Why Real Estate Agents Need To Stage EVERY Listing • Deanna Kory

March 24, 2022

Deanna Kory from The Corcoran Group in Manhattan talks the importance of her mission to educate people. Deanna returns to the beginning of her career in real estate and discusses her grandmother who inspired her to start down this path. Deanna also talks about the importance of staging in the era of picture-perfect image world and how to handle clients who refuse staging. Next, Deanna talks about her philosophy around building a business and her personal touch when in communication with clients. Last, Deanna provides her take on what’s going on in the market today and where it is going.

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This episode was brought to you by Real Geeks.


D.J. Paris 0:00
We’ve probably heard that staging helps sell homes faster and for more money, but let’s talk to somebody who is super passionate about it. Today’s episode, this episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by real geeks. How many homes are you going to sell this year? Do you have the right tools? Is your website turning soft leads and interested buyers? Are you spending money on leads that aren’t converting? Well real geeks is your solution. Find out why agents across the country choose real geeks as their technology partner. Real geeks was created by an agent for agents. They pride themselves on delivering a sales and marketing solution so that you can easily generate more business. There agent websites are fast and built for lead conversion with a smooth search experience for your visitors. Real geeks also includes an easy to use agent CRM. So once a lead signs up on your website, you can track their interest and have great follow up conversations. Real geeks is loaded with a ton of marketing tools to nurture your leads and increase brand awareness visit real geeks.com forward slash keeping it real pod and find out why Realtors come to real geeks to generate more business again, visit real geeks.com forward slash keeping it real pod. And now on to our show.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Parris. I’m your guide, and host through the show and in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with top producer Deanna quarry who by the way has sold over 2 billion in real estate in her career. So super excited to hear from Deanna before we get to Deanna a couple of quick reminders please tell a friend about our show. Think of just one other realtor that could benefit from hearing from top producers like Deana send them a link to our website which is keeping it real pod.com. Also, please leave us a review. Let us know what you think of the show. The way you can do that is whatever podcast app you might be using. If you are using one, go to their to their review section and leave us a review. Let us know what you liked about our show. And also what you’d like to see us improve or change we’re always reading every comment and it really helps us to get more visibility more listeners and also like I said to improve But enough about that let’s get to the main event our interview with Deanna quarry.

Today on the show we have Deanna Perry from the Deanna quarry team in New York, also part of the Corcoran Group. Let me tell you a little bit about Deanna Deanna quarry has distinguished herself as one of Manhattan’s top brokers by all measures and continuously ranks among the top five agents and sales volume within the Corcoran Group year over a year. Now with over 36 years of experience in the industry. She has built a reputation as a hard working broker with a great intellect, knowledge, sensitivity and expertise and has built and leads an incredible team of esteem professionals, Deanna has sold this amazing well over 2 billion of residential real estate in Manhattan. Oh yeah. And in only in the last decade, which is beyond incredible, and her team has a unified and strong presence throughout the city. And a testament to Diana’s marketing success is the sheer variety and depth of her transactions. Deanna has marketed and sold apartments and townhomes of all varieties, and is headed up several sales teams in major new developments including one $300 million project where she was responsible for over 100 million in sales. Within nine months. She is lauded in the industry and by her loyal clientele for her brilliance in marketing, and negotiating and is highly sought after for her perspective on the state of the market. Deanna stands out in the industry as a pioneer in staging properties for resale, and has a keen knowledge of what it takes to create a visually appealing space by improving or even redesigning what exists in order to increase the market value of a property. Please everyone visit danas website, which is Deanna quarry.com and spell that D A N N A and KSRKORY I’m gonna give it one more time da nnakory.com. And Deanna, welcome to the show.

Deanna Kory 4:36
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for having me on. I’m excited to be here.

D.J. Paris 4:40
I am excited to have you and since I just get your website before we get started, I wanted to point something out that I after, gosh, I think 350 episodes over five years I don’t think I’ve seen before. I really encourage everyone to visit the website by the way. The website link is in our show notes. So you can you can see that if you’re listening through a pod test app, the reason I’m gonna direct you to her site other than, aside from it just being a great website is what she did specifically, what we call above the fold. And what above the fold means is really, when someone first visits a website, the initial sort of screen that they see without having to scroll, like what’s the first impression, and which she did I have never seen before, quite frankly, among all the guests I’ve had, if we think about, oftentimes, what Realtors do for their website is they often have, you know, there may be some made major sort of splash image, or maybe more, maybe even more. More commonly, you’ll see a search engine like, Hey, you want to look for properties. Here’s Danna, didn’t do that. And instead her above the fold content, and there is a lot of it, but it’s really well sort of positioned and, and decorated, is different pieces of content that buyers and sellers would actually want to see. So I think that’s really interesting, because it sets you apart. Deanna from all lots of other competitors. And I know that was really intentional for you. And before we get into your story, can you just talk a little bit about the website? Because it is so cool.

Deanna Kory 6:10
Yeah. Well, you know, part of everything I’ve done when it comes to marketing, is to provide information to people, I really believe strongly that we’re there not just to sell homes, we’re there to educate people, because education is the key to people understanding what they’re purchasing, what they’re selling. And in order to get the best possible deal both as a seller and as a buyer. So I’m always looking to educate people. And that’s really what this website is all about. It’s not just about promoting the properties, although it is as well, but it’s about providing information. So we created it not from a textbook, not from someone who we went to does hundreds of websites, but we created it independently to reflect that sort of site. So that people can come there and learn everything they need to know about buying, about selling. And even more, we do a lot of work with architectural histories and histories of neighborhoods and all sorts of things. So I encourage you to stay into go to it and explore it.

D.J. Paris 7:09
It’s a great place for broke realtors to see maybe a different way. And it’s very elegant. it the way it’s laid out is very, it’s very readable. And it’s cool how you were able to put as much content as you have, right there. When I first hit the website, I was like, Oh, I know, I don’t I never need to scroll. Not that I would scroll anyway. But I didn’t have to to get to the content, which which I think is oftentimes agents don’t think about as much. So I appreciate that. I also should mention, and not just because it’s Women’s History Month here in March, because that’s that’s not the reason to bring this up. But it is something to mention that while Deanna has has a wonderful team, and she has both men and women on her team, all of her agents are currently are women. And so she has this wonderful group of women. So we honor that, you know, specifically in this month, but we I always think that is so cool when when I see, you know, all women’s based, you know, group of agents, because it’s not that common. And I just think it is it’s really, really cool that you do that. Well, let’s talk about how, you know going back now I guess 36 years or so. We’d love to hear about you know why you got into real estate and how?

Deanna Kory 8:25
Yeah, well again, sort of honoring Women’s History Month and the story is really apropos. So my growing up my grandmother, who came over from Romania to calendaring Canada, followed in her brother’s footsteps who came to Chicago, no less your hometown. Yeah. And they were in the business of real estate. So happens. So she ended up going to Chicago and joining the firm. And within one year, she tells a story. She was the top salesperson, she walked into the room this very long day with all the salespeople, and they were honoring her and she didn’t want to have any products. She was ready to go out and sell again. She was very, very, you know, business oriented, very dedicated, very competitive. And so she was the top salesperson within a year of joining that firm. And then she eventually started her own firm. And she was responsible for originally developing part of the north side of Chicago. And then subsequently during that time, she also started to develop an all women’s golf course with Joe Nevada, if you know that name was just a golf pro. And then, of course, the depression struck and she held a lot of mortgages on buildings all across Chicago. And she fled like everybody did. I mean, the business was over and she went to Hollywood and rented movie stores homes and then eventually ended up in Miami. But for years when I was growing up, she would go back to Chicago to sign quitclaim deeds for people who were selling land and collect money. But anyway, so she was my inspiration actually for getting into real estate and cuz I knew that if she could make it in the 1920s in Chicago as a woman, as a woman as amazing, yeah, yep, she’s in all the papers. She was like Christian Science, Math or whatever, Chicago paper. And she Amelia Earhart, she was very, very big for about probably about a seven to 10 year period before the depression, and then she just got really cool, you know, she, she had her fame, and she went on and didn’t and went into oblivion relative to what she was doing back then. But I admired her so much for doing what she did. And it you know, and then she ended up in Miami and investing in real estate. And we ended up having family in Miami in real estate and all of that inspired me. So I, when I was a classical musician of all things, and I, yeah,

D.J. Paris 10:47
what instruments did you play?

Deanna Kory 10:48
The soonest? Don’t ask,

D.J. Paris 10:50
wow, you’re like the only bassoonist I’ve ever met.

Deanna Kory 10:53
Yeah, I was a musician. I went to Conservatory in Ohio. And I decided, when I was I actually studied with my idol in the Philadelphia Orchestra. And I decided that I was not going to be a professional musician. So I went to New York where I could be in the classical music business, because it’s the only place you’re sure in the classroom, he’s sure. That was there for four years making next to nothing. I think that was the lowest paid person that I knew. But I tried, because I did love music. And I just decided I need to be in business on my own. So I applied to business school, I applied to Columbia, I plan to NYU, got into both got a scholarship to NYU, and was going to go to NYU and I decided that summer, which was this June 37 years ago that I would try real estate. Wow. So I tried real estate. And I said, Wait,

D.J. Paris 11:45
so I want to I want to back up for a second. I just want to pause. So you had did I hear you correctly? Because I’m feeling like I must not have? Because did you say you had a scholarship to NYU? That you were like, no thanks. I’m gonna go into real estate.

Deanna Kory 11:58
Well, I, I was going to go I was planning on going but I thought you know what? It’s true. Let me get into real estate. And you know, let me see how I did. And within a month, I was just I was above it was like a bug because I sold my first apartment. And I really wanted to make 100,000 My first year, this is a 1985. That’s a lot of money in 1985. Oh my god. And you know, and remind you, you know, I don’t know what property is costing in Chicago, but back then the studio, you know, in a new beginner price on the studio, maybe it would cost 20 million plus $30,000. I mean, we didn’t have MLS systems, it was all 6% Commission, but still it’s like 20 or $30,000. I had a goal to make $100,000 My first year it’s a lot of sales. I ended up making 90,000 Not too bad. And I never looked back. I never ended up in business school. And here I am, you know, whatever. You know, how many years later. So, you know,

D.J. Paris 12:55
well, I’ll have to I’ll have to tell my sister because she she didn’t do NYU for undergrad. We actually both went to Miami University in Ohio. But she ended up at stern NYU business school. And she did not get a scholarship to go to business school. And thankfully, she got very lucky though, right out of college, she was working for L’Oreal at the time. And which is funny because both of our last names or Paris, we are not French and we have nothing to do with L’Oreal Paris. But that just happened to be where she worked. And L’Oreal was was kind enough to actually pay her entire way through Stern. So. So other accent would have been very ugly for her right after. But that allowed her to be able to go out and buy a place in Manhattan, which is which is obviously not an easy thing to do today. But so so you you, you may have had this goal to in 1985 to sort of sell $100,000 in net income, which is which is a difficult thing for anybody in their first year.

Deanna Kory 13:50
Yes. Yeah, no, no, I obviously was a I mean, I just have a talent for it, obviously. And maybe because of growing up around it and all of that. And I loved it. And what I ended up doing is I really love people. And I love helping people. So that I mean, I do love apartments too. But my goal really is to help people and you know, I went to Oberlin, which is an Ohio as well. Sure. And if you know anything about Oberlin, like about 5% of the Oberlin population goes into business.

D.J. Paris 14:19
Right? So it’s not really a business school. Yeah,

Deanna Kory 14:21
we are not. It’s all not for profit. I mean, yes, a lot of people become lawyers, doctors, you know, that kind of thing in some grade school. Yeah, yeah, it is. But I think it was like 10%, whatever. It was a small percentage. So I always felt very guilty for going and selling real estate because that’s like a real business. It’s like, it’s a rich person’s thing. But I decided that the only way I could live with myself doing this is to really do it to help other people and to make their process as easy as possible and to educate them. So this was the way I started my business and I just decided that I was going to be if I knew that if I thought if I have the I didn’t By having a goal, I want to make X amount of dollars, I put that out there, and then I forgot about it. I really wanted to see how I could help people make a decision, find something they love, be happy with what they bought, and have them. So when it was time to sell, so that was my goal. That’s, that’s the whole thing behind, you know how I feel that I did very well. And in my first or second year of doing this, I, one of my clients was someone who was one of the original people who started Comedy Central. Oh, wow. And she had, she was very young. And we were both very young. And I was trying to help her sell an apartment. And she was telling me about how she thought like, The Wall Street Journal used to sell subscriptions, by having people call up to get their guide to money and markets, which is an educational piece. Yeah. And she said, You know, I see that you’re doing this, I started a newsletter, also my very first year, which I’ll tell you about in a minute. But I, you know, here’s this guy to money and markets. And that’s how people are doing subscriptions. So I thought, you know, that’s what I’ve been doing already. But let me just capitalize on that. So I continue to do things to educate people. And that’s I’m big in architectural history. So it’s been about architectural histories of people’s buildings that they didn’t know about. And it was, for me great fun, because I love that kind of thing. So it’s been part of my whole Mo. And that’s why my website is also so different, because that’s just the way I operate.

D.J. Paris 16:26
We should also mention, I forgot to mention this above the fold, too, which is also a very unique place for this, but it’s such a smart place position wise on your website, on your homepage is your your newsletter, which is right there. Obviously, it’s in fact, your spring 2022 newsletters up, people can check it out. And you put this together yourself. And I just think this is part of what you just mentioned, this education, this providing value. And tell us a little bit about how important is that newsletter to your overall branding, strategy, marketing, or just keeping your clients sort of abreast of what’s going on.

Deanna Kory 17:04
I think it’s critically important for me, because my brand, and it was always this way was to be sort of someone who was like, as you said, in your intro, intellectual, you know, understanding and capable of really dealing with people on that kind of a level. So for me, that was a critical thing. And I actually started a newsletter. And when I first got into the business, now it did help that I had been in, when I was in the classical music business, I was in public relations. So I learned how to write, I learned how to promote people. And I learned that type of writing. But I decided that there was validity back in the early days in me and nobody was sending around newsletters that back then. So I was very lucky. In me, I was new, what did I know about the real estate market. But you know what I had, I had my observations. And my observations were valid. And I decided that was very important. And so I wrote a letter with dear and I have the people in the names put in. And I talked about what I was observing in the market. Because back then there weren’t, there wasn’t websites and data

D.J. Paris 18:07
where you couldn’t easily just pull data and stats, no. So people

Deanna Kory 18:10
really enjoyed seeing and hearing. And the most important thing that I did is be 100% consistent, I was extremely consistent about it. So I would do it the in in that time period, four times a year, because it was just a letter, it was simple. It wasn’t so long. And then as time went on, it got more comprehensive, more complex. And instead of taking Well, this is me, instead of taking the company newsletter, and using it where you know, they get it from everybody. It really is specifically mine. And people do recognize that which I find very interesting. They’ll they’ll call me up and they’ll say, you know, I’ve gotten your newsletter for years, it’s so well done. It’s so you know, thoughtful, or whatever they say. And they hold on to them because they’re on beautiful paper, you don’t have it, but I make sure they’re on very nice paper. They’re they’re really, in my in my mind, they’re one of my you know, prize marketing tools. But that’s not only that, and also as an educational tool. So and I do not only that generalized newsletter, but I do newsletters on specific areas in Manhattan, because I have a special specialization in those areas. So I work on those areas as well provide data and it’s my own interpretation. It’s not anybody else’s so

D.J. Paris 19:20
well that that’s what I that’s what I love about about what you’ve done. And I think so many agents today are either not confident enough to put their observations into a newsletter, it’s a heck of a lot easier to buy that information from a source that might write it all for you or might provide data that you just you know, are you know, sort of spit back out regurgitate, which is fine, and I have no no issues with that. But it’s more uncommon for me to see a content from a Realtor with an actual point of view. And that is really what most people want to see. They want to know what you think versus maybe just Here are the stats of the neighborhood. So I think that’s a really important distinction is putting your own observation. And it sounds like that was very successful for you.

Deanna Kory 20:08
Well, it has been, and frankly, I’m not sure if the company would allow everybody to do that. But I’ve been doing it for so many years, to be honest with you. And they’re very, you know, they know that I know what I’m doing. So I’m fortunate in that way, because I have their permission, I don’t even have I don’t run a I shouldn’t say I don’t run it by the company, but they see it, they’re aware of it. And you know, and I feel really very proud of it, frankly. And I think it’s a great tool. Not I mean, I actually enjoy even there’s a lot more talk about podcasting, a lot of work. These newsletters are a lot of work. And but I have a wonderful team, I have to just tell you, I’ve developed and we can talk about that if you if you’d like to develop this team. And right now I have one of the best teams I’ve ever had. I really just love everyone on my team. And they’re just fabulous. Their experience, the oldest member in terms of the years working with me on the team, someone has been with me 24 years. Wow. And I have on average the agents on my team. I just recently hired three young because I have to have, you know, young people on my team. And then their average time in the business is about two years. But my other team members, the agents, their their average time is about nine years or 10 years. So I have really experienced agents on my team. They’re all superb, I would have them handle my properties. They’re excellent. And I feel very confident in them. And I just adore them. I adore them as people and I just think they’re excellent at what they do. So anyway, it’s just it’s wonderful. And all the agents are all women, as you say. So in celebration of this particular month, but it’s great.

D.J. Paris 21:39
And I also Yeah, it is really cool. And your enthusiasm for wanting to help not just help but educate is clearly coming through even even in this conversation. You’re educating our audience on your process. And I appreciate that. And I have to ask you only because you’re a classically trained musician. Do you have a favorite composer?

Deanna Kory 22:01
Oh, my goodness, that’s a really hard thing to

D.J. Paris 22:05
do you have some favorite composers

Deanna Kory 22:08
on the south things to say that I do really love some of the Russian. You know, I love some of the Russia shows, you know, Stravinsky, and I just think that they’re perfect. I love some of that beautiful, very sort of haunting music. I’m sad to see what’s going on right now. Yeah, I mean, I you know, I, I was Asuna so the most famous bassoon concertos is Mozart Bassoon Concerto. So I obviously who doesn’t love Mozart? You know,

D.J. Paris 22:36
I I’ve yet to I’m not that I’ve been playing guitar my whole life. And I play classical guitar for a bit, which is a whole different style of playing and very, very difficult compared to like rock and roll style guitar. But um, but yeah, Mozart is in I haven’t listened to every, you know, classical composer, but Mozart to me is I’m consistently amazed. I just recently got into as a five Violin Concerto set. And I was listening to it going, this is some of the most incredible music I’d ever heard. So anyway, yeah, we everyone loves Mozart, but I would love to see on your website, you playing some bassoon? That would be

Deanna Kory 23:16
I had my instrument stolen, and I just resume all right. No, I’m not kidding. Some many years ago steals a bassoon. Don’t ask it. Anyway, recently, I joined a group of business people who were classical musicians in their former lifetimes. And actually, somebody just recently lent me their bassoon, and I just bought a read recently. So I am about to try it for the first time. And I can’t hate to tell you a few decades.

D.J. Paris 23:44
How exciting. I want to talk about staging. And I, we this is something we talked about it before on the show over the years. But I think and I have a theory and I want you to tell me if I’m if it’s an accurate theory, or if I’m wildly inaccurate, because I’m not a producing agent. I don’t go out there I sit at a desk all day. So I don’t know what you guys know. But I would assume as somebody who’s kind of more on the other side, oddly enough, even though I recruit Realtors all day long I really know so little about about the industry. But which is even more funny that I do the show but it is a lot of fun. However, I would think from somebody who still sees himself as a bit of an outsider. The idea that we’re living in an Instagram perfect world, as well as you know, with everyone having immediate access to making their faces look perfect with a tap of a thing and reducing you know, make reducing blemishes and things and we all can look young and beautiful and and we can make every thing we eat look beautiful and amazing. How important is staging today? Maybe even due to the fact that we’re so used to seeing perfect imagery online all day long. It was through an infinite scroll.

Deanna Kory 24:58
Well, I mean, I’m in for better or For worse staging is that really, I think, critical to achieving the strongest possible price. But I believe that 20 years ago when I was the first agent in the New York area to stage, so I was really I saw, I knew it was happening in California, maybe it was happening other places, but I knew it was happening in California. And I had an apartment, I’ll never forget it. It was a it was on Central Park West. And it was a small three bedroom. And the woman had her mother moved her mother in with her. So we painted it empty, that made it nice and clean, and sort of showing it and one of the bedrooms was small, and there was no dining room. So people would come in and complain. And I remember it was priced at one for 1.595. And this goes back 20 years ago, okay. And then we lowered it to 1495. We kept getting 1275 We couldn’t get higher, and she desperately wanted 1.3. So I said, you know, there’s this thing called staging, and I’ve been wanting to do it. And I think that would really help you get your 1.3. So I went out to the furniture rental company that I knew. And I said, I’m gonna try this, you know, what is it gonna cost? So for $10,000, I picked out all the furniture, I placed it, I got things from my house brought it in, and then I put it back on the market. And what do you think I got?

D.J. Paris 26:21
I am I’m excited to hear how much

Deanna Kory 26:24
1.5 from two people.

D.J. Paris 26:28
So that’s $10,000 investment essential?

Deanna Kory 26:31
Yes, yes. Well, I never looked back after that. Another thing I could do to help people achieve the highest possible price. So I started doing it, and I have a good eye for it. I still have a good eye for it. And I think that’s the key also to doing this successfully. Because I’m one of those people that some stagers don’t like to work with, because I’m very highly critical.

D.J. Paris 26:50
You know what you’re doing? Yeah,

Deanna Kory 26:51
I know what I want. At the top stager in the city, one of the top stages in the city who I work with that it’s IMG, if you know that name. They’re really wonderful. And they they’re the I’m probably one of the only people that listen to when when their corrections to be made. Because I do have a right idea of what I want to see I know exactly what I want to say I know what works, I know what doesn’t work. And when a stager doesn’t do a good job, I don’t mind to say it because I know it, you know. So I’m pretty pretty tough to work for. But if you do a good job, amazing.

D.J. Paris 27:23
Well, either ad Oh, quick question about staging, because actually have a bunch of questions. But the first one is around, are you still renting equipment? Or do you have your own product now that you store? Okay, you know, I

Deanna Kory 27:37
just don’t want to get into that business, even though I actually initially did. But it will tell you that your your question. And I think it is a good business for some agents. And it’s a great way to maybe do that. There’s some people who are very successful with that. And I think if there’s a little bit younger, maybe I would do it. But but it is a lot of work. I think so. But I will tell you asked about Instagram and you asked about, you know why it’s important? Well, when I was doing it, I was the standout apartment because nobody else was doing it. But now everybody’s doing it. And on Instagram, everybody’s perfect, right? So if you don’t have that, I mean, what can you do? You’d have to try and elevate beyond whatever it is, but you put these are sort of picture perfect images, right? That you need to compete, you have to be at least as good. So that’s part of the problem. It’s a it’s a dilemma. Because the reality is, there’s another thing about, you know, beautifully staged apartments and also beautiful photographs. Because sometimes, and I struggle with this, to be honest with you, I struggle with the fact that sometimes we do these gorgeous photographs in the apartments not as good as the photographs. And I think sometimes you have to think about that. Yes, and I sometimes don’t, I’m not, you know, sometimes it’s just these apartments are just about houses. But sometimes the rooms with the angles, it’s impossible to get a really good photo. And those are the ones that people come in, and they’re overwhelmed, because they’re so excited by it. So it’s it’s kind of one of those things, you want great photographs, but you don’t want them to good. But on the other hand, they should be picture perfect, because then you

D.J. Paris 29:07
know that that’s a really good point. It’s sort of I think about this, I’m not a single person, but if I were and when I was single in recent years, back after these, these tools became available for everyone to look young and beautiful and perfect. And then you’d meet some, you know, I’d go on a date and I meet a woman and she didn’t look as perfect as her photo because nobody does, of course, and I would go boy psychologically, I understand why people do it. But psychologically, for me, that’s a bit of a little tiny bit of a bummer. Like, Oh, of course they used to filter, okay, this is what they really look like whereas, so you’re dealing with a similar sort of thing in real estate. It’s like you want it to look beautiful and attractive, but you also don’t want somebody to go in and go, Oh, okay, this isn’t exactly what I saw in the photos. That was perfectly and you do see this. It’s so funny. We see it with I love when some of the Virtual Staging that happens. And they make the sky just a little bit too perfect if it’s an exterior shot or the lawn, if it’s, you know, if there’s grass, it’s like a little too green. And you’re like, Well, I know it doesn’t really look like that. And so I always think, boy, they just crank the the contract or the vibrancy up on these colors. And so I imagine there is an art to it a little bit of a push and pull of make it look look realistic, but also beautiful, but not too beautiful. So

Deanna Kory 30:30
we can address some of those virtual stages crazy, to be honest with you. That’s something that’s not quite right. You know?

D.J. Paris 30:38
Yeah, yeah, that’s true. And and when you’re dealing with listings, what percentage of the time do you provide staging? Is it every single listing? Is it a certain listings,

Deanna Kory 30:49
I would say about 90% of time. But not, it’s not always full staging. Sometimes it’s just a matter of tweaking, I mean, I just I had an apartment. And you know, her apartment was dated, she wasn’t going to do a whole staging. But we went in there, we brought lights, I mean, we I will do what we call sort of minimal staging. I have two staging closets. Okay, that’s my inventory. And I have a lot of my inventory out right now. And so I, you know, I’ll take things in, and I’ll make it I’ll just make it a little bit more. And now nicer, put some put some orchids in there, some beautiful decor, consider nicely done, I’ll put some color, I’ve got tons of pillows, so many pillows, I mean, I could do a pillow warehouse, and I’ve got you know, accessories and so forth, you know, beautiful vases, you know, that kind of thing. So, you know, just people don’t always live that way, right? I have our work, I’ve got mirrors. So I’ll bring in things to really help. And honestly, I think it makes a difference, I don’t want to say makes the full difference. But does it help me just elevate the property. Yeah. And that’s again, something that I feel is a real wonderful service. And I do I mean, if I don’t, since I have a team, I have a lot of people doing a lot for me. But when it comes to staging, especially some of the apartments that are, you know, a certain price point, I I’m there, you know, because I’m the one that everybody knows on my team that I am the perfectionist or the one who really has the best eye for staging. Well, it’s

D.J. Paris 32:19
your brand too, so you want it to aesthetically, you know, fit a certain design style and but it is interesting that now staging has become so much more popular, because we now staged all of our photos for our entire lives, you know, you scroll through, and I’ve even seen a wrinkle on someone’s face in like 10 years now. I’m like, boy, my friends must all be just aging so gracefully. It’s but it’s so easy. And it’s but it is important because we do expect and I think now also with technology, making our gratification so much faster, we’re able to get things delivered instantly, whether it’s you know, everything from food to, you know, anything you want to purchase, you can basically buy within a day or so it’ll be at your doorstep. We’re used to jumping, you know, in cabs and Ubers and just not even having to say where we’re going, they just know because we told the app, we’ve just we don’t have to do much anymore. And I think even though the DIY community is been growing, I think that’s a certain type of the popular a certain percentage of the population and there’s another percentage that’s like, why isn’t it perfect now, and so it’s so the staging, I think is really important. And I’ve seen Yeah, I’ve seen it in our own agents, we encourage everyone to do it. But if you do have clients that resist that, you know, how do you sort of handle that you know who maybe they have an emotional attachment to particular pieces of furniture or how do you address that?

Deanna Kory 33:54
Well I have such confidence in what I do then I I’m very firm with people and if I rarely get turned down when it’s about furniture and things like that, but occasionally I do just recently I have a listing where they had had this a lot of turquoises and blues which can be good in a mid century modern kind of setting but it was a little bit off it was not right and i i They would not stage and their neighbor who have referred me and I was the third broker on it because it didn’t sell on with the blues and the color and this and that they had vacated it because they bought another place and I finally said okay, if you’re not going to do that you must paint it. And I’ll give you the white because you have no idea I know every white that’s out there. So I know what’s going to be the best white in what apartment and I take the color swatches in and I really do this every time and I make sure that it’s the best it’ll provide in this case is a light prime department. How’s that? And I wanted to make sure it had the highest light reflection. I got through light fixtures I did all sorts of things and we made a beautiful clean slate. I mean they’d be you have a clean slate. And we saw that right away. So, you know, I just, you know, we do the best we can I mean, I couldn’t stage it, but obviously, whatever I did did did the right thing. So

D.J. Paris 35:12
yeah, and I love that I would love to hear your philosophy on building a real estate business as well. I know, that’s something that you’re passionate about.

Deanna Kory 35:21
I am, I am. I mean, I started out look, the world’s a lot different than when I started. And so a lot of the things that I did, but it’s the same principles anyway, had to do with you know, Hi, my big thing was about incredible customer service, as you can tell, educating and incredible customer service because I was determined that I would stand out, I always felt that I’m kind of a perfectionist, and I’ve kind of dropped a lot of the perfectionism, to being, you know, like, 90 90% is good enough, or 95% is good enough. But I, you know, I really wanted to be treating people the way that I would want to be treated. Because you know, even if you’re buying a 500,000 in New York, which was a $500,000 apartment is not a lot of money relative to other apartments, but it’s still $500,000. So you want to be treated in a certain way, it’s a lot of money. And I never lose sight of that fact. And so one of the things we do is high level of customer service, the marketing for me, as you’ve heard already, what I do in terms of the newsletters, and of course it was doing event at the time, that COVID kind of portail did a lot of events. I used to do classical music concerts, I had Steinway calm, I did, also I did things with the landmarks, organizations, I’m very interested, as you can tell an architectural history, I did all sorts of things to you know, really distinguish myself, when I was a little behind the times, although not that far behind the times in terms of Instagram and Facebook, just because, you know, it was just so new to me. And I just wasn’t quite as caught off guard. But I think we’ve caught up we have a great following and we haven’t doing great we try. And we’ve been trying to improve it and improve it. Because we know again, we want to educate people, we want to provide this beautiful content visually. But again, I’m I’m really more into educating. But I think if you stay consistent with marketing, which is part of what I’ve done, and you stay consistent with staying in touch with people, which is the other thing, I have a whole system, I have a what we call in my in my team, a deal management system, which I might end up selling at one point to people, but it’s a wonderful way, it’s different, because it’s specifically meant for the real estate industry. And I find it really helpful and I do a weekly meeting in my team. And we go over every buyer, every seller, so we know everything that’s going on. And we go over every single lead that we have. And we are constantly on top of the people that we have that are long or short term leads. So we’re constantly doing things to think about future business and building business. And and obviously, it’s it’s proven results, you know?

D.J. Paris 38:03
Yes, clearly, I’m curious on staying in touch, I always feel that that is oftentimes an agent’s Achilles heel, especially after a sale, but but of course pre sale as well. I once asked, excuse me, I once asked a of one of the top agents here in Chicago who was on our show. And she is like, like what I say top out of 46,000 agencies like number two or three. And I asked her I said, Well, what do you think the difference is between you and she was just this very polite, sweet, soft spoken kind of kind of person. And I was trying to extract what her sort of, you know, sort of secret was of success. And she goes, You know, I’m not smarter than anyone else. But I do call every one of my clients every single week. And I said, you know, regardless of whether there’s an update or not, and I said, and she goes no that that that’s it? And of course she does a million other things too. But But I’m curious on on because you’re talking about consistency with your branding, with your marketing, but also with your communication, you know, one to one communication? How does your team do that? What are you doing? You talked about having a meeting each week, where you’re going over all of the team’s leads and kind of where everyone is in the process. But can you go a little bit deeper on that and just share, you know, specifically,

Deanna Kory 39:22
what we do we have we have a meeting and then I have each of my team members is responsible for a certain number of leads. And and what they have to do is stay in touch with them not as a crazy person because we’re already touching base with them with all our newsletters and all our information. But we go through periods and we’ve just gone through the period of beginning of seasons where we want to know if people are maybe interested in selling. So what we’ll do is we’ll I don’t like to send a very simple thing I don’t want to send Oh, how are you doing? You know the markets doing blah, blah, blah. I want to give whoever I send a note to something that’s relevant to them. Okay, again, it’s about educating. So I want to let them know, this apartment has been sold, these three apartments have sold in your neighborhood, that’s great for you, it shows that your value is is, is strong right now. And then I give a little blurb about the market. And you know, as it relates to them, because in New York, I don’t know how it isn’t Chicago, but in New York, we have all these different market segments, I’m guessing you have the same there. So it’s very specific what’s going on, and whatever the segment is, so I make a very specific paragraph about what’s going on in their market. And I totally get a great response rate. And I do it on a regular basis. And we’ve just gone through a round of them. And I’m still working through them, because I have my team members write them based on what I, you know, have just said to you, and then I edit them and make sure that they’re the right, because I actually usually know the people that are the leads, I know the sellers, or the buyers, whoever it is. And, you know, it’s it’s proven to be a really good because people know that they’re carefully specifically written, they’re not a form letter. That’s why it’s hard for me to take some of those like, you know, management systems sort of thing, cut the contact management systems, which just spit out, you know, a form letter type of thing. It’s tough, because I like this personal touch, just like the woman who calls I just don’t have time to call everybody. But I do through letters, you know, so

D.J. Paris 41:23
yeah, you know, it’s really funny. I was thinking about this the other day, I purchased a place my primary residence in it was a new development. And just for fun, so funny that I should have gone to the MLS because I am technically a real estate agent, even though I don’t use my license. So I should have gone straight to the MLS to run a comp for myself, but because I’m lazy, I went just like most people straight to Zillow. And I’m like, I wonder what Zillow thinks my home after a year of purchasing not that I’m thinking of moving I am not. But I was like, you know, everyone likes to know what their home is worth. And this really speaks to what what you were talking about. So I went on to Zillow, and I typed in my address. And now I don’t know how accurate the Zestimate was. But it was a very nice number to see. Because I just happened to sort of accidentally timing the market. Well, just because of you know, the pandemic was so strange, but just kind of got lucky that way. And so I went, Oh, my God, look at what my place is worth. Now, I don’t know if that act numbers accurate. But I started thinking, you know, I’ve lived here a year i Obviously I think realtors who even know about this development might think oh, there’s nobody moved in as moving out anytime soon. And they’re you know, they’re all new. And they just spent a bunch of money on these on these places. But I have, there’s 46,000 realtors in the Chicagoland area, I have not received one postcard, and maybe they know I’m in the business, but I doubt it. Not one postcard, not hey, we noticed your home is actually appreciated since you purchased it. And these are not, you know, starter condos. These are these are more, you know, expensive type condos. And so I I’m just thinking, gosh, there’s so much opportunity for agents to do exactly what you’re talking about is to send that I mean, I had to look it up myself. And and then I ran a real confident with okay, this estimate was wasn’t totally accurate. But it was still like a nice thing to know, because everyone likes to know what their places worth. And and it’s such a simple thing that you do, but it isn’t. It isn’t easy to do. It’s simple, but it is incredibly important to those homeowners.

Deanna Kory 43:27
Yeah, it is. I mean, it’s again, educating and again, imparting information. It’s all in the same vein of everything that I do. And so, and I you know, and I like it, I just I like it, I feel like I add value. And I think by feeling. I mean I think other people feel like I do as well, otherwise I wouldn’t get the business. And I do I really try and help people out. It’s it’s just been my philosophy, because of the way I see it. I’m very blessed. I really feel like I’ve had a great run a great life. And, you know, the My business has been, you know, really excellent. So you know, if I don’t sell something, I don’t sell something, but I’d rather help that person. And that’s how I’ve always felt. That’s how I always started the business because I felt that people would understand that and feel that in their hearts. That’s how I felt. And I felt that way anyway. But you know, sort of sometimes tempted because maybe times are a little tough and you want to you know, that’s just not a good way to because people feel the anxiety or they feel whatever it is. And I sometimes say to my agents, I have one agent who came to me recently she was losing a deal. And I said, You okay, you got to calm down. I said you got to calm down because you can’t want this more than them. You have to want what’s best for them. And if they don’t want it, you have to accept it. You just have to accept it. You have to let it go and accept it. And I want you to get and I had coached her to be very accepting. I told her what to say. I said you have to put yourself in this frame of mind. Well wouldn’t you know it the first the deal fell apart and then it came back together. So you Gotta let these things go. I mean, it’s really about the other person. It’s not about you, you know, it’s about the other person.

D.J. Paris 45:07
I have two final questions for you, because and I know, I know just how busy Well, I don’t know how busy you are, I suspect, I know how busy I suspect you are managing a major team as one of the top teams in all of Manhattan. But I do have two important questions that I think our audience one’s a fun one and one’s a more serious one, we’ll start with a more serious one, which is, you’ve been in this business a long time, 36 years, you’ve had a tremendous amount of success, I would love to hear your take on what’s going on in the market today. Just to sort of set the simple stage and New York is certainly Manhattan is its its own thing, of course, as well as San Francisco and a few other our markets kind of similarly. But I know here in Chicago, which is a different market, but probably maybe more common to other major cities. You know, we’re dealing with a lot of shortages, in inventory, obviously, low and low interest rate environment, so tons of people are buying with more purchasing power than they had before. I’m sure that helps out in New York as well, when everything is so incredibly expensive to begin with. But what do you think the state of the market is? And where do you start to see it going?

Deanna Kory 46:13
Right? Well, you know, we were hit the worst, I think of all markets during the pandemic, because we were the epicenter for the pandemic when it happened. So it was a real, it was just a struggle, anyway, and we came out of it. And I like to say the bottom of the market was sometime between August and October of 2020. But then it started going up from there. So and we had a record year last year in terms of volume in terms of sales volume, what didn’t, it did not translate into the prices did come back to pre pandemic prices, but we’re still not at the peak, as we were in the 2000s, sort of 14 to 16 times are really 1415 downgrade. I will say that there was some exceptions to that. The market in general has been very, very strong in the new development condo world, which is they’re having record years, and their prices are up relative to other properties. And so that’s sort of where they are. Now, what’s happened this year as we’re going into 2022 is that we have, we’re not having a lot of inventory come on the market. So this is the first time we’re having that. So we are seeing a little bit I’m seeing a little bit of upward pressure on resales, a new development, you know, you can’t be can’t keep a decent new development on the market right now. But in terms of resales, which are resale condos, resale coops, those we’re having, you know, we have a shortage in certain categories like that one that I told you, we sold right away the classic 60s, there are certain categories where they’re sitting on the market. So it’s a little uneven, depending on location, size, price point. But what is pretty uniform is that we don’t have a lot of inventory coming on the market like we normally do at this time of year. So the lack of inventory may result in price increases. Now we are in a time period where we’re looking at very volatile stock market, for obvious reasons because of Russia and Ukraine. And that is a very, incredibly sad thing that’s going on right now. And we don’t know exactly how, you know, obviously whatever happens there is going to have an impact on our market to some degree. But people still are we do have a shortage of inventory now relative to before. And so we’re are starting to rescind people just make decisions when new things come on the market. And so it’s still a robust market. It’s still very strong. It’s like sort of like last year, which was very strong. But I think there’s a little cloud because of the Russia Ukraine thing and the volatility of the markets.

D.J. Paris 48:42
Yeah, I think that’s anytime, you know, it makes it makes sense. I think I think that’s, that’s right. I know, pre pen or bright when the pandemic started, we’re friendly with some brokerage owners in Manhattan. And they were really concerned about, you know, people fleeing the city and whether they’d come back and what the office buildings would be pop how populated they would be when we returned to normal, and we’re starting to get there which is, which is exciting. But it’s good to know that Manhattan is still doing doing well. And, and I imagine too, but it is funny too, because then you end up realtors, most of our listeners, I think as well as just realtors in the country oftentimes had their best year last year, which is sort of a weird, sort of benefit to this awful sort of tragedy that we’ve all gone through. But it’s also dripping prices up and there’s been you know, just some inventory shortages. But I imagine for you a great opportunity to reach out to your your owners and say, hey, you know if you’re looking to you know, now we’ve a lot of us have learned and maybe real estate agents don’t get to benefit as much from this. But a lot of just traditional businesses now are like hey work where If you want to do things so you know, I met people traveling, I traveled a bit and last several years, when it was safe to do so all over various countries. And I was shocked at how many people who, you know, just said, you know, I subletted my place, or I’m renting out my condo, and I’m traveling right now. And I’m not totally sure where I want to end up. So this idea that people who own now maybe some of those shackles have that immediate geographic location where they thought like, I thought I was going to have to be in Chicago my whole life, and I love the city. However, now I know, I could probably since I’m not, you know, realtors, I can have a bit of a bigger mountain to climb if they want to sort of work remotely. I think that’s harder. But, but a lot of business people now can just kind of go everywhere. So are you seeing a lot of a lot of opportunities there to say to your your people who have purchased in the past? Hey, what are your plans? What what are you thinking of doing?

Deanna Kory 50:59
You mean in terms of selling, and just in terms

D.J. Paris 51:01
of, of yeah, now, now people can say, you know, they’re able to say, Well, gosh, maybe I want to move to Nashville, or, or Austin, or Charleston, or some of these, these places where now you know, people can move, I imagine that probably has opened up conversations between you and your clients a

Deanna Kory 51:17
lot that we have a little bit of migration to Florida and some of the Southern. And so that is happening. But you know, there’s those of us who live in Manhattan and love Manhattan, ya know, and this is a large portion of the population. There’s no place like Manhattan. So one of the things that is happening in this country, a little bit of this sort of some people moving out and doing remote work elsewhere, is the fact that people want a piece of Manhattan. So we’re getting a lot of people are getting a piano tear, a second home or third home or fourth time, whatever it is. And that is driving a lot of a certain portion of the market, which is nice. So people really want to have a piece, they want to have a home here. And we’re seeing more of that. I don’t I don’t know if there any percentages, but but again, anecdotally and unlike any other agent, right? We’re getting our fair share of people like that. And more than I would say most but so I think that percentage is up, actually, which is nice.

D.J. Paris 52:18
Well, I’ve always thought which I probably will never be able to afford to do myself, Although who knows. But I if I were to get a second place, I would it would be in Manhattan. Again, that’s a huge, huge accomplishment if I were able to be able to do that. But But yeah, my mom growing up my mom used to say just just as kind of say something cute. Although I don’t certainly don’t mean to offend anyone else because I do not have any ego about where I live and about any I’ve been to almost every state this country and I really like all of them it to some degree. But my mom used to say there’s really three cities growing up, she’d go, it’s New York, number one, Chicago’s number two, San Francisco’s number three. She’s like, that’s it. And I always thought that was kind of funny. But but but there is something very magical about about New York and people who live there, you know, want to, you know, yeah, maybe they end up retiring to Florida. Like my sister now, who now lives in Florida. She’s not retired. They’re raising their son there. And it makes more sense for them to do that. But they are itching to get back. So I’m excited. I’m excited to hear that that New York is still going so strong.

Deanna Kory 53:31
And it’s not just Manhattan, by the way. Brooklyn has Ferro remarkably well, better

D.J. Paris 53:37
than it’s been. So I remember I remember Brooklyn when When? When it wasn’t. It was It wasn’t so much fun to go to Brooklyn. And now it’s just, it’s just like, Whoa, this is the coolest part.

Deanna Kory 53:53
The Brooklyn agents last year they hit out of the park. It was crazy. So Manhattanites, which I am one. My daughter she had her choice might live in Brooklyn, but she’s now living in the village. But anyway, so you know, Manhattan in Manhattan heights are sort of Manhattan ice. But Brooklyn has been really like one of the hottest locations in the New York City area. So it continues to be so

D.J. Paris 54:18
yeah, I It’s fun, Brooklyn. So I just I haven’t since my sister moved to Florida about five, five years ago, we used to spend all of our holidays in Manhattan because my sister lived there and why not? And now we’re down in Florida, which of course, weather wise is nice, but but we don’t get to go to Manhattan as much and I’m going to

Deanna Kory 54:43
show you some of my favorite restaurants and things.

D.J. Paris 54:46
I would love that or we could just go to John’s and yes, it’s a pizza. Yeah, well, I do have one one and I never, you know, it’s funny just to pull back the curtain on how we do these set up these interviews with with people like Deanna, we I have somebody on my team, her name is Donna and she does a pre interview and sends questions. And Deanna wrote a really, really, we asked these questions, and then I never ended up asking the asking them during the interview. And I always feel bad because our guests write out these really long, wonderful answers. But I’m going to ask you this one because I thought this was such a great answer. We usually ask people, what’s your like, funniest real estate experience? And yours was real comedy of errors here. It’s like, it’s almost if you were to write it into a script, it would, you’d get notes back from the from the producers going, this isn’t realistic, this isn’t going to happen. So we can’t put this it’s not no one’s going to assume that this could ever happen. But it did happen. And so they say what reality is stranger than fiction. But do you mind sharing that sort of brownstone inspection experience?

Deanna Kory 55:51
So you know, in New York City, we have these row houses, we call them brownstones townhouses, there are many different names that are used from them. This was a brownstone, which is made on a brownstone. And it’s a house, but and originally was a single family house, but they get divided up into apartments. And this was a while ago, that I had sold two floors, the lower two floors of this house. And so then we’re bringing an inspector in and this is the comedy of errors that happened. So we walk into the house with the inspector. And, you know, with inspections in New York don’t have that will happen before the contract is signed, I don’t know it’s different than outside of the city. But we had just done the thing, but had been, but I hadn’t been in the house. And in a little bit like a week or two, because it takes a little time for some of the due diligence to take place. We go into the house with the inspector, and I open the door and the alarm goes off. So I know this was the first thing that happened,

D.J. Paris 56:48
you did not know there was an alarm or how to turn it off.

Deanna Kory 56:52
I didn’t have the code for whatever reason, they hadn’t set the alarm before. And I tried calling them and they didn’t answer their phone. And I was going crazy, because I think the police are gonna come a fire department’s gonna come I don’t know what’s gonna happen. And I finally out of desperation, I go walking up the stairs to the apartment upstairs. And I knock on the door. And this man opens this opens the door in the bathroom. And I’m thinking Oh, my God, it was middle of the day, right? And I thought, Oh, dear, I’m so sorry. But I set off the alarm and I can’t reach them. And do you happen to have the code? You said no, no, it was just surgery. And I’m thinking oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, and I’m sorry about the alarm. And I went running downstairs. And I’m meanwhile trying to figure out this alarm and, and they’re going around and they’re doing their inspection. And then they go ahead and they open the flue, and they’re testing the fireplace, and he puts the fireplace on and lo and behold, you know, you open the flue, and you would he was doing smoke comes built, here’s the alarm going off, smoke comes billowing, and there’s a Birdman and I’m like, Oh my gosh, the people call them they finally give me the alarm code, I turn it off. And I’m like, I can’t even tell them about this smoke, and I don’t know what to say. And I didn’t know what to do. And I’m like, and finally we get the fire, calm down, the windows open, everything’s everything’s, you know, complete and done. And then finally, I’m like, get through this inspection, you know, 2500 square feet of space with all sorts of things, you know, outdoor area back of the bar of the lawn inspection. So finally, we’re finally finished, we close everything up. We go out and now in these buildings, you know, there’s the front door to the apartment and we go out the front door, the apartment and then we have to go and pull the front door forward. That’s how they work the impulse. You take the knob and you pull it in and I go to take the knob and pull it in and the doorknob falls off and get out of this house. And I can’t make this up. This was just the killer. Okay, what do we do

D.J. Paris 59:04
that is incredible. Maybe Maybe all the bad luck just happened at once. And then he didn’t have hopefully any more bad luck that year. But what a great story and I think our audience can certainly relate to every every agent and has had you know those types of experiences.

Deanna Kory 59:22
This is crazy. I ended up I ended up sending flowers to the guy with the surgery. I felt so bad. I ended up selling three of three of the four apartments in that building ultimately, so it didn’t turn out so badly.

D.J. Paris 59:35
Oh, wow. Amazing. Well, Deanna, I am so appreciate you coming on our show and sharing your your truth about how you built your business suggestions for agents of what they can do with respect to branding and marketing. Talking about your process and your team’s process. It’s been incredibly valuable. I want everyone who is listening to please check out Deanna has a team’s website which is the Deanna quarry team, part of the Corcoran Group, visit Deanna on her website, which is Deanna quarry.com. And again, it’s really a cool and different way to present your hers or Deanna in particular in her team present themselves with putting really great content front and center versus, you know, below the fold, and you have to scroll to find it. And also check out her newsletter as well. But her website is Deanna quarry.com. And I’ll spell that d a nnakory.com. And I was telling Deanna ahead of time that I grew up with a lot of Corys, who are Lebanese, so I keep wanting to miss spell, Cory, because I’m used to being spelled differently, but D A nnakory.com is the category team website. Also, there’s a link to that in our show notes. And Deanna, it has been a absolute pleasure. Oh, by the way, all of her social media is also accessed right from her website. But also check her out on Instagram, which is the which is Deanna quarry team will also have a link to that in our show notes, and she has great social media. So please check her out there. And if you happen to be a buyer or a seller and investor or renter, and you are looking in the New York City area, and you would like to work with one of the top teams there Deana what some what’s the best way somebody may could reach out to you,

Deanna Kory 1:01:25
obviously, email or text and we’ll get right back to you. We have great. As I said, You agents who are very experienced, on average, they’re like seven or 10 years in the business depending. So I have fabulous people that I would have worked with me if I was a newcomer, or an experienced purchaser. So anytime would be happy to help.

D.J. Paris 1:01:48
Yeah, so just send an email to info at Deanna quarry.com, or visit their website, Deanna quarry.com, you can get in touch with them. They’re all their informations right front and center. It’s super easy, it’s easy to find. And she’s everywhere. So it’s really very, very, very present a realtor in New York, on behalf of our audience. Deanna, thank you so much for your time today. This was a real pleasure. For us. It was a real, I definitely want to see the the first bassoon sort of practice with your new read and your borrowed instrument. By the way, not a lot of the students floating around out there. So I love that it’s not an easy instrument to find. So I can appreciate appreciate you getting back into that which I think is really, really fun. And I I suspect your your your contacts and your your clients will love to see you participating in that if you decide to keep going with it. Because of course, that’s your part of your background. But also on behalf of Deanna and myself, we want to thank our listeners and our viewers for continuing to support our show for making it all the way to the end of the episode. We ask everyone before they sign off to do just two quick things. Well, three things visit Deanna cory.com. Check out what her and her team are all about. Also give you some great ideas for your own business. But also to other things is please tell a friend about this episode. Think of one other agent that could benefit from hearing this wonderful conversation and insight from Deanna 36 years in the business. Billions of dollars of real estate sold, send them a link to this, this episode you can or just send them to our website, which is keeping it real pod.com Every episode we’ve ever done can be streamed right there. Or if they’re a podcast person, just pull up a podcast app, have them search for keeping it real and hit that subscribe button. And I know this is a long exit. So I apologize. But one last thing, please leave us a review whatever app you might be listening to the show on whether it’s Apple podcasts or Google Play or Stitcher, Spotify, whatever, Pandora, Amazon, wherever you’re listening to this, let us know what you think of the show. Tell us give us a star review. Hopefully more than one star but give us whatever you think is right because it helps us continue to improve and we want to we make the show for you. So let us know what we can do to get better. And that just helps us reach more people as well. So Deana, on behalf of everyone, thank you so much for coming on our show. And we are so excited to continue to watch your team, you know take over Manhattan.

Deanna Kory 1:04:14
Thank you. Thank you for having me.

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