Susan Panozzo

Susan Panozzo • 100 Rentals Every Year

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Susan Panozzo does not only work with rentals. She’s a top real estate producer who happens to close a rental transaction every three days. All by herself, and without a team. That’s on top of all the sales she closes. And guess where a decent percentage of her sales come from? Previous renters! Susan is doing a LOT of things right in her business, and she sat down with us to explain how she made the move from retail management to real estate and how those skills and disciplines complemented each other perfectly.

Susan Panozzo can be reached at 773.899.6272 and

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D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real. The only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host through the show. And we have a great interview with at properties brokers, Susan Panozzo, coming up in just a few. So again, we always start the show with a thank you to our listeners. So we very much appreciate as we come up on our 60th episode, and we have now 1000s of listeners, we’re super grateful that you like the show, and it’s resonating with you. But of course the show is for you. So we need to know what you would like us to do going forward people we you think we should interview topics you want discussed? Let us know. And there’s a couple ways to do that. First of all, you can always visit our website, keeping it real You of course can listen to every episode we’ve ever done right from the your browser, but also you can send us suggestions. So there’s a contact form, let us know who we should be interviewing, and what we should be talking about. Also hit us up on Facebook, which is our our page is just keeping it real pod. So just search for that you’ll find us and let us know follow us there. But you can also send us suggestions that way as well. And as always tell a friend if there’s any other brokers that are in your office or that you meet out in the field that you think could benefit from listening to what top 1% producers have done to grow their business what they continue to do, then tell every broker you know about the show, of course it’s free, and it’s just a fun way to get everybody the information about how to be a better and more successful realtor out in the Chicagoland area. So thank you so much for continuing to listen, thanks in advance for telling every broker you know, and onto our interview with Susan Panozzo.

Today on the show, we have Susan Panozzo at properties. Susan was born and raised on the Illinois Wisconsin border in Winnebago County, or we were just talking it’s actually in the Rockford area, and she started her career in real estate as a leasing agent in Chicago’s downtown rental market. I immediately fell in love with all things real estate obtained her broker license shortly thereafter Susan’s background is in retail and management and it lent itself to an easy transition into the customer service oriented business of real estate. And as was rise to success began with number of rental transactions and home sales. One year later, she was hired as the exclusive leasing agent for a large portfolio of luxury properties. on Chicago’s north side, the experience of leasing and managing luxury properties gave her a uniquely well rounded perspective on the multifaceted business of real estate. And this has allowed Vanessa to grow her client base year after year without sacrificing the individualized service. She is known for clients to Susan for her experience, expertise and ethics. She has been recognized by car Chicago senior realtors, as a top producer for three years running. So welcome, Susan to

Susan Panozzo 3:20
the show. Hello, thank you for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:23
Well, thank you, we really appreciate your time. I know you’re insanely busy. So this is a big deal for us. And I would also like to mention before we get into this that Susan was recommended by a listener and we’re trying to figure out who that is. So we can tell Susan who was kind enough to recommend her she you were already on our invite list but maybe had not gotten to you yet. So thankfully, one of the nice listeners out there did so that’s just a call to all listeners. If you have somebody like Susan that you want on the show, shoot us a message and we’ll try to get them on so thanks by the way thanks and tell us about you so you grew up in Rockford and then how did you get into Chicago for the last eight years How did you get here and and why real estate?

Susan Panozzo 4:04
Yeah, so I grew up in Rockford. I actually went to college there as well. And I actually you know, I started working when I was 15. I had a strong work ethic growing up. I got into retail I was working part time at the local Rockford Mall. While I was going through college,

D.J. Paris 4:24
you have to know what store Did you work at?

Susan Panozzo 4:27
It was Charlotte Ruth. So it’s like a fast fashion women’s clothing store. So I don’t know if you’d be familiar with it.

D.J. Paris 4:33
I’m not but but anyway, I’m sure some of our listeners

Susan Panozzo 4:37
would be Yeah, I mean there’s about 500 stores so one in every pretty decently sized mall

and then once I graduated college with my business degree, I did stay in retail at the store management level. I had always wanted to move to Chicago from Rockford and My company knew that and so I had told them if we, you know, we’re opening a new store in the Chicago area, you know that I wanted it to be mine that I wanted to move there and that I wanted to run it. So eventually, our company opened a flagship location at Old Orchard mall in Skokie. So that’s what brought me here. So I moved here to Grand open that store. So I was there for about a year. And at that point, I had been in retail for probably about 10 years, I was getting a little burnt out of the industry.

D.J. Paris 5:32
Yeah, we should pause for a second retail is insanely difficult, right? It’s taxing on the body, it’s taxing on the mind, and you’re just constantly dealing with customer service issues. Some of them obviously positive, some of them too challenging. But I know that that’s where we’re headed is talking about how that really helped, you know, you through the skill set to become a successful realtor. But I’m sorry, go right ahead.

Susan Panozzo 5:56
Absolutely. So, you know, after those 10 years, I was definitely looking for a change, I had always had an interest in real estate, but I wasn’t really sure how to get started. So you know, one day, I just kind of took the plunge and decided to face the unknown and transitioned into real estate. Luckily, the experience that I already had in sales and management kind of lent itself to somewhat of an easy transition into real estate. You know, both industries are customer service focused, right, industries require a lot of managing and moving parts. Also being able to interact with different personalities. You know, when I ran the flagship location, I had a staff of 80. And so I had four amazing, four full time managers working for me, and then about 75, part time associates, so a lot of different personalities to interact with and manage. And I really think that helped setting me up for success. You know, also, in both industries, no, two days are the same. And then also working, you know, already being used to working nights and weekends, I think.

D.J. Paris 7:06
Ours not changed.

Susan Panozzo 7:09
I don’t think I’ve ever had a weekend off, but that’s okay.

D.J. Paris 7:14
So, so how much so what what year did you get into real estate was that how many years ago?

Susan Panozzo 7:19
So 2011 is when I got into it. And then 2012 is when I got my broker’s license.

D.J. Paris 7:25
So for a year, you were predominantly doing leasing, I’m assuming

Susan Panozzo 7:29
I think it was the end of 2011, I started working for a leasing company. And then just some colleagues that I had there, were telling me, you know, that they were getting licensed as a broker. I immediately said, Me too, me too, how do I do it. And then I started looking for real estate assistant jobs, because I knew nothing, I thought, okay, I should go in as an assistant to someone that is successful, knows what they’re doing. I ended up linking up with a successful broker she hired me on as her assistant and before I was even licensed. But you know, basically, she said, there’s only a certain number of things you can do for me, when you’re on licensed once your license, you can do so much more, you can make more money. So that kind of lit a fire for me. And you know, I was licensed as quickly as possible. I think, I think with the classes, it was about two months later, right? had, I had my license, and then I had worked for her she was busy. So I was busy. So I was fully immersed right away in the world of kind of being a successful broker.

D.J. Paris 8:33
And and then at what point did you step away and say, I want to do all this on my own.

Susan Panozzo 8:39
It was about a year and a year, maybe about a year and a half after getting licensed, that I started to do it on my own.

D.J. Paris 8:47
And were you still would so when you went on your own, I’m assuming you will had you built up a lot of relationships where you can then farm for deals or where you’re like, basically starting over at that point.

Susan Panozzo 9:00
So I actually did have when I first started out, I connected completely on my own, with a few international investors who are looking to invest in Chicago. Very, very smart. Yeah, so I worked, you know, to find them investment properties. And then I mean, and they weren’t high price points, you know, they were $100,000 properties $200,000 properties, they the majority of them had actually lived in Chicago at one point but then moved overseas, they just wanted to you know, put some roots down in Chicago. So I you know, help them find the properties at times it was site on scene, they trusted me, yeah. Then they you know, purchase the properties. Then from there, I would find the tenant and you know, I still work with all of those clients today. So year after year, as their tenants turn those are rental listings that I get.

D.J. Paris 9:49
Yeah, right. So so it’s really important we like pause for a second and sort of make mention of how important and lucrative this this relation these relationships SAR because not only are you helping them acquire properties, which by the way, a lot easier than working with a traditional consumer buyer, right? Because these are people that largely just want to see the numbers, I’m assuming, in most cases, cashflow positive, when am I going to recoup? You know, what sort of return on investment? Would I could I expect with rent? And then so Susan is constantly just looking for deals, preventing the providing those offers? And then of course, you know, hopefully making those transactions and then oh, I have to find a renter for the place. So that is, those are tremendous relationships. I’m sure you you’ve covered those quite a bit.

Susan Panozzo 10:34
Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, when you’re working with investors, it’s, I don’t want to say easier, but there’s less emotion involved. So you know, it’s black or white? Is this gonna work financially? Or is it not? So those relationships in the beginning and still are, you know, were very important to grow? And to maintain? Are you

D.J. Paris 10:53
are you also doing the property management to? Or do you farm that out somewhere?

Susan Panozzo 10:59
So typically, the owners do farm that out, there is some property management that I have done in the past. So a couple see, about almost four years ago, I got connected to a group of investment property owners, who had a large portfolio of luxury properties on the north side. And they actually took me on as their exclusive leasing agent for their properties,

D.J. Paris 11:26
the way we I’m gonna pass on it, that is a huge deal. That is a big thing that Susan is just sort of explaining because it’s part of our history, but to be chosen to do that is a very nice feather in our cap, which obviously means she’s a very good broker, because that’s a very important and unique and rare thing to to have. So congrats on that.

Susan Panozzo 11:47
Absolutely. Thank you. So yeah, the portfolio ranges from anything from an eight unit building and Avondale to a 30 unit building and Bucktown. Unit, and it does account for a good chunk of my rental business. You know, which I think last year, I was right around 100 transactions a year. And then, you know, another piece of this is then turning those rental clients into buyers. Yes.

D.J. Paris 12:13
What, what percentage? And I know, it’s probably not a super easy number to figure, but like, on a year to year basis, are there a certain number of sales that just naturally come from these previous renters?

Susan Panozzo 12:24
You know, that is a hard number to figure out, you know, I would say, you know, maybe around 20% convert into buyers.

D.J. Paris 12:34
Wow, that’s, that’s a pretty awesome relationship, too. So like, all this stemmed from from initially, you know, leasing, I guess? Well, first finding the properties for the investment investors, and then the leasing side. So that’s, that’s awesome. Huge, right?

Susan Panozzo 12:48
Yeah. So when I’m going through the leasing transaction with them, I always make sure you know, I’m treating them with respect, I’m being responsive throughout the whole rental transaction. Because you know, if they are on represented, then I can keep in touch with them and let them know that I can help them in the future, you know, when they are, you know, looking to possibly rent another place, or hopefully buy?

D.J. Paris 13:12
Yeah, I mean, it’s funny, because, you know, a good percentage of those people at some point are going to buy they’re going to use a broker, why not the person that helped them find the previous apartment, right? Exactly. Yeah, like, they’re either going to use you or a friend, they know who’s a realtor. And if they, you know, if you’re the one that’s built that relationship, they’re more likely to use you anyway. I think so many brokers who do leasing, just forget about the renter after the rent after the person moves in, and I suspect maybe they call them 11 months and say, Hey, it’s your lease is coming to what do you think you’re going to do? But I suspect there’s not this constant, you know, just staying in touch and being like, Hey, have you thought about buying and let’s you know, if you want to talk about that we can and you know, all of that, so, congrats to you on that. So let’s I want to talk best practices, because you’re somebody that that has managed huge team and retail, you’ve worked under a top producer, you are now a top producer. I want to know like the What have you learned over the years? What’s what works for you? And what advice do you have for people out there? Who are brokers looking to like better their production?

Susan Panozzo 14:21
Sure. So you know, and I think you’ll hear this from the majority of top producing brokers, you know, the majority of my business is referral based. I believe that my clients continue to bring me their business and also feel confident in referring me to their friends, family colleagues, due to my organizational and communication skills, and I know that those sound like such basic concepts, but it really has been one of or two of the main components to my success, you know, taking the extra time to prepare for a listing presentation fully educating myself on comps, taking that extra step to make sure I am as knowledgeable and prepared as possible for my client, you know, I’m the type of person I’s, Cross my T’s, I triple check everything, like I just never really want to be caught off guard.

D.J. Paris 15:13
Right? And then you’re gonna be caught off guard anyway. So you might as well minimize that as much as humanly possible. And also to, and I would be curious to get your take on this in particular with first time homebuyers. They are completely in almost all cases. I know, I was completely unaware of the process, how it works. I was just doing another podcast interview earlier today. And I was saying how I didn’t even know how mortgages work. And I was too embarrassed to ask I mean, this is before I started looking to buy a place, but I could have probably bought a place a year before I had that doing just because I didn’t understand it. And I saw it and nobody really sought me out to to educate me about it. And thank goodness, I did find somebody who educated me about it. But I think a big assumption that oftentimes Realtors make is they’re like, oh, people know, when they want to buy or sell something I’m like, I don’t always know that that’s true. And also, as they start to go through that process is particular if it’s the first time they are completely in the dark, how any and all of it works, and they really rely so much or they should rely so much on on the broker. And that’s what you’re talking about. So,

Susan Panozzo 16:20
sure, yeah, I think there’s a you know, a lot of people out there that probably don’t think they can afford to buy that actually can as well, yes. So finding those people and educating them on what a mortgage is, and what your payments gonna look like, is really important. And then once you get that client, as a buyer, I always have a presentation in the office, go through what the contract looks like, what’s going to happen, the second that you like a place and want to put it in our offer, you know, baby steps through the process. And if you know, they do know everything, I asked them to stop me to save our time. But if they don’t, I’ll explain everything in great detail. So they know what to expect.

D.J. Paris 16:57
Yeah, and I do just want to go back to one point that you average rental every like three to four days. That’s a very impressive, impressive numbers. And that is incredibly rare, you know, among, among all producers, you’re probably the you probably do more rentals than anyone I’ve ever talked to. And that I know that isn’t necessarily your primary focus, it just happens to be what happens as a result of working with all these great investors. So it’s like, I don’t think Susan said I want to be able to do 100 rentals every single year, but she’s able to do 100 rentals every year by doing all the other things. And then those a good percentage, a certain percentage of those turned into buyers, or they want to move and maybe they use Susan again did move to a different apartment. I mean, that’s, that’s really a pretty impressive thing that you’ve built.

Susan Panozzo 17:49
Absolutely. So yeah, like I said, just maintaining the relationships, you know, even when they’re just tenants, just being respectful to them and communicating with them. So that, you know, I’m here for them if they ever need me.

D.J. Paris 18:03
Yet, by the way, do you? How do you stay in touch with the with the client after they’ve moved in?

Susan Panozzo 18:09
So you know, I will, if this is, if they’re on represented, you know, then I’ll reach out, make sure everything’s going okay. I have an Excel spreadsheet of when, you know, leases are expiring. So I usually reach out to them, you know, about 60 days in advance, maybe a little bit, just to touch base with them, see if they’re planning to stay planning to move what their what their plan is.

D.J. Paris 18:33
Yeah, and I’ll bet you and again, I we obviously we’re just guessing at this, but I’ll bet you Most brokers who do leasing do not even maintain a spreadsheet of hey, my client’s lease is coming up in three months, they maybe should check in. So just even doing that, and having that organization, I think

Susan Panozzo 18:51
is Yeah, and it’s so easy to do just every time you sign a lease, just throw it on the spreadsheet, and a year later, you’ll be thankful you did it.

D.J. Paris 18:59
Yeah. And, you know, I have always thought to that, you know, there’s always so many good reasons to contact someone after the transaction is closed. So like a renter, a lot of times brokers might say, well, they move in, what am I going to do? What else did I talked about? It’s like well, maybe call them three weeks and and say, Hey, if you haven’t gotten rental insurance, I have a good a couple of good insurance agents you may want to reach out to or maybe a month in go, hey, it’s been a month. How do you like it as everything’s still going cool. You’re going smoothly, great. Maybe three months and hey, you know, I know you’re still new to the apartment. But if you would think if you’re thinking about buying a place in the next year, I’d love to talk to you about it right? Or at least it 60 days out. You’re like, Hey, by the way your lease is coming due What are you thinking? So sure you’re doing a lot of that and I just think that is so huge. And it’s also it’s so easy and sort of common sense like you were saying earlier about customer service and really take care but I suspect most people don’t do it and shortage opportunity for someone like you who’s organized, who’s willing to do the work, obviously, and you’re successful. Any other best practices um, outside of what we’ve mentioned, like, are you doing any other marketing efforts that seemed to be working? And again, I know that most of your business is referral based?

Susan Panozzo 20:08
Yeah, so like I said, the the majority of my business is referral based. And I think that something that kind of makes me stand out amongst other brokers, because there’s a lot of us is that, you know, I continue to grow my business, but not at the expense of service. So I’ve managed to grow and not really lose touch of the one thing that’s made me successful, and that’s the strong client relationships, when it becomes less transactional, and more about maintaining and building on the client relationship, you know, it becomes very easy to maintain.

D.J. Paris 20:43
Yeah, I agree. It’s, you’re absolutely right. And and I’ve always said, and again, this is somebody who I’ve worked with hundreds and hundreds of agents, we’ve interviewed a lot for even for this podcast. And it’s like the ones who, who actually treat these relationships, as actual relationships tend to get that repeat business and the referrals. And, and, but that requires a plan. And a lot of people I think, just haven’t yet put that plan together of like, what does that actually look like? What is that communication strategy? How am I going to stay in touch? And, you know, you’re pretty systematized I think, which is pretty great. So you have those, you know, those those types of strategies?

Susan Panozzo 21:26
Absolutely, yeah. That I feel that that, you know, is one of the things that kind of distinguishes me, from other brokers,

D.J. Paris 21:32
how important is it to you to sort of like have a specialty where you’re like, Okay, I can’t do everything. But here are the things I’m really really good at, has that been a big thing for you and your business?

Susan Panozzo 21:46
Yeah, I mean, I tried to keep all of my business, you know, downtown, I obviously, you know, can branch out to the suburbs, but I can’t be in 10 places at once. So, you know, as of right now, I’m, I’m, I’m pretty busy as it is. So I’m happy to kind of just focus on the downtown areas focus on the markets that I know very, very well. And just kind of keep my attention there.

D.J. Paris 22:14
Yeah, it makes sense. I mean, I’ve always thought that people who and again, that being said, understanding that your clients sometimes move out to areas that are not your primary focus, and you can still assist them, but having your true north excuse me being like downtown, or, you know, certain neighborhoods or certain types of clients, I think is really important, just makes life a little bit easier to where you don’t have to know everything about every area, but you can know everything about one or two areas and really kind of hit that. And that’s really important because you become think brokers become really valuable if like there was a person, and I don’t know what firm I think that might work for, like Berkshire Hathaway, but I can’t remember their name, but they’re like Mr. River North, and that’s their brand. And this person started, I don’t know, if you’ve seen there was like billboards. And this person had done hundreds of sales in River North in like, just a handful of years. It’s like, well, that guy probably knows River North better than me. And like, you wouldn’t probably reach out to Mr. River North, if you wanted to move to Lake Forest, right? I mean, it’s, maybe you would, but like, This person was sort of savvy enough to brand themselves, you know, whether you’d like, you know, like that type of branding or not, it’s a good idea to at least say, Hey, I’m the River North guy. And so, you know, you’ve done that, you know, without maybe calling yourself the certain, you know, neighborhood person, you’ve sort of done that just instinctively. So, I wanted to you had written and told us about your, well, a furry fetish party. And I definitely know, a lot of times we don’t get to these questions, because, you know, but this one really piqued my interest. So could you tell us that story?

Susan Panozzo 23:51
Sure. So, um, whenever I take on a new rental listing, I reached out to the current tenants, usually I have a relationship with them already. But if not, I introduce myself, say I’m going to be showing your place I will try to give you as much notice as possible. If you you know, this is going to work better for all of us. If you are have the home and showing condition. If it’s clean presentable, the quicker you know, that’ll get it rented quicker, which means I’ll stop bugging you. Just offering that incentive usually works. But I mean, obviously, some people are going to ignore that warning. So I was doing a showing it was a really nice unit in Bucktown. And it was a Saturday morning around 10am. The tenants were noticed I usually go in just a few minutes early to turn on lights and make sure everything is ready. But I had gotten there right at the showing time and the clients were already outside waiting for me. Sure. So we walked up together, knocked on the door per usual, no answer. So then we walked in, and we realized quickly Whether there was quite a party that was going on the night before, and that the party was still going on just based off of loud music and things that we saw laying around

D.J. Paris 25:08
that’s impressive long party at

Susan Panozzo 25:12
10am on a Saturday, it’s impressive. Of so we walked into the living room, and we discovered two grown adults that were sitting on the couch wide awake. One was in a full size, beaver costume. And then the other was in a full size koala, or some sort of bear costume. Based on what else was in the room, I quickly realized that it must have been the aftermath of some sort of furry fetish party. I don’t know if that’s what you call that.

D.J. Paris 25:46
Just saying furry is, is you don’t eat the fattest. We know we know. And by the way, I’ve never revealed this, but I was in the beaver costume. I just. And I’m now really embarrassed that

Susan Panozzo 26:00
it all comes full circle.

D.J. Paris 26:02
So what did you do?

Susan Panozzo 26:04
So the free is I guess. They were a tad thrown off. But then the graciously invited us in. I was obviously mortified to be discovering this in front of the clients, we quickly took a look around, exited, and then burst into laughter obviously. But the best part of the story is that the clients actually ended up renting the unit.

D.J. Paris 26:26
You’d like you’d need it fumigated and like people leached from from top, from Florida ceiling. Before I would I would move in there, but hey, it must have been a nice place. Yeah, it was. Gosh, that’s what you know, it’s funny. Like, you’ll see documentaries or news stories about you know, people who are into things like that. And you’re like, Yeah, I know, it’s real, but it doesn’t feel real, because you’re like, I’ve never met anybody or because it’s obviously something like that, too, is probably somewhat secretive. And then, and there it is, and then you use walked right in the middle of it.

Susan Panozzo 27:02
There it is right in front of you Saturday at 10am. That

D.J. Paris 27:05
must have been a smell. I just think of like just being in a costume that long. There’s got to be a weird smell. And I’m gonna go vomit right immediately after that. Well, that’s really funny. Um, let me ask you this to wrap to wrap up. Anyone who’s listening? And you did give some good advice. Is there any other advice you have? Let’s go brand new broker, somebody just got their license. And is because we have a lot of those people who write into us are like, I just got my license. And they’re like, You don’t ask enough questions about what should I do? The moment I get my license? I would love to hear what you would say today to somebody who’s new.

Susan Panozzo 27:43
Sure. And I actually get asked this question quite often. And my response is always the same. The technique that I use worked for me, I know that it wouldn’t work for everybody. But I really encourage people to seek out some sort of real estate assistant position and get in maybe get on a team start do it sitting open houses or being a showing assistant for someone that is already successful, someone that is already established, someone that’s busy, someone that you can help out, you know, their, with their business, so that you can learn best practices, you know, you can learn how to write up a contract things that you know, they don’t teach you when you’re studying for your real estate exam. Right? I really think that just immediately being fully immersed in the real estate world is very important. Because if you don’t have that influence, then you don’t you know, the phone’s not ringing, you’re getting frustrated, you know, it can be, it can totally turn you off from the business, if you aren’t really immersed in all of the great things, you know, that the business brings?

D.J. Paris 28:46
You’re so right. And I also think that even if you like, the whole reason we did this we do the show is to literally just ask top producers like hey, what do you do everyday? How do you build your business, and oftentimes, for people that have listened, and I know you’ve listened, and we have a lot of listeners, they you know, I’m sure that it’s a lot of hearing the same thing over and over again, because you know, top producers are largely similar in the sense of what the work they do, they may specialize in different types of clients, or different areas of the city or the suburbs, or, you know, whether they work with investors or traditional buyers and sellers, but at the end of the day, like the day to day work is similar, and top producers all share a lot of common ground there. Right. And, you know, when we do the show to like, get that information, and so I suspect that everyone who’s listening unless you just work at a firm or there’s only one other broker, there’s probably top producers in your office that you can reach out to, and, you know, either like, Susan was saying, you know, hey, maybe offer to be their assistant, or at the very least just ask them and interview them and to ask them what do you do? How do you do a listing presentation? What do you do when you take a client out, etc. And I suspect like I know, at our firm, we have 600. Brokers, I bet most of our brand new brokers don’t do that they don’t reach out to that aren’t even our own top producers. So I think that’s awesome that you did that.

Susan Panozzo 30:10
Yeah. And that’s, that’s actually one of the things I love about working for AP properties. They really fostered a collaborative culture among their brokers. So there’s always brokers willing to help each other out. You know, I’ve learned and continue to learn and grow a ton from my fellow brokers, I feel like as, as brokers, we need to exist in a culture of collaboration, you know, versus competition. So at properties is really great at fostering that sort of environment,

D.J. Paris 30:38
a 100%. And I would say, the vast majority of the people that we’ve interviewed on the show, and we interview people from every firm, but more at properties, people have been on the show than any other and I don’t work at at properties, and I haven’t specifically reached out to add properties, people, but just this idea that any just about anytime we’ve ever reached out to an app properties person and said, hey, we’d love to have you on the show. They, and most people say yes, in the industry. It’s not like we get a lot of nose. But we get more yeses from at properties, people. And I don’t think that’s just coincidental. So I think you know, what Susan’s saying, and obviously, she works there, but I don’t And I’m telling you that I have received that that same sort of willingness to sort of, you know, even be on this podcast. So it’s, it’s, I think that’s echoed all throughout their culture. And obviously, they’re doing a lot of things, right, because they have 3000 agents, so they must know what they’re doing. And people really love it there. So definitely hats off to two AP properties. So Susan, let’s wrap up because I want everybody who’s listening if, for example, we don’t just have brokers that listen, of course, we have buyers, sellers, renters, etc. Investors. If anyone is interested in working with you directly, what’s the best way they should reach out to you?

Susan Panozzo 31:53
Yeah, so anyone can reach me on my cell, anytime the number is 773-899-6272. And then email also works. So it’s s Panozzo. So that’s s and then p a NOZZO. At 80

D.J. Paris 32:15
Awesome. Well, Susan, thank you so much for being on the podcast. We appreciate it. And we know how busy you are. And we’re gearing up for the weekend here. So you probably have a busy weekend ahead of you. So I will let you go and you can get back to work. But thank you for spending a few minutes with us. We appreciate it.

Susan Panozzo 32:33
Of course. Thank you so much for having me.

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