values are totally aligned, and there’s just, you’ll come to the office, it’s fun, there’s tons of energy, and people really enjoyed being here. And everyone’s thinking big and outside the box. And everyone’s collaborating. And, you know, we’re kind of all on this, this mission together. And it’s exciting and you know, Nothing surprises me this company and I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be surprised if not tomorrow I wake up and find out that, you know, X Y or Z Realtors come over or, you know, Amazon bought us who who knows, like, you know, nothing’s off limits and you know, you got you got to think big and and they totally embrace it. And it’s, it’s been exciting. And I’m having fun.

D.J. Paris 44:02
Yeah, just to give you a benchmark so the company I work at so what I do full time is I recruit Realtors not obviously not for compass for different from but it took me doing this literally full time five years to grow from basically from zero to 600. brokers and for companies to come in and do it in like one year is or two years maybe is absolutely incredible. And that’s why I’m so interested to hear you know about your switch over there because obviously, they must have a lot of really compelling cool stuff. So if brokers are listening, you know, you can

Josh Lipton 44:34
always reach out to Josh to get more. Absolutely. I’m happy to share my experience and not trying to poach any agents here. Let me be clear, because again, you know, it’s great for me, it might not be for everybody. But I’m happy to their experience and how it’s helped me. Yeah. Oh, they’re

D.J. Paris 44:51
doing some cool. Yeah. Yeah, but at the same

Josh Lipton 44:54
time, like I said, I came from from Jameson, so I’m sure I have nothing but respect for Those calls over there. It’s a great company, it’s a great brokerage, run from the top down with Chris and Mike and Jen. And, you know, it was a business decision was nothing personal. And you know, we’re still friends to this day, and they respect my decision, and I wish them nothing but the best.

D.J. Paris 45:14
And for anyone listening, whether you’re a realtor who is interested in learning more about Josh’s team, which by the way, we should mention is called Lipton, luxury living, or if you’re interested in learning more about compass, or if you’re a buyer and seller or seller or an investor or renter, or anyone who is like, Gosh, I really don’t have a great real estate professional that and I need one, or I want to develop a relationship so that when I do need when I have somebody, Josh, what’s the best way someone can reach out to you?

Josh Lipton 45:46
My, my cell phone, call text anytime that number is 312-504-5409. And my email is jl@compass.com. So yeah, so on that note, with my team, I actually, you know, we talked briefly about this DJ, um, you know, I am looking to hire and bring on a couple showing agents to join my team and, you know, collaborate together and work together and mentor and support me, but also support them and be a resource in any way possible. So any any newer agents out there looking to be busier, take on more and get some more experience? Give me a call.

D.J. Paris 46:29
And by the way, you know, who wouldn’t want to learn from one of Crain’s Chicago’s most influential residential real estate brokers, I mean, I don’t, I don’t even mean that it being you know, sort of flipper or being silly. Like that is a legitimately amazing credential. So if you’re out there, and you are thinking about, you know, wanting to team up or learn from someone, boy, Josh has a lot of a lot of really impressive accolades in his short five years, in the business, and, and, you know, not the least of which the amazing amount of production he’s done, but just some of the other, some of the other, you know, sort of acknowledgments he’s received in the industry is very, very impressive. And I was, I was super grateful to just have run into you, accidentally, and because typically, you know, look, 99% of the time, if I ran into a realtor, I probably wouldn’t have them on the show, because they’re not in the top 1%. And it just so happened that, that you of course, are and so we’re so grateful that and also, by the way, Josh is too busy to even do these kinds of shows. And yet he found talent time for us, so says a lot about him as a person and his character. And also we’re just very grateful. So if you’re, whether you’re a realtor, or you’re looking to maybe, you know, make a switch, talk to Josh or if you’re a buyer seller, investor, renter, obviously, he would be honored to talk to you as well and tell you more about what he offers, you should also follow on Instagram, you can just do a search for Lipton luxury living but it the actual URL is Lipton underscore luxury underscore living, I’d add Instagram, but just search for it, you’ll find it. Also Josh’s website is Lipton luxury living.com. So you can you can find in there, we’ll post a link post all these links in in the notes. So Josh, I wanted to thank you, I want to thank you for being on the show. This is a real honor for us. And just so everyone knows, Josh was on our invite list from day one. And we just hadn’t gotten to him yet. So this is like really, really perfect timing.

Josh Lipton 48:25
A little hard to get I told you the job. It was planned out perfectly to perfection. You know, it was it was meant the

D.J. Paris 48:33
well it works out great. And I there was so much value in this episode and I’m gonna go back and and highlight some of the the techniques and strategies you outlined to make sure I highlight them in the notes so that people can can take action on those immediately. But anyway, on behalf of Josh and myself, thank you so much for listening. If you are a new listener, please pass this podcast over to other brokers that you know, if you’re an existing longtime listener, we appreciate it and send in your questions. You know, continue to support us find us on Facebook, our website, you know, iTunes, Google Play all those places. So anyway, on behalf of Josh and myself, thank you for listening and we will see you on the next show and Josh thanks again.

Josh Lipton 49:16
Thanks so much for having me, DJ anytime.

Welcome to the January episode of Learning With A Lender with Joel Schaub!

In our first Learning With A Lender episode of 2019 Joel Schaub, Vice President at Guaranteed Rate, talks about how how the government shutdown is affecting lending rates, providing a real estate broker with an amazing opportunity to add value when contacting clients. I take a listener question to ask Joel about the difference between a pre-approval letter and a pre-qualification.

Joel Schaub can be reached at joel@rate.com or 773.654.2049.

Joel Schaub


D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host, and welcome to learning with a lender. This is our monthly series with guarantee rate Lending Specialist Joel shop. Little bit about Joel, if you’re a new listener, he’s vice president of lending guaranteed rate, Joe has been doing loans at a high level since 2003. has gotten to that level because of what he does directly for agents, he gives part of his commission back to the buyer on every transaction. Last year alone 2018, Joe gave back over $271,000 in closing costs to buyers who worked with him. And that put his value in the top 1/10 of 1% of all lenders nationwide. out of 380,000 loan officers in the country, Joel is ranked 100 and 81st. Year to date, or rather last year, Joel closed of 200 transactions for just under six or just reps are just at 65 million in closings. And obviously it’s the new year. So we don’t have his numbers yet. I’m sure they’re going to be as good if not better. And by the way, you should reach Joel before I get before he says hello, you can reach Joel at his email address, which is joel@rate.com. Let’s say hello to the biggest Cubs fan. I know Joel Shah. Good morning.

Joel Schaub 1:39
Thank you so much. It’s pleasure to be here, again, and I appreciate all the props. But this is all about giving back and actually helping these agents that are listening, find their genuine self and grow their business.

D.J. Paris 1:52
Great. So what do we have to what are we talking about today?

Joel Schaub 1:56
Well, it’s just that how can we add value, right? People come to me all the time, and they know the volume that I’m doing and they think there’s a secret, right? Right? Watch this guy do it. And there really isn’t anything that is other than hard work and finding out what you like to do. And being that genuine self. So for me, you know all about the Wrigleyville buildings, right? All the billboards, and the charity events. So if you find what it is that you like to do, it’s so much easier than buying leads or going through all of these different steps. You build your business, and if you can find that, that you are genuine about. That’s how I grew my business.

D.J. Paris 2:40
Yeah, and we should also talk about realtors to the rescue since I know you are a part of that organization on the board. I have attended a few events of theirs years ago, and I sort of just fell off. Carrie McCormick, by the way is also associated with Arizona, who’s on our podcast, and that’s a passion of yours. Can you talk about that a little bit?

Joel Schaub 3:00
It’s the exact same thing. We’re on the board of directors, my wife Christina and I for real estate to the rescue. It used to be called realtors to the rescue. Right?

D.J. Paris 3:08
I remember what it was called that. Yeah, right. And so

Joel Schaub 3:11
it’s the exact same organization. And what we do is we help no kill animal shelters throughout the state of Illinois. And our big annual event is the Cubs outing. Last year, we raised 10s of 1000s of dollars for no kill animal shelters via cubs outing, we did raffle we did silent auction. And the date this year will be June 21. So save the date. And it will be a great event for real estate as far as actually growing your business networking, and not all about you. It’s about trying to find a way to give back. And it’s a perfect example of one of the ways you can be really active and give back.

D.J. Paris 3:54
I agree. And I recently I’ll tell you a quick story, Grace Goro, who’s been on the show, she has an app properties broker, she did an event that I wasn’t she was nice enough to invite me to, which is nice because it was also down the street at the paws facility downtown. And she did an event she contacted all of her clients and said, Hey, why don’t we go volunteer over at PAWS together as a group for a couple of hours on a Sunday. And she brought in pizza probably I don’t know, you know, if it cost her a lot to set this up. I suspect it didn’t. But I was happy to go because I support pause as well. And, and I went there to support grace and we got to play with the animals. We got to make toys for them. And you know, and again, I’m not one of Grace’s clients. I’m more one of her friends. But a lot of her clients were there. And this is something she’s Ultra passionate about. And as a result, it made everybody feel feel great about themselves, hey, we just did something good and also supported Grace and I suspect it may have even landed her a few deals as well. I don’t know it happens

Joel Schaub 4:56
that way. You’re exactly right. If you can use it and promote it and social media and show that you actually are out there doing something. So many agents get stuck in the same rut of posting on social media and saying, Don’t forget about me, I’m never too busy for your referrals and the nice thing, right?

D.J. Paris 5:14
Every, everybody says, I’m never too busy for your referrals,

Joel Schaub 5:18
we’ll never be too busy to go back and volunteer never go out and give back. People were attracted to that. And so years ago, I realized if I could actually find a few things that I’m genuinely passionate about, it will help grow the business. And that’s how I’ve just been genuinely involved in these different events, these different charities, and it truly is this concept. You’ve heard me say it before givers game, okay? If you can find something that will be genuine to you that you can give back your business grows. And it really truly, in my case has.

D.J. Paris 5:52
Yeah, it’s a win all the way around. I couldn’t I couldn’t agree with you more. And if you haven’t attended one of Joel’s his, his events outside of Realtors, the rescue events Joel puts on he does a lot of bingo events. They in a weird way, in that weird way. But you see the absolute passion Joel has for the people who attend. And these are realtors, these are clients. I mean, between you, your wife, and I Oh, gosh, I’m blanking on the third person’s name, who’s also there helping out but I mean, everyone is on board, it is a party and it’s in the middle of the day. You know, it’s it’s a great getaway. And you give away a lot of wonderful prizes. But again, that is that is giving back you are actually giving back in those instances. And it’s, Boy, I’ve never been to an event quite like that. And if you’re listening and you, you want to see what it’s all about. I’m sure you know Joel can can send you an invite, but

Joel Schaub 6:51
there’ll be another one coming up, we do an annual or we do a four times a year annual bingo event and it’s fun, we’re giving away large screen TVs, trips to Vegas 12 person boat cruises, brand new iPhones funds, things that you could actually get excited about coming to an

D.J. Paris 7:10
event like that. And by back to realtors the rescue for a moment I forgot to mention I will put a link to Pete if you’d like to get involved and donate some time, donate some money or or just just spread the word, I will have a link to realtors, real estate to the rescue rather on the description so people can get involved that way as well. Yes,

Joel Schaub 7:31
absolutely. There’ll be a link as soon as that goes up for the June 21 event. This is one of the easiest simple ways to get involved. You donate $100 Not only does it get you good tickets to the Cubs game, it gets you a pre party, as well as your name out there in the community as somebody who’s giving back.

D.J. Paris 7:51
Wonderful, wonderful. Yeah, so what I’ve always thought so I’m involved with a with a with an organization myself that’s unrelated to real estate. And it’s something that that I’ve become passionate about over the years. It’s a place called misery Cordia here in Chicago, I’ve been doing that forever. And I will tell you, when you find your your passion in with respect to giving in particular, I mean, I can honestly say that for me personally, and this is something I did Gosh, I’m now in my fourth year there. It’s I can divide my life up into pre misery cardio and cardio, and it is much better post. And so yeah, you know, and we’re so lucky in Chicago in the suburbs as well to have so many opportunities to to give back. There are just a million a million ways to do it.

Joel Schaub 8:42
I think I’ve told you this story before, but this is perfect for the listeners that haven’t heard this. So years ago, I was a mortgage broker. And it was 2006. And so let’s think back to that time, right? Everyone in their brother was getting into mortgage getting into real estate, because you could not work very hard. make six figures just kind of bumbling your way through it. Right? Every person that you would meet would be part time realtor or part time mortgage guy. And it was back when I could actually do mortgages for almost anybody and I would give my business card. This time I gave it to a cab driver. And he looked at it and he said, Oh, I also do mortgages, man. And so think about that for a second. I’m sure the cab driver was also doing mortgages, right? Everyone was doing one or two deals a month. And those guys are all gone. Right? Right. Sure. I decided then then I’d have to do something to differentiate myself to actually grow the business to this multimillion dollar level that I wanted to get to. And I knew DJ couldn’t control rates, right? But I could control closing costs. I could give back part of my commission and actually help people get over For the edge, if they couldn’t quite come up with the cash, foreclosing, I could give part of my commission back and help them get over the edge. Flash forward to today, that’s what I do is on every transaction that a realtor sends me, I could be their real estate partner on the mortgage side and give their buyers $1,500 In closing cost credits, it covers our underwriting fee and appraisal. And that’s how I got to over 271 grand out of my commissions last year alone, that I forego, and I give back to buyers. Yeah, it’s

D.J. Paris 10:33
it’s incredible. I mean, you know, Joel has has a very impressive reputation in the broker community as well with his directly with his clients. And part of the reason in addition to being so generous with giving closing costs, you know, credits is how quickly you are to respond. I mean, this is you were just on a massive vacation down to South America. And, and I had forgotten Joel was down there, because I’m way too wrapped up in my own life to realize what everyone else is doing. And I said, Hey, when are we doing our podcast, and it was already on my calendar. That’s how dumb I am. But Joel, was probably on a beach, or wherever you were doing it, I know, you’re doing other things down there, too. But he goes, within five minutes, he responded. Now I you know, obviously, I’m sure you take time off too. But this is another yet another example. And for anyone I’ve referred business to Joel as well, and everyone has the same, the same, you know, sort of experience and this isn’t specifically a commercial for how great Joel is, but he but he is actually that great. So it’s one of those things that I am, you know, happy to tout your your praises, because, again, please understand, you know, Joel takes time out of his his very, very busy calendar to, to do the show, which we’re very grateful for the fans and listeners love it. In fact, I have a question for you from one of our listeners, if you have a fantastic, let’s question. All right, so the question is, and it’s a good question, I think maybe not every broker fully understands the difference between pre approval letter and a pre qualification?

Joel Schaub 12:10
Oh, that’s great. Okay, most of the time, we’re using that word pre approval letter, right? It’s kind of across the board. But there is a major difference, whether or not the clients provided documentation so that we can actually prequalify the borrower. So let’s start with pre approval. A pre approval letter will help a client go through just the basics to understand what they qualify for, on a monthly payment. Okay, the pre qualification, I actually collect the pay stubs, the bank statements, the tax returns, run it through an automated system, and actually have the knowledge and expertise to say, Okay, if you got a property under contract, you’re already qualified. All I need to do is send it in to my underwriter. So there’s a major difference between just getting one of those online pre approval letters. Sure, right. We’re not here to talk good or bad about any banks, but we know some of them that will just issue you a letter sir matter of minutes without even looking at anything. We might not want to take that with as much of a grain of salt as compared to having true pre qualification. So it’s, it comes back to this as an agent, whether the letter says pre approval or pre qualification, call the loan officer that’s listed there. Okay. Right, just have a conversation. See, if they pick up the phone, you’ll know where you stand pretty quickly if the person on the other end says, Wait, who? Right What borrower name? I don’t, or, Oh, the Johnsons? Yeah, I spoke to the Johnsons last week, their pay stubs are in, we know exactly what’s going on in that file. They’re good all the way up to 380. But I think they should keep their assessments on the place below x. And this is based on a maximum tax bill of why those are the types of things that you really want when you’re finding your team and your partner. It’s not just me, there’s 1000s of great loan officers out there that actually take the steps to do the pre qualification. And that’s the major difference.

D.J. Paris 14:10
That’s great. So I know you had some thoughts about what’s what’s currently going on in the lending world. Would you like to share this?

Joel Schaub 14:17
Well, the government shutdown, do you know about this?

D.J. Paris 14:20
I you know, I got a text about it from a friend. But that was No, yeah, I’m very aware of the

Joel Schaub 14:25
thing. Something about this, right. Yeah. So what does it mean? It’s actually one of the first time something is good for the buyer rates have dropped, right, right rates have dropped specifically because of this. So I’ll get into a little bit of the behind the scenes, right. When the stock market falls off, a lot of money goes into the treasuries, right safety and security of US backed bonds. When the price of those bonds goes up, the rates come down. So what happened we’ve seen rates right now at eight or nine month lows, okay. Just as early as November rates were at almost 4.8 Seven, five. Today they’re half a point lower, we’re at 4375 or below for a great borrower. So this is a great opportunity for these agents to do two things. One, add value by connecting with your past clients not about selling them anything, not calling up and saying hi, I’m never too busy for referrals, literally calling up and saying, guess what? We got the property closed seven months ago, did you know that rates dropped, it might be a good opportunity to reach back out to your loan officer to see if they can lower the rate for you. Wow, what a phone call that could be to an agent just calling back their past buyers. And adding value

D.J. Paris 15:40
some Well, I’m like that? Well, I’ll tell you I, you know, and I, my last mortgage I did was actually a refinance with guaranteed rate. And I had an amazing experience. But prior to that, I was with a different lender who I really liked who is at a different company, and they were very nice and professional. And for the, I don’t know, 12 years or so I had that mortgage, not once did any did my realtor call and forget about the loan officer, I never heard from them. And this is not guaranteed, right? Never heard from them. And certainly never, never heard from my realtor saying, Hey, this is an opportunity to you may want to look to see if you, you know, could refi and I was always the one proactively contacting the loan officer. And so for brokers out there listening, you know, all you ever have to do is once a year contact, you know, when there’s news like this, contact your your owners and say, hey, you know, you, I don’t know if this would affect you in any way. But here’s something to think about. Here’s a guy that you can talk to, and obviously pass a loan, pass along the lender that does a good job and answers the phone. And it’s such an amazing reason to pick up the phone and contact someone after the sale. Yeah.

Joel Schaub 16:49
And a lot of agents don’t really know this, this is a major drop right now for people that locked in the best rate over you know, close to 5% for below four and a half for them to call up and just have that knowledge and say, Hey, this is what’s going on in the market, it really adds value. Now you’re doing something that’s not asking for sale, you’re not asking for a referral, right, you will get a referral, you will be looked at as a trusted adviser, look who reached out to me. Because here’s what happens.

D.J. Paris 17:17
And there’s and by the way, there’s nothing in it directly for the realtor other than it’s just, this is a very nice thing to to let the

Joel Schaub 17:25
right now this should be this next week, right? Yes, you know, this is where the market is. And that inherently is the reason that it works because you are actually providing value, you’re doing something that they’re not expecting. And even if they don’t do anything, you’ve solidified yourself as not just a salesperson, you reach out to them and help them so rates are down, I’ll just give a little recap. So people are hurt the market is so on a conventional mortgage for a 30 year fixed. Those rates today are at 4.375. clients that are on an arm guaranteed rate today had arms that were five and seven years that were down at 375. Wow. Okay, so those are the types of things that you can say you don’t need to know all the details, just enough to be dangerous.

D.J. Paris 18:12
I mean, all you need to know at this point is call up all your clients and say, Hey, rates have dropped? I think it might be a good idea to revisit whether it’s a good time to refinance. Do you have can I provide you this lender that does a great job,

Joel Schaub 18:26
that even the last loan officer, this is not a pitch for us? Oh, sure, you know, that they closed and they had a great experience. Now, oftentimes they say, Well, I don’t want to have the cost associated with doing a refinance. Right? So and clients have known this about me for years that I’ll do any refinance for a flat $350. That includes appraisal, underwriting, processing, everything for $350, just during the business. So that is almost $2,000 less than just walking back into the bank.

D.J. Paris 18:59
Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s great. I have a quick tip. And this is I apologize a bit out of order. So for those people listening, we talked earlier Joel was talking about the difference between pre approval pre qualification. I have a quick tip. This just came to me and for those who are listening who are working internet leads specifically, we’re going to specifically talk about live transfer leads from places like Zillow, Trulia, there’s realtor.com. I think one I don’t think they have them but but there’s a number of services you can be purchasing leads from and a lot of brokers purchase leads. So here is one thing that blew my mind. So Zillow brought me out to New York, which is very, very nice of them. And it was nice for me to get out there. And I was talking to them and I said, you know, there are a lot of brokers purchasing leads, what’s the one thing that brokers don’t realize, and the mistake they made about working internet leads and I you and I are talking about referrals? And so I’m gonna go two different directions just for a quick second because I think this could help somebody listening. So one of the big mistakes so we all know backup just a second when we talk to a prospect, one of the first things a buyer we say is, hey, do you have do you have your pre approval letter have you? You know, that’s really important because we want to gauge how serious they are then that they’ve taken that step. However, and that is a great rule of thumb, except when you’re dealing with live transfer leads. So for example, Zillow, a lot of times what happens is the consumer calls Zillow and says, hey, I’m interested in XYZ property, the way that Zillow passes these leads the person the the say, the phone rep goes, Hey, nope, great. Um, let me pass you through to one of our they qualify them for quick moment to make sure that they’re serious, not working with a broker, and then they go, Hey, let me pass you over. And then people who are purchasing these leads, get this phone call. And whoever answers it gets it in. Anyway, the big mistake that Zillow said that brokers make is they the person starts qualifying once they get connected, they start qualifying this, this potential buyer on the phone, and I said, You cannot do that what you have to do is go great, you want to go see that property? When are you free? And I’ll call you right back to confirm that that’s, you know, that that’s confirmed, and we’ll meet tomorrow or whatever. And I said, Well, you don’t you don’t want to qualify them. And they go, no, no, because realize this person already knows more about the property than you they’ve already done all their research, they just want to go see it. So if you’re purchasing leads, they said your phone call should not take more than 60 seconds. Now you do of course want to qualify them at some point. But they said, look, it’s the equivalent of getting into an Uber, you already know where you want to go. And the person going, hey, you know, so what’s going on? What are you up to? It’s like, just drive me to where I want to go. So if you are purchasing leads, yes, you have to qualify, but do not do it until you get to the meeting. And that is counterintuitive. And it goes against a lot of traditional, you know, thought and again, if you’re not working internet leads, this does not apply, but it’s something to consider as you can always find out. And the other thing too is the Zillow rep said to me, would you talk about your finances with a perfect stranger? You didn’t know this is? You know, I don’t know, I probably wouldn’t. So anyway, just but definitely find out if they’re approved at some point, just maybe not on that first phone call if you’re working internet leads.

Joel Schaub 22:10
That’s why this podcast is so helpful. Like that is a complete 180 from the way we work. It adds value because it’s really true, especially with today’s consumer, they don’t they think they already know more than the person they’re talking to anyway.

D.J. Paris 22:24
And they might they might actually no more.

Joel Schaub 22:27
Okay, that’s bad. I hope that helps some of the agents out there.

D.J. Paris 22:29
Well, you know, Joel is so gracious with his time we I’ve taken up too much of his time already. So we are going to, to conclude this. This episode we’re going to come on, but I want to say to the listeners and we Joe wants to answer your question. So please send your questions in. There’s a number of ways you can do that. Obviously, first of all, if you need a lender or lending partner, and you want to reach out to Joel joel@rate.com. Joel, what’s your phone? Do you mind sharing your phone number as well?

Joel Schaub 22:59
No, it’s not a problem. You guys in 2019. If you guys actually are looking to get a mortgage professional that would answer these calls on Saturday nights and Sunday, and go that extra mile to help the borrowers. You just dial me set up a time to talk, make sure I’m a good fit for you. You’re a good fit for me. And the phone number for my office direct. I love giving it out. It’s on every billboard by the way. That’s true. 773-654-2049

D.J. Paris 23:29
And again, the email is joel@rate.com. And please can see oh one more quick thing for listeners. We are now on Alexa. So if you have an Alexa device, all you have to do is say Alexa please I’m probably going to be setting off people’s Alexis with this. But Alexa, please, please play keeping it real podcast and it will pull up the most recent episode. It’s kind of a key word. I’m a nerd. So I like that stuff. I love it. But anyway, we have lots of new listeners we have just as of yesterday, I saw our stats we just didn’t last week I added another 100 new listeners which is so we’re so grateful. So if you’re listening and you have other brokers, you know that could benefit from listening to someone like Joel and the other wonderful guests we have on the show, please pass this podcast along. Also, you can find us on Facebook keeping it real pod. Our website is also keeping it real pod.com. We’re on iTunes Google Play, hopefully Spotify soon we’re waiting to be approved there. But anyway, this has just been a lot of fun. And it’s our it’s our way of giving back as well. So we hopefully this has been helpful for everyone. And on behalf of Joel and myself. We will see you in a month. Send us your questions for Joel. And remember if you need a lender, just call Joel that’s that’s his slogan and it’s a good one because he actually picks up Thank you Joel and we’ll see everyone on the next episode.

Joel Schaub 24:49
It was my pleasure. Bye everyone.

Welcome to the January edition of Monday Market Minute with Carrie McCormick!

In this episode Carrie looks back on 2018 and provides insight on how real estate brokers (as well as buyers and sellers) should be thinking about 2019. Listen to hear why Carrie is optimistic and learn some tips about what to tell sellers during the winter months. I provide a marketing tip on how to add more rentals to your business during slower sales cycles.

Carrie can be reached at carrie@atproperties.com or by phone at 312.961.4612.

Carrie McCormick D.J. Paris Monday Market Minute
Carrie McCormick Logo


D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello, and welcome to the second episode of 2019. But this is our first episode of the Monday market minute, of course, you’re listening to keeping it real. We this is our monthly series with Carrie McCormick from App properties, who is nice and generous enough to come on once a month to tell our listening audience what is going on in the Chicago market. Before we get to Carrie, I want to brag for Carrie. Because as of the end, and I have not asked her for this, she probably would not have allowed me to do it. So I’m going to do it. But until before she tells tells me I can’t she This is a big deal. Carrie was ranked the 14th highest producing Realtor in Chicago for all of 2018. And that is out of 40,000 Realtors. So we are Carrie is an unbelievable producer, as I just mentioned. And we’re so grateful to have her on the show. So happy. Happy New Year. And thanks for coming. Well, thank

Carrie McCormick 1:15
you and Happy New Year to you. And thank you for all that you do. Yeah, this year is really, you know, I’m really optimistic. And I’m looking forward to 2019. But I first want to talk about, you know, everyone’s been asking me, of course, you know, just kind of recapping 2018 and talking about 2019. But I would say that the economy remains optimistic. But it’s recalibrating. So things are starting to change a little bit. I think we’re going to see moderate growth this year. And as I’ve been reading a lot of articles, as many people do, I have been reading contrasting views on home prices, whether they’re going to you know how much they’re going to increase in also, depending on mortgage mortgage rates. So two of the ones that I read, one is realtor.com. Their 2019 forecast is projecting a 2.2% growth this year. And then Freddie Mac is projecting kind of double that rate at 4.3%. So you can see how there’s conflicting information. So it’s, you know, who’s right or who’s wrong. But, again, reading into some of the articles that I’ve gone through, it looks like that all signs are pointing to higher inventory this year, both from new build activity, as well as new homeowners entering the market as sellers. So there still is a desire to own a home, especially with our young Gen Z and millennials. But it’s it’s a little bit more challenging for them as we know, interest rates have gone up. So you know, it’s a little bit more difficult and the affordability factor of them buying a home. And also the wealth by equity generation that a home brings. So in the past, for those old timers like me, you know, we would invest in a home and we could flip it and we made money and it’s just the times have changed. So that gap has definitely decreased. Going back in 2018, for me, the second half of 2018 was slow. So really the whole second quarter of 2018 was slow. I was very busy. We did a lot of showings a lot of buyers, you know, we had we worked really hard of trying to get buyers to pull the trigger. But there was really no sense of urgency in the decisions. They were kind of waiting to see what would happen with the market waiting to see what would happen with interest rates. So we did a ton of showings and a lot of hard work of getting these buyers to push forward. So again, it was busy in that sense, but it was slow just the overall production I would say of getting things sold. This first two weeks of January have been extremely busy for me whether it’s listing appointments, showings on my listings or buyers that are asking me to go out to look this weekend. I am booked from 8am to 8pm both Saturday and Sunday. I’ve got it’s just it’s insane and I’m happy I’m bent I’m ecstatic to get people out there and it’s you know, we’re still in January.

D.J. Paris 4:22
Yeah, that’s that’s an amazing start to the year and amazing end to last year even though it of course was slower. You still obviously did incredibly well. When it comes to your sellers. Do you have any tips for people looking to sell their homes you know, what can sellers do right now to get their homes ready?

Carrie McCormick 4:41
Sure. I’ve got some great tips and they’re they’re pretty basic, but it’s a good reminder for everyone. My number one tip and people just kind of look past this is painting. Really painting I’ve read numerous articles on this, the the amount of return on it as 109% on your investment, but you could eat You can benefit more from it if your colors are unusual. I always say that colors. They’re very personal in your home, whether you like blues or reds or greens or you know, whatever your style is, but the general public, you need to appeal to the masses. So you definitely need to go and neutralize your home. But even if it is neutral, a fresh coat of paint just makes it feel cleaner and better. So the colors are grayish, you know, the grays are going out and beiges are coming in. But I would go somewhere in the middle, something extremely neutral. So paint is my number one tip for people, kitchens, everyone wants a nice kitchen. So investing in your kitchen does make a lot of sense. 80% of homeowners say that the kitchens their favorite room. So when the kitchen is updated, buyers are more forgiving on other outdated areas. So I’m finding that my clients are more likely to tolerate an outdated bathroom if they have an updated kitchen. So if you’re going to spend money on something definitely go the kitchen route because you’re definitely going to see a return on that.

D.J. Paris 6:07
Yeah, probably nobody wants to look at a kitchen go oh, I now I get to remodel that right a buyer might want my probably is more willing to remodel a bathroom for versus a kitchen I’m guessing

Carrie McCormick 6:21
for sure, definitely. But with the bathrooms Don’t forget about him if you’re not going to do a remodel, but just make sure you regrout or replace the caulk and just make it look clean and fresh. And lastly, I would say your exterior and your curb appeal. I know it’s not the best time of the year but just make sure that the the old debris is picked up you know anything that has fallen in the yard. Just get it cleaned up as much as you can. And of course once this weather breaks, that you know get into the mulching and the planting but you know at this point just don’t don’t leave it arrive make sure it’s it still looks presentable, get a new doormat, because your curb appeal means a lot.

D.J. Paris 7:01
Yeah, first impressions are everything. And you know, those are the easy things to fix to

Carrie McCormick 7:06
like cars or the easy things. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 7:10
We should also I want to pause for a second because I forgot to mention this at the beginning that everybody should be following Carrie on Instagram for really the sole reason that I’ve yet to see a another Realtors Instagram who does it quite as well as Carrie, if you don’t believe me, please check her out. And it’s a great masterclass on how to have a business Instagram account. That really is impressive, which is Carrie McCormick real estate. So just go on Instagram. So yeah, it’s it’s awesome. And you do it all yourself, which is even more impressive.

Carrie McCormick 7:43
I do it all myself. And that’s a great segue into this business that I met. I actually met her through a gal that works with me and through Instagram. It’s a small Bucktown business it’s called Mitchell black. They specialize in custom wall art, wall coverings, wallpapers, decorative flooring, I went into their store which is at 1922 North Damon. Just to get a sense of you know what they do. And you know, as clients are getting their houses ready, if there’s a wall that they want to spruce up or do something different. This business has the coolest ideas, you can go online and look at them. It’s Mitchell black or on Instagram. But if you’re in the area in Bucktown, I want to give a shout out to them. It’s they have the coolest stuff. It’s at 1922 North Damon, it’s called Mitchell black stop in and see him Yeah, that’s

D.J. Paris 8:36
that’s great. And I that is a good good thing because we I get questions all the time from listeners who are asking, like who does carry use for various vendors, various services. So this is a great thing we can start doing is promoting businesses that that you’re a huge fan of, because our our lists are listeners who are either brokers or buyers and sellers could obviously use these services. So I’ll post a link to to their website in the description as well. So thanks. Oh, thanks for that. So I wanted for my market minute. And I’ll keep this short because I’ve actually, I take that back. I’ve not given this tip before but I did not come up with this tip. So in our previous episode that was just released. Ryan de April actually gave this tip. So really this this credit goes to him. But it’s such a great tip. I want to reiterate it. So one of the when I spoke with Ryan, one of the things he coaches for his brokers as he says you’re supposed to make before you start work, make 10 calls to your sphere of influence. And then I said, Okay, well that’s in theory, that’s a great idea. What do you say? And he goes, Well, he’s a very humbled nice person. And he goes, I would never ask for business because he’s not comfortable doing that. So I said, Okay, so what do you why do you call these people? What do you say, would you get him on the phone? He said, Well, this is the he goes, that’s actually the easy part. He said, All you have to do to get a reason to give these people a call to let them know that you’re Thinking of them is to go on social media, if they’re on social media, in particular, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and see what’s going on in their lives. And then you will find some event that has happened. Maybe it’s a major life event, maybe it’s a minor event. But something that has happened, maybe they just went on vacation, and you can call them and say, Hey, I was just on Facebook. And I noticed that you, you know, weren’t so and so and so place. Just thought that was awesome. And I was just thinking about you, I hope you had a good vacation. See you later. And he said, By the way, he goes, You don’t have to call, you could send them a little Facebook instant message. He goes, it doesn’t have to be a call, but anything like that, you know, you use these social media platforms to do a little research on what’s going on with your clients or your sphere of influence. And I thought that is so smart, and wouldn’t have occurred to me. So I wanted to reiterate it for the audience.

Carrie McCormick 10:51
I love that. And it is it’s it’s great social media has so many great attributes to it. And that’s one of them is just keeping in touch with people finding out what’s going on in their life. I love it.

D.J. Paris 11:00
Cool. Well, I think that’ll do it for our first 2019 Monday market minute with Carrie McCormack. I’m sure Carrie is going to have an even more amazing year as she did last year. But we are so grateful because again, this is somebody that does not have time to do this, as you heard for her weekend coming up, but she still makes time. So we’re so grateful for her, please follow her on Instagram, which is Carrie McCormack real estate, we’ll post it, we’ll put a link to that in the description as well. And if you’re in need of a realtor, she carries the person she’s been doing it 20 years. She’s amazing, very successful, and she’ll take unbelievable care of you. Or if you can always reach out to her too if you’re a broker. So with any questions, and you can also reach us with questions. So if you would like to hear Kerry’s take on anything related to the Chicago real estate market, send us an email or visit our website at keeping it real pod.com Or visit us on Facebook keeping it real pod, send us a question and Carrie will answer it. So thank you so much, Carrie.

Carrie McCormick 12:02
Thank you look forward to that too.

D.J. Paris 12:04
All right. On behalf of Carrie we say goodbye and we’ll see you in a month.

For our first episode for 2019, we’re excited to announce that Ryan D’Aprile will be hosting a monthly series titled Coaching Moments!

Ryan D’Aprile personally coaches over 300 brokers at his real estate firm, D’Aprile Properties. Each month Ryan generously shares his exact systems, strategies and methods that have produced many top 1% real estate brokers. His passion is coaching, and we couldn’t be more honored to have him as a partner.

In this episode Ryan talks about best practices for starting off each workday. He explains in detail his pre-work routine which includes gratitude, meditation and journaling. Then, he pivots into his morning work routine discussing contacting your sphere of influence and tips on how to find discussion points. Lastly, I provide a suggestion about how to hire an accountability partner for $10 a week!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.492.7900 and execassistant@daprileproperties.com.

Ryan D'Aprile
daprile properties logo


D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris. I am the host. And we are really excited because today, by the way, welcome everyone to 2019. This is our first episode of the year. And we’re starting off with a brand new series on the call on the podcast again, once again. He did such a great job the first time we begged and pleaded him to come on more often. And so we have a new new episode, a regular episode every month we’re going to be doing this and I should tell you what it is and who is going to be doing this. So he is patiently waiting for me to finish so he can start talking. His name is Ryan de Abril. You probably know him dia pro properties, huge real estate company here in Chicago large brokerage firm. And over the years, as Ryan has built it up, they have tons of locations, great reputation, and Ryan’s favorite thing to do was actually coaching. So we went reached out to him and said, Hey, how would you like to do a monthly series on our show, similar to Carrie McCormack? Joel Schaub, but this one specifically around coaching. So Ryan, welcome. Very welcome. And thank you for offering to do this

Ryan D’Aprile 1:30
on a DJ. Thanks. Thanks for having me. And happy new year to you.

D.J. Paris 1:33
Happy New Year to you. And before you get started, I want to promote your your business. So do you have real properties, obviously great reputation. They are they were and are one of the top workplaces as the Chicago Tribune has awarded them. And so you guys should? Yeah, it was it’s it is it’s super cool. And so if you’re not familiar, and you want to learn more about what they offer, if you’re a broker looking to switch firms, give them give them a chance, look them up. And you know, Ryan goes around to all all the different offices teaching brokers as well. But I did do real properties.com. And we’ll post a link to it as well. But Ryan, thanks for coming on the show. And let us how do you want to get started with this series? Sure. So

Ryan D’Aprile 2:15
we chatted about it coaching moments. And I figured since this is a series we’re doing, why don’t we start in the beginning. And instead of jumping right into coaching and technical things and tactics that people need to do, I thought, why don’t we just start from the beginning? And why don’t we like literally start in the beginning of the day and talk about in this session, a morning routine, and a good practice that we all should incorporate into our daily life, it’s going to help us not only professionally, but personally, is what a good morning routine is. So that’s what I figured DJ, we chat with a little bit here. About what our morning routine isn’t what my morning routine looks like. Does that sound good? With you?

D.J. Paris 3:01
Yes, it’s perfect. So.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:03
So I think, and again, what I want to also point out to everybody is that you hear advice from individuals, and you think like they have it together and they they practice every single day perfectly. I would love to see I do that. But I want everybody to understand that I fall off my morning routine here and there. And you just have to have permission and understand it’s okay to not be so disciplined in doing this. And when you find yourself off course just jump back on and get back into it. Does that make sense?

D.J. Paris 3:33
Yeah, and I always love to say balance is a myth. So don’t Don’t, don’t shoot for perfection, just shoot for being able to, to re read school yourself and get as close to the balance as possible. Realize you’ll always there will always be something you’re missing. It’s okay. And just, you know, reset to center.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:53
Yeah, I found myself you know, in these past years speaking in public and to individuals on on these topics and, and then having the realization that they they actually think that I’m perfect and I have these things figured out which sure is not the case at all. So I just feel like I have to share that with everybody. Like, you know, I just came back from a family vacation. We were in Punta Cana for the week, the girls were off and we went out of town and you know, my morning routine went away and I was on social media and I saw one of our agents sharing a story about her morning routine, and she inspired me to get back onto the horse. So again, my I just don’t want to get too carried away with this. My emphasis is I’m going to go over morning routine with you. And I want everybody just you know, stick their toes in the water you know, give it a shot and it’s a practice and it gets better with time. So So myself is I like to get up early. I wouldn’t qualify myself as a morning person. I make myself a morning person I feel my energy is at its highest in the morning. I am exhausted when I get up and sometimes it’s hard to roll out of and get it going. But once I kind of get moving, I find my vibrational energy is at its highest moment early in the morning. So I usually like to get up around between five and 530 in the morning. Another reason I do that is I’m a father of three girls. And my house can be total chaos after seven o’clock in the morning. Sure, you know. And so now they’re getting the point where it’s battles for the bathrooms and everything else. So it’s a warzone. So between five and seven in the morning is nice two hours, where I can organize my day and get myself centered. So I wake up around five, between five and 530. And the first thing I like to do is I have a space in my home. And actually have two different spaces depending on the season one it is one is my bedroom. And the other one is down in our in our living area. In the wintertime, I like to go down in the living area, and I and I light a fire and sometimes I light a candle. And it’s total. It’s it’s pretty dark, and it’s silent. And it’s meant to be for myself. And I meditate, I take about 10 to 15 minutes to meditate. And I don’t know if DJ, if you’ve ever meditated it’s it’s not the easiest practice in the beginning. It’s incredibly difficult. It is. And there is an app that I use called the daily calm. Have you ever heard of it? No, that’s phenomenal. And I can’t remember the lady’s name, but she’ll guide you. So they have seven days of managing stress, seven days of gratitude, seven days of, for me, this is a this is a strong one for me, seven days of calming anxiety, I’m a personality and very hard driven person, which is a blessing. But it’s also a curse, because a lot of times that’s coupled with a high anxiety. And so I find these practices incredibly important for me to center myself in the day. And the daily calm is a wonderful app, I encourage anybody to take a look at it, I subscribe to it. Because then I have so many more, but they have a bunch of free seven day meditations. And it’s, it’s 10 to 12 minutes, it’s guided meditation. And again, you could pick the topic that you want to focus on for that week. And oh, my gosh, I cannot tell you how centered I am after I do it. And again, I’m an individual with a lot on my plate. And we all have a lot on our plates. And so if you gave yourself 10 to 12 minutes to meditate, I think it will put you in the right right mode for the day. So then the next thing I like to do is I like to do a daily reading. And I’ll won’t, it won’t be like a reading where I’m sitting down and reading a novel and I’ll spend a good half hour or an hour, I’ll just focus on two to three pages of a book that I’m reading. Now when I do that, I keep a notebook by my side. And this kind of going back to the meditating away meditating is so hard, you know, we have 30 to 50,000 thoughts a day that go right through our mind. It’s insane. So I have created the practice of keeping a notebook on my side so that when that thought comes in my head now when I’m meditating, I just observe the thought when I’m meditating. But when I’m reading, in my daily routine, I just do two three pages of the book that I’m reading. I’m reading a great book right now. By the way, have you ever heard of the self esteem prophecy?

D.J. Paris 8:16
Oh, sure. Yeah, Redfield?

Ryan D’Aprile 8:19
Yeah, so you’ve read it? Sure. Oh, I have. I’m reading it right now. It’s unbelievable. Yeah. Anyways, just loving that book anyway. So I’ll read to the three pages that in the morning. That’s what the book I’m reading right now. But as I’m reading, sometimes thoughts will come in my head. And so what I’ll do is I’ll just jot down the thought, and then I’ll get back to where I am. And what I mean by thought is something that I have to do that day. Does that make sense? Yes. So that I can be productive because I find between five and seven o’clock in the morning, I’m incredibly productive to I’m so productive, doing a few things and a few hours versus a whole bunch of things crossed an eight hour day. So I’ll write down and jot those notes.

D.J. Paris 9:00
Yeah, and just to jump in for a quick second, I could not agree more that whenever a to do comes into your head anytime day or night, but certainly in the morning, write it down, get it out of your head, immediately get it on paper or some system to where you’re not having to remember to think about it.

Ryan D’Aprile 9:18
Yeah, and it’s and you know what that is, that’s a habit, you know, and it takes time to carry to you know, to carry around a notepad like I mean, it takes time to create a habit, but if you can just try to form the habit, it’ll take time to always have a notepad with you, especially in your morning routine. It will make you so much more productive and healthy with because you’re gonna forget that thought because again, between 30 to 50,000 thoughts a day How can you how can you remember all these things going through? So um, and then I go through my gratitudes you know, this is have you ever gone to have you ever done ninja training?

D.J. Paris 9:56
I know of it. I have not done that. I’ve heard some amazing

Ryan D’Aprile 9:59
it’s Fantastic and you know, I’ve lived this lifestyle for some time I’ve gotten my first installation, we they’ve come to us a couple of times, I’ve gotten my first installation, and they helped me organize the morning routine. And I just, I love it. And so I do my three gratitudes. And I look back at the day before, and I write down three things that I’m grateful for. Now, this is incredibly important. And to some people, this might sound hokey, and for those people, that sounds hokey, I just beg of you to look at it in a different light, you have to understand that your attitude and mindset is 80 to 90% of success, agree or failure, depending on what it is. And so there is a lot to be happy about, there’s a lot to be unhappy about. And you have to pick one side, and you can’t, you know, like have your your feet on both sides of the aisle, you really have got to focus on what it is that you’re happy with. Because your belief system, your internal belief system has everything to do with the action that you take. And the action, obviously, is the results. And then the results reinforce your positive belief system or your negative belief system. And I think having the practice of writing down three things that you’re grateful for. And I tend to think about the day before, or the three things that I’m grateful for the happening for that day, really tend to put me in the right mood. Now I’ll tell you another reason why this is incredibly important. And this goes to the book that I’m reading right now, which I love so much because it’s so much my belief system, it’s it’s our energy. It’s an it’s our main form of communication is our vibrational energy. Of course, we have our language. But DJ, I don’t know about you, but have you ever walked in a room? You could feel somebody’s energy?

D.J. Paris 11:37
Oh, sure. They say the body language could be up to 90% of all communication. I mean, it’s yes.

Ryan D’Aprile 11:44
And in theory, I mean, we’re in sales, I tell all my agents that I coach and train, I’m in relationship building, that’s where I primarily focus on. I don’t focus on sales, I focus on relationship building, but we are in a function where people buy from us. And so you have to have a good vibrational energy, good body language when you are amongst people. Now I work with a huge staff, I have coworkers and everything else. So it’s really important that I walk in, and I have got a good vibrational energy that people could feel, or I could ruin the day for a lot of individuals. So it’s something to take into consideration. It’s a practice that I started a long time ago, and has just helped me I also journal. And now this is you can journal in so many different ways on what you want to do, I tend to write about my family, and keep a just a little brief history is something that my wife and I did, or one of my daughters are all through my daughters, I might be writing about what they’re doing at the time if one of them was awake or whatnot. And it’s something for me to go back and look through. And again, this might be to anybody who’s listening out there is like, what does this have to do with, with, with real estate sales, it has everything to do with real estate sales. Because if you’re not healthy, mentally and personally, and you do not have a good center, everything else is not going to fall into place for you. So you really have got to work on yourself, before you can work on all the other things. And so those are the three things that I three to four things that I do my morning routine. Then I move into my last part, which is my daily lists, and my daily lists, then focusing we’ll talk about this DJ in the in the upcoming podcasts. But my daily lists then will flow into my systems. And my system is what I use and our agents use called our dashboard and our snapshot. And this is a way where I think a lot of people in sales, it’s somewhat intangible, and they’ve got the running around and they’re busy, but they don’t really have a good form of tracking. And I think in the morning, after my morning routine is done, the last thing of my morning routine, I should say is create my daily list. And so in my dashboard, we have several different tabs. One is your network tab. The other one is your prospects tab. Another one is your active tab. And then another one is your well there’s another one called pending, but I skipped over that one during this daily tat list moment. And I go to my previous year close tab, or current year, I mean previous year because it’s January of 1919. So My Network tab, I create a pick 10. So I pick 10 individuals in my network that I’m going to make personal contact with that day. Now I’m going to just transition a little bit over into the coaching aspect of it which I’ll talk to you in in our next episode. When I reach out and connect with these individuals, I’m going to focus on them and what’s relevant in their lives. I’m not going to call them and ask them for a referral or have any line about if you know anybody looking to buy or sell. Think of me it’s It’s a pure relationship touch, but I’m going to pick 10 people, I have to be systematic about it so that I make sure they touch my network because our network is our net worth. And it’s very important to be in tune in line with your network. So I pick time people, then the next thing is, I go through and I look at my prospects, and depends on how many prospects I have. And the date, the last contact, which I notate, and I figure out, if there’s any of the prospects, I need to follow up with that week, I’ll pick those and I’ll write them that notepad DJ that I have to the right of me, like, these are the individuals I’ll connect with. And then I’ll go to the close tab now. So it’s January 2019. Okay, and so I’ll be looking at 2018. And all my close transactions, say I had 24, closed 36 Closed transactions or whatnot, I want to have personal contact at a minimum of nine times, with every closed transactions that I have in the previous year. It’s the rule is 16% of our network buys or sells a home every single year. But every single person in our network knows at least four people that are thinking about buying or selling. But the people who know and who are aware of the four people that are buying or selling are your past clients or people who bought in the past four months, because they’re talking about it, they’re moving, they’re talking to their family about it, and therefore other people are talking to them about it. And so this is the people that you want to be really in the flow with your past clients, a lot of

real estate agents, unfortunately, in other professions, after they make the sale, they move on. And it’s really the past sale that you want to nurture, make sure that they’re happy that everything that they wanted was there, and if there’s any difficulties that you are there for them. So I make sure I go through that tab and I have, we have selected dates for how many times you can contact these people and see if there are any of them or in that day or that week, they go on my list as a must to call that day. And that is that is how my morning starts. And that’s my morning routine. And I figured that’s what we focus on here. And I hope that was beneficial to you and listeners, it was a short moment with any questions DJ on that.

D.J. Paris 17:09
The first question I have, and I think I know the answer, but I want to get get your thoughts on it is, you know, hey, you know, you’re making these calls every day to your existing network. And you said, Hey, what, here’s what I’m not doing. I’m not going saying, Hey, I’m never too busy for your referrals, you know, anyone else who is buying or selling a home or detail? You’re calling them with a more personal touch? You know, and I think I know the answer of but a lot of a lot of our listeners probably haven’t built up those relationships to have a reason to call other than maybe ask for business, which I’m on the same page as you I don’t think that’s a good idea. So what do you talk about in these calls?

Ryan D’Aprile 17:46
Okay. So it’s so this is? That’s a great question. And there’s different degrees of individuals that, especially for people that are not used to relationship building like this, that you have to look at. So we have a practice of first social media, people think social media is a marketing tool. And I think I might have mentioned this in the previous pack podcast, I look at social media as r&d, research and develop relationships. Yes, great. Love, love. I’ll grab one individual, and I’ll go through the line, right. So I’ll pick, you know, DJ, and now okay, oh,

D.J. Paris 18:23
that’s so smart. I never would think to do that. That is so smart. And I’ll go

Ryan D’Aprile 18:27
through his Facebook feed, and I’ll just see what’s relevant what’s going on with and maybe I’ll look at his Instagram account, I’ll definitely go to his LinkedIn. All right, because I think people’s professionals, as is your profession important to you, DJ? For sure. Correct, right. And so it’s important for us to know, what our clients do, and I’m not going to bring it up in the conversation, but I’m going to know what they do. And I’m telling you, if you know what they do, and when I say know what they do, I mean, just where they work, what’s their function? You know, are they in sales? Are the human resources are in the operations and the financing? What’s the title of the Vice President Director just show a genuine interest in people? It just research and again, I wouldn’t bring it up in the conversation. But these are just things I want to know. And when you get into a conversation, you’ll have all this information at your disposal. Now, when I said earlier about different degrees, is somebody says, Well, I haven’t talked to that person in 10 years. I understand and that and I get making a phone call to them might be awkward. So let’s take baby steps at this. So we have DJ, you should contact everybody and network at least four times a year, once a quarter, right? So we look at this quarterly. So we say this is the first contact I’m going to make for you whatever time of the year is my first contact, I’m going to commit to make contact with you on a quarterly basis. We’ll talk about the marketing part of it after that, but we’re just talking about making personal contact. You can start with a Facebook or Instagram direct message. Okay, sure. Doesn’t have to be a phone call. It will count as a count tact. So I might say, hey, DJ just saw you got a new lammeter. So cute. I had one of those growing up. It’s been forever, man How you been hope all as well, you’re somebody I haven’t talked to in 10 years. I don’t think that’s strange. They send me know and

D.J. Paris 20:13
you can even if you’re doing it over the phone or or on an instant message through Facebook or LinkedIn, wherever you can always say, Hey, I have done a really crappy job of staying in touch. And I wanted and I wanted to do a better job or you could even own that too. You know, if you have done a crappy job of staying in touch, and that’s okay. I mean, it’s it’s the truth and acknowledging that.

Ryan D’Aprile 20:33
Well, you know, the thing is, is to I don’t want them in a DJ, when it comes to this from a different level as to it’s like, sure, you know, we all do a crappy job. So don’t, of course, to have to self deprecate, I guess even though it’s not self deprecating, but you know what I’m saying? Sure, say, Hey, I just saw a dog. It’s been forever You’re right. You’re right, then, you know, I, you know, such a such we’d love to hear from you hope all as well, and forget about it, and they send the message and I don’t think anything more about it. Now. People ask, well, what if they never respond, they never respond. It has nothing to do with you. It’s just life is so chaotic for everybody. I get text messages from friends. I get Facebook messages from friends and I haven’t responded shame on me. But I had a daughter sick at the time I had something my life blown up a business deal falling apart, and then you forgot the message even came so don’t look too much into it. Just Just do it. Don’t think just go through the process. Agree. Mel Robbins wrote a great book, The Five second rule that really would help people get over that hump of thinking too much. Have you ever read that book? The five? No, no,

D.J. Paris 21:38
I’m writing it down though. Fantastic. Great. So

Ryan D’Aprile 21:41
anyways, so so so that’s a different, you know, so that’s somebody I’ve been talking to 10 years. I’ll start with that. Okay, and then maybe the next quarter, I hit him with a text message, or even a handwritten note. Now, if it’s somebody that again, I haven’t talked to in a year or it’s been less frequently again, I look at the social media sites, I see what’s relevant. Then give them a phone call. Now, here’s what’s going on. What do you think’s gonna happen when you call somebody? DJ? AB eight out of 10 times,

D.J. Paris 22:11
you probably get voicemail. They’re gonna Yeah, exactly.

Ryan D’Aprile 22:14
And so I’m gonna say, hey, DJ, it’s Randy. April, hope all’s well, listen, no need to call me back. I was just thinking about you. And, and Sally, and I just wanted to say hello, hope you guys are all well, you know, and I just stumbled there. But I’d be better with sales live on the phone, right? Sure. But just think about you, man, hope all as well and love to catch up with you soon, someday talk to you later, and hang up. And the person is probably not going to call back, you left the voicemail. You told me just give me a call. See how you’re doing. Make a connection. And you’re on here today. So also, everybody’s so afraid of making contact with these individuals. You’re just calling them to see how they’re doing. Don’t think about you’re selling real estate? Because you’re not right now. Right? You’re developing relationships with you know, yeah,

D.J. Paris 22:58
these aren’t your prospects. These are your this is your your network. Right,

Ryan D’Aprile 23:02
exactly. Right. Yeah. So that’s how I go about that.

D.J. Paris 23:06
Yeah, I absolutely love and agree with all of that. I do have one suggestion I wanted to add to everything Ryan said. So really, what we’re talking about Ryan’s talked about throughout this episode is really building habits. And he even mentioned specifically building habits and he has his, his sort of pre work habits, and then his work habits, at least in the morning. And I will add something that I have done, I can’t take credit for inventing this idea. I learned it from a very, very great thinker named Marshall Goldsmith. But what this, he suggested, and he might be the world’s most foremost expert on leadership. But what he said is, or what he recommended is find somebody that you can, that that can ask you about your habits on a regular basis, preferably in the morning, or it could be any time and check in with you to see how you did on the previous day. So for the last two years, I pay a woman and I’m sort of embarrassed to say how little it is all she wants is like $10 a week. She calls me every morning at 730 and there’s a list of habits that I am trying to cultivate that are hard for me things like did I make my bed it’s a silly one but it’s important to me I don’t make my bed another one for a while was flossing Another one was Did I call somebody who I care about you know, friends family, that kind of thing and tell them I was thinking about them? Well, another one was that I checked my finances and I look at I reconcile all my you know, different charges etc. So anyway, I have about a list of 20 of these. One of them’s did you take the dog for a walk, write things that are good ideas that I struggled to do. And she calls me every morning at 730 or names all the time. And for 90 seconds. That’s as long as it takes. She asks me did you do X? I say yes or no, she doesn’t respond. She doesn’t have an opinion. She doesn’t care. She literally just records a little spreadsheet on Google Docs, or Google Sheets. And that’s it. We hang up and in all that does that she has no judgment. Whether and I’ve never had a perfect day in two years. Never once have I gotten yes is on all of my domains, but it keeps it in the front of my mind. I know every morning she’s going to call me. And every morning I’m going to say, Oh, I did this. No, I didn’t do that. And it just keeps things in the front of my mind. So if you can find an accountability partner, you don’t need to pay someone 10 bucks a week, although I think that’s money well spent. But you can find somebody, you know, Brian Buffini has a great story. He built his business with an accountability partner, Joe Nico. And they built a whole business together as a result of it, but they weren’t. Yeah, that’s right. And they were accountability partner. So you can have accountability partners for habits, because habits are everything. Habits are everything.

Ryan D’Aprile 25:34
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things that we do here is, it’s not an A daily, it’s daily, we tell everybody come into the office and work on your business. Sure, we do monthly workshops. However, there are about three to four hours, and it’s based on the dashboard. And we go through all these activities that I’m talking about right here and not the morning routine. But what comes after the morning routine. And then we have a private Facebook group that we message, and we discuss about it throughout the month. And then as the time fades, right? And then things fade, we here we are, again, it’s another time for a monthly workshop where people come in. And again, it’s a three to four hour workshop, where we’re actually sending out our annual real estate reports, we’re doing our contacts with their network, we’re following up with prospects and all those types of activities. Accountability is everything to success in this, but yeah,

D.J. Paris 26:25
don’t think that you you couldn’t benefit from it. Even if you are somebody that typically doesn’t need someone else to, to to check in with them. It helps it helps every single person on the planet, because nobody’s perfect. And the hard things that are hard for you to do, are probably always going to be hard to do, which is why accountability partners really make it a little easier.

Ryan D’Aprile 26:45
I saw something and I don’t know who it was, it might have been Darren Hardy, he did a podcast or something of that sort. And he talked about seminars, and there are so many different seminars that and you can go to and we all go to them, right? Sure. Occasionally here and there. Ninja was one of those, right, and it’s a four day seminar. And it’s great. But the statistics show and I’m off by percentages, but like, within one week, 47% of the data is lost and with for sure you’ve lost 80% of the data. And so it’s wonderful to go to them, but then you have to back it up with the daily activities and monthly workshops and whatnot to keep it relevant. And yes, we’re not going to get it all done all the time. But if you you know, you do two to two out of the four activities, three out of the four activities. You’re gonna be

D.J. Paris 27:31
lightyears ahead. Yeah, that’s a win. So So if you’re somebody that struggles with with their own accountability, you know, like, find, you know, I found somebody from the Philippines for $10 a week, and she calls me or find somebody local, or find somebody in your office or find a mentor, somebody that you can check in with on a regular basis. And there’s no shame associated with not doing things because we all don’t do everything. I mean, that’s that’s human nature, we’re not perfect. But it helps to have somebody you know, to be able to have those conversations with him, maybe somebody you can help hold accountable as well. All right. Well, well, Ryan, thank you, I think this is a great place for us to pause. We’re going to be doing these coaching moments every single month. If you are interested in either working if you’re if you happen to be a buyer or seller, you’re not a broker, and you’re interested in in looking for a good realtor, you know, anyone at April properties, there’s hundreds of brokers, you can visit the April properties.com. Also, if you are more likely a broker and you’re interested in learning what you know, being on a team or rather being at a company that offers this sort of coaching and support and very few do, but Ryan’s Ryan’s company does.

Ryan D’Aprile 28:43
Our workshops are open to agents from outside if they want to come in observe and get some help, you know, there’s no no pressure either just want to come in and and see what it looks like for a couple hours to get an idea to learn. No pressure, just come on. And just tell us where you’re coming from and just observe. Yeah, and

D.J. Paris 29:01
easiest way to get in touch with Ryan or anyone on his team. They’re extremely extraordinarily responsive. Go to D APR properties.com. We’ll have a link in the description as well. And you know, whether you’re interested in working for Ryan or just even attending one of his trainings as coaching sessions, Ryan is literally so passionate about this. This is where he focuses the majority of his time and energy is traveling around to his different offices doing this, this is what he he loves more than anything. So we’re so grateful. He’s also now making time for our for our show. So we want to make sure that if anyone’s listening and you want to learn more, you know, reach out to Ryan or his team and they’ll they’ll tell you all about what they offer. So Ryan, thanks for having me. I

Ryan D’Aprile 29:38
greatly appreciate Oh, this

D.J. Paris 29:40
is so much fun fun for us. And we’re so we’re so grateful to have you. So again, on behalf of Ryan, we say thank you for listening, we’re going to make this a great 2019 We’re gonna have Ryan on the show every month, along with some other people that we we talked to and also our regular interviews. So stay tuned. And thanks again for listening and we’ll see everyone next month. Thank Throw Thank you

Welcome to the December episode of Learning With A Lender with Joel Schaub!

For our final Learning With A Lender episode of 2018 Joel Schaub, Vice President at Guaranteed Rate, talks about how real estate brokers are gearing up for 2019 and how to partner with lenders to help sponsor marketing efforts for the coming year. Whether you’re looking for help with printed materials, seminars, or digital marketing, now is the time to put your team in place for the new year!

Joel Schaub can be reached at joel@rate.com or 773.654.2049.

Joel Schaub


D.J. Paris 0:16
Welcome to another episode of Keeping it real. The only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Parris. I am your host, and today is our monthly episode learning with a lender with Joel Schaub from guaranteed rate a little bit about Joel Joel is a vice president of lending at guaranteed rate. He’s been doing loans at a high level since 2003. He’s gotten to that level because of what he does directly for agents hint it’s giving back. He gives part of his commission back to the buyer on every transaction last year alone, Joe gave back over 244,000 in closing costs to buyers who worked with him and that put Joe’s volume in the top 1/10 of 1% of all lenders nationwide. This year alone, Joel has given back over 281,002 borrowers out of the 380,000 loan officers in the country Joel is ranked. And this is actually probably an old number, but probably spring higher now. But he was right 181 a year to date. He has closed 192 transactions for just under and this is an old number two is probably higher 61 million and closings, and he is here with us today. We’re so thrilled that he is on the podcast. Welcome, Joel.

Joel Schaub 1:30
DJ, thanks so much for having me. I can’t believe it’s already December now. Right? How long have we been doing this? It’s crazy.

D.J. Paris 1:36
I know it’s another another year gone? Or ending and a new year starting which so yeah, so tell us what’s going on in the in the lending market these days.

Joel Schaub 1:48
My thing is all about staying positive, right? And growing your business through gratitude, and helping agents grow their business. And I was telling you a story. Just before we got on right how agents that are doing a few transactions a month, I’d be really happy if they got to 234 transactions a month, right? They’re building their business. And that’s the bread and butter. Those are the people that I really like to help grow. And so if you’re doing, let’s say you’re doing five deals a month, people will some people would aspire to them. Some people in the past. Well, I built the business now where I’m doing about 20 transactions a month, and it’s all about giving back and helping those agents grow their own business by helping the buyers cover closing costs, and just helping them through the process.

D.J. Paris 2:37
Yeah, and you know, it’s funny to be Joel and I are really we’re simpatico on this idea of giving back and this whole podcast. And Joel’s involvement in it is a real symbol of how much he gives back. Joel is too busy to do this, but he makes the time. And we greatly appreciate it. And, you know, this podcast is also something that that I do as a way to hopefully help the broker community learn. We invited Joel on some time ago, he’s got an amazing response the audience loves, loves it when you’re on because he gives great information he lives eats and breathes, lending, and probably knows more about it than just about anyone. And his successes is obviously evident as a result. But Joe’s main message has always been giving back. And I think that’s a great focus for the talk today. And so tell us a little bit about you know, because so we at our firm, we’ve got 600 brokers and one of the biggest concerns, not complaints, I won’t say it’s not a complaint, one of the biggest questions is always how do I build my team? Meaning I’m a broker, you know, but I need to have a good lender, I need a good attorney, I need a title company, etc. You tell us a little bit about that. You know, do you have any thoughts about how someone should find a lender and a partner in that and what partners can do to help someone broker business?

Joel Schaub 3:57
Exactly. When you’re trying to grow the business, it may seem daunting to be able to get from just a transaction or two a month up to five deals and you really want you want friends, this is really what the business is about is literally the more friends you have the connections, and how do you do this. It’s about giving back. It’s truly helping. If you really think that it’s just about a commission, you’re in the wrong business, you need to always approach it from the more people that I help, the more people will hear about me, the more people that hear about me, it’s that natural growth of the business and that’s how I’ve done it over 14 or 15 years at the same company. People come to me all the time and they think what, what’s this guy secret, he’s closing 20 transactions a month, he must buy a bunch of leads or he must you know, it’s it’s not that it’s slow and steady with people that know like and trust you. Okay, and so, I always bring back this point about partnering with a mortgage guy, whether it’s me or not, call your mortgage guy on a Saturday or Sunday and to see if it picks up. Right, right. It’s amazing to me how many of these mortgage guys say, Hey, I’m, send me all your deals, I’m really great. Well, we’re all great. But I’m gonna, we’re good. Okay, but what you need is an actual partner, somebody that will actually be there at 7pm on a Saturday that will actually take your phone call. And so that’s part of it is actually vetting your team and finding out these people that you work well with, so that you can, in good faith, refer clients to these people, as a trusted friend, not just somebody you don’t know, here. I know you’re talking to somebody, but just called Joel that’s kind of how that phrase all began years ago, was that I would always be available, whether it’s Saturday, Sunday, night at night. So agents work with somebody, whether it’s me just find somebody that will actually walk the walk and actually, not just talk the talk, be there and help them grow.

D.J. Paris 6:00
Agreed. And I think brokers to you know, as you’re starting to think about your 2019 business plan, and what goals you may have, and it may be, how many people you’re willing, you want to you want to help by the end of the year, is having this team is so critical. And I think to Joel’s point about call call a lender partner that you’re working with, and you know, see how available they are. Also bring them your marketing plan and say, Hey, here’s what I’m planning on doing in this see this upcoming year. You know, maybe here’s what I did last year, here are some of the marketing initiatives that I’m looking to do, for example, you can pass with a lender and attorney, lots of other ancillary people that are, you know, essential to a real estate transaction and say, hey, I want to do a mailer to everyone, you know, in this particular area, for this reason, bring that to your lending partner and say, Would you co sponsor that with me,

and we’ll write, of course, also, if

you’re somebody that works with first time homebuyers and you want to start doing first time homebuyer seminars or, you know, any type of seminar, it doesn’t have to be that could be change of life seminars or divorce seminars or whatever it may be. These are perfect examples to find somebody who’s willing to, to partner with you and share some, some of the cost help with some of the presentation. And a good partner, you know, does this but you know, waiting for those partners to come to the broker is probably not the best move is proactively reached out see who you know, who’s got the resources to help.

Joel Schaub 7:29
See who’s got money, okay, and honestly, realtors listening, find somebody, once you start getting deals that are coming in, mortgage guys are gonna flock to you, and they’re gonna say, Send me your deals, find somebody that’s willing to put up a few bucks, and actually help you grow the business every month, I spent 1000s of dollars with my realtor partners, and it’s all RESPA compliant, right? We are doing it by the books and splitting, marketing costs for mailers. For first time homebuyer seminars for client appreciation parties. For housewarming parties, how great is it to be at a housewarming party for a client you just closed, you’re sponsoring the bar, you’re spending 100 or $200 on food and drink. And then you get to meet all of the people that come into the house, you get to add them to your database, it’s a really great thing. You want to be focused on having such a great relationship with the client that you’re invited to the housewarming party, not just a transaction. Be friends with these people. Okay, and grow that business. I love the idea of going to the housewarming party as a sponsor. Just a few $100. But you literally are there and you’re helping. Wow, who did the bar? Oh, that was my realtor, did you meet him, he helped me. He or she helped me get through this process and got this great house. So all these small, real things that can help grow the business, that if you have a good partner, whether it’s on the mortgage side or somebody else to help you grow it, then you’re aligning your interests so that your business is tied to somebody else’s success, and you can grow it together.

D.J. Paris 9:08
Yeah, and here’s here’s a few examples of other types of partners aside from lending, obviously, attorney, you have financial advisor, insurance agent, and these are all people that you want to vet, find people that are willing to invest in your business and you know, you’re able to accumulate and grow this team that is all sharing client information to each other whenever needs come up. And boy having a team is so critical. i That’s I think maybe that could be one of the biggest differentiators between brokers that are successful and brokers that are struggling is having a supportive team that they can, you know, send a client to whenever there’s a particular you know, need.

Joel Schaub 9:51
You’re so right. You’re so right, these agents that are just barely scraping by getting one or two deals once they said okay, I’m actually going to partner with a mortgage guy that will actually Make me look better, that will actually help me close more deals, and more importantly, help me focus on the buyers that I shouldn’t put in my car. Okay? How often when you’re one of these newer agents, are you so eager to go show somebody a property, even before they have a pre approval letter, it happens still, okay. And some of the best conversations I’ve ever had with a realtor where I unfortunately could not get that person approved. What I did was I told him, day one, instead of three weeks into the process, and that’s saved so many relationships, where instead of a mortgage guy from some other bank saying, oh, we’ll try to figure it out. And then you go under contract, and it gets to underwriting and they decline it, be upfront with people educate them, there’s a lot of clients to go around. So why spend your time spinning wheels on somebody that may not be able to close now, let’s get them ready to close in 2019, put them back into the pipeline. And that’s what a good partner will do for you.

D.J. Paris 11:01
Yeah, so I guess our tech takeaway from today’s as we’ve brought up this, this point, throughout the episode was really, you know, build your team, find your team. And that probably means interviewing, you know, several different people, for each one of these positions, you know, you should have a list of partners. And you know, maybe the first attorney you contact is not the right fit, right. So, so contact me, and, you know, contact lenders contact, all sorts of different providers, financial advisors, all sorts of these are people that, you know, can actually help your, your clients. And when you find people in these positions, which again, these are oftentimes sales positions, but find people who aren’t sales oriented and are more helping oriented. Boy, it just makes the brokers life so much easier. Because just like you were saying that just called Joel, you know, I mean, I have set clients to you, and I just, I literally have just said, Oh, Joel, take good care of you. And there’s been times where, in fact, one of my friends ended up not working with Joel, for any other reason, then she had a close relationship with someone else. And she ended up going with someone else. And, and but she said, Man, that Joel guy was amazing. He gave me so much great information. Ultimately, I had to go with my friend who was but and I think he even had a lower rate too. But it just didn’t right that time as as sometimes it doesn’t. But it she only had really wonderful things to say about jewel, which again, makes will make me want to refer all of my anytime I have somebody that needs lending help. I’m just, I’m just sending them to Joel, it’s that simple. And I never have to think about it again. That’s the best part.

Joel Schaub 12:42
You’re so right. What most people find is that no matter what the bank is, most of these banks have about the same rate. Right? There’s not somebody that’s going to be drastically different. Okay, so what you’re really looking for is, will the person be able to win the client and educate them and help them in a way where that buyer refers more business back to the real estate agent, that’s my whole focus is when a client comes over. Right away, we’re calling and helping by saying, Oh, you came over from KL Realty. Right away, let let it be known that I’m going to give a $1,500 closing cost credit to you. Last year, I gave over $244,000 in commissions back. But my focus is helping you find what you’re comfortable with paying. And let’s go through some of the numbers. So once you go down that path, it’s such a different conversation when they just call their normal, paying like their PNC, your Chase, or one of those guys. There’s nothing wrong with any of them. But it’s a whole other conversation than somebody who actually is trying to help the agent grow their business. And so that’s the number one thing if you can give back,

D.J. Paris 13:48
and I want to focus that I want to I want to surprise Joe, and tell him tell him something I have not told him I was well, I was I mentioned the software. But I didn’t tell you the actual story. This this, I think this would be a great way to end the episode and hopefully not embarrass you too much. But we will add I was my mother had her 70th birthday. We threw a party for her down in Peoria, which is where my parents live. And one of Joel’s colleagues a guaranteed rate guy, his name’s Brad. And he’s been working there forever. And he’s known Joe for a long time. And I don’t think they you don’t work directly with Brad, but you know who he is. And, and so we were talking about you. I said, Oh, Joe’s on my podcast, and he knew that. But he was saying we were joking because Brad has a nine to five job which you do not have a nine to five job. And we were joking and I go, I go you know, Joel is like we were saying like Jozo really, really doing really well. And I was saying this to Brad he goes, I would keep Brad in the best possible way at complementing way he goes, I could never do that job. He goes, I love my nights and weekends. And he’s not he’s like on the operation side of it. But he goes, Yeah, he goes, I couldn’t do what Joel does. He goes I would I go crazy. He goes, That guy never is not working. And that’s actually I’m sure that’s not Technically through because you have you have a very balanced life, but that is how dedicated he was, like completely blown away. He’s like, I could never do it. Because he’s always he’s always available for his clients. And we were laughing about it. And I was like, I couldn’t do that either. But we admire. Yeah, it was like the best possible compliment you could have received. But we were sort of laughing going, we just don’t have it in us to do that. But Joel does, so anyway. Too much.

Joel Schaub 15:29
It doesn’t. And I’ll leave you with this on that note, DJ, when it comes to the mortgage side of things. Isn’t this funny? 80% of real estate happens at night. And on the weekend. Of course, it happens on Saturdays and Sundays. And yet, what do 90% of mortgage professionals do for a job? They are nine to five, right? Most of the brick and mortar banks. They literally are nine to five. Okay, so partner with somebody who’s not nine to five work with an actual private mortgage banker, somebody that will actually answer the phone calls and work to earn that business. So Saturday, Sundays, I mean, that’s when things are actually happening. You need somebody that will do it. So

D.J. Paris 16:09
well. On that note, we’ll wrap up 2018 If if there is anyone who is listening who wants was looking for a partner and thinks Joel might be Joel may be a good fit, which he will be a good fit. What’s the best way they should reach out to

Joel Schaub 16:24
you? Easy, guys joel@rate.com It’s j o el at ra t.com. And on Facebook, just cultural.

D.J. Paris 16:33
And yes, so do that. And then you can always you can Yeah, what’s the best phone number to reach out as well?

Joel Schaub 16:42
Phone? Let me think about it. Let’s just call Joel. I’m kidding. Of course. Just call Joel directly. And I always take phone calls. It’s true. 773-654-2049

D.J. Paris 16:59
And, and I just wanted to say thank you to Joel for doing this podcast. He you know, it’s not like we have we, we you know, we only allow one lender on the show. We chose Joel or Joel actually, actually that’s not true. Joel chose us. Joel came up to me at a at a party and said I need to be on your podcast. And I was like well, thank you. This is perfect. And so I know the audience loves it. And so we’re just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your incredibly busy day job has already done 20 mortgages this month or close to 20 That is incredible. And obviously you know, well deserved. So anyway, if you’re not working with a lender and you’re a broker and you want to partner Joel is your guy. If you’re a buyer or seller Joel is also your guy. So definitely a buyer in particular. Definitely reach out to Joel and he he can assist so thank you. We will see you guys on our next learn with the lender episode which will be in January and happy holidays on behalf of Joel and myself to all the listeners and Thank you Joel for being on the show.

Joel Schaub 18:05
It’s my pleasure guys never stopped growing and remember givers gain

D.J. Paris 18:10
Thank you very much

Welcome to the December edition of Monday Market Minute with Carrie McCormick!

In this episode Carrie talks about how the Chicago market has slowed and how both buyers and sellers are backing off at the moment. What do real estate brokers say to clients when buyers think homes are too expensive and sellers think pricing is too low? I also provide a marketing tip how working with management companies will open up twice as many rental listings than what’s on the MLS.

Carrie can be reached at carrie@atproperties.com or by phone at 312.961.4612.

Carrie McCormick D.J. Paris Monday Market Minute
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D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real. The only podcast made for Chicago real estate brokers by Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host and welcome as well to our monthly episode of the Monday market minute with Carrie McCormick from App properties. Welcome, Carrie.

Carrie McCormick 0:33
Thank you so much excited to be here this month, it’s December, it’s the end of the year.

D.J. Paris 0:38
Well, and before we get started, it is the end of the year. And just in case you’re new to the show, who is who am i Who’s Carrie McCormack? Well, I am just the host, so enough about me. But Carrie is one of the top top top top producing realtors in the entire Chicagoland area out of just shy of 40,000 Realtors, she is in gosh, I think the top anywhere from like the top 20, usually in the top 20. So she is in the top like 1% of 1%. She’s done hundreds of transactions just this year alone, total superstar producer, we are so grateful to have her on the show. And she’s too busy to do this. And yet she still finds time time or too busy for you. Well, you’re very sweet. And we love having you on the show. So what Carrie does, by the way, she comes on once every month, and talks about what brokers need to know in the public about what’s going on with the real estate market in Chicago. So I will turn it over to you.

Carrie McCormick 1:31
Well, thank you very much. And I always like to think it’s like boots on the ground. Because, you know, obviously, this is my full time job. I’m entrenched on the streets every day in our market, and I’m talking to buyers and sellers every day. So it’s you know, it’s really just firsthand knowledge and what I experience in the market. And probably all of our listeners know that this Chicago fall market has been extremely challenging for our sellers. And what I think that that’s happening is that sellers are trying to cling on to the spring prices, you know, we had a great spring here in Chicago. And sellers still want those prices that their neighbors received. While there just are not enough buyers out in the market right now that are willing to pay those prices. So recently, I read a Fannie Mae survey, and it said the proportion of people who think it’s a good time to buy a house has decreased significantly from the spring. So it was an to net 21% from 29. So it started at 29%. And then it dropped to 21%. But also the proportion of people who think it’s a good time to sell has dropped as well. And that dropped about 10%. So if you look at the math, you would expect, you know as a zero sum transaction, right, so both abortions fell. But it seems that sellers are unhappily realizing that they’re not going to get what they thought their house was worth six months ago. And buyers think that the homes are too expensive. So this explains right now why their transaction volume in Chicago has fallen this fall substantially.

D.J. Paris 3:13
Yeah, what are you telling your Do you have some do not do you but obviously you have had selling clients who have overvalue their homes. Are those difficult conversations?

Carrie McCormick 3:23
Oh, they’re extremely it’s not that they’re overvalued. It’s that the market has changed. Right? Right. It’s interest rates have gone up, taxes have gone up. So the affordability factor for buyers has completely changed. So sellers are still expecting their price, but buyers can’t afford it anymore. So it’s something has to shift. And it’s kind of a standoff between buyers and sellers. With with the big questions kind of like the chicken in the egg is what’s going to come first our price is going to drop, and buyers are going to react and start buying or, you know, our buyers just going to change the affordability factor instead of buying let’s say a $700,000 house this year, they’re going to end up buying a $500,000 price. So we’ve got a little standoff going between buyers and sellers right now. And it is a little difficult conversation. But that’s our job as Realtors is to be an adviser to our sellers, to tell them how the market is tell them how to position themselves for success, depending on what their goals are.

D.J. Paris 4:28
I think that’s great. Do you have any predictions for the spring?

Carrie McCormick 4:32
Well, of course nobody knows how the spring markets going to go but I’ve been doing this for this January will be 20 years this will be my adulation anniversary this January. And historically Chicago has always had a great spring market. This is our time to shine. And buyers have been on the sidelines for quite a few months now. So our fall market was slow or winter market was slow. So they’ve been on the sidelines kind waiting this out. I think they’re getting a little fatigued with that. And I think they wrap their arms around, again, the interest rates, the taxes, just their affordability factor. So I think we’re going to have a spring market, a good spring market, I don’t think it’s going to be anything crazy. But I think it’s going to be there. We’re going to, you know, move some inventory. And I always tell people keep in mind, we’ve got a good economy, right. There’s nothing wrong with our economy’s doing doing well. Young adults are forming families and they need a place to live, whether it’s rental or you know, if they’re going to buy, we have currently we have low housing inventory, we have good employment, we’ve got some great companies here in Chicago that spurring employment growth. And keep in mind, Chicago is a great city, and people want to stay here. So we’ve got a lot of positives. We just need these buyers to make a move. And I think it’s going to happen in the spring.

D.J. Paris 5:53
Awesome. Well, I. So in addition to Kerry’s market, minute, I do a little marketing minute. And I wanted to piggyback a little bit on what Carrie said with the sales market being slightly less than I think brokers who are listening or even the public listening would prefer. And what we’ve seen, at least even at our firm, I’m sure at Kerry’s firm as well is there’s been a little bit more movement in rentals. So I wanted to give you a quick marketing tip. If you’re a broker and you find yourself either wanting to do rentals or needing to do rentals or just trying to stay busy while the sales markets maybe a little slower. So if you find yourself wanting to do more rentals, or even just having a client that needs a place to live, typically it’s been my experience that brokers will traditionally go to the MLS as of course they would for a sale look for whatever rentals are available. And that’s their database. And that is a database. However, it just for people listening Did you know there is a another database that is a more invisible database, but also works directly with brokers but do not does not list their properties on the MLS. These are property management companies that either own or manage or both have buildings, whether it be high rises, or three flats, really buildings and all shapes and sizes, even single family homes for rent, but owning or manage these buildings. And we’ll work with brokers and we’ll pay you a commission. And in addition to getting the commission, it’s because it’s not on the MLS there is no listing broker, there’s no cooperative broker, right? It’s just while you’re the CO operative broker, so you would get in most cases, these buildings, these management companies do pay out one month’s rent, so you’re not splitting it as you would be on the MLS. Right. So how do you get access to these listings? Well, what I would do is first get some clients that are looking for apartments, and then whatever neighborhoods they’re looking into, if it’s in the city, look for the big high rises, that would be the easiest way to go. If it’s an area of the city where there are high rises and call those management companies and ask them well, first thing I would do is ask your managing broker, if you have relationships with these management companies, likely they do if they don’t, you can call these buildings directly and say, Hey, I’m a broker, I have a client that’s interested in you know, a unit in your in your building, do you pay a commission, if I bring you the broker, or sorry, bring you the renter, and you will find out that traditionally, they usually pay one month’s rent, sometimes even in the off months, they might even pay one and a half times rent, right. So it’s a, it’s certainly not a bad way to stay busy. And also, renters become buyers, as we know. So if you aren’t familiar with this, we’ll call it a non MLS database. Again, you could just look for the big management companies that manage properties or own buildings, or both in the areas that your clients are looking at. And contact those management companies and ask and you will be shocked. The vast majority of them do work with brokers. And you can ask to be put on there. We call it hot sheets. But basically, it’s their availability lists because since it’s not on the MLS, they usually email out their availability every so often. So just call a few of these buildings. And there you have a bigger database than just the MLS. So I don’t know, Carrie, if you’ve ever used management companies for rentals, but I have

Carrie McCormick 9:01
I have done that. And my tip to the brokers that are listening is since you’re dealing with the management companies or their you know, the corporate offices, you do there’s a little more paperwork on the getting paid side and you do have to follow up with them quite extensively on that front. So it’s a it’s a great tip, just you got to keep after him a little bit. So yeah, my experience

D.J. Paris 9:28
carries, right and so that what she’s mentioning is getting paid. So once the you know, the renter signs the lease, you know, in a traditional MLS transaction, you get paid pretty quickly. Sometimes with these management companies, since it’s anonymous transaction, your your office, your managing broker will or whoever works, your office will send an invoice to these companies and it’s essentially a build for them to pay. So be prepared to wait. That’s the downside is that sometimes you get paid, you know, within a few weeks, sometimes you don’t. And that’s just unfortunately the nature of working with management companies. So that is definitely a downside. So you’re not going to get it as quickly most most of the time, but hopefully you will get it. You’ll get it. Yeah, but you will get it. Well, Carrie and I wanted to thank everyone for listening over the last year and beyond. And we’re so excited to continue the show. Happy holidays to Carrie Carrie, to you and to all the listeners.

Carrie McCormick 10:19
Yes, everyone. Happy holidays. And thank you DJ for such a wonderful year and having me on your show. You do so much for our community and I just want to thank you and of course thank everyone who listens.

D.J. Paris 10:31
Well thank you and we will see you guys in 2019 and we’re excited to bring you more tips and tricks and tell you more about the market.

Carrie McCormick 10:39
Happy selling and happy holidays.

Before becoming a top 1% real estate broker, J. Maggio was a successful futures trader honing his analytical skills that he uses today in his real estate practice. This year, 100% of his business came directly from referrals. In our conversation, J. discusses how and why his listings go under contract 90 days sooner and for 5% more than the market average in Chicago. His uncanny ability to evaluate home values and marketability results in ecstatic clientele who purchase and sell homes fast. Learn how he does it!

J. Maggio can be reached at 312.450.0012 and j.maggio@compass.com.


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D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Parris. I am your host and guide through the show. Today in just a moment or two, we’ll be interviewing Jay maggio from Columbus, it was a great conversation, you’re really going to love it before we get to J. A couple of quick things. If every listener out there would think of just one other realtor if you’re a realtor, and that you think could benefit from hearing from top 1% producers like Jay and the 75 or so other top producers that we’ve interviewed. Please feel free if you can think of just one of those people to pass this podcast along that would essentially double our listenership, which is already growing and has grown since the very first episode, but we would appreciate it that would open up more opportunities for us. So thank you in advance for sharing it with a friend. Also, please subscribe to us on iTunes or Google Play. You can find links directly to those on our website, keeping it real pod.com. And lastly, follow us on Facebook also find us by keeping it real pod and we post out links to all of our episodes, as well as other information about the show and about our guests. So again, thank you we are coming into the holiday season. So we’ll continue to make these episodes we appreciate you continuing to listen and onto our interview with Jay Maggio.

Jay maggio is a former futures trader at Chicago’s Mercantile Exchange and the Board of Trade. Jay credits his trading acumen where he honed his analytical skills to his success as an agent. Over the past two years, the majority of Jays listings have sold in their first week on the market for their asking price or more. Jay enjoys being a real estate counselor for his clients helping them to understand everything there is to know about buying and selling he has ranked consistently among cars, top producers and has been honored as an app properties road Rolex recipient, his business is built almost entirely on referrals. And he’s at Compass currently, he began his real estate career in 2010, with a focus on Chicago’s downtown neighborhoods. As his clients families grew and started to leave to go to the suburbs he expanded his focus to include western suburbs where he also specializes. He lives in the western suburbs with his beautiful supportive wife and their four amazing children. He believes in treating everyone like family as he does and giving back to others to involvement with charitable causes like one tale at a time and Charles Tillman’s Cornerstone Foundation. Welcome, Jay Maggio. We really appreciate your your time.

J. Maggio 3:05
Well, thanks for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:07
Yeah, no, thank you. And a couple of things. I definitely I definitely want to get to how quickly you sell homes, because that is unbelievably impressive. But before we get there, I want to hear the sort of origin story or at least I know, our listeners would like to hear how you went from sort of trader to real estate broker? Can you mind sharing that story with us?

J. Maggio 3:25
Sure. Why am I doing this? So when I started traded right out of college, it was like this opportunity. I was like, Alright, I’m going to do it lasted six years, and I just, I guess I got burnt out staring at a computer screen clicking a mouse and, you know, frying my brain every day. So I spent the next nine months in a sales job got married, found out that we were expecting our first and then was approached by actually the real estate agent that helped me buy my first condo in the city and he was more or less interested in to see if I wanted to get into the business kind of work with him, he was going to be moving out of out of the out of state and then wanted to kind of have some sort of way to sort of transition his business to somebody that he knew insurance. And, you know, I always respected how he got business by referral. I had sent him a bunch of referrals. So I you know, I, the timing of it was look, I didn’t like my job, I wanted something that I kind of could create and had unlimited upside with relatively, you know, reasonable risk, if you will. And, you know, I kind of jumped on it. But you know, the funny thing is it was 2000 I got my license December of 2000 No amazing dozen times a year and I and I did it full time with you know, no other income and my first kid and that was you know, an adventure in itself. So I I like to say I learned at probably the hardest time to sell real estate which I credit. You know, some of the successes that I’ve had would you know, in the last five or six years as the more gets recovered fully. And, you know, transition. It’s, I think you build good habits when things are tough. And you know, and you and you learn how to, you know, have tough conversations with people. I mean, this is a highly emotional experience. And I think that’s part of the reason why, although it might sound crazy why I enjoyed doing this, because you know, people need an advocate, I mean, people need to sort of understand, you know, what’s involved in the buying and selling of their primary residence. And that kind of break it down to, you know, something that you know, where you cut the emotion out of, it’s like, okay, is this, this makes sense for us? Yes. Or no, like, whatever, you know, what are we trying to get? You know, Jack, you know, get to what’s your objective?

D.J. Paris 5:40
Yeah, I think that’s true. And obviously, it’s true, because of it’s worked, obviously, for you. Tell us a little bit about the trading background? And how that transition? Like, how did that skill set move over into working directly with buyers and sellers?

J. Maggio 5:57
Well, I think, you know, there’s the analytical, yes. Right, like studying markets having to like, you know, anticipate things, and then there’s just the, you know, it’s, I mean, let’s face it, real estate is a commodity, it’s a different kind of commodity. Because, you know, going back to the emotional component, I always joke around, you know, it’s not like a business where somebody looks at and says, Hey, look, I love this ice cream shop, that’s losing 20 grand a month, but I just wanted to have an ice cream shop in my portfolio of businesses, I’m gonna buy, right. So, you know, it’s one of those things where, like, there’s always something that somebody is sacrificing or making a trade off, no matter what their budget, and, but it’s just highly, you know, you might have one or two people involved, you might have three or four, depending on, you know, somebody’s family dynamics, where, you know, they’re making these decisions. So, piecing it all together, you kind of have to react, you know, you have to kind of analyze things like I would, you know, when I was trading and studying different markets, but then there’s that, you know, you at the end of the day, you say, look, I mean, there’s potentially, you know, one or more buyers, and potentially one or more sellers, for any given transaction, you know, that somebody’s in and, and just how to, like, read the situation, and it’s helped him, really, it helps him negotiate sure, you know, just kind of knowing, you know, you just you do enough of these deals and work with enough people, you know, what the other side feels like, like, no, like, anytime you’re gonna deal, it feels like the other side has the upper hand, if you go back, and you’re kind of remember, like, oh, wait a second, I remember when those sellers were super emotional and freaking out that we hadn’t responded in two hours. So you just, you’re able to leverage both sides of it. And I, you know, I just think there’s a lot of, you know, parallels with, you know, any, any, you know, futures stock, whatever kind of market where, you know, you have to know who’s you know, who the players are, who’s involved, and what the tendencies are of, whatever that commodity is.

D.J. Paris 7:48
Yeah, you know, and I also want to make sure the audience knows that, and you have a number of different designations, but one of those is certified negotiation expert, I’ve always thought I’m not a producing broker myself, but, but I’ve worked with a lot of here at our firm, and obviously, Compass has, has a lot of brokers too. And but I’ve always surprised, I would think that would be if I were producing like one of the better, more useful skills to have I know, if I was out there interviewing realtor to sell my place, or buy a home, I would say, I’d rather have the person that has that, that, you know, those initials, the See, how have you found that to be helpful in your negotiations?

J. Maggio 8:29
Oh, sure. I mean, you know, listen, any specialization or extra designation, you could get, I think, is always, you know, is attractive from, you know, the consumer standpoint. And I, you know, I just always believe in sharpening the sword, like every transaction, you know, I tell, I tell newer agents, like, you know, agents on my team, like, look, you know, you just have to do it, right, like, everyone gets so worried about, like, what do you say to this person? And how do you fill out a contract and all these little things that I suppose nine years into it? I’ve taken for sure. You know, I really think it’s like, every deal, you know, you just learn something, right. And, you know, it goes back to those like, you know, there’s an there’s all these parties involved and you in, they all have different objectives, different personalities, different emotional makeups. And you just, you get info you’d like you’re constantly, you know, getting access to people and knowing how people react and that just helps you for the next one, and then the next one, and then the next one. And, and quite frankly, like as agents, you know, a lot of agents talk too much. Like, they want to tell us all the shots, which is so real, like, I tell my clients, like look, I don’t want to get on the phone and talk to another agent and and give away that you need to keep it like an email or text or whatever. It makes it better for us because then they’re not like asking me like, oh, what’s your, you know, like, you know, your clients going through a divorce or some other weird life situation that could give them any sort of leverage. And I’m just amazed how many agents are just willing to share things that I mean, quite frankly, by the license of our law, you know, or excuse me, the law of our license is, you know, confidential.

D.J. Paris 9:59
Yeah. I am sure Well, you know, realtors love to talk and, and just it’s part of part of the sales, the nature of, you know, being in this business, and for sure they’re giving away information. So I, I’m really, you know, I think, Gosh, we’ve done well, this is I think this will be our 78th episode. So we’ve interviewed a lot of top producers, I don’t think anyone has ever talked about this, the idea of hate counseling their clients on how to, you know, keep, keep the cards close to the vest, which is what you what it really is what your job is to do anyway. But I love that you actually think about that consciously, instead of just, you know, getting the deal closed is like, how do you actually do the very best job for your clients, which include making sure that you’re not, you know, giving things away, by having extraneous conversations with the other the opposing party, or the cooperative opposing party, we’ll call it?

J. Maggio 10:52
Well, there’s like a junior grayer, right, and it’s like, some pizza, like, there’s just things that no one needs to know. And it doesn’t hurt them from not knowing. And I think that’s really important. In a negotiation where, you know, you’re trying to get either the most money for a seller or, you know, the, you know, get the best price for a buyer or a set of terms. And if there’s anything in the slightest way, the compromises. Sure, right. I mean, it’s just not, I’m not sharing and, you know, like, if I get anything in return, you know, that helps us frame a much better negotiation and getting things and there’s, and everyone always thinks is just price, and it’s probably 85% of it. But there’s other little things like maybe a more stress free move out time, right? Sure, you know, just other little things that somebody else may value that you don’t like, but you know, it’s you just have to know what those things are, and hit on them. And, you know, find the right, you know, pain points for the other side. And we’ll go from that.

D.J. Paris 11:50
Yeah, and I want to give, I want to make sure the audience is aware of this as well, because this is really, really super impressive. Aside from Jay, being a top 1% producer, and you can look at his listings he has a lot of homes he is currently selling that are very impressive, in his business, obviously, is very impressive. But in addition to all of that, there’s a couple of stats that are really super impressive. And so everyone needs should perk up right now, because I want to hear more about any sort of ideas you have on why why how you’re able to achieve this. But on average, your average contract is 90 days faster than the market average, which is absolutely incredible. So that’s so super impressive. But then also your closing prices are an average $16,000 More than the market average. So again, I don’t know how much of this you, you, you know, you would say is because of your negotiation expertise, or your animal analyzing the deal. But can you talk a little bit more about why you think you’re able to achieve that?

J. Maggio 12:56
Sure, I mean, I think, you know, I, you know, I love statistics. And I, you know, I dig a lot when I’m, like, you know, putting together a market analysis for a seller, but I honestly like, I mean, there’s a couple things. One is, you know, price price, the prices have been right from the start more often than not, and I believe that as agents, most of them, I mean, like, if we’re doing it right, the most, most of our work is done before we even like put in listing on the market, right? Like, we’re telling our sellers, like, Hey, this is what you need to price it at this is you know, how we need to position it, you know, this is how it needs to, you know, look when it, you know, appears on somebody’s computer or on their phone or wherever they’re looking for properties. And so all of this legwork upfront, right to get you in the best position to sell it. And then if that’s done, more often than not, you’re gonna have better results, which typically means selling it quicker for more money. I mean, you can statistically prove that and I and I talk to clients all the time I go look, every realtor is going to tell you like, the faster you sell, like the, the you know, the more you’re gonna get in, you know, okay, that’s great. I mean, but I want to know, is it provable? And I’ve been, you know, for five years, every single listing I’ve taken as we’ve gone through this exercise, like homes that have sold without dropping their price once always get more money. If you know, as a percent of the you know, the shortlist price than one have to do one or more price drops. So I think that’s part of it, you know, obviously, you know, pricing it right from the start and the other part of it too and, and this is kind of crazy to say but I’ll tell anyone you know, any other agent, any new agent is like, I don’t have to, like work with every single seller that I you know, that wants to work for me. Like I can say no. And quite frankly, I will say no if we’re not aligned on price, let alone other things, right. Like if I don’t like I always say look, I mean, any client gets sort of like, you know, a very high level of access to me for the period of you know that we’re working together, right? Like you can call me text me you know, you’ve got like a pretty straight, you’re not talking to an assistant or somebody on my team and then you’re getting me you get my dream decline, if you will. And in so in exchange for that, like, I expect, you know, you know, like, we have to be on the same page, right, like, I’m not going to just let anybody have that sort of, you know, invasiveness, you know, in a good way. But, you know, so, you know, and that’s, and I think that’s part of it is like being able to say, look, look, if we’re not on the same page about how you need to get your place ready, and how you need to price it. And, you know, I don’t think there’s a point of working together, because I don’t really want to have to call you every week to tell you like, hey, we didn’t have any showings this week, it’s still overpriced. Or, hey, no one likes the fact that the hardwood floors are completely destroyed by your dog or that it smells funny, whatever the thing is, right, the things that we can control, we only have a couple of levers in, in the control process that we can pull on price is usually the biggest one. And sometimes it’s the one you have to pull to overcome certain obstacles. But you know, if we’re, if we get off on the wrong foot, it’s not going to be a good experience for either one. And I don’t want that I’ve taken listings like, that I shouldn’t have taken and they’re too expensive, or they’re just not, they’re not what they should, right. And I don’t have any business trying to sell something like that. And so I think being selective, you know, on who I work with, in from a, you know, like, if we’re not on the same page, I think that’s a big part of it. And it’s not like it’s cherry picking, it’s just like, look, you know, you have a you have a goal, I want to help you achieve that goal. And this is how we do it. And if we’re on the same page, that we’re both going to be happy, right? I want to sell it for more money I get, you know, we all get paid more. Sure. Sure. So

D.J. Paris 16:30
how often do you have to have those conversations where the owner of this is on a list the listing side, of course, the owner might say, well, let’s try it at $75,000 More, whatever that number is to them that would sort of their pie in the sky. Hey, who knows what will happen? And then, you know, you say you don’t, you’d prefer not to drop prices. And you’d rather start out with something, you know, can sell. How often do you have to have those conversations that are those difficult? Or I you said, you know, you’re obviously willing to walk away from a client where you’re not on the same page. But is that is that a common thing? Because obviously, sellers are emotional about the value of their home?

J. Maggio 17:06
Oh, yeah. I mean, I mean, it happens. I mean, it almost happens every right. Sure. Of course, you know, and I think, you know, and I think it’s okay. And I think when I was new, and you know, very green, I would have had, like, you know, like, okay, sure, well, you know, like we have a desire to please but I think, you know, it’s easier to have these conversations now. Because they’re gonna go like, look, I can give you like, five examples of every time I like acquiesced to this, and it didn’t work. And then everyone’s mad. And there are situations, though, that you can get away with being I say, like, you can get away with being sloppy on pricing, right? Like, if you’re in a super constrained market, from an inventory standpoint, you know, the, you know, there’s just times where, like, look, you can, you can have, like, you know, a crummy looking place, but it’s in such a desirable area, and it’s, you know, priced appropriately, like, you’re still gonna get a bunch of interest. So, you know, there’s times where you can get away with it. And I also believe in you know, there’s like pricing tiers, too, and I can’t take credit for this. I you know, Mario Greco. Yeah, pretty sure was in Chicago, and, and I watched, you know, like, it could have been like a video podcast of him talking about, there’s these price tiers, and I fully believe in it, and it’s like, you know, if you’re shopping under 500,000, New Year in kind of every $25,000 increments, right, like, no one’s sitting on their, you know, computer in their underwear in the middle of night, looking at homes on Zillow, you know, up to 487, right? Like, no one stops there, either at 475 or 500. And so I always tell people, like, Look, if you’re priced at for, you know, 47 or 49, you’re missing everyone who’s priced that who’s like, you know, search stops at 475. Like, I just believe you have to be at the sort of like bookends, if, and if you’re not missing people like to me, like, flick 479 is like the dumbest price. And it makes zero sense. Like you, everyone knows that you will give up $4,000 For the right, right, exactly. And so you’re just gonna sit there for $4,000 blind, if you will. So, I just so like, those conversations are easier to have, as you know, you have more experience, you have more knowledge, you just, you know, just it’s all about confidence and how to sell homes. It’s not, it’s not rocket science, it’s more of it’s just being able to tell people like look, I you know, like, this isn’t gonna work. And I and I, if you want to go another direction on price at high, that’s okay. And I’ve seen it you know, where you don’t get the listing because they you know, want to go with someone who thinks it’s worth more than it does right now. And it is what it is.

D.J. Paris 19:38
Yeah. And you’re right. And that’s why it’s so interesting. So being that we do have listeners I believe, who are newer to the business from what the Fed the emails that come in, and you are somebody who did it full time out of the gate. New Family is starting at the same time, which is not easy to do any of those things. How often It’s so sad. And by the way, in one of the worst times of the market, so like all of that together is a perfect combination for failure in most cases. In your case, it obviously didn’t work the other way. So can you tell just a little bit about, you know, you talked about building great disciplines during that initial time? What did you do in your first year? Not production wise, but what did you do to stay? You know, moving forward? Like, what were your activities? Do you remember from nine years ago?

J. Maggio 20:25
Well, I mean, I think, you know, as guilty as any new agent is, you know, you do a lot of things that you learn, don’t necessarily produce the results you want, right, you meet random people and properties, like in the middle of the night, in neighborhoods, you’re not even familiar with, you know, you, you do a bunch of a, you know, you meet a bunch of people like that want to look at rentals that are also looking at drugs listed doing all these other things, and you kind of run around a little bit, you know, like a chicken with its head cut off. But you, you just kind of learn. I mean, it’s all people, right? It’s all relationships. I mean, the one thing that I’ve done consistently over almost a decade now is just try to stay top of mind with the people that know me, and then, you know, build, build a confidence in them, like, look, this is our go to real estate expert, right? Like it just no matter what, this is off the keys the person, like if we ever have real estate questions we ever need anything we call and so it takes discipline of, you know, you know, marketing and staying top of mind and sending out emails and postcards. And, you know, cubs Sox magnets, right, we all do it. But I like, to me, it’s like, if I don’t do those little things, right, like quarterly check ins, and you know, just little things like, you know, anniversaries and birthdays and stuff like that, you know, just stuff that normal people that have a genuine care for people do, you know, it’s easy to, you know, you you get sidetracked and it might not be the sexiest thing in the world to like, write 400 handwritten notes, like in the third quarter, you know, when you’d rather go play golf, or whatever you want to do, but you just do it. And, and that’s the thing, like I told my agents all the time, like, you just have to, like, you know, start small, right? Like there’s, you have a bunch of friends, you’ve got family, you’ve got people that you’ve worked with it to some capacity. And you’ve got, you know, people that know you Right, right, stay top of mind to that, tell them that you’re in real estate, tell them why you’re doing and tell them what you’re focusing on and like, just be there for them. Right? And then you just check in. And it’s not, it’s not painstakingly hard. And so I just have maintained a discipline to doing that. And it’s just the stories that I can tell you just how it works out. I mean, like, I just got an email yesterday from some agent that said, Hey, your clients came by my open house, they seem to really like it. And you know, just kind of curious, you know, can you give me some feedback? I was like, I don’t, I don’t know who was looking at neighborhood at that price point. I know, some past clients around that own a house in Old Town and are maybe thinking about moving. But like they just gave him my name because they didn’t want to be bothered by him. And they knew like if and when they do you know what I mean? Like, it’s just, it just happens, like and I and that’s fine. I don’t need you to call me and tell me you’re going to open houses I you know, I always say like, look, I don’t care where you’re looking at properties. If you’re using like Redfin, or Zillow, or anything like, people make such a big deal. I just care that you call me when you’re making a real estate does.

D.J. Paris 23:16
That’s it? Yeah. And it Yeah, it was funny. I just know, I think I think you’re right, I’ll give you I have two quick stories I thought you’d appreciate. So this just happened to me. So I think about it. Now I have to be careful how I make sure I yeah, I can say so. I was like it’s not anything negative. I just want to make sure it wasn’t gonna hurt anybody’s feelings. But I just got a call from Joel who does our podcast, he’s a guaranteed Rachael shop. Anyway, super nice guy. And in anyway, he’s nice enough to come on once a month talks about rates and whatever. And Joel is just the nicest guy ever. And he called me up a couple of weeks ago. And we’ve just sort of started building a friendship in the last, you know, three or four months really. And Joel, I liked it a lot. And he called me up just recently, and he’s like, Hey, and I was like, Oh, hey, you know, I was thinking, maybe we need to schedule another podcast episode with you. He’s like, no, no, I was just calling to see how you were doing. And he’s like, What do you do for the holidays? What are you doing for you know, for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc? And so I told him, and he goes, Yeah, I was just checking in, you know, and that was it. Just wanted to see all right, I’ll talk to you later. And we had not really had that kind of, you know, conversation before, it was always more about the podcast or whatever. And I realized I’ve had mortgages before and my mortgage, I’ve had several mortgage people over the last 15 years. Nobody has ever called me Joe’s not even my mortgage guy, but he’s, nobody’s ever called me just to check it. You know, and I think it’s somebody like you were saying, Well, you you know birthday cards and you you know, write personal notes and you give people call it I don’t know that most brokers do that. I don’t think most mortgage brokers do it real estate brokers, insurance, whoever, financial advisors and I think like it’s always the little things and obviously you’re doing a lot of Big things too. But I think it’s really important to like for the listeners to hear these little things are really, really important. You know, staying staying in touch.

J. Maggio 25:09
Yeah, I mean, it goes back to the fact that this is highly emotional. So like, not only do you want somebody who’s competent and successful and knows the market and knows the area and the type of property, right, like, It specializes in that. But you also want somebody that, like, I think genuinely assures, and you know, like, appreciate, you know, like, what it’s going to be like, being in their shoes. I mean, I’ve sold two of our homes now, in the last five years, six years, and we you know, like, each time we either had, you know, we had two kids the first time we sold our house, and then the next house, we had four kids, right? And it’s a pain. Now these are houses, like a two bedroom condo. And so like you’ve got a you know, get the house ready and clean for a showing, and then you gotta get out for an hour. And like, you know, and like even my wife who like, obviously knows what I’m doing. She’s like, I don’t understand these people. And like, listen, and happens all the time. It’s statistical, right? Like, if we just say, hey, it’s five o’clock, and our kids gotta take a nap. We’re not gonna show you it. I mean, what if that’s the one, right? I mean, like, you gotta like, put yourself in the best odds. So, you know, I completely appreciate it. And so like, when I, you know, talk to sellers, I was talking to somebody yesterday, I was like, look, I mean, you’re gonna have to get a storage unit, put a right choice there, and it’s gonna be uncomfortable. But I’ve, I know how to do it, like, I can coach you. And like I say, it’s like, the, it’s like, it’s the real estate diet, right? You’re gonna have to, like literally, and, you know, in terms of your stuff, and your, you know, your kids stuff, and whatever. And there’s tricks to doing it that make it easy. And I, you know, like, and I’ll give you everything, right, like, I know how to do it. And I’ve done it personally. So I, you know, I can tell you like, it actually pays, you know, to do it. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 26:45
And I think you know what, I actually have a question for you. So what advice would you have, for somebody new to the business, who already knows, you know, you had mentioned, obviously, building your business through your existing sphere of influence, and making sure people didn’t forget that you’re now a realtor, and making sure they knew how to help you. But in addition to that, you know, your and your analyzation skills are obviously very impressive. And learning the markets you mentioned earlier, as well, like, you have to know your market. What advice would you have as far as how people could develop those skills, like learning the market, and, you know, just getting better at analyzing deals?

J. Maggio 27:26
Um, I mean, just, I mean, the numbers are there, right? Like, we have access to all this data. And I think like, if you’re, I mean, like, I truly believe, like, you need some kind of mentor, or coach or somebody that’s done it before, to kind of help you because there’s so much noise, right? Like, hey, you should sign up for this and get these leads and all this stuff. And this is so great. Here’s a cool Facebook page. I mean, like, you can literally go to my Facebook business page, and I don’t know if I’ve posted on it, right, like, and I don’t care like no one’s gonna work with, right, because like, oh, he doesn’t post enough to his Facebook business page. Like he didn’t take enough pictures with his past clients at the closing table, holding keys, you must not be doing you no good at a job. Find these things. I mean, like, endless. There’s plenty of cool agents that I know that do it. And that’s fine. But like, I’m not gonna be like, held accountable, like my website, like, great. So I don’t have like this really great, engaging, search engine optimized website like that also does not change how somebody will tell you that just like,

D.J. Paris 28:22
you know, are you really going to beat out Redfin and Zillow for any you know, real search? No, I don’t. Right, right. Exactly. Yeah.

J. Maggio 28:30
I don’t have the time. But that’s the other thing, you also have to decide how much business is enough. Right? Right. Like, you know, like, we only there’s only one of me, and I could, I suppose build this grand team and pass out leads, but I kind of like being able to work one on one with the people that hired me. So, you know, and that there’s a bandwidth or, you know, thing that that goes there and I’m happy to like, you know, know, my, my limits and, you know, not take, you know, bite off more than I can chew. But I think like, you know, just terms of like, getting to the market is like, you know, kind of focus on some areas like, key, you know, go look at houses, open houses, most open houses, or other brokers, you know, like, there’s plenty of opportunity without doing business to, you know, to stay active and keep your mind sharp. And, and I think like, again, it comes back to like, you want people to know what you do. And they’re inevitably gonna go like, Oh, hey, how’s the real estate market? And

D.J. Paris 29:22
have a couple have something to say to them? Yes.

J. Maggio 29:26
You know, like, there’s a ton of fake it till you make it that, you know, I’m sure it’s, I’m not this is not the only profession or that can be true, but I just know, like, you know, just know enough to have a robust conversation about it. If somebody like asked you while you guys were standing around watching a football game or whatever.

D.J. Paris 29:43
Yeah, it was. It was funny. I was thinking about this. This earlier that I was I was lucky, fortunate enough. Zillow invited me to come check out their offices in New York recently, and I got to go see them. And it was really funny because I was in a room and there was a few few other brokers in the room from other parts of the country. And, and the brokers were complaining about these incident the Zestimate and the, the our Zillow contact there said, You should be grateful that our that our estimate is way off because it makes you guys look like heroes when you actually give the you know, the better data. Because if if our estimate was 100% on the money, you know, would that be good for you? And everyone sort of laughed and realized, oh, you know, yeah, we are really valuable to being able to correct information and being really that guide throughout the entire process. But I just thought that was kind of funny. I was like, yeah, it’s actually better that that’s not super accurate, or it’s maybe not as accurate as it could be.

J. Maggio 30:41
Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t there’s so many things that we get all worked up. And like Zillow, and Redfin, Archer of them, and I just, at the end of the day, like, you know, that’s the best part about working by referral, right? Like you, most of the people that I work with, know me, to some degree from somebody else, right? Or I’ve worked with them before. So it’s not like, you know, and, and listen, the more the merrier, like, the more people that want to get licensed and do this, you know, like, that’s great. I don’t, you know, it’s capitalism, right? Like, everyone wants an opportunity. You know how to do it, but like, it’s funny, like, people go like, Oh, what do you do? And I tell them how I do it. They’re like, Oh, okay. And I want to do that too. And like, nothing’s Right. Like maybe five other people you tell it not even 1% will actually like be willing to, you know, spend the time to like, organize their business. And then, you know, stay on top of SAPA top of mind, because it’s not, you know, it’s not the fun thing. It’s just sexy. It’s not like, Oh, my God, I met this guy who’s open house, and now we’re gonna write a contract, like, Okay, that’s great. But like, the few and far between times that ever happens, like, you’re not developing any rapport with that person, you don’t have a relationship with them. So then, in a year from now, when they’ve been in their home, and somebody goes, Hey, who’d you use? This person? There’s opens both. Yeah, but now so like, Okay, would you use them again, like Lyrica? You know, like, they don’t know anything about you, like, my clients get to know a lot about me, I get to know a lot about my clients. And, you know, it’s, it’s helped build those relationships, I was just kind of doing a business recap. And like, every single deal this year, which is pushing 50 is, you know, somebody that I’ve worked with before, or referral from somebody that I’ve worked

D.J. Paris 32:17
with, and that is, well, and it’s something you’ve earned, obviously. And it’s, it’s really, really impressive, because even the vast majority of the top one percenters that that I talked to, of course, on the show, I’m not sure that most of them, most of them work mostly by referral, but to work, essentially, exclusively by referral is obviously a testament to your abilities. And the impression of course, you left with that previous client. In fact, that’s a really good segue to wrapping up, because if there are any buyers or sellers or renters who don’t know you yet, what’s the best way if they want to work with you? What’s the best way they should reach out?

J. Maggio 32:58
I mean, listen, there’s a I always joke around people like, Oh, is that your cell phone number out there? Is it kind of weird, like, No, I mean, listen, I have like five calls that I don’t recognize the number since. Like, I don’t pick up but like, you know, you know, look, you can look me on my cell phones, 312-450-0012 my emails, Jay at Jay maggio.com, it’s pretty easy to find me if you Google J module real estate, you’ll get you know, a bunch of like, outdated headshots, and other funny things about me. You know, it’s like, it’s not, you know, reach out one way or the other. And, you know,

D.J. Paris 33:31
and by the way, everyone should go to gmail.com. And what that does is it will show you his compass page, but what’s really impressive, aside from all of your accolades is just look at the sheer number of testimonials you have accumulated is, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen more for a single person, honestly, this is it is really impressive. And if you want to know what how somebody is able to work exclusively by referral, read some of these, these these quotes from previous clients. I mean, just kind of be like 100 here, it’s an unreal. So well, you Yeah, well, again, it’s a You’ve obviously done all the work to earn this but it is it’s really something. So anyway, I think with that if you’re if you are a buyer, seller, renter investor, whoever who’s looking for representation, in a real estate transaction, obviously give Jay a call or email, you’ll be the first person he works with, that’s not a referral. So wait, maybe we shouldn’t do that, because that’ll ruin your non teasing of course. Yeah. But anyway, on on behalf of Jane, by the way that this was such a great conversation, and I appreciate your time. I know you are too busy. And by the way, we should mention Jason that this is literally our second attempt, because we had a snafu with with microphones last Friday, so I preach he’s really wasted two hours with me. So I can’t I can’t appreciate it enough. But on behalf of Jay and myself, um We will see you in another week with another episode. If you are new to the podcast. You can find us on iTunes, Google Play Anywhere podcasts are served. And please share this with other brokers in your office as well. Jay, thank you so much for being on the show.