One way to know what your clients think of you is to read the online reviews. Matt Liss, broker and owner of Mark Allen Realty, has the most 5-star reviews of any broker in Chicago on Yelp (out of 35k brokers). Clearly, his clients love his service! We talked with Matt about what he does differently than other agents, how he grows his business, and why if you’re not having success with open houses, you’re doing it wrong!

Matt Liss can be reached at 773-415-4744 and

Mark Allen Realty


D.J. Paris 0:15
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the only podcast made by real estate agents for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris, I am your host through the show and we’re really excited and thrilled to have interviewed Matt LIS today. And his interview is coming up in just a couple of few couple quick announcements before we get started. First of all, the we have doubled our readership or listenership rather yet again in the last month. So thank you, for everyone who’s listening and sharing this with a friend. So if you have other brokers in your office, that or other brokers, you know, in the industry that you think could benefit in particular, we’re getting a lot of good feedback from newer brokers who are looking to find out what the top producers are doing, which of course, is exactly what we do here on the show. So feel free to share it with anyone and everyone you think could benefit. And secondly, we are also starting to take sponsorships. So I have a number of you that I need to get back to. So if you have a service that you would like to get in front of the ears of several 1000 realtors, every single episode, let me know and you can sponsor a podcast easiest way to reach us is keeping it real There’s a contact form there or on Facebook. And last, we have started getting questions from you as well, which is great because Carrie McCormack hosts, a co host an episode every month with me where she answers your questions. So keep them coming. You can email us directly through or rather you can email us but also send it right through our website, which is likely easier. So please do Oh, and unfortunately the audio that you’re about to hear in this great, really awesome interview with Matt is not great. His here’s the good news. His audio is perfect. He comes through absolutely crystal clear. It’s me. Somehow I screwed up. And my audio is unclear. But here’s the good news. You don’t care about my audio because we’re here to interview, Matt. So even if some of my questions are a little a little quieter than I’d like them to be, don’t worry, you’ll be able to figure out exactly what Matt is talking about because he is the star of this episode anyway. So I apologize to Matt, not knowing that our audio was so choppy. And also his audio is great. So don’t worry, it sounds fine. But I apologize to the listeners. So please listen through it. It’s so good. Matt has such a great interview. So thanks so much guys. And on to our interview with Matt let’s

today on the show, we have Matt Eilis who is the broker owner of Mark Allen Realty and Matt has been in the real estate and development business for over 10 years. During that time, he has bought and sold countless properties and develop both single family homes and condo conversions. Matt has successfully closed over 500 real estate transactions earning him recognition from the Chicago Association of Realtors as one of the city’s top producers and that’s he’s earned that award from 2005 through today 2017. Furthermore, he has earned the Chicago five star real estate agent award from 2011. Also through 2017, which was given is given to less than 2% of all realtors and based solely on the recommendations and feedback of their clients. Matt was born in Australia but spent most of his life in the northern suburbs of Chicago after spending 10 years in a vintage two flat Logan Square. Matt now resides in the west loop, and he loves to spend time with his wife Amy, his son Kayden and his daughter, Talia, will tell us because you’ve done so many different parts of real estate tell us a little bit more about how you got started.

Matt Liss 3:59
It’s an interesting story so raised by a single mother, my brother and I lived in Skokie with our grandmother until we were about 13. And I had a that’s my maternal grandmother that had a really good relationship with my father’s grandparents who lived in Rogers Park. They lived on the top floor of a two flat and on the first floor was Rosen ape, amazing people. He was a Holocaust survivor and just a really hard worker and was in the real estate business and had always kind of chatted with him about his endeavors and did a lot of stuff on the south side and was just a genuinely good guy. I was in corporate America for quite a while in the internet space for quite a while and then that whole thing fizzled in 2000. And I was looking for something to do got a great severance package in 2000 and was trying to figure out my next path. My uncle and I had a good relationship and he was in the landscape business. We decided to start buying houses fixing and flipping them. That’s where a first floor guy in my grandparents building came into play. And he helped us kind of get started and it just kind of grew legs from there. Are we might include I probably bought 10 or so homes on the south side, did a decent amount of work ourselves, hired some guys that you know for electrical, plumbing and things like that. But we were both pretty handy and did a lot of work and it was profitable and we enjoyed it a lot of flexibility and started realizing how frustrating it was to work with some real estate brokers. So, at that time, the Chicago Association of Realtors was offering what was called then education exempt. So I have a finance degree from University of Illinois at Chicago. And I just sat and took the test and had my license and was able to sell my own real estate. From there, Mark, my business partner, Mark Oscar who he and I own Mark Allen Realty together. He was also education exempt took the test, and we just started this brokerage and that also grew legs, I had a good sphere of influence, I had a lot of friends that were starting to buy places, and I was a trustworthy person had decent knowledge of the Chicago market. And we just started this brokerage and it just again, grew legs from there.

D.J. Paris 6:08
Yeah, it’s it’s so interesting. There are at our firm for my DJ, a lot of brokers and a good chunk of them. A good chunk of them are investors who, you know, through some sort of frustration, decided, hey, I can do this, or I’m I’m already doing most of the work, I might as well get my license, and then decided to either continue doing their own investments or also working with the public, which sounds like basically what you Well, yeah,

Matt Liss 6:39
it was both right, I started working with the public more, and doing a little less development, picked up a couple different business partners, my uncle moved to Arizona, and then I started working with this guy, Andrew, who was great. We did some condo conversions, we did some ground up stuff. And the market fell apart in oh eight and we got stuck with a building, we wound out of it. And it wasn’t too damaging, but you know, we licked our wounds. And then the market kind of picked back up. And the brokerage business was always there for me. And it was I’ve been very fortunate.

D.J. Paris 7:13
You’ve been in real estate for such a long time. You’ve been friends for the future, whether it’s brokers really feel to be aware of,

Matt Liss 7:24
you know, one of the things and I’ve really enjoyed mentoring some of the younger brokers and some of the associates in my office. And one of the things I was taught by a guy who I really respect in this business, I realize owl he’s at Gold tree Realty, he’s family ish. It’s my brother’s wife’s father. He’s big in the foreclosure business. And he helped me buy my first place when I was 24. Just a really genuine guy. He said to me, stay focused. Don’t put 10 eggs in the real estate back basket, like focus on something that you really want to be good at and run with that. Don’t try and do everything in this business because you won’t be successful. And he stay true to his game because he’s a huge REO guy. And that market gets hot and cold too. But he stays focused. So I try and teach my guys to you know, when they come in in the market slow, they’re like, Hey, should we do foreclosures? Hey, should we focus on short sales? Hey, should we you know, there’s so many different ways to make money in this business. If you’re going to be a real estate broker and focus on that,

D.J. Paris 8:28
I 100% agree. It’s a little expression. Totally. And it’s, it’s so absolutely true. The most facets of life, it’s certainly true real estate, as I see it a lot on forums, in particular for investors, and not necessarily even brokers, people who go on bigger pockets who really want to learn in the investment world, which is awesome. And they’re just overwhelmed and not quite sure. Like they’ll just hyper focus on one type of investment. And you know, within a period of time it becomes it becomes incredibly skilled and valuable. But in particular, being a broker is the same way you focus in in a particular geographic area or a certain type of client, is there a certain specialty that you really are passionate about with knowledge?

Matt Liss 9:17
I wouldn’t say by design I do. But our business, our offices in Bucktown, we’ve been here for 12 years, same space. And, you know, our business is on the north shore right now the north side of the city. We focus here in Bucktown, Logan Square Wicker Park, Lakeview Roscoe village, things like that places we’re comfortable. We often get calls and people are, you know, looking at neighborhoods where we’re not comfortable. And we were candid about that. We’re saying listen, we’re probably not a good fit, where this is where we focus our business and I’m sorry, but you know, we try and get them a referral. So I guess yeah, we’re just really this door shore Northside Neighborhood focused brokerage and we are a boutique shop and we’re gonna stay that way. We’ve never really wanted to get the 20 3050 agents in here. To push value, and we really focus on customer service getting in some really strong, educated passionate brokers that have a really strong moral compass. Also, that’s really something that I’ve focused on taking care of the clients and understanding that this is a customer service business more so than anything. I think it’s been really humbling to help so many people, you know, buy their home, and this is their largest purchase and the fact that they’re coming to me, and then referring me to their friends and family. It’s pretty awesome.

D.J. Paris 10:32
No, so I think I think that’s so incredibly powerful. What you said earlier about sort of walking away from business that isn’t your core competency. And we were talking just before the interview about investments, reports to have done, and you said, you’re starting to get back into but you’re like, it’s really not a core competency. And I think that the, what particular clients are always looking for in their brokers, there is authenticity and the ability for you to say, hey, that’s, you know, I can help you. But it’s not really what I specialty as in this particular area, or this type.

Matt Liss 11:08
So DJ, I’ll tell you, we, I don’t know if you know this, but we’ve gained our biggest popularity, we are the highest rated realtors in the entire city of Chicago on Yelp. That’s where we have just shined. If you read some of my reviews, they’re actually they all kind of say the same thing. It’s like Matt is just so incredibly blunt and so honest, it suggests it and that’s what I continue to hear and almost to a fault, right? Like I’ve talked people out of buying places, and you’ll read that in a lot of my reviews. And it’s pretty amazing how and I don’t do it intentionally. It’s just who I am, right? I’m very honest person, and it freaks some people out. But at the end of the day, they’re like, Wow, this was a pretty amazing experience considering this person, I can actually trust this person who I’ve never met.

D.J. Paris 11:50
Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, review sites like Yelp, Zillow, and any Google and Facebook as well. They are the true equalizer. They are the acid test what your clients think

Matt Liss 12:02
about you, and the fact Oh, my God, it’s so easy for someone to lambaste you. Oh, for sure. And

D.J. Paris 12:07
that’s it, you know, it’s good and bad. And ultimately, you know, once once the dust settles, you know, usually, the truth sort of, sort of generally rises. And so for to be popular, you know, Yelp is isn’t particularly difficult system to use for anyone who’s a business owner or broker and the fact that you are so highly rated on Yelp, in particular, is probably the least friendly to the business owner.

Matt Liss 12:36
It is the largest double edged sword out there.

D.J. Paris 12:39
The true testament, you must be doing with your private. Let’s talk about that a little bit. You know, aside from from being bluntly honest, which I believe is maybe the most important part of being a successful realtor, or certainly up there. Why else do you think? What do you think it is? You know, aside from telling people, you know, what you’ve done what you think they should do, whilst you think you’re so highly regarded from your clients?

Matt Liss 13:06
I’ve thought about that. And sometimes, you know, every year January comes around, and you’re at zero, right? You have done zero business, you’re looking at your leads, you’re like, Can I do this again? Like, you know, we’ve been so fortunate, I just, the numbers have been amazing. The past shoot, I mean, I remember my first year in real estate, I was awarded the Chicago Association of Realtors top producer award, I didn’t even know that award existed, right? I mean, and I look at it, and I see all these people’s faces, like top producers was like, I don’t think I want my picture on there one day, like, that’s cool. Like, who are all these people. And every year, every year since I’ve been in business, I’ve been a top producer. And I constantly see these names. And now my face is on page one of these top producer things. It’s amazing. I don’t know, DJ, I really don’t know what sets me apart. But I do know that on every listing appointment, I go on, I either ask or there, the sellers are candid about telling me and they’re like, Matt, we’re interviewing for brokers. I was like, okay, you know, and now I’m used to that. And I pretty consistently get the business. I don’t know why, but I’m honest. And they see that I mean, people are intuitive, and they understand someone that’s genuine. I don’t go in there with a giant dog and pony show and, you know, iPads flying and projectors and handouts. It’s just me. It’s me my information. You know, and they see that.

D.J. Paris 14:28
Yeah, no, I think that that’s obviously very clear. And, you know, so interesting to me, because I interview a lot of top producers and they oftentimes more often than not, it’s to be infrequent and uncommon for somebody to say like, I know exactly why I’m more successful than maybe most other brokers and it’s not even an ego thing. They’re just, they just go I just do what I do. You know, so I think there’s a set of values there that that you’re clearly diamonds reading to your client and it’s up to you. It’s like, that’s just what I do. I would be, you know, strange to even even sort of think about as you were saying, you’re not quite sure why, why you’re so successful, but you clearly are. And I think there’s a lot to be gained from. From that, even though it’s hard to verbalize. We have to say, I do recruiting. So whenever people ask about our, well, I built the website for our firm. And I looked around at a lot of the other interior, the big firms that do recruiting, and they don’t tell you much information, because a lot of you know, they don’t tell you that information, and then I can make up my own mind, what what firm I wanted. And so I just did that. And then, you know, that’s one of the things that’s distinguish us is this reseller and what you do is just as radical honesty, it’s like, here’s, here’s what it is, here’s how it works. And, you know, people tend to, obviously your claims, that incredibly well, do you prefer working with buyers or sellers, you talked earlier about buying, so wasn’t sure if one was more obviously worked with both, I’m sure but is one preferable to

Matt Liss 16:07
you know, neither are more preferable I not by design, but by for almost 5050 buyers and sellers at the end of the year, I just look at some numbers. And that’s just the way it shakes out. And both are great. Honestly, there’s some great I mean, we have a good time on the street with buyers, you spend a little bit more time with them becomes a little more intimate, you’re in your car with them, sharing stories, you know, making fun of people on the site to get stuff, but it’s, I have a really good time with buyers, the sellers, it’s more of like a transaction, right? I mean, there’s a lot of email communication, there’s a couple phone calls, but you’re not interacting with them personally, because you’re not out touring home. So it becomes a little less personal. Fortunately, a lot of the sellers do become buyers, because they’re clearly moving somewhere. And they love me. So we just kind of build the relationship on that end. But both are great.

D.J. Paris 16:52
Yeah. You know, you talked about mentoring some of the brokers in your own office, and you guys have many, what advice do you give to new broker people getting into the industry? Now? What are some, you know, thoughts you have about things should you maybe even think they should?

Matt Liss 17:08
Sure, our model here is a little different. We don’t have a bunch of brokers, there’s just a small core of us that do the majority of the business. And we don’t hire new agents, let’s just start there. So we often get emails that say, hey, we’d love to come work with you. Because they look at our reviews. They just kind of know our presence. And I say, here’s a great idea for you go talk to the Big Five and get into a training program. And then once you’ve done 10 deals, come talk to me. I, for whatever reason, have a really keen sense for a person’s worth. And I understand who’s good and who’s bad. And I have a pretty fun interview process. And I have found some great people. You know, I have Holly in my office who I just love. He’s amazing top producer Cheryl Rhymer longtime runner for North clapboard group. She’s with us now. She’s beyond amazing. And then we have a couple of junior associates, Michael Bishop and Elise Martinez who are just going to be superstars one day there, but they’re kind of running and helping us out doing showings and taking buyers out. But that’s our core group. And then Mark, he does some business here too. And it’s fun. I mean, we have a really fun office.

D.J. Paris 18:14
Yeah, no, it sounds like, definitely do. And I also love the radical honesty, and we take on new brokers that it’s not come to you, you know, that might be painful, it is painful. And but at the same point, you know, it’s, I just I just love it good willingness to sort of say that up and see this is, you know, once once you’ve got your belt, we

Matt Liss 18:37
don’t have a training program. But what I do tell the agents that come work with me is saying it’s the old saying, like, you want to sit next to the smartest kid in the class, like you want to learn this business come in this office and learn usually, we have open concept office, lofted walls, everyone’s able to hear everybody. So if I’m on a call, if you want to shut up and listen to me, you’re gonna learn some things. And that’s how he’s done. And I learned from how he and we’re all learning from each other’s phone calls and relationships and business experiences. And it’s just there is zero competition, like, I am sure that that the big firms broke. Same brokers are going in competing for the same business. We don’t have that were more of a support group, we all help each other. And it’s, it’s really cool. It’s, it’s fun, I give everybody their own identity. So what how he was starting off, and he was helping me out, I said, how every deal you get is under your name. This isn’t a number that’s going under the mat list group. Like that’s crap, like, I don’t do that. Like I want you to build your business, build your identity and step off on your own and be an amazing broker. And that’s what’s happened.

D.J. Paris 19:38
Yeah, what advice would you have for new brokers or somebody getting in them in the in the business today outside, you know, maybe joining a firm that that has, specifically what would you say to somebody who has to work?

Matt Liss 19:51
I often tell people when they come and go and find some top producing groups that are doing teams and just start getting showings under your belt because there’s, I’m a big fan, I am not a huge education person. As far as learning and classroom, I was always a hands on learner. So my thing is just get out and do the job and you’re going to learn on the street, start showing property, start taking buyers out. And the only way to do that when you’re new is get on a team and just help. And if you can do that, I think it’s a really good way to build your confidence. Start seeing the other listing broker and buyer’s broker on the other side of how they present themselves during showings. So just absorb, absorb, absorb, and, you know, figure out what your style is going to be. And everyone’s different, right. I mean, there are some brokers that are hilarious during showings, and just like, This is the bathroom. I’m like, Really, that’s the bathroom. Amazing. Thank you for telling me. Like, you know, just take some highlights to tell the home to tell the consumer about the home. And don’t just helicopter and just cruise through every room telling us what’s going on because a lot of it’s very intuitive.

D.J. Paris 20:55
That’s true. You’re right, though, it’s like just it’s abrupt under your belt, right? Like it, it took reps. You know, I’ve always suggested to newer brokers, you know, if you’re on a team, or if you work at a firm where there’s other brokers offer to do shopper to do open houses for them just to get you know, if the rate is higher? Probably not maybe, but at the very least it does what it might Yeah. It’s funny. It’s funny, because I talked to a lot of broke, many of which are like, Oh, open houses, you know, they don’t like them. They don’t work. And then you meet somebody who goes, no, they’re totally wrong. They absolutely work. And they’re wrong.

Matt Liss 21:34
They are right, I’m going to tell you right now they’re wrong. If you go into it with a crappy attitude, and you’re just kind of sitting back and your lunches on the table, and you’re just kicking it and people come in and you’re like, Hey, have a look. Now you want to show them your personality, you want to show them who you are just like on a listing presentation, these buyers are typically unwrapped or out just cruising around, and if you can wow them and build a rapport. Nobody’s loyal in this business. If you if they find someone better, if they find someone better, more entertaining, more more edge educated, they’re gonna want to work with you. And I’ve I myself, don’t do a ton of open houses. But I do a fair share. And I have personally picked up several buyers, several new listings from open houses. And I know my agents have as well. So if you don’t think you can, you are wrong.

D.J. Paris 22:22
I love that. And I think I think it’s funny because I love when people say things like that, where they’re just like, No, they don’t work and I Okay, you know, if I know that they do work for other people. It’s kind of like the same thing with buying internet leads. Some people do some people don’t necessarily find whether it’s someone does or doesn’t. But I love when people say buying leads from Zillow or Trulia doesn’t work. And I’m like, Why No, it actually does work because I know people who work for is it what you’re good at or what you want to do. And that’s fine. So the same thing with open up. Some people are like, it doesn’t work. And it’s like, I know it works for other people. So

Matt Liss 23:00
when you’re doing an open house when you’re a new broker and you’re doing an open house create an experience and I’m not saying have a circus there with like a magician, but you know, we have I’ve told my brokers bring a little speaker don’t have a completely silent silent, play a little music, bring a little something you could bring coffee, you could you know, just it’s $15 to bring, you know, a box of coffee and some cops and it just breaks the ice. Yeah, speaking

D.J. Paris 23:23
of breaking the ice, I want to just talk to a few of the things you had told us before. Before we got on the air. You were talking a listing appointment I

Matt Liss 23:36
I was hilarious as last year. So I of course remember exactly where I was I was in like this little townhome community over by diversity and the lakefront and really nice woman found me online didn’t know her from Adam. And she invites me in. And often when you get to someone’s house, you’re I always asked, Should I take my shoes off, because it’s just polite. And she was like, yeah, so fine. And then I always do a quick tour of the house just so I can get a feeling and just for new brokers, since this is kind of the topic of this. So when you’re going on a listing presentation, one of my tips is always when tour the house first before you start talking. And the old kind of thing is find something that’s familiar to you or that you can relate to that they maybe do maybe you see like a snowboard somewhere and you’re a snowboarder or maybe you see some mountain bike pictures or you see you know, they’re in academia and just bring it up during the listing presentation. So you could find a common ground. People eat that up and then you’re just trying to build this friendship or relationship with this person that’s beyond you. Just as a broker, you’re have a similar interest and it works often. So little trick. So I’m at this listing presentation and we’ve done the tour we’re sitting down and we’re talking and this dogs just cornering me and I’d love dogs. I don’t trust anyone else’s dogs but I love dogs. So we’re sitting there and all of a sudden this dog under the table bites my foot like legit bit my foot. I did not take my sock off at the presentation but afterwards I did and it was full I bleeding. So that my foot the document life, and I told the lady, I’m like, Oh, my I jumped up. She’s like, what happened? I’m like your baby. And she was like, oh my god, I’m so sorry. And she said, she actually bites my mom a lot. So maybe this is a good sign. I was like, I was like, okay, and she would not put the dog away. Like, I was like, can you just, you know, without destroying this, I actually got the listing appointment, or I got the listing. But she the dog was just cornering growling at me. I was like, God, this is horrible.

D.J. Paris 25:32
I think you’d have to get the listing at that point.

Matt Liss 25:34
So you do it to help I help pay for the stitches.

D.J. Paris 25:38
Yeah, guilt is a powerful motivator. That is really funny. Probably not the first time a broker has been fit. And I’m always amazed. But again, to be the most interesting of that story, not so much that you got it. It’s that the homeowner who has seen her dog bite other people occur to the homeowner to maybe put the dog in the other in the other room.

Matt Liss 26:03
But seriously, no, it’s Yeah, I was amazed. But yeah, it happened.

D.J. Paris 26:07
Yeah, that’s, that’s plenty. And I mean, I’m totally guilty of the same thing. My dog doesn’t doesn’t bite people. But I bring her to the office. And what happens when somebody leaves our office and I have like an internal office space here, the door, but I leave it open when people leave our physical building, oftentimes, seven out of 12, which is tiny, but she will run rates after that. Fight with them as they’re leaving. Yeah, it’s probably not funny to somebody who doesn’t know that. And, and I’ve been for seven years like this letting go. And I probably it’s a good reminder that

seven pound two hours can be ferocious.

Well, they are they are they’re just, you know, they are absolutely one of the most aggressive breed, they can’t do much damage. Physical pretty scared up. And then I just wanted to real quickly also talk about a funny experience you had where you’re you had with your daughter’s best friend’s mother, can you tell us that

Matt Liss 27:05
was funny. So Anthony was a client of mine previously, and he calls me out of the blue like everyone does, like, Hey, man, I’m looking to buy a house. I’m getting engaged, blah, blah, blah. My first is amazing. Good for you. Awesome. So I’m like, Alright, let’s, you know, get a tour set up when he when he look at that we get the whole thing done via telephone, just getting like his parameters set up and starting to see things. So we meet at the first property and give Anthony a hug. I haven’t seen him. And then his fiancee pulls up. And she looks remotely familiar. I hadn’t. You know what, I didn’t pay much attention. And she’s like, Matt, and I’m like, yep. And I didn’t know who she I just thought he introduced you know, he told her about me. And she’s like, You don’t know who I am. I’m like, now she’s like, our daughters are best friends. Like, and this was your like, daughter just got into first grade at Skinner. And it was like a new relationship, blah, blah. She’s like this, and she had my daughter her house several times, clearly not super involved with my kids. I’m joking. I totally am. My wife had dropped her off a couple times for playdates. And she shows me a picture of my daughter’s it was just really small world stuff. So they’ve since become really good friends of ours, my daughter, still best friends with her daughter, Sienna, and they’re just a good family. But yeah, it’s hilarious.

D.J. Paris 28:20
And also you meet people for a living. So it’s easy to not always remember every face. You know, if you worked in an office where you just had the same five co workers all day, and that’s all it was, it would probably be much easier to oh, that my daughter, you know,

Matt Liss 28:35
prime is so my kids think it’s hilarious. Everywhere I go. People are like mad mad. I’m like, Oh my goodness. And so on autism. I don’t remember. Oh, we were on a cruise. We were on a cruise a couple years ago and someone screaming from like two decks below my name. And I’m looking up on my cards. My client Jeremy. Great.

D.J. Paris 28:50
Hilarious. Well, you know, man, I think you said it all. And I I want to talk about how if anyone’s listening to interested buying and selling or investing renting, Matt would would be honored to speak with you on what’s the best way someone could reach out to you.

Matt Liss 29:09
Emails, great love it just easy to respond and set up a time to meet and talk. Matt L at Mark Allen And it’s ma r k l l e n Or just go to Yelp and type in realtor and we’ll just come up top of the list because that’s just where we’re at.

D.J. Paris 29:25
And again, I can’t say enough about what a huge, massive accomplishment that is. Thanks. I appreciate it really? Well, I mean, congratulate well, well earned and deserved. So Matt, thank you so much for being on the show. And I apologize. I have to I have to tell everyone. I have never been late to separate today. 18 minutes late Madison. So no, I’m

Matt Liss 29:45
back charging you DJ I told you

D.J. Paris 29:49
that the check will be well, you know, it’s actually not going. I will. If I ever see out I will give you a food or

a beer. You know where it goes. Good talking with you guys.

Thank you so much and I’m thinking

Matt Liss 30:04
alright, thanks for hosting, appreciate it and good luck to all those new agents out there. Our business for sure

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