Superstar Rachel Hausman and The Hausman Team close over 100 million in gross production every year. In our conversation Rachel talks about how she built her business from the ground up – in the first year she closed 18 transactions. Now, she closes 150 deals a year! Her mom, Andee, was the inspiration for starting in the business, and she learned the importance of going the extra mile for her clients, which has resulted in repeat clients and rave reviews. On average she sells a home every three days!

Contact Rachel at 847-217-3019 and

rachel hausman team


D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the only podcast made by real estate brokers for real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host through the show and we have some really great interview today with Rachael Houseman. Before we get to that I wanted to give you guys some news. First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to support the show the way that you can do that. The way that you have been doing that is by passing this, this podcast on to other realtors that you think could benefit from this information. We are only six days into November and we are already on our on a run rate to cross over 5000 listeners last month, we finished it just over 3000 listeners the month for that 2000 etc. So we’ve only been here about 21 episodes, and we’re already going to hit 5000 of you. So we really, really strongly appreciate it. Also, thanks to all the suggestions of people we should be interviewing. I think we’re all booked up now for till the new year. So please continue to pass this along. And also we have sponsorship opportunities. So if you’d like to get in front of between three and 5000 realtors, you can sponsor an episode and that would include me mentioning you at the beginning of the episode and also reading a live commercial about your service. So we’ve been getting a lot of requests from lenders and and attorneys and just various ancillary products to the real estate practice. So if you’re interested reach out to us you can also of course contact us directly through Facebook at keeping it real pod and also our website keeping it real Okay, thank you so much for continuing to support us and on to our interview with Rachel.

Okay, today on the show, we have Rachel Houseman, Rachel is a full time real estate professional dedicated to outstanding client service. She loves working with people helping guide them through the buying and selling process. Rachel grew up with her three sisters in the Buffalo Grove area, with her mother leading the top selling team in Northern Illinois. Her knowledge on the construction Neighborhoods and Schools gives her amazing insight and guidance for each of her clients. She’s raising her own family in the area and her husband teaches in the local school system. Her goal is to provide a great experience by consistent communication and a hands on involvement through the entire transaction Rachel learned from the best her mother Andy and cannot wait to help you with your next purchase and sale it also when Rachel is not on HGTV or out with clients, you can find her on the trail with her family making guacamole canning fresh jam and most likely on the phone with her mom. Andy. Welcome, Rachel.

Rachel Hausman 3:02
Hi. Nice to be here. Thanks for having me.

D.J. Paris 3:06
I just had a just an argument with my girlfriend just this last weekend about the pronunciation of guacamole. I was saying guacamole, which is technically I think correct. But she says she’s like never say that in public. That’s really embarrassing. Nobody’s saying that. I almost just said it in the way I’ve always said it. And then I corrected myself and said it

in the so it’s like Whack a Mole but blockable

it’s technically like Wakka moly. But anyway, I sound ridiculous when I say Yeah, right. Right. Well, anyway, welcome to the show. And let’s talk about Yeah, we are really thrilled to have you talk about how you got into real estate. Tell us your story.

Rachel Hausman 3:49
So um, I always worked at the front desk of a REMAX office through high school and college. I went to school in University of Colorado Boulder and I worked at REMAX of Boulder which was a wonderful office while I was in college there. My mom has been REMAX born and bred for the last 30 something years. And ever since REMAX came about she was all about REMAX. So naturally I always worked in a REMAX office. And then when I graduated, I wanted a big girl job. So I decided to talk to some of our friends at REMAX headquarters and I and I got a job working at the administrative desk there. And it was a cool job I would like people would walk in to our international headquarters and I would give them tours of the building and you know, set up their meetings with some of the higher ups and you know, there’d be people from all over the country and all over the world coming in and they would see my name on the desk and they’d be like, you know, what are you doing here? You know, why aren’t you working with your mom? And so finally Like, the third person said it, who was coincidentally one of my sellers this year. And he and I came home and, and I’ve been working with her since 2009. So, yeah.

D.J. Paris 5:13
And you know, we should talk about just because the amount of production, you know, you and your mom do is truly incredible. I know, you probably you are not somebody that likes to brag, but please do share what what production you guys are doing, because it’s truly impressive.

Rachel Hausman 5:29
So when I first started, I won the Rising Star Award at REMAX Northern Illinois for doing I think was like 18 transactions in a year. And that was like a big, you know, big deal for your first year in the business is that money?

D.J. Paris 5:48
That’s a huge deal. Yeah,

Rachel Hausman 5:50
yeah. And so I don’t know, I talked to my mom the other day, like, you know, did you ever think I would do this with you and be successful with you. And you know, when you’re, when you’re raising your own kid, you think about who they’re going to be when they’re older? And she was like, No, I really didn’t, it never crossed my mind that it was something that would turn into that it was just kind of her job that she, you know, needed to do to raise four kids on her own. So we do about 150 transactions a year, between my mom and I, and my stepdad, Jay, he, you know, he contributes a little bit as well. And then we do over 100 million and gross production. So we’ve been doing that for the last, you know, over a decade. And my goal now with my mom is, you know, I need to get her numbers up, because I think she has like so much potential to keep growing. You know, I’m not satisfied.

D.J. Paris 6:49
That’s a that is I started to laugh because I assumed you were joking, because you guys are obviously doing swell. But I think that is so indicative of a top producers they go, there’s there’s way way more efficient and effective production we could be doing so. Yeah, it’s it lets you know, I’m going to talk about the first year because just for a moment, because there’s a lot of people that listen who are in their first year who would love to do 18 transactions. I know our own the owner of the company that I worked for, he was the car, he was either the rookie of the year, or maybe the runner up, back when he started, which I think was 2003. And, and he was telling me that in his first year, and he ended up being one of the top producers for rookie producers that year in the whole city. And he he didn’t close a deal for us for six months. But then in month seven, I think he closed like six or seven sales, but it is you know, to do 18 In the first year is truly remarkable. How did you do that? How did you grow that?

Rachel Hausman 7:51
Um, to me, it’s all follow up. You know, every every viable breath on the phone is a lead, you know, and you have to treat it that way if you don’t keep asking questions, or if you don’t keep relationships, you know, it’s not the business for you. I mean, I remember my husband now, but he was my boyfriend at the time. He wanted, he needed a job. So he got his license. And it was really hard for him. You know, he was like, I said, Did you follow up your leads today? And he was like, Yeah, I’m sure. Okay, well, then you’re done. You’re out. Like, the UK. You know, now he’s, you know, he’s a teacher now. So, you know, he needs structure. I think people in this business. You know, some people want to have their own schedule. They like the I hate that word flexibility. Like, there’s nothing flexible about this job other than you bend over backwards every single day.

D.J. Paris 8:45
Probably, it’s probably the least free job. There is quite

Rachel Hausman 8:48
flexible job. I mean, yeah, I can have lunch with my daughter on occasion. But then I’m giving up prospecting time. And that’s how I think about it. So right, right. Um, I think success is built on your motivation and your follow up. And I get calls all the time from people that want to join a team. And they want to know, well, what am I going to get? What what’s my split gonna be? What am I going to get? And I’m like, that’s not the question you should be asking. You know, that’s not those aren’t the questions the second year that I’m like, I don’t want to work with you. You know, it’s about how do I help people? How do I build my you know, how do I help build your business? You know, how can I learn and learning and listening is really important. I learned listening to my mom in the car. You know, we didn’t listen to music in the car other than Barbra Streisand. We listened to Howard Britain, you know, motivational speakers, so that’s, you know, you have to listen. And when you first get your license, you know, my stepdad always does Brian Buffini with people. You have to look at your database and if you aren’t involved in something in your or community or in your life, if you don’t have a club or a hobby, you have to have one, you know, you have to be involved in something, because that’s how you build your referrals and your peer database.

D.J. Paris 10:13
Yeah, 100%. And one of the things I love speaking to Brian Buffini is, he’ll, you know, his, one of his big tenants of success is to, for, in particular, for new brokers, but, you know, pretty much anyone broker should and can do it is, you know, right, create your contact list right up every relationship, you know, and he’s very, very specific to say, your contact list is not necessarily your prospect list, it’s a series of relationships, and some of these people will become your advocates, and they’re not necessarily your prospects, because whether or not that you knows, but they are the ones who will go out and, and, and advocate on your behalf. And so he talks a lot about, you know, hey, you need to know who your advocates are, you need to know who your prospects are, you need to know, and then how to deepen deepen those relationships. And, and because a lot of times new brokers will say, Well, I don’t really want to prospect my friends and family. And I say, Well, I understand that, except, well, at least me ask those people to be your advocates, you know?

Rachel Hausman 11:09
Well, yeah, like, the other thing is, is when you first get your license, if you don’t know the area, or construction, or what you’re actually selling, then you don’t have a business doing that as a job. Right, I had a listing last night I got from an open house, which we never did open houses, like it’s never been part of our marketing strategy. And I think they’re coming back, you know, in a different way. And this guy told me, he goes, I met you at the open house. And you know, you knew so much about what you were talking about, and about the market and about real estate that we felt just so in, you know, involved with you and trot we trust you to tell us like it is because that’s how you carry yourself. And we’ve we knew that we wanted to hire you as our agent. They didn’t ask me what my marketing was, they didn’t ask me what my brochures looked like, they knew that I knew what I was doing, and that they wanted to hear the truth. And you have to know that you have to know the area, and you have to know what you’re selling. And my grandfather built houses and my mom grew up with that, you know, you have to know your, your, you have to know what you’re doing. You know, you can’t sell suits if you don’t know anything about a suit. So, you know, these people that just get in it, because they’re like, I love showing houses, it’s like, but what do you like showing about the house? You know, do you know what you’re talking about?

D.J. Paris 12:36
So the good news too, is if you spent an hour every day studying the MLS in a particular area that you’re passionate about, you know, geographic area, suburb or a neighborhood. And you know, within six months, maybe less, you’ll know so much about what’s available in that area, you’ll actually become pretty quickly very proficient and actually not more knowledgeable and very valuable to people wanting to move in and out of those areas. So it’s, it’s totally, and it is like I know when I bought my condo, which was back in like 2006 and I just wasn’t doing marketing in a different totally different industry. My the owner of a company who was my broker, because he was my friend of course, he he’s basic Williams really from Wilmette, but he lives in Lincoln Park at the time. And I wanted to move to Uptown because I really couldn’t afford Linkin Park. And so he he and looking uptown is only two miles from Linkin Park. It’s not that far. And he said, he said, Look, and he was already successful. But he said, I need about a week on this because I don’t know uptown, he goes give me a week because I have to study it. I don’t want to just start showing you homes without really knowing what I’m doing. And and I said, Well, that seems reasonable. And then he came in I wonder, I wonder how many brokers would have said that, you know, and, and I know what it is? Yeah, not many. Right. And I thought I just love that radical honesty. And I know you’re also known for your honesty.

Rachel Hausman 14:01
I mean, yeah, I mean, there’s a scene of me on House Hunters where I said they they edited it so maliciously against me. And and the husband was so funny, I got hate mail, he got hate mail, and it was like, because I was like, you know, this one’s really cheap. Well, you’re gonna like this. And he’s like, one of my best clients now and, and it was like, it was a joke because we me and his wife always joke about how he’s so cheap. He’s so cheap. And they edit it to to that and someone emailed me and they’re like, if you don’t like showing houses then get a new job. And I was like, It’s not that I don’t like showing houses but I like people, they have the right expectation and that’s educating your buyer. You know, I don’t mind showing 30 houses if it’s 30 houses I know there that they would be happy with. You know?

D.J. Paris 14:53
Yeah, well, that’s that’s the problem of of reality television, right. You’re edited to a particular type. have character because it makes for good television not necessarily don’t let the truth get in the good as in the way of a good story. Right? Right. That is, I have a friend who’s a producer. And she’s worked on I think over 30 or 40 reality shows over the past 15 years. And she’s like, she was just she just laughs at the idea that they’re called Reality. She’s like, we set up every scene and every show. It’s not real.

Rachel Hausman 15:25
Yeah, seriously. I think a big a lot of people think, you know, being a top producer, especially when you’re 22 years old at the time. It’s intimidating. And, you know, I got a reputation for being intimidating. And, and it’s, it’s not I didn’t think I was intimidating. I just think I’m honest. You know, you know, don’t. And that’s kind of it’s, you know, you have to be honest, and, you know, there’s no time for, for not being honest, and

D.J. Paris 15:59
I think I don’t think that’s that could even be a larger conversation about gender, right? I think women have it much harder in that capacity. My girlfriend’s a consultant and deals with large enterprise clients and goes in and has to tell them sometimes very difficult things about their business, and she’s very proficient at what she does. And she’s definitely, you know, you could argue may be treated a bit differently than male counterparts simply but you know, so I think women have it, women have a tough in that capacity. But you have some, just to completely switch gears because I don’t want to gloss over, you have some really funny stories. So I want to go through go through about your couch, that one of your clients will tell us the client couch story of you know, the one I’m referencing,

Rachel Hausman 16:50
see, oh, God, this was like, a month ago, I was. This is just one of those moments, you’re like, Oh, this is Saturday morning at 9am. You know, I go to get a listing sign, and I sit on the couch. And immediately, you know, my clients are a little bit older. And immediately after sitting on the couch, I realized I was sitting in urine because my seller had, you know, an accident. And you know, it’s like, I love I love helping, you know, seniors, like make that transition because it is it’s so it’s so hard for people to let go their, their independence, and my dad was an assisted living. So I you know, I totally understand. And so I sit on the couch, and my pants are like soaking wet. And, and I just didn’t say anything. And then I got in my car, and I called my husband, I was like, I’m just across the street, I need to come home, and pee. And like, it wasn’t like, you know, I’ve had stories where you walk in the house and the dog pees on you, or you walk in the house, and, you know, you step in dog pee, and you’re like, This is how you’re showing your house today. You know, those are some of the stories my mom told me one the other day, that was hilarious. She said back in the day, they didn’t have the internet. So you know, you would you would show houses based on these, you know, MLS books that were like 20 pounds. And one time our client drove in, and they, they wanted to see this house. So we picked up the courtesy key and the courtesy key. They went in and they’re they love the house, they want to write an offer. So they’re writing the offer. And my mom’s like, well, you know, they have to get all their stuff out. So, you know, we agreed on this offer and whatever. And so then the people are like, Well, what do you mean? Like? Like, who’s going to take the canary because, you know, nothing was there except the canary. And my mom’s like, they don’t have a canary and they’re like, Yeah, we saw canary in there. And it turns out, they wrote an offer on the wrong unit. Oh, that’s funny. They had thought that they were buying something else the whole entire time. They were at the closing and they’re like, oh, so

D.J. Paris 19:05
like, so wait, so what? So what’s the end of that story? What did obviously the deal didn’t go through? Or?

Rachel Hausman 19:11
No, it was like the same model but on a different floor. So they were okay with it. But it was just hilarious. She’s like, there is no Kinnari I don’t know what you’re talking about. My first my first experience ever though, was my mom told, you know, I was like her errand runner and she was like, Hey, go drop off brochures at Patty’s house. It’s our new listing and, and I was like, okay, sure, I’ll go drop them off. Well, she didn’t tell me that Patty was schizophrenic.

D.J. Paris 19:42
And that’s a critical piece of information for Yeah,

Rachel Hausman 19:46
very critical considering I was alone by myself, and had no idea that I was about to walk into this house and the woman was covered head to toe and white paint. Oh my gosh, she had this really short hair cut and her bangs were cut like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. Right. And she was very interesting. And she said, You know, I don’t know who painted my house, but I don’t know what I’m going to do. And I was like, I’m just here to deliver the brochures. And she had literally painted white paint all over her floors all over the hardwood all over the walls all over everything. And so just like, Mom, what is?

D.J. Paris 20:32
Right. Yeah, that’s like this heartbreaking. It’s funny. And also, it’s like, it’s so incredibly sad. Yeah, yeah, that would be a difficult client, I imagine. Especially because what she’s when she’s, she clearly painted the house and, and she’s, like, somebody painted my house. And only told me about the, tell me about the yoga lady. The one that

Rachel Hausman 20:56
oh, so we had this lady and she, you know, we went on the listing and, you know, everything. Like, I used to teach yoga. And so I, you know, she, she really liked that. And she, she thought, you know, she thought we had really good pure spirits and everything, which was, you know, really nice. I think my mom and I do have really nice spirits. And, and then she said, You know, I need you to visualize the sail. And, and I need you to have this positive energy all the time, you know. And so we were like, well, you know, we have positive energy, but, you know, the house hasn’t been touched in 30 years, and your dog was her dog was literally emaciated and like dying on the floor. And we’re like, um, you know, you really need to be at this price. And she was like, no, no, no, like, you need to have this vision. You know, do you have this vision? And so it’s like, yeah, I guess we have this vision, but you know, you’re not being realistic. So anyway, she went through like five other realtors after us and it finally sold for the price that we told her and it was just,

D.J. Paris 22:03
of course, what she’s, she’s a manifester. You just see it in your mind’s eye, and then it manifests into reality. I guess you just didn’t see it clearly enough.

Rachel Hausman 22:12
And exactly. It wasn’t clear enough that

D.J. Paris 22:15
there was, you know, it’s funny. There was a period of many years in this in this country where that was, you know, that was sort of the new agey, cool thing to sort of talk about it. It didn’t seem to work. Yeah, the secret. It didn’t seem to work for anybody. But it’s it was very cool to talk about

Rachel Hausman 22:33
it. Yeah. It was like, that’s funny, because I called my office the other day was like, guys, like, what are some funny stories? And my mom was like, I just don’t know if they’re funny anymore. Crazy. Crazy. You know, I

D.J. Paris 22:48
think they’re funny. But let’s, oh, let’s talk you I want to talk about and again, to shift shift once more, a pivot into a more serious topic where you were telling me before we started, about some thoughts you had about maybe a shift that you’re anticipating or that you’re seeing in the market. Can you talk more about that?

Rachel Hausman 23:09
Yeah, so I mean, I know like, there are some areas that are really hot. So you know, I think the city markets, you know, I don’t know what it’s like, really down there. It seems like it’s pretty stable. But out here. I mean, I’m seeing a shift for sure. And I know, it’s that time of year, it’s fall, although, and I’m sure

D.J. Paris 23:27
Rachel, let me interrupt you Where is out there. Let’s get some kids. I don’t think we mentioned that to the

Rachel Hausman 23:33
show. So like I’m in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. So like Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, Lake Zurich, long Grove, Lincoln Shire. And that and, you know, it seems like there’s there’s inventory, you know, there there is some inventory. A lot of the inventory is not in my opinion show ready. And then the stuff that is fixed up isn’t moving. And I’ve seen so many vacant Staged homes, which to me is like alarming how many vacant stage shops there are and people are really pushing the whole staging thing again. And I mean, when 2012 hit and it didn’t matter what your house looked like everything was selling. Now it’s 2017 it’s we’re on the I really think we’re on the brink of another recession and and I last election time so like last year, October, the market really sank down a little and then you know, March April was really busy and then July started to get slow again. You know, we still did a great had a great year but I mean some of my inventory. It’s beautiful. We updated on we we got them already. They’re priced really well like extremely well. And they’re still not good. thing. And to me that’s indicative of, there’s fewer buyers out there. And I think part of that reason is there, a lot of the people that would be moving out to the suburbs or staying in the city longer, you know, they’re not ready to leave the city. The second issue I think, is, you know, the, the Trump’s ban on the h1 visas has really lessened a lot of the immigration population turbine. And those people that would be buying investment property, because a lot of my buyers who bought before with with the visa, they can’t buy investment property, and that’s really hurting them. And then I think, the other thing is, is that people just aren’t maintaining their homes, so they they need to be, and putting them up the way they should. And the population because of the internet, and HGTV and everything else, you know, it teaches you to like a certain style, and nobody wants to put a single drop of work into a house they buy anymore, they want move in ready. I mean, that’s all they all the money, they have a third down payment.

D.J. Paris 26:13
Right? So do you have to? Does that mean you have to have more sort of comprehensive conversations with your buyers and, and also sellers about?

Rachel Hausman 26:22
Yeah, um, we have to hear we have to we give the sellers, I mean, my mom and I come with a whole list of contractors that have, you know, remodel their own homes, they’re reliable, they answer the phone, they’ll send you an estimate in a timely fashion. And we’ve really narrowed down the list and we bring this list and we give everybody homework. And the people that don’t list with us don’t want to do the homework and they don’t sell. And the people that listen and get their homes ready. You know, it shows when you show your home that you took pride in your home, and people feel that, you know positive energy, and then they you know, they want to raise their family there, they don’t want to buy some, you know, house that they can’t even be bothered to replace the carpet or take care of the mold in the attic. I mean, we inspect every attic before we list a home to prevent, you know, income from coming back on the market again, we do things like that, because, you know, it’s a really stressful process, and you have to make it as stressless as possible.

D.J. Paris 27:24
Yeah, no, that’s, that’s I 100% agree. And I also just like the fact that obviously, your mom has been in the business quite a while as well. But just the amount of information that you have, maybe versus other realtors who aren’t is involved in the business, you know. And I think that, you know, obviously, must really resonate with your clients because of your success speaks for itself. What advice would you have for brokers that are? Well, whether they’re new or just looking to increase their business? Because you even were telling me like, we could increase our business? What are some advice, advice you have for brokers who are maybe just getting started?

Rachel Hausman 28:10
Um, I think you have to decide what kind of Realtor you want to be. Do you want to be? Do you want to have your own ego? Or do you want to invest in someone else’s business and grow it? I mean, I had, everyone says, Oh, you got spared a silver spoon and blah, blah, blah. Like, you know, my mom had a database, you know, but she never told me what to do with it. You know, it’s, you have to see, like, I think what a lot of people get their licenses are like, oh, I want to brand myself I want to brand myself I want to brand my company, you know, like at properties is so huge, but I don’t think at properties is really letting people brand themselves. It’s more of the company you’re in, you have to decide, well, what kind of agent do you want to be? Do you want to do want to go with someone else’s branding? Or, or do you want to brand yourself, and if you’re going to brand yourself, you have to know that that’s a huge investment, like huge, my mom’s invested my think over $10 million in branding herself. And otherwise, if it were me, and if I had, you know, a couple of my friends wanted to get into the business, I would say, go find an agent who’s been in the business 20 years, 30 years, who has a database that you can work, you know, maybe it’s not organized, maybe you can help them organize it and start working with them. You know, maybe you’re on a 5050 split, who cares? You’re getting a huge, huge bump up against everybody else. You can work their database. They can teach you how to negotiate like a human, how to learn about, you know the business, how to He’s successful, how are they successful, and take their experience mixed with today’s ways of communication and be successful. You know, that’s the way to do it. And that’s what no one’s talking about.

D.J. Paris 30:15
You’re You’re so right. I interviewed Brady Miller, who works here in Lincoln Park. And he, it with a time when he got he was a music school. He went to music school as a pianist, and then he, you know, graduated and then didn’t want to try to survive as a musician. So he said, his friend said, oh, you should go into real estate. He said, I know nothing about real estate. And so his friend said, Well, I own a firm, and it’s really just me. So why don’t you come on board with me? And so I was talking to him. And I said, What was your training? Like? And he goes training?

Rachel Hausman 30:50
He’s like, I don’t have any training. Yeah, right.

D.J. Paris 30:53
He goes, my like egos I guess is, because I just asked my buddy a lot of questions, because he had already been successful. He was my mentor. He’s my partner. And I just did what he told me. And he goes, here I am, you know, 300 sales later in a few years, or whatever it was, but but it was, he just sort of laughed at the end. He didn’t, he wasn’t saying people shouldn’t go to training. He just goes, that just wasn’t even an option. But what was great was I got to go to work with somebody every day, who knew what they were doing. And I just just, you know, figured it out by watching them. So I think that’s really powerful advice. And, and it is funny, it is funny, too, because I’m sure people, anytime there’s, you know, multigenerational real estate families, they’re like, Oh, I see that person. They just got handed. And it’s like, that’s never how it works. Like it is never, never how it works. Because obviously, I

Rachel Hausman 31:44
think you have to like you like my mom’s always been in a mastermind group. And you have to surround yourself with people with ideas. And you have to surround yourself with people that always want to be learning and growing. And like, even at our next meeting, I’m going to tell all of them, look, you’re 10 years late, you know, you should have found someone 10 years ago, to grow your business, right? Because just sustaining something is isn’t doing anything. No, it takes a lot of effort. I mean, 150 transaction takes a lot of effort, but I’m I feel like it’s that’s not growing. You know?

D.J. Paris 32:24
Yeah, I mean, you it’s funny, we need to hear you say that cuz you guys are at a closing every like four days. So it’s

Rachel Hausman 32:33
a four on Tuesday. Today to today.

D.J. Paris 32:36
My math isn’t very good. But it was probably close. It’s close. Yeah, well, it’s, it’s, again, indicative of all how hard you work, I think more specifically, just how well you treat your clients based on you knowing a lot of stuff. And I think that’s one of the parts of being a realtor that many Realtors don’t take the time to do is really hyper focus and specialize in a particular type of of like you said, what kind of realtor do I want to be? Is there a certain area where you want to be the Arlington Heights person, and it’s like, I’m going to know more about Arlington Heights than anyone else. And it’s going to take a few years, and I’m going to go to every open house and Bob, you know, study the market every day. And if you do that, and you get involved in the whatever the Chamber of Commerce’s and get involved in, you know, make yourself known it takes it all takes time. And, and you honestly, you and your mom and your team have done that and continue to do it. But it is the real

Rachel Hausman 33:28
question is is where is it gonna go in 10 years? Like, what is this going to be like? And no one’s really, none of these companies, all these big companies are really thinking about where the consumers are really going to be like it is it is such a personal transaction that I do think I did a research paper in college about real estate and technology, like, it is such a personal transaction that I think will still be here, but in a different way. And it’s about how are you going to reach those people?

D.J. Paris 33:59
Yeah, well, and you’re right, too, because people are getting married later, which is you didn’t specifically say that, but you were talking about people moving out to the suburbs, later in life, which is probably a lot to do with that as well. I know. I know, my girlfriend, she lives in River North, I’m in Linkin Park. And she has told me she’s like, I will never move to the suburbs, you know? And I was like, okay, and but, you know, who knows what’ll happen? Well, that’s what she says, you know, so I just say okay, and then you know, things change, but, but it is it is. It’s interesting. And you’re right. Nobody really does talk much about where things are headed. But I think that’s the sort of brilliance of what you and your mom and your team do is you guys have those thoughts and those you have opinions about it. I think that makes you very valuable. Whether you know whether all of those opinions come to fruition or not. I think it’s just having that that awareness is really powerful for your clients. Speaking, if somebody if a client does want to work with you, what is the The best way that they can get in touch with you.

Rachel Hausman 35:03
The best way to get in touch with me is to call my cell 847-217-3019 or send me an email and it’s Rachel Ra, ch, EO at the Houseman team, and it’s ha us, man. And our new website is launching in the next week or so, the Houseman And it’s going to be very community focused. I really think that’s, you know, you have to really know why you’re doing, you know, the job that you do. And our our biggest focus is going to be our community moving forward, and just really bringing people together with what’s going on and trying to promote other people’s local businesses and, and everything like that. So

D.J. Paris 35:52
wonderful. Well, Rachel, thank you so much for your time today. And yeah, thank you. Alright, well take care. Thanks. Talk to you later. Bye.

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