Jordan Pyle from Pyle Residential at Keller Williams is not only a top producer in Chicago, but also is involved in leadership positions with his local association and brokerage. This spirit of getting involved and giving back has not only served his community, but indirectly helped accelerate his real estate business. In our conversation Jordan talks about how he’s utilizing his time during the stay-at-home order to continue to deepen relationships with his contacts and how agents can continue to move forward despite current restrictions.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Jordan Pyle can be reached at 312-805-7074 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host and guide through the show and in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Jordan pile of Keller Williams. Before we get to Jordan. Just a couple of quick announcements for everyone who is listening to this episode, we say thank you. Thanks for continuing to support our show to tell a friend and also to follow us on Facebook. So telephone if you know any other realtors that could benefit from listening to interviews like the one you’re about to hear with Jordan, send them over to our website which is keeping it real They can stream every episode we’ve ever done, and also subscribe via their podcast app right on the site. Also please follow us on Facebook you can reach forward slash keeping it real pod every single day we post an article that we find online that is written specifically to help you grow your business. And of course we post links to every one of our episodes. And if you want to watch these episodes versus listening to them, you can watch them being live sorry recorded live in real time right on Facebook. So what we do is we record them now with video and we stream them live on that Facebook page. So watch it there so you don’t have to wait a couple of weeks for us to finish producing it and making it an audio episode. So again follow us on Facebook forward slash keeping it real pod and now on to our interview with Jordan Pyle.

Okay today on the show we have Jordan Pytel from Keller Williams. Jordan is the founder of pile residential with Keller Williams in Chicago Linkin Park. Over the last six years, Jordan has built a robust real estate, business and network through hard work, authenticity and trust. Jordan believes that success in anything is 90% dependent on your mindset, and 10% on the actions you take on a day to day basis. Jordan is the current chair for the Chicago Association of Realtors Young Professionals Network. He’s also the founder and president of the Keller Williams young professionals Chicago chapter, he is a 2019 top producer, and in the last few days was just recently named in the National Association of Realtors. 30 under 30 is a very, very big deal. Jordan is passionate about leading by example and empowering and supporting others in achieving a limitless life. Please follow Jordan on Instagram. You can find him at Jordan dot pile. That’s p y le and, and also you can find him on his website pile. Jordan, thanks for being on the show.

Jordan Pyle 3:49
Thank you so much, DJ, I’m glad to be here. Hope everyone is taking care of themselves out there.

D.J. Paris 3:54
Yeah, I was telling Jordan, before we started I’m like, I’m not feeling 100%. So I may disappear for a few weeks from things but no, I think I’m okay. But yeah, I agree. We I am I’m in our office in Chicago, we’re supposed to really be home, but I’m considered an essential person. So I get to come to work on there’s usually 10 of us here and it is regulated to just me and the owner and we stay. We stay far away from each other. We have to yell to each other to say hello, but yeah, I get to do the podcast. So that’s but I think as soon as we’re done, I’m gonna going to get home. There’s police now patrolling the streets, and so I get a little nervous even driving home. I feel like I’m doing something wrong. But anyway, we’re here. We’re here to talk about you, not me. And Jordan is just a wonderful guy. He’s really somebody that I admire a lot and I’m so excited that you’re on the show. He just he’s part of a lot of you know, he does he just does a lot with the industry. He stays active involved and gives back but you’re Let’s start at the very beginning, because I’d really love our listeners to know, you know, you’ve been in business for six years now. But how did you get into real estate? Why did you get into real estate?

Jordan Pyle 5:08
Yeah, well, first off, grateful to be here. I’ve been watching this shot I told you that before in the past this podcast, and this is one of the best things you can do is just be a sponge to the industry. You know, listen to other agents figure out what they’re doing collaborate. So to actually be on the show today is super cool. But yeah, to kind of rewind the tapes to your question is, you know, I got it. Yeah, this, this would be your seventh. So got it right out of college, one of those crazy people that got, you know, moved here without a job 24 Or would be about mid 2013. Going into 2014 got my license, you know, had a network here, five to seven people, you know, yeah, no knowledge of the city, you know, no, no knowledge of how to sell real estate. And, you know, slowly but surely over time, I kind of had put pieces together, I was just naturally attracted to it from my real estate agent that found me my first rental at the time, I was in the job market. And I kind of asked him, I was like, this is cool, what you do like you help you just drag people around, you help them look at spots, and then you get paid if they decide to live somewhere. He’s like, Yeah, man, like, jump in, like, go get your license, you know, I got a spot for you. And, you know, it was given a lot of the wrong advice up front, I’ll tell you that, you know, a lot of false hope. And

D.J. Paris 6:20
awesome, super easy.

Jordan Pyle 6:22
So I definitely was pitched that and I knew nothing better at age 20 to age 23. And, yeah, long story short is got in it, stumbled my way through. I’m not that instant success story by any means. And just now scratching the surface, but it took me some time to find the right environment to find the right way to do things accountability. And now today, like I said, we’re year seven, dealing with something that we haven’t seen before with the whole Coronavirus, but now there’s a lot of good I think that’s also going to come out of this so we can kind of dive into that. You know, today.

D.J. Paris 6:54
Yeah, thank you. And that’s interesting. So I’m always so impressed with realtors. See, I can’t see brokers because in Illinois, we call them brokers and, and nowhere else they call them, they just call them agents or realtors, we’re just gonna say realtors to not confuse I get lots of email from the audience going, Why do you say the word broker and like, oh, it’s an Illinois thing. But But anyway, what you became a realtor very early in your early 20s. And you said, you know, I knew five to seven people, I’m guessing those people were probably around the same age as you and probably not buying homes, most of my friends at age we’re not. So how did you if we can rewind, just to talk about because we have a lot of people that who listen, who are newly licensed or are younger, or who just don’t have that sphere of influence? And they’re like, What do I do? Um, can you talk about what you did to survive? Because this is a very difficult thing to do, especially as early as you did it?

Jordan Pyle 7:48
Yeah. Well, I think, you know, like a lot of brokers or agents that get into the business, you know, it’s kind of a progression from rentals, to, you know, maybe buyers, and then maybe from buyers to sellers, and some combination of that. And I wasn’t, I was no different than that. Except for I just had nothing, right. So a lot of people are like, when I was asking around, what do I do like call to your database? And I’m like, why don’t have one of those. Right, so few things came from that, you know, it made me look, other places put myself in uncomfortable situations network, tell every single person that I knew, or that I came in contact with, that I was in the real estate business, and that I was willing to work hard to earn their business and their trust and their confidence, you know, I was definitely the honest one where, you know, there was a little bit of fake it till you make it there. But at the same time, I was like, I understand all my experience, but I’m gonna work harder than the next guy to make sure that, you know, whatever it is that you’re looking to do, I can support you in that. So I think that’s something that helped me kind of get the ball rolling. And then the other part of that is like, I didn’t have a database, and everyone was talking about it. So I just put all my focus into meeting new people, putting them into a database and then finding a way to stay in systematic touch with them. Yeah, it’s nothing different than you hear from anyone else.

D.J. Paris 8:59
Well, but it’s it’s really important to hear it because they say repetition is the mother of skill. And it is you know, I was I Brian Buffini who every probably better who listens knows he has a, you know, very successful training and coaching system and program, and probably the the biggest in the entire industry. And he always says how you win the day, and he has about five ways that you win the day. One of which is did you meet two to five people today? And it’s such a simple and basic thing to go, oh, yeah, yeah, I’m supposed to do that. But to actually do it is remarkably difficult. But if you can actually meet just two people five days a week, that’s 10 a week, 40 a month, 480 a year. Within a couple of years, you will have so many people in your database, and some of those people will will use you but it is your I’m so glad you mentioned meeting people because we’ve interviewed other people on the show and that seems to be a very consistent thing is even as you continue to build your business And even as you get to where you’re working, mostly referral, it’s still meet, meet, meet people, but add them to the database stay in touch. So,

Jordan Pyle 10:07
right, and I think I think back then it was, for me, it was just more about as many people as possible, you know, you get to your point where you have to start becoming a lot more intentional about where you spend your time who you spend your time with. But then it was just a matter of getting out there, you know, showing people that I was going to show up every single day, I think that’s a big thing is like just having staying power. And whether you’re busy doing deals or not like every single day I showed up, every single day, I made progress every single day, I asked questions, and really just studied, you know, I’m a very, pretty analytical and kind of strategic and how I move around. So I would get on a subject, something that came up during that day that I didn’t know or something that put me in an uncomfortable position and that whole night and go back and figure out how to how to respond to that better the next time, you know, so I really dive in and or reach out to some mentors and say, Hey, this came up in conversation today, like, how would you go about responding to this? So little by little every single day, it just was the compound effect, which is sitting on my shelf right above me here, that compound effect by Darren Hardy, great book, yeah, it’s gradually then suddenly, you know, it took six years to see now to the point of a database that generates 10 million hours plus in business every year. So he’s playing the long game is important. And I kind of have that mindset going in.

D.J. Paris 11:22
Yeah, and I imagine even today, you know, the daily disciplines and behaviors that that you, you know, ideally would do, to be able to then get you to where you want to be I, I, I’ve interviewed people, even from your Keller Williams office, we’ve had a bunch of them on the show. And a lot of them will talk about just keeping your head focused on those daily disciplines and, and understanding that that’s really fundamentals win the game. Right. So I appreciate you talking about that. I do want to also I know giving back is really important. You’re really involved in the local association, also involved in your company as well. And you talk about why you got involved and what that’s meant for you, and maybe just for our listeners who, who aren’t maybe yet involved, and maybe why they should consider it as well.

Jordan Pyle 12:09
Yeah, man, it’s definitely something I’m super passionate about. Everybody that knows me knows, I’m, you know, young professionals is kind of my world. It’s my jam. Right? So what you’re referencing is, is, I stepped up to join the leadership, or, you know, the advisory board for the Chicago Association of Realtors, young professional network? What would it be, I guess, two years ago now, you know, I have some mentors, as I mentioned in my life, and you know, a good woman by the name of Tommy Troy was someone that has really pushed me he’s put me you know, again, outside of my comfort zone. But at the same time, it’s been kind of that guiding hand in my leadership journey to say, hey, just go do it, you’re gonna figure it out, you’re gonna be you’re gonna get better because of it. And so he was kind of the initial spark that was like, you might as well try it, get to know these people. Because originally, I was like, why would I want to go network and sit on a board with all these other real estate agents? And

D.J. Paris 12:57
after that’s not going to help me build my business? Oh, yeah, exactly. So

Jordan Pyle 13:01
at the time, I definitely had a scarcity mindset. And then he helped me and a lot of other people, and specifically, Keller Williams helped me create an abundance mindset. And so once I got in it, I kind of realized that I like stepping up and having a voice having a platform to affect change, you know, you know, for the good. So once I got in, I spent one year as a board member, and then I was asked to basically step up as the vice chair, my second second year on the board, which was last year, and then now I’ve naturally transitioned into the chair. And you know, I’m blessed to be able to leave 14 Other Chicago real estate individuals, and we’re all about education, collaboration and camaraderie. So just bring up right industry as a whole. You know, I love the quote that iron sharpens iron, and a high tide raises all ships. So really, for me to kind of be on the front lines, especially in a space where we’re entering this disruptive time, take Coronavirus out of it. We were in this very disruptive time of the real estate industry. And I want to be the guy that’s on the frontlines fighting that’s that’s leading by example. And that’s also creating that ripple effect, again, to bring up the industry as a whole. So that’s kind of passionate about it.

D.J. Paris 14:09
Yeah, I’m glad that you glad. Thank you for that. And I’m glad to hear your thoughts. Because I think it’s one of those things that we often especially people who are busy, they have families, they have other responsibilities or trying to build their business. And now there’s this other opportunity to give back and it doesn’t really fit into the business plan of No, I need to like find more clients. And the irony is exactly what Tommy who by the way, for those of you not from Chicago, Tommy was the president of the association, Chicago Association realtors, just recently, he’s somebody who is a good part of his life is all about giving back and Jordan is very similar. But the irony is by doing that it actually expands your life you actually end up getting so much more than you give, whether it’s financial or whether it’s just in Your own pride or or confidence, or just feeling better as a human being. I feel the same way. I’m involved in several charities, and I’m on some boards as well. And I, I was just interviewed by a college student who wanted to ask me about business and whatever she has, what’s one thing you wish you would have learned? Much younger, and I said, the only thing was, is, I wish I would have started volunteering, like, 20 years ago, because my life would be even richer. Now. Forget about financial success, I would just be a happier person. And and George Jordans about Yeah, good.

Jordan Pyle 15:34
It’s just, you know, it’s just that that’s fulfilling. And that’s ultimately why I jumped into this. Yeah, I like to refer to it as leadership, you know, involvement and giving back all that kind of group together, whether that be young professionals, or I get back to Alzheimer’s Association, and things like that. But it’s the stuff that I realized I was working in the business and I was creating a successful business helping clients get from where they wanted to be to where they wanted to go, or where they were to where they wanted to go. And, but I realized I was missing the side of it, that was like, I’m actually making like a deep impact on my community serve. And I looked at, you know, obviously, the conventional ways of doing it within your niche of your neighborhood, or your Medicare you live in. But the one thing I realized and harness was I didn’t have what I wish I would have had when I first started in the industry, which is that guidance, which is that what I like to call a growth environment, or a community of other people that are like minded, that are also in this abundance mindset, trying to help each other get better. So if I can shorten that learning curve for people, you know, we talked about all the time that real estate’s an industry that 95% of people that get in the business, within a year, they’re out of business, whatever the the craziest. So for me to have learned the hard way to kind of failed and pick myself back up and done that over and over, I learned a lot quicker. And I want to save other people that time that money that energy, to ultimately make them successful, more, you know, faster.

D.J. Paris 16:57
Yes, I couldn’t agree more. And for everyone who’s listening, because we have listeners from all over the country, Jordan is the chair of what’s called the Young Professional Network here in the city of Chicago. And of course, we have listeners from all over. So if, as everyone listening is probably a member of their local association, give them a call and see if we if they have a young professional network chapter, if not, you know, consider creating one, but they probably have one. And it’s, it’s a wonderful organization, and you don’t have to be necessarily young to be involved. But it’s just a place to to learn from other realtors and support each other. And also to affect change at a larger level as well to affect policy change.

Jordan Pyle 17:36
And add to that, if you don’t mind is Go ahead. And it’s even though me volunteering in these positions, doesn’t directly pay me like we were talking about that a little bit before there were things that you knew in your life that pay you some of them that don’t. But a lot of it’s the passion. But it’s it’s goes back to the infinite game or Simon cynics new book, which is all about the long game right now two to three years into my leadership journey. And my you know, sitting on these boards and stepping in these leadership positions. Now a third of my business, literally 33% or more might even be closer to 40 is Agent agent referrals. And yes, that sounds because I’ve Yeah, yeah, that’s amazing, not only through the local association, and how that’s all interweave within all the other local associate associations around the country. But Keller Williams, also I mentioned, I’m the founder and president of the Keller Williams young professional Chicago chapter. So I know people, multiple people in almost every city around the country because of these involvements. So now, when anyone knows anyone either moving to or from Chicago, that they have to sell their home to leave Chicago, or they need to buy one moving to Chicago, typically, I’m the guy that think of because I’m the most present in these different organizations that I’m a part of.

D.J. Paris 18:50
Isn’t isn’t that interesting? And I’m sure you never thought that that was going to happen. And that’s not the reason why you got involved. But Isn’t that an amazing? Just wonderful thing to have come out of it?

Jordan Pyle 19:02
Not in the way that it has? I knew it would come? I didn’t think it was gonna be 33 or 40% of my business.

D.J. Paris 19:07
Wow, that is that is remarkable. Wow, well, let’s let’s talk a little bit about mindset. Because I know right now is I think it’s a good topic for good part of the country, the majority of realtors are staying home, either by by choice or by force. And maybe they’re not totally sure you know, how to stay active, how to stay busy, what to do, what to talk to clients about and I know you don’t have all the answers, but I want to talk I’d love you to talk to our listeners about what you’re doing. How are you staying productive? Is it business as usual? Have things changed? And what are you doing this just stay active and positive?

Jordan Pyle 19:47
Yeah, I think it’s again, going back to you know, my intro is everything is mindset. You know, it all starts with mindset. So, you know, I like to scale it back first and say that you know, the way that you show Up in the world is directly impacted by the things that you do to give to yourself or to show love to yourself before you ever show up to the world. And what I mean by that is like, it’s the analogy and I’ve referenced this in the past, but it’s the, you know, it’s the put your mask on an airplane first before you can put anyone else’s mask on. Because if you can’t take care of yourself, and you can’t show up healthy to 100% and ready to serve everyone else in your world, then you’re not going to have the impact that you’re looking to have. So for me this whole Coronavirus, it starts there. So it’s about how am I making sure that I’m I’m doing things, you know, from working out to meditation to kind of this holistic health and wellness routine that I’ve implemented through my morning routine, to make sure that when I do come in contact with potential clients or prospects, that I’m giving them an unbiased opinion, essentially, that I’m giving them an opinion based on facts and the things that you can control based on a bunch of fluff or a bunch of fear, right? Sure. So for me, it’s really making sure that I’m grounded and formulating these opinions, and then talking through that specific situation with that client, because there’s not a one, there’s not one solution right now, in today’s world that works for everybody. Like I can’t tell you, if you reach out to me, it’s a good time to buy or sell, like I need to know what other factors are going on in your world, and then be able to hopefully provide a prescription to that. So for me, you know, it all starts with working on your, on your mindset. I was thinking about this earlier today, it’s like I’ve been preparing for a time like this, like all those extra nights staying up late, you know, making a few more calls or getting an extra mile and on the treadmill or, you know, going that extra 1% Every single day has now gotten to a point where things start crashing around you, you’re very centered because you understand who you are and your core, right. So I think by harnessing who you are your core and then allowing that to extrapolate out into your interactions, your relationships and things like that is the best thing that all of us can do right now to stay sane, stay healthy and continue staying focused and disciplined, when it does come down to work.

D.J. Paris 22:09
Yeah, that’s, you know, it’s funny, you’re talking about taking care of yourself. And a lot of times we don’t think of things like, Well, we know that we should exercise and exercise, you know, with with some weights, and we should do some cardio, because we know it’s a good idea for our overall health. But what is oftentimes sort of not talked about as much is you will be able, and Jordan was just talking about this, but I want to I want to dive into it a little bit more. Because if you exercise your body, you’re gonna get rid of a lot of extra stress and tension that’s just there, especially right now, everyone’s a little freaked out, we’re all freaked out. This is normal, we’re all scared, every you know, a lot of people are worried about their jobs, and you know, just obviously getting sick and a lot of things. So everyone’s got additional stress and fear right now that’s totally normal. And exercise is probably more important than ever to help get rid of some of that. So that as a real real estate agent, you can show up better for your clients. So you actually said that, and I was really important to hear I think I want just to say it again, is when you exercise, you’re not only giving you’re giving yourself you know the fuel and you’re going to increase your energy and you’re gonna probably you know, have a healthier life as a result a longer life, but you’re also going to be able to show up better for your clients, you know, a lot of that fear and stress might get dissipated through some exercise and, and that’s just a great reason alone because as Jordan says he wants to show up for his clients in the best possible condition. And that means he has to take care of himself first. And so I’m really glad you brought that up.

Jordan Pyle 23:40
Yeah, I’m I’m an analogy guy. And I think this paints a picture for people and you know, I’ve talked about it again in the past but like the demonstrating being like the flag and the flagpole. So right now everyone has the flag you know there’s when there’s when and the flag is flapping all over the place right? But what happens in a storm you know, the flagpole stays completely straight up and down in the wind or the flag class like crazy. So the meditation the working out the journaling, the gratitude, your morning routine, your your your night routine, at the end of the day to make sure you’re kind of you know, booking in your day, like all of that creates a stronger flagpole so that people don’t see you as the flag they know they can go to you for you know, advice and to consult with and to know that you’re going to be a strong and grounded opinion. So I think all these things allow you to again show up as that flagpole versus that flag. And then therefore, you can, you know, really make a positive impact for those other people.

D.J. Paris 24:41
I agree that I guess that’s where that expression becoming unflappable comes from right. It’s that same same metaphor. And, and and yeah, and you have to practice and now what a great opportunity to start to develop those habits of taking care of yourself, and also taking care of your clients too. But what a great opportunity. And if anyone out there has not familiar with the book, Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, which I actually a big, big fan of it actually walks you through a six step process, including meditation, exercise, journaling, reading, visualization, affirmations, etc. And it just it’s a simple thing. You can modify it to your own. You know, your own preference, but it’s a great way just to center yourself and get get ready for the day and also to do at the end of the day, how did I do today? And to forgive yourself when you make mistakes, like, Okay, I didn’t have a great day, I didn’t get to the gym, or I didn’t. I used to supposed to call back those two clients, and I didn’t but I’m going to do better tomorrow and and just you know, setting yourself up and you’re right. It’s don’t let don’t let the wind just happen to you, right? Like the wind is going to happen. That’s that’s going to happen. And it’s like, are you going to be the flag or the flagpole? So I appreciate that metallurgy. The

Jordan Pyle 25:53
morning routine, I would say is it’s something I’m incredibly passionate about. It’s been one thing I’ve implemented probably four to five years ago. And, and yes, I missed a ensure modified, but always being able to have that to go back to and when I execute that, I wake up at 5am. You know, I do my exercise. I do the Savers, right.

D.J. Paris 26:14
Yeah. So you’re so he’s referencing Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod? Yeah,

Jordan Pyle 26:17
yeah. So you do the silence. You do the Affirmations, Visualization, exercise, reading and then journaling? Yeah, you’re you feel like Superman, you know, whole day, you’re so fired up, because you’ve already taken the time to get back to yourself. Right. So if anyone listening to this, they they’re struggling to get a morning routine together. Like I love talking people through it, because I see the change it makes on their life. And then that then creates that ripple effect for them to help somebody else out. So if there’s one thing I would recommend for both business success and just life like being happy and joyful, it’s the morning routine, and the Miracle Morning is a great start.

D.J. Paris 26:57
Yeah, it is. And it’s always, you know, it’s again, life is gonna happen, right? Bad things are coming, good things are coming, everything’s coming. And the question is, is what can I do to get myself in the right state to be able to handle the good and the bad as it happens, and mindset is, is the key to that and spending some time early in the morning is, is a good idea. Because it’s typically when we’re not being bothered by maybe other family members are our spouses or significant others, and emails and everything else, the world hasn’t started knocking at our door quite yet. If you get up early enough, and you can, you can spend that time and give it to yourself and and it pays dividends, you’ll just show up better, you’re just going to have a better life. It’s really that simple. So they I’m glad we’re talking about that. All right. I also want to talk because we’re really talking about some some fundamentals related to discipline. And I know discipline, obviously is important for you. But you are also training for an Iron Man, which is so far beyond my comprehension. But I am so impressed with people who do that can can you talk a little bit about the discipline it takes to do that and how it relates, if at all to what you’re doing in your business.

Jordan Pyle 28:11
It 100% relates. And that’s ultimately why I decided to do Ironman in general. So yes, um, so I’m doing the Madison, Wisconsin as of now Iron Man and September 13 This later this year, and it’s the full one 40.6 So it’s, you know, it’s 2.4 mile swim, followed by 112 mile bike ride and then finishing with a marathon. So 26.2 miles, so adds up to 140.6 miles and yeah, so the beginning of the year, I was looking at my goals looking at, you know, everything I wanted to accomplish, and I don’t know if you’ve ever read but there’s a awesome book out there and anybody in kW knows it’s called The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Pat has been Yes, great. business books in general not real estate related at all and and so I was thinking, Okay, if I could really sum up every single thing in my life to one thing that I need to focus on moving into 2020 Not knowing that all this crazy stuff was gonna happen this year, but it came back and as I peel back the onion, it became the honor man, because I knew that something of this type of scope, you know, something that large that I knew I was gonna have to put that much time discipline and energy into it was going to force discipline into every other area of my life. Yeah,

D.J. Paris 29:25
yeah. Yeah, cuz that’s some people that’s for them. It’s a full time job preparing for the Iron Man.

Jordan Pyle 29:31
Yeah, I mean, it’s no joke. It’s, you know, some some days is two hours, you know, working out some days, it’s four. And some days going in the future it might be five or six right as you get closer and closer to it. So that makes me wake up with the intention, wake up with purpose. Get all the things that make me feel good done in the morning. Like the morning routine that we were talking about. And then now I know when I’m at work, like, Hey, I have this amount of time, and it pushes me to help time block and batch things because I know that later that night, I asked I Gotta go back to the gym and get two hours in, right? So there’s no longer there’s a quote out there that talks about like all work will fill, or all work will expand to fill the time allowed, right? If you give yourself nine hours to do something, you’re gonna, you’re gonna take nine hours to do it every half an hour, and then the next hour, you’re doing something else, you’re going to finish it and then not in an hour. So that was kind of the mindset I had going into it. And then yeah, the actual training itself, it’s super cool, because it’s something that I get better at every single day. I have breakthroughs every single day. And I’m constantly going past limits and ceilings that that I’ve previously thought were like, the limit. Right, right. And I think all that applies to business and especially like putting yourself in, you know, getting comfortable in uncomfortable situations. And knowing that there’s always more in the tank. I think that allows me to then it translates in every single area of my life, not just business, but also the time I spent with my loved ones, making sure I’m president doing things. Yeah. And it’s just at the end of the day. It’s it keeps me healthy, too, which is awesome. Yeah, that’s

D.J. Paris 31:03
is it? Is it been obviously, some of your trainings, I’m sure been modified. And maybe you’re not able to train it at where you’d like to right now? I’m guessing.

Jordan Pyle 31:13
Yeah, so I’ve been I’ve been modifying I can’t swim right now. But there’s band exercises and shoulders exercises. You know, I can I can. Someone told me I shouldn’t be doing this. But I’ve been going on runs outside, keeping my distance, but sure, whatever. And then biking, I have an indoor bike. But that that example, in itself is exactly why it applies to life too, because no one knew that this curveball are gonna get thrown at us. So it’s about learning how to pivot, pivot the training, do things differently to supplement, you know, what you would have done to achieve the same result?

D.J. Paris 31:47
Yeah, and so I’d also like to talk about, you know, what Realtors could be doing right now being that most of us are at home? You know, we’re sitting around, what are you? What are you doing to keep your business running? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Jordan Pyle 32:05
Yeah, yeah, I’m not gonna say this is what you should do. I’m just gonna say this is what I what I enjoy. And this is based on some feedback from other people and things like that. So I wrote a few things down, because I figured this was probably going to come up. And I think it’s super important right now. So the first thing is, dial in your morning routine, I’m not gonna spend time with x, we just talked about it. But start building routines, this is a perfect time for, for, you know, we’ve been, for the longest time been building bad habits and good habits. But we’ve been building all these habits. So it’s easy now to kind of like, if you think about yourself, it’s almost like a juice cleanse for your life. Right? So this is challenging not only life, but society to take back all the things that are important to us and get rid of the weight. Right. So now that you have a clean slate, start focusing on what are the things you can what positive habits, what beneficial habits can you implement, and then just start stacking those versus, you know, letting all the audibles creep back in? Right? I think that’s the first thing operate on a schedule as if you were going to be going into the office every day. Yeah. The next thing that I’m doing is I am going and for the time being, I’m, I’m taking my annual goal, and I’m putting it on the shelf. You know, and not to say that things might not turn around in two weeks. And all his business as usual, that could happen. But I’m also, I think, I think this is a serious issue, I think it will pass. But I do think that this is something that’s going to change the way we operate from now into the future. So, so taking that goal, putting it on the counter on the table, and then redefining the next 90 Day goals. So I think See, now a month is too far. So go to 90 days, figure out what those goals are, and then break those into monthly goals. From there breaking into weekly goals. And then from there breaking into daily goals. And then it all ultimately, once you get that clarity around those 90 Day goals, now you can think about your daily scoreboard. So then I would say every single day, if anything, if nothing gets done, make sure you build a daily scoreboard. And those things have to get done. If nothing else gets done those things get done the day is a success. So for me it’s things that are both personal and business so for me to wake up at 5am write my goals meditate, check my bank accounts, my budget because I think that’s I do that I do that as well. Yeah, especially with this time and then the last thing that strictly you know is good for my business is set an appointment. So it’s literally just set one appointment a day, do these other four things, and everything will move in the right direction. And then outside of that the last step I would suggest is redefine a rebuild out on your Google Calendar. Like you can you can start a new calendar call on your perfect week and look at the seven days and say, What do I want my life to look at or look like? So making sure you’re putting in all your recurring events. You know, if you have workouts, put them in there, if you have phone calls, put them in there, if you’re a parent and you have kids with certain obligations, put it all in there, make sure the big things and the important things get in there first, and then fill in the rest of the time with lead generation activities, and things that are going to help grow your business. So that’s kind of what I’m doing right now.

D.J. Paris 35:20
That Thank you, I think that’s very helpful. For our listeners, this is a great opportunity to build your scoreboard like Jordan has, and, and putting every area of your life in there, you know, talk about, you know, put some spiritual goals, put some social goals, but some emotional goals, physical goals and business goals. And, and, you know, I’ve never been a big fan of ultimately a goal, like, my end goal is to achieve X, I’ve always been more for me, what’s always been better is what direction am I heading? And what are the daily disciplines to get there? And that’s all I ever focus on is, is what do I need to do today? So you start at the end, and you work backwards? Like Jordan says, you say, Okay, what do I need to do today to win the day, and whatever that means to you, and, and, you know, even if it’s just, hey, I want to think about my relationship, my primary relationship, or the relationship I have with my kids, or my co workers, or, or my clients or lead generation, and just figure out a couple simple behaviors, because like Jordans in, you know, in the process of training for an Ironman, and I’m sure to just think about the sheer enormity of that is overwhelming to think and maybe not for him anymore. But for the rest of us going Oh, my God, he’s doing 100 plus miles, you know, in three different sports Simon almost justly? Yeah, yeah, but but you don’t have to think about that. Because all you have to think about is today, I have to do, you know, three things around training. And I just have to, and those aren’t easy either. But it’s a lot easier to think about that than to try to imagine accomplishing this massive physical feat that you’re going to do, because you did all the daily activities. What I do

Jordan Pyle 36:54
in my workouts is I do like, Okay, the next 20 minutes, it’s focused on the next 20 minutes, exactly. Next 20 minutes, the next 20. And you can easily do that in business, setting a timer just recurring nonstop, essentially, on your phone every 20 minutes, when the bell goes off, work focused for 20 minutes, take a five minute break, walk around, get a drink of water, meditate, do whatever you need to do make a phone call text people, and then jump back into that 20 minute time block. I forget what it’s called.

D.J. Paris 37:21
There’s how Amador the Pomodoro Technique? Yeah, so yeah,

Jordan Pyle 37:25
doing things like that I think are gonna help. And then I don’t want to forget to say like, actual tactical things do through data or to do with your business, like, you got to call people right now. You gotta, you gotta check in on people, you know, and I think it’s not a conversation about real estate, of course, let them ask you, if it comes up in conversation, what your perspective is and give a educated response. And so you got to know what’s going on around you. But it’s about figuring out how to do it, if there’s any way you can help. And just reach out letting them know that you’re there in any way, shape, or form, right. And then the way that I’m structuring that in my business to figure out who I’m calling every day. And of course, there’s people in my database. And you know, I know a lot of agents listen to this. But any clients like everyone equals or matters the same, but you got to have a system for how you’re reaching out people. So what I’m doing is I’m basically, we’ve started pivoting over to a new CRM, like right around the same time of all this going down. So I’m taking all of my people from my old CRM and putting them in my new one. And then I’m going through 10 records a day. So 10 contacts a day, filling in as much information I can about these people. So their birthdays, their email addresses, home addresses, whatever I have on them, social media profiles, and then filling out that card out and then giving them a call, or shooting them a text checking in on them. So just breaking it down again, to 10 people a day, you know, within 70 days, I’m going to be through my whole database of 700 people, and then everything will be cleaned, you know, it’s a good chance to reset your database, get rid of some of the fluff, and then focus on the people that are really important to you. And they’re

D.J. Paris 39:00
great advice. And I hope everyone is listening there. Again, Jordan is is very skilled at breaking things down to you know, its smallest doable, actionable components, right. So he’s even breaking down his time into, you know, into smaller chunks. Because even for some of us, you know, working on something for an hour might be a bit overwhelming. So yeah, break it down into 20 minutes, and then congratulate yourself, when you made it the 20 minutes, that’s not easy to do. And then just keep, you know, take a few minutes and then get back to it. And, and all of a sudden, by the end of the day, you’ll have so much accomplished I read a statistic that said the average I don’t know if this is true, but it’s it seems to be pretty close to true and probably the average. You know, office worker really only does about an hour and a half to two hours of work a day. But they’re there for eight hours because, you know, they like you were saying they expand. Yeah, but you have eight hours to get two hours of work done. But as real estate agents, we don’t really have that we, you know, it’s all up to us and so You really have to be disciplined and structured. And if you can’t be, and not everyone’s good at that is get a partner, get a coach, find somebody that can help hold you accountable. I’m a big fan of coaching. And you know, you can even find a buddy, if you can’t afford hiring a coach, Find a buddy find somebody that is struggling like you and he can help each other

Jordan Pyle 40:18
DJ, I’m glad you mentioned that man. Because that’s like, that’s the last leg of all this is everyone knows what to do. Every single person out there knows what to do. And it’s a matter of stepping in there and, you know, allowing yourself again to get uncomfortable, it’s, it’s not a lot of people are willing to make the sacrifice of like, the short term for the long term benefits. So I think now more than ever, when you can’t necessarily be having realistic conversations, you can don’t get me wrong, but it’s limited in its scope. Because there’s bigger problems in the world. Now’s the time where these small things like he’s things from the heart that you’re doing, you’re gonna build a bigger business down the road, he’s gonna build trust, authenticity, you know, all those different things and to show empathy and compassion to people right now is that’s gonna go so far, you know. So it’s such a long way. So I think every day just waking up with your head down hard up, Gary Keller had mentioned that head down on focusing, because it’s so easy to get distracted right now of all the Zoom webinars and different things going on online and head down on what you know, is important, and then heart up to be able to help anyone that needs it, right. So that’s kind of how I’m going about my day is today.

D.J. Paris 41:29
Wonderful. I think that’s a great place to wrap up, head down heart up. Really, I think that’s what it’s what life is all about. So it’s, it’s like that old Zen saying they say Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. So always got to keep your head down, but keep the heart up as well, it’ll guide you into the right spot. And right now everyone is scared. So what a great opportunity for you to let them know you care about them. And guess what people want to work with people they care that who they know care about them. So most of the people, the service providers I use have not reached out I get I get the you know, generic emails that they send out everyone else, but I don’t like getting text messages or phone calls from lots of different providers that I pay money for, you can be the exception to that. And you can let people know and, and you have time, so now’s a great time to do it. Also, I want to Jordan, for everyone listening, not all of everyone who listens is necessarily a real estate professional. But we sometimes have you know, clients who are interested in working with someone like yourself, if we have any buyer’s or seller’s renters investors who are looking to work with you what’s what’s or if we have agents who want to refer business to you, since obviously, that’s a big, big for you what’s the best way they should be reaching out,

Jordan Pyle 42:47
I appreciate that DJ, probably the easiest way for anyone that’s looking to buy or sell or if you’re trying to get in touch, just send me an email, Jordan at pile Or you can go to my website power Yeah, and he’s locally and then I can pretty much connect you with anybody across the country to buy or sell if you have those needs as well.

D.J. Paris 43:09
Awesome. And also remember to follow Jordan on Instagram, you can find him at Georgia, Jordan dot pile and p y le So Jordan dot pile on Instagram and also his website, which he just mentioned, power residential has links to all of his social media accounts. So you can find them on all the different platforms there. Jordan, thank you so much. I know you’re incredibly busy, not only with your business, training for the Ironman, and then also all the other involvement that you have in leadership position. So I really appreciate your time. You know, and we’re so excited to have had you on the show. And congratulations again, on the 30 under 30. That’s a huge nod to you. And, you know, again, just keep up all the great work. And for all of our listeners, we have just a quick quick a couple of things we’d like to mention. Number one, please tell a friend, think about another real estate professional that you know that would benefit from listening to this interview that we just had with Jordan and just one other person. If everyone does that, we’ll double our listenership. And we would appreciate that as well. And then last to remember to follow us on Facebook. Our Facebook page is forward slash keeping it real pod we post an article every single day that we find online that’s written specifically to help real estate agents grow their practice. And also we do post our episodes there as well so you can find out what we’re doing. So follow us forward slash keeping it real pod. Alright, on behalf of Jordan and myself to the listeners, we say thank you for continuing to listen. And on behalf of the listeners and myself, Jordan, thank you for your time and we’ll see. We’ll see everyone on the next episode. Jordan, thanks.

Jordan Pyle 44:45
Thanks so much DJ grateful for you man.

Marki Lemons-Rhyal has spoken to over 300k real estate professionals about how to grow their business to achieve their goals. In our conversation she talks about the importance of using the extra time we have right now to work on our business plan. Marki provides actionable tips about working from home and how to embrace pivoting to find new opportunities for growth.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Marki Lemons can be reached at 773-454-0274 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host and guide through the show and in just a moment we’re going to be speaking with Marquis lemons. Before we get to Marquis I would like to remind everyone to please tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that you know that could benefit from hearing from these types of interviews with top 1% producers and send them a link to our show, send them right over to our website, which is keeping it real We have links to iTunes Google Play also Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, or just tell them to pull up a podcast app on their phone and search for keeping it real and it should pop right up. Also please follow us on Facebook you can find forward slash keeping it real pod or just search for keeping it real podcast. Reason for that is in addition to publishing every one of our episodes there we also show you behind the scenes footage and video footage of us recording each episode in real time. And we every single day we post an article that we find online that is specifically written to help real estate professionals grow their business. So please follow us again on Facebook. Thanks for telling a friend. Thanks for continuing to listen and support our show and hope everyone is staying safe out there and now on to our interview with Marquis lemons.

Today on the show we have Marcie lemons rial Marquis is a sixth time realtor Conference and Expo featured attendee. She is one of 100 speakers selected out of over 500 speakers selected to speak at the realtor Conference and Expo six different times. Marquis lemons is a licensed managing broker, also realtor, avid volunteer major donor and International Best Selling Author of and buy go out and buy this right now on Amazon the modern real estate professionals Guide to Success. Marquis also has a podcast called Marquis lemons rial find it on iTunes or any podcast app you use. Please subscribe to her podcast. It’s excellent. And you can find all things Marquis at her website which is marquis and want to spell that m a r k i l e m o n And you can find her social media accounts there as well. She’s an absolute legend in the real estate coaching and speaking world and a social media expert welcome Marcie lemons to the show. Thank you so much.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 3:36
Thank you for having me. It’s you know the world is in a different place today. I’m glad to see that our spirits are vivacious and lively as we you know shelter in place.

D.J. Paris 3:50
Well, this this is a kind of an opportunity for us because we know how hard it is to get you to even appear because you are so busy. You are on the road. Can you tell our listeners how often you’re out there speaking to realtors,

Marki Lemons Ryhal 4:02
I’m on the road 100 nights a year speaking for real estate associations, banks and title companies. So I get to meet a lot of people face to face. I’ve now been home seven days, and I’ve only left the house twice. So I’m very good at following rules and regulations. But I miss being out on the road with my fellow realtors.

D.J. Paris 4:21
Yeah. Well, we’re really grateful to have you on the show today. Before we get into all the craziness that’s going on, because, you know what we always want to do is give some context around our guests and we’re so honored to have you. Can you tell us a little bit about how you got into real estate?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 4:39
Well, I am a proud Chicago fifth generation entrepreneur. I was born and raised in the restaurant business so a third generation restaurant tour. My family owned Chicago’s oldest barbecue restaurant been in business since 1954. And for several years we sold more pork rib tips than any other barbecue establishment in the city. So in 1999, I went through a lawsuit with my family because I own the trademark right for our establishment. And as a result, I told myself that I wanted to do something where I could feel like a stay at home mom, and earn an above average income. So I came into the real estate business July 31 1999, as a loan originator because there were very few barriers to entry at the time. And then I transitioned and got my real estate broker’s license in 2003, and I’ve been full time broker managing broker since July 31 2003.

D.J. Paris 5:41
Incredible I mean, really Marquis is here in our local Chicago community. And we, we have listeners from all over the country who might not yet be that familiar with you. But right here, we’re one of the largest real estate markets in the country, you are known by everybody, we have 46,000 Realtors here, and I bet you’re 45,000 of them know Marquis, or know her name. And I’ve listened to her speak, and the other 1000 had just got their license last week and haven’t yet heard this podcast, but they will hear you very soon. And we’re so excited to introduce you to our audience, because they’re gonna love you. So, so thank you for that, that history. That’s excellent. How did you start to get into speaking and, you know, educating realtors.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 6:25
So let’s go back well, before even the whole restaurant thing happened. I have a undergrad degree in Hotel Restaurant Management and a master’s degree in business administration. When I graduated from grad school, I actually gave birth to my oldest son on that Monday, graduated from grad school back Saturday. So I actually thought I was gonna go back to school and get a PhD. And my grandfather informed me that I had six months to get a job that I would no longer be getting an allowance. And so I started teaching on the collegiate level fresh out of grad school, and I taught hospitality management and marketing courses. But I instantly realized that I was too young, and I didn’t have any real world experience at 2526. And so I said, Oh, I’ll come back to this. And in 2006, when I started to serve on the Board of Directors for the Chicago Association of Realtors, I also was told by my mentor to become a licensed real estate educator. And I did so and they kind of happened at the same time. And I was an instant success, probably because I’m animated. And I had real world experience from being an entrepreneur my entire life. And I was in the top 10% of Realtors in the city of Chicago before I became a real estate educator. And so 2006 was when the real estate education portion of my business kicked off, even though I had already been in education for over a decade prior to that. And what I decided to do, I believe that you should earn the most amount of money per hour work in the fewest hours possible. And so I went from being an educator to a trainer, a trainer to a speaker. And now I am probably one of the top speakers in the real estate industry on social media and technology. I’m just gonna claim it. And I work for the National Association of Realtors, religie,, Chase, Goldman Sachs, all of those companies. I’ve done some type of consultant training education on behalf of their members of their organization.

D.J. Paris 8:40
Yeah, your your pedigree is incredible. And your reputation is incredible as well, as you already know. So this is a real treat for us to have you. i Let’s let’s talk a little bit about so right now. We were just speaking a minute before we went live and the governor says here in Illinois that we’re on lockdown. And it’s it’s you know, it’s this is not uncommon. California has done it. New York’s done it other states are following suit. So people are at home right now, right? Realtors are at home, their clients are at home. You’re at home, you’re not traveling, of course. What do you have some ideas of what you know what Realtors could be doing right now to stay busy to stay engaged to not, you know, just flip on Netflix and waste away the day binge watching any thoughts of what our listeners could start to do just to stay busy?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 9:35
Well, the first thing I believe that every realtor should have a business plan. And that business plan you should in that business plan you should have a marketing plan and in that marketing plan, you need to have a social media strategy. And so let me be clear, took me about 48 hours just to get home get acclimated and wrap my head around what is going on and every single day. It’s like you have to make an justement, but I want every real estate professional to go back to their business plan. Now, when we think about shelter in place, your day is going to look different. And so my schedule used to be that I was the parent who was late dropping my children off at school every single day, until my youngest son got accepted into what I consider to be an A minus Chicago Public School. And they started school at 730. So I was turning the corner on two wheels trying to get the boy to school at nine o’clock. But then at the moment, he had to be on a bus stop, you know, at 6:45am. I was on that bus stop every single day on time, and I adjusted my schedule. So I’ve been getting up at 5:15am. Well, he’s in seventh grade. Now, he doesn’t need me in the morning. So I said, Oh, I can adjust my schedule. So I was getting up at 6am. Well, since I’ve been sheltering in place, and he’s at home, I don’t need to get up at 6am. So I just did my wake time to 7am. But I still have a long list of things that I need to do. And I need to do those things. Because my business plan said, I need to do them. And so not only do I think that we should have a business plan. Me personally, even though I believe in technology, I keep a journal, okay? And my journal is, is with me at all times people laugh and joke. But I have my little daily, I don’t know if you can see my lists, yes, I love right, of things that I have to go through every single day. And so I have my business plan, I’m looking at this time as the opportunity to outgrow my competition. And so if you sit here and you worry about something you have absolutely no control over. And you don’t position yourself to be better as a result of having all this time on your hands. That’s your fault. And so I want every real estate professional to go back to their business plan. If they don’t have one. I want them to think about as a result of being at home for 30 days, you know what, however many days, what are you going to do every single day that your unique selling proposition is going to outpace your competition?

D.J. Paris 12:17
Yeah, I love that. And let’s be honest, and I’m not saying for you, I’m saying to our listeners, let’s be honest, most real estate professionals don’t have a written business plan. They should they know they should. But life gets in the way, or they just never found somebody to help them do that. You have the time now to actually put one together if you already have one. Put your blinders on and keep working it right.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 12:44
Keep working it I came. One of the things that differentiated me right at the time that I started with the real estate education was I was the queen of foreclosures. I knew the foreclosures and short sales were coming. I had my husband drives me up to Appleton, Wisconsin, in the month of February in a snow blizzard, oh no, so that I could get certified to teach short sales and foreclosures for the National Association of Realtors. And my husband kept telling me Mark, you know, I can turn around, we can go back home and I had restless leg syndrome. I can remember this ride like it was yesterday. And I told my husband, I said no, I’ve been looking at the numbers. And it says, I need to learn this now. And I might not have the opportunity once I give birth to Austin. And so a month later, Austin was born. And within six months, you know, we weren’t foreclosures and short sales were the new norm. And so I encourage every real estate professional to look at the 2019 profile of buyers and sellers and profile of Realtors understand what their competition is looking like. Now, let me keep this in mind. There are some things we can’t predict right now because we don’t know what the outcome is going to be. Okay. But the competition of the realtor two weeks ago, we have that data, right. So I want to understand where we were and what is likely to happen as a result. I have people I was talking to a fellow realtor the other day, her client is a buyer want to go into an intro to an executed sales contract. And the listing agent was like, Oh, let me go to the office and fax you the disclosure. Oh my gosh. And I said how antiquated is that? You know, that realtor should think about what are some things that I can do online that I never have to go to the office to have to do them again, again, since so many offices are closed.

D.J. Paris 14:44
Right? Yeah, if you’re not taking advantage of dot loop or DocuSign are one of the many e signature platforms and if your affirm that your ad doesn’t offer that you really need to step up because that is that is a basic thing because you’re time is valuable Mark, he said, the beginning Hey, I my time is worth X amount per hour. And you know, nobody wants to spend an hour dropping off a check or running to get a signature when it can all be done electronically.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 15:11
You know what I did today, I looked at a couple of different platforms that will take our videos and basically transcribe them. So I looked at a system called wav. I looked at splashy, EO, I looked at headliner, and I looked at subtitles, okay. And at the end of the day, I actually made the commitment to pay $99 a month to have someone to do the four videos for me, because of the value of my time. And of course, I didn’t want to make that financial commitment now. But then, at my brokerage, I have revenue share, actually, I’m one of the people who left kW who still gets profit share. So I got profit, share revenue share. And I said marquee, what’s something you can implement that once again, I want, I want my competition, I want to be blowing dust at them, right? That I can do to differentiate myself. Instead of using the free tools, I decided to make the financial investment of $99 a month and have someone do it for me, based on the value of my time.

D.J. Paris 16:16
Yeah, I can agree we did this podcast, I started it. Myself, I did 100% of the work for the first two years, and I was really burning myself out. Because this is just something we do for fun, more more than anything. It’s not really a business of sorts, although it’s turning into one, which is very exciting. But it’s a tremendous amount of of effort and energy. And I know how to do everything. And so finally, about two or three months ago, I said I need a full time assistant, we had some part time people helping. And now we have zonna. And I have now transferred about 90% of the work that I used to do for the show to her. She does it it’s the best investment I’ve ever made. It frees up my time. It wasn’t very expensive. And it was absolutely worth every penny because now I can go out and grow the podcast as opposed to just working for the podcast, which is which is what I was doing. So I applaud you for continuing to increase, you know, your your effectiveness by outsourcing, right?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 17:15
Yeah, we have to outsource you have to realize what you’re good at what you aren’t good at. But you really have to go back to that business plan. Need to understand the value of your time. Yeah. And and I’m always going back even now, I’m looking at marquee, what are some of the things you can hire, outsource with this time off? Because I could spend more time help. We’re homeschooling now, right? I could spend more time in the homeschooling process, which is something I’m not good at. However, it’s something that I have to do to ensure my child’s future, right. And guess what, he’ll have an online tutoring session tonight because I know I’m not good at it. So I need some help.

D.J. Paris 17:54
I love it. And you know, for everyone out there thinking, Well, gosh, I would love to hire, you know, assistance or to help with my real estate business. But I knew I don’t have the income to do that. I completely understand I did this for absolutely free for the first two years generating essentially no income from it. And even the little income that was generated through sponsorships was gone went right back into the podcast. And but I then I had hit me like, oh, wait, we live in a global economy. There are this is a gig economy. And we have people from all over the world that are now connected through technology that will tell me how much their time is worth. And I was able to find help outside of the United States. As much as I would love to have somebody sitting in here with me. The reality of it is I couldn’t. And so now I have people from I’ve several people from different countries who help with this. It’s very cost effective. And it works really well. So for those of you out there thinking, Well, gosh, I can’t hire a full time personal assistant, maybe you can, you just might have to expand your reach or your search rather to beyond just the borders of this country.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 19:03
Yep, that’s true. And let me say this, a lot of them right, also sheltering in place right now. And you’re looking for work.

D.J. Paris 19:14
That’s absolutely true. And they are sheltered in place. I have zonna, who works for me is in Kosovo, and she’s incredible. I couldn’t do this without her. She is sheltered with her family. She’s been sheltered for few days. I have people in the Philippines that help they’re also sheltered as well. So we’re all in this together, I guess. But what you know, I want to talk a little bit about YouTube because you’ve had tremendous success there. And I know you speak a lot about this with respect to realtors can can generate an ROI on YouTube which by the way, could also be a free thing right? We you know, we don’t necessarily need to hire a production crew and a director and and camera, people in lighting people and if you can do that great. But you don’t always have to right. So can you talk a little bit about about you To Have and your thoughts.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 20:02
So my YouTube strategy is actually more of a Facebook Live strategy. When Facebook Live first came out, I was late to get it because I am not an apple girl. I’m an Android user. And so it came to my device late. And when it came, I was so frantic because I’ve never had that level of engagement on any form of video in the past, that it basically consumed me. So we have some tools like blab that I am where Kerry Liddell and I were over there, and we were doing a weekly show on Blab. And we were downloading that video and repurposing it. So I love to really start my video as a Facebook live video, because I create video sales funnels over on Facebook for lead generation purposes. And so what I do is then download that video content and repurpose it Oh, into almost 200 Different forms of content. But I’m taking I have two channels, one where I’m taking my Facebook Lives and repurposing them. And then another one kind of like you do as I’m taking my I record my podcast and video. And I’m building out a separate YouTube channel just for the podcast. And if you know YouTube is the second largest search engine, you can take that video and embed it essentially anywhere that accepts embed code, whether that’s your, your blog, or other platforms like LinkedIn. And so I am taking video content for lead gen downloading it and then placing it over on YouTube and taking the embed code from YouTube and placing it back into my WordPress blog. And then also for articles over on LinkedIn.

D.J. Paris 21:52
We do we have the exact same strategy. So I love that and, you know, this is something that now if you’re a real estate professional, and you’re like, you know, I would like to start creating a hyperlocal content, maybe you want to start to create neighborhood videos or, you know, city wide videos or suburban videos or anything that that you think yeah, that your your clients are not even necessarily your clients, people who are searching on YouTube are interested in learning, now’s the time to learn how to do it. And you don’t have to have ultra professional equipment, you know, you just have to have really good content. And now’s the time to learn how to actually market that content. It’s not enough just to put it up there, you need to know how to how to make sure it’s it’s easily searchable. And that hopefully shows up at the top of YouTube. And and there are strategies to do that as same with Facebook.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 22:45
Well, you know, it comes back, you were talking about hyperlocal content. And so those key words, whether you’re using those in the title, whether you’re using them in the description, whether you’re saving the video and have the alt text, you want to talk to people the way that they’re searching, and then you do want to provide valuable content. And a lot of times we as real estate professionals, we will go spend two $3,000 on a video and not generate any leads, right? Why I like live video is because I don’t like to edit. And so I don’t have to edit that live video and I’m 100% Okay, with making mistakes, I don’t make a lot of mistakes, because practice makes perfect. And I’m consistently creating video content. So it tends to flow for me, I don’t like to edit. And when I’m taking these videos and downloading them minimum, I mean minimum edits, you know, I might trim the the beginning and the end of the video and then add an intro and an outro video to it. And so I love video because it is the only form of content that you can repurpose without recreating. So the email marketing is coming from the video. The blog post is coming from the video, but I like to generate those leads initially and then take the video content and repurpose it. Yeah, that’s

D.J. Paris 24:09
a boy I mean we are we are so simpatico on this we do the same thing we stream this live we of course when when when we produce the audio version, we trim it up we polish it we it’s not much editing, but we make it sound a little bit better. But when it comes to the YouTube videos, yeah, we we chop off a little bit the beginning in the end, we put an intro to it and call it a day. But the most important thing is then marketing it and making sure that we are getting in front of enough eyeballs. And we just launched our YouTube video so we were really getting very little eyeballs at this moment. But on Facebook, we started doing video a few months ago really and it was silly of me not to have done it before but I just really didn’t think I wasn’t sure that it would work. I was I’m an audio podcast guy. And all of a sudden each video we do now gets well over a couple 1000 views is usually within a couple of days on Facebook. And it’s amazing and our listenership, and our viewership now, I guess, has increased. So this is such a great time of all the real real estate agents out there to learn how to do this stuff. Marquis teaches this, this is part of what she does. And we always encourage everyone to visit our website, there’s so many amazing resources there, which is marquis And but you speak about this all over the country. What are you hearing these days? Obviously, right now we’re in the middle of a crisis. I know you’re not necessarily speaking as much during the crisis. But prior to the crisis, what are you hearing out there from realtors? I mean, what are they? What are they struggling with?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 25:44
Well, one, they are struggling with the utilization. So when we think about real estate, it is often the second third, fourth occupation, we do have an older entry age than other occupations, this is something people always wanted to do, they would do it in their retirement. The problem that I’m seeing is if that person is let’s say, 40 years or older, if one they’ve never been an entrepreneur, and B, they’ve never had any tech training ever, in their previous occupation, they’re struggling, because not only do they need to learn real estate, they need to start to learn social media and technology. So millennials, we’re seeing have an easier entrance, only because they understand technology, because their generation of people who’ve never lived without it. And so I’m seeing that those that are coming in, if they’ve never had any entrepreneurial entrepreneurship training in the past, and they don’t have any tech experience, I don’t know how they’re going to survive, because the first thing they have to do is change their mind. And the mind is, is actually their barrier. Because they will say, Oh, I’m too old, it’s always a negative when they need to start talking about, you know, I am a lead gen magnet, I am a wonderful entrepreneur. I have technology skills that will sustain my business. And they aren’t saying their affirmations, and they don’t even know what to say. Because there are so many things they didn’t get before they get here.

D.J. Paris 27:20
Well, and the beauty of it is this is all teachable. All of this is learnable. It’s not age specific. It’s not like, oh, because you’re, you’re 24, you you inherently get this, you’ll probably have an easier time adapting it because you grew up with it. But I assure you, you know, people sometimes ask like, DJ, how did you start a podcast, I was like, Well, I read a bunch of stuff online, I took some courses. And then all of a sudden, I knew how to do a podcast I had no and I’ve never been in radio, I’ve never done anything like this. You know, I just learned it’s all online. And a lot of it’s free. And now’s a great time. And if you say well, I don’t have time. Now you do have time, I’ll have a little bit more time. And unfortunately, and it’s a bit sad that we have this time, it’s unfortunate for the whole country, and a lot of people are struggling. And yes, that’s true. And, and, and but here’s an opportunity for you to start to cultivate those habits. And if you give yourself and you say, Well, I don’t know anything about YouTube, great opportunity to start now spend 30 minutes a day, for the next month, you’ll probably be inside for some of that time anyway, whether you like it or not, and spend maybe a couple hours, whatever you have time to do. And also, let’s not neglect our sphere of influence everyone, let’s not neglect our clients. The people that are most freaked out are the people that are we’re already working with. But in addition to that, you making sure that you’re staying in communication with them. And I’m going a bit off 10 Off topic, but let’s make sure that we’re reaching out to everyone in our sphere and just letting them know we’re thinking about them during this time. But also remember, this is a time to go back to your business plan and say, you know, my YouTube game right now is a little weak, my Instagram game is weak. How would I increase that? Well, you might not know you can learn there’s so many resources online available and now’s the time right?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 29:10
Well, there are two things in regards to what you stated one, I’m going to be 50 on my birthday. And so definitely there’s no age limit, ending or start right. It’s I had I changed my mind and that’s why I embrace technology and the changes you must you must dedicate yourself to becoming a lifelong learner. So I am going to be that 80 year old cute granny with the hottest technology you know what my grandkids talking about? Oh, our grandma, we’re gonna run this by her or the one who’s the 80 year old tic tac sensation. That’s gonna be me. I’ve already claimed it right. So that would be number one, but then notice this during this Coronavirus scare everyone we’re getting emails from people we have not heard from in five to 10 years. I don’t need To know where these people get my email address from. So email is still relevant. And we’re sending consistent emails like I send an email every single week. Now I am going to go to every other week, because I want to get a higher open rate. And I’m starting to think maybe I was sending too many emails. But some of these people, I have not received an email from I know in the past five years, but they’ve been hearing from you. They’ve been hearing from me, but I’m talking about all the different businesses that have people’s email addresses. And this is the only time I hear from you. Like, I’m like, I’m like, please do not send me Do not send me another Coronavirus email. I’m okay. I every update every tip, every website, someone has already communicated it to me. Because every day probably for the past week, I’ve received 10 to 15 emails from people who have not been in communication.

D.J. Paris 30:54
Boy, I could not. There’s that is such an important point. You know, it’s it’s the same. It’s a similar point to Don’t, don’t be like everyone else. And also everyone’s already oversaturated with this information. And also don’t make it the only time you ever reach out, right. I get this a lot I am I was absolutely shocked how many emails I received from businesses that I forgotten about, because they hadn’t communicated with me. And all of a sudden they’re telling me what their CEO thinks about the Coronavirus, which, okay, fine. But it’s one of 60 emails I got yesterday. And yeah,

Marki Lemons Ryhal 31:33
yeah. Some of these organizations I’m like, and who are you? And when did I sign up? I mean, I’m really questioning the whole process. And so email marketing is effective. People are now sending emails as the result, I hope it’s not the only email they send. But at the end of the day, if we were to come back to the fact we have podcast and we have video content, and we have a YouTube channel, I’m basically doing audio to text transcription. And so now I have content in order to sin, ongoing communications and post that blog. But guess what, it was all in the business plan. So I had half a podcast, probably four or five years on my business plan, when it was in its infancy. And then finally, in January of 2019, I launched social selling made simple. And so you know, but it was on the business plan. I was a little slow to react and respond. But finally he got done. So yeah,

D.J. Paris 32:31
yeah, you know, it’s so it’s so true is everyone now, you know, it’s time to revisit the business plan, time to come up with that those daily actions, those disciplines, because we all know, it’s not about motivation, it isn’t about waiting for inspiration to hit you. Those may happen, they may not meet in my case, they don’t happen most of the time. But if I wake up at at the time, I’m supposed to, and I look at my business plan, and I say, What am I supposed to do today, and then you just chip away at your goals, you just chip away and just start chipping away. And all of a sudden, you know, one day you’ll wake up and you’ll be you’ll be a YouTube expert, because most people aren’t going to go that whole marathon, they’re going to peter out after a few miles. Because it’s hard. It’s not fun sometimes to wake up and do your homework. But that’s what a business plan is. It’s not something you’ll look at once a year and write once a year and then forget to look at you have to look at it all the time. I would recommend daily just to remind yourself, what am I doing? What am I supposed to do today, especially when all the noise is happening? Right?

Marki Lemons Ryhal 33:32
Yeah, it’s very, it’s hard. And like I said, I’m not getting up at 515. I’m not getting up at six o’clock. I’m getting up at seven now. So I’m well rested. And the goal is that once I get up, I come in my office. Well, one, I bathe and I brush my teeth because it’s very easy when you’re working from home to not do either, right. And then I come into the office. And I have that checklist. And I just start with that checklist every single day. And amazingly, even though I took all my travel dates off my schedule until June the first, it’s now filled with video production online course development. I’ve come back and that schedule is now full, because I instantly knew if I couldn’t be face to face, and I still need to pay a mortgage and take care of children. How can I do that? Oh, what you’re providing face to face you now have to provide online. And so what I think real estate professionals need to understand anything that you do face to face, there is an online solution to deliver that content to meet. I mean, anything you do face to face today has an app or method of delivery online. Yeah,

D.J. Paris 34:48
yeah. And you You are the you’re the I’m gonna call you the queen of pivoting I’m gonna give you a new title because I think in some ways that might be your secret sauce. Far be it for me to tell you But you have throughout your entire career, you’ve consistently saw where things are and where things were going and adjust it. And you’re even doing that now in this immediate time where we’re all sort of freaked out about what to do, and that you’re such a shining example of consistently being a lifelong learner. And just pivoting, changing, going, you know, I’m going to just slightly adjust, my messaging is still the same, I’m just maybe going to deliver it in a different way. And all of a sudden, new opportunities arise out of that. So

Marki Lemons Ryhal 35:30
thank you, I wrote the wrote, well, you know, what I have wrote the word pivot probably five times in the last 24 to 48 hours. Because that’s what we have to do as an industry. Instead of having a regular open house, we now need to do a virtual open house. Can we come in and see a house? Yes, the problem is that we touch everything. So can you go in? Yes. But now you need to safeguard. So that means don’t touch people stuff. Imagine that. Keep your hands to yourself in someone else’s house. Right? Which is kind of like common sense. But people come in, and the first thing they do is they touch right? They gotta touch everything. This is someone’s house. Yeah. You know, it’s so some of the changes. I think a great changes, I think that we should have always since video is on essentially, it’s on every mobile device. Right? Right. We should have been doing open house previews for years now. Someone sent me a video from four years ago, I was at the Chicago Association of Realtors and I did a walkthrough on Facebook Live on why you should do virtual open houses. Right? So it’s, it’s not new. It’s cost effective. And it gets you in front of the world’s largest audience online.

D.J. Paris 36:53
Yeah, it’s, it’s awesome. And you know, it’s another thing to even if you’re not broadcasting on Facebook, which you should be. But you know, when things get back to normal, and we’re going out and doing normal showings, you should still video then because you can send those at the end of the day to the client, say, Hey, here’s all the stuff we saw today. I know your heads, probably spinning here with five videos for the five places we went through just to refresh your memory so you can review them. But yeah, doing those on Facebook too, is super cool, because then people can follow along with you. And, and even if you if it’s just you, I want to show you my new listing because what I always think I’m gonna get your opinion on this. And, and, you know, you may disagree with this. And that’s okay. I always think Realtors do themselves a disservice when they only post a static image of I just listed or I just saw, it’s the most nobody cares. Nobody cares. The only people that care are the people you just sold the home to or sold the home from they care. Nobody else does. And it’s boring. And nobody wants to see that.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 37:57
We are in agreement 100% Every, every listing has three disqualifiers location, price point bedroom bathroom count, if that’s all you’re doing is posting that photo, and you don’t have anything to talk about the neighborhood or how to finance getting into that home, you have added all the disqualifiers for reason to not engage with that photo. I have a private Facebook group. And in that group, if you only post a photo, we take it down. It’s called the is real estate live. So you have to either have an event, which we will accept a photo. But if you post the listing, and it is not video, we take it down. We were so tired of just the photo, right? I mean, like it’s, it’s nothing unique about it, it has the three disqualifiers in it, do something different. And so I am 100% in agreement with you. But I wanted to go back, because I was talking about using the system that I was paying for. So when we think about YouTube, all of those long YouTube videos I take, I take an aha moment, three minutes or less. And I’m taking that over to have them do the audio to text transcription. So that I can now come back and either use that on Facebook, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, or even IG TV where it meets the time limits. And so you want to think about giving people content the way that they desire the content. Some people still like to read some people learn audio, some people visual. And so I’m always thinking, you know, how can we take this one piece of content and give it to people the way that they desire because what you’re never going to do is change how the consumer desires to consume information or their preferred communication style.

D.J. Paris 40:00
Right. Yeah, I mean, I love the idea of doing a virtual walkthrough and posting that on Facebook. And even if I’m not in the market for buying or selling a home, at that time, I might want to see what’s inside that house. And the static image, as you said, has disqualifiers and also doesn’t really tell me anything, I want to see the inside. And if somebody who I follow on on social media, whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc, you know, goes, you guys got to see this, come on, and I’m gonna show this to you. And then you walk into the home all of a sudden, now I’m engaged, I think it’s cool. I’m interested, even if I’m not in the market, and I go, wow, that was really, that was really neat. And I, I’m always amazed that that real estate professionals don’t do that as much as they should, you’re going into the house anyway, take a 30, take a two or three minute video and share it with the world.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 40:49
There are two things with that, I believe anytime you take a listing, you need to act, that home owner for access to their Wi Fi. So get the code because it allows you to market the property more effectively while you’re there, whether it’s photos or videos, there’s just going to upload and download substantially faster, very smart. But if you are a broker, or managing broker or whatever they might call it in your state. What I highly recommend now is to get a Zoom account. Because essentially, every camera you can have up to 100 cameras or more contingent upon the package, you get each camera, essentially a mobile device, an iPad, a computer as a camera. I’m thinking that offices need to do their own virtual Open House tours. And zoom would be an excellent platform where they could either stream that live to Facebook, or stream that live to YouTube, or just record it and download it and then repurpose it. So it’s so many ways to get things done. But I’m thinking if you have a great team or you have an expansion team or you’re an office, you provide that as a tool to the team or to the office. And now you are you have your own virtual open house tour. And all your agents need is a mobile device.

D.J. Paris 42:11
Yeah, I was I was telling you Marquis offline that we’re doing this via zoom as well. And one of the best qualities or features zoom has it’s with the paid membership, but it’s not expensive. It’s really inexpensive, is you can broadcast live on Facebook simultaneously. And I wasn’t even sure when we started doing this, because this is an audio podcast. Is that going to how is that going to confuse people? Is it going to make the distribution a little trickier? And I thought and Will anybody here does anyone wants to see these interviews? And we did one and it got like 1200 views within 24 hours. And I was completely shocked. And I went well. Of course I wasn’t thinking clearly. And of course that makes sense. And so everyone should go out and get a Zoom account. They’re free for the basic package. And then you can always upgrade. But boy, they are so helpful. And there’s so many cool features. I’m a big, big fan of zoom. And that’s what that’s what we’re using right now. I would like to ask you a question. You were saying you don’t get asked too much. So I love this. Tell me about you said your funniest real estate experience was not knowing about your MLS ID. And so and by the way, you’re not alone on this one. But you tell us about that. Can you mind sharing that story.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 43:26
So when I came into real estate, I came in as a broker, I was never a sales agent. At the time, if you had an undergrad or master’s degree, you could just simply sit for the state exam and never attend pre license school. So I’m one of those people. So one that’s a problem all by itself. The second problem was due to the fact that I decided to be my own broker and hold my own license right out the gate. You don’t have anyone to ask anyone to ask. So when I go to schedule my first showing appointment, the young lady asks for my MLS ID number and I’m like, Well, what is the MLS ID number and where do I get one from? And she tells me I have to go to my local association. So I go to the Chicago Association of Realtors. And when they give you the sheet of paper, it’s not like you just get an MLS ID number right? You have to pay the Chicago Association of Realtors, the Illinois Association of Realtors, the National Association Association of Realtors, you have the one time setup fee, and you have the MLS dues. So let’s say it was $1,200 So I’m like $1,200 That wasn’t in my business plan to start my business, right. And so when she gives me to be I’m like, I’m gonna give you this check and we’re gonna be done. We choose she said, Oh, no, honey, you’re gonna have to pay us every single year. At that moment. I knew I didn’t know nothing. That is really one of the pivots in real estate, to dedicate myself to being a lifelong learner because what I love about it the Chicago Association of Realtors I I felt like a complete idiot. I say, Who was this organization just took all my money, and it wasn’t on the state licensing exam.

D.J. Paris 45:08
Yeah, yeah. And you don’t have a choice. It’s not that you can choose not to do it, you choose not to do it.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 45:15
And so keeping that in mind, I always accept the fact that I know I don’t know. And that was my first experience as a licensed broker. And at that moment, I said to myself, you need to get in every single class humanly possible. Because clear, you don’t know nothing. You don’t you don’t know nothing Marquis.

D.J. Paris 45:40
Yeah. It’s funny I, I I’m always shocked so So Mark, and I are here in Chicago and Chicago Association. Realtors is the local city Association. And they’re excellent. I actually was just, I got to moderate a panel of top producers a few weeks ago. And for the YPN, and the YPN. Here in Chicago, it stands for the Young Professionals Network. And a lot of associations have some version of that. And it’s an excellent little subset of the of Chicago Association realtors, where they have these great breakfasts at a local restaurant here in Chicago that’s famous called Manny’s, and they bring in top producers, they bring in speakers, Mark is spoke at it a million times. And it’s a great thing. And it comes with your membership. And I cannot tell you, we have 650 Realtors at our own firm, almost all of which are members of Chicago Association of Realtors, and a lot of them don’t even know this exists. And so this is such a marquee set as a big thing. So all of us out there are probably a member of some local association, I guarantee there are classes, there are benefits, because you’re paying them a lot of money. There are things that you probably aren’t that familiar with, contact them and say, Tom, can you send me a list of the classes? Where do I go to find out what’s going on? Because you might as well get your money’s worth, and there’s so much great value in those trainings.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 46:57
You know, I just thought about it. And as a result that first year, I don’t, what year did you come into real estate?

D.J. Paris 47:03
Oh, just about 10 years ago? Yeah. Okay.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 47:06
So I’m taking you back to 2003 2004. So what I decided, well, I didn’t decide this. But at the time, because real estate was so hot, you would have all of these open houses where at the time, they would give you like $100 Marshall Field gift card or Saks Fifth Avenue gift card or the new $20 bills came out. And I remember, they were given away the new $20 bills at an open house. So what I strategically did was, I went and got all my money back by attending these events and ended events, right, this is crazy, where they was given a gift. And I was going to eat because I wanted it to cover the cost of my meal. Because I said if I got to spend this $1,200 I didn’t know nothing about I need to recoup my money out here in the streets. And I actually recouped my money by doing what I was supposed to do. And that was attend open houses. But at that time you would have and you had to get there early, because they would run out of the money of the gift cards. So it’d be like the first 50 the first 100 people I was I was on my mobile device. I’m pretty sure it looked like a brick at the time. I had my no pad had my big bag, and I was going standing in line doing all of my calls my scheduling, but there was gonna feed me and give me a gift card. Yep.

D.J. Paris 48:21
Well, I actually Marcie, I saw you speak not that long ago, maybe a month ago over at. Oh gosh, the new big apartment building Nima real producers at Neem, I should know that one of our brokers works there. So I should know that. Yes, at Nima. And boy what a cool building. So this is the largest apartment building now in Chicago. And I want to tell you just a quick funny story. So Marquis was there was all top producers I write for the magazine that was that was sponsoring it. So they let me come. And I was sitting there watching Marquis speak. She’s, of course Excellent. And as we were going down, and this goes back to lifelong learning and pivoting, and this is of course before before the virus hit and things all change. And I was writing down that this is the hottest apartment building in Chicago. It’s gorgeous. It’s beautiful. It is so cool. And I’m writing down with with a top producer who I did not know. And she goes, I just hate these apartment buildings. And I said, oh, and I was curious. I said, oh, oh really? Are they overpriced? Like what? And she goes, I just think anyone who rents is a total moron. And I said, Oh, okay. And I said, Well, you must have, I’m sure you have clients that must be renting at places like this. And she’s like, Yeah, and I tell them, they’re stupid, and they should. And it was very interesting. And I thought, wow, boy, you know, and that’s fine. And I’m not here to to, you know, be pejorative towards this realtor. But I thought push, she’s kind of missing out on an opportunity here because a lot of realtors have pivoted. Now things are all up in the air. But we’re pivoted to like starting to think about rentals, rentals, you know, might make sense in some certain circumstances for some clients, and I thought, Boy, what a missed opportunity. You were at this beautiful Building, they were doing tours, you might have one person, you know, that actually could have been a good fit for this place. But that attitude Just Shut, shut it completely down. And I’m sure that she has missed opportunities. As a result,

Marki Lemons Ryhal 50:12
she has an abundance of missed opportunities. If we were to look at Kevin Rocio he’s one of the top commercial guys in the multifamily market here. And because he owns so much real estate, he does not own where he lives. But because he has all of this other income producing real estate, he pays a very, he’s in the ideal community, he pays top notch rent, because he wants to be serviced when he’s at home. And so, you know, owning and living in owning might not be your cup of tea, right? When you come home, you want some we want you want to bring your car down warmed up, right, you want him to have a grocery store in the store and bring your food up. And that for some people, that’s the lifestyle, and he can afford that lifestyle. And he has all the tax write offs. And so I would say definitely, that person is missing out. They let me say this, I look at life as not black and white, but all the shades of gray. That person was looking at life as black or white.

D.J. Paris 51:12
Exactly. Yeah. Well, I couldn’t agree more. And I think this is such a great place to wrap up. Mark has given so much value on this episode. And I want to make sure that our listeners know how to to get engaged with Marquis. So obviously her website for everything you want to know when you can hire her for speaking engagements, although obviously immediately, but but you can reach out to her and find out her schedule, bring her to your city, bring her to your your audience, and it can even be done remotely as well. But definitely visit her website Marquis lemons, that’s Mar K i l e m o n And also everyone should be reading her book. It’s an international best seller. It’s called the modern real estate professionals Guide to Success and also subscribe to her podcast. If you just go to any podcast app you have a by the way, you can go to Marquis website, you can subscribe right there. Just go to any podcast app though and type in marquee lemons, it’ll pop right up, hit that subscribe button and see what she’s all about. Because her content is excellent. She’s excellent. And she’s always evolving. And it’s great just to be around that energy to understand that you as a real estate professional, you need to keep evolving. So Marquis lemons for all things. And she has all sorts of great resources on her website as well. So marquis, Marquis, on behalf of all of our listeners really appreciate you taking time. I know it’s a crazy day in particular here in Chicago. But I appreciate you taking some time out from being superstar mom superstar business owner and and all the other things you do to share it with our audience. So thank you. And on behalf of Marky and myself to our listeners We also thank you for continuing to listen to support our show everyone we would ask you just to tell one other real estate professional about the show and about this interview. And anyone you think could benefit from hearing from people like Mark you let them know about our show. And that’ll help keep us rolling as well. So Marquis, thank you so much. Let’s all stay safe and wash our hands and don’t touch things when you go into a listing. No touching.

Marki Lemons Ryhal 53:18
No. Thank you. All right, thanks Marcie.

Welcome to our newest monthly feature, Close-ing Time – in partnership with

In this episode Chris Linsell from TheClose discusses how real estate agents are adjusting to working from home during our global COVID-19 pandemic. Chris provides tips about how to structure one’s day so that you’re able to be productive and still keep your business growing. His tips are timely and perfect for anyone wanting to stay active during this slower time.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Chris Linsell can be reached at


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose keeping it real listeners receive a special discount, so please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast in the country made for real estate agents. And by real estate agents, my name is DJ Parris, I am your host, and guide, I was gonna say ghost, but I’m not a ghost. Although I have been pretty sick recently. So I probably look a bit pale like a ghost. But I am your guide and host through the show. And this is our new monthly feature with partnered with the So when I started this podcast, we were focused mostly here local Chicago market, featuring local Chicago realtors, which we still do. But as we’ve grown, over the years, our audience has expanded thankfully, and now we have listeners really from all over the globe, but certainly also from all over this country. And now that we really are nationwide, we want to focus on nationwide news and trends that will really help real estate agents know what’s going on in the industry. And we’re excited to announce this partnership with the If you’re not a reader of the close, let me tell you a little bit about them. The close is a new kind of real estate website designed to give agents teams and brokerages actionable strategic insight from industry professionals. They cover real estate marketing, lead gen technology and team building strategies. From the perspective of working agents and brokers who want to take their business to the next level. Please visit them at the and subscribe to their newsletter. Add them to your RSS feed readers, you can get notified each time they publish an article and on the show from the closed Icom. We have crystallin Sal, he’s staff writer and a real estate coach. Let me tell you a little bit about Chris. Chris is one of the closes resident experts on real estate topics ranging from marketing lead generation transactional best practices and everything in between. As a licensed agent in the state of Michigan. Chris has been a part of hundreds of transactions from modest rural starter homes to massive waterside compounds. When he isn’t writing you’ll find Chris fly fishing the trout streams of Michigan or on the stage at his local community theaters latest production, although maybe not right now because the theaters are closed. But Chris, welcome once again to the show. We’re so excited to have you.

Chris Linsell 3:09
DJ thanks for having me. Glad to glad to be chatting with you and glad to see you’re feeling a little bit better. I’m really good vibes right now. Really good to help vibes

D.J. Paris 3:20
I had I had really funny timing. Thankfully, it was just food poisoning, but it was still just don’t food poisoning. And that happened last Thursday. And it wiped me out for about four or five days. And even yesterday, I had to take a day off six days later. So I’m thankfully fine. And I believe Coronavirus free. But also I’m not puking from feud food poisoning any longer. So I’m grateful for that. But anyway, glad to be with you. And you know, there is a lot going on. Right now I know we have 660 brokers that our own firm, we’ve closed our offices. I’m here in the office along with our owner just getting some work done. But you know, most realtors are just like everyone else working from home, you know, these days? So I imagine the same thing going on with you.

Chris Linsell 4:09
Oh, yeah. Just about every local office in my community is closed. I think I think like you there are a couple of people who are kind of sneaking into to get a couple of things done. But the vast majority of people are planted at home and have been encouraged either nicely or not so nicely to stay put and to not leave. And it’s a serious situation we’re dealing with here. But you know, real estate agents are resilient. We’re a resilient crowd and adaptive. So I know a number of agents who are who are trying to figure out how to make it work from their from their now home office, instead of the office down on Main Street there. Yeah, we’re

D.J. Paris 4:54
even doing a thing at our own brokerage where we have so many brokers where we’ve now assigned some of our support personnel to reach out individually one by one, it’s a bit of a bit of a grind to do, but just to reach out, let them know we’re thinking about them, let them know that that we care and hoping that we can give them some tips on how to stay busy. So that’s a good focus today, because I know a lot of our agents are going to be tuning in to this one as well as agents from all over the country to sort of get your perspective. Yeah, so So let’s talk about that. What What are, what are some some thoughts you have about, you know, what brokers could do? And I say, by the way, I should preface that I live in Illinois, we only have brokers here. That’s the only type of sale of Real Realtors I should really should just say. So when I say broker, everyone listening, please understand, I’m really saying realtor, if I have, I’ll try to keep that the phrasing to realtor, a real estate agent. But I know Illinois, it’s all we have our brokers, but what are you seeing? As far as agents in your state? What What are they doing to stay busy?

Chris Linsell 5:53
Sure, sure. So I’m in Michigan, and but I’m in contact with agents from across the country. And I’ve been chatting about this quite a bit. And, you know, it’s it’s pretty, pretty striking. Actually, the conversations I’ve had so far have really shed some light on the fact that real estate professionals are they like their office, they like to be able to go in and, you know, be around other people who are doing the same kind of work and bounce ideas off of each other and, and collaborate. Even if it’s not a particular transactions, there’s a certain synergy that happens when real estate pros all get in the same room and people are struggling a little bit trying to do it in isolation. Is that the case? In your office right now?

D.J. Paris 6:43
So it’s a great question, we actually my boss, I should have thought of this. But he did, because he’s a little smarter than I am. And he came up with this idea of doing, you know, I’m on I’m on just to preface this, I’m on two different boards for nonprofits, and I serve on them. And we have gone exclusively to zoom meetings for ever since the virus hit. And I should have thought to do that with our own brokers. But he had the idea that, hey, why don’t we do zoom meetings on a daily basis. And we are now doing that, where brokers can come we have an agenda, here are some ideas and tips. So for everyone who owns a brokerage, that’s a and by the way, Zoom is is a free service, you can pay for additional upgrades, but you probably don’t have to. And that’s a way to stay in touch with your brokers during this troubled time. But that’s one of the things we’re doing is having these daily meetings, you know, they’re not super well attended. But it’s better than doing nothing. We’re also doing that outreach, where we’re calling each person and just letting them know what’s going on.

Chris Linsell 7:42
So so I’ll tell your listeners, our listeners here that you know, I work remotely 100% of the time as a writer and and coach for the clothes, the clothes is home operations are based in New York City, I’m here in Michigan, so I spend the vast majority of my working days in my office in the basement of my house or out in coffee shops, you know, I like to get out and especially have coffee or lunch with other real estate professionals and, and hear about what’s going on in their world. So I’m pretty well adjusted to the to the work at home lifestyle, but a lot of the agents that I have spoken to are struggling and I bet you I bet just some folks who are listening to this can identify here, like there are certain issues that are, are continue to come up like I don’t know when to start and stop work at home. Like when do I actually when do I punch in for the day? You know, you think like, that seems like such a fundamental, easy thing. But when you don’t have that natural kind of chronology in your day, it can be a little jarring. And so that’s one thing I always tell folks, like pick a time where you are starting work, pick a time where you are officially on the clock. And make that a dedicated work time. Don’t sit in the seat where you stream Netflix at night, actually take a shower, get dressed, you don’t have to put a suit on but get out of your pajamas, make your day your workday actually start at a particular time and pick an end time on it too. Because that’s the other danger here is that if there’s no real separation of your of your work life and your and your non work life, it all kind of bleeds together and you end up doing everything a little bit less effectively than you would otherwise.

D.J. Paris 9:36
Yeah, the research is really clear on multitasking. It doesn’t work. And and as much as I would love to be somebody that could do it. I can’t and by the way, you can’t either. The research says none of us are better at doing multiple things simultaneously than doing one thing and moving on to the other thing and we live in a culture where we can be constantly stimulated and lots have different ways simultaneously, you know, there’s obviously, you know, on demand streaming, there’s news cycle that’s 24/7. There’s the internet, there’s your phone, there’s social media. And it’s really, really tough to filter out all the noise, especially if you’re working at home, I think I think you’re right is having a dedicated space if possible, but certainly being able to sort of turn off the external, you know, stimuli to be able to then allow you to hyperfocus

Chris Linsell 10:29
Yeah, you know, another thing that I have figured out for my own purposes, and I see a lot of real estate agents around me that are starting to adapt this is when you’re working from home, I go into my phone, and I turn off all of my notifications, except for text messages and actual phone calls. Because you think about like when your phone is, is operating at full bandwidth, you got all your notifications on, you know, Netflix is telling you, there’s a new thing to watch, you got a new Facebook, friend requests, you got Instagram likes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. There’s 100 different ways when you are at your house, that that phone is a source of leisure and entertainment. And it’s easy to confuse, work time with personal time, if those sorts of same personal notifications that you would probably just ignore, if you’re sitting in your office with your colleagues, once you’re, you know, sitting alone by yourself, there’s really no, there’s not any of that kind of secondary accountability to keep you from straying off task and engaging in the personal stuff. So you know, when I’m in my office, I have a point where like, I walk in the My Home Office, all those notifications go off, and they don’t come back on until I lead again.

D.J. Paris 11:49
Yeah, that’s a really great suggestion, I do the same thing. So I work a bit differently. I’m not a Producing Realtor. But I meet with prospective agents who maybe want to join our firm on a daily basis, either in person, well, not now in person, but over the phone or in person, generally. And even if it’s over the phone, I do the same thing, I just turn my notifications off on my phone. So because I also have a watch that is connected to my phone, and I’m getting those same buzzes to my left wrist. And I don’t want that. Really, the most basic thing is I want to give that person my undivided attention and you want to give your business that undivided attention. And now’s a Yeah, now’s a really great opportunity to double down maybe if you aren’t as busy because people are maybe being less active in the real estate world right now is to really hyper focus on what you can do to grow your business. And if you’re constantly being you know, distracted by the millions of emails you might get, or text messages you might get on a regular basis. You know, you can turn those off, and you learn how to use those notification settings on your phone to turn certain ones to allow certain ones and to not allow certain ones.

Chris Linsell 12:59
Yeah, and you know, you brought something up that I think is really interesting. You know, real estate is a very people driven business. But just because our phones aren’t rain doesn’t mean we can’t be productive. Like, you know, you mentioned the millions of emails that you get I am a same way I have multiple email addresses issued by multiple companies or, or partners that I’m working with all of which I have to track the incoming mail on and it gets overwhelming. Like I know, when I go on vacation, and I turn off email for a little while I come back to literally 1000s of emails waiting for me. And one thing that real estate agents, I tell folks, and it’s so liberating. If you’ve got slow time, you should attempt email inbox zero, which is to get that email down to zero unread messages, get everything sorted into the proper folders. You know, I know agents and brokers who live that life of of having literally 10s of 1000s of unread emails up on, you know, in their little icon on their phone, that personally makes my skin crawl. I don’t know how anybody can operate like that. But when you’re in slow time right now, that’s a great task. Getting the email inbox zero really helps keep you organized in the same way that you would want to organize the paper files in your desk. That’s a digital filing system. Like get it organized, make it work for you. You got some time to do that. Now. Why don’t I take advantage of it right?

D.J. Paris 14:32
Yeah, I’m an inbox zero guy myself. Although right now I have I’m looking I have. This is embarrassing. I have 50 emails in my inbox. They’ve all been read, but I normally have one I my personal amount that I keep is 210. I say if as long as I have between one and 10 in there, I can that’s manageable for me. I very rarely ever get to zero but one to 10 is still visually I can look at alternate in one clip. I’m like okay, I’m good. I have 50 in there. now and it’s it’s making me very nervous. And it’s only because I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to monitor my inbox. But I will give another pro tip because Chris has absolutely right really practice the principles of getting as close to Inbox Zero, just Google it. But it’s a pretty simple idea is pushing everything, making sure everything is in the correct folder. And as a correct follow up, there are tools to help you do this. But there are also people that can help you do this. And so if you think well, gosh, I’ve got 60,000 unread emails, what do I do, you know, you might even be able to just mass delete all 60,000 and start fresh. But if you feel like on a regular basis, you just don’t have the time to go in and clear everything out, hire somebody, we live in a global gig economy, you can pay people for very little from countries that would be thrilled to work with you. In fact, they will tell you what they want to get paid. So you’re not exploiting them. That’s what they’re asking for. And I do this in multiple areas, I have people who assist me from from multiple countries who are who love doing this kind of work. I’m not particularly good at it. And it’s also not something I go through my emails because I don’t get 1000s of emails a day. I’m really lucky in that respect, because I’m not a practicing realtor. But I know what Realtors do deal with email wise, you can hire somebody, even if you paid them 30 bucks a week or 50 bucks a week, would that be worth it, to make sure that nothing gets missed? And you can teach them here’s what to delete, here’s what to keep, here’s what to do with. And I will tell you, you know, that will really free up your time. So so if you think well, gosh, that’s such a daunting task. You can hire people for this. So there’s comm just to give you a quick resource go to There’s a There’s many of these websites where people will bid for your business. So here’s what I need. I need somebody who’s perfect at helping me monitor my email inbox and respond correct, you know, quickly, you can even have them help you respond. But put things in folders, people, you’ll get so many people vying for these jobs, you won’t believe it. So just as a little suggestion there,

Chris Linsell 16:58
yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m a big fan of taking slow time and converting it into, into energy that is going to be transferred out into my business, as soon as the market picks back up. So like in the same spirit of you know, you can do the same thing with your CRM. And I know lots of different agents use lots of different CRMs. There’s a ton of great options out there. So whatever CRM you’re using, and you know, I’ll just I’ll just unabashedly say if you’re not using a CRM, you’re missing opportunities. And there’s lots of things we can talk about with that. But as far as your CRM, or just your contacts, if you’re still just using an Excel spreadsheet, somewhere, I don’t care what it is you’re using, take some time to clean up your contacts, fill in the gaps that you’re missing. I betcha you know more about your contacts than you have listed in your CRM. So make sure you’ve got phone numbers, make sure you got current address, email address, put in things like birth dates, and anniversaries, social media attachments, that sort of thing. You know, this is the time where doing that sort of back end work is possible. And it’s gonna pay you huge dividends. Once you know the season really gets kick in. And you’ll have an opportunity to use that information later. Let’s get it in there. Right now. You got some time, right?

D.J. Paris 18:30
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. I think anniversary is such a great one. Because it’s not something that’s typically shown up on that shows up on Facebook automatically. Birthdays, of course do on LinkedIn, on Facebook and other services, but anniversaries typically don’t. And if you can go that extra step to find out if you’re if you have clients who have partners, or are married, and you can actually contact them. And maybe it’s just a text message. But if you do that, I assure you almost nobody else even knows it’s their anniversary, and you’re going way above and beyond if you know their kids birthdays, if you know where they work. So for example, if you know somebody’s employer, you know, and you guys, you know, I haven’t reached out to so and so in a while, do a Google search, see what’s going on with that employer, maybe there’s a new story. And then you could say, shoot it over to them say, Hey, I was just checking out your company I saw you guys just did this. That’s really exciting hope all as well, you know, anything that demonstrates that you care about them, but you have to first know things about them. So you want to fill up that CRM with all sorts of information. And if you don’t have that information now, give them a call and say, Hey, I’m updating my database. I realized I don’t have your anniversary in here. What is your anniversary? People will be happy to tell you that information.

Chris Linsell 19:42
Absolutely. Yeah. 100%. In fact, it’s that sort of personal touch that really separates the top performing the top 10% of our of our agent and broker market from the rest of them because those are the agents who are providing that personalized service. versus, that really creates customer and client relationships for life. And here’s another trick this again, a little time consuming, but honestly, we got time right now. So, uh, something else I like to do is, every time I close a property with a client, I always get a photo with them, I get a photo, you know, to kind of commemorate the moment, I’ll text it to them, I’ll post it on social media will make a big deal out of it. So I’ve got a little folder in my camera on my on my phone, that’s client closings. And I have started doing started sending physical anniversary cards to people not on their wedding anniversary, but on the anniversary of their closing. Yeah, I will hand write the note, I’ll get a just a blank card. I’ll hand write the note. It’s really simple, really quick, you can do it with three sentences. Hey, I just I was thinking about the you know, this this great day, what an awesome experience it was to work together. And I will go to not so much right now, will I physically go. But you can literally do this online, go to CVS or Walgreens, I’ll order a print of that photo, how often do we actually get physical photos anymore. So it’s a pretty special thing to actually hold a physical photo in your hand. And I’ll put that photo in the card. And just as a memory of that day, and send it off, I can’t tell you I mean, I get more often than not, I get a phone call, not a text message, or an email or a Facebook a phone call, saying, Hey, I got this, this was really nice. And that engages at least a 15 minute conversation right there. And this is, you know, like I said, it takes a little bit of time, but we got time. And this is something that you can do for all of your past clients. Like this week, it doesn’t matter if their anniversary of their property closing is in three months from now, write the cards, order the photos, put it all together, address it, stamp it, put something on your calendar that says put this in the mail, and you got it you’ve got a like a referral generating follow up system that you don’t have to think about for the rest of the year, except just put the cards in the mailbox at the right time. It’s pretty easy.

D.J. Paris 22:21
What a great suggestion. I

Chris Linsell 22:23
love that now. Well, you know, it’s it’s one of those things where we have to in times like this, when business is slow, we have to adjust our lead generation strategies, because, you know, let’s, let’s be honest with ourselves, right now, consumer sentiment, consumer confidence is pretty low right now, you know, like people are, are scared to be making big financial decisions. And the one of the products of that fear is a hesitance to make new connections with people like real estate agents, because they think, you know, I’m not I’m not interested, I’m too, I’m too nervous to make a purchase, or too nervous to consider a sale. It’s not even gonna I’m not even gonna be something I think about. But it’s a little bit different. If the people already know You, the people already have a relationship with you and trust you that you’re going to deliver the best information for them and their lives and their decisions. And so, right now, while while we are dealing with with a national issue like this, real estate agents are smart to turn their lead generation strategies away from inbound lead generation, like, like certain prospecting strategies, or even certain paid services, she can focus more on that sphere of influence referral generation, because you’re gonna see a lot better return on your investment of time, because these folks know you they are building on the trust that you’ve already established with them.

D.J. Paris 24:07
Yeah, and if we’re if our listeners are thinking, Well, what do I say? Well, this is where having a lot of information in a CRM can help. But if you don’t have, you know, a good reason to call somebody, in other words, you don’t have anything to talk about. You can talk about interest rates, right, you could just call first of all, if you call and say How you doing, are you how are you weathering the storm? You know, are the kids you know, how are things with the kids and the family, you should obviously do that to demonstrate that you care because you should care. And that’s obviously the most important thing. But after that, you could say hey, by the way, I don’t know if you’ve been watching the news related to to mortgage rates, but they’ve actually dropped quite a bit bit based on the current situation and I don’t know if a refi makes sense for you or not, but I just wanted to sort of bring that to your attention that right now refi is at an all time high because rates are so low, so you know might be a good time to reach out to your to your mortgage rep and see If a refi makes sense, and, again, what you’ve just done is you’ve you’ve brought some some value to the call in addition to demonstrating care. You know, and that’s another reason to pick up the phone.

Chris Linsell 25:10
Absolutely. Yeah. You know, I, it’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s like the chorus to my favorite song. Whenever I’m talking about real estate with folks, you have to provide value with every single communication, whether it is the value of care and and letting the people know that you’re talking to letting them know that you care about them and their family on a real level, it can’t You can’t fake care. People see through that really, really quickly. You know, if you got to provide some sort of value, whether it’s care whether it’s information, whether it’s access, whether it’s services, whether you know, there are so many different ways that you can provide value to folks. And those conversations, you don’t have to know exactly what to say. And I’ll be the first to tell you that there are scripts upon scripts upon scripts for just about every phone call, you can get on the And we have scripts for cold calling, we have scripts for fizz bows for expireds for divorce leads for I mean, literally for every situation you can think of with the lead. And so there’s plenty of resources out there. But you know, the first trick isn’t, is not knowing exactly what to say the first trick is just having, you know, a personal connection to whoever that is and just letting them know that you’re thinking about them. That’s gonna generate a lot of conversation.

D.J. Paris 26:33
Yeah, I always say just have one One thing to mention, and have it not be asking for referrals. Probably not the right right time to do that. You know, it’s funny, I saw a very tone deaf I would I judged as a tone deaf announcement from I won’t mention the company, but a very large real estate company. The CEO sends out a blog post the other day, saying, We’ve been preparing for this day for the last 10 years. And we are we are ready. And and and as I read it, I went I don’t know that people want to hear that right now. What they want to hear is that you care about them as customers, and it was like a self congratulatory, you might have read the same, the same announcement. And I don’t know if people are talking about it, I thought it was a very surprising sort of announcement. But it was the CEO saying, We’re doing great, this is great for us, everything’s fine, we’re great. And it’s like it’s not about you right now. It’s actually about the customer. And I think if you can make it about care and concern, and show a genuine show of affection for the people that you should show genuine shows of affection, because they are your past clients, your future clients, your source of referrals, anything that you can do to demonstrate that is always a win. And don’t don’t. Not now’s maybe not the time to make it about you. Because if you demonstrate care, they’re going to they’re going to fill your your your, your your sphere, they’re going to expand your sphere, because they’re going to say you’re not going to believe my real estate agent just called me to see how I was doing. Yeah, that’s a huge thing. It sounds small, but it’s actually huge.

Chris Linsell 28:11
Absolutely, because I guarantee you that that clients, or past clients, dentist, or lawyer or accountant is probably not calling them. And that’s not a knock on any of those professions. But as real estate professionals, we have a unique connection with people on a personal level. And you know, I wanted to add one thing to that list that you just you just gave you listed off your past clients and your associates and and all the people within that sphere. But we also want to make sure that we’re keeping a close eye on our current clients to the people who we represent as buyers or that we represent listing their property because these folks are experiencing some pretty significant stress that we all know, home buyers and sellers experience stress on a great day. Let’s add in this incredible national emergency that we’re dealing with. And these folks are wondering like there’s a lot of a lot of concern about whether or not this is the right thing to do whether or not I should should move in a different direction or whether we should change course. And we know one strategy that buyers and sellers agents and brokers can use here is what I call the as soon as this passes plan. And so if you put together a plan, get some ideas together for exactly what you’re going to do to serve your client. The moment that things move, the moment the clouds break, and things start to kind of roll back towards towards normal. put together some thoughts on that and then I know that this sounds, it sounds a little hokey, but call that person say, you know, I wish that we could I wish that we could get together and talk right now because I’d love to be able to look you in the eye. How about we hyper hop on a zoom call, how about, you know, we do a FaceTime, I just want to share something with you and let you see me and let me see you because that’s a powerful, that’s a powerful moment. And if they do great, and if not, you can do it on the phone, but share with them that plan, let them know that you’re thinking about them specifically, not about your business, but about their best interest and what you have in mind to serve them do you put together and as soon as this passes plan for all of your clients, the moment those clouds break, all of those people are going to be so excited to get rolling with you that that the the next kind of commission cycle after the clouds break is not is going to be a really healthy one for you. And you’re going to have a lot of really happy clients.

D.J. Paris 31:00
You know, that’s a really huge idea, I want to I just want to make sure we don’t we slow down on that one and and repeat it because this is big. So Chris just just gave a great suggestion that I haven’t heard anyone else mentioned, which is to create a here’s what I plan to do when things go back to normal. Here’s, here’s how this affects you, Mr. Mrs. Client, and here’s what I’m doing now to prepare for it. And then you know, I think that’s awesome and huge. And we as realtors can come up with that strategy pretty pretty quickly, I would hope. And then reach out to every one of your your client current clients and say I want to just if you have 510 minutes, I want to jump on a quick call and just let you know what what I’m working on for you so that as soon as things return to normal, we’re going to be ready to go. And and first of all, they’re going to be so perfect not perplexed in a bad weather, it’d be so honored that you even thought to do that. And that you’re you know, it’s funny I, I interviewed a top, a top 10 broker source 46,000 brokers in Chicago, I, this was a woman who was literally in the top 10. So top 1% of 1%. And she I said, What do you think makes you different? From all the other brokers? Why are you in the top 10? And, you know, so few people ever get to that level? And she goes, honestly, I call every one of my clients every single week and let them know what’s going on, you know, and I said, well, and she goes, that’s pretty much it. Now, of course she’s obviously extremely good at her job. And she has and there’s a lot more to it. But she said that was the differentiator. She goes I hate to say that that’s what makes me special because it shouldn’t. But she said that’s what makes me special is I never let a week go by without my without me talking directly to my client and letting them know what’s going on and, and doing it. And now we have technology like Chris says with zoom with Google Hangouts where you could do it in Facebook, there’s a lot of ways to do it for free Skype, a lot of options. And you can do it face to face and say, Hey, if you have five minutes, let’s jump on. I just want to let you know what I’m thinking what’s going on? Because everyone’s getting a million emails about here’s what our company is doing. Yeah. Oh, but And look, that’s all sweet and nice. And yes, that’s great. But you should go the extra step and schedule a quick five minute call with your client, let them know, here’s what I’m working on. Here’s how it’s affecting, you know your situation. And here’s what I’m going to do for you right now. And here’s what’s going to happen when the clouds part. So Chris, what a great suggestion. Thank you for that.

Chris Linsell 33:25
Well, you know, like, the last thing that we want to do as real estate professionals is add to the noise in people’s lives right now there’s so much noise. And a lot of it is negative negative stuff that that is really drags you down. And especially in a time of social isolation. I truly, I mean, I have not started my car in four days now. And I don’t remember the last time that that happened truly the in a time where we are separated from other people, and we’re getting so many messages. And a personal outreach means a ton. And there’s something else that is really cool. That happens as a byproduct of that plan. And it is the fact that once you share that moment with that client, they now know that you spend individual time thinking just about them and about what’s important to them. And there is this level of trust that you can’t get unless somebody is now aware and acknowledges the fact that they are personally important to you there is something about what’s going on in their life that matters to you. And that creates a pretty awesome connection, one that forges that client for life sort of mentality. And the second thing that happens is after you share the as soon as this passes plan, inevitably the conversation is going to turn to okay, well what are we going to do in the meantime? and it gives you an opportunity to kind of cool the Jets a little bit, let them know it’s okay. Your anxiety is totally understandable. But we’re gonna get through this, there is another side to this coin, we’re gonna make it through here. Here’s what we’re going to do in the meantime, and they’re going to leave that phone call, feeling excited about the future, feeling comforted about the present, and knowing that they’ve got an advocate. I mean, this is the sort of person that is going to be your cheerleader, that is going to be your referral source for life. And all it takes is 20 minutes on a Wednesday afternoon.

D.J. Paris 35:36
Yeah, and you’re absolutely right. I’m thinking about all the service providers that I employ accountants, financial advisor, you know, attorneys, lenders, insurance, excetera, dentists, things of that nature, how many of them have reached out individually? And I’m not. And look, I love my service providers. So this is not a knock to my particular service writers I love you guys are great. And I understand I’m not that important to you. But you know, how many have reached out to me zero. I’ve gotten a lot of emails not know, but I haven’t gotten even one text one phone call. So think about this, you can. And you’ll also make people feel maybe a little bit less alone right now, you know, as as sort of an intangible thing. It’s nice to reach out, right? So yes, we’re getting a little bit more on the touchy feely side, or I’m talking about more of the touchy feely side, but no one’s reached out to me in that respect, none of my service providers, and I’m not angry, that’s perfectly fine. But it would be extra special. If they were to, and you get the opportunity to do that right now.

Chris Linsell 36:37
Yeah, that’s the truth. You know, I am during during slow times, during times of even potential recession or a national emergency or times when the real estate industry really hits the pause button. I tell real estate professionals that they need to be thinking about their business at like a football game. Now granted, I’m from Michigan, so the Detroit Lions are not a great example of this. But during times of challenge, where you’re not making much progress advancing down the field, that’s okay. You don’t spend your time like, you know, running into the defense and not making any progress, spend your time on the sideline drawn up the plays, because eventually, you’re gonna find a break, eventually, the clouds are gonna part the defense is gonna get distracted, and you’ll have your opportunity. And if you’ve got all your plays drawn up, it’s it’s a clear path to the endzone here for you. So take some time and be okay with the fact that progress means not moving backwards. Progress means holding fast to what you have, and drop some of those plays. Give yourself some opportunities for future success, because the work you put in now is going to make such a difference later.

D.J. Paris 37:56
Well, we should also remind our listeners that Chris is a staff writer, and a real estate trainer from the Chris, tell us a little bit about the clothes as we’re wrapping up.

Chris Linsell 38:06
Yeah, absolutely. So the clothes is a fantastic resource for real estate professionals all over the country. And really all over the world we have readers from most of our readers are here in the United States, but we have audiences in South Africa, and South Korea, and Canada and Mexico all over the place. And we provide a free resource for real estate agents who want to level up their business. We specialize in content that is largely focused on best practices on strategy on tech reviews, I spent a lot of time trying to answer old real estate questions with new answers because our business is always changing. And we demand as a profession to stay up to date on the best ways we can serve our clients. And that’s what I do with the clothes I write about that stuff. And I talk with agents, one on one or in groups, whether it’s webinars or coaching calls, or just via email about how we can serve the real estate profession by providing top notch content.

D.J. Paris 39:14
Yeah, and it is top notch content. I’m a huge fan I read every article. What I love about the clothes too is they don’t publish 20 articles a day where it’d be hard to manage it’s it’s several articles per week and they’re really in depth they’re long articles they’re detailed they’re specific around helping you grow your business and best of all free I’m we every single article they we’ve been doing this before Chris and I even started doing this podcast every single article they publish we post on our keeping it real Facebook page because they it’s one of the best places we’ve ever found for content of helping Realtors grow their business so it’s it’s it was natural for us to reach out to them and say Hey, we love you guys so much you want to be on our show, but that’s that’s just really the truth. They’re their contents incredible. Chris has come attend in particular is incredible. The other staff writers are great as well. Everyone should visit the subscribe to their newsletter. You know, make sure you’re staying on top of the it’s only, you know, three, four articles a week maybe. And they’re excellent. And I promise you, they’re short. They’re not necessarily short reads, they’re good reads are worth, they are worth your time and you will get at least one good actionable strategy on each article they send. And even if it’s a tech review, by the way, I love the fact that you do tech reviews because realtors are getting bombarded over the last 10 years with you know, new tech players who come into the space disruptors. And realtors are often confused, like, what is this? How does this actually work? You guys obviously do address those needs as well. So everyone who’s listening, please do Chris a favor, subscribe, go to their website, subscribe to their email newsletter, read, bookmark their website and check it every couple of days. And you’ll be so so glad that you did. Because it’s just, I don’t know that there’s any other website quite like it, I’ve not found one.

Chris Linsell 41:03
Well, that’s, that’s really kind of you today, really appreciate it. And for those of you who are stuck at home right now, and looking for things to do, the article that was just published today is 13, real estate, email marketing tips and scripts that actually work in 2020, you’ve got your email, email works the same way as it does in your office, from your laptop. So this is a great time to get in there. Spend some time learn a little bit about that. And for those of you who are already followers of the clothes are now going to be a follower of the clothes. Right now I am working on a couple of articles. One about operating a business in social isolation, how you can be a real estate agent from your couch. And two, how to recession proof your business, you know, always want to be optimistic about the future but want to be realistic too. And there’s a way that real estate agents can continue to be profitable and, and build their business, even in a downturn economy. So we’re working on lots of different stuff right now head over the clothes. Like I said, it’s all free. You don’t have to, you don’t have to enter any of your information. You can just read the content and get better. If you want to get on our email list and get our weekly updates. We’d love to have you. This is about growing your business and understanding that we’re all in this together. So let’s help each other.

D.J. Paris 42:25
Yeah. And also, you know, want to ask, so everyone go visit the become become a repeat visitor, a regular visitor read their content, it’s excellent. In addition to that, we want to also remind all of our listeners to tell a friend, tell a friend about this particular podcast with Chris and myself, anyone who’s a real estate professional, I even have we even have listeners who write us and go, Oh, I’m a financial advisor. I’m an insurance agent. So I’m, I’m surprised but also pleasantly it’s very sweet that that they get value from these as well. But if you know another real estate agent in particular, who could benefit from listening to Chris, and myself have these conversations, please let them know about our podcast, shoot them over to our website, which is keeping it real pod. So think about keeping it real podcast without the cast at the end, keeping it real And also follow us on Facebook. So we’re streaming this live right now video on Facebook. If you’re listening via podcast app, that’s great. We’re thrilled to have you. We also do these live on Facebook, so you can follow forward slash keeping it real pod. Not only do we stream these episodes live and post links to all of our future episodes, but we also post daily articles that we find online from places like the close. It’s actually actually our number one source of content. But we post articles every day that we find online to help you build your business. So right now is a great time to head over to Facebook and hit that subscribe or like button. But Chris, thank you on behalf of the audience. This content is so incredibly valuable, especially right now. So thank you for being on the show and we will we’ll see you next time. Looking forward to

Chris Linsell 44:08
it. Have a good day and everybody stay healthy. Wash your hands

Welcome to another episode of Coaching Moments With Ryan D’Aprile from D’Aprile Properties!

In this episode Ryan discusses going through the housing market crash of 2009 and what he did then to keep focused on his business goals. He then discusses the importance of attitudes, beliefs and action and how mindset is the starting point for everything. If you’re struggling with knowing how to stay busy while working from home, or looking to build some better habits, this is the episode for you!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.590.6416 and

Ryan D'Aprile
d'aprile properties


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Keeping it real listeners receive a special discount so please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show

Alright, welcome to the keeping it real podcast. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host as always through the show and today is our monthly coaching moments episode with Ryan de Abril. Now, if you’re not familiar yet with Ryan, by the way, this is our first video podcast, you might still just be listening to the audio, but you also could be watching it live on Facebook or on YouTube. But Ryan, if you’re not familiar, is a progressive thought leader focused on providing for his agents and staff. His strengths are his motivational skills, his coaching style, and his dedication to training. Ryan has 14 offices with deep real properties throughout Chicagoland. Also in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan, and hundreds and hundreds of brokers and top producers. The appeal properties is a coaching company with eight strategic coaches who work week in and week out with every agent individually focusing on business planning, coaching and accountability. If you’d like to take your real estate career to the next level, or if you’re just not getting the attention you need or deserve, check out deep real properties visit deep real Welcome once again, Ryan. Appreciate it. Yeah, it’s the first time we’re actually well looking at each other while doing this. It’s it’s Yeah, yeah, it’s I like it. Because I know you’re

Ryan D’Aprile 2:13
going to Well, it’s going to make me have to sit down I’m not Yeah, you’re going to be hard. I’m gonna get through it.

D.J. Paris 2:22
Yeah, well, let’s talk about getting through it. Right this that’s a that’s a good segue and share what’s going on right now and and how you know, our your bro, what are you telling your, your realtors to do in these uncertain times?

Ryan D’Aprile 2:37
It’s very interesting times. I was having a conversation last night with somebody and comparing it to different times that are going on in our lives in the past, you know, 20 years just thinking about the business and somebody was relating this to 2008. Yeah, and one of the things that I’m going to talk to you about and our audience here is my experience with the great recession. And the things that I did for that to be essentially a catalyst in my career. And I and how I got through and how I actually succeeded, thrived in that marketplace. But this isn’t what happened in the Great Recession. What this is, is similar to 911. Okay, this is a this is something that is says my internet connection is unstable. Can you see me so?

D.J. Paris 3:24
Yep, yep, I can’t see you. It is it is a slower connection, but you seem to be fine. You’re coming through just fine.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:30
And I’m just going to check if I’m still on the right one. Okay. So, yeah, this is, you know, this will pass. Um, but it’s interesting, but I relate this more to like, what happened in 11 different version of what, what the fallout is to come with the economy? It’s, it’s not, you know, it’s not the financial markets, or I shouldn’t say, you know, the stability of our economy. It’s, you know, it’s a crisis.

D.J. Paris 4:01
It is agreed. And a lot of people are staying home a lot of uncertainty in not only the stock market, but the economy in general, obviously, jobs in particular around hospitality food service.

Ryan D’Aprile 4:16
Yeah, like they call that’s the real economy, right? The stock market is a disaster. But the real economy is, is going to have, it’s going to have a huge effect on the real economy, but we’re gonna get through it. We’re gonna get through it. We’re going to come together these I believe these times really highlight. I think the important things in life, right? Like you’re exactly right, as a business owner, and as we say, the real economy right the the hairdressers, the Uber drivers, the real estate agents, the the attorneys I live in, are you having an impact on the economy on the restaurant tours? We just have to come together and as business owners, this will actually highlight if we’re if we’re focused on moving forward best practices that we need to, that we need to, to get involved with in our business. And it could be business development lead generation, it could be finances and and looking at your spreadsheet and how you run your businesses and what are necessary, what are unnecessary expenses, all these things are going to come into play in the next couple of months. But it’s, it’s one of these times where what I did in 2008, when this all occurred, excuse me, when the when the financial collapse occurred. In 2008, I had a decision to make. And I shared this with all my agents, I was three or four years into my real estate career. And I was my wife wasn’t working, I had three daughters. And I had two mortgages, and I was how I was terrified. So what I did is I turned that off, because I couldn’t afford, I couldn’t afford any more negative emotional energy for myself, right. And once I did that, and I, you know, I hunkered down into my dashboard, and my network. And, and stated communication with my network. And, and I didn’t pull back on my marketing. Right, I doubled down on my marketing, my business just absolutely took off. I was scared through 2008, nine and 10 and 11. And I started coaching in 2010. So I was scared, because what’s going on with the world and uncertainty, but my business absolutely thrive during that time as a real estate agent. So I’m working with all our agents now and saying, Listen, there’s a lot going on, there’s a lot to distract us. There’s a lot to disrupt us if we allow it to. And so it’s important to be informed. But you don’t have to be informed 24/7

D.J. Paris 7:02
I was, I was out with, oddly or ironically, food poisoning. For the past four out of the last five days today, I’m fine. But it really knocked me out. And I realized over that time, because I was just basically laying in bed. There wasn’t much I could do. And I would the first day was really laying there. And just the only thing I could really do was grab my phone and I started getting you know, updates about what was going on with the with the Coronavirus. And after a several hours I realized oh, I’m I’m now addicted to this news cycle, because it’s so stimulating. And it’s it was giving me the impression of being busy, because I was reading and then all of a sudden four hours went by and I went you know, maybe that wasn’t the best use of those previous four hours. And and I had to shut it off, because it’s so addictive. And it made me feel as if I was participating and buying engaged in my life. And the truth was, I was just consuming information. And it wasn’t particularly all that useful at that moment. And the truth is,

Ryan D’Aprile 8:05
we’re gonna get through this, we’re gonna get through this, and we’re going to get back to normal day life. And just like anything, we just have to focus on our mental attitude. We have to focus on our mental health. Because truthfully, your attitude is the number one indicator of your success and your success, not only in business, but in life in general. I’m going to draw diagrams since what the hell we’re hearing what’s on TV. See this? I you know, I saw this a number of years ago, and I and I have shown all my agents that so I don’t know if you can see me and can you see this? You’re good? Okay, so I can’t recall where I saw this. But I show everybody when I’m coaching them, like how much your mindset has an impact on your life. So do you know what?

D.J. Paris 8:56
Bs stands for? Belief systems?

Ryan D’Aprile 8:59
That’s right, your belief system? What else does in for? Bullshit? Bullshit, right? And I joke around people, because a lot of our mindset is typically it tends to go to the bullshit, and it tends to be negative. And so if we can be more focused on how important it is in our life, and what we need to do to move forward, the better we are equipped to do the right things. Alright, so here’s your belief system. Have you ever seen this before?

D.J. Paris 9:23
No. I mean, we’ve I know we’ve talked about it, but I haven’t seen it.

Ryan D’Aprile 9:27
So here’s your belief system, okay. And then what this has an effect on is your actions. And what your actions have an effect on is your results and what your results will do will reinforce your belief system. And so when these times right, where you’re just glued to the TV and you’re glued to everything that’s going on, or even out of these times, and we are kind of reflecting on ourselves in our negative belief system that A lot of us tend to have and in the sphere in society that we are all wrapped up with, we’re trying to work with Charlie, pull out of it and do these actions that you do that will give you the results. It just comes down to this your belief system. And so Ghostbusters, you can’t cross the streams here, your belief systems are either positive, or they’re negative. And so if you’re feeding your mind with all the negative, okay, it’s going to have a negative effect on the actions that you’re taking. And right now, everybody needs to be a real estate agent that has to support themselves that has to support a family, you have to understand that we’re going to get through this, okay? And when we come out of this, you have a choice, start over then or get going right now. Does that make sense? It does. So what happens is, when we’re focused on the negative, we start to take less action, less action brings less results, less results, reinforces that the world is falling apart, alright, or we could say, Hey, this is a good time for me to take a pause, to take stock and what’s important, my family, and all right, and then also my business and the things that I need to do, they got me there, the economy’s going to slow down, alright, it’s not going to come to a screeching halt, it’s going to slow down. And there’s going to be some effects to it. But what happens is the cream pens, the rise the top during this occasion, and when I studied 2008 910, I’ve been coaching agents for the past eight, nine years. Now, I look back on my career, during the Great Recession, there was just as much business for me as a real estate agent, as there was in six and seven, there’s more than enough to go around. And so if we can focus on the positive, and you have to look for its work, it’s gonna take action, and just take an action gives you results, and you have to do it over and over again. And then all of a sudden, you slowly start to come out of the red, and you move into the green. And that is what everybody that’s in our industry in the world, in fact, needs to, it needs to focus on. And then what can you do, and, you know, in your community, is when we’re allowed? Well, we haven’t been a lot, NASSCO help, but shop local, you know, the, the real economy, the real economy is in your backyard. And, you know, this is not a knock on. But, you know, go go to your, you know, dine out. What I mean by that is if the restaurants open, call and have it delivered to your house, do what you can to support your your neighborhood friends, your family, your small business owners, we are 80 to 85% small businesses are 80 to 85% of the economy. And we’re not the ones that really end up getting bailed out. I mean, it’s really, an I just don’t know how you create a bailout package for small businesses. That’s that’s, I’m not getting into politics at all, what I’m saying is that, it just, we all play a role in this, we’re all going to come together, we’re all gonna get through, but one of the best things we can do is, is to really shop local and support your small business owners.

D.J. Paris 13:17
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. And I was thinking about your your chart there about how belief systems, you know, cycle through to actions and results. And, and, you know, I think there’s a misconception a lot of times for maybe some of people listening, who because we interview these top 1% producers on our show, and they probably think I bet every day these people wake up positive, energized, ready to go. And I will tell you, that is not the case, every single person struggles in my girlfriend’s struggle this morning, I had to give her a pep talk. And she is normally not somebody who struggles, I sneak I struggle sometimes. So what I encourage everyone to do is to use this time to cultivate those habits that you normally are too busy to cultivate. And if you need if that’s a morning routine, where you can get yourself in the right mindset, don’t don’t just assume it’s going to automatically happen because it doesn’t, right, we have to set ourselves up to to to create a routine where we can get those predictable results.

Ryan D’Aprile 14:17
Right? Are you one of the things that I share with our agents and individuals that are coaching is be vulnerable? Because people want to help each other out. And so what I mean by when I say be vulnerable, is just express how you’re feeling and say hey, I’m feeling this way kind of helped me out. And so I’ll be vulnerable here as well. Yes, I’m not sleeping at night. You know, I’m not sleeping through the night and waking up. I’m a small business owner, I have I think 70 employees and 13 offices plus a number of agents and and my actions I I have a lot of responsibility. And so I’m I too am nervous and I’m not you know, I’m not Pooh poohing that understand what we’re going through. But I come back into it and they take, you know, Shawn Akers, one of my favorite authors. And within our company, I’ve been quoting a lot of a lot of his books. And if you haven’t read it, read The Happiness Advantage. And he has his PhD from Harvard psychologist, he’s a brilliant man. And he just studies how being positive and happy, happy, it has such an impact on your life. And the one of the underlying denominators and most successful people is their positive attitude. But to your point, that doesn’t mean we all don’t I struggle with self doubt fair, I’ve told you this before depression, I, I have it all, what I do is I take actions to pull myself out and to look for the good, and there’s so much good around us. Right now, it’s more important than ever, to pause and do what you can’t put yourself in a mindset. And one of the things is I turned out, I tune out of the news.

D.J. Paris 16:01
Yeah, yeah, I think, you know, we have this opportunity to think about, you know, okay, so if we know that attitude is really the, the impetus for everything else, and then we have to realize that attitude is not always a natural state, it’s something we have to cultivate to so, you know, create a routine. Every morning, when you wake up, you know, there’s a great book, I’m sure you’ve read it, it’s very famous, it’s called the Miracle Morning, it’s, you don’t have to read that particular book. But it’s all about creating a routine to get you in that mindset, of gratitude, of appreciation, of opportunity. And to be a you know, otherwise you wake up in the world just hits you a million different ways. And you don’t know if it’s gonna hit you, in a way that bums you out or, or excites you. So you have to set it up for yourself. And I have to do the same thing every morning, I don’t wake up, you know, super excited and happy I have a routine to get me that way. Otherwise, it’s kind of like motivation. People say, you know, if you just wait around for motivation, you probably be waiting a long time discipline. Discipline is really what wins the game. So create a routine for yourself.

Ryan D’Aprile 17:08
That’s, that’s very true. And then these moments, let’s get down to, you know, what’s important. Let’s open up your dashboard, your CRM, yeah, what are the what’s the number one source for most people’s business, which it should be as your network, your sphere of influence, whatever you may call it, let’s connect with those individuals. Texting phone call, don’t make it about real estate. Alright, just check in, make it about relationships. If you focus on relationships, it’s not, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, it’s who you know, and these are cliches for a reason. And anybody that is in a sales environment, has to it’s on their network, and you got to continually water that garden. And water is the relationships, the actions that you take, to reach out with a text, a handwritten note, a phone call a direct message via Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and commenting on individual because it’s not about you, it’s about them. And what everybody contributes, or everybody desires and wants out of life, significance, love. So just little significance, give a little love, give more attention. Now more than ever, and if and when things if we get quarante, or things get pulled in, it’s the best time because there’s nothing else you really can do. So turn off the news, get into best practices, be prepared, because it will pass it will pass will be back to normal.

D.J. Paris 18:41
There’s so much so much opportunity right now to demonstrate care, compassion and empathy to your contact list. A simple phone call, Like Ryan said, or a text message, hey, just thinking about you hope you and your family are good. You know that that’s, that’s an easy and free way. And probably they’re not getting calls from other service providers. Right. So you should be doing that anyway. But demonstrate my very first job in sales. There was a guy who’s 25 years in the business, one of the most successful guys corner office downtown, in in the loop here in Chicago. And he said to me, if you have to ask for the sale, you’ve just done it completely wrong. What you always have to do is demonstrate that you care about people, if you demonstrate that you care, all the sales will come your way. So this is a perfect opportunity. You know, if you here’s a really simple example, if you want, you know, you have a contact list, and this is going to cost a few dollars, but maybe it’s worth it. If you have Amazon Prime, you know, shipping is free. What if you shipped a $5 little care package or something to each one of the people in your database, if you can afford to do that and just say, Hey, I was just thinking about you that way. You don’t have to worry about delivering it. They don’t have to worry about whether they want to see you because of the you know, possible, you know, self distancing that we’re trying to do. But what if you just did that you spent $500 Which again, I know for a lot of People might be outside of their range. And and I can appreciate that. But if you have it, and you do that boy, what what? How much does that demonstrate that you care about somebody? And even if it’s not a gift, or just a simple phone call, I was thinking about you, I care about you. I hope you guys are doing well. Anyway, I’ll chat with you later. It doesn’t have to be more than that. And that’ll go so far.

Ryan D’Aprile 20:19
Yes, absolutely. And let me give our audience some tips to that I’m assuming you’re 100% Real estate agents or majority your real estate agent, and what to do in the, in the coming weeks as well. If things continue to shut down, which again, they will pick back up, if you have a lot of pending contracts, we own a mortgage company as well. And so this is one of the biggest refinance booms we’ve ever had. And one of the things that’s out there that’s going to happen is potentially here in Chicago, if the state shuts down, you can’t get water certs. And what that means is then you can’t have closings, and therefore the title companies will will be forced to, to close its brain come to your clients. All right, because it’s temporary. And let’s go back to previous deals that we’ve worked on, and say somebody is in a deal a year ago, and something happened, personally to them. And the attorney, or the real estate agent reached out and said, We have to extend our closing for two weeks. It happens all the time in our business, sure, not the end of the world, I would tell our real estate agents and our loan officers that are listening to this is get ahead of that and call your clients and say, hey, you know, we’re gonna get through this, your home is gonna close, it might get pushed back. If the cities in other cities have closed down, they have stopped doing things stop, I think it was countryside, which I believe requires inspections, city inspectors aren’t doing inspections anymore. Just bring calm to the situation. Because the number one value as real estate agents, the number one value we bring is an emotional intelligence. That’s why these disruptors out there, these, these these red fins of the worlds right. And I want to quote, they’re losing 10s of millions of dollars a year, thinking that our industry is a commodity. It’s not our number one value is emotional intelligence. Now, like I said earlier, we all struggle with emotional intelligence. But when you get yourself into that right mindset, pick up the phone, call your borrowers, if your loan officer, call your sellers, and call your buyers, real estate agents and say, Hey, here’s what we’re doing. Here’s what we’re dealing with. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know for certain that your closing will happen. It might get pitched back a week or two. But that’s okay. And here’s why city officials can’t go out for inspections. title companies can’t order water certs, so on and so forth. It’s not the end of the world. It’s okay and then listen, listen to them. Let them vent, let them cry, let them scream. And then get back to what you do. When you calm down to then go replenish your energy. Get back into a positive mindset and pick up the phone and go do it again. Because that’s our job. Our job is to bring emotional intelligence to one of the most stressful emotional transactions and people’s lives which is

D.J. Paris 23:39
in in non pandemic times. It’s the most stressful thing. So So have compassion empathy for what your buyers and sellers are going through right now. Aside from the

Ryan D’Aprile 23:51
unsung heroes, yeah, sorry about that. No, I didn’t mean to cut you off. But yeah, that’s true. I mean, you guys do so much. You add so much value to the marketplace. The marketplace is grateful for you because your business has not gone away in the past 20 years with all these disruptors trying to come in here because the market needs yield. The market needs your emotional intelligence, they need your love. They need your energy. Okay, so go out and be you. Go out and be you and have what Shawn Aker talks about is the ripple effect. Give a little piece of positivity out there. Give it to your loved ones, give to your friends, give to your clients. And slowly but surely, we’ll all might have this will leave the red of the negative or go into the green positive mindsets, and that’s what’s going to happen. What starts all recessions in my opinion, is consumer confidence. And we just had a huge shake up just like we did in 911. But we came out of 911 We’re going to come out of this.

D.J. Paris 24:55
Agreed Perfect. Well said Well, Ryan if there are brokers here in sure Cago I’m sorry, not just Chicago, you’re in multiple states, Michigan, Indiana, as well as Wisconsin, that are interested in joining your company, what’s the best way someone who’s listening who wants not one on one coaching? Who wants you know, the the D appeal experience for their their own business, what’s the best way they should reach out,

Ryan D’Aprile 25:20
they can reach out, they could, they could, like I had before they could, they could email me, they could call my cell phone, I want to, I want to, I’m going to shy away from that right now. And what I want to do is just get everybody to focus on themselves right now. I focus and I greatly appreciate that you don’t just focus on your energy, stay positive, do the things you guys need to do. All right, to keep moving forward. And together, we’re all gonna get out of this. And yes, if you ever if you’re looking for coaching and training, you can reach out to our company, you can find us on the website, you get my cell phones all over the internet, you could give me a call, I’m happy to walk you through either you’re looking at talk or if there’s a real estate agent that just needs to talk some through. You know, since I’ve talked to people in Idaho, Delaware, I’ve had, I’ve made some really nice friendships from this podcast we’ve gotten into so great, thank you for that. Yeah, yeah. So not Well, thank you so much. I appreciate that. Appreciate the plug, I just want everybody to realize we’re just going to, we’re going to get out of this stay positive, our mental health and our attitudes, the most important thing, and then get down to the number one basic activity that is going to help you move forward and grow. And that is relationships with your network. card system clients, call your pending deals, your active buyers, your sellers, are under contracts, and and be the calm in the storm.

D.J. Paris 26:43
Couldn’t said it better. Myself, and I won’t because you said it. So Ryan, thanks again for being on our show. We really love your contributions once a month is huge for our audience. It’s really, we get so much great feedback. So thank you, behalf of the listeners, we appreciate it. And thank you on behalf of Ryan and myself do the listeners which have just exploded without bragging about numbers we are continually to continually increasing and now we’re pretty much nationwide. So it’s very exciting. But so thank you to everyone because we couldn’t do it without you. You must be telling other realtors about us and we appreciate that. So we’ll keep providing this kind of content. And you know we’ll see again next time So Ryan, thanks again.

Julie Busby of The Busby Group at Compass was originally mentored in SoCal by one of the top producers in the country. She followed her advice and became one of California’s top real estate agents. Then, she moved to Illinois where she had no sphere of influence and had to rebuild her business from the ground up. Since then, the all-female Busby Group has closed over 450 million in home sales. In our conversation Julie talks about how she became a top producer twice, and how you can do the same!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Julie Busby can be reached at 312-275-5714 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris, I am your guide, and host through the show. And in a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Julie Busbee of the Busbee group at Compass. Before we get to Julie, a couple quick ideas for you. Now if you’re like most of us, I know in Illinois, we’re totally quarantine stuck at home. And many states are doing the same thing, you’re probably slow down. If you’re like most realtors, and now’s a good time to go back through our catalog, we have almost 150 episodes. And even if you went all the way back to number one or number two, which of course we don’t expect anybody to do. But there’s such great content. And our intention when we first started this podcast was to create a library of content that would be timeless that you could go back to and really understand what are the fundamentals? What are the what are these secrets of top producers? Well, as we’ve learned, after doing almost 150 episodes, there aren’t really any secrets. But there’s a lot of fundamentals, a lot of discipline. And you can go back through these episodes and hear it again and again. They say repetition is the mother of skill. So please go back now that you probably have a little bit more free time and check out old episodes that’s what they’re there for. They’re designed to help you grow. Also please follow us on Facebook find forward slash keeping it real pod why? Because we show video episodes live as we record them so you can see behind the scenes, me talking to the guests and then recording the episode live in case you can’t wait for us to produce it and make it available in this fashion. So forward slash keeping it real pod. And lastly, tell a friend think of one other Realtor you know one other realtor I promised you do that could benefit that struggling that wants to learn the secrets of top producers and say hey, there’s this podcast out there. It’s totally free. It’s on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Stitcher, Pandora everywhere. And just subscribe to it, check out one episode, see if you like it. That really helps us in a lot of ways to but it also helps them so please, our intention is to help as many Realtors as possible. This is our passion. And we’re super grateful for everyone who’s listening really means a lot to us. And we’re going to keep cranking out episodes, despite the fact that we’re all quarantined at home, because there’s still a lot to learn and work on. So thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for supporting our sponsors and thank you for listening Of course as per usual and now on to our interview with Julie Busbee.

Today on the show we have Julie Busby from the Busby group at Compass, a real estate broker for nearly 20 years. Julie Busby is the founder and president of the Busby group and in the top 1% of Chicagoland brokers, Julianne are all female team are known throughout Chicago for their unmatched integrity, and diverse portfolio. The Busby group is proud to work with first time buyers, luxury sellers and everyone in between. Julie started her real estate career in 2001 when she partnered with one of the country’s top brokers based in California, and since then the Busby group has sold over 450 million in real estate throughout Chicago. Visit the Busby group at buzzbee Group B USB y Welcome, Julie.

Julie Busby 4:33
Thank you.

D.J. Paris 4:35
Thank you. Thank you. We were really excited to have you this is the first all female team we’ve ever featured on our show you guys are absolute superstars and legends in Chicago. So this is very exciting for us. No you are and this is. In fact, the reason we’re doing this is I was seated next to one of your team members at a Chicago real producers whatever. And she was like what do you do and I was I mean, whatever. And I mentioned the podcast. She’s like, you gotta have this on your show. And I was like, Oh, Your Honor. I was like you guys are on our list. So now we’re so excited to have you. This is really awesome. Cool. Yeah. Very, very cool. Tell us a little bit about how you got into real estate all those years ago. So yes,

Julie Busby 5:17
I was in San Diego, California. And I had always wanted to be an entrepreneur. So I actually was looking into the best return on an investment. And I kept coming back to real estate. I also, I don’t know I, I’ve always been a workaholic. I started selling insurance in high school. And, yeah, it was kind of crazy. I did a Co Op program and left high school at noon every day and went to an insurance agency. So anyways, through that I partnered actually with a realtor and I was always fascinated with her career. And then when I want knew I wanted to own my own business one day, I just kept coming back to real estate, ended up approaching a woman who went to church with me, and it ends up. I knew she was a productive realtor. And I approached her and I said, Hey, can I come intern with you for free? And I did that. And lo and behold, she was the number three broker in the nation at the time. So my God definitely learned from the best. That was back in like, oh, 101 is I think when I got my license, and so I started working with her like, oh, 102

D.J. Paris 6:21
is like, I want to go back to a couple of things. First, no, no, this is really important. I always tell people, the same thing is like work for free, find a mentor, somebody who’s already been successful, and just go, can I shadow you? Can I hang out with you? Even if you have to pay them? I think you would probably agree that what you learn from her has got to be worth so much more than the little amount you didn’t get paid back then. Right.

Julie Busby 6:52
So what’s funny is I’ve actually done it twice in my career. I’ve had to rebuild my team and my career twice. So I started my career in San Diego, California, became a top 1% Producer out there. And it all started from me approaching that woman and shadowing her just learning from her being a free intern. Then when I moved out here, another top broker I knew through my network, and I said, Hey, can I come work with you for free? I helped her become I think we were number one that year in Chicago. And then that just springboarded me to my career now in Chicago. Wow. Yes, I did it twice. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 7:28
First of all, you walked away from an incredibly successful career in California. Was that scary for you? Were you nervous? Or were you like, I’ve done this once. When I moved to Chicago, I can do this again.

Julie Busby 7:39
It was not scary. I felt like I had reached the pinnacle of my career, which is funny because I’ve now exceeded it further. I was actually moving here because of a boy, we’re still together. He’s my husband, he he was stationed and he was a helicopter pilot for the Navy. He retired from the Navy came out here his family’s out here I came kicking and screaming because of my real estate career. And the business I had grown. And so when I first moved out here, the plan was actually going to open a fitness studio. It was like I’ve reached my pinnacle of my career. I’m proud of myself, I moved when and now start like a fitness empire. Got my real estate license to represent myself because I wasn’t happy with the service level I was getting. And from that me and this other top producer got back connected again, because I got my license. And then I said you know what, let me work for you for free for a summer and see how that goes. And here I am. That was those 2011. So we’re now 2020. So it’s nine years ago. And now I just did 45 million last year. So it’s been nine years. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 8:42
Wow. With just out of curiosity, I just have a quick question about your husband, because this is this is awesome. So a million years ago, I used to work for for a beer distributor. And we were we went at one point. This was a couple hours east of San Diego, where the Blue Angels rain. It’s an area near El Centro. Yeah, so yeah, I was gonna say your husband probably has been there knows all about it. And when I was there, there were no joke. There were like 200 earthquakes that day. In that area. They were all tiny ones. But it was the coolest thing ever.

Julie Busby 9:15
We Yeah, San Diego. We have a ton of earthquakes. I have some fun stories about that. But yes, we have good friends who are Blue Angels. And it’s cool. They would do air and water show. I was always working and couldn’t come watch them. And so they would say Well, where are you showing property today? And they would come and tip the fly the plane? Oh, yeah. It was cool. It’s amazing.

D.J. Paris 9:36
And you know, it’s funny, and I imagine you probably would agree is a lot of times these top producers in real estate, I always ask them oh my gosh, you must be inundated with requests from people that want to intern with you. They’re like, not really. A lot of them are like not that many people approach. And and here you did it twice. You went up to top producers and not only in And again, this you sort of said it was sort of by accident, you didn’t realize how successful the person in San Diego was. But literally the number three person in the country that is an untouchable, unreachable person. And you were like, No, I just went up and asked, and then you, you know, I mean, how important is that? Is that mentorship or that internships? In how you’ve charted your success?

Julie Busby 10:21
It’s huge. I will tell you, did I get a lot of hands on training from them? No formal training? No, but did I learn through osmosis 100%. And both times, the women were very successful had many listings at one time. So I would also just learn the marketplace so much sooner than if I was on my own. Because I’m looking at 20 properties a day, versus your average broker might just see like one property a day, so I learned the market place very quickly. And I think it’s important to Yeah, approach, you know, get out of your comfort zone and approach someone that you admire, and ask for mentorship. Yeah, it’s rare. I definitely have people approached me to join the team, but to just for me for free, or just to shadow me doesn’t happen often. No,

D.J. Paris 11:12
it’s always amazing. And it’s one of those things where I always tell people like yeah, like, if you need to offer to pay them to hang out with them, like do that too, because it is absolutely worth it. You know, and, and it’s flattering to that person as well. It’s, it’s, it’s, they don’t need to be flattered, but it’s very, it’s a very fulfilling thing to to think, like, wow, you know, I could I could help that person. And, you know, I always think like, go up to every, you know, it’s the same thing. I always say to realtors, even who join our firm, I say go up. We have lots of lots of Realtors offer. And I was like, go up to them and ask if you could do open houses and continue to ask because if you’re new, yeah, right. And let’s so I want to talk about your group, because you guys have I think you guys, you women, I shouldn’t say that either. But you have an all female team, which I think is so cool. Can you talk about like how you started the team? At what point in your career were you like, Okay, I need to have to build a team.

Julie Busby 12:10
Um, so I, the team just happened organically. I knew I needed once you get to a certain level, you realize you need some help administratively. And then usually, like they say, the next hire and be like a buyer broker. I so I did that. Originally it was admin, and then a broker on the team. And then candidly, we just kept growing and growing. And I’ve always been a workaholic. I mean, again, I started working when I was in high school, so I was easily putting in 90 hour days. And I also have a certain level of service that I want to provide my clients. And in order to do that I was working around the clock. Yeah, I do have two little kiddos, I have a four year old and a one year old. So it’s, candidly, I want to quality of life. And in order to have quality of life and still offer the level of service that I think is very important in this industry. I had to grow the team. And so it just happened organically. And then people just kept falling in my lap. I’ve been very, very blessed with the brokers and team that we have in place it they’ve honestly fallen in my lap. And it’s one of those where there’s such amazing, incredible talented people that it’s like, I can’t turn them away. So we’re growing the team again. So that’s that’s where we’re at. We’re where we are. Did I have the initiative to grow an all girl team all woman team? No, it’s just happened that they you know that talent has fallen in my lap. So

D.J. Paris 13:45
I think your website’s a really good reflection of your culture and what your team stands for and what you offer. So I really want to plug your website again, just because I think it’s a really strong website. I see a lot of realtor websites that I think most of them aren’t that great to be perfectly frank, but yours is. So it is it’s clean. It’s simple. It’s really clear what you guys offer. And also there’s cool things like you have a hey, send us your email, and we’ll send you our little black book, which is basically all your vendors that you make a man which it sounds like a simple idea. And it is except it’s providing value. That’s a reason alone, just even visit your website is like you get some value just by visiting. Whereas a lot of people it’s just hey, it’s an online business card kind of, but yours actually has some value. So yeah, go to Busby. But I’m sorry buzzbee What I want to talk about you know, you mentioned Hey, I work a lot you work a lot. What do you think aside from that has made the difference for you? You know, there are 40,000 Plus realtors in the Chicagoland area. You are in the top 1% What do you think it is that you’ve done differently than the vast majority of brokers who maybe haven’t Had your level of success.

Julie Busby 15:02
So definitely service level is 100% important to set your self apart. Also, you know, with experience with almost 20 years of experience, I’ve seen it all. I will say, throughout my career, especially in the beginning, I was just getting hit hard with very challenging transactions. And even still, today, I get very challenging transactions. And the beginning, I would say, you know, what was me because I was in San Diego and people were doing, you know, $20 million deals just like that no big deal. And I’m over here struggling and learning every step of the way. And now I look back, and I’m so thankful for that time to grow and experience speaks volumes, I’ve seen every hardship, every challenge, I was working hard, I became a top short sale producer in Southern California, during the financial crisis. So like, I’ve seen it all and experience speaks volume, and I can truly navigate the entire transaction for my clients and tell them, you know, what road bumps might come ahead and how we can overcome them.

D.J. Paris 16:07
I imagine that makes you really valuable to your team members to when you guys collaborate on on client ideas and struggles. Somebody in the team knows how to handle it, because they’ve been through it already.

Julie Busby 16:17
Yep, yes, absolutely. And honestly, too, it’s challenging. I have a brand new broker on on the team who is trying to grow her business and grow her sphere. And she says, you know, she just gets shot down sometimes and gets gets down on, you know, someone makes an offer, and then they decide to walk away and the deal falls apart or, and she’s so challenged by that and doubt about it. And I reminder, I went through this and honestly, it’s going to help you because it’s going to help you navigate along the way throughout your career. So don’t I all the twists and turns in your career. Take them in stride and take it as a learning experience.

D.J. Paris 16:59
I was just moderating a panel of top producers for the YPN a couple weeks ago for the YPM. And somebody from the audience. This is really funny, you’ll you’ll appreciate this. Somebody we had a question and answer portion at the end. And, and we had Nancy Nancy to Sony was on there and Gail spreen. And anyway, it was a great producer panel. And that somebody in the back said, Oh, I one of my friends decided to go with another realtor other than myself. And, and and I’m really upset about it and the whole room and they weren’t laughing at this person. Because like we were laughing because and I just said everyone in the room raised their hands when this has happened to everybody. And I said you’re not you’re not alone.

Julie Busby 17:45
It’s so funny. Oh, see, and it feels so good. You know, to know like, oh my goodness, that top producer on the panel has been through this. So that’s that’s cool.

D.J. Paris 17:54
was speaking of so we have 1000s and 1000s of listeners and they are eager to hear advice from top 1% producers and really want to hear you know, if you were to counsel a new, a new broker, or somebody who’s looking to really increase their production, is there any advice you have? What would you tell them to do? That’s made the big difference for you.

Julie Busby 18:17
Right? So we already touched on it, definitely approach a someone that you admire their business and could see as a mentor, absolutely approach them. Absolutely as to shadow them. I, I do usually say you know, check out a team, a team could be somewhere where you can learn because there’s, you know, multiple different experiences that you can learn from, and you back each other up. And it’s a collaborative, collaborative environment. So I do recommend at least trying to find a mentor and try to shadow them and learn from them. And if a team is an option to you definitely explore that. And then open houses. I’ve grown my business from a lot of open houses. So I think it’s because I’m relational. I don’t buy leads. I like 99% referral and pass business now. But I’m relational. So I’m not one that buys leads. I’m one who looks to relationships to grow my business.

D.J. Paris 19:17
Yeah, I’m always amazed at how many brokers don’t beg other brokers to do open houses for them. And you know, if you’re new to the business, or even if you’re not new, and just you’re in between clients, and you have nothing going on books, some open houses, and it’s really hopefully, yeah, I mean, hopefully you work at a firm or there’s more than just you and if it’s more than just you ask that other broker, if you could do that for them. Usually, the answer in most cases is usually yes. Because it makes them look good to the seller. And also obviously opportunity to for you to learn how to talk more about real estate and maybe get some buyer leads along the way. So yeah, open houses are so important. And a lot of a lot of brokers I think maybe are just afraid, but I always say you know, definitely Utley asked to shadow someone at an open house before he if you’re not absolutely, yeah, so we have actually a couple listener questions that are part of what we just touched on. So I want to want to circle back to those. So we have anonymous from Chicago asks, since you have an all female team, are most of your clients female?

Julie Busby 20:20
Good question. No, they are not. We help men and women, the same amount. But I will say I think studies are showing more and more that women are the decision makers, right? Oh, that is something we do keep in mind. But no, we don’t just work with women.

D.J. Paris 20:40
Yeah, and by the way, we should let mention to the listeners that Julie is not the first person from the Busby team to be on our show. We and this is one of our great episodes. So everyone listening, you go back about 100 episodes, and you will find Susan Panozzo, who is a total superstar in and of herself. These are the quality of brokers that Julie has on her team, Susan was unmaking. And so I should make a plug for her episode, which is like two years ago now. And it was so awesome. And I referenced it a lot. Because Susan, is great, because she has a huge history in doing rentals and web developers. And it is such a cool niche. And I was so glad to learn that she is now on your team because she was a total superstar on her own. And I was like, Oh my gosh, they are so they are so fortunate to have her. So you were actually not the first buzzbee group. I love that. Yep. Okay, another question from Vera from Chicago. As Vera says, I am practicing solo right now. But I’m thinking about joining a team, what should I look for in a team? And what should I look out for? Do you have any suggestions?

Julie Busby 21:46
So that’s a that’s a good question, too. It’s funny, one of the team members who joined my team, she’s like, I don’t know what to ask you. And I said, You know what, talk to me about this, and then go talk to another team member about this, that you know, the same thing and see what what makes sense for you. So, you know, different teams are set up differently if you are. So I think the number one thing is find out what why are you thinking about joining a team? Is it because you’re looking to grow your business? Is it because you like a collaborative environment? Is it because you want leads? Do you want backup? Do you want to be able to go on vacation, imagine that you real estate having backup, think about what is important to you. And then that will come the questions for that team, I will tell you, our team is set up a little differently. I don’t do leads. As I mentioned, I’m one who is more of a mentor to my team, and help them grow their own sphere, because I am very focused on relationships. And so I want to we’re very, that’s something that’s important to me is being genuine. And so we I help them focus on their relationships, and how are we going to grow those and help their friends and family and everyone that they’ve met. So, and then I also wanted to create an environment where we could back each other up, because I have a crazy lifestyle. And I have two little kiddos and I spend time with them. So that was important to me. And so that’s what I’m looking for in my team members. But there’s team members or potential team members I’ve met with and they say, I really want someone who’s buying Zillow leads, and they’re just going up to me, you know, and I’m gonna run with it. Awesome. I’m glad you know that. That’s not how we structured it. But there are amazing teams that do that. And it and it works just the same. I think the main thing is ask yourself, What’s important to you? And why are you thinking about joining a team? And then that will bring you the questions to ask.

D.J. Paris 23:40
Yeah. And to piggyback on that. I also think that if you’re looking to approach a team and ask them to join, you better be able to articulate what you’re going to offer them, why do they need you on their team? Right? And, and if you were just if you just go to them and say, Hey, I’m really not good at prospecting, and I need leads? Well, yeah, there are teams that that will, will bring you on. But But I think a stronger proposition is to go and say, here’s what I can do for your team. And if you guys have extra leads, I’m you know, I’m open to that if that’s what you want, but be able to say, here’s why you have to get me on your team, here’s why I need to be on your team. Here’s what I can bring to the table. And because a lot of times I think people look to join teams because they don’t have enough leads. And that’s that’s what they need. And that’s okay. It is but yeah, but I think you should, you should be able to be able to say here’s what I can do for you. And if you can do that you’ll probably have a greater chance of of success with that team because they’ll be able to, you know, a lot of times teams know that people are looking for leads and and sometimes you know, that could be a great fit, but but not always. I wanted to ask you also about your concierge level of service. And you guys get all sorts of requests you have about you we won’t mention names but you’ve worked with professional athletes. Do you mind sharing the story of of that rub unusual request?

Julie Busby 25:03
I mean, we get so many crazy requests. Kenya on my team runs our concierge department. Her husband is a pro athlete. And so we created the concierge level service based on what they would expect. So I am very proud of us and all that we offer. But holy moly, do we get some funny requests? We had a very well known big, burly pro athlete that we helped get into a home. This was just last year, and he was relying on us for a lot of different concierge level services. And then one day we get a phone call. It was like 7am in the morning. Of course, I answered the phone right away. Hey, how can I help you? What’s going on? Um, yeah, so I’m going out to go practice and there there’s a frog in my front yard. Okay, what What can I help you? Oh, can you come get the frog? I was shocked to this 200 pound burly Athlete on his way to practice could not pick up the frog and figure out disposing of a frog or not disposing but you know, move the frog out of his front yard. So we drove out there and helped to help take care of this frog.

D.J. Paris 26:19
It was really if the frog pees on his hands, it gets worse. And oh, that’s true. That’s not that is not true.

Julie Busby 26:27
It was ridiculous. Yes. But it was funny to the team. But we of course,

D.J. Paris 26:33
did you wait, did you go do it? Yeah, yeah. Did you find the frog

Julie Busby 26:38
and the manager lives with him. And he was there drinking red wine at like 8am. And not even willing to help out with this frog. I mean, and he was also a big burly guy. It was just such a comical experience. Yes.

D.J. Paris 26:50
But I imagine when you do that, not only does it become an amazing story, but I imagine that athlete is like, She is awesome. She is willing to come out and do something as trivial as that. But it really speaks. And I know it’s a funny story. But it really speaks to how committed you are to your clients. And obviously, you’d hope that people wouldn’t ask for things like that. But that being said, you know, that’s the market, you’re you’ve served in that particular way. And those people might have different types of needs. And and how cool is it that you’re willing to go hey, I’m not, I’m not too important to go pick up a frog and go move it to the other yard?

Julie Busby 27:28
Oh, you have no idea. We always joke like luxury real estate, we should start like a behind the scenes blog of luxury real estate, because we’ll be cleaning up bathrooms that are pretty messy. I’ll leave it at that. I mean, it is not luxury. Yeah, yeah.

D.J. Paris 27:45
But that but that’s that’s the job, right? Like, ultimately, that’s the it’s all the little things, isn’t it? Like, it’s the picking up the phone at 7am. Now, that doesn’t mean any Everyone always has to do that, you know, everyone can set their own boundaries at the boundaries, right. But I will tell you, that is an impressive thing. I mean, if we even just think about all the other services that we pay money for financial advisors, insurance, lenders, you know, really anything, you know, contractors, landscapers, financial, whatever, how many of those people pick up their phones at 7am? It’s pretty much nobody, right? So it doesn’t mean you have to give up all of your life, obviously, you’ve struck a balance. And I know it’s not easy. But you also are there and that’s the commitment you’ve made. And as a result, look at where you are, and I think, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s a it’s a funny example, but it’s also a good example of like, Hey, if you’re gonna, if you want to be a top producer, you better show up, and you better be there and are you better have, you know, have those expectations in place for your clients, so that they don’t call you at 7am? Because if they need you at 7am, and they don’t know that you’re not available, they’re going to be disappointed. So I love that what a great story. And then, I want to talk about if you don’t mind sharing your story. I know faith is important to you. And I wanted to talk about the client you were you were worried about a client and you kept them in your your thoughts and prayers. Do you mind sharing that story? Because I think it’s also very, it’s a very sweet story, too.

Julie Busby 29:16
Yeah, I will. I’ve had so many numerous funny stories in real estate, but this one was the first one that came to my mind. While I another one happened this weekend. But the I am so when I have a client, I take their the entire transaction to heart and I again, I’m very genuine and I want the best outcome for my clients. And that means we’re walking away from a deal. That means we’re walking away from a deal. My opinion is things happen for a reason, and I’m never going to push something I want the best outcome for everyone. And anyways, so I take that to heart and yes, I do sometimes pray for my clients. There was a transaction that was going very haywire, very toxic For my buyers, and I was just praying about them a lot. I was remembering family members pray for them. I mean, I was praying a lot for them. So much so that apparently when I say their name, I would then I was praying so much that I would just roll out into prayer. So when I tried to pick up the phone and have a conversation with them, I will I left a message for them. And I said their names. And then I said, and dear lord bless them and watch over them, amen. And I realized I just said a prayer on their voicemail and was totally, totally embarrassed. They called back and said, For you praying for, it was kind of funny. It didn’t work out for the best in the end, FYI, on that transaction. But it was stressful in the moment. And I you know, at least they knew I had their best interest at heart.

D.J. Paris 30:47
So I think so much of it is demonstrating care, demonstrating empathy, compassion, showing that that you’re on their team, and whatever way brokers can demonstrate that to their clients is always a win. And, you know, I think that’s such a such a great example, again, of, you know, and it’s funny, of course, because, you know, that’s just not something that that everybody would say, yeah, just the fact that you even thought to ask your family members to keep those people in mind is also demonstrated of of what kind of broker you are. Now, you did mention something happened this weekend, if you’re willing to share it, I would be remiss if I didn’t ask if you have like a funny story. Well, this

Julie Busby 31:32
is more I feel bad. It’s a team member on my team. I won’t say who it was. But it was just hysterical, the poor so I was out showing property, she was doing an open house for me an hour, she was a co Lister on one of our listings. And so she was there. And some gentleman at the open house decided to turn on the body sprays of the shower, and get it off the knob broke and couldn’t get off. So, Oh, I almost said her name, she went back there to help. And she ends up the only way to turn off the body sprays is to physically get in the shower. And like she’s working on these knobs and trying to get out. So anyway, she is drenched in water. And like just covered in water, the whole the shower, the flooring is, you know, covered in water. And she’s calling me and I’m out on a buyer torna answer and she’s like, I’m, I’m drenched with open house, can you bring me clothes? I said I’m in Evanston showing property. And I was like, cool, this person called this person and we were able to get her help. But the poor girl is like, finished Open House drench like a rat, just total hair wet. And I’m sure people are so confused why she is dressed. She literally like took a shower in her clothes during the open house.

D.J. Paris 32:44
But I mean, I also think like that’s, that’s such a cute thing. I know, like, nobody wants to be drenched at an open house. Of course, especially not the broker who’s doing the open house. But it’s also like, a really human thing, right? Like, it’s one of those things where a buyer might walk in and they, you know, she might have said, I am so sorry, but here’s what happened. But it also shows a level of like, just willingness to stick around and do the job. Right. So I think, in a weird way, it probably works. You know, it doesn’t matter that she’s drenched in some ways it probably makes her more endearing to the people who walk in that she’s willing to just, you know, obviously you guys got it fixed. But But I again, I think this speaks to the that’s the most professional thing you can do is just stick around and and yep, I’m a total mess. And I’m trying to get it fixed, but I’m not leaving. Right. I think that’s awesome. I love that. It’s very, it’s very relatable because we’ve all had something like that.

Julie Busby 33:42
Totally, totally. It was pretty funny. Okay,

D.J. Paris 33:45
one last question. Can you name one mistake you’ve made while growing your business because our listeners they always love to hear what to do which you’ve done a great job of explaining given some great ideas any what not to do anything that you’ve done where you went my wish I wouldn’t have done that or you know anything like that.

Julie Busby 34:03
So and some people may disagree with me but I I think when you are sometimes we get when we start to grow we get so excited and we want to do more marketing and spend more money on this and and honestly we get calls I mean I know all the realtors listening to this will say yep, I get five calls a day of this solicitor to sign up for this I’m gonna get 10 qualified leads today and then sign up for this and you’re I’m gonna send text messages to all your clients and in just be careful and truly budget. We own a business. You need to look at it as we own a business. We are entrepreneurs and you need to be careful and budget and just don’t spend beyond your means. I know. I was approached to early on in my career to do a video marketing and back then like video was very expensive is going to be like $10,000 to do a simple video and I said, oh gosh, video and yes, video is where it’s at now, right? So when I was like, Okay, so $10,000 is going to be an investment into my career forever. Well, thank goodness, I finally had the wherewithal to say, no, wait a minute, technology is going to continue to enhance and continue to get better. Why would I? Why should I spend $10,000? On the video today? We’re in five years, it’s probably not relevant, right? So be careful, I think the biggest mistake is what we can get ahead of ourselves and, and spend money where we shouldn’t. And I would vet everyone who’s calling you that and get a reference call and say, Okay, great. Can I talk to three realtors who have had success with this? I just did that with a program. And I wasn’t I only got one reference. And I wasn’t that satisfied with the response? And I’m glad we didn’t sign up. But I would just that that would be my lesson.

D.J. Paris 35:55
Yeah, that’s so important. And really, we always forget to talk about that on the show. So I’m glad you bring it up. I’ve also read that the next tech bubble to burst might be in real estate, because of all the ancillary services that are being pitched to realtors on a regular basis. Consumers, all these tech companies, especially realtors are getting your your right you get five calls a day from the new and greatest CRM or a lead system or websites or whatever. Yeah, texting service, and all of those could be awesome. But at the end of the day, this is still very much a face to face business, right? And so certain technology is there to enhance and help. But yeah, I say the same thing when people are looking to join a firm. So like I do recruiting for our firm, and sometimes people ask me, what’s really funny, they’ll ask me, they’ll go, it’s not funny. I mean, I understand why they asked it, but I correct them. And they’ll say, Can you give me the names of three realtors that work at your firm? And I’m like, Look, I can easily do that. But odds are, since we don’t really know each other, you have to assume that I’m stacking the deck. Like I’m gonna get you people that absolutely love us. Don’t and I don’t want you to think that I’m going to do that. So here’s what you can do instead. At our firm, we’ve got lots lots realtors, I say just pick three at random. That’s going to be the real answer. Right? And if they don’t get back to you then pick three more, but call three people. Yeah. And so that’s always the problem with a lot of these with firms. If you’re looking to join a firm, everyone promises everything and call a couple other realtors just randomly and say I’m thinking of joining the company. Here’s what I’m thinking I need do you think they do a good job? And then you’ll get the real answer. But same thing with technologies. Same thing. So what a great, awesome suggestion. Yeah, and it’s funny, too. I just got a video quote for our for our company, as more of a recruiting video thing, and we’re like, oh, it’s gonna be $30,000. And we’re like, really? Like, insane. It’s insane.

Julie Busby 37:48
I mean, this, it’s so ridiculous. Do you have some good video people? If you want me to send you some referrals?

D.J. Paris 37:53
Yeah, there we go. See, I trust Julie. So I’m gonna take her referral. But ya know, and that’s, and that’s it. And this, you know, it’s at the end of the day, it’s it’s realtor meets client, you know, gains their trust, or is referred to them from somebody that they already gained trust, and then just kills it on service, crushes it on service. And ultimately, that’s the most important thing. And that’s what you’ve done. And you’ve done it two different times, which is pretty amazing. Most people only become a top producer in one area once you did it and and basically said, I am leaving and going to start the whole thing over again. And you did it. And I mean, that is really truly remarkable. You’re the only person we’ve ever had on the show that successfully have done that. So I want to honor you for that, because that is a massive MTU it’s probably no big deal to just who you are. But to our listeners. This is big, big, big. So everyone out there, you know, get a mentor, find someone like Julie, you know, that can help you that will mentor you or you know, ask for help at your firm and, and learn from the best. And that’s what our podcast is all about. So by the way, Julie, if any, we don’t just have realtors that listen, we have clients that listen as well. So if anyone is out there who wants to buy, sell, rent, invest and is looking to work with your team? What is the best way that a client should reach out to you?

Julie Busby 39:13
You could call everyone has my cell phone number 312-890-4818. I’m very quick to respond

D.J. Paris 39:22
and visit their website, which is Bobby By the way, follow them on Facebook, just search for Busby group, same thing on Instagram, there are websites awesome. You can you really get a sense on your website. And I really want to encourage our listeners who have websites to consider this approach if you’re looking to revamp your website. It’s funny, I was talking to Matt Matt Larose. He was on the show a few weeks ago, and I said on his website, he has almost like he doesn’t have an MLS search. He doesn’t have much of anything. He goes DJ, I don’t want any of that stuff. I just want to tell the story of why people work with me and why they work with our group and you’ve done the same thing on your website which I think is so cool and I think a lot of times Realtors don’t think about it from the customer’s perspective of like, I need to tell this story and so everyone please visit their website to get a good sense of what I think a successful broker or realtor website looks like again, Busby follow them on Instagram, follow them on Facebook if you’re a client and you want to work with Julie go to their website, you know, contact them she just gave out her her phone number as well feel free to reach out. And Julie thank you so much for being on the show. On behalf of the listeners we really appreciate it before we sign off for everyone listening. If everyone out there just tells one other realtor about our show people that could benefit from watching or listening to this podcast episode please let them know we’ll double our listenership we can do even more episodes. So everyone go out there and tell a friend and follow us on Facebook which is forward slash keeping it real pod. Julie thank you again. I’m so excited to watch your continued success and your group success and I know some of the people on your team. They are all just like you very, very nice, very disciplined, super hard working people and you guys have such a cool thing going and I I excited to watch it continue. So thank you so much for being on my show.

Julie Busby 41:15
Thank you for the opportunity. It’s been fun

Lawrence Dunning from Mainstreet Real Estate Group is a financial trader turned boxer turned MMA fighter turned top real estate broker in Chicago. He founded his trading firm at a young age and walked away to pursue his goal of boxing eventually winning the Golden Gloves. In our interview Lawrence talks about the discipline and focus it takes to be successful in real estate, finance, and sports.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Lawrence Dunning can be reached at 312-286-0427 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcasts made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show. And today in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Lawrence Dunning. Before we get to Lawrence, I want to remind everyone to think of a real estate professional that you know that could benefit from hearing these interviews with top 1% producers and pass along the podcast. How do you do that couple of ways. Number one, send them our website which is keeping it real Even if they’re not podcast people, they can listen right on our website to every episode we’ve ever done. Also, if everyone could rate us on iTunes or Google Play or Stitcher or Spotify, whatever podcast directory and app you use give us a rating let us know what you think about the show that helps our visibility as well. And lastly guys, please follow us on Facebook we can find forward slash keeping it real pod why? Well not only do we post all of our episodes but we do behind the scenes live video recordings. So if you want to watch me record an episode in real time and not wait a couple of weeks for that’s what it’s a long it takes us to produce the episode before you can hear the audio you want to watch it live as we’re doing it we do it right there on Facebook and we also post an article too every single day that we find online dedicated to helping you grow your business so we try to provide so much value on that Facebook page that you’re gonna love it so follow us again forward slash keeping it real pod and now on to our interview with Lawrence Dunning.

Okay, today on the show, we have Lauren stunning from Main Street Real Estate Group. Lawrence was born in the UK in London. He graduated with an MBA in finance, eventually settling in Chicago, at age 24. He set up his own trading company, which he ran for the next seven years. At age 30. He decided to step away from business to pursue some athletic goals actually spent five years doing just that. In particular, he has done MMA fights, he’s on 10 professional MMA fights. He has his black belt in jujitsu a number of other accomplishments physically as well. And then he’s become convinced during that time about the real estate investing model. And he bought his first investment property, which was a commercial strip mall, and got his broker’s license five years ago, and has been a top 1% producer for the last three years, which is an incredible feat to do that quickly. And he’s used the same principles that to build both a successful trading company, and now a successful real estate broker business. So we’re excited to have him on the show. This is a real treat for us. Welcome to the show, Lawrence.

Lawrence Dunning 3:55
Awesome. Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.

D.J. Paris 3:58
Thank you, I would love to learn about how you made the switch from being a trader and having that company, you know, into real estate, why the switch? Obviously Chicago’s a huge trading market, as you know, but why the switch? I know a ton of traders that have done that. So I’m really curious to know, how you got involved

Lawrence Dunning 4:18
was a trading was just such a it’s such a lucrative business. And like you said, the Chicago market is sort of one of the epicenters of I was an option trader. So one of the top, you know, option trading centers in the world. And so I was I was trading and actually I got a credit my my mentor and good friend Moe, who owns my company. He and I met over a decade ago and we both had dogs and we were we both on kind of a late schedule. So we’ll be out walking our dogs and we’ll just be talking. And so Moe would always be talking about oh, there’s so much money in flips and things like that. And this is this is a decade plus AGO A long time ago, but we never we never really got going on the flips but then he I stepped away from trading. I was you know in pair trading for a while. But when I when I stepped away, and I was kind of focusing on some personal goals, I would still trade a bit online and I was still, you know, trying to make money. And then the whole, it’s so interesting because you assume, or at least I did when I was young, if you’re doing something and you’re good at it, you’re gonna be able to make money by doing that for, you know, for the foreseeable future. But I didn’t that, you know, high frequency trading came. And there’s very, very few people that I knew back in the pit that are still trading. It’s such a tough business now. So the, the algorithms took over. And exactly, so I was kind of finding that, but I was still kind of struggling trying to make a bit of money. And then Moe was who’s a broker at the time was like, you know, what about, we’ve started talking about just investing in real estate. So the first thing I did in real estate wise, aside from buying my condo, when I first moved here, was I bought this commercial property. And then as an owner, and a landlord, I really started to learn about the business model. And I think what I really want to kind of explain to people is, I thought I knew about money and finance. So I come from, you know, I have an MBA, like you said, and you

D.J. Paris 6:07
do know about money and finance, right? Trading, traders background,

Lawrence Dunning 6:11
but exactly, but what’s so crazy is I think there was a huge blind spot I had, and I really think because when I look back, I think not, not a lot of people have, you know, a good, a good degree, and then they start work and they don’t really, you know, they’re not really that curious about learning or anything, but I’ve been I’ve been obsessively reading and learning since I was a kid. So I think Man, I had not only do I have an MBA, so I have the the the degree, which I think in practical posts is kind of worthless personally. But I also also read, you know, dozens and dozens, dozens of books on finance, and entrepreneurship and reading about these, you know, these really high achievers. And I think through all of that knowledge, the real estate model, it barely was mentioned. So I only kind of found out about that from a practical perspective. And largely thanks to moe, like I said, and then the more I learned, and the more I tried, like, I can even if you if you said to me, Hey, what’s a great book to read for real estate investing, I could give you one or two that are okay. But there’s still not great, there’s not really there’s not really something out there. Because it’s just the problem is, is it’s so specific, you know, if I, if I was going to write I’m actually I do want to write a little ebook on real estate investing in Chicago, but I’m not going to pretend to know about other cities, and I’m not even gonna think about other countries. And even in Chicago, you know, you’re so specific this street, that street, this type of building, that’s I believe, everything is so different. I think that’s why people just don’t talk about it. You know, they have this when you do when you do, when you study finance, this is a cookie cutter thing. They say, Okay, if you’re young, you want to put 70% Your money in stocks, right? 25 and bonds and 5% cash. And then as you get older, you’re just switching the ratios, that no one no one talks about investing in real estate, because they don’t really know how you know, it. Most of these programs are very uniform. So you’ve got the same MBA program in Shanghai, in London, in New York, you know, in Sydney, and, and you can teach the same principles with stocks, anyone can open up an E trade account and trade the same things. But it’s with real estate, you really need somebody on the ground who’s just a master a certain area. And even he doesn’t know more much more about about anything else, but just his areas, both films, I think, I think it’s just so interesting, that kind of coming to this realization, but the long way round, I guess. So So, go ahead. No, I was gonna say so once once I started, so it was all kind of happening at the same time. So I bought this property, I thought I was making good money, income from the property, and then trading was getting tougher and tougher. And then I was at a crossroads where I was thinking there’s no point letting go trading was very, very hard for me to do because, you know, I made in a day what I in trading what I made in my first year of real estate, you know, what, where else can you make that crazy money, but the problem is, if you can make it that easily, you can also lose it that easily. So by letting that that was a very tough mentally bridge to overcome, but I just I was so convinced with the real estate model, and that I kind of had an idea that trading wasn’t going to come back it was just going to get harder and harder to make money that I decided if I was going to be a real estate investor, I should I should get my license and I should just learn more I should be on the ground and I should really learn the city. And so that’s basically what I’ve done the last you know, six years is I’ve just been trying to do what pretty much what every broker does successful broker, but I’ve also kind of focused a lot of my business on the investing side because that’s more of my passion. And it’s not it’s not that I went into this trying to find a niche the niche almost found me

D.J. Paris 9:40
so I just had a huge coughing attack. So we just we had to pause for a moment so apologize for the for how disjointed this probably seems, but I think that’s really important. And I bet you also as now a broker are probably also really and it seems to be because we’ve had and I know that you’re not just an investor, your traditional broker you work with buyers and sellers, renters, but also investors and you yourself are also an investor. And I’m always shocked at how many Realtors do not service the investment market. And also aren’t investors themselves. And I imagine that blows your mind as well. And I know that’s a huge passion of yours is making sure that people understand residual income and and why real estate investing can work. And yeah, and why it’s, you know, the Uber richer, of course, as, as you were, have explained to me, uber rich are doing that. But it’s amazing how many brokers themselves really aren’t that skilled at knowing about investments.

Lawrence Dunning 10:37
Right. And I think but I think that’s the problem with, I see this with a lot of new agents, is they kind of, they’re kind of scared to do everything. And I think the principles of real estate applies, it applies to everything. So I get I get questions sometimes, Oh, do you do commercial real estate? Do you do this, you do that I do everything you know, I’ll help a friend get a rental, I’ll help, you know, multi million, million dollar investment property for commercial property, regular two to four unit property, a condo, it’s all the same, the principles underlying real estate is all the same. So I think people need to stop being worried about commercial property, residential, it’s, of course, there’s a few subtleties, but the principles are the same. But I think there’s there’s some statistics, I don’t know the exact is it 45,000 licensed agents in Illinois, and there’s some huge amount of them that don’t even own the home they live in. And then, you know, the ones that obviously own the home they live in, a lot of them don’t have investment properties. So it’s definitely easier for me to deal with investors, because I can explain, you know, that, Oh, you know, this building is like, you know, like the building I bought last year, and the reason I bought it is because of XYZ that’s why it’ll be a good investment. So I definitely have that going for me, it’s a bit easier for me to explain. But But again, this stuff is not, it’s not rocket science, it’s pretty straightforward with investing. Once you once you know, the formulas, you know, to analyze these ratios, you know, the cash on cash, return the cap rates and things like that.

D.J. Paris 12:00
Yeah, it is always remarkable to me that brokers will even become top producers in traditional buyers and seller environment. And then the moment an investor comes to them, they’re really not able to service that. And that’s okay, if they actively choose not to service the investor market, because it is a different clientele. It’s just a different process altogether. But I suspect a lot of times, it’s just because they haven’t put the time in to really understand what an investor’s needs are how that process works. And it takes years to under to get that knowledge. But it’s also something that you can start today. And then a year or two from now, wow, the ability to be able to provide those services are, are so important, because otherwise you’re going to be turning away business. And again, if you choose to turn it away, because you don’t have time, that’s great, but I think it’s a lot of times just lack of knowledge.

Lawrence Dunning 12:52
Right. And I think that’s a great point. Because the the market, especially in Chicago, we basically have a decade plus run a very stable and slow and steady growth with the stock market’s done great the last 10 years minus the last few weeks. But the key that the agents today have spoiled, right? A lot of them haven’t lived through the last recession, they haven’t seen. So when businesses good, I guess you don’t have to take all the business you can kind of pick and choose. But we are in some I mean, there was a great graph that I put on my LinkedIn a few days ago, we’ve had five decades of interest rates coming down. So I think the foreseeable future, we’re gonna we’re gonna stay in this low interest rate environment. And that the big thing with that is, if you have money, in my opinion, you only have two options, because Because bonds doesn’t pay you anything. You know, precious metals aren’t really going anywhere cash, you’re eroding inflation every day. So the only the only options are stocks and real estate. And the thing with the stock market is at some point, you know, even before the last few weeks, I was saying listen, I don’t know when it’s going to happen. But at some point, you don’t have these 10 plus years of runs, you know. So I think that it’s it is important if you’re if you’re dealing with people with money to educate them on the real estate investment model, because it’s that, for me is the only good alternative to stocks. And I think it’s way like I don’t know, I barely have any stocks. A few lingering in one of my trading accounts, but in the thing with the stock market. That’s the big difference, I think with the stock market and the real estate market is and it’s very hard to even talk about this with you because like we said at the beginning of the show, I talked about the stock market, the luxury condo market in Manhattan, am I talking about multi units in Chicago? Or am I talking about single family homes in you know, la suburbs? It’s all different, right? So when I throw out these statistics, they obviously are averages in general. There are generalizations but I think we there’s there’s something like a quarter of the volatility in the real estate market that there isn’t the stock market. And I mean, you’ve seen that with this this last few weeks is kind of shown some of the frothiness and the volatility of when, when there’s fears I don’t have you know, I don’t have an $800,000 condo suddenly selling for 600. In the last two weeks, you know, it’s not it’s not the same. Right? I think that I think your your volatility with the right building is less. But also I think that the big thing that people people just with stocks, I guess you have two things, right you have the the appreciation and you have dividends, but we’ve been in an environment where the dividends is is relatively low for most stocks, right? The big the big thing was, when I talk about the right type of real estate, your cash on cash return should be close to if not double figures, double digits a year, it should be close to that. So maybe it’s 8%, maybe it’s 10%. But that’s not well, that’s

D.J. Paris 15:35
the thing, too. And I mean, look, you know, last year, you know, my index funds were up 30%, because they, you know, the market was up. And that’s a great year. However, I would trade the volatility of that for a seven to 9% return, year after year, because I know and I’ve always felt this way about money that the best way that I can grow my income is by working. And then I just want a more traditional, you know, a traditional return, that’s not necessarily guaranteed, but that has a lower volatility, because that is something I can’t control. So I would trade the 30% returns for like a 10% average return over time, in a less volatile environment, which would be real estate investing, if done correctly.

Lawrence Dunning 16:23
Exactly. But that’s a great point. So you, you highlighted the volatility, most especially when you’re young, you don’t mind the volatility, I’m 40. Now, I don’t really want crazy volatility. But that’s only one half. So to use your example, if you made 30%. Last year, on your stock portfolio, you had a great year, and you only made 10% on your real estate, the bid, the big difference between the real estate is you’re you’re buying it typically as an investor with 25% down. And if real estate is averaging even through the biggest 2008 2010, that was the biggest real estate correction we’ve had in a century, even through that you’re averaging about 5% return a year through real estate. Now, because you’re only buying with a quarter down that 5% is actually 20% on real money, then then that’s when you start making big money, you have the 10% cash on cash return, you have the 20% because of the leverage in a very four to 5% appreciation period. And then on top of both of those, every month, you’re paying down your debt, so your your equity is increasing. And then on top of all of that you have all these tax benefits. So when you put that all together, a slow and steady, you know market that’s increasing four to 5% a year, your cash on cash return to the right property is closer to 30 33%, then you’re doubling your money every three years. So that’s kind of why in a nutshell, real estate is the secret of the ultra rich.

D.J. Paris 17:44
And I really would love to point out that these are conversations you have with your traditional clients as well, your traditional primary residence buyers and sellers, you know, you have this knowledge, you have this passion for it, and it works for you personally. And I just think how much more powerful and important does that make you to your clients versus just Yeah, I can help you buy or sell this home. Obviously, we have 40, some 1000 realtors, and actually, the total number of Realtors in Chicago, including the servers is over 40,000 in and of itself. So it’s like there’s plenty of people that can help you buy or sell a home and obviously many of them some of them do that much better than others. But I love the always the you know, the idea that you’re also able to say, Hey, by the way, you should really consider and I would love to get your perspective on this. A lot of people think their primary residence is an investment, Mike my my thought is maybe it might be you might get lucky. And when you sell it, it might be worth more but it’s not really an investment because it doesn’t really produce income for you. I’ve always thought investments should produce, you know, some sort of regular income. But this is where real estate investing comes in. So,

Lawrence Dunning 18:53
but I would love to go ahead I’m sorry. No, I was gonna say talking about your your primary resident being an investment. I bought my first condo in 2004. So I got my first bonus from my trading company put down 20% I bought my condo, fast forward 16 years, it’s probably it’s probably appreciated. I paid 300,000 I think it’s pretty worth about 340. So I mean, you’re talking absolutely negligible appreciation in nearly two decades. So but I knew that going in because I was living in Australia once my company put me up in Streeterville they put me up in a rental I got my first month I moved one blocks. I like the area. Yeah, so I knew when I bought it then even though I didn’t know anything about real estate, I knew that that at the time was the highest price per square foot in the city and buying a one bedroom condo. It’s like how much upside you’re going to get. But I think so that’s kind of what I try to explain to people for you for your primary residence. Of course you shouldn’t be it shouldn’t be a bad investment, but you shouldn’t really look to make any money off it. That shouldn’t be the way the way I see and I would tell someone is listen, you want to live where you want to live and Now, if you want to if you’re a young person, and you say, Listen, I can deal with living somewhere, I don’t want to live to buy a multi unit with an FHA loan, why just put down a little bit as an investment. And then after one year I can, I can move out. That’s a little different story. But I didn’t really want to go that that route. And I guess at the time in my early 20s, I didn’t even know that was an option. So I think that you can kind of you can take advantage of what, what, what is given to you. So right now, we’re in a very interesting for FHA loans, you’re paying about 3%. So it’s insanely cheap. And you can you can put down and say, if you can find a four unit building, and the FHA limit is 70709, I think it is, and you have to put down three and a half percent, you could, in theory, have the seller, sell it to you for 735, give you 20 26,000 Cash Back, use that as your down payment, you almost buy it for nothing. The problem is finding those is like finding a unicorn in this environment, because they haven’t raised the FHA rates for you know, a decade plus. So the problem you’re going to have is, of course, I can find anyone a building like that, but it’s not going to have good numbers, because it’s going to be much it’s not going to be recently rehabbed in a good area with good rents and good numbers. You know, I do find them occasionally, but they’re very, very, very hard to come by. Yeah,

D.J. Paris 21:14
I would love to switch gears because I, we talked about this very briefly, in your intro, and you are a very physical person, you’ve competed. You know, in MMA fights. Can you talk a little bit about the discipline that goes into you know, you stepped away entirely from business to pursue these goals? Can you talk a little bit about that? I just find that so fascinating.

Lawrence Dunning 21:37
Yeah, for sure. So what happened was, I think I always knew at a young age that, like I came, I came from an English system. I grew up in England, I went school in England, coming here realizes how good the US sports arts sports systems are in, you know, high school and college in England, unless you’re a really, really good soccer player, they have really good programs for you, maybe a little bit of rugby, the rest of the programs are kind of nonsense. So I was I played soccer growing up when I was a kid, I wasn’t good enough to be the elite level. One of my, one of my good friends played professionally, which was awesome. But I so I always dabbled in things, but I never really had an outlet. So when I came here, I was trading and it was very intense. And a lot of the people when you have a job like that, with so much intensity, you need some kind of release. So a lot of them went down the path of drinking and drugs and that was that released. And I started boxing. So I went into this boxing gym. And there was a lot of you know, famous UFC fighters in there and it was kind of one of the one of the best jujitsu and boxing gyms in the city at the time. Now there’s a lot more back then there was there was only really one. And so I remember I walked in and my my, my future boxing coach said to me, Oh, you got the door of a fighter you should boxing The Golden Girls. And then I was like, oh, that sounds kind of cool. So I started so I started when I was treating my life was literally just what worked in the trading pit. Take take a nap in the office for a couple hours because a very early start thing goes straight to the boxing gym, come home and go to sleep and just rinse and repeat all day. So I did that I won the Golden Gloves I had I had a few disappointments i i fought in the for the state Illinois state title, which I lost. And I had a great boxing career. But I got to the stage where I was like, Okay, I’m in my late 20s. I’d been doing jujitsu a little bit. And then May was becoming really popular. And I realized, I have my whole life to make money. But we have these windows of opportunity that come and go. And I realized I was I remember I turn 30. And I haven’t one thing I kind of backtrack on for for advice for new agents is when if you if you want to start creating wealth, it’s not just about investing. But it’s also you have to be saving money too. And one thing the reason I became very wealthy in my 20s is because like I said, I bought my condo, my first bonus, I didn’t have a car, I didn’t have all these crazy expenses. I took a few nice trips, that was my treat, but I wasn’t lavishly spending money. I knew people that you know, renting, renting these nice cars and going to the clubs with a Lamborghini and getting tables is I wasn’t into any of that. So as I was making money in my 20s my net worth just kept going up going up going up. And then I got to the stage where I was lying in bed one night, I couldn’t sleep and I got up and I was like now how much am I actually worth and I started to look at my trading accounts and my trading seats and all the assets I had. And I was like, Wow, I’m actually actually worth quite a lot of money. I’m gonna step away I had kind of lost a bit of the passion for for trading. And I really seen the signs it was becoming harder to make money. And I thought, well, I’m 30 years old as a male athlete. You don’t have too long you probably have, you know, five years you’re seeing people go into labor now. But you know, for me, I was I got pretty good five years. And I thought this is the chance if I want to actually do something. And my big my big thing that I always live my life by is there’s a great Les Brown quote and he talks about do you want to be that person at your dying bedside with the angels of your potential all around you saying like we came to you you had all these talents and potential and you wasted us And it’s one of my favorite, my favorite speeches it gives me goosebumps when I hear it. And I’ve always been driven by that fear. I’ve been driven by a fear of being this old man with grandkids on my feet. And maybe maybe I have a nice house and I have money, but I have these regrets. Why did I do this when I was 25? What I do this when I was 30, you know, so I’ve always been driven by the fear of regrets and having to seize opportunity. So that’s why I was like, You know what, I’ve just got to jump in and do this. So it was it was, it was such a great period of my life. And it was so hard, because a lot of a lot of people. I think, you look at what it takes to succeed in athletics. I don’t think I had any natural abilities other than grit and determination. And I think that it was a really great period of my life is incredibly hard. Physically, I just think just, I had this thing in my head, I was like, Well, okay, I go to work, I trade all day, I take a nap, I go to the gym, it’s like, if I don’t have to get up at 5:30am and go to the trading floor, I’ll be able to sleep in I’ll be able to train to three times a day. In between the training sessions. I’m gonna be learning Spanish learning Portuguese, do all these cool things. Yeah, I didn’t realize that when you’re training two, three times a day you are so zonked. You are just trying to nap or like just, I don’t know, space out for a few hours between sessions. It’s so exhausting. But it was such a great period. Because I remember right at the end I had I’m fighting such a funny thing. It’s exciting because there’s so many variables. And I remember, I never felt like I was performing to my abilities. And it was always very frustrating. And I had one fight was my penultimate fight. And I felt like Actually, everything came together. And I showed my potential and I was very happy. And I was like, I have one mole. And then I was like, Okay, now it’s time to you know, close this chapter, but I don’t have crazy injuries and brain trauma, you know, it’s time to close it. But the ones the one thing I the one mistake that I made is during those five years, I assumed that when it was done, I could do something in trading and keep making, you know, a lot of money, right? It combat door of, well, I took the door of the the doing something athletic, but I still had the time and youth and energy that the door on the finance on the trading that completely closed. So that was all kind of happening at the same time when I bought my building during that time. And that’s that was kind of what made the decision well, okay, I’m in my mid 30s, what the hell am I gonna do now, you know, because I was, I probably made every mistake in the book, I was way over leveraged in stocks through the last stock correction. And I, the one good thing I guess I did is buy that property. But I assumed I’m very confident. And I know that I always assume that no matter what I do, I’m going to make money, right? I had that in the back of my head, you have to have that confidence. So instead of what I should have done during those five years, I’d say less than, like, you know, you’re dabbling a bit in trading, you’re not really making that much money. But I’d got used to a certain, and I just, I’m gonna kind of contradict myself, I wasn’t big on buying cars and doing all this stuff. But I did have a certain expensive lifestyle while I taking lavish vacations and things like that. So when you don’t work for five years, so you don’t make too much money. You’re you’re spending, you know, a reasonable amount every year, your net worth is taking a hit. And then right at the end, I started trading a little bit more online. So I was like, you know, I’ll come want to make some good money. And I was trading grain options. And I was having a good year. And I was like, You know what I had a big position on I was like, I’m having a good year. But I don’t want to have a great year, I want to make more than I’ve spent the last five years I want to crush it. And I put a big position on. And I thought I was right. And I lost every day for two weeks straight trading days, it went against me when against me went against me, I finally got to a stage where I woke up and I said yeah, I’m gonna, I’m gonna lose everything. If I keep this position, even though I think I’m right. They call it in trading, they say the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. And that’s exactly what happened. I woke up and I said, if it turns against me today, I’m gonna get out of everything. The first five minutes of trading, it went against me, I got out of everything. And then 10 minutes later, reverse and I would have made a million bucks. So it was that was that was a very frustrating and painful experience. And that’s and since then I’m like, You know what I just kind of what we were talking about, I don’t want that volatility in my life. You know, I want to have I want to have, I’m not impressed by if someone says, Hey, I’ve got this idea Lawrence, you can make 100,000. That doesn’t impress me as much as some of the says, Hey, you can do something, it’s going to make you $1,000 a month for the rest of your life. Right? That’s when I when I realized that, you know, that’s why for me at that age and with my personality, I realized that the real estate model is 100% Something I want to work on. So all these things we’re talking about, they’re all kind of linked. But I really think the lessons from from that story to anyone listening is you have to take opportunities. So for instance, what I try and tell my one of my partners that I work with a lot, John, is business is good right now, you know, we’ve had like we said 10 years of low interest rates stable, the economies that are creeping up, you know, everything’s nice and stable. People are doing things people feel wealthy because of the pensions and everything’s up. So I said you’ve got to you’ve got to be absolutely crushing it and hustling Now, because when times are bad, it’s going to be, you know, four times as hard to make the business. So I think with that story, a couple of things that I guess lessons that I learned that hopefully, people won’t make the same mistakes as me is, you can’t, it doesn’t matter how good your one revenue stream is, one revenue stream is not enough, because life can always get in the way and change, you can be making half a million dollars a year from one revenue stream. You. I think the statistic is the average multimillionaire has seven different streams of income. And I think that you should definitely, definitely add a few more streams to that to that, that one revenue stream. And the other thing is you just have to take opportunity when you have it, you know, if it me as an investor, as a buyer, if there’s no inventory that I like, with with the wrong returns, I’m just gonna sit and wait, maybe I have to wait six months or five years. I don’t care. I’m not I’m not just gonna force it. On the same token, right now, you know, interest rates are so low. If banks would give me these loans, I would take $10 million of debt today. And I would invest, you know, because it’s, it’s for me, it’s free money. So I think, right, that’s, that’s the one lesson I took from that, I guess, take take opportunities when you have it.

D.J. Paris 31:07
Make make hay while the sun shines. Right. Exactly. Yeah. So So I want to talk about the discipline that it’s take, you know, that that you have demonstrated throughout your entire career, right, you started a company very young, you had your MBA, so you had the knowledge, but obviously with MMA and other types of physical activity, boxing discipline, is everything, along with business as well. Can you talk about what it takes to be successful as a realtor discipline wise?

Lawrence Dunning 31:38
Yeah, I think I think the first thing is you have to manage expectations. So I remember when I first had some friends, that Mo was one of them. But some friends talking about Gary Vee, and I found them a little bit annoying. I didn’t really know too much about him.

D.J. Paris 31:50
Well, he is a little bit annoying, but Well, it’s also very smart. And he knows what he’s talking about.

Lawrence Dunning 31:56
But I recently a few months ago, I think I put on my on my Instagram, I put a podcast with him and the Rich Roll who’s an ultra marathon runner. I listened to it now a bit older than when I first heard him and a bit more mature, I guess. And it resonated so much with me, because everything he was saying was the same. everybody complains, and I guess we live in an era where you can you pull up, you do a hat, everyone’s got a voice. Yeah, exactly. But also, I feel like everybody’s out there pushing the best self and their image. And, and what he said is he said, listen, not everybody can build a million dollar company, only a few percent, because it takes a lot of work. And he said, all the the my big pet peeve is someone that isn’t happy with this situation, they want a certain amount of income or certain amount of lifestyle, but they don’t want to do the work that it takes to get there. And I think and I think that one of my one of my rules that I live with, and I think I think it was from Tony Robbins or somebody like that. But he said we always overestimate what we can do in one year. And we underestimate what we can do in a decade. And I think that’s any any success I have, I would say it’s the same thing. You know, I didn’t win the Golden Girls, my first year, it took me three years, three years and three attempts to win. I didn’t I wasn’t a top agent in my first year, it took me my third year in real estate. And I think that’s something it applies to sport, it applies to business, it applies to almost anything, even even relationships. I’m you know, I got married a year and a half ago, I think I’m a better husband now than I was, you know, when we were dating, because I’ve learned to be a better partner to communicate better, all these little things that would go into into a positive relationship. So I think that the big if you’re, if our audience is mainly in real estate, I would say you have to be a long term thinker, you have to you have to have a horizon where I get these new agents. And there was one that just joined a company, a really, really nice young young kid, very enthusiastic, he could be wonderful. But he’s they’re telling mo when he’s doing his training, it’s like, hey, I want to be like Lawrence. And it’s like, well, Lawrence didn’t just start his first year in real estate and selling million dollar investment properties, you know, it took time to so I would say you have to you have to play the long game in, in, in business for sure for success. And then talking about the discipline, I think it’s it’s it’s habits and consistency. So you have to always you always have to have the goal in the dream, right? People are very big on, you know, in I want to sell $10 million in in 12 months. And then they say okay, break that down. So that’s that’s a little a little under a million dollars a month. But that’s just that’s the that’s the dream in order to get there. You’ve got to beat us every single day you’re doing the right things, the right habits, the right consistency. And I think I think the best advice that I would give I think is relationships, because it not just with your like it’s when I when I deal with on the other side of a transaction with a professional broker. It’s such a pleasure we both on top of it, it’s just a seamless, smooth transaction. And when you deal with people that don’t know what they’re doing, and it’s like pulling teeth, and I think it’s the same with people like do you if I’m buying a house do I I want to work with a broker who’s a pleasure to be around. He’s knowledgeable, he’s responsive, he’s on top of it, or do I want to be with it with a guy who I’m chasing him so he can get my commission. So I think, and this is such small, easy things. And I’m a big believer in work hard, play hard. So I’m not trying to say, don’t have a life, but you have to have certain systems in place. So for instance, I was with my wife had had surgery on my elbow a couple of weeks ago, and I couldn’t do much. So I took a 10 day vacation to the Maldives and my wife, and I’m sitting there and I’m one of my good friends is doing a sell, buy. And he’s selling his building. And he was he was texting me. And he’s like, Lawrence, how are you more responsive, than the selling attorney who’s skiing in Vail he’s like, you’re in the middle of the Indian Ocean, you know, I had terrible service I’m on I’m on some crappy hotel Wi Fi. And he says it was it was a good reminder that, you know, you don’t want to eat, you definitely take breaks and technology break from your breaks and your phone break breaks from work. But also you have to have certain habits. So whether it’s first thing in the morning, and then you have a couple of different times 2pm 5pm And then evening before sleep, or whatever it is, you have to just stay consistent, whether it’s checking in with people, you know, replying to emails, doing your searches, just just, even just education. I think that’s a huge thing. I think consistency in education. I know that when I before I was in real estate, I was a huge reader. And the first couple years in real estate, I was so busy running around the city trying to learn the business take I would take horrendous leads, because I just wanted to be I just wanted to learn the business. I wanted to be out there learning. And I was actually dating a girl at the time who had been in real estate for a long time, she was very lazy. And she had all these just crappy rental leaves. And she was like, I don’t want this, this. I said I’ll take it all, I took hundreds and hundreds of rental leaves, I drove all around the city, because I wanted to know the city. While I wanted to know the business. While I wanted to be around people, I wanted to be busy, I wanted to be engaged. And during that time, I didn’t have I didn’t read read, there was a few years where I really didn’t read much I didn’t learn much. On that side of things I was just so focused on on the practical aspect of being a new broker. And I think my happiness went down hugely. So I think always, always putting time to improve yourself to learn. i For me, personally, it makes me a happier person. But it also makes you just much more knowledgeable person to be around. And to many people focus on what you’re gonna get. So I laugh I get on LinkedIn, I probably get three or four messages a week, almost one a day now. And it’s somebody like, hey, I really want you to give me business to this. When can we meet for coffee? Or when can we have a 50? Ma?

D.J. Paris 37:27
I was coffee messages every day? I’m like, I don’t know you.

Lawrence Dunning 37:32
Yeah, exactly. And I think that what’s what’s so funny about that is, what are they doing? They’re focusing on what they can get from me, they’re offering no value. So most of the time I don’t even have time to respond, was if I have say say say say it was a lender, and he sent me a message and said, Hey, I have a I have a guy who wants to buy a multi unit. I think he’s a he’s a pre qualified client. He’s great. Can you help him? And he buys a an $800,000 investment property? How much business? Am I going to give that guy back? I’m gonna get

D.J. Paris 38:01
back. Yeah, you’d be forever indebted to that bro. Second.

Lawrence Dunning 38:05
Exactly. And he would get so much business for me. So and I think that’s the same with everything. It’s like when I’m when I’m with a client. I’ve had relationships where, you know, when I work with some builders, where maybe maybe it was 12 months, 18 months, I didn’t make a single dollar. Right, I did quite a lot for them. But when it comes around that I’m going to be their broker for the foreseeable future. And, and I think that’s, it’s, again, coming back to that playing the long game is you have to you have to develop the relationships that are going to make you the money later on. And you got to focus on what you’re giving, as opposed to Hey, what buildings can I sell for you? Well, you know, what you’re doing are not really, you know, like, I think that that’s something I think that’s something we we see a lot in our business, but also I think it’s you know, 2020 that’s the culture, right? It’s like, I want to get up here, but I’m already down here and I don’t want to do all the steps. I just want to jump to the top. So I think trying to rush the process. It doesn’t help you either.

D.J. Paris 38:58
Yeah, it’s it’s always about discipline. So even like your example, I think, which is a good one, which a lot of times Realtors get into the business. They’re new, they say, okay, 10 million a year. And, you know, in my, let’s say, my second year, my first year, whatever seems reasonable. If you break it down to a million a month, that’s couple of two to three clients a month, that seems like reasonable. The problem is, then the question is okay, that’s not really the goal. That’s the result. So like a goal is okay, how many people do I need to meet today so that in three months, I might have one client, right? And maybe it’s I need to meet five people every single day or whatever that number is. And if you just drill down to like one or two metrics that you can do on a daily basis, pretty much everything else should take care of itself. But it’s realizing everyday wake up, like I’m sure the same thing with with the different sports that you’ve been involved in. It’s a certain amount of practice that you just have to do and then hopefully, come come game time or match time. You can just go into autopilot but it’s all the push ups. It’s all of the boring, daily activity. Is that when the game right,

Lawrence Dunning 40:01
exactly. I think that’s so so, so great. You picked up on that. There’s a really great analogy that I read recently. And it’s it says, if you’re if you’re taken off from LA, and you point the nose of the 7476 degrees to the right, by the time you land on the East Coast, that’s going to make the difference between landing in New York or in Washington. And I love that. And what he’s saying is, here’s the thing, if you if you I’m a, I’m a pretty healthy bus, and maybe maybe I’m, I’m trying to train for a marathon in six weeks, which I actually am, I can tell, I can skip my I can skip my run today. Because I can run tomorrow, that one run isn’t gonna make any difference. But if you do that every day, I’m not gonna better run. And it’s I think that’s, that’s such an important point you just said is, though, it seems if you’re trying to lose weight, and you, you know, you go out and you have absolutely you pick out, you get drunk, and I haven’t had a big night, that’s not going to meet you, you’re gonna wake up the next day, you probably gonna look pretty much the same. If you take off your shirt, look in the mirror. But if you keep doing those actions, it that’s that’s the key. So I think the way the way to summarize it is, if you’re doing the right actions, time becomes your ally, as you as you move towards your goal, time is helping you get there. And if you do the wrong actions, time is going to become your enemy. And I think that’s such a you picked up on that 100% That applies to almost everything in life, right? It’s like that the one action today is not going to make or break you. But it’s that done repeatedly, that’s going to be the difference between a winner and a loser.

D.J. Paris 41:31
And by the way, it really does apply to everything. And this idea of checking in or measuring on a daily basis is so important. And it doesn’t mean you have to be super anal and judge yourself every day. But you do need even like relationships are more abstract example. If and this is not the most romantic thing that anyone would want to hear. But the truth is, if I don’t sit and think, How am I doing in my relationship? When’s the last time I told my girlfriend how beautiful she is? When’s the last time I did something really nice for her. You know, and again, I would love it if those things just came to me every single day naturally, and I never had to think about it. But the truth is just like anything else, that you know, I have to remind myself I have to I have to have daily activities. So that you’re right. Well, my girlfriend notice for if three straight days I don’t mention how beautiful she is? Probably not. Who knows, maybe she would. But I know that it’s important. And I want to do those things for her. But I better be checking in with myself and no, hey, it’s time for me to say something really nice. And again, the maybe that’s not the best example. But it sort of is because you actually

Lawrence Dunning 42:31
know, I think that no, I think that is the perfect example. Because what you know, like it’s exactly, check it being a good, you know, boyfriend or husband one day to the next is not going to make or break a relationship. But over time, it 100% Will. And I think that’s it’s short, there was a there’s a book or something like the power of small changes or something that talks about this a long time ago. And I think it’s so true. It’s like what you do today does matter. And it’s compounded every day. And I think but in order back to the discipline thing, I think that motivation comes and goes. And that’s why that’s why you have to like I’m really big on I love listening to Les Brown is my favorite, but I love like I’ll sometimes put on one of those 30 minute motivational, you know, with music and some different motivational speakers talking, and I’ll go for a run. And it’s like a slow recovery run at the end of the day. And I’m just letting my letting my mind kind of clear. And I’m you’re basically filling up your brain with just positivity, motivation, inspiration, all these things. That’s great. But the problem is we, we we all have days where you wake up your body, so you don’t want to go to the gym, you wake up, you’ve got a headache, you don’t want to talk to 10 clients. So what gets you through those days is just having your big picture goal and just making it I wouldn’t even say it’s discipline, I would say it’s it’s a conscious choice you make. This is my lifestyle. And I think they talk about that where you, you have to have that. So if you want to be a top agent, for example, to bring it back to real estate, you have the image of yourself as a top agent, well, how does a top agent act? Well, he, you know, he, he looks good. When he goes to showings, he conducts himself in a professional way. He’s responsive, he gets back to people, he’s knowledgeable, he knows what he’s doing. So if you have that image of you as that person, you’re going to do all the things you need to do it. Likewise, if you’re if you’re an athlete, and you see yourself as a champion, what does the champion do? Well, he gets his sleep, he gets his massages, he eats well, he can hit go to the gym when he does. Of course, there’s going to be days where if you’re sick or injured, you’re going to have to take a break. But aside from that, you don’t even think about it. If I wake up tomorrow, I teach jiu jitsu on Wednesdays, if I wake up tomorrow, my back’s sore and I’ve got a headache. I’m not even thinking about not going just so it’s it’s gonna happen, you know, you don’t even give yourself a choice. And I think that’s a really key point is if something is important enough to you. So you actually really want it you have to make it an unconscious choice. Otherwise, we all have we all have that little voice inside us like oh, you know you’re tired when you skip today and, and it’s I remember I remember talking to talking an old friend years ago, and he said to me, oh, it’s alright for you. You know it You’re lucky it’s easy for you to do these things. And I was like, oh, no, I’m

D.J. Paris 45:04
not easy for you at all.

Lawrence Dunning 45:08
Exactly. And I was so happy. I remember when, back when I was boxing when I was in my 20s. And I, every morning that I knew I had a boxing match in the evening, every single time. I would say, Why am I doing this? Like, I’m not getting paid for this. I got a good career. Like, why am I putting myself in this vision every single time and I remember years later, I was watching like some I think it was George St. Pierre, the UFC champion at my weight welterweight. And he’s he was joking. He said he was going to the arena for his fight. And he said, Man, I wish there was some kind of crazy electrical out. Power outage, the whole stadium was shut down, and they canceled the fight. And I thought, wow, so it’s not just me, every single champion, every single person has to overcome this. You don’t want to do these hard things. It’s ingrained in our DNA, right? We, we have something we all are here today. Because you know, our ancestors survived. And there’s something in survival, where it’s that natural thing where if you don’t have to do it, why are you doing it? So we have to overcome this innate laziness. And I think that it’s, you know, the habits, the discipline, all that stuff. That’s it, but it’s not, you know, the David Goggins has become very famous recently. He’s, he’s, he’s really big on, you know, motivational Instagram and everything. And one thing I really like about him is he says, There is no finish line. And I think that’s so true. I have a friend of mine, I was complaining about some damage, just before my elbow surgery, I’m complaining to one of my good friends, Brad, who does jiu jitsu with me, and he’s an investor and a good friend of mine. And I was like, God sucks. And I’m getting older than these surgeries. I’m 4041 in a few weeks. And he says to me said, Yeah, but it’s, you’ll find like, you can sit in your office, and I’ve got some, some some framed pictures and some medals and trophies, and, you know, memorabilia from two decades in those sports. And he’s like, you’ve achieved so much, you must be so awesome. And I’m, I’m thinking but once it once you achieved it, I want to keep going. I don’t want to sit on my laurels and arrest and that’s actually something I’m very passionate about. It’s just happiness, positive psychology and, and because ultimately, why do you want to be a top agent to a new agent? He thinks if he if he sells $10 million a year, he makes a 250,000 commission. He’s gonna that’s gonna give him a lifestyle for him to be happy.

D.J. Paris 47:08
I will finally be happy when I achieve X.

Lawrence Dunning 47:11
Yeah, yes. And I think that’s so like, so almost all the decisions we make in life, we’re trying to we think we’re doing them you know, to give us happiness. So I think for me, you have to be you know, high achievers ever going to be where they want to be in life.

D.J. Paris 47:27
Okay, guys, sorry about that. We lost a Lawrence we got disconnected and we’re going to schedule a part two because he’s so great. And it’s so much value to bring to the audience that we’re going to get him back on the show. So sorry for the abrupt ending here. But we Lawrence and I wanted to thank everyone for listening. We’re excited to have him back in a future episode for a part two. For now, we will say thank you. And also we want to remind everyone to follow us on Facebook, go visit forward slash keeping it real pod and please tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing this great interview you just heard from Lawrence and tell them about our show. Have them visit our website, keeping it real And subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Stitcher, Pandora, anywhere podcasts are served. You’ll find our podcast thanks again. On behalf of Lawrence and myself and we’re gonna get Lawrence right back on the show. Thanks, guys. Stay safe.

In our March episode of Monday Market Minute with Carrie McCormick of At Properties, Carrie discusses how she’s adjusting to running her business from home and provides tips on how to stay productive during this challenging time. I provide a marketing tip about how to deepen connections with your sphere of influence and current clients through a simple text message.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Carrie can be reached at or by phone at 312.961.4612.

Please follow Carrie on Instagram by clicking here.

Carrie McCormick D.J. Paris Monday Market Minute


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, keeping it real listeners receive a special discount, so please visit Gogo That’s Gee, oh, gee, oh for your special discount, and now on with the show.

Welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast in the country made for real estate agents and by real estate agents. My name is DJ Parris. I’m your guide and host through the show, and today is our monthly episode called the Monday market minute with Carrie McCormick. This is their first time doing a video podcast. So you might be watching this, or you might be listening to it. But if you aren’t watching it, you can follow us on Facebook where you can see these videos. These episodes being recorded live which forward slash key material pod. But let’s get to our our co host Carrie, if you’re not familiar, she is a top 1% producer for over 20 years at at properties. Carrie is very well respected and regarded in the industry. She’s one of the very, very she’s not only top 1%, she’s top 1% of 1% We’re so thrilled to have her every month she comes on the show to tell us what is going on in the local Chicago market and what realtors and our listeners should be thinking about and what they should be telling their clients. So it’s nice to see you for the first time in a couple of years doing an episode. It’s very awkward for both of us. But it’s nice, and I appreciate you, you being on the show, especially in this trying time. So what’s going on out there?

Carrie McCormick 2:07
Yeah, it’s I mean, it’s first of all, I just want to say that I’m thinking about you, DJ, and your family and all your loved ones. And you know, everyone listening. It’s, you know, everyone’s trying to stay healthy. And we’re trying to be creative during our quarantine time. So it’s I hope everyone’s doing okay.

D.J. Paris 2:25
Yeah, me too. Thank thanks for saying that.

Carrie McCormick 2:28
So, you know, right now what I’m telling my clients and you know, everyone’s very anxious, of course, given the market and, you know, to answer anxiety is is best with information, right? Smart, accurate, vetted information. And as everybody knows, by now, Illinois entered our shelter in place to create, which requires all of our non essential businesses to close, and also to severely limit our time out of our homes. And it’s, it’s dramatic. But of course, we all think it’s necessary to measure in the, you know, this time, so we’ve got to make this change. And it’s going to be tough, and we’re gonna get through it all together. But the good news is for real estate agents, we’ve been deemed an essential business. So it allows us the flexibility to continue our businesses, title companies are open mortgage companies are open movers are able to move and contractors are able to, you know, still work on home. So we’ve been lucky that we’re able to do this still.

D.J. Paris 3:30
And you’ve been in the industry for 20 years. Yes.

Carrie McCormick 3:33
So been in for a long time, which is, you know, it’s it’s been a great ride. And I’ve been through many of the ups and downs in the market. And, you know, I would always, always say just anything in life, the downs always make you stronger personally and professionally. So I was through the 2001 crash, I was only two years in the business at the time. And, of course, everyone, it’s hard to forget the 2008 financial crisis. It’s where we saw both the stock market and the housing market drop in tandem. And it was it was devastating. It was a devastating time. And usually the housing market crash. It doesn’t, it’s not tied to the stock market because people don’t buy housing as investments, right? People usually buy a house because it’s a basic need. And the decision to buy is usually prompted by entering a new stage in life. So 2008 was was a crazy time. And I feel like you know, this is just another crazy time that we’re going to have to go through.

D.J. Paris 4:35
Yeah, I really couldn’t agree more. It just seems like this is this is a tough time. It doesn’t seem like we’re doing as many showings. People aren’t as active looking. People are just sort of staying put, I guess.

Carrie McCormick 4:51
Yeah. And, you know, we started off 2020 started off really strong. We had, you know, historically low inventory. We had rock bottom mortgage rates. It’s, well, we did you know, up until like a week ago. And that usually sets the stage for a very competitive home buying season. And while recessions normally have a minor effect on the housing market, this virus is making life and the markets anything but normal, as you just said, like sellers don’t want people in their homes, buyers don’t want to go into other people’s homes. So it really makes our job very challenging. So what I would say is, we have to use technology to help our clients, you know, and let’s face it, we as professionals, we have to protect ourselves, we have to protect our families, we have to protect our clients. So we have to do what it takes to continue the housing market going because it’s our responsibility to, to make sure that, you know, our industry stays up to par as well. So it’s, it’s a balancing act to have, you know, with the showings, you know, bacon homes are very easy to show, obviously. But when someone lives in a home, and we have a buyer that wants to see it, it’s you know, it’s a fine line that we have to walk, so we have to be cautious about it.

D.J. Paris 6:04
Yeah, I just curious, before we move on have Have you thought to? Or have you heard of brokers, doing virtual showings where maybe it’s a home where maybe the seller doesn’t really want people in there, but but maybe they feel comfortable with the realtor, and they could do a virtual showing. I don’t know how effective those are. But I imagine people are starting to get more creative.

Carrie McCormick 6:27
Yeah, we’re definitely right up. And the good news is that we do a lot of video work with all of our listings. So we already have the video walkthroughs. And of course, floor plans, and still pictures and different methods for it. But you know, buyers really just want to get inside and feel the home. So we’re doing everything possible, you know, to make it work. But we’ll we’ll see how the market reacts in the next week or two. Ultimately, DJ Chicago is you know, born and raised here. It’s truly a resilient city, the people here we care we work together, and especially in the real estate community, and we watch out for each other. And, you know, we’re here to help each other. And like I said, Chicago’s very resilient will bounce back from it.

D.J. Paris 7:13
Yeah, I mean, how do you have you started putting more emphasis on social media right now to stay connected to your clients to your sphere of influence, just to sort of keep people up to date?

Carrie McCormick 7:24
Yeah, so definitely using social media, in that. But you know, again, we got to walk a fine line, because no one wants to be sold to at this time, they want to be educated, you know, but, again, we’re walking the fine line of promoting our clients properties, and, you know, again, sending a caring message out to them. But through social media, what’s been interesting is that I feel like we’re all staying very connected with each other, and across the world, not only just here in Chicago, right, we’re, we’re seeing what’s happening in China, Italy, and Spain. And we’re seeing how they’re coping with this. There’s been some really funny memes and videos going around just to keep laughter in the air, which I think has been great. And just again, staying connected, and seeing how everyone’s coping with it. So I think really, ultimately, what these downturns do is they bring everybody together, right? It’s just it’s a way to stay sharp in your business be effective, but also to come together, you know, as a community and across the world.

D.J. Paris 8:28
Yeah, I agree. I agree. It’s in a weird way. It’s sort of the same thing. It’s sort of a sad, darker thing to say. But it’s true that they say weddings and funerals and bringing people together, as well. And obviously, this is this is a dark moment for for the world. But maybe, maybe one silver lining, if there is one is that, you know, we’re thinking about what’s most important to us, we’re staying connected, reaching out to those people that otherwise we’re too busy in our lives to always remember to do. And so now we all have a little bit more time to think about what’s most important and remember those connections, right?

Carrie McCormick 9:04
And we are staying stronger together. And in this time of complete uncertainty, and there’s going to be a new strength and when it’s done, it’s going to translate into very positive energy. And we’re going to be happier and more successful than ever when it’s over.

D.J. Paris 9:19
So how are you managing your business now that you’re, you’re regulated to your home? Most of the time? What are you doing? How are you managing that?

Carrie McCormick 9:29
Yeah, it’s for many of us, you know, we’re used to this hustle and we don’t know what to do with ourselves. You know, it’s interesting, I find myself I cannot sit down I find myself pacing around I’m always doing something so it’s important to keep a little bit of a regimen so what I say to people is limit your distractions you know, during your your work hours, you know, try to stay focused and limit your distractions. I’ve been eating much healthier because as a realtor, we’re always on the run. And I’m always picking up something bad and eating a candy bar here and there, you know, just something bad. So eating healthy during this time is going to be important. Maintain just normal hours, you know, it’s easy to get distracted and start binge watching TV or doing laundry or whatever it is, but just maintain your normal hours. And like I’m here in my home office. So I have a dedicated workspace I’ve got everything here that I need. So it’s nice when I come into my office, I, you know, I feel like I’m really at work and I can stay focused, but I’d say most importantly, get dressed in the morning. Put your bras on, put your pants. Yeah, just, you know, our around in your pajamas or

D.J. Paris 10:44
things. Yeah, I agree. It really does set set the stage for how you’re going to act throughout the day. If you you know, I know if I if I lay around if I keep pajamas on during the day? I don’t I’m not as productive. You know, just I’m just not.

Carrie McCormick 10:59
I agree. Yeah. So, you know, and, you know, just stay connected with each other. Right. And you know, it just as always, if anyone has any questions, comments, just wants to talk. I’m always available, you know, so always pick up the phone and give me a call or send me an email. And

D.J. Paris 11:18
yeah, let’s let’s share that. What’s the best way someone can call you or email you? Yeah, so

Carrie McCormick 11:23
call me 312-961-4612. Or you can email me at Karis, CA, r r i Or you can you know, we can chat on social media, there was something new that a client of mine sent to me, let me just look, it’s on my phone. It’s called Marco Polo. I just downloaded it. She said it’s the new Snapchat for adults, so Oh, interesting. I don’t know, I don’t know much about it. But she just sent me a message through Marco Polo. So it could be a new. Yeah, I’ve

D.J. Paris 12:00
never heard of it. I will also say Carrie also is very active on Instagram, you can direct message her there as well. So definitely follow her. It’s Carrie McCormick real estate. So you can check out her on Instagram. Great way to stay connected. And that leads me to my sort of marketing minute idea, which is this. If you’ve been listening to every episode, you’ve heard me say this a few times. So I apologize for that. But for our new listeners, or people that are just picking up this episode, maybe missed a few. This is a great opportunity to really deepen the relationships you have with your sphere of influence and your existing clients. You know, this is the time to let them know you’re thinking about them. You know, I was talking about this the other day on a podcast, where I was thinking about all the services that I subscribe to and pay fees to, there’s financial advisors, there’s insurance agents, lenders, you know, dentists, there’s, you know, hair Hair, hair cut, and actually, my hair person did reach out to me, but she was the have that that was a couple nights ago. But before that no one else had reached out individually. Now I don’t need people to I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t expect my insurance agent to see how I was doing. She has 5000 clients. And I’m just one. So I understand that this is not an easy thing for everyone who has lots and lots of clients or sphere of influence to do but what a great opportunity to go that extra mile. And even if it’s just send a text to everybody who’s in your sphere of influence, and just say, Hey, I’m thinking about you, I hope you and your family are safe. My friends have done that. And my now the person a woman who cuts my hair has done that. And she and I are friends. But I really haven’t received any other messages. I’ve gotten a lot of emails from people where they’re blinking out saying here’s, you know, here’s what I think about, you know what’s going on, and that’s fine. But I always think a little personal touch is really what wins the game. So, you know, for everyone listening, you know, it’s Sunday, if you’re not super busy, you’re probably not, this is a great opportunity to you know, if you have 200 people in your database, that’s a lot. But you know, maybe knock out 50 or 50 text messages today and just let the people know you’re thinking about them or give them a call or leave them a voicemail or, you know, shoot them a message on social media and just say hey, I’m thinking about you, I hope you’re good. I will tell you that I would be I would be so thrilled if any of those providers did that wouldn’t I’m not gonna stop using them because they didn’t and I understand, you know, I’m just one client, but it makes people feel special and it’s something that that is free and easy to do. And we all have time to do it and everyone is a little scared out there right now people have anxiety, this is a great way for them to feel a little less alone, especially if they’re, you know, stuck at home maybe there’s they’re you know, they’re not living with anyone and they’re really are alone. So a great way to make them feel a little bit less alone. So anyway, that’s a really simple, simple message but I think a good one for now. And again, I want to thank Carrie on behalf of our listeners for for being our our oldest co host and our most favorite co host Because people love these Monday market minutes, we’re so thrilled that you were able to find time to do this. Even throughout this, you know, potential challenge we’re all dealing with. So for everyone out there, Carrie, we’ll be back next month. Again, please follow her on Instagram, you can find her Carrie McCormack real estate, you can connect with her there, you can chat with her there, you can also email you can call her. And also just reach out and stay connected to everybody. Because now’s the time to do that. And on behalf of Carrie and myself, we think the listeners if everyone could out also think about just one other realtor that could benefit from watching updates like this, to know what’s going on in the local Chicago market. Send this podcast over to another friend we’d appreciate it. You can follow us on on Facebook forward slash keeping it real pod or visit our website you can download every episode we’ve ever done, including every Monday market minute we’ve ever done with Carrie and that’s keeping it real But I guess I’ll see you next month. Hopefully, things will be better and you know will might be back to normal but who knows right?

Carrie McCormick 16:05
Stay healthy everybody and please reach out if there’s anything that you need.

D.J. Paris 16:10
Alright, thanks. Thank you

Lexi Belland Perez of The Belland Team at Lepic Kroeger in eastern Iowa is 27 years old and closed almost 20 million last year in production. This year she’s on pace to close over 30 million! In our conversation Lexi talks about the importance of being present, proactive and involved in your community – that’s the marketing strategy her team had utilized to become the top team in her area!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Lexi Belland Perez can be reached at 319-530-1055 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Keeping it real listeners receive a special discount so please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real largest podcasts made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show and in just a moment we’re going to be speaking to a young superstar 27 year old named Lexi Belen of the Belen team. I’m so excited because she’s just crushing it in eastern Iowa. Before we get to Lexi, I want to remind all of our listeners of a couple of things. First of all, thank you for continuing to support and listen to our show. We’re coming up on our 100 and 50th episode in the next week or two. We couldn’t do it without you and we appreciate every one of you who listens. But please remember we could use more listeners of course we have everyone out there goes and tells just one other real estate professional about our show we double our listenership and could do more episodes for you So please think of one realtor that you know that could benefit from listening to the the interview we’re about to do with Lexi and share the podcast with them. How do you do that? Send them to our website keeping it real You can stream every episode we’ve done and also we have links to videos we just started adding video. So if you want to watch this episode as instead of listening to it right on our website, it’ll take you to our YouTube channel and you can do that as well. And lastly, follow us on Facebook. We have so much great content on there every single day we post an article that we find online dedicated to helping you grow your business. In addition to that we also post video recordings of all of our episodes while we’re recording them live want to see what it’s like a few minutes before we get started and want to hear me screw up and ask questions before we actually go alive. That’s what we do. So follow us on Facebook forward slash keeping it real pod and other than that, thanks for continuing to listen. Thanks for continuing to support our sponsors and telling a friend and now on to our interview with Lexi Belen of the Valentim.

Today on the show we have Lexi Belland from Lepic Crager realtor from the Belen team in Williamsburg, Iowa at age 27 Lexi success is no accident. This business has run in her family for generations and comes very naturally to her fresh out of college she dove in headfirst. After six years in the business her and her team reached almost 20 million in production in 2019. Actually 19 point 8 million. She is extremely passionate and committed to educating mentoring and supporting her clients. She truly has a passion for what she does and is just getting started and I should share her production goal for 2020 which is 30 million and she’s already done like 8 million a year today, which is insane. Please visit the Belen That’s B E L L A N D. Team. And welcome to the show Lexie.

Lexi Belland 4:04
Hey, thanks for having me. That was quite the introduction. And one thing I do want to say is, if you’re a new listener, and you’re an agent, this is a super resourceful outlet. When my sister and I are my mom and I when we’re on our way to a listing appointment, we have this blasting in our car, gives you motivation gives you ideas you can hear from other realtors. So if you’re not subscribing, we highly recommend it.

D.J. Paris 4:30
Wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate that. And this is a real honor for us. Because I’m here in Chicago and it’s so nice to hear that people from all over are benefiting and also willing to spend time with us. I know how busy you and your team are. So I know this is something you probably don’t have time to do but but are finding time to do it. So so thank you on behalf of the listeners. So let’s see. I know this real estate is not new to your family. Although you are relatively new to the business. I mean not much anymore, but six years in, but tell us a little bit about how you got started.

Lexi Belland 5:04
Yes. So my mom’s been in real estate almost 25 years. So she was a huge influence. For me, that was one of the main reasons or how I got started and interested in it. But also my dad is a builder. So, um, you know, I’ve had homes in my background, you know, careers with homes forever. So I always kind of knew, you know, most realtors, this is their second or third career. This is my, this is all I know, you know, I started in 2014, at Lepic, Kreger realtors, and this is the only company I’ve ever worked for. So this is all I have really known. So I, you know, like, I wanted to get started in real estate right at 18. Right when I graduated high school, that was my plan. So I sat my mom and dad down, like, Hey, this is what I want to do. And I got shot down really quickly, because they were like, hey, no, you need to go to college. Like that’s not really an option. So I went to college, I’m at Iowa State University. And I really wanted to get done quickly. So I could get going like, you know, I just that was my passion. Because I did fall on my mom for like a few years in high school and stuff, taking your pictures, inputting listings, that type of thing. So I graduated early, I graduated in three years. And so during my last year, I got my real estate license during my undergrad, because I literally wanted to graduate and the very next day started selling so I graduated on Friday, and I had my license by Monday. So it was like perfect timing. I was really excited to get started. And it’s kind of funny, because my senior year of high school, I won a scholarship through the Iowa City area Association of Realtors. And so you have to go and give a, you know, a little speech thanking the Association for the award. So you know, I’m in a room full of Realtors, you know, saying, hey, you know, thanks for this scholarship, they want to know what your plans are. So I said, you know, I’m going to go to Iowa State University, and I’m gonna come back and sell real estate. And you know, it was kind of a quiet room right after that. And I don’t know if they like, didn’t believe me one or they’re like, great, more competition. But three short years later, I literally was basically competing with everyone in that room that day. So it’s kind of unique how I got started, because it’s not like how most do so?

D.J. Paris 7:29
Well, it seems like you knew exactly what you wanted at a very early age. I mean, when I was 18. I mean, I went to college, and I didn’t even know my senior year of college. I was like, I’m graduating. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be doing. Like that. And tell us a little bit about about the geographic area that you represent, because you are not in a major metropolitan area.

Lexi Belland 7:52
Yes. So we’re in like a rural area in our populations, 3200 people. So very small town probably compared to you, but it feels plenty large for me. And we have like Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines like their surrounding like Iowa City is only 20 minutes away. So it’s a happiness skip. But there’s something about small towns and I don’t know, if you have been in small towns, I take pride in living in a small town because, you know, you learn a lot about yourself. Like it just there’s more one on one. Even though I know majority of the people and in our community, I’m still meeting new people every single day, and I’m working with brand new clients that are new to town. And when you’re passionate about the community you live in, it’s easy to sell Williamsburg, we have so many large town amenities that other surrounding communities don’t have this size, we have a great school district. So it’s really it’s not hard for me to sell Williamsburg. And I’ve gotten quite a bit of my clients that, you know, if you compare it to, you know, Johnson County, you’re getting a lot more house for a lot less money, and you’re getting more one on one in school districts, you’re paying less property taxes. I mean, I could go on and on and on. But I’m because I’m passionate about Williamsburg and real estate. It just I feel like I can really draw people to this area. So that has helped grow them,

D.J. Paris 9:19
even if Yeah, I mean, even if you were working in Chicago, and we’re one of the largest markets, I think we’re the second largest real estate market in the country, or third largest, maybe Yeah, your production would still be in the very top 1% here in Chicago. So I think that is so fascinating, because again, I live in a big city. And I often think about brokers who live in more rural areas and I think Wow, that must be so much more difficult simply because the population numbers and you are proof positive that you can have this huge expanse of career at a very young age by being extremely passionate and and the fact that you I mean I grew up in a moderately sized City is about 100,000 people, but I went to school. So I have you beat because I went to school in a very rural area to eighth grade, there was a town of 800. So I can appreciate the small towns, and that was in central Illinois. And so that’s kind of my upbringing as well. And I’m always amazed at, you know, Purina, where I, where I went, the one of the top agents, there is I think he was with Keller Williams, anyway, doesn’t matter. But he does almost 200 sales a year, and his average price point is like $160,000. And like, he just crushes it on volume. And that’s, you know, and then you come to Chicago, and somebody might do with $3 million sale, which, of course, is rare, but it happens. And so, you know, you can have success, and in any size environment, and I love the fact that how passionate you are about about your area, because I think you have to be and you have to really love it and, and be so excited to support people buying and selling in that area.

Lexi Belland 10:59
Yeah, definitely. And the thing is, like, you know, a lot of agents in the surrounding communities like that are larger, obviously, you can sell sometimes 15 houses and reach a pretty good, you know, like, we have to close over 100 properties to get to that, you know, so we have a lot more transactions going on, which is more clients more juggling of the, you know, like that type of thing. So it’s something that like, I think, bigger areas, maybe take for granted a little bit like sure, you know, we’re doing 100 Plus transactions. Yeah, so it’s each in, you know, in my year to date, so in 2020, my cheapest house I’ve sold this year is going to be $29,000. And my most expensive this year has been 570,000. So Wow. It’s a huge range, wide range of clients and inventory. So

D.J. Paris 11:53
I mean, you’re doing a closing every three days. Like that’s incredible.

Lexi Belland 11:58
Yeah, it seems like more than that. But

D.J. Paris 12:03
wow, I mean, amazing. And I do want to talk about about this a lot. Because you as a younger person in the business, although I don’t even like saying that because you’re one of the most successful people in certainly I’m sure in your in your market, you you guys have to be one of the top teams, if not the top team. And I want to talk about, you know, at 21 when you started, what were some of your approaches, because we have a lot of listeners who are new to the business or maybe who are younger, who are struggling trying to figure out even in a city as big as Chicago, how do I make this happen? And we have millions of people, right, and you guys don’t have millions of people, but you were still able to carve out this amazing niche for yourself. Can you talk a little bit about like, what did you do when you so day one, you got your license? How did you start to build the business?

Lexi Belland 12:49
Yeah, so this is kind of funny. But the first thing I did was I bought a pair of fake glasses, I don’t need prescription or anything, but it was like, Okay, I feel like I look older. And I don’t wear it anymore. But I got, I got a pair of glasses, because it made me look a little bit older. But that is a challenge as a young entrepreneur that, you know, people they want to see experience. And, you know, everyone started from scratch somewhere. So my situation is a little bit different in the sense of I had my mom to lean on. Sure. Um, so, you know, I really had her expertise, you know, she guided me throughout the entire thing. But, you know, even though she had her sphere of influence, I knew that I needed to build my own as well that I couldn’t just follow along with her and, you know, maintain, I wanted to grow my business and our business. And I wanted to make a name for myself. And so my biggest thing was, and I understand when you first get started, you’re not going to have a bunch of marketing dollars to throw around. But I did market myself everywhere that I possibly could. So like my face was on everything, Billboard car, in high school gyms. every social media platform, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, like everywhere that you can in some of those things are free. So it’s like, try, you know, figure out what your best, you know, return on the investment is so it was just figuring that out. And I think this is really hard for new agents, but to promote yourself so to your friends, to your friends, friends, to your family, to your coworkers, to your old coworker, you know like anyone that you know that you can reach out to and this is also kind of silly, but you know, right when you get started you’re not familiar with the assessor website and all that. I mean, I remember my first week, I was like waking up at 6am and I would grab the phonebook and and I would go through every name, get their address, get their phone number, enter them in my database, I now have a database of 2000 plus people and I’m Sending mailings to them, like, it just, it didn’t just happen. Like, I also have to be a hustler, like, and if you want to be successful in this business, you have to hustle. And you have to be available. So our slogan is any house anywhere, anytime. So we pretty much say that we’re available. 24/7. So I, because I’m promoting that, I want that to be true. So I tell them, give me two or three times that work best for you and I will make it work. And so last night working until 10 o’clock the night before 930, you know, I’m out doing offers back and forth doing showings like, this is the prime time. And even in the winter, like setting myself up for success, I have to be a go getter. And I think community and my clients have realized, like, I’m going to give it 100% Every single day. You know, we all have our good days and our bad days. But that’s the nice thing about working on a team is I have I have my weaknesses, I my strength, my sister has her strength, you know, what we’re good at is what we’re doing. And what we’re specializing so with a team, you know, I have three two other people to bounce ideas off of. And, you know, they’re telling me what I need to work on, you know, we have weekly team meetings where we’re saying, Okay, we could do this better. And, you know, what, who are we missing? What are we missing? What could we, you know, how can we establish ourselves even more. So, getting started is always going to be tough. And when you’re young, like looking back, and like, Oh, that was such a bad idea that I would have started at 18. Like my parents were spot on with that saying no. And so it was really good to you know, just kind of market myself, that’s the best advice I can give to somebody new is a if you can get on a team, get on a team, like, you are going to learn so much from that. And like, I can’t believe the amount I have learned in six short years. And, you know, I credit that to my mom, for sure. Because, you know, she was working more hours than she was because she had to train me, you know, I’m going to every open house. But again, it just doesn’t happen overnight. So putting that time and effort in. I mean, if you’re gonna be a hustler, you’re gonna have success.

D.J. Paris 17:14
Well, you just said so much in about the last 10 minutes, it’s it’s a lot to unpack. And I sort of want to just go, I want to go back to just a couple of things, because it was really very impressive. You said a lot. Number one, you talked about farming you’re like and farming as as a prospecting tool, meaning you were reaching out to people you didn’t know, people in the phonebook who you just went, you know, and sent them items of value. And you also talked about, you know, making sure the people you do know, your sphere of influence is recruiting for you too, or, or a better way to say it is advocating for you. Right, so Brian Buffini talks a lot about this in the Brian Buffini stuff as he goes, your contact list is not your client list, although that would that’s nice if it happens, but those are your advocates, those are the people that want you to succeed. So make sure they know to tell everybody they know about you know about who you are and what you do. And sounds like you were doing pretty much everything. But you’re also advertising, right, you were putting your face on billboards and bench backs and in high school gyms, and probably you were probably just really not just your face was a meshed in the community. But I imagine you were very present in the community, I suspect you’re out and about and easily seen and found.

Lexi Belland 18:27
Yes, and like joining you know, local organizations, volunteering, you know, we’re in Big Brother, Big Sister, you know, there’s so many ways that you can get involved joining clubs, local clubs, joining your chamber, like, there’s so many opportunities, it’s all on how bad you want it, you know, you can’t make somebody show up. And even though this is not an eight to five job, I’m here, my sister would disagree. I’m here every day around 830. And then I pick up my kids right before five. And then my husband gets them. And then my husband has them, especially in the springtime, my husband has them basically like, all night, you know. And then weekends, my Sunday I have open houses from 11 to four, you know, like, and I’m not saying like, you know, I make time for my family too. But, um, you know, when winter can be a little bit slower. That’s when we’re like, we’re doing my family vacations. And you know, I’m spending that quality time with my family. And I want them to grow up and know that like, I gave it my all and that my parents are hardworking and like, they need to see that. And that’s what I saw growing up. And I feel like that instilled in me. You know what I wanted in it. It drove me to be a better businesswoman because of that.

D.J. Paris 19:49
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. I think that the you’re leading by example, right? And you’re going to you know, you sort of just hope that when your kids come of age they’re like Have those same values and same work habits, because at the end of the day, and you and I both know this, it’s, it’s usually not the most talented person who’s the most successful, it certainly could be. But it oftentimes is just the person that works the hardest, and also work smart. But but the idea of hard work and discipline is something that in this industry particularly is difficult for a lot of people, because there isn’t really built in accountability. And you have, a lot of people we’ve interviewed on the show have real estate coaches for that exact reason. They’re like, you know, I need somebody to check in with me on a couple of items that I struggle with, to keep me on track as well. So I love the idea that, that you have built this discipline into your practice, and I’m sure you probably see it mostly as discipline. There’s, you know, it’s, I’ve interviewed a ton of people who, you know, top producers who just say, that’s really what it is, is I probably just outwork, and it doesn’t mean they don’t have balance in their life, they have great home lives, they have great social lives, in addition to having a great business life, but they’re like, you know, I treat it very seriously. It’s a real thing I show up on time I leave, you know, after all the work is done. And I just keep going.

Lexi Belland 21:07
Yeah, definitely. I mean, it can be hard to find that balance. But the nice thing is with having a team, you know, my sister, Kylie, she might take one night a week, and then I’m the next night, and then our mom’s the next night. So, I mean, we with that’s another aspect of the team where it’s like, everyone’s giving it their best effort. And with it being family, like, I don’t have to question that one ounce. And that’s the other thing that holds you accountable to is if you’re on a team, especially with family, you know, if they’re not taking like a day off, or they’re going to be there every day at eight, like I want to be there, I want to show up, and I want them to know that, like, I’m giving it my all. And I I’ve never had to question between either of them, like, you know, are they giving it. So that’s the nice thing about accountability with a team is, you know, if you’re on your own, like, and you don’t show up for a day of work, who knows, you know, no one even knows about that, right? It’s like I have to teammates that I don’t want to disappoint. And so it’s like, I’m gonna show up, I’m gonna be present, I’m gonna give my 100%. And we’re gonna sell some real estate.

D.J. Paris 22:18
Talk, you talked about a lot of different marketing strategies that you did when you started. And I imagine you’re still doing a lot of those. What I’m really always interested in what doesn’t work or what didn’t work for you. So I definitely want to find out what what’s what’s working today. But what did you try over the years that really wasn’t successful? Only because it might help some of our listeners who might be thinking of doing something similar?

Lexi Belland 22:41
Yes. And that’s kind of a tough question. Because sometimes you don’t always know like, 100% Hey, what is working? What is not sure? Like, I had previous, you know, like, you do coffee mugs? Like, sure. And it’s like, Are you being Are you is that that visible? And like? I wouldn’t say that there’s any like one thing that I’ve done that I’m like, Oh, that was a total waste, you know, sometimes, like on Zillow, all by a zip code. If like, it’s slower, and I know that zip code, the markets booming at that time, and then I’m like, Was that really worth it? Like, did I really hit that many? You know, like, for what I’m paying? Is it worth the amount of work that’s being put into it? Like, honestly, the it’s hard for me to say what exactly isn’t working? Because I feel like a lot of my stuff, like it just kind of comes from everywhere. And that’s like, one of my first question is like, where did you hear about our team? How did you find out about us? If they show up at my open house? Like, did you see this online? Did you see this newspaper? Did you drive by, like, you need to figure out what is working? I try not to focus on like what’s not working? Right? So I don’t necessarily have an exact answer for you for that. But, um, I don’t think I

D.J. Paris 23:57
think the hands I think I think you did answer it. You basically said, you need to ask people when they show up, how did you find out about me, and you’ll find out pretty quickly what’s getting the best return, right? And if it’s, Hey, I’m the I’m the Instagram person. And that’s where I post everything. And that’s where I get a lot of hits from then you you’ve put more energy into that. Or if it’s, Hey, I saw your Billboard, and your billboard was really great. And, you know, it could be anything. But yeah, I think you just said something really important, which I didn’t want to gloss over. Which is you need to ask your clients, how do they find you? And you know, it’s a simple question, but I bet most most agents probably don’t ask it. So it’s a great, great suggestion. Yeah. Can we talk a little bit about social media because I know this is a big, big deal for you. And I know you guys, you do all of your own social media and you would, a lot of our listeners might think, okay, at the level of production that your team is at, maybe they outsource it, maybe it’s just easier to give it to someone else and they can get that done. Since you guys are so busy and you’re posting two to three times a day sometimes but you’re doing it all yourself or your team is doing it. Is that Is that right?

Lexi Belland 25:04
Yes. So we do everything, social media wise advertising in house. So it’s hard sometimes when you start that to kind of like, give control to someone else, like, I’ve been doing it for so long that like, I know what I want to post about type of thing. And it’d be hard to just like outsource it, and I see so many Facebook pages and that you can just tell that, you know, someone else is doing it. And they’re very generic, like, I want to try to be as raw and real as I possibly can. The thing I do struggle the most with and agents, you know, everyone probably does a little bit is posting just the accepted offer the accepted offer the new listing, I sometimes run out of like, things to post about, especially in smaller communities, there’s not as many like events going on or so I do struggle a little bit with the sense of posting accepted offer, you know, new listing, but I will say your marketing is working when people are talking about it. So I get a lot of people coming up to me, like, Oh, I saw you sold that house, and like the only way they would know I sold that house, right? Because I haven’t even put the accepted offer sign up. But I’ve put the posts on Facebook, or Instagram or Twitter. So I know, you know, we get a lot of people asking do you do your own. And we do. And, you know, that’s one thing I learned at Iowa State was marketing and how that can make or break your company. And so, um, you know, and I want to be the best in our area, you know, I want to be the best on online. And so, you know, posting those two or three times a day, I just would like to expand more than just the accepted offers and the new listings. We do like giveaways every once in a while we’ll obviously holidays, and then like local sporting events we post about, but again, like I definitely could improve in that area a little bit too.

D.J. Paris 26:58
I have a suggestion for you, if you if you’re interested. It’s a suggestion you already know, but I’ll mention it anyway. Yeah, reach out to local businesses and say, hey, you know, they probably know you guys already. Hey, we’d love to, you know, if it’s a business you want to promote and that you appreciate your service or product, say we would love to promote you do you have a coupon that we could offer our you know, social media followers or a giveaway? Maybe you even you know, spend the money yourself for that. Or they’ll just maybe even give it to you, but then you’ll promote them. And of course, it promotes you guys as well. But that may be something to consider, which I’m sure you’ve already thought to

Lexi Belland 27:32
do. Yes, no, that’s a great idea. But yeah,

D.J. Paris 27:35
I think we’re gonna start a new feature on the show, you just inspired me this is a really big deal. You just inspired me to to create help a top 1% producer, and I think we’re going to start it with you. Just because it just came to me. If anyone has ideas for Lexi and her team about what works it aside from just posting on social media about, Hey, I just sold this wonderful home and, and those kind of things, send your ideas to us or to her and let’s get a lot of ideas. So we’re gonna, we’re gonna do help a top 1% producer, which everybody needs help, right. So that’s the whole point. And what a great, what a great answer about the social media, what’s working for you guys. So that actually brings us to a couple of listener questions. So let me see one second. So you talked about Zillow, and I want to just one of our listeners happened to ask this exact question. Nicholas asks, What are your thoughts about buying internet leads?

Lexi Belland 28:28
So Zillow is really the only like online investment buying leads that we do. And it depends which month you asked me. But, um, for the most part, like, we get a lot of visibility from it, it’s the number one buying was website even though Realtors aren’t big on Zillow. And, you know, they don’t have the best track record for that. I still like it, because it’s an outlet and outlet that my buyers like to use, and if they like to use it, I need to be present on it even though I might not agree with, you know, people calling on properties that have sold months ago and they just haven’t updated it I you know, like, that’s where we’re gonna invest our dollars because I know that’s where the buyers are coming from, you know, we see it all the time, the amount of you know, likes and leads we get from it is outweigh you know, like what we make from what we pay for it. You know, like we it’s working for us, but we get calls daily on, you know, people wanting us to pay for leads and they have a lead ready for us right now. They don’t do any of those. So yeah, I read Zillow is really the only one that we’ve ever invested in.

D.J. Paris 29:48
And it’s really sounds like more of a branding thing for you than anything because you’re right. They have I think it’s over 200 million people. It’s maybe more than that might be like 300 million people go there a month, or whatever it is. Uh, but yeah, you have to be present there, whether you’re paying for it or just getting a lot of reviews there or whatever the strategy is, but to pretend that it’s not important, I think is probably not a wise idea. And obviously you feel the same way.

Lexi Belland 30:13
Yeah. And to piggyback on the reviews, is, that is one thing like, because we are investing in Zillow, after every transaction we send out please review us on Zillow, we have almost 100 reviews. And so the odds of them picking us is going to be a lot more considering we’ve taken the time we’ve gotten the five stars we have almost 100 reviews. You know, like if you’re going to pay for it, you need to work Zillow, you know, when we get a lead. You know, when we get that lead, it is sent, you know, we contact them within the first 30 minutes of getting it. So we’re not letting it sit on the email cycle through three days later respond. We’re working Zillow, because that’s what we’re paying for. And if I’m paying for it, it has to work, or I’m not going to pay for it.

D.J. Paris 31:02
Great answer. Okay. Another question. This is a woman from Delaware named Lee, who says, As a woman, how do you stay safe when meeting with clients who you’ve never met before? This is a good follow up to Zillow, because there’s going to be times when you meet people as a result of Zillow, or another outlet where they see maybe they see your billboard. And by the way, you know, that’s something that also now that I’m just thinking about, it probably comes up a lot. So how do you deal with that from a safety perspective?

Lexi Belland 31:33
So our company at Lepik, Krieger realtors, when we get a phone number, we can send it on to our company, and they can do basically like a limited background check. So we send over the phone number, they can give us, you know, their name, their address, you know, a lot of history on what properties they’ve purchased, what they’ve sold, any felony, you know, like, it’s very detailed. So if I’m ever in question, I’ll send it to them. And like say, they told me their name was this, well, the phone number is linked to a different name or a different address. So I mean, in smaller towns, you know, a lot of people that you’re working with, but I mean, we cover all of Eastern Iowa, it’s not like we’re just in Williamsburg, or we’re in eastern Iowa, we’re in Cedar Rapids, we’re in, you know, we kind of go all over this area, a pretty big area that we’re covering. So my sister or my mom, like, if we’re not comfortable, then multiple of us go together on the showing, or we’ll do that background check. But, of course, everyone has their stories and the sticky situations you’ve been in. And it’s been questionable, and you probably shouldn’t have gotten a loan, but you had to. But for the most part, we do a pretty good job on, you know, and if you’re not on a team, take a guy in your office like, yeah, you know, somebody is willing to go with you, you don’t have to go alone. And, you know, if you ever do, um, you know, the hair stands up on the back of your neck, like, call or like, don’t go or, you know, like, listen to your instinct. And I feel like that will help along the way. But I really haven’t had too many situations where I felt uncomfortable. So it’s, I’m pretty fortunate in that aspect.

D.J. Paris 33:21
Great, great answer. And good suggestion, too. And I bet a lot of people are going, I wish my firm had a, like a phone number lookup background check. And so those services do exist. And you know, if your firm doesn’t offer that, I’m sure it can be done at a relatively inexpensive price. Like look online, there are lots and there are apps you can have on your phone for emergencies. And there’s lots of ways to stay safe, but certainly something to always, always keep in the front of your mind. Okay, one last question from our listeners. Janae I think I’m pronouncing that right. Janae from Idaho asks, I’m about the same age as you also in a somewhat rural area, but my friends are still mostly renting. It’s hard because I’m younger, and I have a tough time finding buy or sell clients. Any advice.

Lexi Belland 34:12
So I would say like when I first got started, it wasn’t like, I had a ton. You know, I was still like 21 years old. So your friends weren’t buying either. Yeah, so it wasn’t like, Hey, I could reach out to all these leads that were in the market to buy but the nice thing is, is right now, you know, she should be at the time where like Millennials are purchasing and that’s our generation and so more should be coming. But, you know, I have clients of all ages and that’s the other nice thing about our team is you know, we all you know, like Cindy works better with certain clients. Kylie works better with her age, you know, like we’re all in a different. We bring in different clients. We have different ages, but really, as long as you can sell yourself and your work ethic and your company in your business, you should be able to get a client at really any age, I think it’s just getting out there. And you also have to remember that the way you’re marketing has to be suitable to all different age levels. So the newspaper, like, that’s not probably one that you think about right away, because it’s one of the least effective marketing strategies, but the newspaper is where 60 and over are looking. So you still have to be present there. And then for social media, the biggest buyers are the millennials and the Gen X, like, then you need to be on social media. So just hitting and getting involved with that will help. So you know, we’re involved in a golf course, or, you know, being on the chamber or being in small little groups, you’ll meet people of different ages, and you’ll make that connection, and they’ll start to trust you and get to know you, and they want to use you with your real estate services. So I don’t think you can just focus on one client group, you kind of need to hit all. And as you know, I would say this last year, our referrals has grown incredibly, because, you know, that’s my thing is like, I want them to leave that transaction. And I want them to think like this went smooth, so smooth, it was perfect. You know, like, I want to make it as smooth and perfect as it possibly can be that they’re gonna tell all their friends and family about it. So we’ve definitely got the most referrals I’ve ever gotten. And they do say after like five years is when you should get that repeat business or the referrals. So that is definitely helped.

D.J. Paris 36:37
Yeah, amazing. God, again, so much good information, in that in that one answer. I have really one final question for you. And I know this is a huge passion of yours. And I you know, I’m not a Producing Realtor myself, but we have lots of them at our own firm, we have 650. So I suspect that this is something that even our Realtors are struggling with. But you have a really solid process for which is how do you stay in touch with your clients you just talked about? Hey, it might be five years before they need me again, what do you do to stay in touch along the way.

Lexi Belland 37:15
So yeah, that’s very important to me to stay in touch. Because I do want them to use me again, I want to be there forever realtor, not just there one time, and I want them to tell their friends and family about me. So um, you know, if they’re new to town, I’ll meet them for coffee sometimes. Now, keep in mind, it just depends how busy we are at the time and when you close, but I tried to like meet them for coffee, some clients will have over for dinner at our house. You know, every Thanksgiving, we deliver pies. And so we get 200 and some plus pies and we go and deliver them to their houses for for Christmas, we’ll do like a gingerbread house for Halloween, we drop off pumpkins, just am checking in on them. When they have a baby, we send them a baby book, when they have their birthday, we send them a birthday card, like just the little bit of contact that you can make. And it’s not all out of like business, you know, I genuinely do want to know how how they’re doing right after having their first child. And it’s not just for business purposes, it’s, it’s also to stay connected, you know, I want to meet them for coffee, how are they adapting to our community have they met people this is ways you can get involved. You know, if they’re needing daycare we have, here’s the daycare providers, you know, just like little things anywhere that I can help them after the transaction, I’m going to do and so I honestly have a lot of friends that were strangers when I met them, and are now some of my best friends because I have stayed in touch with them. And I you know, I want to be involved even after the transaction too.

D.J. Paris 38:54
Yeah, and it sounds like the majority of your your touches we’ll call them are personalized, and really about the individual more than real estate, like, Hey, I’m going to make sure that they get a card on their birthday and when their children are born, etc. And around the holidays, we’re going to do a drop by and give them a little gift. And those are all I always say it’s it’s the personal touches that win the game. Certainly you need to be competent, of course at at the job, but afterwards, you know, you got to stay in touch. And the easiest way to stay in touch is to know as much about your client as you can, so that you can then have all these data points of like, okay, I know so and so’s birthday is coming up. So we’re going to do something for that or, you know, that’s that’s awesome. And I suspect that’s where a lot of broker or real estate agents struggle is just knowing what to do and it’s like, well, how much do you know about your clients? If you don’t know they’re having a baby? You can’t celebrate that with them. And don’t wait for them to tell you because you’re probably not you know, first of mind when it comes to it’s a big life event but you need to be you need to be staying in touch so that you do know about all these things and it’s obviously you guys Eyes are doing an amazing job of that. I just realized to everyone on your team has Alaska has a first name that ends with the e sound. So it’s kind of cool. If you guys ever want to rebrand, you could be the eighth. And let’s see what we think of we add one other Oh, and I want you to know to like, how is talk to us about how the business is going? How is the market going for you? Right now in 2020? Has that things changed at all in the last six years? Is it is it easier now? Is it more challenging as the role of the realtor changes, it’s stayed the same? What’s it been like for you?

Lexi Belland 40:35
So role of the realtor has changed a little bit in the sense of, you know, like, we’re doing a couple appointments, where it was like, before, it felt like, you were just going to their house or getting it list, and you’re putting it on the very next day, whereas now it’s like, two to three appointments, a buyer consultation, like I take pride in educating my clients on, this is what you can expect. first time homebuyers are blind, just as I was, you know, they don’t do this every day, they don’t know how the transaction works. So it is my job to sit them down and say, Okay, here’s what it looks like, these are the inspection costs that the offers contingent upon these things, and just walk them through the transaction so they can kind of piece it together and learn as we go. But before, you know, I meet them at the house, and you know, the process was described later. And then on selling side, you know, sometimes we would just take a listing the day of now it’s I’m prepping them, we’re walking through each room and saying, okay, remove this furniture piece, it’s too bulky for the room. You know, we need more walk space, we need natural light, we need scent, we need smell, we have one first impression, we need to wow them the second they walk in. And that goes with pictures too. So online today, you know, everyone is looking at your house online. So we have to wow them on the internet. And, you know, they see one picture they don’t like and they’re not scheduling the showings. So we have to wow, that we have to let them picture what’s in, you know, not necessarily the items in the home, but picture their own things in the home. And so I feel like it’s changed a little bit in that sense, the market is super good. Right now, we have 23, sale pendings right now, you know, we we’ve closed on roughly around like three to 4 million and a half, we’re right around 8 million contracted to close. So it’s definitely a busy market, our team is growing. So this June, we’re going to be adding another realtor to our team. So we’re really excited about that. And so, you know, our, our hope is that we’re going to be the best team, we’re going to grow. Our clients are going to grow with us, we’re going to be there forever realtor, and I can guarantee that our team is going to be the best. And we’re going to provide that customer service that no one else, you know, with, with three or four agents on a team, you’re getting three or four agents for the price of one. And so, you know, we’re going to bring that expertise to the table. And we’re going to hustle and we’re going to get your house sold. And we’re going to find you that perfect house when you’re going to look so

D.J. Paris 43:12
by the way, I Yes, you are. And I want I wanted to sort of piggyback on that by asking you a question if you’re willing to share? If not, I’ll just answer for you. Would you be willing to tell our listeners because you’re the first team or realtor from Iowa that we’ve had on the show? And we have? I mean, based on our demographics, we have listeners in Iowa who are realtors, you are not the only listener? Do you mind sharing how you how you got booked on our show? Do you do you mind sharing that?

Lexi Belland 43:40
Um, so I, I started listening to podcast got really, you know, like, at the first of the year, everybody is on this kick that, you know, like, I make myself a goal every year and it’s always huge. And my mom and sisters are like that is way too much. Like, just be happy with this. And I’m like, No, we need to grow. Like, I want to get as big as we possibly can which within reason. But um, so you know, this year, I said, like, I really would like to see us hit 30 million. And if we don’t hit that, that’s fine, but I want to do everything in my power that I can to try and get there. So at the beginning of the year, I started listening to motivational podcasts because, you know, I, every day I want to wake up, you know, get that positive energy and then it just pushes me out the door and I’m ready to sell. And so, you know, I was looking up real estate podcasts and I found yours. And so the first one I listened to was Go Go and

D.J. Paris 44:37
Oh, yeah. And she’s also in a rural area in Michigan.

Lexi Belland 44:42
Yes. And hers was so good and it was like spot on it was everything that I you know, that I was thinking about and even though you know like she brought on a lot of stuff that I’ve thought about but like haven’t really put into action. And so when you know then I catch myself at Every listing appointment, I’m going to I’m just like, well, I got 20 minutes in the car, like, I’m not going to listen to the stereo. So I’m listening to these motivational podcasts. And when I go to the gym, I’m, you know, I’m on your podcast, because I’m getting more experience and hearing, you know what those agents have to say, and so anyone who is listening right now, I highly recommend that you do subscribe. And when you do have that drive time, or you’re at the gym, and instead of, you know, just listening to music, if you can grow your business while doing that, and educating yourself, you know, we all can learn more and more every single day. And obviously, that helps us all in our business. So that’s kind of why I got started on it. And then once I got started, I was like this, you know, I loved it. And so it was just it worked out perfectly.

D.J. Paris 45:50
Yeah, I mean, we got we got a message from from Alexi who said, I have to I need to be on the show, I want to be on the show, I am a perfect fit for your show. And it’s funny because we get messages daily. But this one was so passionate, and so sincere and and, and impressive to us. And I wanted to sort of let the audience peek behind the curtain a bit, because that’s how people get things done. They boldly take action. She goes, DJ, you have to have me on your show, I have a lot of great things to share. I like the show, I want to be on it. And we we just said fine. It was just an immediate Yes. And and I think that says a lot about who you are and how you build your business in general. And and we’re so honored to have you on the show. Because you’re not afraid to go out and ask for what you want. And I think that’s a huge thing that especially younger realtors have a hard time doing. And, you know, you came to us and said I want to be on the show. And we said we got to have this person on the show. She’s amazing. And we didn’t even know you. And so I just want to, to sort of credit you and honor you for having the courage not not I mean, our shows not not that big of a deal. But just to have that have that passion and the confidence to boldly take forward steps, right. And obviously that’s helped you build your business. And it’s the reason we’re talking today and I couldn’t be more thankful for you. Because not only you know, I don’t know if this will necessarily benefit you directly to being on our show, but it benefits our listeners so directly and so we really want to want to thank you and I want to note tell everyone out there who is in Could you mention the areas you do service and and you know the major communities because I want every one of our listeners who is a member of those communities to reach out to you if they’re looking for another realtor. Can you mind sharing that with our audience?

Lexi Belland 47:44
Yeah, so we cover pretty much all of Eastern Iowa we’re on to multiple listing services. So we’re part of the Iowa City area Association realtors. We’re part of the Cedar Rapids Association of Realtors. So you know we really cover a large area Cedar Rapids, Ely, Swisher, you know, Iowa City, Williamsburg, of course marinko All around we can cover so we you know, we are still growing our business. So if you have real estate needs, we definitely want to assist you and I know that we’ll give it our 100% effort.

D.J. Paris 48:18
And if you are looking to hire the Belen team, the best one of the best ways is to go to their website, which is the Belen We’ll be putting a link to that in the notes and do you mind sharing your email address and or phone in case any clients want to contact you directly?

Lexi Belland 48:34
Yeah, pretty simple. Our email address is just My phone number is 319-530-1055 Feel free to check us out on Facebook, which is the Belen team with Lepik Kreger realtors and then we also have Instagram that we’re very active on which is also melon Diem. So we would love to have you follow us.

D.J. Paris 48:55
And we’re going to be posting links to all of those social media outlets as long as well as the face of sorry as the website as well. Lexi, thank you so much for being part of our show. Thank you for reaching out to us from from, you know, your area, we are so grateful that you found the show and are here providing value to our listeners. And I know this will be one of our most listened to episodes so I appreciate you. And we also want to tell everyone who’s listening if you’re a realtor, and you think there’s other realtors that you know that could benefit from listening to people like Lexi, please tell a friend all you have to do is send them to our website keeping it real Please also follow us on Facebook which is forward slash keeping it real pod. Not only do we post links to all of our episodes every single day we find an article online designed to help Realtors grow their business. We post that and then we also do video recordings of all of our episodes like the one you might be watching right now if you’re not listening, you’re probably watching it on our Facebook page. So we post those live in real time. So you can watch a little behind the scenes and see us actually speaking in real time. Again, Lexi Belland, thank you so much from the Belland group from the Valentim, rather, at Lepic Crager. Realtors, and in eastern Iowa, congratulations on all your success. It’s incredible what you’ve done. We have 46,000 realtors in Chicago and I don’t know that anyone as young as you has had the most amount of success even among the realtors here and there’s obviously a lot more of them. So you’re really crushing it. It’s really an inspiration to everyone who’s listening and and on behalf of the listeners, thank you very much.

Lexi Belland 50:35
Yeah, no, thank you so much for very grateful that we had the opportunity to come on and talk and thank you

Welcome to our BRAND-NEW monthly feature, Social Bootcamp With Gogo Bethke!

Tired of boring “just listed” and “just sold” Instagram posts? Let’s take our Instagram game to the next level through Instagram Stories. In this episode, social media expert Gogo Bethke walks you step-by-step on how to use Instagram Stories to partner with local businesses for giveaways and contests. This will increase engagement and generate more real estate leads for your business. And, best of all, it’s FUN!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

DISCLAIMER: Gogo’s 30-day moneyback guarantee is no longer available.

Gogo Bethke can be reached at and at her Instagram account.

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Gogo's Bootcamp 2.0


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Keeping it real listeners receive a special discount so please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show.

Welcome to keeping it real, the largest podcast in the country made for real estate agents and by real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host and guide through the show, and we have gogo on our show. Today. She is an Instagram queen and a top 1% Real Estate Agent. She comes on our show every single month to talk about social media strategies. For our listeners. Let me tell you a little bit about Gogo. If you are new to the show, and haven’t yet experienced any of your episodes, by the way, you should go back and listen to all of her episodes. But gogo Becky came to the United States in 2003. To build her American dream. She was broke had no sphere of influence, no experience barely spoke English and only $6 to her name. So it left her with nothing else but Facebook at the time. That’s where she started and she created gogos real estate and her real estate career started with the power of social media gogo sold over 45 million in residential real estate transactions. She shares the good, the bad and the ugly side of real estate and her honest snippets in her everyday life earned her 10s of 1000s of social media followers. In the real estate community. She earned the nickname social media queen and after being asked to present at various conferences and realtor events. She has built a social media bootcamp just for you for realtors called gogos bootcamp and for listeners of our podcast we have a special discount. So visit gogo podcast Gogo, just for our listeners, gogo Welcome to the show.

Gogo Bethke 2:27
Well, I thank you so much for having me again.

D.J. Paris 2:29
By the way before I almost forgot everyone out there go to Instagram right now and look up gogos real estate geo gos real estate and follow her to see the very one of the very best Instagram accounts I’ve ever seen across all industries. Certainly for real estate, she’s at the top. So anyway, thank you for being part of the show.

Gogo Bethke 2:49
Thank you so much for having me.

D.J. Paris 2:51
Okay, what do we want to talk about this month?

Gogo Bethke 2:55
So I was thinking let’s talk about how to use and abuse the social media or Instagram story features and all of the things that Instagram allows you to do with the power of the story. And let’s see how we can implement that to make money in real estate.

D.J. Paris 3:10
Yeah, that’s a good one too because I know I have an Instagram, non business account a personal account I’ve got about 10,000 followers which is I know not much but I have never personally myself even just for fun try the stories feature. And I know I’m missing out so let’s definitely talk about how realtors can use it all right,

Gogo Bethke 3:30
stories are awesome because it makes you more personal. So stories are only up for 24 hours they kind of go poof after that. They do have a feature that called highlights so you can capture those stories and I’ll talk about it in a little bit. But so it’s just kind of cool to like show who you are and show when it goes down on a day to day basis and show the highs and the lows and the good and the bad and the ugly. And that people really get to know you because when they get to know you then they get to feel a connection and when there is a connection that you’re really not selling them anything they already trust you They already gave you their time their attention and really it just becomes more of a relationship and it’s much easier when they call you that they need you to be the listing agent or buyer’s agent versus you calling strangers and selling yourself and your services. Great. So with stories I now on the other hand, I’ll probably make up for the for the stories that you don’t do. I do about 11 to 14 stories a day, maybe even a little bit more. I’m so much in the habit like accurate this device around this is my office. So for me it’s just grabbing it when something fun is going on or something good is going on. Like yesterday we had an agent that joined our team. We were doing mimosas just to celebrate and my husband was opening the champagne. And so we captured that and a boomerang so when we rang what that is so if you have if you’re driving and listening to this podcasts do not do what I’m saying I’m telling you to do but if you’re not driving, then open up your Instagram account. Feel free to go to Google’s to check it out and follow me but if you’re not If you already follow me, then let’s go through the motion of posting a story. So you can see all of the features that I’m talking about. Okay? So stories allows you to record something at the moment in many different ways. And I walked through the features, but it also allows you to post something that’s already on your phone. Okay, if it’s a video, it’s going to break it down to 15 second increments. So if it’s a video, that’s that’s three minutes long, you do have to kind of cut it up into one minute segments. And then you can post it, it automatically cuts it up for you and in 15 minutes increments. But usually, you know, just a soften story, like a selfie style story like this, to shoot it right there. Inside the story feature, in order to access that open up your Instagram, and the bottom of there’s a little house, click that and then as soon as you do on the top left, the camera is going to show up. At the same time, you’re gonna make your first story. Are you ready? I am. Okay, open up Instagram. I’m there. Okay, how is the button in the bottom left? There are a little camera button on the top. Yep, that’s good that and now, is it on selfie mode? Or is that you see,

D.J. Paris 6:04
like, Yeah, I’ll turn it around. Okay, now it’s facing me.

Gogo Bethke 6:08
Okay, now you see a big white round button in the middle? Yes. If you just click it, it’s going to take a photo if you hold it down, or round circle is going to get a red circle is going to go circles. And you can say, Hey, guys, I’m like Pascal’s go great. And I’m so excited. This is my first life.

D.J. Paris 6:25
Hi guys. I am live pot live streaming a podcast right now with gogo of go goes real estate.

Gogo Bethke 6:31
Perfect. Did it go circles? It did they record. Okay, awesome. Now, if you swipe up, so you see your recording. I’m just gonna take a quick picture of myself. Now, if you swipe up on the recording, you see all of the different features and it gives you

D.J. Paris 6:45
Oh, yeah, I did not know that was a thing.

Gogo Bethke 6:48
Yeah. So now you can ask them a question. So for example, quick the question. And then right on there the type of you know, go go. Do

D.J. Paris 7:00
you know, go go? Okay, got it.

Gogo Bethke 7:03
Cool. Oh, so that could be an option. Now, if you don’t like what you’ve been doing, you can just hold down on that status you hold right down into your trash.

D.J. Paris 7:13
Oh, yeah. That’s really cool. I

Gogo Bethke 7:16
like that. Now we’re gonna we can do a poll. So pull off again. Yep. Cool feature. Yep, I see it. Yeah. So now you can say Do you know, though? And now you have the option of doing yes or no? That is so cool. And now these people can answer the question. So you kind of keep them entertained. But now we are talking about how to generate leads, because that’s what’s going to pay the bills for us. features, you can use them for two more many different reasons. But the two that are very important for us is organic growth, which requires correspondence interaction between you and your followers, because that’s how you’re going to grow organically. So that’s why you do all of these swipes and things like that. That’s where the growth side, because you want to be organic eyeballs on your business. Those are your future potential customers. The next way you want to do this, you want to have direct access to the consumer, meaning you want to find out, for example, let’s say you create a cute little video. And you say, Hey, guys, I’m just wondering, we are early in 2020, just before the spring season, who’s thinking about selling this year? Okay, then you put that questionnaire up here the same poll? Yes or no? So then you say, are you thinking about selling? Yes or no? Now, all of the people that answered Yes. What are you gonna do? Yeah, reach out to every single one of them. That simple cloth, you can do that on device set. So these questionnaires you can think of any question, and voila, you get the answers. You can also do giveaways, you can also do swipe ups for collecting email addresses. So for example, let’s say you are talking about your lead, lead tracker, how much you love your lead tracker sheet, and you can share it with everyone. And then you just do a quick little video and say, Hey, guys, I love my tracker. If you want a copy of it, just put your email address right here. So then,

D.J. Paris 9:04
you cannot do polls in regular postings, right only in stories,

Gogo Bethke 9:09
you can do regular posting, but people tend to spend more time on stories because it’s more interactive, and it’s quicker. So people have the average of a memory span of a goldfish about three seconds, you’ve got their attention span. So if whatever you’re posting is longer, it’s not going to show up also on a business page, your actual feed when you turn these accounts so everything that I’m sharing here, I’m assuming that you have a business page. Okay, on a personal page, many of these features are not available. Also you cannot run ads, you cannot reach the masses, you cannot reach strangers because you can throw money at it you can build an ad. So I’m assuming that you already have a business page

D.J. Paris 9:45
and everyone listening if you have a current Instagram account, you can possibly convert it to a business account as well.

Gogo Bethke 9:51
Very simple. You go into settings and in your accounts and you turn it from a personal to business account.

D.J. Paris 9:56
And doesn’t Instagram currently prioritize Stories. Isn’t that a huge push? So in other words, that is typically going to get more eyeballs than even your traditional postings.

Gogo Bethke 10:07
Correct? Correct. So using abuse stories, so let’s go through many of the features. You can do lives and events. So let’s say you’re at an event, like, let’s say your brokerage is throwing a big event and you want the world to know, okay, you should definitely go live and let them have an insider view. Like even if they can attend in person, let them see what it’s like they see what it’s about. So they will come next time because they don’t want to miss out. They may open houses, if you’re sitting in an open house, and you’re totaling your times, because nobody’s coming through guess what you should be doing, you should be live on Instagram. And you should automatically have your Instagram to feed to Facebook. So everything I post on Instagram, because I have business pages on both they are linked. You must link it. So you turn it into a business page, and you link it to your Facebook business page. That way you’re doing one thing and getting two platforms on at the same time.

D.J. Paris 10:53
That’s awesome. Because right now we’re live streaming on Facebook, but we’re not live streaming on Instagram. It Are there any restrictions for live streaming as far as a length of time that you can be?

Gogo Bethke 11:05
Not that I know of? No. Right? Yeah. So you should be able to just go as long as you want my understanding. Okay, wonderful. Um, you can also do polls. So for example, those are cute. Let’s say you have a new listing that’s coming on the market. And then you can say, okay, whoever guesses the price that this home is going to be listed for which you give them three or four options. Whoever gets it right or out of the people that you get right the price, and it’s going to be listed out, I’m going to give away a $25 Starbucks card. So now that’s just an interaction with your audience. So that grows you organically. And also, it helps you to kind of see who’s active, maybe looking for homes on the market. Capture them because it shows everybody that voted no, everybody that voted yes, everybody voted ABCD like all of that, it gives you the actual data in the background. And that’s the other awesome part about having a business page, because there’s what’s called Insight. So you actually get to see your numbers in the background, how many men woman following you? What time of the day? Where are they from? know all that stuff. So you know how to when to when to tackle them, I guess. giveaways are huge. Now, an awesome way of doing some of the local growth is to do giveaways, we talked about this last time that your local companies you can go when you’re doing the giveaways with them, you can go live again, when the winner accepts the gaps that that is even more important than going live initially, because they do want to, there’s so much fake stuff out there that the people probably not going to partake in your giveaways at first, because they want to make sure that you actually giving their stuff away. So when you go live and they see your stuff, your giveaways, and then they see what the other party receives, then they’re going to start partaking. So it’s just like think of it like postcards. When we used to do mailers, everybody knows it’s going to take at least eight times before that registers in their brain, and they’re going to take you seriously. So same with Instagram, you’re not going to make one post and then the the leads are just piling again, it’s going to take some time. So I look at it. It’s my job. I don’t cold call out into mailers. So it is my job. That’s what I do for generating leads. You can do less than for example, or swipe up video and say, Hey, are you thinking about buying? If so fill out this form below. And then it’s going to say yes, buying thinking about 123 months, three to six months, six to 12 months, and they get to choose, they got to just pick it and what you do again, you follow up with every single person that click those buttons. Tag location, always, always always tag location that people you are wet. And so let me show you how that works. So let’s say we create actually, this is awesome because I can tag you now that you’re in it. And so they can see the actual work. Okay, guys, so I am live right now, with keeping a real podcast with the best podcast DJ called DJ Paris,

D.J. Paris 13:45
certainly the coolest guy

Gogo Bethke 13:48
I would say so. So all their audience they are the largest real estate podcast in the nation and so honored to be a part of it. Today we are learning about how to use Instagram stories and the swipe up features and all of the features to generate leads for yourself and grow an organic audience. And it is learning right now how to use polls and things like that. So I wanted for everybody to see how this is getting done. And in about a week you can go and listen in go to keepin it real podcast and you can actually hear the whole story. Great. Okay, now we’re gonna do a swipe up. We can do we can tag you. So talking about tagging people. The reason why you want to do that because you want to grow your organic audience. So now everybody you said you had 10,000 followers, I have 43,000 followers. So now your 10,000 gets to see me and my 43,000 gets to see you because I thank you. So now you organically grow. This is what it’s called organic growth. So DJ Paris, what is your your Instagram?

D.J. Paris 14:46
Yeah, t f p. So Thomas, Frank Paul, and then humor blog. It’s from my old old humor website that I used to have and I’m going to be creating a keeping it real podcast Instagram account in the next week or so, but we’ll use the my old one for now.

Gogo Bethke 15:02
Sounds good. Okay, so I tagged you now you can use hashtags. So hashtags are like search words. Okay? So think about if I was searching for something on Google, what would I type in? So if I’m searching for something on Instagram, what do I type in? So right now, I use the hashtag feature, if you can see it on the screen. So I probably use hashtag and you literally type in what this is about. So this is this is keeping it real. Okay, yep. So let’s say you’re doing something about newest listing, you hashtag is going to be my newest listing, or let’s say you’re doing something homes for sale, or whatever that you are posting about that you want people to find it that way. Or you can say, Brighton, Michigan, Brighton homes for sale, because that’s what your listing is at. Now, you always want to tell the location in the real estate post for this course, location doesn’t matter. So I’m not going to tag it because you want to reach the masses. But if let’s say you’re doing a post about your newest listing in Brighton, Michigan, you definitely want to swipe up and you definitely want to tag the location. The reason why is that the people who already follow you, they’re gonna see your story no matter what, whether people who don’t follow you, but they follow Brighton, Michigan, or they’re just searching for anything in that area, they’ll go in to see your post.

D.J. Paris 16:15
And you know, the nice part about Instagram is that it shows you how many posts per hashtag are currently available. So you can actually do research to see, okay, well, I’m live in Brighton, Michigan, and I’m going to be posting something specific to people in Brighton, Michigan. What are the bright Michigan, Mike Brighton, Michigan hashtags that are most popular? Because you can see what other people have done just by starting to type in different different words and hashtags.

Gogo Bethke 16:42
Exactly. Good job. I love hashtags, because hashtags generate eyeballs and business to you. So you use it on a music. Okay, tag location, tag people questions. So we cover that you can use the question part for anything. So for example, I do a lot of coaching. And that’s my favorite time when I’m in the air. Now, I cannot do videos and things like that. But usually when I’m flying, and I know I’m going to be up there for four or five hours and nothing to do, I post a quick little little video and say, you know, type away ask me anything you want to know. And then I put that little question thing up there. So you do the video, you do the swipe up people in question. And then they can type away anything. So let’s say using it for the buyer side, or let’s say you have a buyer one on one, free, something that you’re giving away, okay, like a printout. You can say, Hey, guys, I have my buyers one, one tip, but put your email address right in here. If you’re a buyer on the market today, include your email address, I will shoot it over to you. Or let’s say you might say, Hey, guys, I have done over 100, buy sell transaction negotiated multiple bidding situation multiple times over. And I’m pretty proud to say I win pretty much all the time. So ask me anything about the value process I’m here for I’m here to answer it. So do you do the swipe? You do the question little box? They can actually type in their question. And then you can respond to that question and share it with everybody. You can do a type of response, you can do a video response, video responses, or even better. Now also, if somebody asks you something by side related question, do you think they’re in the market to buy a home? Of course, then you’re gonna follow up with them and turn them into a buyer and win them over? So there’s so many ways that you can turn somebody so many What do they say so many ways to skin a cat? Sure, is to find buyers and sellers. And it’s interactive, and it’s fun, and it’s more personal. And also,

D.J. Paris 18:24
let’s pause for a second and realize that I don’t know the percentage of realtors that take advantage of Instagram stories. And if they do, they’re likely just posting about their own lives and not necessarily interacting directly with the their followers, which is what really we’re talking about is you are going to be the only broker the only realtor that is doing that. So you’re asking, Hey, I’m here for the next hour, I’m answering questions about sell side transactions or whatever. And now people get to ask questions. Nobody else is doing that.

Gogo Bethke 18:59
As simple as let’s say you are doing your newest listing come in on the market and you go in over there and you can ask them like, do you guys think we should paint this? I think we should paint this What color do you think would be best, right? Interactive, they’re seeing your hustle they’re seeing your work and and you’re out their heart and you’re involved in them in your business. And people like to partake and feel important and feel like they made a decision and help you succeed. So that is another way of you can do in that countdown. We also have a countdown portion. So let’s say doing events where you have your open house this weekend. That is the biggest baddest luxury 17 bedroom a property bubble and you want the world to know you can do that you can do a countdown, talk about the open house or include maybe a cute little video that you created a marketing video created for the property and then do a countdown and just say Open House and literally you put in Saturday from 11 to two and it’s going to show them the countdown of how much time is left. When they click it they can actually opt in and be reminded of that event. Brilliant. That’s amazing. Swipe up feature. Now you said you have 10,000 followers so you Then swipe up, and you can actually take them directly to the lead. Now that’s a huge feature. And I use it all the time. And it does help our business tremendously because you’re taking traffic from somewhere that you’re talking about to the actual direct link. So if it’s an event, I can just say swipe up and register was that simple, but you do have to have a registered account, which, sorry, not a registered account, what is it called a little logo that is verified, verified account, thank you, you do have to have a verified account. If you don’t have that, then you have to have a minimum of 10,000 followers. So people would qualify, but most people, they’re not there just yet. So they have these organic steps to get there. As soon as they get there, then they can do the swipe ups and register now, even if you don’t have 10,000. And even if you’re not verified, you can still use the swipe up, if you create an ad and pay for it, then you can take them directly to a site, just FYI. But if you’re just doing it organically as like a quick something, then always generate them back to your bio link. So if you go to my Instagram and you go to my bio, you go to go go back to that calm. That’s only one in there, you will see that one has everything that I do. Yeah, that’s my sellers, my buyers, my events, my podcast, and I attend if you want to invite me to one if you want to invite me to an event, you know if you want to partner with me with the UFC, if you want to learn more about the UFC, everything that I do, because as realtors, we are a lot of hats. So I needed a site that is interactive allows me to put videos on there. So for my sellers, when they click it, they can actually see previous videos that we have done for our sellers and all the beautiful properties that I had the pleasure of selling, I do professional videography and photography, no customized sellers. So when a seller goes on there, I want them to see what they get when they get to work with me. So when you do a swipe up, or when you don’t have the ability to do the swipe up, but you want to generate them over to a site, you can type it onto the screen, or you can say go to my bio and the link is in my bio.

D.J. Paris 21:48
Or you can also put the link in the comments as well.

Gogo Bethke 21:52
Yes, but Instagram does not like you to take them away from Instagram. So if you’re typing, your post is not going to rank high because you typed in an other www. So if you just tell them to go to your bio, which they do allow you to have one link on there. If you like my goal, go back to that camp site, it is an awesome, it’s a click funnel based site, you can just go to the bottom of that and say I like this, I want one just like it, I want to say it’s $19 a month. And you can customize it how ever you want to whatever links you want to have in there, whatever videos you want to have in there, if you want to have to have different steps because you do a lot of things. Maybe you’re an investor, maybe you you know, have your own podcast, whatever you have, you can plug it in there. And just this way you’re taking them to one link and anything they can possibly need from you is on there. So always make sure that you generate them, or you take them to a site where you generate income.

D.J. Paris 22:45
Yeah, that’s really smart. So we have a similar thing for the podcast. So as everyone who’s listening knows, there are a lot of ways to access podcasts, you can go to iTunes, you can go to Google Play, if you’re an Android user, you can go to Stitcher, you can go to Spotify, Pandora now, pretty much all these different apps, and they’re always changing. So we have a similar page for our podcasts that say, here are all the ways to subscribe to our podcast, instead of creating unique links for every single one, they just go to well, they just can go right from our website, keeping real But it’s got all those links on there, because otherwise it would just be too difficult to try to push people to all those various sites.

Gogo Bethke 23:21
Yeah. Next one. And mine is reviews. Now reviews are very important. And I strongly recommend that you have Google reviews. So you get reviews from your clients. As you close one of our steps. When we close the file, Christy just send them an email has all of our links and we ask them, please write one review, and just go to these things and copy and paste. Okay, so those of us are very important. But now, imagine I posted a five star review that it’s a blah, blah, blah in writing. And imagine that I posted of selfie style video where my client is telling you in a 15 second video how much you love working with me, which one would convince you more video, video. Now the cool part is when you do that video, you can also test them. So then the consumer and the other and the person who’s watching can see that they are real human being they can go to their profile and see who they are. And people are so like, oh Jessica, what with you, I guess I work with you. So that kind of does that. And then also because if you have this feature turned on it’s called Let me just find it very quick.

Save to archive feature it’s called. So when you create these videos, you turn on your save to archive feature, it’s always going to be there because otherwise this video goes away and every 24 hours they go poof if you have the Save save to archive feature on there. Now you can go back and create different highlights. So when you go on someone’s profile and you see all these little bubbles and their profile that shows you all of the story style videos they’ve created but they saved and it’s going to be up there forever so it’s not going to disappear after 24 hours. So let’s say you create yourself a highlight that’s called reviews. Every time you had a closing table everybody congratulate each other everybody’s happy they got a key you got some money you can do Take a quick little video where they leaving a review about you how much they love working with you, you’re then going to go to your archives, you’re going to plug it right into your review, highlight little folder. So all of your video style reviews are going to be in your remote folder. So when somebody goes to check out your profile and see if you’re real and how you really work and yada, yada, they can just go there and watch people tell them in person almost face to face, how awesome it was to work with you.

D.J. Paris 25:26
That’s brilliant. I love it. Good.

Gogo Bethke 25:32
Okay, you can use tools to make this all credit. So they’re not created right there in the moment. You can do Canva, which is awesome, allows you to just create kind of like flyers, but it’s a full screen and doesn’t look like a PDF file.

D.J. Paris 25:45
Yeah, we use Canva for all of our artwork for everything related to our podcast. And we are a huge, huge Canva by the way, that’s it’s completely free. It’s the best is actually created by a couple of Australian women. I think we got a kit. Yeah, go to It’s just the it’s amazing. If you have no even if you have no, you know graphic design skills, they do it all for you. It’s amazing. Yeah,

Gogo Bethke 26:09
it’s amazing. So we use Canva for that. And then story art. That’s just another one of like, so it’s a full screen photo and just animates things for you things can pop up. So it just keeps it more interactive. And I that’s what I have for today.

D.J. Paris 26:24
Wonderful. I’m also I you know, you just inspired me to talk about this on a future episode, I want to spend some time talking about Google My Business. So we know that real estate, of course is hyperlocal. Google, my business is the Google results that show up that show your business we talked about gogo said, Get a Google review, guys, I cannot emphasize how important Google is prioritizing reviews and your local business page. So we maybe on a future episode, we’ll talk more about that because you can do video there as well. Obviously, there’s there’s written and you can also do blog posts, right in your Google, every seven days, they disappear, kind of like Instagram stories, they disappear every seven days, you can go to Canva, you can create a still image of something you want to promote. And then it’ll show up and Google will prioritize it when people are searching. So we can talk about how to how to optimize that for going going forward.

Gogo Bethke 27:17
In the bootcamp, I have an actual whole episode about how to create how to set everything up for Google My Business, how to do your reviews, and make sure that the audits get posted in there because it is it is I don’t know if you knew that. But Google is the number one site that people visit. I do I do. A second, Instagram is third. So you want to definitely be present on all of those streets free marketing, it’s free eyeballs on your business. And reviews are you know, people are going to check you out to make sure you have it.

D.J. Paris 27:44
Let’s talk about the bootcamp because this it just got a huge facelift and and a refresh. And let’s talk about what’s included, so that people can learn all of what we just talked about in about a million times more on how to actually run their social media. So can you talk about the over 20

Gogo Bethke 28:01
hours of video training. It starts truly with the very basics of social media, what you should do, what you do not do how to set everything up, why you should do certain things, because many people like even though this comes very easy to me, many people they don’t they feel overwhelmed, they don’t even know where to start. So I literally break down step by step process. Also now we have so as we grow because we started as we started working together a few months now, as we grow, we add anchoring. So the features of the bootcamp change. So now we have a new added feature, which is a Facebook group, everyone at once every month, we do a live training where me and my digital marketers semi do an hour training. And I kind of call it like you’re building your social media house. So we just had our very first month training last month in January. And I called it that was the foundation that was the very, very basics, I kind of forced them to create a story video, I forced them to turn their accounts into business accounts, I forced them to link their accounts together, I forced them to take a video and send it out to all of their friends, there’s like actual work that you’re going to have to do, including the homework and then they hold you to it. And then the next month, we do build on that. And then we build on that. Now granted, you can join the straight and get anytime everything is recorded. So you can just go back to the first one and start on your own time however you want to. Now it’s not just social media, it’s pretty much everything that I do. It’s all of the systems it’s all of the databases and the CRM programs and when to hire an assistant and what is my Open House strategy and and how to build a team where to even start what are the systems for that how to do a DISC assessment, what is the DISC assessment? Should you even do a risk assessment? You don’t I mean like those kinds of how to make passive income, how to grow that scale that to seven digits, and just pretty much everything from the startup agent, the brand new all the way me now nine years in and how I got everything that I literally share everything down to my marketing agreement, to my lead tracker, you name it, everything I do is in there. Now also all of my vendors are in there. Everybody that I use and other systems and companies that I used to run this they I still get my discounted price because now there’s hundreds and 1000s of us, they get a lower price if they went to that same company on their own. I also teach them after they’ve grown their business, and they have the organic following and stuff, how to monetize on that. Because it’s all good. Of course, in the end of the day, we want commissions, because that’s what goes into pays the bills. But eventually, Warren Buffett says, if you can figure out a way how to make money while you’re sleeping, you’ll never be rich. So eventually you get to a point in your career, then you’re going to run out of time, you’re going to hit your personal ceiling. And that’s when you need to leverage and that’s when you need to take other people and grow a team. But you also need to then figure out how you can leverage that organic growth, how you can turn it into money. And that’s where the affiliate links come in, where I teach you how you should never really promote about some somebody else’s business or some other local this or local that or any any other product that you may personally use. And even if you love it, for the traffic for the sales that you’re going to generate to their site, you should be paid for. Yes. And that’s an affiliate link. And that’s a passive income. Now I have tons and tons of passive income my random checks showing up from real estate companies from agents that decide to go get into real estate because I mean, they use my link to sign up with it. So the company says if it wasn’t for me, monologue and all the my stories and doing a swipe up and taking the traffic over to their site, they would have not generated that sale. So you can get in average between 10 to 25% of the sales that you generate for that product or system or service.

D.J. Paris 31:26
Yeah, and guys, I am working with gogo for a future module bonus module to help everyone listening, consider creating a hyperlocal podcast for your market. And I can show you how to get affiliate links sponsorships as well. So that your podcast hosting and some of your equipment and all that can get paid for through the same idea. So a great, awesome idea.

Gogo Bethke 31:49
That reminds me the Amazon link. So I don’t know if you knew that, but you can become an Amazon affiliate. So all of the products, we’ll be talking about the microphone that yours I can just say, hey, go to my Amazon link. It’s right in there. Buy it.

D.J. Paris 32:01
Yeah. And my microphones like $400. That would be a nice little commission.

Gogo Bethke 32:07
Yeah. So so many ways to generate income. And my goal is to have fun while you’re doing it, you know, have multiple sources of income, so you don’t have to worry about your family and how you’re going to go on spring break this year.

D.J. Paris 32:23
Yeah, 100%. So guys, everyone who’s listening, I encourage you, I could not encourage you more. To check out Go Go’s boot camps, we have a special website that will direct you to Go Go’s to give you a discount for the bootcamp, which is Gogo So visit Gogo to get a special link just for a special discount rather, just for our now viewers and listeners. Because of course now we’re doing video two and gogo is the one that pushed me to do video. So I am not just somebody who brings go go on because she’s got great information. I am a student of hers as well. So my next thing is to get an Instagram account going for our website

Gogo Bethke 33:01
for CEU. To that I’m gonna do it myself, I’m gonna like give me a password, I set it all up.

D.J. Paris 33:07
I might just let you do that.

Gogo Bethke 33:10
But I forgot to mention oh my gosh, one of the largest parts of the bootcamp and what we changed up in December for my birthday. So send me my digital marketer. Now I do everything organically. I teach the organic side of growth and the organic side of lead generation. Sammy teaches you how to do it with Facebook ads, Google ads, all of those chatbots yada yada he has his own courses over 100 video I think videos of literally breaking everything down he will not only teach you how to build the app but give you the actual verbiage that works he can generate seller leads from five to $10 apiece. Now imagine what’s the average commission you make? annalistic Yeah, that’s a no brainer. Almost $7,500 So if that’s the case, you just spent $10 to get a listing by side you can do even cheaper it’s unbelievable. So now Sam This course is a part of Google’s boot camp so now it’s your choice if you want to do it organically if you want to do it through Facebook ads and throw some money at it or maybe you meet yourself halfway and say you know what I do some organically i That way I have to spend less and ads because I can touch mine organically and then I spend a little bit to charge the people that don’t know about me yet.

D.J. Paris 34:14
Brilliant Yeah, this this is a course that not only is obviously the value you get is outstanding but it’s constantly evolving right she’s constantly Go Go’s enter team are constantly adding more features more training more knowledge. So it really is a steal for the price

Gogo Bethke 34:33
changes that algorithm about every five minutes so I’m like okay, there we go. You have to add on an add on. But it is I mean, we have to evolve like things that works in 2019 on social media they no longer work in 2020 or don’t I can say they no longer one doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to work in 2020 so as they change we have to change and adapt because if not you’re a dinosaur if you’re dinosaur you’re gonna go extinct.

D.J. Paris 34:57
Yeah, I agree. And guys, we all So gogo comes on once a month to answer your questions. So we need your questions. So please let us know what you would like us to cover in future episodes. What questions do you have for Gogo? Related anything related to social media? Or affiliate relationships or just setting up your business online? What’s the digital side? And we have at our firm, because I work at a real estate firm, we have 650 brokers. The number one question I get is, can you help me with my social media? Well, that’s, and I always tell everyone, you know what, go to Go Go’s bootcamp. Buy it, it’s the best investment you’ll make. And

Gogo Bethke 35:37
sorry to interrupt I went live on keepin it real to see if we have actual comments.

D.J. Paris 35:42
Gotcha. So I want everyone to send us your comments. There’s a number of ways you can do that. Obviously, if you’re watching this live on Facebook, you can send us comments there. If you’re listening to this on your podcast app, reach out to us visit our website keeping it real You can send us comments there. Also everyone please follow us on Facebook forward slash keeping it real pod and soon to be on Instagram as well. But every single day on our Facebook page, not only do well one every single day we post an article that we find online designed to help you grow your business. That’s our commitment to you is every single day one article that will help you and then of course, we’re promoting these episodes as well there so forward slash keeping it real pod. We’ll keep you up to date on everything going on with the podcast. Also go to Instagram right now and follow gogo gogos real estate. So again, Instagram and follow gogos real estate search for it, you’ll find it super easy. And also if you want to see what gogo is all about, you can visit our website gogo, Beth We’ll put all those links in the show notes for the episode. So guys, you can find everything there and go directly to the bootcamp as well as go goes Instagram and everywhere else. She is right from our show notes in the episode. So one last thing, guys, if everyone out there just tells one other realtor about this podcast and about gogo we will essentially double our listenership and our viewership will be able to help more and more brokers achieve whatever their level of success is. And this is why we do the show. It’s something we do. It’s a passion for us we want to help. So just think of one other real estate agent that would benefit from hearing from people like gogo, send them this podcast, you’ll be doing them a huge favor. And that does us a favor too, because it increases our listenership. And it allows us to do more episodes and support more people. So gogo, thank you, once again, you are amazing. We love having you on the show. You are a listener favorite. And we are so grateful that you take time out of your busy month to, you know, to be on the show. And we will see you again next month. So unburied. On behalf of the listeners, gogo thank you on behalf of gogo and myself. Everyone who’s listening, thank you so much telephoned support, go go buy her boot camp, I bought it, it’s an absolute steal, it’s a great investment. And it will just help you grow your business. And even even if it only helped you get one additional sale you would make you’d make a ton a great return. But it won’t just do that it’ll actually help you build a business. And that’s even more importantly, you’ll the sales will come that won’t be a problem. But you’ll actually have a social media platform that works for you. Instead of you always wondering kind of what should I be doing? I know I should be doing more. I’m not sure what let go go teach you. She takes all the legwork out of it, she tells you exactly what to do.

Gogo Bethke 38:25
And I seriously break it down like baby steps. Like if I’m talking to a five year old of how you need to do this. Now we have a comment NPR, Jen said help I need to happen. I forgot to mention this spot. We are coming out with a dark do it for you service. So where are they going to get access to the whole boot camp, when they can do everything organically. But if they feel overwhelmed, and they want us to just do you know what just set it up for me. And all I need to do is post from now on, we’ll also come coming out with that it’s not ready just yet when it is you’ll be the first to know, and we’ll share it with them. But that’s also an option. And there somebody asked, is there a way to automate Instagram post the own if I pronounced your name right as that and the and there is there are many, many services that you can pre schedule to post your Instagram posts. Now, I will strongly not recommend that. The reason why is because Instagram really does not like to report third party services. And you would have to give access to that third party service to have access to your account in order to post in your behalf. And a and b depending what kind of automated you’re talking about. If you’re talking about that you pre create the post and it’s personalized and the system was posted for you at a certain time. I guess use it but I still wouldn’t recommend and you have your cell phone and it’s gonna take you really three minutes to edit the photo type of everything you want to say tag the location tell the people you’re with it, use some hashtags, you can pre record your hashtags and a notes in your phone so go to notes and just put in all the hashtags that apply to your business locally. Like go go go go get back to Google’s you know set homes for sale luxury, luxury homes for sale Brighton, Brighton, Michigan, pretty much everything that applies to you, these are the ones that I use personally, everything that applies to you, you pre write those hashtags. So then when you’re making your posts, you just go to your notes, Copy, Paste while I made a post in three minutes. Now, if you’re talking about the services that are automated, meaning it’s not personalized post, everybody who uses that service is going to have the same posts on the profile that day, I strongly do not recommend that we are not posting to post guys we are posting to make money. Okay, so if I take in consideration all of the posts that I’ve made in my career, if I break it down, it’s probably about 40 bucks a post. Now, that doesn’t sound much. But if I actually made 40 bucks in three minutes for making that post, the way I look at it, not every post is going to generate you are by buyer or seller or if you’re selling a product, I mean, but over time, as they see just like your postcard so so A times they’re gonna buy from you. Okay, so that’s why you do it and don’t automate it, I remove something else from your plate that you feel like you don’t have the time for social media. And if you decide to do social media, that would be about you. Because we don’t have real estate. We sell our services. We sell us, I sell me you saw you. If you don’t sell you your social media is not going to work.

D.J. Paris 41:15
Well, that’s a perfect ending to a great episode. So guys, just to be clear, what that person was asking was should I use things like Buffer HootSuite, we would say try not to because number one, we believe Instagram doesn’t prioritize those posts because they want you on their platform posting. Yes, you can technically do it through third party solutions, but we think your results will be much better and honestly, it doesn’t take any more time to post directly into Instagram. It takes actually I the exact same amount of time. That’s a good point. I love that. All right, guys, we’re gonna end on this episode, let us know what you want us to cover on our next episode, which is coming in a month. Thank you everyone for listening. Gogo. Thank you and everyone. If you want to buy Go Go’s bootcamp at a discount, go to Gogo and you’ll get a discount just for our listeners. So thank you go go. And we will see you next month.

Gogo Bethke 42:09
Thank you so much.

Welcome to the March episode of our Learn With A Lender series with Joel Schaub!

Interest rates have dropped again! In our episode, Joel Schaub from Guaranteed Rate discusses how to best position yourself to reach out to past and prospective clients. In addition to the obvious refinance opportunities, there are more buyers out there due to rates being so low. Joel discusses a strategy of listing properties lower than normal to start bidding wars.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Joel can be reached at and 773.654.2049.


D.J. Paris 0:00
On this episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by Joel Schaub at guaranteed rate. As a realtor it’s important to partner with only the most trusted name in mortgage lending. Joel has 1000s of satisfied clients and gives $1,500 of his commission back to your buyers on every closing. He is known for his ability to close even complex deals start to finish in only 14 days to learn what 1000s of others already know. Make a note to call Joel at 773-654-2049 or email Guaranteed Rate is an equal housing lender licensed in all 50 States Consumer Access Number 2611 And now on with the show

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host and guide through the show and this is our monthly learn with a lender episode series with Joel Schaub. So if you’re new to the podcast, let me tell you a little bit about Joel. Joel is vice president of lending at guaranteed rate. He has been doing loans at a high level since 2003. That is 17 years amazing and has got to that level because of what he does directly for agents which is that he gives back part of his commission to the buyer on every transaction. Now last year alone, Joel gave back over $291,000 in closing costs to the buyers who worked with him and that put Joe’s volume in the top 1/10 of 1%. Nationwide for loan officers out of 380,000 loan officers in the country Joel is ranked number 180 ones truly remarkable accomplishment. Year to date, he has done 35 transactions for just under 11 point 4 million closings, which in and of itself is a big deal. But currently he has 110 files that are locked and ready to close for 46 million in deals. This is just an incredible, and we’re so excited to have him on the show Joel can be reached, by the way at Again, Or you can always call him 773 or text rather 773354 to 049. Let’s say hello to the biggest Cubs fan that I know Joel Schaub Welcome once again to the podcast.

Joel Schaub 2:34
Hey, DJ, good to be back. It’s really cool to actually have the video I mean, check us out. I mean, I’ve always been told I’m good here. But look at you, man, we,

D.J. Paris 2:43
Joel and I spend an embarrassing amount of money buying hair clays and pomades. And we talk about this offline, but hey, someone’s gotta buy it, right?

Joel Schaub 2:55
It’s not all real estate numbers. I mean, you and I do talk offline about hair. It’s good for everyone out there to see us. So it’s really cool what you’re doing, man,

D.J. Paris 3:04
and we’re lucky that we still have hair right? Not everyone does. So we might as well, you know, make it look nice. But no, I’m excited to do this one on video with you. Because for the last year and a half, we’ve been doing this with you. We’ve just done audio only. So this is very exciting. Because I don’t know that everyone’s seen you. Of course you’re everywhere. So everyone does already know what you look like. But now they get to watch you on our show. You know so right now I want to talk about the biggest news going on right now in the lending world, which is revised, revised up because rates are have come crashing down and in an amazing way. So I just read that reef visor up just to let our listeners know, in case they’re I’m sure they all know, but just in case, reef eyes are up 479% from a year ago, obviously, you know, there’s been a lot of volatility in the market. There’s been some corrections there. So obviously rates have dropped and refunds have gone up. But even just from the last week refires are up over 50%, which is absolutely incredible. So what is going on? Tell us what brokers agents Realtors need to know. Well,

Joel Schaub 4:10
I’m glad that you brought me on, I wanted to actually just kind of break it down and give you guys the real scoop on what is going on with interest rates in the market. And so that you can talk intelligently to buyers and sellers and turn it into an opportunity. So this is all about giving back to the realtors and actually saying, I hear things are going on out there. I just heard a podcast with a lender. Now I know something and it’s gonna help you get some more deals. So let’s talk about it. I mean, we know that the markets are down. But what the big misconception was is that the feds cut rates and so mortgage rates dropped either that right? Yes, the Feds didn’t call all the mortgage companies and say please lower your rates by half a point. I mean, it just didn’t work that way. And they said it was a surprise cut but those in the industry We’ve known for a while that that fed cut was coming, we know that there’s another one coming. And that isn’t what necessarily drives mortgage rates. Mortgage rates move on a day to day basis based on the bond market. The bond market had a crazy 10 days. I mean, just completely eviscerated numbers that we’ve seen in the past. And so I’m a technical guy, I watch this stuff daily. I mean, I have it on behind me, I watch the numbers, and it’s nothing. So just to give a little framework for everything that we’re going to talk about. Let’s talk about where mortgages really come from, right, and then we can dig into the numbers, right, and we can dig into a couple of things if I’m a realtor that I’d be doing right now. Okay. So back to basics. Before those Feds cut rates, they were on the way down. So last year, we saw rates that were up into the one fours DJ, that’s what most people had. That was great. Remember how hard we tried to get the four and a quarter 30 year fixed rate we got it. We’re in line and went lower 399375. And then last week bank started offering rates below three and a quarter percent. Then they quickly jumped back. And what they found was with all of that demand, they didn’t have any of the support staff or the money to lend. Right? So you saw big brick and mortar banks literally put the skins on at the end of last week. Wells Fargo, for example, sent across the board their 30 year fixed rates shot to for a quarter percent. They said

Unknown Speaker 6:35
wow, basically stop

Joel Schaub 6:37
requesting refinances. Okay, literally, they wanted to stop the flow, they still were doing rates below that. But if you went to their website, that’s what they were advertising to kind of slow down, for example, our company, and a lot of them out there are doing the exact same thing. What they saw was, in a period of nine days, we took in just under $5 billion of rate locks. Wow. Right? There was a two day period where both days we locked in over $1 billion of residential mortgages. And it’s a shockwave that’s a number that most mortgage companies don’t do in an entire year $2 billion of originations to do it in two days, means that we have the staff and ready to go. So there’s some things going on. You can’t believe everything that you read as far as rates go. So I want to just give a little perspective. And then we’re going to talk about how agents can benefit. Okay, great. What are you seeing because people are coming to you, DJ, what, it’s not all about what I’m at? What are you seeing with agents and what they do?

D.J. Paris 7:38
Well, you know, it’s funny, I don’t hear as much chatter from the agents as I thought I would. And so I think this is a great call to action. You know, Joel, the last time that we was on a month ago, he had spent his weekend contacting all of his clients, because rates were lower, and reaching out to his past clients saying, hey, it might be a good time to refinance. Let’s look at the numbers. And I, you know, we implored all of the agents listening to our show to do the same thing. So, you know, this, there’s the news is now just hitting today’s news cycle is all about refinances and rates. So hopefully, realtors will be more tuned in to what’s going on. But I think a lot of them are so busy, because it’s that time of the year where things have started to pick up that maybe they’re not paying as much attention. And they should be because this is, and I think you’d agree a great opportunity to do some outreach.

Joel Schaub 8:30
This is what I want to focus on. We could talk rates all day long, but I wanted to give two strategies if I was a realtor that I’d be doing right now. So that I can go out and get more transactions, and it revolves around these rapes, right. So the first thing is on buyer side, if you looked at a buyer last year that was on the fence, and they were looking at a specific property, maybe 300 grand, call them back, that exact same property now is $230 a month less based on what rates they could get it for bank. Right, so let’s just let that sink in for a minute. $230 less than the exact same type of property. It’s huge. It’s a huge difference maker from having a rate that’s in the four and a half range to having a rate that’s under three and a half percent, three and a quarter. And so that’s going to motivate people, they just don’t understand what the rate drop mean. But if you put it in monthly payment terms if you’re a realtor, so you go out and you just run a simple mortgage calculator to pull up Google you don’t need to call them mortgage guy it’ll be hard to get one on the phone right now anyway. And just say last year on a loan size of 300,000 the payment was x. Now rates are down around 3.25%. You’ll see that it’s a really great talking point to go back to your old people or new people that are renting and say let’s go find something that is at or less than you’re paying in rent. I have some dad I can help you.

D.J. Paris 9:57
Yeah, great time to lock in. If you’re especially if If you’re a buyer and looking and haven’t quite yet found your property,

Joel Schaub 10:03
exactly, so these are points as a realtor, you sit there with all the news about virus and things that are going on. It’s just like buying airline tickets, my wife and I bought the tickets to London for the Cubs game coming up. I mean, if we die, we die.

D.J. Paris 10:18
Yeah, I was telling you offline, I’m planning with my girlfriend to go to Portugal and kind of just lucky timing, I guess, or unlucky, depending on how you look at it, but financially very lucky, because prices of flights and hotels and, you know, obviously other air tourist areas have been decimated by this. And it’s certainly very tragic in a lot of areas. But for the consumer, it’s been very positive, we now are going on a much nicer vacation for a lot less money. So yes, great time to lock in those refi rates, and talk to your lender, and also a great time to really partner with a lender as well, I think and and say, Hey, I’ve got all these past clients, Joel, you know, what can we work on something together to get the word out? I know you partner with a lot of brokers, we partner

Joel Schaub 11:03
with brokers and the reef eyes are going to be there. But what most mortgage banks are doing is different than what my focus has been. I’ve been letting the agents know that will every other mortgage guys out there just tackling refinances sure I spent last night almost midnight, helping people get pre approved, getting buyer pre approvals. So just because the brick and mortar bank is where you have your checking and savings, you really want to partner with somebody that’s actually dedicated to handling the purchase business right now. So I have two separate staffs of people that are one is handling all of the purchase business. Okay, we have underwriters that are dedicated to it, and then the refinance. Okay. So a lot of banks right now, they’re going to be so bogged down. We’re all I’ve seen it before 60 and 90 days at a brick and mortar bank to get a purchase through because those lenders are just trying to push through all the refinances work with somebody that’s actually going to be dedicated to your purchase buyers right now, this is where relationships are going to be. make or break. Okay. All these agents still have business to do and if you call your lender and they can’t get on the phone, because they’re too busy just doing refinance business find someone else.

D.J. Paris 12:14
Yeah. And I think it’s important to note too guaranteed rate, this is essentially all they do, right, versus a brick and mortar bank that is handling all sorts of other ancillary stuff, checking savings, investments, insurance, etc. And maybe the support staff isn’t there isn’t quite ready to handle the influx of, of applications and refi. So guaranteed rate, you know, you you guys have, this is what you do, and you do it quite well. I’ve refined with you, as well. And it’s always been a great experience. I’ve always only hear good things about guaranteed rate, whether you’re a new lender or refi. The fact that the bottom line is you guys have the staff in place to do this. Yeah, it’s

Joel Schaub 12:56
a mortgage driven company only. So instead of trying to sell checking accounts and savings and car loans to people, it’s mortgage focused. So our dedication right now is for purchase business to close in 21 days for all realtors, okay, we’re all the banks are going to skyrocket on contracts come through, just called you’ll, there’ll be staff available ready to go just do the purchase business for sure. And there is an opportunity to team up on the refi stuff. But the good news is rates are going to be here, okay? This is a situation that will normal out, okay. People ask me all the time, and then probably years, you think they could go any lower? Right? Could rates go lower? I have a four and a half percent, the bank is gonna give me three and a half now. I’m gonna wait. I’m gonna wait a little bit and see, you never know where it’s going to go. I think we’re really near the bottom. And so the good news is that if the rates go lower, it’s pretty easy just to ask your bank refinance loan even further.

D.J. Paris 14:00
Well, and they you know, I think also it’s important to remember like Hindsight is 2020 right and with with ever trying to time the market, whether you’re an investor, and you’re trying to buy, you know, options, or stocks or bonds, the smartest people in the world can’t figure out how to time the market correctly. And this is also a point to remind our clients also we’re not trying to time the market, what we’re trying to do is to possibly take advantage of where things are currently. And it’s a great opportunity to just explore and see if it’s a good option idea to refi or, or to purchase. Obviously rates right now are low and things obviously could change. But it’s a great opportunity just to make sure your clients know what’s going on, versus what they may or may not be hearing on television or or if they’re like most consumers, I bet they’re not paying much attention in real estate. We think everybody knows everything about real estate, especially lending and rates. Most people aren’t paying attention. They have other concerns. They have their own lives. And this is an opportunity for realtors to reach out to their clients and start to educate and what better way to reach out and provide value after a sale or even before a sale, before they’re actually ready to buy or, or after two years after they purchased, you know, hey, I just was wanting to let you know what’s going on out there. I know you’re a big fan of staying in touch with it for those reasons.

Joel Schaub 15:22
So here’s number two. Okay, if I was a realtor, right now, what I would be doing to get more business, we’ve already talked about number one, which is educating the buyers about the rate drop, and not just rates the payment, you don’t write the rate on the check, you write the payment on the check, right? There’s no checks anymore, I’m dating myself, but you send a payment. If the payments a couple $100 less, it means that I can either pay less, or I might be able to go into that next step up and be about the same payment. So that’s one, two, if I’m an agent, I’m going back to all of the listings that may be expired, or people that weren’t ready to list. And guess what with rates down the pool of buyers is huge. Yes, I’m getting request after request for pre approval people are out buying. So what does this mean? It means that a listing right now has a greater opportunity of getting more people through the door, more offers at a higher price. Okay, when the rates go down, the more buyers are out there. So if I had a listing before, then I just don’t think I can get this price. Let’s try it. Let’s get it on the market buyers right now are looking for properties. And there’s still a lack of inventory in a lot of places. So you might get lucky you put the property on the market. And with rates being so low, you get two or three buyers that are willing to pay something that they weren’t going to pay earlier in the year or even just six months ago.

D.J. Paris 16:53
Yeah, I think that’s that’s really important. So it’s sort of a win for the realtor on both sides, the buy and the sell side, right, they’re their clients looking to sell this is an opportunity to create bidding war opportunities, because there’s more because his rates are so low cash is so much cheaper. Now, they have the opportunity to have more, like Joel said, the buyer pool is increased. And then also great opportunity for the buyer as well, who maybe wasn’t able, if rates were, you know, significantly higher, now’s a great time to get them off the fence. renters. Joel mentioned that earlier, if you’re not educating your renters right now about and running an analysis, like Joel said, These calculators are everywhere online, you just run the numbers and say, Oh, by the way, for an extra $100 a month, or maybe it’s even cheaper than your rent, you can own a place pretty easily at this point. And if you’re not making if you’re not doing that, I know for me, when I transitioned, this was a long time ago from renting to buying. The only reason I knew to do that was I just thought about it one day when I wonder how that works. And I googled it and I figured it out on my own. But if somebody would have guided me through that process, I would have been indebted to them. Because I didn’t know I was sort of ignorant, I was completely ignorant on on the home buying process and how mortgages worked. And I just didn’t know I had to educate myself. Don’t, don’t let and I’m a popular guy, I have friends I people like me, and not one person ever sat me down and said, Hey, you should really be buying a property. And I eventually just kind of did it on my own. But don’t you know, don’t let that happen to lots of people are out there aren’t that familiar with it? built my

Joel Schaub 18:31
business by being the educator, right? And teaching, right? So as your mortgage guy selling your buyers? Are they using closing techniques? Or are they actually educating and helping. And so that’s the number one thing that I always encourage my agents to do is be the person who’s educating. If you are providing value, people will continue to come back. So those two points there, it doesn’t help just to call people and say rates are low. Right. But what, Rachel, but what what does it mean for me? What does it mean for the homeowner, okay, for the homeowner that wants to sell their place, I probably won’t have as much time on the market because there’s a lot of buyers out there. Or I might get a higher price. Because I can test the waters a little bit right now I can put something up 10 or 15 grand above 20 grand depending on your market or even more, and test and see we haven’t seen that in a while we used to have these agents and I was not a fan of what I just proposed. I was always a fan of listed for what it’s worth and get a lot of offers. Now there’s an opportunity to literally live something a little bit above or maybe even a lot above. Buyers are gonna go out there. They’re gonna say wow, I can afford that place for this payment. So I’d be going back after the buyers that I haven’t talked to in a while on explaining to them about payment. And I’d be going back to any of the expireds or on the fence listings and explain to them that I can be the guy or girl to list your property right now. And I think we can get x for it. Because buyers are out there, and rates are low. So now you’re providing some value. And that’s what this is all about. And I know

D.J. Paris 20:13
you just, you just said something really important. And I want to just circle back to it. And I not sure all the different episodes we’ve done if anyone’s actually made this exact point. So I want to make this really drill down on it just a little bit, because I think it’s so helpful. So George has said something very powerful that many of you might have just glossed over, which is he said, calling expireds right. So for those that are realtors in this industry expireds for sale by owners, these are listings that are sold these, these leads are sold to realtors all the time. So what happens on an expired listing, is that homeowner is going to get called by a ton of Realtors, all pitching, why they should relist with them, and why their marketing strategy is the best and why they’re the best realtor for the job in the past realtor just didn’t do X, Y and Z. And this is what they’re going to do. And okay, that’s all fine. But what Joe just said it was very interesting. What if you call those expireds and said, Hey, this is a really good time to relist. And yes, I’m going to do a great job for you. But I want to explain to you why it’s a good time to relist, that is such a different conversation than most of these expired owners are going to be those calls they’re going to be getting. This is a very unique call. And it’s it’s number one, it’s true. And it’s educating at the same time. And it’s going to endear you to them. Because you’re going to say just so you know, here’s why I’m calling Yes, I would love to get your listing. But I want to explain why it’s a good time to relist what whoever you choose, and that that’s such a big thing. So I just wanted to honor you for that because that was a big tip that you just gave people.

Joel Schaub 21:51
Most agents call and they say me, me, me, this is why I can do something right. And so you just got to flip it be the reason that people are motivated is that you’ve given them some value, or you’ve educated them on something different. And so that’s the approach, right? They’re going back and saying why? What can we do now? And why am I different? Okay.

D.J. Paris 22:12
Oh, Joe, we have a I forgot to mention, we have a question for you believe the caller calling in now. We don’t have that. But we do have a question. This is our first question that we’ve received from the Jersey Shore, believe it or not. Now, this is what the person said they were from the Jersey Shore. So and I have been to the Jersey Shore. And it’s that is a fun place. But the woman’s name. I actually don’t have it. But some someone from the Jersey Shore emailed us earlier. And I wanted to ask you specifically because she listens to the show. And she said, Do Joelle. Do you work with clients nationwide? She said she knew you were in the Chicagoland area you were geographically located here. Do you work with all states or you only focused in Illinois.

Joel Schaub 22:57
So as an employee of guaranteed rate, it gives me a lot of opportunities. So we’re licensed in all 50 states and I personally have 11 states and counting. Okay, so depending on where they are specifically at, I handle all the high level stuff, I have the conversations. So if there’s any state, we’re lending there, so it doesn’t matter. I have somebody that would be specific on my staff that would be in a specific state. So yes, if it’s out of state, we’re definitely able to take that. And most of our out of state stuff is at 250. And above. Okay, so a lot of people call on the go, I got an $88,000 house and in my own got a pretty nice house. I grew up in Michigan. So for autumn state deals, we have to have some kind of cut off. So I would have somebody else handle the ones that are smaller and just for efficiency. The short answer to that question is yes, we’re in office. So if you’re,

D.J. Paris 23:49
if you’re a realtor out there, or you might even be a buyer or a seller and investor great time investors are going crazy right now, because the rates are so low. They’re obviously buying more up more properties. But if you’re a realtor, or a consumer looking for a lender, Joel can handle all 50 states. And if he personally can’t do it, he’s gonna pass it over to someone on his team who’s equally qualified and going to take great care of you. So please, Joel, we should actually talk about that. What’s the best way that anyone listening to our show can get in touch with you in case they’re looking to have that conversation?

Joel Schaub 24:26
Well, if it’s realtors, and they’re looking to actually have a partner to help their buyers get pre approved, I am taking on new agents and that’s fine. We build a relationship together. And so we’ve done this before. And a lot of people out of state right now I’ve had real fruitful conversations because of this show. And it’s the same thing that we did last time it’s an email, and it’s literally So Jay OEL at ra subject line keepin it real. And then inside it’ll say I heard you on the show, let’s get a conversation going, then I’ll schedule a phone call, I’ll learn more about what you’re doing as an agent. And we do a lot of different things to help agents grow. It’s not just them sending us deals, okay, there’s a lot of RESPA compliant co marketing, where I have 1000s of dollars a month that I’m helping agents promote, broker opens and open houses, and flyers, etc. So there’s a lot of opportunities, if you’re working with the right lender, whether it’s me or somebody else, get them to contribute, get them to help and grow your business. So that’s the part of it on any of the agent focus, because even though rates are low, my focus here isn’t just refinances. My focus is making sure that agents have a lender that will actually kick butt for them, pick up the phone, even when they’re slammed with other things and actually have a park. Okay, that said, if you want to do the refinance, you can literally say keepin it real refinance, quote, and then I’ll send a link and we can go through all the different options for refinances that is eligible. So we send an online application, eight to 10 minutes, and I’ll be able to run quotes for you guys to select from.

D.J. Paris 26:10
Yeah, and I want also everyone to understand, too, that that this is a this is not a paid advertisement for guaranteed rate, we are just huge fans of Joel of guaranteed rate, we were looking when we first started our show, we wanted to partner with a lender that could provide that benefit for our listeners, and angels, the obvious choice, we’re so honored to have him because he literally is that good. So if your current relationship with your lender isn’t very strong, if you’re looking elsewhere, we would encourage all of our listeners to and viewers now to to check out Joel, visit him, email him directly at Easy to remember. And you can also text or call him directly 773-654-2049. Please also understand this is maybe the busiest Joel has ever been in, in his whole career certainly have the busiest time, but he is very, very quick to respond. But I understand it is a crazy time for you. So for people to reach out, you know, Joel, we’ll get right back to you if he’s not immediately available. But that’s he’s he’s always available. And he’s always willing to do this show. And we really honored to have him. So Joel, on behalf of the audience, again, thank you for your continued support of our show, and providing a tremendous amount of knowledge and awareness to the broker community and also consumers about what’s going on out there. And for all of our listeners, we encourage you to reach out to Joel as well for all your lending needs. Also, we could ask everybody to follow us on Facebook couple of good reasons why to do that. Number one, we post every day one article designed to help brokers grow their business, we find we scour the internet, we look for only articles that are high quality, about teaching realtors, how to grow their business, we post that in addition, of course we post all our episodes, but we also broadcast these episodes live. So right now, as you’re listening, if you’re listening through a podcast app a couple of weeks ago, we actually broadcast this live on Facebook. So you can follow us on forward slash keeping it real pot. And please one more thing, tell a friend, just think of one other real estate professional that you know that could benefit from listening to people like Joel and all the other great guests we have and send them a link to the podcast, you’ll be helping us in just being able to do more episodes for everyone. And so Joel, once again, thank you, we will see you next month. And who knows what where things are going to be then right? It’s a crazy time.

Joel Schaub 28:43
Well, I’m glad that we came on in the whole focus here, again, is just making sure that agents got something out of this, that they actually can go out and use those two techniques to get more closed transactions in the next 30 to 60 days because the opportunity is there. Instead of being paralyzed with fear of how do I move forward? Those are two real strategies to go back and get more deals. And then before we go just if it is a refinance scenario, I always want to bring up the best way to go back to your own lender. Okay, so it’s not just coming to me, if you have a good relationship with a lender, remember, there’s always two good options when you’re looking at refinancing. It’s asking them what the lowest rate in the market is, which they would love to give you because you’re gonna pay in fees. Right, right, and say, Well, what is the rate that I could get? Have you paid all the fees for me? Okay, in this environment, rates have dropped a lot. So if you’re in the fours, the banks want you to call and say, give me that three and a quarter percent because they’re going to charge you the fees, right? Well, what would happen if the rate was three and a half and there were no fees? That’s a pretty good deal. I’m going from four and a half down to three and a half and the banks paying all the costs, so be careful. Don’t just go calling everyone looking for the lowest interest rate. You ask, what is the rate on a no cost refinance, and then just do a little bit of math. And that’s another good tip for everybody out there. Okay.

D.J. Paris 30:09
Yeah, don’t be a rate chaser. I think that’s important. I was doing this recently with just some cash I had sitting around and I, I subscribed to a website that every month says, Here are the best money market accounts and savings accounts. And I saw one that was 20 basis points higher than, you know, my current rate. And I thought, Oh, well, that’s free money, I’m going to just chase the rate, go to a new bank, and transfer the money, it should be easy. And it was so difficult to do that I ended up giving up and I went, you know what, I’m keeping it where it is. Because it was such a challenge. And I learned that lesson that you know, chasing rates, while wonderful and great. And if you can do it, awesome. But you want to go with somebody that can get things done for you. And this bank ended up not getting any of my business because they made it so difficult for me just to move cash. Guaranteed rates not going to do that. Obviously, they’re not in the in the in the savings and money market business, but they’re not going to do that with respect to your to your loans. They’re going to take care of you. And they may have the lowest rates, they may not but they are going to get the job done. And that’s the most important part. And the relationship is everything. And Joel has if you’re in the Chicago area, you already know Joey has an amazing reputation. If you’re not in the Chicago area, we encourage you to get to know him. So reach out to him again. and He will take care of Yeah. So Joel, thanks again for being on the show. And we will we’ll see you next month.

Joel Schaub 31:35
Okay, looking forward to it. We’ll see you soon.