The Importance Of Kindness • Elizabeth Ballis

May 20, 2020

Elizabeth Ballis from The Ballis Group with Compass in Lincoln Park has been practicing real estate since 1980. In this episode Elizabeth shares how her group has remained productive and positive during the pandemic. She also discusses the importance of community involvement and how that ultimately helps her real estate practice. Elizabeth also mentions how being kind to fellow agents is critical to success. She strongly advises real estate professionals to build relationships with other agents and the many benefits that result.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Elizabeth Ballis can be reached at 312-210-9797 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide, and host through the show. And in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Elizabeth Bayless. But before we get to Elizabeth, two quick things wanted to say first of all, thank you, as we start every show by thanking the audience, you who are listening, we wouldn’t do this. And we couldn’t do this without your support. And we are even this month, we’re more listeners than we did last month, which means you are telling a friend so thank you for continuing to tell other real estate professionals about the show. And the second thing is we just relaunched and rebuilt from the ground up our website, please check it out. It’s keeping it real Now most of you are probably not listening through our website, which is perfectly fine. You probably are listening through a podcast app. And that’s great. But if you’re curious, check out our website because what you can do there that you can’t do on your podcast app is actually separate all of our episodes by category. So for example, if you like the coaching moments with Ryan de April, you can actually listen to all of Ryan’s in order right on our website. So definitely check that out keeping it real Again, guys, thanks for continuing to support our sponsors, our guests and of course for continuing to listen and now on to our interview with Elizabeth Bayless.

Okay, today on the show, we have Elizabeth Bayless from the Bayless group at Compass here in Chicago. Elizabeth Bayless was raised in Miami Beach, she’s been married almost 52 years. Now, she did spend one year living in the suburbs, but realize she loves city life and came back in 1973. She began her career actually in 1980, when her daughters were young, and back then the interest rates were 18%. So she definitely wasn’t immediately overwhelmed with business. But that slow market gave her the time to learn the basics, get involved with her local association, and continue her community involvement as well as be available for family time at the same desk for over 33 years now. And in February of 2019, the Bayless group joined compass in Lincoln Park here in Chicago. She has been a top 1% Producer forever. She’s a legend in the Chicago real estate market here and we’re so excited to have her on the podcast and I’m a huge fan of her daughter. We should give a quick plug to your daughter to Stacey Bayless. That’d be great. We love Stacy Bayless. If you’re into chick lit, that is Stacy’s one of her specialties, but definitely check out Stacy Bayless. But anyway, we’re here to talk about Elizabeth. So Elizabeth, thank you and welcome to the oh, by the way, before we welcome you, please visit Elizabeth and the Bayless group at Bayless Also follow them on Instagram, which is at Bayless group. And that’s Bayless, ba L. L. I S. Elizabeth, welcome to the show.

Elizabeth Ballis 3:59
Thank you very much.

D.J. Paris 4:01
We are I’m really, really excited when I started the show. Four years ago, you were at the very top of our list to have as a guest. And so we’re so excited to finally have you. So thank you so much for being here. Thanks. Yeah. So I would love to know you’ve been in Chicago real estate forever. For 33 years. Tell us Oh, my gosh, I have old information. 41 years. Tell us how you got involved.

Elizabeth Ballis 4:31
was really a serendipity because our kids were in nursery school. And one of my friends was selling her home right down the street for my son Mohawk and, and I knew one of our neighbor and one of our family, people were looking for a house so I kind of connected them and so over the years, I just kind of watched that process and it just seemed like it would be a good fit as my kids got a bit older. Deborah was eight and Stacy was 10. And as I said, as you know I was 18% interest rate. So I didn’t need to go to an office, I had very little business, but I did get involved. So that’s just you know how it came about. And my first listing, of course, was family, my mother in law. So, and from there, here we are 41 years later.

D.J. Paris 5:16
Amazing. And so talk a little bit, you’ve seen so many ups and downs in the market, obviously, now we’re in we’re in a challenging time has obviously activity has shifted? Are you just as busy as ever and in busy in a different way? Or are things slower? Or?

Elizabeth Ballis 5:34
I think, no, they’re definitely not busy in the busy way. I mean, we are keeping busy. And I think we’re staying positive because there are things that we are selling during this time, I think it’s shifted, and I think the new normal might actually be helpful for all of us, because one thing I’m really bad at is setting boundaries. So I’m the I’m the, you know, live to work. And my partner, daughter, Deborah, is the work to live right. Sure. I really feel like some of the things we’re doing now, which is asking people to look at videos before they make an appointment, see the floorplan, see the pictures, because many people don’t. And their agent makes appointments for them, and they walk in the door and they go up, not really. So everybody is so much more involved in online before they make appointments, often didn’t even call us. But it has moved in that direction. And I think that’s a good thing. But we have had several transactions doing it this way. And it teaches us that, you know, that doing zoom and doing all of that is a way that we can all have boundaries and have more family time.

D.J. Paris 6:39
Yeah, it is it is nice, because it does allow agents to be more efficient, at least in you know, you can now have your first appointment virtually, which maybe isn’t the preferred way. But certainly the safe way and maybe will continue even after everything goes back to normal. I know for sure I was thinking about this recently that for agents that purchase leads from places like Zillow and you know, other other lead providers, what a great way to have a first face to face virtually just for safety sake and at least getting a sense of the energy of the other person versus maybe meeting them, you know, at a property which you probably shouldn’t do if you’ve never met somebody anyway. But but you know, now at least you can have some face to face time. And everyone’s been conditioned. Now, even people who aren’t as tech savvy to use video conferencing. So I’m hoping that it’ll just make maybe things a little bit safer. I guess,

Elizabeth Ballis 7:33
if I can do it, anybody can do it. Because I am like really low tech. I’m still you.

D.J. Paris 7:37
You have seen I mean, I would say hundreds but it’s probably 1000s of agents come and go. Throughout your career, you’ve seen people become extraordinarily successful, like yourself. And you’ve also seen people who struggle, and maybe who have even left the industry for, you know, for a number of reasons. And I’m I’m curious if you have any thoughts about what seems to be working for agents, or what you’ve seen work or what you would recommend? Because we have listeners who would you know, love to get to your level? Just curious if you have any suggestions about prospecting or doing a better job as an agent, just curious, what’s worked for you?

Elizabeth Ballis 8:16
I think over the years, because I’ve always been involved in association committees and gotten to know a lot of the other agents, I started there because again, I didn’t have much business. And so I was on a lot of committees from the Chicago Association of Realtors. But I you know, I have determination. And I know that hard work that has success. And so one of the things I think is really important for agents to remember is to be kind, because it doesn’t cost anything to be kind. And we often are seeing that other agents who we work with all the time, our buyers and our sellers, they come and go, but we have to work with each other. And I find that agents that really make it in this business are really, really nice people and they typically are kind and they work really hard for the transaction, not for themselves for their next paycheck. They work to make sure on both sides and that makes it so nice when you get a transaction where both agents are working equally hard for the same angle.

D.J. Paris 9:14
Yeah, I just had Rachel Scheid, who’s a Coldwell Banker, Branch Manager on on a couple days ago. And she was saying something very interesting. And she’s also very involved in Chicago Association of Realtors. And she was saying about being kind. And she said, You know, it’s amazing that sometimes when there’s multiple offers, she goes, it’s I can’t exactly explain why but sometimes when people know who I am, and they’ve had experiences with me and I have a personal relationship with the listing agent, or the broker on the other side of the deal, she’s like, I have won offers where I was not the highest bidder simply because I had a you know, people like people like her.

Elizabeth Ballis 9:55
Well, I did. No, I absolutely agree with that because they can say A I know, this is not maybe as high as the other offer, but I know this will get done. I know, as a qualified person, there won’t. Not that there won’t be any hiccups because in this life, there are always hiccups, but that person, and I know our team is like that, we are going to hustle to make sure that every everything gets done, and then it gets to closing. And then we have a relationship with them after so that that becomes our referral source, of course.

D.J. Paris 10:27
Yeah, 100% agree back to getting involved in in committees and being involved in your local community. How important has that been for you? Obviously, it fills you up. It’s it’s certainly you have a sense of fulfillment and pride around it. But I imagine also in which is not the reason you’re not doing it for this reason I’m about to mention, but I imagine it’s probably helped your business as well. Right?

Elizabeth Ballis 10:52
Absolutely. And no, and it’s very intangible to know what it is that you’ve done in the course of your life that that does that. But we we left the suburbs, we as you said, we tried it for a year, it didn’t work for us. And we came back when actually was Deborah was a baby. And we got involved in the public schools because the city of Chicago public schools were not excellent. And we wanted our children to have education in the public schools. So we had moved to Lincoln Park in 1973. And for the agents that know, know, the city, they’ll know that in 1973, my endless thought we’d lost it and why are you there?

D.J. Paris 11:29
Linkin Park is it was a very different place back then a very different

Elizabeth Ballis 11:33
place. But our neighbors had been there 70 years and we felt really safe and love there. And we got involved in the public schools and creating them. My husband helped create the LaSalle Language Academy, which was the first magnet when it was first. And from there, no, Linkin Park, high school and the International Baccalaureate. But bottom line is all of those relationships that we gained with our neighbors and creating not only good schools for our children, but fast forward and there are so many good schools in the city now that people actually stay instead of going to the suburbs. So those relationships, on one side of it I, I was the President of the Chamber of Commerce in the 90s. And you just meet a lot of people and then eventually that comes back to help your business which is as you say, not my intent. It was I believe in paying it forward. Someone helped me when I was young, and I that’s always been my goal to Yeah,

D.J. Paris 12:29
I had on I wholeheartedly agree I had on Jordan Pyle who’s right. He’s with Keller Williams, that he is the president of the YPN at car. And, and he’s a lovely guy, young guy. And I said, just out of curiosity, Jordan, I go, have you ever? Is there ever been business that’s come your way? Because you’re serving on on YPN? Which I would assume the answer is no, not really. It’s, you know, it’s not really what it’s for. And he said it was the weirdest thing. He said, 40% of my business now are referrals from other agents who just you know, they don’t they have a client moving to the city, and maybe they’re in the suburbs or whatever. And he goes, it is the street. And he’s really involved in Keller Williams as well. And he goes, people from all over the country, just call me now other brokers who go have a client. And I said, 40%, he goes, I didn’t think I’d ever get a referral that way, I’ve never asked for one. And he goes, it’s just from being really involved. So

Elizabeth Ballis 13:24
and I find the same thing, because I have a ABR and a CRS and a GRI and all of these designations that they take extra effort to get. But I, I do get a lot from the CRS community. And I think that that’s that that’s great. And I think, you know, being involved in and supporting our Pac and, and the political action committees, which do so much to help us have a career. All of those things are important, and they do come back to help

D.J. Paris 13:52
us. Yeah, this is a good reminder for all of our listeners, if you’re not contributing to some of those, those groups, your local association, reach out to them and see how you can get involved either donating money, with your dues or your time or your energy. These are organizations that help keep real estate agents employed and viable, and they fight for you. And they make sure that you know, your your future is, is bright. So don’t you know, don’t be stingy with your, with your donations, because it’s something that really, truly helps. So we’ve had people on the show who are part of those lobbyist groups, and they talk about how critical it is that donations do come in, especially during you know, these kind of times. So, yeah, you know, I’ve also wanted to talk about your group because you work with Yep, what two two team members currently?

Elizabeth Ballis 14:42
Yes, we are multi generational. I am the Baby Boomer and then Deborah is the Gen X and Nicole near Meyer, who just had her first child are millennials so we cover it all. And and we all bring something different to the table. They they just hose me down and say okay, we’ll take care of this especially when it comes to technology.

D.J. Paris 15:03
Yeah, well, you’ve probably you probably counsel, I know a lot of newer agents come to see you to find out to to learn and get, you know, a small degree of mentorship as well. And what are some of the things you tell new agents to do? So if somebody just gets their license, I mean, obviously, right now is a kind of an unusual time. But, you know, my girlfriend is a good example. So she’s, she was a in house leasing for a building called catalyst in the west loop. And now she’s wanting to go off on our own and be your own, you know, and our own production. And she’s like, well, I don’t know if right now is the right time, because the markets changed. And, and I said, I don’t know, I think it’s actually a perfect time, because you can start to develop the relationships right now.

Elizabeth Ballis 15:44
Correct. And I mean, it goes back to when I got my license, because, I mean, I say that yeah, right. I affiliated with a company that had like three people, the woman who had been the referral source for the house down the street, and, and they didn’t have any, any education there. So running and slammed by sometimes the seat of my pants, I mean, companies provide so many unbelievable tools, but I never had a CRM or anything. Sure. So. But now would be a great time, because you can get all the nuts and bolts and get mentorship. And I think that if you, you know, it’s good to have somebody be part of a team if you can, because if you if you trust them, and believe that you can learn something that way, some people need that I did. And I had someone that mentored me, and I’ve mentioned many, many people. And sometimes even when you’re having your first deal, I’ve had lots of lots of experiences with know someone doing their first transaction, and I get to help them that way too, again, because I want the deal to go smoothly. So I think that it’s very important. And if you can get somebody to mentor you, and be a part of a team, while you grow your business, my goal has always been to have somebody who came into my team, be there as a career path, not necessarily to build their business and then go out on their own. And we took Krieger who I think you might know, who was with me nine years, and we had a great relationship and still do, but she went out on her own. And she’s been a top producer ever since. So that makes me proud. But I want you to stay with me forever.

D.J. Paris 17:15
I have Ryan, Ryan de April who has his own company. And he comes on once a month to do coaching. And I say, because Ryan’s really big into coaching. That’s what he loves to do. And he said, Whenever somebody he coaches gets to a certain level, and they leave his firm, and if they go to another firm, he goes, You know, I used I used to get kind of upset about it and depressed, he said, and then I realized it’s the best compliment ever. Because yeah, because I help them get to that level. And he goes, you know, some some peep, sometimes people just need to change and but it is, you know, I know you’ve you’ve worked with a lot of brokers over the years, and I know a lot of brokers who have sought you out because of your experience, and, and obviously your professionalism and just how successful you’ve been.

Elizabeth Ballis 18:01
Because I sat at the same desk for 33 years. And so they know where to find me.

D.J. Paris 18:06
That’s true. That’s very true. And and when you were at your, your your office, which was here in Lincoln Park, which you were denounced, Yeah, but you’re still in Lincoln Park. But I worked at a company where I was like, two doors down from you. And completely unrelated, which is how I met your daughter. And it’s just so funny that here we are now, but yeah, but yeah, but But yeah, so also, let’s talk a little bit about you know, why you think your why clients maybe choose the bailiffs group, I’d love to know what it is you think you guys do? That’s, that’s maybe not so much different from other brokers. But But what the clients like about working with you?

Elizabeth Ballis 18:48
I think authenticity maybe? Yeah, I think we don’t try to sell them a bill of goods. We tried to tell them the good, the bad, the ugly, whatever. And if we, if we are fortunate enough to work with them, we try to be honest, always. And if it doesn’t work, which hopefully it will we tell them why we think and that sometimes gets together. But I think that I think just being yourself. And they know that we’re not doing it, obviously we’re doing this to earn a living. We all do. But I think that them knowing that that’s not our main goal from for them, which is that we want them to have a successful as stress free as possible transaction as possible. And I think that we bring that to the table and we work really, really hard and we go above and beyond what many agents will do. I mean, if I, I found out that one of my clients who no longer lives in town, we were doing a and this is a good idea for people if you think to do this, we have homeowners exemptions here in Chicago, as you know. And I live in a building with 183 units and I thought Oh, I wonder how many people are getting their homeowners exemption so they went through the tax records, but not only my Building, which I then shared with all the people who were not getting them for 20 years and got to eat. But one of my clients who doesn’t live in town, a previous client in a different building, I found out that her Texas had been sold. Her Texas had been sold because her account number paid them. No, he wasn’t here and I and I took the ball and I ran with it. And I got them paid. No, she said, We got him paid. And so those are the kinds of things that I think if you do that, and people know that you that you really care about them, not just that one transaction. But well beyond that years later. I think that that is why people call us I hope so.

D.J. Paris 20:38
Yeah, it’s funny when I bought I bought a condo, in a neighborhood in Chicago called uptown, obviously, you know it, but maybe for our listeners. And I did not take advantage of the homeowners exemption for a few years because I was lazy and forgot about it. And I wasn’t in real estate, I was a marketing guy. And so I didn’t really pay that much attention. And finally, somebody brought it to my attention. And it could have been any realtor. It wasn’t it was I don’t remember who’s somebody like a neighbor of mine told me. So what a great, you know, and I just I was ignorant. I didn’t know.

Elizabeth Ballis 21:12
You can go back three years. Yeah. So you know, if somebody wants to do especially now while it’s quiet, and you have some time, you know, go for it. Go back to your you know, your clients and we take a listing, we always look to find out if they’ve been getting it and if not, we help them apply. But those are the kinds of small things actually you could be joined during this time, when you’re trying to reconnect with your clients say, Oh, by the way, I just realized you’re not getting your exemption. There you go. Yeah, the other thing I wanted another idea.

D.J. Paris 21:43
I wanted to also ask how important you think it is for agents to try to specialize in a geographic area? Meaning Yeah, of course, you might take listings outside of that area, but having what I would call like your true north being, you know, one particular area? Is that something that you think’s important?

Elizabeth Ballis 22:01
Yeah, I think it’s important. And it goes back to when I first got my license, and there was no business and somebody called me and they, they wanted to live in Barrington, which is a suburb like 40 miles outside of Chicago. Sure, I’m happy to do that. I slept them out there, I had no clue what I was doing. And this is so long ago that we had these great big books, you know, for the multiple listing service, and did not have those. So you had to go to every office to find out what they had. And then it was Christmas, and we took a family vacation, I came back and found out he had bought it from somebody that knew what the hell they were doing. So no, we we do know, several neighborhoods in Chicago. But sure, we do not venture into the suburbs, we have wonderful referral relationships that we have, which is another thing I would recommend for, for agents that are just getting into the business, get to know whatever company you’re with, if they have other offices in the suburban market. Sometimes you can no call one from every every office and see if you can have some kind of a no collaborative sessions, especially now that there’s zoom, and then you can refer to each other. I was so fortunate for the many, many years that, that I was working with our last company that we had President’s Club, and every year we all get together and we are all really, really close. Even now, you know, even though many of us are in different places. So that’s, you know, that’s what I think.

D.J. Paris 23:29
Yeah, it’s really important to and also for agents listening, obviously, right now, open houses are probably for most of the country put on hold. And in some places completely forbidden. But, but when things do reopen, this is a great opportunity, especially within your own company, if you have other agents there to to reach out and say, hey, when this all gets back to normal, if you know, you listener, the agent is not that busy. You know, if you have listings, I would love to do an open house for you. We have had so many guests on the show, say they started their career doing open houses for other agents, and what a great time to just build the relationship so that when those do come back, you know, maybe that agent would think about you the next time they need an open house.

Elizabeth Ballis 24:13
Right? Except, you know, here in Illinois, you’d have to be in the same company.

D.J. Paris 24:17
That’s true. That is true. Yes. So definitely check your license law do not. Yeah, it’s funny. It’s so funny. You mentioned that. So I got a call recently, somebody that was looking to join our firm, and he said, you know, okay, so he’s a California agent, and we don’t, we’re not licensed there. But he’s like I said, I’m getting my Illinois license. And here’s my plan. I’m going to call agents from other offices and asked to do open houses and I, I had nobody had ever said that to me. And we have 700 agents at our own firms. I was kind of like, I go that doesn’t sound like something you can do but hang on. And I called to the Illinois Association of Realtors they have a legal hotline which you know about and they have attorneys there and I talked to Betsy or bands or who had somebody else there and I said just I just want to make sure this is okay. He goes, that is absolutely not. Okay. So I have a call.

Elizabeth Ballis 25:05
I see that’s how I found out. It’s just a call back. See? Yeah. There’s somebody wanted to co list something with with myself and somebody from a different companies to do, right?

D.J. Paris 25:16
Yeah, cuz it’s confusing to the consumer, they don’t know what’s going on and, and so anyway, there’s another good opportunity for everyone to realize you have resources, reach out to your state organizations or local. And you can ask those kinds of questions. But if you have agents in your own firm that work other areas, this is a great time to build those relationships, because especially if you’re not super busy, you know, this is a time to reach out and say, hey, I want to do open houses for you. So the moment that we can do that again, you know, please consider me and, and that’s just a

Elizabeth Ballis 25:47
grind in here, because I feel like, sometimes there are, there’s a suburban agent that calls you and says, I’d like to Colace this with you, 5050, or whatever, and you’re going, you’re like 30 miles away, and I’m here, how about, you just refer I only ever refer I never do that. Because I want them to use their expertise to help my client do the best that they can. And I want my clients to know, that’s not me. And even if it was in the city and the far side, no, to take a listing somewhere that you don’t really know, I even refer that to some of my colleagues. And, you know, we do that if we need to feel like we want to do the best we can. And that’s not always us.

D.J. Paris 26:25
Yeah, and, and you know, to that your reputation is everything. And if you’re not actually able to do a good job for that customer simply because you don’t know the area, then you’re actually not, it’s not a smart idea. Even if it does earn a paycheck, it’s better to refer it out and and to somebody else, and that client is going to be better served and your reputation is going to stay intact and just better for everyone.

Elizabeth Ballis 26:47
And it’s also not only about the location, and sometimes the property type. Yeah, because there are property types that we are really, really well versed in, and there’s some that, that we don’t feel quite as comfortable. So in that case, if it’s in the city in our in our market zone, we would ask somebody to call us with us if we felt that necessary.

D.J. Paris 27:07
Yeah, it’s funny, we one of the most one of the hallmarks, almost universal, universally expressed on the show from all the guests we’ve had, we’ve had 160 Some guests is that they have the willingness to walk away from a client or transaction, if they felt you know, I’m really not the best fit. Either maybe the client has unrealistic expectations, or maybe it’s just a type of property they don’t normally deal with, or in an area, they’re not used to. The willingness to say, you know, I’m not the best fit, but so and so can help you. And it seems to be the willingness to walk away sometimes is really the smartest play.

Elizabeth Ballis 27:47
Well, sometimes it’s hard to because sometimes we have so much time invested in clients that will never meet their expectations, no matter what we do, we can’t meet their expectations. And now you go, Okay, now, now they make a change. And then you’re just watching to find out if it sells in three seconds after you’ve worked for six months. So I mean, it happens to all of us. And you know, and in some some of these markets over, you know, 2008, and whatever, some of our colleagues, we all look at each other and go, we should just, you know, have musical chairs, and just, you take it for a month and I’ll take it for a month. Because many of my closest relationships are with people that are not even in my company. You know, they’re just people who need those relationships with over all these many years.

D.J. Paris 28:32
I would also I’d love to switch gears because I have a I have a story that you’re I’d love to hear a story that you sent us about working with an NBA player, because it’s such an unusual story. I love it. I mean, it makes sense logically what you’re about to say, but I just love that they asked for this. Do you mind? Do you mind sharing that rental story with us?

Elizabeth Ballis 28:49
So we had a house listed? And we were it was a rental and this NBA player came. And he really liked it. It was it was great house and they got back and you always reach out to the agent and go you know, what can you tell us? Oh my god, he really loves the house. But he has a request. Okay, what is it? Well, he’d like you to change all the doors in house eight feet. And our owner said no, I don’t think so. But it was funny.

D.J. Paris 29:19
Because he’s got it. He’s probably seven feet tall. And

Elizabeth Ballis 29:23
me. And this had really high ceilings. I mean, this is a house with like with a three, three storey dining room. But the doors were not at all

D.J. Paris 29:31
Oh, that’s so funny. So I can’t even imagine what the cost would be to the owner to Yeah,

Elizabeth Ballis 29:36
I mean for you know, for $5,000 a month apartment I don’t think so.

D.J. Paris 29:42
Oh, that’s so funny. But where was where you were able to get the place rented to somebody who didn’t need

Elizabeth Ballis 29:47
very, very quickly. Yes.

D.J. Paris 29:50
Well, well Elizabeth, this has been a lot of fun. I I would love to to also tell everyone listening because we don’t just have real estate agents that listen We have buyers, sellers, renters investors, who also listen. And Elizabeth is truly one of the great Chicago Realtors for for 40 plus years. If there is anyone listening who’s looking to work with the Bayless group, either you or your teammates, what’s the best way someone should reach out to you?

Elizabeth Ballis 30:20
I would just write an email to info inf o at Bayless ba l l i s

D.J. Paris 30:28
And also please follow them on Instagram, which is Bayless group, and then also visit their website, which is Bayless And their website is really cool. I was telling Lizabeth beforehand, it’s one of the best looking realtor sites I’ve seen. So it’s a nice model, even for anyone listening across the country who’s thinking about building a website, make it look like that, because that is a good

Elizabeth Ballis 30:49
way much. Thank you. We we just did that. And it took us a long time. And we’re very proud of it. And I appreciate it very much. Yeah, like your regards.

D.J. Paris 30:59
Oh, yeah. So and also everyone listening, check out Stacy Bayless, the author, that’s Stacey, C, E, y. And, and she’s she’s a very, very, very well known writer and author. And, and also Elizabeth’s daughter, so we’re under and an old friend of mine, and I adore her. She’s the sweetest person ever.

Elizabeth Ballis 31:19
Thank you.

D.J. Paris 31:20
Well, Elizabeth, thank you for being on our show. We could not be more appreciative of your time, and I know how busy you are. Even though we’re all stuck. Looks very, very serene and peaceful. I, I could use some of that here in the city. But we we of course, wish you continued success. On behalf of the listeners, I want to thank you for your time today. And also on behalf of Elizabeth and myself, we want to thank the listeners for continuing to support our show. And we ask that you just do two quick things before turning off the episode number one, please tell a friend think of one other real estate agent that could benefit from having heard this interview that you just did with Elizabeth and send them a link to this. You can find us online at our website, which is keeping it real also the second thing please follow us on Facebook you can find forward slash keeping it real pod not only do everyday we find an article that someone’s written online designed to help you grow your business and we post a link to it. But we also post these videos that are the the episodes we’re doing live as we’re recording them, we post the videos, so you can watch us while we’re recording, instead of having to wait a few weeks for us to publish an episode. So again, Elizabeth, thank you so so much. It was a pleasure and an honor for us. And yeah, let’s let’s hope we all go back to normal soon.

Elizabeth Ballis 32:43
There’ll be a new normal, but I hope you do too. And I am

D.J. Paris 32:47
I’m so jealous of looking out at all of the the wildlife and trees in your background and just I’ve seen a few birds fly by just look

Elizabeth Ballis 32:56
what’s going on with less cars on the roads. But here it’s always pretty nice. But there are a lot more animals out here now.

D.J. Paris 33:02
And you can see the stars out where you are, which is even better. All right. Well, thank you everyone much. Thank you, Elizabeth. Have a great day.

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