Adam Baxa is in his fourth year as a broker and he’s already become a top producer for Coldwell Banker and has built a team of six. Prior to becoming a real estate broker, Adam was a police officer for Illinois. He talks about the transition into this industry, how he built his business so rapidly, and how social media has driven his success.

Adam Baxa can be reached at 630-234-4472 and

the baxa group logo


D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host, and guide through the show. And this is our 51st episode. So I wanted to thank, as I usually do the listeners for continuing to support us, please follow us on Facebook, which you can find us by just searching for keeping it real, or it’s keeping it real pod. And also our website which you can listen to every episode we’ve ever done, you can send us suggestions of who we should be talking to, or even ways to make the show better, which is keeping it real And also please tell a friend any other realtors that you know that you think would be benefit from hearing what top producers are doing to help grow their business, please share that information. I wanted to give you guys an update. We are really excited this is being scheduled as the currently and we reached out to one of the top training companies in the in the country. And these are they have master trainers who train realtors and the realtors. They work with these master trainers, our top one percenters. So we had our listener who had written in some time ago and said, Gosh, you know so many of the people you interview have these trainers, I would love to know what the trainers are telling top one percenters Well, we reached out directly to the training company, and they are thrilled. So once a month, we are going to have a master trainer, I won’t yet announced the training company. But I will be doing that very shortly. So not only are you going to hear from top producers, you’re going to hear from the people that train those top producers and support them and coach them. So we could not be more excited. And again, that’s an idea from a listener and we have 1000s of them. So I’m sure you guys have 1000s of ideas. And if you send those to us, there’s a very good chance we will put them into practice. And we have a few other things surprises that are coming along in the next month or two. So again, thanks for listening. Thanks for continuing to listen telling a friend and we have a great interview with Adam baxa coming up right now.

Okay, today on the show, we have Adam baxa of Coldwell Banker and his own group, the baxa group, Adam is focuses or rather works in Yorkville, Illinois, which he has been a resident of since he was a very young child, and he has specialized out in the western suburbs. Prior to being a real estate broker, Adam was a an officer, a police officer, and he has switched careers. So I definitely want to talk about the difference between law enforcement and real estate and, and sort of how that transition happened. And Adam has is a top producer also has a really robust team he’s built I think there’s what is there six, five or six people on this team?

Adam Baxa 3:16
I’ve technically including myself, we’re at six right now.

D.J. Paris 3:19
Unbelievable. Good, good for you. So Adam, welcome to the show. We’re really grateful that you’re that you, you’re on here.

Adam Baxa 3:25
Hey, thank you, sir. I appreciate it.

D.J. Paris 3:27
You’re You’re very welcome. And so tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you get involved in real estate?

Adam Baxa 3:33
Really, with real estate, it was something where, like you said, I used to be a police officer, I actually got injured back in 2008. After a couple years of surgeries, and rehab wasn’t able to go back to work. I always like to joke and say that, you know, I stayed at home with the kids for about four or five years while my wife was traveling for work when she wouldn’t travel. Travel, when she’s not traveling, she works from the home office, and then just got to the point where Hey, she said, You got to go do something and basically kicked me out of the house because I was not sure. But you know, looking for something to do. always had an interest in it. We went through a couple personal transactions, good experiences with our agents, then there was always you know, that was kind of, really during the heart of the downturn. We had a good experience, made, made a little bit of money in terms of an investment wise. Just always enjoyed the search the hunt, and kind of getting out there and even some of the competitiveness of it even just as a client at that point in time. And like I said, when she kicked me out and said you gotta go do something. It was like, hey, why not?

D.J. Paris 4:50
Yeah, that’s That’s very true. So how long? How long have you been a realtor? What’s the number of years at this point?

Adam Baxa 4:56
I got my license in. I believe it was Bill. November of 2014. So

D.J. Paris 5:03
okay, I want to pause you just for a quick second and talk about how impressive this is. Because it’s only been, you know, what, four years or less than four years. And not only is Adam become a top producer, he has built a team of six. That is, and when I, you know, on the show, and I apologize for interrupting Adam, but we interviewed top producers, and it’s all we do. I don’t think we’ve interviewed anybody who has been able to do that so quickly. So congratulations to you. That’s really amazing.

Adam Baxa 5:33
Thank you. Thanks. So yeah, November of 2014, I got my license. So really, what are we just really truly entering the third year? Yeah, really? That’s right, or in between the third and fourth year of that. And kind of made that transition relatively easily. It was one of those things, it was kind of baptism by fire. I have a managing broker, great ownership with Coldwell Banker, the Real Estate Group. And you know, at that time, it was just kind of, I weren’t running full speed, and I was either gonna fall on my face or be successful.

D.J. Paris 6:18
Yeah, it’s it is it is so interesting. I was just I have an episode that’s coming out in the next week or two. And I entered and I interviewed a woman named Karen, who is at Keller Williams, and she’s actually she’s a broker, but she doesn’t produce. She’s in charge of like, 800 of their brokers in the western suburbs. So not actually probably some of the Keller Williams offices out your way, maybe Naperville or wherever. Anyway, so I asked her, one of the questions I asked her was, well, gosh, you have 800 brokers that you work, work with what separates the top producers from the top producers and she seems really funny. And she in case you haven’t, wouldn’t have listened to the episode by now. She She just yelled out, they treat it like a business. And, you know, I think obviously you are treating it like a business. Can you talk about your first year? I mean, you’ve only had three, three and a half years so far not even? What was it like in your first year? Did you come in with with clients ready to go? Did you hustle? I’m always fascinated by by top producers like first year because it tends to be tough for everyone. But I don’t know what what how yours was

Adam Baxa 7:25
my my first full year if you really take Okay, so I started November, but even just moving forward till January, I think my first closing was in February that year.

D.J. Paris 7:35
Which by the way, that’s pretty quick. That’s impressive.

Adam Baxa 7:38
Well, I kind of lucked out on that one, we own a rental property. And my tenant at a time who had been a long term tenant was getting married, and they were getting ready to move. So it’s kind of like, hey, well, I can extend your lease month to month, we can look for houses kind of go there. So it was kind of a nice little setup, where sure, you know, kind of built that first client and in reality, but then moving forward, a lot of it really was social media usage, trying marketing that way, using different lead generation sources, which is difficult. And I believe, you know, it’s probably difficult for some people or a lot of people because in this business, you’re throwing money out there hoping to make money and nothing’s a guarantee, or, you know, what we kind of we like, though, joke around about that we’d like to work hard and play hard. And, you know, we’d like to gamble occasionally hit the boat. And that’s kind of what throwing some of this money out there marketing wise was, it’s okay, it’s a gamble. We have it. Let’s try it and see where it goes. Well, you know, well, on the backside, still trying to work my sphere and everything else like that.

D.J. Paris 8:45
Sure. Well, you don’t let I would love to do a deeper dive into the lead the purchasing leads, because, you know, I know if I’m not a producing broker per se. So I know that if but if I were if I were to start that I wouldn’t pretty sure I would invest. You know, Zillow, Trulia, somebody, because I, I just don’t have a million people lined up ready to ready to buy and sell homes. And also, I suspect many brokers don’t work their leads that effectively internet leads, like you were saying are different animal. But I think, you know, for people who are starting out and even people down further out into their career, they still continue to buy them. But I think it’s a great opportunity to, to potentially, you know, close some deals more quickly. Do you find that with so when it comes when it came to internet leads? When did you find that? There was a lot of competition that you know, you were often up against other realtors or was it was it usually you were the only one talking to those people?

Adam Baxa 9:45
early on? Yeah, definitely up against the competition. Really getting started in the business. It was really hard for me to get a lead and be like, Hey, I’m getting on the phone. I’m going to call them right away. I felt like at that point I tried to put myself in their shoes and you I don’t want to be pestering that. And I’m sure you know. So I’d wait 20 minutes, half hour, or whatever the case may be, by that time they

D.J. Paris 10:08
move on, which, by the way, they tell you Yeah, they tell you not to do that. But maybe it worked for you.

Adam Baxa 10:12
Actually, at that point, it really didn’t. And so early, early on with the internet leads, it was kind of almost like a failure. And so finally, one day, I got one said, you know, forget it, I’m just gonna call them right away. Right, got the individual on the phone ended up, you know, probably two months later, we close, close, not on the house, they came in on but another one. And, you know, that’s when I was like, Okay, I just need to kind of suck it up and not worry about. If they’re reaching out about this, they want somebody to call, they don’t want me to wait, well,

D.J. Paris 10:44
well, that and the fear, I think is really very logical and very normal. Because, you know, I know, because we have, we have new brokers who are new to the business who joined our firm to, and they’re one of their biggest concerns, and it’s everyone’s concern, when they’re new is like, I don’t know enough. I don’t know what if they asked me questions, I don’t have the answer. And, and, you know, I’m just inexperienced, I don’t know everything yet. And so I definitely could appreciate you know, that hesitation. But, anyway, so I want to talk a little bit more about social media, too, because I know that that’s been really successful for you. So can you talk a little bit about how you approach social media, because I’m sorry, I’m just going to preface it by saying what I’ve seen. And gosh, we have hundreds of Realtors at my at our firm. And I tend to be pretty critical of brokers social media, because I find that oftentimes, it’s I don’t know that it’s done that effectively. And I think there’s some people that do it really, really well, like, obviously, you do. And I’d love to hear a little bit more about how you approach it. Yeah,

Adam Baxa 11:47
I’m really a big focus of our social media is Facebook, learning to kind of branch off into some of those other videos. But Facebook has been very successful, basically, from the beginning, getting into the business, and then transitioning into my professional page and whatnot. And really, it’s, it’s not just showing everybody houses, it’s whether it’s community activities, it’s trying to put a spin on my personality, and putting it out there to keep people engaged. If we’re just sure, if we’re just solely just, hey, here’s my new list. And here’s my new list. And here’s my new list, right? People are gonna get bored with that they’re going to unfollow it on like it, right? Oh, they’re not going to engage. The one thing we’ve learned, really, especially over the last year and a half, community type events, different things, different interesting articles about different communities, things like that, outside of real estate, really grabs a large engagement, and following. And that’s where you can really start seeing some of our numbers of people that are interacting with particular posts really grow. And that that’s been the successful part of it. And from that, as it’s grown, the likes and our pages growing, I’ve gotten numerous clients, whether it’s listing or by clients that, you know, will call me and say, Hey, we’ve been following your page for two years. You know, don’t list the house, this or that. And a big part of it, too, is is letting him letting these people letting calm potential clients, you know, everybody else get to know you, your personality and who you are.

D.J. Paris 13:33
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. And I think I think you brought up a good point that I, I’ve always said is, you know, just saying, hey, check out my new listing. You know, it’s there’s nothing wrong with doing that, I guess. But I always say just assume nobody really cares that much. But if you give, I mean, it’s just again, nothing wrong with doing it. I just think like you were saying, What if I sent them content that they actually might utilize that also says more about you as a person to write. So you talked about community events. I was looking up i We interviewed somebody, I believe I believe is Rachel Houseman, but I could be wrong. But anyway, it was a broker in the northwest suburbs. I think it was Buffalo Grove, if I remember correctly. And one of the way she built her social media presence. She did this two years ago, it took about two years, like you were saying people following you. And what she did is she created a community page for I forget what summer but I think it was. So it was like the Buffalo Grove what’s going on in Buffalo Grove like Facebook page. And it really didn’t have anything to do with real estate. It literally it actually was for moms it was specific to like events for mothers in this area. And over time, she grew it to a few 1000 followers. And just people by default over time are like, Hey, you’re the admin on that page. Oh, you’re a realtor. Oh, that’s cool, though. I need help. And she’s like that’s been her number one source of Aside from her existing clients referring business. She said that’s been my number one source. It’s because she provides this awesome content. You know, and Facebook is such a perfect way to do that. So I imagine you you are constantly sharing events out in your neck of the woods and yeah, kind of thing.

Adam Baxa 15:08
Yeah, absolutely. We’re doing different things like that, you know, obviously, trying to keep, you know, keep any conservative, political oriented, that kind of junk officer just thought to me, you know, not looking to start any wars on Facebook or, or anything like that. And I think one thing out here that’s helped me, you know, I’m not saying I’m one to, when I first started, especially being further out, like, we are just less than Naperville. At the time, when I started, it didn’t seem like there was a lot of agents utilizing Facebook. So sure, or any social media at that time. And even to the point where when I first started, I had agents tell me that I was crazy. For using Facebook or social media and their comments were, well, how many buyers you can get from social media? Or how many sellers you’re gonna get from social media? Either that’s rather where I, I put my brother put my marketing money there, then, you know, I don’t think we’ve ever spent a dime marketing wise on print ads. You know? Right. Me. Yes. We, you know, that would just be a waste of money. And

D.J. Paris 16:22
yeah, I agree. Although I see, I see billboards every so often. And I or rather, I don’t see those as much as like in the city. There’s a lot of bench backs. And I always think, and it’s easy to criticize, because it must I’m not saying it can never work. But I always think who’s calling a realtor based on that. I don’t and it seems very expensive. Maybe it works. I mean, you know, but seems like bet dollars could be better spent elsewhere. Yeah.

Adam Baxa 16:46
I mean, I’ve thought about I’ve thought about the billboards that I, you know, okay, I like to joke a lot than I think, who’d want to see my face, drive down the road. Back and forth. I’ve talked to other brokers that have done a lot of the Billboard type of things and they feel that it really works well. Okay, but they’re a little bit more rural, a little bit more central Illinois. Maybe that’s where we’re at where I’m at, compared to then moving into the city. I don’t know that that’s necessarily a thing that will work very well, today.

D.J. Paris 17:27
Yeah, yeah, I don’t know. I know, the challenge. The cool thing about Facebook is everything’s trackable, right? So you can, you can visually see what works and what doesn’t, it’s like a constant acid test of, oh, that post generated and like you were saying to is, people like certain posts, that gives you more indication on what they’re into. And you get this immediate feedback on what you’re posting, and if it’s resonating. And whereas with print ads, or you know, any of the other outside media, it’s really hard to track how well it works. And I’m not suggesting it doesn’t I just, it’s just, for me, I like to see the results, you know, to be able to draw back to oh, this, this was a good use of my time and money.

Adam Baxa 18:09
Exactly. I don’t mean to cut you off. Sorry, TJ. Oh, no, go ahead. I, you know, I tell my clients that all the time, especially when we are talking about maybe putting putting on a listing, you know, and maybe doing a boost of a listing on social media, where we can give them quantitative numbers, hey, it’s been putting in front of XYZ amount of people, so many people did this with it. So many people clicked off on it, so many people actually engaged it, where if I spend money into the newspaper, or to one of the real estate magazines that you see outside of a grocery store, you have no idea how many people actually picking those up and looking at it. And right, you know, I always tell people, social media, the way it works, maybe it works this way, sometimes. It’s all it takes is somebody seen it once, and maybe it spurs a conversation that they’ve had with a significant other like, Hey, wait, what about this? You know, we were talking six months ago about going and looking at a house. We haven’t talked about it, but look at this, and maybe they weren’t really in the market at that time. And now they’ve chosen to, because they saw that and maybe spurred or kickstarted them into moving into the market. And then at that point, you know, the possibility of them reaching out to me or somebody on on our team, you know, is amplified.

D.J. Paris 19:29
Yeah, absolutely. And what is your Facebook page? What is so if any brokers want to take a look to see what you’re doing? What is the URL, it’s forward slash,

Adam Baxa 19:41
oh, shoot, you’re pretty mad spot. I think it’s you. I

D.J. Paris 19:44
will post you know what, don’t worry. We’ll post it. We’ll post a link to it in the notes. So no, no problem. I have I hope I do three of them for our company, and I can’t ever remember what they actually are either. So it’s so I also want to talk about the fact that you’ve built a team and you’ve done that relatively quickly, I want to talk about what prompted you to decide to expand beyond just, you know, you as the broker, um,

Adam Baxa 20:09
really got to the point early on, towards the end of my first year, kind of rolling into my second year, that, you know, I just felt like, I was getting to the point where I had almost too much business to handle. Some of it was from the lead generation, my sphere really took off once I really fully understood how to engage and work my sphere. And it was an idea though, that we toyed around about or toyed around with, and when I say we, I talk about, I’m talking about my wife.

D.J. Paris 20:43
Yeah, yeah, we and we should mention that that Shannon is also on the team. And you know, it’s, it’s a it’s a pretty it’s I always love husband and wife teams, I think that’s very sweet. And the fact that you guys can work together to obviously says a lot about your relationship. I know

Adam Baxa 20:59
she has her pretty awesome full time career elsewhere. She really helped out with a lot of back end unlicensed assistant type of work early on Sure, which allowed me to be out showing, you know, I could call a texter, hey, can you give me this info, give me this, or I need you to put this packet together to write an offer, whatever the case may be. And so it really helps her take away from paperwork time for me, which allowed me to kind of be out there longer. She was technically our first team member, we chose to have her get her license just to make sure we basically use her as a licensed assistant, to make sure we could arrange our gray areas, make sure we’re all within, you know, the rules and licensing regulations and everything else like that. That was probably I would say March of last year, and then is unbelievable. And then from there, we’ve added Jenny, Jamie, Sarah, and most recently, Lisa.

D.J. Paris 22:06
That’s that is it’s truly remarkable. And I’d like to mention to you on Adam’s Facebook page, which is just ask Adam baxa. But I’ll post a link directly to it. I want to make a point, this is a really impressive thing to have done. Within three years, he has over 3300 people like and follow this page. And just to give you the listeners a comparison, so I mentioned on on on this show, we have a really certain episodes, we get about 5000 listens. In certain episodes, it’s closer to two to 3000. But so we have a base of 1000s of people that are regularly listening. And I think our Facebook page, which I’m relatively activated, which is keeping it real pod, I think we have 600 likes, or 600 people that follow it, you have 3300 That is That is incredible for a real estate broker. It truly is and and I look at everyone’s Facebook page, you know, the top producers, that’s a lot. So please check it out and just see what Adams doing. Because he’s clearly doing some good stuff there. I mean, that’s huge. Thank you. Yeah, it’s funny, too, because when we interviewed top producers that tend to be very humble, they tend to be very sort of unaware that like certain things are a big deal. And then oftentimes I say like, oh, my gosh, you’re doing so well. How do you do that? And they go, I don’t know, I just I answered my phone. No, I do a good job for my clients. But if you weren’t

Adam Baxa 23:34
completely comfortable right now.

D.J. Paris 23:37
Ah, that well, you know what that is that is incredibly common. And also, I’m, I’m, you know, I’m grateful that you spend the time here because oftentimes, top producers they’re not able to verbalize because they just do what they do. And they don’t, they don’t even see it as anything extraordinary. And yet it is. I just we interviewed a first year producer, so someone just a little bit newer than you who did 73 transactions in his first year. Now, most of those 60 of those were still rentals, but still, the fact that he did 13 sales in a year and 60 rentals is incredible. And when I told him that he was like really isn’t is that a lot like he didn’t he didn’t even realize so it’s not unusual. But God bless it. Yeah. That’s That’s true. Well, yeah. And in the city, it’s probably you know, there’s there’s more, there’s more of them happen, I suspect. So there’s probably more of a path there for newer brokers to do them in between sales. But yeah, out in the I imagine getting getting a rental listing in the western suburbs is a big deal. Because once you get that the renters probably come flocking, not that I know that’s not a huge focus of yours. But let’s also I want to also talk about you highly specialized in your immediate community. Do was it important to you when you first started to really become an expert in life. Yorkville in the surrounding areas.

Adam Baxa 25:01
It’s been something I mean, for me, it’s natural living here the majority of my life growing up in the area seeing the area grow. Back when everything was booming, you know, Kendall county out here was, I mean ranked as one of the top couple fastest growing counties in the country. One, you know, everything crashed. So seeing the growth out here. It’s something that comes very natural, just growing up in knowing, knowing this area for me. With that said, I don’t know, I always tell my clients, I’ll go anywhere, you know, this is probably, obviously the area I know the most. But, you know, I’ll tell I’ll joke with clients that it’s within the state of Illinois. Let’s go. Right, you know, now I haven’t gone, I’ve gone as far as probably just shy the Wisconsin State Line. It’s probably, wow, as there was a time last year, I was working with a RELO that we ended up I was on some back roads and saw a sign for puree like 25 miles. And I was like, I’m a little far. Well.

D.J. Paris 26:07
That’s true. I’ll tell you if you would have kept going. You could have spent the night at my parents house, because that’s where I’m from. So I am I’m a curious guy and from the city, it is a good three hours, Bob probably maybe a little bit less than that from where you are, but not much. So yeah, that’s that’s a that’s a good distance, the MLS, you know, you you would have had that would have been even tougher to to get showings down there because the MLS doesn’t know they have their own MLS down there. So that’s, that’s interesting. Well, let me ask you this. And we’ll wrap up shortly. Because I know Adam is incredibly busy and, and really appreciate his time. What would you give advice? If you’re since you’re, you know, new ish, we’ll say, I mean, you’re obviously doing really well. But if you were talking to a first year producer, what would you tell them to do? What would be your advice to them,

Adam Baxa 26:56
you know, gosh, I could take this so many different ways. I’m really, it’s the staying humble is the big thing. It’s not looking at your clients, like their dollar signs. If you do it for the right reasons, and are doing it the right way, the money will come, the transactions will come, maybe not as quickly as somebody wants them. I know it’s hard, especially depending on everybody’s situation is different. And people have bills to pay, and you get into this business, you pay money to get into this business. And then you’re sitting without a check. Especially if somebody is dependent on it, you know, I understand I can see how that pressure of shoot, I got bills to pay what how we’re going to do this. But really, you know, I think that’s one of the biggest things, and I’ve had this conversation recently with a couple of different people. It’s if we do things for the right reasons, and I probably repeating myself, but the money will come, the transactions will come. If we’re looking at somebody just purely as a transaction, or as $1 sign, you know, you might get that one there. But there’s nothing down the road, you’re not building a business and you’re not building that pipeline, they’re gonna see that it’s building those personal relationships with people that not that means something, and not just, you know, there’s so many clients that I’ve become friends with that I interact with all the time now randomly, and they’ll reach out to me. And I’ve become, I mean, we’ve been invited to weddings, we’ve been invited to all sorts of different things that these are people that I never knew before, but now I become part of their family, in a sense.

It takes time, it’s not necessarily going to happen overnight. I don’t know if that makes sense. I feel like it just

D.J. Paris 28:46
makes it No, no, what you what you said was was absolutely. And it’s it’s accurate, and it’s echoed and most of the people I talked to who say that, that is almost exactly what you mentioned it I think it’s, you know, first I want to go back to one thing you’d said earlier, which was also you know, the money will come which basically means prepare to work for free, and do a lot of things for free for a while. And and that’s that’s in there. And by the way, you know that you could call it like the law of reciprocity, or just the fact that One good turn deserves another but essentially, if you do enough nice free things for people, there’s a good chance that when the opportunity comes for them to you know, utilize your your paid services, being a realtor that they’re going to feel indebted to you because you really legitimately did help them out when when there was really nothing in it for you. Right particular. And you’re right. I mean, it does. Even top producers I talked to say oh, the first year was was rough, you know, and it just seems to be rough for everybody. But if you just persevere and you do the right things, obviously you know, you must be doing a lot of the right things because you’re having this meeting immediate success, which is really impressive, and it’s not by accident, right? It’s not by accident that you have a six member team. That doesn’t just happen. That happens because you do a lot of the right thing. So I just wanted to ask you one one last story before and I’ll let you go. But I know you mentioned something about herding cats is like a funny story or an unusual story. Can you elaborate on what that means?

Adam Baxa 30:21
Yeah. It was one of our lovely subzero winter days, probably about a year year and a half ago. Went into a showing beautiful home out in the country. You know, acre plus lots nice to develop subdivision with my clients and last person in look like the door was latched. We’re all kicking the snow off our shoes, take our shoes off, start going through the home, we ended up down in the finished basement.

We’re downstairs for 1015 minutes. The door to the finished basement had closed. We go to open it up. Do

you feel a cold rush of air? And it was kind of the only things Oh, shoot. Go upstairs, the front door had blown open. At last count that I had seen there was at least two cats, possibly three in the house. So now it’s two or three people went outside. The husband and wife and their daughter went outside. And then me and the other daughter or tsunami in the sun went looking for the cats. Fortunately, we found the cats inside, none of them ventured out. But it was kind of that heart attack moment where you felt that cold rush air and heart sank. And it was just like, Oh no, this is not this not today. And it happens to be in a neighborhood that I live in. So I’m like great. Now I got to explain to my neighbors how I lost their cat.

D.J. Paris 31:54
Well, I’ll tell you I’ve got I’ve got a similar story. My this is your a few about five years ago, my mom was staying at my condo in the city. I lived on the fourth floor and I had a balcony or a deck rather. And my cat if there was enough chairs out there where you could sit and just enjoy and it was a nice enough day and my mom left the door open to the back door to the condo. And the cat would occasionally just come out and you know, like just walk around on the deck. She never once went downstairs, never in the history of having her and all of a sudden, my mom comes back into the condo and it’s a two bedroom condo. It’s 1200 50 square feet. It’s not this massive place. My mom goes well, I better just check to make sure the cat didn’t like run downstairs. When she was outside. My mom couldn’t find her. My mom calls me and she is just hysterically crying going. I lost your cat. I cannot find her. I’ve searched this entire place. She’s not in there. And I’m like Mom, I guarantee she’s not in the condo. She’s never gone downstairs. She won’t go up the stairs stair, the stair scare her. She’s got to be in there. Don’t worry, my mom is just beside ourselves. So I can appreciate it and she was in the house But cats can hide. So and they I mean I have a I have a small place now. And my cat sometimes I’m like, I don’t know where she is. But I know she’s in here. So I can appreciate the fear there. But nice to know that you didn’t have to explain to your neighbor.

Adam Baxa 33:19
That would have been horrible.

D.J. Paris 33:22
Awesome. Well, hey, Adam. I appreciate your time. And I wanted to if we do have any buyers sellers, or investors at Adams investor friendly as well, if you have anyone that’s interested in using your groups, services in real estate, what’s the best way they should reach out,

Adam Baxa 33:38
the best way they can reach out to me is email or call or text. My email would be Adam at the backs of That’s th e b AX a gr fo Or my phone number my cell phone is 630-234-4472 would be probably the easiest way call or text on that one.

D.J. Paris 34:04
And to follow Adam on Facebook, go into Facebook and type in just ask Adam baxa and it goes right to his page and you’ll see some pretty impressive stuff there. So anyway, Adam, thank you so much for your time today really

Adam Baxa 34:17
appreciate I appreciate the opportunity to DJ really do

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