Why Real Estate Agents Need Humor In Their Social Media Posts • Haley Ingram

July 6, 2021

Haley Ingram is the marketing guru behind Coffee & Contracts and talks about the transition in her career from real estate into creating social media content for realtor estate agents. Haley focuses on the role of humor in social media postings related to real estate. Haley shares tips on how to determine the type of posts you should be doing more of and describes different types of posts she makes for her company’s account that resulted in massive engagement and social shares. Last, Haley talks about the role of video on social media.

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D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by next stop. So check this out. There’s a new platform built to help doctors as they relocate all over the United States. And it’s built by a physician that was fed up with moving for med school, intern year residency and the first attending position without any local resources to help plan these moves. So next hop is creating a one stop resource for all physicians moving needs. From realtors to mortgage lenders to school information and beyond. The platform is called next stop a physician relocation guide. And they are looking for realtors interested in working with physicians and their families as they move from out of town. Now next up is extending its beta pricing for the keeping it real podcast listeners, there is a monthly fee of $100 to be included in the next stop beta, no referral fees none which means you the realtor are keeping the entire commission now they are creating a valuable resource for the physician community while highlighting local realtors. Next up wants to be the go to resource for every physician move Find out more by visiting their website next stop dot guide that’s any x t sto P dot g y d. And now onto our show

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I will be your guide and host through the show and in just a moment. We’re going to be speaking with coffee and contracts founder Aly Ingram, one of my favorite companies. I’m super excited to speak to Haley in just a moment. But before we get to Haley, just a couple of quick reminders first, thank you for continuing to listen and support our show. If you haven’t already followed us on Facebook, please join us you can find us@facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pod. Every single day we find an article written specifically to help agents grow their business, we post it there and also we post our interviews as we’re recording them live so you can find us@facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pot and last please tell a friend think of one other real estate agent that could benefit from hearing from people like an alien that we’re gonna be chatting with in just a moment and send them a link over to our show. You can have them go right to our website to stream every episode we’ve ever done, which is at keeping it real pod.com Or you can have them pull up a podcast app on their mobile device. Search for keeping it real and hit the subscribe button. As always thanks again for continuing to listen, being a fan we appreciate it please send us your feedback. We’re always looking to make the show better. And now on to our interview with Haley Ingram.

Okay, today on the show we have Haley Ingram from coffee and contracts. Let me tell you about Haley I’m really excited by the way about this. We specifically reached out to Haley normally people reach out to us to be on the show we reached out to to coffee and contracts because I’m a subscriber and a huge huge fan. And but let me tell you about Haley Haley Ingram is the marketing group behind coffee and contracts or real estate marketing toolkit and online community when coffee and contracts launched in September of 2019. Haley was a recent college grad for growing a real estate business in St. Pete St. Petersburg, Florida. She quickly found her best leads were coming from Instagram and a light bulb went off social media marketing paid off much better than cold calling, she began attracting the attention of other agents looking for advice with social media marketing. At the same time, she realized she had a talent and a passion for graphic design and decided to put her marketing savvy with her design talent out sorry to pair her marketing savvy with her design talent today. Coffee and contracts has helped 1000s of agents to grow online through the power of social media so that they can unlock more time to focus on their true passion. Helping people find homes, please visit coffee contracts.com. Again, that’s coffee contracts.com And I believe if you do subscribe, and you should because I’m a subscriber and I don’t ever recommend any services other than a few and coffee contracts is one of them. And I believe we have a even a special coupon code for our listeners. But we’ll talk about that in a moment. But first Haley, welcome to our show.

Haley Ingram 4:40
Thank you so much for having me.

D.J. Paris 4:43
I Haley and I were talking all about Florida because she actually lives really close to where my sister is and where my parents are now staying in the winter. So we were wasting time talking about all the fun things around that part of the of that part of Florida that she lives. But before we get Alright, before we get into coffee and contracts, I’d love to hear the origin. See, I just assumed that you were just a marketing person had no real estate under experience, and saw, hey, I can create great content for for realtors for their social media, but you actually started in real estate. So can you talk a little bit about the transition from from college to real estate to coffee and contracts?

Haley Ingram 5:22
Yeah, for sure. So I started real estate a little bit in college, I actually got my license while I was still a senior in college. And I started doing marketing for a small brokerage in Orlando at the time. And I wasn’t really sure about real estate, I didn’t really know what all it entails to be a realtor, because I was kind of like on a team and working with them in that way. And when I moved to St. P, after graduation, I was like, I’m just going to do this thing, full force and jump into a career in real estate. And, and it was a lot more than I expected. But it was a bit of a rude awakening. But I just I really loved the marketing side of it. And I could spend hours in Canva and Instagram, just building my business, just promote primarily on Instagram is where I was focused. So I started kind of generating leads from Instagram and started having agents reach out to me asking for help with theirs. So I kind of transitioned into that, and found that I just love that so much more, too. So yeah, so basically, I started an Etsy shop where I was selling templates for real estate agents, and doing social media for some local real estate agents, and then eventually decided to put it into a subscription model and update it monthly. So that was in September of 2019. When we went live with the website, and then by November, I was doing that full time.

D.J. Paris 6:57
It’s absolutely incredible. We you know what I realized? We haven’t really told our audience what coffee and contracts? Yes. Let’s let’s talk about tell us about the company.

Unknown Speaker 7:05
Yeah. So basically, when you join coffee and contracts, you get access to hundreds of Canva templates, and it’s all in an online toolkit. And you also get access to a Facebook community. So we update the content each month. With the full content, calendar, Instagram stories we have, we work with the broke agent, if you’re familiar with him on Instagram, he creates meme templates for us. So we have that with like captions, video scripts, it’s literally like jam packed with a ton of content that has been poured in there over since 2019. So we haven’t really removed anything. So you can still access things from past months as well. So yeah, it’s kind of like a vaults of all the marketing templates and tools that you need.

D.J. Paris 7:54
And it’s really, really easy to use and customize. What I like about what Hailey and coughing contracts are doing is they’re really introducing a lot of humor into social media marketing for real estate. And this is something that has been notoriously missing from the vast majority of Realtors marketing efforts. It’s a very serious thing. Sometimes it might be a little silly, but it’s usually like the realtor is doing something silly, as opposed to thinking about content that might be fun, funny. You know, engaging and this is the most important part is we know that funny is usually the most engaging engaged content on social media. So Haley’s really built this entire company, providing this to agents so that they can literally just almost drag and drop content right into their social media accounts, and postings. And if you don’t want to be funny, there’s serious ones. There’s informational ones, you know, but there’s also the humor side of it, which is, I think, the coolest part about what you what they provide, and it’s really legitimately funny, cool stuff. It really is. And this we became a subscriber, the company I work at, we’re a subscriber, and we use this a lot because nobody else in the Chicagoland area is not nobody, but almost nobody and there’s 40 Some 1000 Realtors here, I don’t see a lot of funny content from realtors. And so I love that. So can we talk a little bit about the sort of the role of humor and why you sort of decided to make that part of the focus?

Haley Ingram 9:27
Yeah, so I I think it’s important to remember why people are looking on social media in the first place. It’s basically to be entertained, either entertained or get value in some way, like being informed or inspired. I know that when I look at social media, I’m just I save or like or send funny things and that’s what engagement is, is people liking, commenting, saving. So you kind of just have to put yourself in your audience shoes and be like what What is gonna stand out? And also think of it as what would stand out to you like in the thinking of someone in another industry similar to real estate? Who would you reach out to based on their social media? You kind of have to, like, step out of it and look at your profile as if you are like, You know what I mean? Like, looking at it from a different surf pair of shoes. But yeah, so that’s what I feel like humor is so important just because because social media is to be social and to be yourself.

D.J. Paris 10:33
Yeah, it’s so absolutely right. And, and it’s also something that’s kind of lacking in the industry. And so you’re really filling a need. And we did a so we have a, like a recruiting website for our company. And we’re in Chicago, and we have, you know, lots and lots of agents. And we’re the first time I built the website years ago, I made it pretty serious. And then I realized, like, a few years ago, we’re not that serious as, as people who run the company, we’re sort of silly and funny, and whatever. And so I said, Do you think it would be like off putting to my brand to our brand to put some funny sort of parts into our website, recruiting realtors? And I thought, Well, no, I think it’d be okay. But nobody does that. Or at least in Chicago, nobody does that. So we took a risk. And we’re like, you know, what, this is who we are. And it really, really helped. And so it’s not totally silly, but there’s funny parts to our website. And I think as agents, you don’t have to be cracking jokes constantly on social media. But even if you just wanted to introduce a little humor, like we did with our website, we just introduced a little humor. So people get a laugh, and we put our we put my dog on the on the, you know, on our website and says she the mascot and you know, she bites, ya know, funny, funny things like that. And, and we gave ourselves completely silly titles, because because we think it’s better. But anyway, we got a much, much better response. Because of course, you’re right, people do want to be entertained. And they also want to know that you’re human. And I think if if they’re only seeing if you’re a realtor, and I’m not, in any way criticizing anybody’s social media presence online, if it’s working for you, that’s awesome. But whenever I see only people posting just listed or just sold, I don’t I started just don’t even notice it, it just kind of I scroll right by it. I mean, I guess I feel good for a moment for that person, like a good for them. But I don’t look at it, I don’t really care, I just kind of scroll by it, I want something that’s going to capture my imagination, or my or make me laugh or make me think like you were saying informational. And I love that your content really does all of those things. And realtors are busy, right? Like they don’t have time, most of them to really create engaging, awesome content, you guys do that. And for a really low price per month, like it’s incredibly affordable. And even if it just generates like one lead a year, which you’ll probably do a lot more than that, more than pays for itself many, many times over. So I am just a huge, huge fan of your service, I think. Thank you so much.

Haley Ingram 13:02
Yeah, so happy to hear that. Yeah, we try to also I know like a lot of people say, Well, what if like another agent in areas posting the same content as me kind of thing. But we try to a provide so much content that you can really just choose anything. So you can switch it up and go find a post from last year and redo it a little bit and use that. And basically, it’s also a really good place just to get inspiration and ideas. And even like, kind of repurpose it into something else. So like a good example would be just like reels if Instagram reels is taking a caption that we have and turning that into a reel, or something like that. But we also try to give real ideas. So just like literal will reel is the idea of real slash tic TOCs. I know it’s like kind of a little bit complicated. But basically the idea is that when there’s like a trending sound or something, you can just use this down and do what that person did, but put your own spin on it. So we kind of give ideas for that about like trading something into real estate related. And it’s just been we we’ve been loving the real game.

D.J. Paris 14:19
Yeah, I mean, you’re we’re now yeah, there’s video, you have scripts, you have ideas. And again, that’s I think that’s such a great problem to solve for. Because, again, we have almost 800 agents in our own company. And the number one question we get about social media is I need some content ideas. Yeah. So now we’re like, well just go to coffee and contract like it’s, it’s what we did originally at our company is we thought okay, we we we pat we bought a package of like 600 Social media templates that were actually pretty pretty good. And so we found a vendor that was selling these social media real estate templates for Instagram and Facebook, and we patched them into Canva and then we let our agents use it. But they’re not particularly funny. They’re more serious and more business focused. There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re fine. But, but I think that what you what you guys offer is really current, it’s on trend. And you guys are staying abreast of kind of what’s what’s working in the social media world and providing that content for I’ll give you an example. So I reached out to coffee and contracts, just as a subscriber earlier this month, saying, Oh, hey, by the way, it’s Pride Month out in the LGBTQ plus community. Just curious, do you guys have any content this month for that? And they were like, oh, whoever responded was like, Oh, we have tons of content, here’s where you can find it. And I was like, Oh, thank goodness, because our team was struggling to figure out what we should be posting this month. And, and we’ve been using it. So it when I say current, like, really, really current stuff, and they’re just constantly pumping out this content? And to answer the I wanted to address the question you had earlier with? Somebody says, Well, hey, what if someone else has a subscription to this and another realtor? I mean, I wouldn’t worry too much about that, even if you are posting the same stuff. Because I mean, what are the odds that your clients are also following another realtor on Facebook? I mean, it’s possible, I guess, but it’s probably a pretty low probability. And also, what are the odds that someone wouldn’t even remember that? I mean, I guess if you guys released a post today, and everyone started posting it, same day, maybe, but I just don’t think that’s a real major concern, like, people are probably following you. Your clients are following you. And they’re probably not following your competition.

Haley Ingram 16:38
Yeah, I think that’s something that, that we say a lot, too, is like, it’s, nobody’s looking for real estate related topics like nobody’s, if not a real estate is going to notice, when they see like, Oh, she talked about three tips for getting your offer accepted. And now she’s talking about it. But yeah, and another thing is, we offer multiple different like post options for each day. So there’s usually like up to 10 different, like graphics that you can use. And we also recommend dropping in your own photos. If you take your own like branding photos or have like photoshoots with your team, we definitely recommend dropping in photos of you because those always get more engagements too.

D.J. Paris 17:22
Yeah, let’s let’s talk about engagements on on Instagram, in particular, what do you find? Or rather, you obviously have your pulse on kind of what the real estate community is doing? Because you created a company to solve for those issues. But what were the what were the issues you saw, or what you do see in maybe what agents get wrong about posting an Instagram?

Haley Ingram 17:44
Um, I think a lot, there’s a few things. One would be a lot of people think they can just set it up like an automatic post to go out and then just like leave it for the month, and they just so they find a service that like posts for them three times a week. And it just goes out. And it’s like a generic post that gets no engagements. That’s like, kinda goes back to thinking about how you scroll through social media, like, nobody wants to get sold to nobody, nobody’s coming here to get pitched, they, they want to be entertained, or they want to learn about you and like feel like they get to know you. So I think that’s like one of one of the biggest mistakes and also not being authentic and showing up as yourself on social media. A lot of people and I used to do this when I first started coughing contracts, I was like hiding behind the brand. And or hiding behind like the feet, I wouldn’t post pictures of myself or anything. But as soon as I started posting more about me and more about like how coffee and contracts came to be, and also just like showing up on reels and stories, my engagement went crazy. So I think that those are like two common mistakes that I see. But another one is also people overthinking it, I hear a lot of agents say like, Okay, I need to post every day, I need to post stories, I need to go live, I need to do this. And I need to be on every platform, but just like don’t listen to everything you hear. I think it’s just like what feels right for that person. And like, like, if you’re not a funny person and you don’t like humorous content yourself, then don’t like post that kind of stuff. Just do whatever feels right for you, but also get out of your comfort zone a little bit. That’s what I would recommend.

D.J. Paris 19:40
And I think those are great suggestions. One of the challenges that even I have with with our social media accounts and I’m sure a lot of realtors do, too, is sort of trying to understand engagement. You know, I know it can be really disheartening to spend time creating a post We’re even customizing one of yours that is, you know, we think it looks great. We post it. And we really don’t get the response we want. Maybe there are no comments, maybe there’s, you know, not as many likes as we thought we would get. And by the way that happens it sometimes even outside of our control, because of course, Facebook and Instagram and all the social platforms have their own algorithms to determine what content gets seen by WHO and it isn’t always obvious who they’re showing it to. But I’m curious about engagement. Like I know, it can be really disheartening when somebody’s starting out to see very few people seeming, you know, to either like or comment. But But how should someone think about that, because it really is a marathon and not a sprint, right? Like, when I started this podcast, we only had a few listeners for the first I don’t know, handful of episodes, and it took years and years. And now we have a much bigger audience. But there was no real magic formula for us. It was just keep doing good episodes. And hopefully once people start showing up, I’m curious on sort of what your advice is for realtors who aren’t seeing a lot of engagement and maybe what they could do to either adjust their own expectations or just understand how social media works a little bit differently.

Haley Ingram 21:12
Yeah, I think definitely, I think you kind of mentioned this staying consistent, it takes a long time to build up a following. Don’t take the easy way out, don’t try to buy followers or do anything like that, because your account can get taken down. And there could be some bad effects of that. So just be patient and be consistent. But when it comes to engagements, what I like to do is go to your insights on Instagram and look for like the past month, you can set it for the past 30 days, and look at your top posts. So which posts did get the most engagement, and then just try to do more posts like that and keep repeating each month. So see what your audience is reacting to, and then just replicate that. So and like being consistent, it’s just been pretty much the number one thing because I when I started out, I didn’t have very many followers. And now it’s been growing. And as it grows, it actually starts growing faster. I don’t know if that’s that’s been true for me. I don’t know if it’s true for you also. But it seems like they’ve kind of snowballs I guess that’s how it is in real estate too. When you get more clients, it kind of snowballs. But I do, I wanted to share the method that I’ve been using recently. But it caused my account to grow, or the coffee contracts count to grow 4000 followers in like less than two months. There’s just like a little change that I made. But basically what I do is I have five different posts that I do like five different kind of content pillars or categories of posts. This is for the coffee and contracts Instagram. Yeah. Um, so and that’s like, one post is like a funny reel that I like, I take and I make like a real estate related reel. And I have like a steal the reel series where it’s just encouraging agents to steal the reel that I made and copy it and make it their own. And then I have carousel posts, which is like the swipe posts which get a lot of engagements, those are always value oriented. So just providing some sort of value like ideas or insights on marketing and Instagram.

D.J. Paris 23:28
So basically, when we say when we say the carousel, what just to make sure people know those are multiple picture. So where people can can swipe through, so you tend to make those more informational. Yeah, gotcha.

Haley Ingram 23:41
Yeah. So it’s kind of like, here’s the post topic on the first slide, they swipe and then it’s like, number one, number two, number three. And then like a call to action at the end. So almost

D.J. Paris 23:51
like really like a deck or a slideshow. You know, that’s a really I want to pause just for a moment, because that’s something I really don’t see a lot of realtors doing either. So, you know, thinking about all realtors have? Well, most Realtors I think that that had been in the business long enough. Do you have some sort of what we used to call them war Books a Million years ago, but but some sort of presentation. And so this would be like a mini presentation on maybe one topic. And it’s it’s not a it’s not a full 22 slides, but it might be two or three with a couple of good data, you know, bullet points. So that’s a really smart idea.

Haley Ingram 24:26
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So and those also when you use the different types of posts that Instagram provides, that’s what the algorithm likes to see. So if you’re doing like a mixture of reels post carousels, which are the swipe deck type posts, that it shows that you’re using, like their different features and their new features, so they like to see that. But basically, I can designate one day a week to a different type of post. So like, I know that Monday I post a quote Tuesday I posted Tip Wednesday opposed to real Thursday, I post a carousel with value Friday, I do an agent feature. So as soon as I started, I don’t know if it’s just me like, it sounds super simple, but I think it just took the guesswork out of it for me. And also just, it’s just made me so much more consistent. And I’m like, it’s Wednesday. So I’m like, oh, gotta post a real like, if I haven’t. So a lot of people are like schedule, schedule your content advance. And I actually, I recommend that if you’re using the coffee contracts calendar. But for me, that doesn’t really work. I kind of get my like ideas on the fly. And I get excited. And I want to post it. So if it doesn’t work for you to do it, find what works for you and do it. But I recommend trying that method because it’s kept me consistent.

D.J. Paris 25:46
Has there are there have you noticed any differences in time of day when you’re posting? Or do you not pay that much attention to when you post,

Haley Ingram 25:55
I used to not pay attention. But I have noticed, like so much more engagement when I post in the morning. And I don’t I don’t know why. But I’ve just found that when I post in the morning, I get so much more but I kind of have a feel now and I used to not like this has been after like years of posting on Instagram, like trying to post every day? Well, yeah, since 2019. But I’ve now I feel like I know my audience and I know what they like. And I know what I know when a post is gonna get good engagement. And I know before I post something when it’s not going to get good and BH net. So like, I know that reels get amazing engagements. As soon as I started posting reels, which I was scared to do before. I that’s when I growth really started happening. And then also like just value. But I know that if I just post like a generic, like, here’s something in the toolkit or like, here’s me selling or a testimonial, I know that that’s not going to get engagements before I post it.

D.J. Paris 27:01
The other thing too, for agents that don’t have a massive following on on Facebook or Instagram is I know, you know, and I’ll admit to this, it’s a little embarrassing, I don’t know if while you are probably big enough to know where you wouldn’t do this. But for a lot of us, we’re checking to see when we see 55 likes or 100 likes on our image or we might go be going through and seeing who are the people that liked that image. Right. And and especially if we’re a realtor, because we might want to see which one of our clients or sphere of influence people are actually engaging with that. Because, you know, obviously, some people are not going to write comments, but they’ll just like, so I’ve always thought you know, one of one of the ideas I’m curious to get your thoughts on this is to increase engagement, aside from having better content, which your your team provides. also engaging with other people’s content. I know if I’m looking, and I’m not that into who’s liking my posts, but I still look and I suspect if we were honest, we most of us probably look as well, at least for our personal posts. Look, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, good. So I don’t feel so so selfish, like a loser. I look right, I look,

Haley Ingram 28:11
supporting you. And then you start even as someone that has, like, I mean, I don’t have that many followers, but I noticed the people that have been there, I especially notice the people that have been there since the very beginning that are still here liking and supporting. But you’ve also noticed other business owners that are like, even in my like, same industry and whatever like that are supporting and not just in, in agents, of course, too, that are members. And that just like leads to me following them and wanting to feature them and talk to them and like interact with them. So yeah, I think definitely in engaging with, with other people. Specifically, one thing that I used to do when I was a real estate agent getting started and I got a few clients from was going to local pages, like the St. Pete Instagram, like the city has an Instagram and then like restaurants, Instagrams, go to their followers, or who’s interacting with their posts and interact with those people. So I got a lot of people that were moving to St. Pete by following through this following St. Pete, because they were because when I moved to St. Pete, I follow their Instagram. Yeah, so I followed those people and they were like, Oh, look a real estate agent. And I actually like met people through that. So that was really cool. I had people reach out in there like I don’t even know why I’m following you, but I want to buy a house.

D.J. Paris 29:35
What you know, that’s, that’s what you just said was really profound. And I want to I want to dissect that for a moment because you just said something really big. And so so here’s what Haley was just saying she was saying okay, yes, you’re gonna notice who your who your followers are who’s engaging with your posts, and yes, you should also engage with their stuff as much as you can just as a reciprocal sort of nature, but she also said she started thinking she started looking for other accounts in this Case St. Petersburg’s Instagram account because she was moving there. And she started to notice who was engaging with their content and said, Well, if they’re engaging with that content, maybe they would be interested in my content. Or maybe I should be, you know, sort of checking in with them and seeing what they’re up to. Right, because these are active people on social media. So maybe maybe they’ll be liking or commenting. Or it just, boy, that’s such a smart thing to do. Because you’re finding people that are already active following other people’s stuff on social media, that is actually a really, really smart strategy that I don’t think we’ve really ever talked about before. Because we’ve talked about we’ve talked about things like, Hey, if you’re a realtor, you know, real estate’s hyperlocal going around to different businesses and saying, Hey, can I feature your business on my Instagram page, which is an awesome idea, everybody should do it, we should also be maybe looking at their followers too, right? Or, or just anything that’s supportive. But like, for example, I know that if I was featuring a local business on like, if I was a realtor, and on my Instagram page, hey, here’s a local business I support, I would want to know which of their followers are active on their page. And I would might even send them a link saying, Hey, by the way, I just featured, it seems like you’re a fan of this restaurant or whatever, I just wanna let you know I featured them. So if you want to spread the word, you know, you can do that. And that would be about you promoting someone else, not yourself, of course. And but but anyway, that’s, that’s a really sorry, I didn’t mean to get us off track. But that is such a great, great, brilliant idea. So thank you for that. And yeah, I also just wanted to ask about I wanted to talk about stories, basically doing video, how important is video, versus, you know, some of the static image posting, like, how do you see that? And I know you sort of do everything, but what’s your take on video do because there’s a lot of realtors who aren’t as comfortable in front of the camera? What are your thoughts on on the role of video and social media? Um,

Haley Ingram 32:00
I think that first stories, I to be honest, I don’t see too much of a difference between doing a video and doing a like just a static post. I think my only the only the bit. I mean, it’s basically the content that’s there. So for video, I think it’s when someone posts a video them talking for like 10 minutes. I like never listened to on. Yeah, so if it’s like something relatable or funny that just happened on a showing or something I would pop on video maybe and do like a quick one slide where you get it in. But and also, I think videos are important for when you’re like showing a house, but don’t overdo it and show like the entire house and make it boring. Remember that our attention spans are so short now. But I think the most important thing is including a call to action. So like especially this was another thing that got me success when I was a real estate agent was when I would go to listings or even just preview listings, because I was a new agent. And I didn’t have that many clients. I would do a quick video of the listing and be like, ooh, in this neighborhood, and then put a question box and be like questions, and I got so many people like what’s the address? And it’s like, Oh, hey, now we’re talking interesting. So let’s address what’s the price? Be sure to like? I don’t know, sorry. Make sure abide by your local regulations. But if if you can, like leave out a little information so that they can ask you.

D.J. Paris 33:36
Well, if it’s not your listing, I suspect you could say, Hey, I just saw this really cool house and there’s a little video of it.

Haley Ingram 33:42
For Sale, I just drove by.

D.J. Paris 33:45
The door was open.

Haley Ingram 33:49
If it’s your house, I’ll sell it.

D.J. Paris 33:51
You know what else? Yeah, I had this idea. I wanted to get your thoughts. This idea and this this. So we were trying to do more video. Again, this is recruiting realtor stuff, but agents could absolutely do this exact same thing. And I was curious to get your thoughts. So I was thinking about doing a daily like little 15/22 You know, video, maybe with a little tip of the day. And that was just getting difficult. We started doing it. And then a couple of weeks went in and we’re like, Okay, now we’re out of tests. We don’t know what to do. And then it was like, it was just too difficult. And I thought, well, you know, maybe what I’ll do is every day I’ll get on and I’ll say here’s my favorite real estate post of the day. And then I’d find somebody’s you know, a post on Instagram, I’d ask their permission, of course, say Hey, can I feature your post, you know, it was really cute or funny or interesting. And I’ll tag you of course and I’ll and I’ll source that you created this. It wasn’t me. And every day I’ll just be like, Hey, this is DJ and here’s this really cool thing I saw from selling so and, you know, I was thinking of doing that and I was thinking that would probably help that other agent, assuming you know that they were interested in that and it would give me content. I would be I appropriately sourcing them. So I’m not stealing their content, but I’m highlighting it. And that would allow me to do daily video content. Or I could take a post from coffee contracts and say, Here’s my favorite real estate post of the day. And and do that. And that could be a 10 second video right there. So if you’re looking for video content, it doesn’t necessarily have to be you coming up with these brilliant ideas. But I’m curious, did you think something like that might be interesting?

Haley Ingram 35:26
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think that’s another thing is like, user generated content. So that’s how I get a ton of my content is from members and featuring members. So I guess where that comes in, for a real estate agent is you featuring local businesses and get creative doesn’t have to just be like restaurants or could be gyms, like, it could be local, local influencers, local. You no small business owners, anything like that. But yeah, that’s a great idea. Because then it’s not about you. That’s like, another thing to start getting comfortable with video is just like, if you have a dog, utilize your dog and their cuteness. That’s like, that’s what I do sometimes. But yeah, I, I think video is a good, a good tool, especially because it’s so easy to just post a story, I think that’s why stories are so great. You can do it so quickly.

D.J. Paris 36:25
And for those who are worried about privacy, or revealing too much of their personal life that they’re maybe not as comfortable with, with whatever boundaries they’ve set around their business and and their home life. If you are, you can still do video that protects that privacy and adheres to the boundaries that are appropriate for you. Because maybe you’re featuring other people in the videos or other services or other businesses or other funny content. And as long as you’re sourcing everything, you know, that’s good. Never obviously don’t steal someone else’s Instagram content and repurpose it as your own. Although I don’t know if there’s laws around that or not, I suspect you probably know more about that, of course, but you’re I’m sure your content gets lifted all the time. And but it’s, but it’s one of those things that you know, you can just ask people, you know, for, for for that, and I’m sure most cases, they probably be thrilled as long as you link to them and and then tag them in the post. But real quickly, is there anything new on the horizon for coffee contracts? I mean, I’m such a big fan. I’m just curious, do you are you guys? Are you guys thinking about expanding into other? You know, other platforms? Are you guys like well, maybe we’ll we’ll start a tech talk thing or which would be much more difficult. But have you started to think about how to how you might expand the business.

Haley Ingram 37:46
Um, we’re always trying to add, we try to keep up with Instagram and anything that they add, and it’s becoming popular. So of course, like reels were a new addition. But we’ve definitely gotten questions about what we do for lenders or title company, there are some talks for things on the horizon regarding that, and kind of maybe bringing the two together. So

D.J. Paris 38:14
I am a part owner and a title company. And I will absolutely subscribe to that the moment you do it, because there is nothing more boring than title stuff, I will tell you, nobody cares about it. Nobody wants to see it on Instagram. And if you can make that fun and engaging, I would pay a huge premium to have that content because we don’t even have an Instagram account for our title company because nobody cares. So I love the idea that you guys might be tackling that and lenders to lenders struggle with with coming up with fun, engaging content. It’s just you know, they’re just kind of dry businesses and nothing wrong. They’re great businesses, they’re just a little tough. And so if you guys ended up tackling that we will be the first will will be a second subscriber to coffee and contracts on the at least on the title side. We don’t have a mortgage company yet maybe one day but so I am super excited to hear that. So by the way, so if you are a lender, we have a lot of lenders that listen to our show, we have a lot of title companies that listen to our show, you know, you can still take the existing content they have repurpose it just slightly because it’s all about real estate, and actually use it as is so it’s not like you have to wait for them to come out with a specific title pillar, or you know, it’s a type of service for title or lending. Like you take their their content is absolutely applicable now. So I love that. So thank you. But I want to also tell everyone, there is a coupon code for all of our listeners. If you do end up subscribing to coffee contracts. The coupon is keep it real, I believe. So go to coffee contracts.com Try it out guys. It’s it’s a monthly membership. It is absolutely there’s no long term commitment. You can cancel it anytime. But keep it real gets them I forgot what

Haley Ingram 40:00
is the coupon for $15 off the first charge,

D.J. Paris 40:04
I did not get $15 off my first charge. So I am, I am I am taking one for the team and everyone else can get $15 No, I am so excited to to help this business grow because I am a huge fan. And I need them to keep growing, because I need them to keep putting out content because I need it for my business. So I am doing this for my own benefits actually very selfish. But I am just the biggest fan. And I’m actually mad because I wish I would have come up with this idea. It’s such a brilliant idea. There’s nothing else like it out there. We don’t promote anything on this show hardly except a couple of services and coffee contracts is one of them. So please, everybody, go to coffee contracts.com. Follow them on Instagram, you can learn about their service, try it out, use the coupon code, keep it real $15 off your first month, which is insanely generous. And trust me, you will not be disappointed. And all you have to do is kind of copy and paste. It’s so easy and customize it. It’s you know if you can use Canva, which everybody can use Canva you absolutely will have such an easy time with us. We love it. And so happy to have you on the show Hayley, and we wish you guys. Yeah, we wish you the very, very best in this. I think you are on that not even that you’re on to something you’re obviously honest, and you have 1000s of clients. But I think this is going to just explode. And so, you know, we’ll probably want to have you on in the future as you guys continue to grow. But for everyone right now go to coffee contracts.com. And also we want to thank Haley for her time she is busy, busy, busy, busy running a company and creating amazing content for realtors. So we know how busy she is. Thanks for spending time with us. On behalf of our audience. We say thank you. And on behalf of Haley and myself, we want to say thank you to the audience, the subscribers, our followers, and please we ask just one thing, please tell a friend, think of one other real estate agent that would like to do more on social media, send them a link to this episode you can if if the person that you’re going to send this to is not a podcast listener, just have them go to keep it real sorry, keeping it real pod.com that you can stream every one of our episodes we’ve ever done right from the browser. They don’t even need a special app for that. If they are a podcast person, just have them pull up their podcast app search for keeping it real and hit the subscribe button that would help us continue to grow. So thanks, everyone. Thank you, Haley, and we will see everybody on the next episode. Thanks, Ellie. Thank you

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