Connections Are More Important Than Transactions • Aubrey LaRue

July 17, 2020

Aubrey LaRue, a recipient of NAR’s 30 under 30, values connections more than contracts and transactions. Aubrey’s business goals include creating and fostering community with her clients. She also shares that each week she schedules several coffee/lunch/happy hours with her sphere and also her team organizes events throughout the year. Aubrey is a big believer of growing through generosity and talks about how she continues to add value to clients after the sale.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Aubrey LaRue can be reached at (423) 799-2332 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show. And in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Aubrey LaRue. Before we get to Aubrey, a couple of quick announcements. First, we have a brand new series. With partnered with Facebook, Facebook has a real estate group. And they’re gonna be coming on every single month to talk about the various tools they have for real estate professionals. So we have our first episode up, you can find that on our website, keeping it real Or just scroll through your app, your podcast app, and you should see that episode, it’s a few behind this current one. And also, please always remember to tell a friend, the best way you can support our show is to tell other real estate agents about it and so that they can learn from top producers like Aubrey that we’re going to be interviewing in just a moment. So send them a link to our website. Again, that’s keeping it real Follow us on Facebook forward slash keeping it real pot and as always, and as always, thank you for continuing to listen, support our show and send us your suggestions about who we should be interviewing. We’re now interviewing people from all over the country. So if there’s a top producer in your area that we don’t know or we haven’t had on the show, let us know and we’ll schedule an interview with them. So thanks again. And now on to our interview with Aubrey LaRue.

Okay, today on the show, we have Aubrey LaRue. From Frank Trimble homes Keller Williams, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Let me tell you a little bit about Aubrey, after moving from Florida to Chattanooga, Tennessee in 2013. Aubrey fell in love with the community and the people who call Chattanooga home. And that is what sparked her interest in real estate, being able to connect the people she has come to love with the town she loves. Now the core of her business is beyond contracts and transactions. It’s all about connecting, creating and fostering a community. And Aubrey has been in business for several years and I think was her fourth year and she just recently was awarded the top actually 30 under 30 which is the the top 30 agents under the age of 30. By the National Association of REALTORS is a very very big deal award. So please oh and everyone who is listening please follow Aubree you can find her on Facebook search for Audrey LaRue and also on Instagram, which is Aubrey R la rue. So a UB REYRLARU e so find her on Instagram. Aubrey, thank you so much for being part of our show.

Aubrey Larue 3:39
Yeah, you’re so welcome. Thanks for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:42
Well, the pleasure is ours, I really excited to talk with you because you are relatively new to the industry. You’re doing incredible amount of production in a very, very quick pace. So I know your history in the industry is relatively short, but I still would love to hear about how you got into the business. You know what, what prompted it? And, you know, tell us that story.

Aubrey Larue 4:05
Well, I fell into it completely by mistake. But once I did, it was like, How can I think of this before. So I grew up in Florida, got my undergrad in advertising. So then I moved to Chattanooga for a job doing marketing and advertising stuff. And then I think my second year living here, I’ve been here about seven now. But in my second year living here, I got a director of marketing position at a real estate development firm. So I was in charge of all the marketing and advertising website stuff. And so the longer I was in that and the more I was in the real estate realm, granted it was commercial development, so different what I’m doing now, I really took a liking to that and then eventually started doing that within the company. And then while I was there, got my real estate license, really wanting to do development, like my own developments and be able to broker deals that way. But then again, that’s a whole nother story. But that firm ended up not being a great company to work for. And so I had my license and I had with, you know, I’ve created a really good group of friends here, like we’re super tight knit, and they kind of were like, I mean, you need to be doing real estate, like, residential full time. Like, why haven’t you done this yet? But it’s scary, you know, going from a salaried job, yes, to commission only, and I’m not from here. So it’s not like I have, you know, my mom’s sister’s kids and their friends that will automatically buy and sell with me, you know, so, but I just kind of made that leap. And, yeah, best decision I ever made and scariest?

D.J. Paris 5:59
Well, those two things are always the same, right? So scary is almost always good when it comes to big decisions like that. Because usually means you’re on the right track, because if it isn’t scary, it’s probably maybe not that exciting. And it’s also that the upside is going to be limited, right? So the idea of of doing this now, I’m very interested to know because the commercial world and residential world for many, many brokers many real by the way, when I say brokers, of course, every state calls Realtors different things, million different names. Yeah, million different names. I’ll try to stay with the realtor just to make sure not confusing any of our listeners who don’t have brokers in their state. But, but But anyway, we made the switch from Commercial to Residential, which is a big shift those those two worlds are very different. And obviously, the commercial worlds just just a whole other animal. But, but But yeah, but everyone has to live somewhere. Right. So I guess the residential side, certainly can be a lot more predictable.

Aubrey Larue 6:57
Yeah, it is. And I think just from my personality, residential mix, not that I won’t do commercial because I actually am very interested in development and things because Chattanooga is such a growing town right now. Yeah. But I don’t think I’ll ever give up residential just because, and I’ll get this in a little bit. But it’s like, how I made some of my friends. It’s how I really got involved and creating neighborhoods and community and, you know, making good neighbors.

D.J. Paris 7:31
Yeah, let’s talk about this. So you basically moved to Chattanooga, you know, you’ve been there for seven or eight years or so however, it’s still you know, that you’re still new to the area to somebody. And so when you started, you really didn’t have a big sphere of influence.

Aubrey Larue 7:48
I had no, I had a zero, just here of influence. Zero.

D.J. Paris 7:53
I love it. So how did you actually start? What What were the because we have a lot of people who are listening, who are probably like, you know, wondering, how did you start your business? There’s wondering the same thing. Maybe they don’t have a large sphere of influence, either. So you know what worked for you.

Aubrey Larue 8:10
Right? So again, without knowing anyone, I kind of just had to figure out how to make friends, you know, in a city and it’s making friends and community as an adult is not easy. Yes. You think like high school is the hardest time of your life. But honestly, your early 20s were really hard and nerve wracking because you’re finally on your own. I’m in a new state. I don’t have family here. Like it was, you know, really nerve wracking, but I went to a Young Professionals Association, like happy hour, and I’m alright, boost it up a little bit to so I’m not so nervous. And that’s really where it all started. Just it was a networking event, but it was it’s really laid back. It’s really just a bunch of people getting to know each other. Some are looking for new job opportunities. Some people are looking to hire new people. And some people like me are like, will you be my friend, please? Because I don’t know anyone and I need friends. Right? So that is how it really spurred because from there, I met some really great people who then introduced me to more great people. And then so on and so on. And then I became kind of an ambassador for new people coming into the city, and I eventually and I’m still on the board for yp Chattanooga. So because it was so great having that when I was new, I want to make sure other new people or even people that have been here but haven’t quite found their footing or their niche, or maybe thinking of a career change. Like I want to be that person to them like I had because otherwise I would not be here and doing what I’m doing.

D.J. Paris 10:03
Yeah, that’s a really a great suggestion too. For everyone listening. She’s talking about what was called yp young professionals. They’re pretty much all over the country, but there are all sorts of different, you know, groups if that one doesn’t exist in your local area? Oh, yeah, that’s definitely. Yeah. And it’s a great way to get involved, and especially to, you know, that’s a very interesting, you know, we’ve done almost 200 episodes, and I have yet to really have anybody say, that exact story, which is like, Hey, I got involved to really, you know, network and meet people myself. But then as I started to develop my career, I wanted to give back and, and also, you know, obviously, it’s going to help your business indirectly. But this idea of being getting involved being on the, you know, being involved with the leadership there. And, and, you know, giving your time and energy, and then also, you know, just, I’m sure I’m sure, like a good chunk of your clients when he first started. Is that really where they came from?

Aubrey Larue 10:59
Um, yeah, I mean, yeah. And it’s funny, because I’m like, did I meet them through IP? Because they became, they’re just your friends? Yeah, exactly. So like, I’ll shut up Josh crop. One of my best friend is also one of my biggest advocates. Out there, he and his wife, Natalie. And he’s really the one that he you know, he’s born and bred Chattanooga, and he knows every single person. And so he really, like when when I first met him at yp, because he had been involved for years. He’s actually now the current president. And he introduced me to like every person he knew. And so he and my whole group of friends that I’ve met through him, kind of started word of mouth getting referrals. Yeah, it’s, it’s funny, because I’m like, Oh, I met them at a networking event. But it feels weird now, because they’re like, family to me.

D.J. Paris 11:53
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, that’s, that’s how it seems to work for a lot of brokers is their clients end up becoming their friends, a lot of them and celebrating with them at the various life events. And, and, yeah, absolutely,

Aubrey Larue 12:07
it’s, um, it’s funny. It’s just, I mean, yeah, it’s, it’s weird to think how it all kind of stemmed from that. But you know, we’re each other’s biggest advocates. And you know, I was in their wedding, and they just had twins, and we’re about to go over there, bring up dinner and things like that. So it is really cool to have people that you care about and care about you and building a business that way and of trust.

D.J. Paris 12:33
Yeah, it that’s it. And you know, you’ve had some really, really impressive numbers, even, you know, sit in your in your short tenure as a real estate agent, although it’s certainly becoming becoming longer. But you’ve you’ve done Oh, you did? What? Over 20 million, something like that. And in the last year or so?

Aubrey Larue 12:53
Well, the last two years, about 10 10 million the last two years,

D.J. Paris 12:59
which is insane, which is incredible for somebody three to four years. That’s an incredible

Aubrey Larue 13:04
production. So I think I think I’m scheduled to do well, this this year. 1213.

D.J. Paris 13:11
It’s amazing. Yeah. Have you found that? That the pandemic? Did it slow your business or? No, yes.

Aubrey Larue 13:19
I don’t know what’s happening. I have never been busy or talked to all of my friends. I mean, yeah, again, I’m running. I’m running on coffee. It’s been it’s been amazing. I mean, super low rates, help. I mean, I’m even buying another house right now. So now’s the time. Now’s the time. And so hopefully, that also makes my clients feel better. Like is it now good time? I’m like, Well, I’m actually buying another house. So if I’m doing it, you should trust them, you know, make a good informed decision. But yeah, it’s it’s been really crazy. But we have the lowest inventory we’ve ever had right now. It even dipped into the 1500 mark, earlier today. And so like, our typical low inventory is around, there’s my dog chick and by the way, you know, around 2020 120 200 homes, that’s typical low inventory and we’re in the low 1600s right now. So it’s multiple offer everything which I mean you in Chicago, I’m sure you’re used to that. And

D.J. Paris 14:26
right now our Yeah, our inventory is really low as well. So it’s all multiple offers situations and great time to be a seller. difficult time to be a difficult time to be a buyer in a sense, because rates are so low, it’s basically it’s almost like the money’s free, free money. Yeah, free money. And and it’s just now it’s an inventory issue. So what what a great time to if you have listings, to be able to, you know, take advantage of that. I want to talk about, you know, what are some other ways so you talked about networking, networking and really helped jumpstart your business With young professionals, and as you started to grow your business, you know, what are other things that you’re doing just to either stay engaged with your with your so somebody, you know, you help somebody buy or sell a home or rent, and then all of a sudden, you know, you know, well, they’re probably not going to do anything for seven years or so five to seven years. I don’t know what the average time is in Chattanooga for people to move. But what how do you stay connected with your with your sphere of influence that you’ve built up?

Aubrey Larue 15:28
So I’m quite a social butterfly, and it is a joke in my circle that I’m only in real estate so I can make more friends. Like we have. It’s funny, my friends and I, I mean, it’s a guilty pleasure. But I’ll tell you, we watched the bachelor every week. It’s so bad that it’s good. So don’t judge. Sure. But it’s funny. There was like a group of 20 of us in a room watching and our husbands also come even though they claim not to watch their life, oh boy talking in the backfield. But it’s funny, because we do this every week. And one day someone was like, hey, like, how did we even meet, and we went in a circle. And every single person had either done at least one transaction with me, or had referred me or like some other family has, it was all like through realist day. And that’s when it’s like, you just do this to get more friends. But I’m a very, again, I like to be face to face. So pandemic has obviously changed it. But I make it a point to have at least two or three coffee or lunches happy hours a week. Just with people. Yeah, just people in my sphere. You know, or friends of friends being you know, I don’t necessarily it’s almost like a blind date friend meeting. Sure. But people just that have questions about real estate or don’t just, you know, get to know more people. But um, again, we also do events throughout the year with my team does. We were supposed to do a big one. I think like, yesterday or something, but obviously, that’s not happening. So. But yeah, I’m really big on one on one. Obviously, I rely on phone calls and emails too. But I think the heart of my business is like putting myself in front of people. I mean, it’s I’m really outgoing. So that’s not so hard for me, which I know, that’s not everyone’s thing. You know, sure, people, you don’t have to be outgoing to be good in real estate. And I think that’s actually people think you have to be super social and super outgoing to be good at it. But for those listening, you don’t. But that’s just my shtick. Like, I’ve never met a stranger. But yeah, so in the meantime, during pandemic, we’ve just been doing like, Skype, happy hours, and things like that with friends and friends of friends. So,

D.J. Paris 18:00
yeah, let’s I want to, I want to circle back around to the obviously right now, you know, not everyone’s able to meet face to face, but But assuming that we’re able to get back there, hopefully soon, I want to drill down into so let’s say I was your client for two years ago, and maybe we’re not best best friends. But obviously, I had a good experience working with you. You might even call me and say, hey, I want to take you to coffee, just see how you’re doing. Is that is that sort of what happens? Okay. And then it’s not necessarily you saying, hey, DJ, by the way, I need referrals, or are you looking to buy or sell a home? It’s just let’s hang out and catch up? Yes,

Aubrey Larue 18:36
yeah. Because I am. So asked everyone on my team. And Cheryl and Frank, if you’re watching this, they know that this is me. I was always so afraid of being that girl that people avoided because she’s just begging for business. Because, again, go into young professionals meetings. You know, obviously, there’s a lot of people in sales. And so I mean, there’s some guys that like I would be avoiding, because they’re like, Oh, do you need a security

D.J. Paris 19:03
system? And I’m like, right, they have their business card out and ready.

Aubrey Larue 19:06
Yeah. And I’m so terrified of people thinking that I only want to talk to them because of business and whatever. And so I’ve always been so terrified to ask people that. But again, the longer I’m in it, you know, once they know that you’re in real estate, like once you’re associated. It doesn’t have to be real estate all the time. You want to stay top of mind, but you also you want to provide something of value and you only asking for business and never providing value. It’s not going to work. People honest, people are smart, they’re gonna see through if you’re just money minded, and you’re not like, human conscious. I mean, it’s it’s very easy to tell. And so for me as well, even if it’s someone that like I’m not asking for coffee, I’ll touch base to see, hey, like you’ve been in there a couple years or Are you thinking about doing any renovations or whatever? I’ve got a great painter, a great contractor, a great plumber, who do you need? So sharing? So we have a spreadsheet of like our go to? Sure people. Yeah. And so, and also, like a lot of my clients, I’m also their clients. So like Josh crop that I mentioned before. I’ve been his realtor, I think three times now, he’s also my financial advisor. So I also, you know, my clients also provide services for me as well, like my H fac person was a client of mine. And so I’m also a very big believer of giving business and generating leads through generosity. So, right, so so if you have who needs help?

D.J. Paris 20:48
Yeah. And if you have a client that’s like, Hey, I just left my job. And I’m, you know, I’m moving to a different job. It might occur to you to say, Hey, if you want to roll over your 401 K, I’ve got I’ve got a great guy. He’s my financial advisor. Yes, awesome. And you’re gonna connect him? Yes,

Aubrey Larue 21:04
people, or if I can, like I actually had a client, who during pandemic was very unsure about what was going to happen with their jobs. So they actually put their home search on pause, but I still talk to them frequently, because I’m trying to find other opportunities for him because the Young Professionals Association I’m a part of is an arm of the Chamber of Commerce, right? So I sent you know, check my contact at the Chamber a message saying, Hey, this guy has these qualifications is, do you know of anything? So I like to I’m a good connector. Yeah, I’m a matchmaker. That’s an that’s an that’s multifaceted. I’m a matchmaker in my business, when I think I’m really good with figuring out what people truly need. And kind of finding that even if it’s not something you necessarily thought about before. And then same thing with people. I like being like, Hey, I think your personality along with this personality, you should be friends. And then same thing. business wise, like, Hey, I think you know, you’ve, you’ve gone through eight different painters, and they’re all horrible. You should have called me I have all these great people. So here you go. Yeah, you know,

D.J. Paris 22:11
yeah, no, that’s really great. I want to I want to go back to something also that you said, that I think was really, really important. It’s such a great practical tip. So for everyone listening, who’s a realtor out there, who’s thinking, you know, I sold a home to somebody two or three years ago, and I, I know they’re not moving anytime soon. And I don’t want to ask him for business, because maybe that feels disingenuous to call somebody. And but you just gave a really, practically great reason to call somebody’s like, Hey, by the way, you’ve been in there several years. If you are thinking about any sort of, you know, home improvement products renovation, or maybe right now is a good time to refinance, do things so low, I just want to pass them you know, I’m happy to pass people over to you. I just wanted to check in see how you guys are doing. Yep. And that’s such a great reason to pick up the phone.

Aubrey Larue 22:57
It is, and it’s way less scary, because it’s not like gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, right, same time. I also want to tell people to not be afraid to ask for help, or for ask for business. Because the people that know you that love you that trust, you want to help you just like if you envision yourself, like thinking about it the other way around, like, Hey, my friend, that whatever is a contractor, of course, I trust him, of course, I want to send him business. So the people that feel that same way about you are going to want to do that. It’s just a balance of not only picking up the phone, when you’re trying to ask for a referral. Right? And a lot of a lot I mean, there’s a lot of training out there that’s just like, do you think referrals or do you need to buy sell or invest? And like, that’s so not my style? And I’m sure it works for someone, but

D.J. Paris 23:52
I’m not I’m not sure who that works for?

Aubrey Larue 23:55
either. But I’ve gone to so many different classes and seminars, you know, this, you know, real estate, we’re big on scripts in some of these scripts. I’m like, if someone did this to me, I would hang up. So don’t do that.

D.J. Paris 24:11
Yeah, people people want you know, somebody who’s empathic, who’s compassionate, who actually cares, and is selfless. And so you typically I, when I first I was a financial advisor, many, many a million years ago, and one of the top financial advisors in our office who’d been doing it 30 years because if you have to ask for the business, you’re just you’re doing it wrong. And and, you know, it’s not Oh, easy for him to say he’s, you know, he has a huge book of business. But then I saw him at work and he was just so masterful and so good. So obviously, you have to have the skill, but that he also just just laid it out and said, Here’s what I do. And if anyone’s interested, you know, they can come to me and it and it works for him. Now, there’s nothing wrong with asking for business as well if he could do it in a genuine way. But if that is for me, that would be very difficult.

Aubrey Larue 24:59
Yeah. And I think that’s why a lot of people are really afraid to really jump into the business because they don’t know how to communicate. Because obviously you want business. But yeah, it needs to come from the right place. And yet people are just really fearful. And they don’t know how to open up that conversation without sounding like a bad car salesman.

D.J. Paris 25:25
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, and that’s true, because it really nobody wants to work with the bad car salesman. In fact, we all when we all have to go out and buy a car, we all have that, like, I don’t really want to deal with a car salesman. And some car salesmen are awesome. Certainly there. There really are. I’ve worked I’ve bought cars from really great salespeople, and then I’ve had horrible experiences as well. So I can completely understand somebody saying, Well, I don’t really want to bother my friends and family. It’s like, No, I don’t think you should bother your friends and family. But those and I think you would likely agree with this. Those are going to be your advocates. Those are the people that are going to tell other people about Yeah, yeah. Yep. So tell us a little bit more. So talk a little bit more about what you what you do for your clients? I’d love to know, you know, what do you think separates you from the probably 1000s of other realtors there in the Chattanooga area? Yeah,

Aubrey Larue 26:18
there are more Realtors than there are houses available. Truly, what separates me, I mean, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse when I say this. And maybe it sounds like I’m desperate for friends. But I really Once the transaction is done, the relationship doesn’t end. And I think that’s something really important to remember. Because your most valuable resource are people that have worked with you and know that you’re good at it. And so why not pour into them and be as helpful to them. Even if they’re not looking to buy another house right away. They’re the ones that are going to connect you with the other people. So that’s why for me the face to face stuff, or just like dropping off little gifts here or there, inviting them to our events, we were planning on this year doing a kind of a different style, like we created a private Facebook. And we were going to start doing like pop up event events. So for like, hey, for all you beer people, we’re gonna, from four to seven, we’re gonna be at this brewery. And so I love it, oh, come on, tabs on us. And so things like that, where we’re trying to get to know, like, our sphere of influence is on a more personal level. Yeah. And that’s why we want to do more frequent, smaller events. Because the big events that we do, they’re super fun. But it’s kind of like a wedding where you’re getting, you know, pulled from one direction to the other. And you’re not really getting to have that intentional conversation to further the relationship. So and we’re asking them, you know, like, what kind of events do you want? What? Or what things can we do that provide value? And give you a week,

D.J. Paris 28:07
can I give you a great suggestion that another realtor, so this was this was so brilliant and simple and done for the right reason. So I want to preface it by saying this was done for absolutely the right reason. So I think most people feel in their life as they get older, they go, you know, I should be giving back more I should be volunteering, donating time, money, energy, to whatever cause somebody’s passionate about but life gets in the way. We have families, we have business, we have friends and everyone else to see and spend time with then we go, I know I shouldn’t be doing that. But I probably don’t. My My guess is that the vast majority of people think they should be doing more to give back. And they can’t yet find the time to do it or they haven’t prioritized that. And so a great event that I went to years ago. It’s actually somebody I interviewed on her show, three or four years ago, she invited me it was just down the street from where I lived, where I live to an anti cruelty event, which is a shelter for dogs and cats. And so we go there for two hours on a Sunday. You know, we got to tour the facility, we got to make toys for dogs out of T shirts. And it was really, really fun because it’s number one most people like, you know, hanging around animals,

Aubrey Larue 29:20
but also you can be my dog that was like right behind me before.

D.J. Paris 29:23
You have two dogs. I have two pets. We’re both pet people. But most people and most people are animal people. Not everyone, but most unless you’re allergic or you don’t like animals, but most people are. So I thought so I went and spent time with my friend who’s a realtor. And I had a great time and it was two hours and I was walking out of there. And I felt good about myself because I said I just did something good. And I thought oh, that was actually a really smart idea for it. Yes, isn’t it because everybody wants to give, you’re giving them an opportunity to do it. And it’s fun. And so that’s just another opportunity for all of our listeners. If you’re thinking totally steal that. Yeah. And it does, I don’t I don’t know what she, if it cost her anything, she bought like a couple of pizzas. So you know, maybe it was 50 bucks out of her pocket, maybe. But that was about it. And so it was, it was such a great, lovely idea. And I’m just like, I just wanted to share that with everybody stolen. Thank you. Yeah, and also to this idea of constantly scheduling, you know, lunches, coffee, you know, in this case, now, maybe doing more virtual right now and so till things change. But it’s such a great idea. I’m thinking back to all the professionals that I employ. My accountant I have never met, I’ve never seen her. She’s lovely. I have no complaints. But you know, she’s an example of somebody who I’ve been working with for 10 years. I don’t know what she looks like I’ve talked to I’ve never met her never met her. And nor do I need to. I mean, I just don’t need to, but but I would be happy to not if she called me tomorrow. And she’s she’ll never listen to this. So I don’t want to insinuate she needs to do this, because that I would feel terrible and wouldn’t let her do this. But if she called me and said, hey, you’ve been with me for 10 years, I owe you a coffee, or let’s just hang out and catch up. I would be like, great, that’d be awesome. Now, I don’t expect her to do that. And I’m one of I’m sure hundreds of clients she has I’m not that important. It’s no big deal. But as a realtor, you have the opportunity to make you

Aubrey Larue 31:26
feel special. Yeah, I brought my accountant champagne over Christmas, or like New Year’s.

D.J. Paris 31:31
Well, I well. So now I have to bring my account champion. So now I feel here that

Aubrey Larue 31:34
he’s gonna do it. Yeah, so yeah, so for animals. That’s another thing we do. So for Christmas and stuff for the clients that bought or sold with us that year, we drop off little gifts, which our list has gotten very long now. So I think we’re going to try to think of a way for them to come to us because I physically don’t have the time now to go to houses. Yeah. Like, I’m not Santa Claus. But I feel like it.

D.J. Paris 32:09
Yeah. And I imagine, you know, if you did have the time to drop it off, you would for everyone, because I imagine the the joy that they receive is probably just wonderful. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the other thing too is is this industry is such a face to face, or, or even virtually face to face, it’s better than you know, probably a phone call, if you’re doing zoom or Skype. Right now, it’s a great, great opportunity just to connect with the people that are in your sphere and see how they’re doing, especially with all the uncertainty. You know, unemployment is still really, really big. And so this is a huge opportunity just to check in on people who might not be as socially active anymore,

Aubrey Larue 32:49
right? Yeah, it’s, um, yeah, it’s been really strange. Just because you have such a large spectrum of, you know, people that are not leaving their house at all, to the ones that are like me, like, we’re fine. Which, you know, and I’m somewhere in the middle. So and also like, yeah, respecting people. And with showings and stuff, it has been more challenging just because we want to follow protocols. We want to respect not just our clients, but you know, the, the homes that I’m bringing clients into, and things like that. So it’s been a crazy time, but it it’s cool to see how people are adapting.

D.J. Paris 33:34
And another Yeah, and another reason you can call somebody right now is I think there are so many people that are probably as we’re starting to move away from being so isolated. I think there’s a lot of people that are thinking I need to move into a bigger space. I just,

Aubrey Larue 33:49
me don’t. Yeah. But ya know, it’s true, because, and I do think that the pandemic will change how businesses run, I think that they’re probably going to shut a lot of physical offices down because they’ve realized, well, maybe our team isn’t quite as productive when they’re working from home. But we now don’t have the overhead costs so doesn’t matter if they’re as productive because now we don’t have to have physical offices. So I’ve it’s so funny that you say that because it’s truly a real thing where people are buying new houses. So they can both parties if they’re, you know, a couple can work from home. Because I know my husband and I attempted to work from home together. That did not last very long. Yeah. Love you, Christian, but he’s a very loud talker. I’m a moderately loud talker, nightmare situation. And so the next house we have will be better for that.

D.J. Paris 34:48
Oh, that’s that’s basically it. And we should also reiterate once again, that Aubrey was the recipient of National Association of REALTORS 30 under 30 Class of 2020, which is they’re celebrating 30 individuals under the age of 30, who are doing some really unique and cool things in their business, it’s not necessarily who’s got the highest production. Although some of those people have incredible including yourself have incredible production, I mean, for doing 10 million within, you know, three to four years, I guess in your third year, you were doing 10 million. That isn’t an incredible jump, no matter where you you work and live. But you’re also doing a lot of other things. I imagine the social connection part of it is, is probably part of the reason why you were selected. But can you tell us a little bit about you know, why you think you were selected? What were some of the things that that you think that you know, really got their their attention?

Aubrey Larue 35:41
Um, oh, gosh, that’s a loaded question. Because again, like, it’s, I didn’t think in a million years that I would ever get selected, just because when you think about nationally, how many agents there are. And then, you know, you see the numbers of some of these people that are these big cities, and it’s just, it’s insane. I don’t know how to physically do it. So I’m like, Well, you know, little Oh, me and little Chattanooga, but Cheryl, on our team, she’s like, you need to do this. And I’m like, well, when’s the application due? She’s like, I don’t know, like, 12 hours. I’m like, great. Yeah, she’s like our team, mom. It’s Frank’s wife, but she also is the glue to our team. She was our first Rockstar admin. So she’s the one that makes sure all the numbers of our team actually, you know, works. But um, but yeah, so when I initially got interviewed, I was flabbergasted that I even got the first interview, but I mean, I don’t know. Really, what makes me special, I’m really honored. But I think just that I conveyed that. For me, it’s such a personal one on one experience, and that, you know, I told them the bachelor story where it’s like, my clients have become in their in my everyday life. And obviously, not every single client is like my new best friend. But I think I least I hope I make those people feel that way that I legitimately care about, how are they how they’re feeling about making sure they’re feeling good in a new home, or selling a home moving on to another chapter, and that it’s not just like a business transaction that I actually care about them and I in a very real way, and so you know, when there’s people, and it’s funny, like I, we had really, really bad tornadoes here, two months ago, wiped out part of our city. Yeah, it was really, really devastating. So I was checking in on all of my past clients, just making sure that everyone was okay. Like in those areas, and one of my previous clients was like, I can’t believe you reached out to me, you sold me a house four years ago. And I’m like, right? Well, of course, I’m gonna reach out to you. She’s like, but how do you even remember me? And it’s like, What do you mean? How do I remember you? So you can see that clearly, and other Indus trees or whatever experiences they’ve had, they maybe didn’t feel remembered or cared for. So they’re not just a number to me. And I really, really live by that.

D.J. Paris 38:21
Yeah, I’d say feeling remembered and cared for is a great place to sort of wrap up because that maybe the most important thing you could possibly do after the transaction completes, is make thinking all the time. Are my clients or my past clients right now today? Do they feel remembered and cared for by me? And if not, okay, that’s an honest place to start. Now, what can I start bringing back into the relationship? What can I do to reestablish that? And and in your case, you haven’t had to do that, because you’re just constantly doing it. And as a result

Aubrey Larue 38:53
all the time.

D.J. Paris 38:56
And you’re now what, in your third or fourth, fourth year now,

Aubrey Larue 38:59
and yeah, I just, I just I guess July was when I technically got my license. I really didn’t. I really didn’t start working until I think, September of 2016. So yeah, it’s pretty cool. I mean, in some ways, it feels like I’ve been doing it forever. And then in some ways, I feel like I just started and I’m just getting going.

D.J. Paris 39:26
Yeah, yeah. Well, you’re obviously having an incredible impact. And, you know, it’s so so exciting to talk to somebody who’s doing so. Well. I mean, I certainly you don’t have to give us the number but is the majority of your business these days from referrals from from either friends, clients, past clients? Is that a good chunk of your business?

Aubrey Larue 39:47
It is now Yeah, so for the first year in two years, it was I was still really heavily relying on leads coming in from our listings or website and things like that. Sure, but even since then people that initially came in from website and stuff have become part of the inner circle, and, you know, produce more referrals that way. But yeah, I’m getting to be way more referral based.

D.J. Paris 40:13
Yeah, that’s, that’s a huge compliment to obviously how you’ve grown your business, we are super excited to continue to watch your progress as you start to dominate the Chattanooga market. So we want to thank you on behalf of the listeners, for this time today, we really got a lot of value out of this. Everyone who listened to this, she just gave at least three or four actionable strategies that you can employ today to have your clients feel more connected and cared for. So if nothing else, think about, you know, how can I better connect with those people who I’m currently working with, who I worked with in the past, and who maybe I’ll work with in the future. People want to work with people who care and about them. So it’s, it’s sometimes can be as simple as that certainly isn’t easy, but it is. It is simple. But Aubrey, thank you so much for your time today. I also want to remind everyone to follow you on Instagram and Facebook, just search for Aubrey LaRue, on Facebook and on Instagram. Your handle is Aubrey our La Rue will post links to those as well. And we want to thank you for for spending this time. And also on behalf of the of Aubrey and myself, we want to thank the listeners for continuing to support our show, please, we asked everyone who’s listening or watching to do two quick things. One, tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing this great interview with Aubrey and send them a link to either this particular episode or send them to our website keeping it real They can find all of our episodes there. And second, follow us on Facebook every single day we post an article that we find online specific to help you grow your business. And also we post all of our episodes there too. So forward slash keeping it real Patil Aubrey, thank you so much. I already did invite me to come to Chattanooga. She didn’t she just said you should come to meet His invitation.

Aubrey Larue 42:08
I have a new big property. Yeah, we we are at this house. We have a cottage that we Airbnb, so you already got a place to stay.

D.J. Paris 42:19
Perfect. My girlfriend and I will be in roots shortly. Thank you. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure. On behalf of all of our listeners, and Aubrey, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, and we will see everyone on the next episode. Thanks Aubrey.

Aubrey Larue 42:33
Thanks for having me.

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