How Video Works 24/7 Generating Leads For Real Estate Agents • Kyle Whissel

October 15, 2021

Kyle Whissel from The Whissel Realty Group with eXp talks about the beginning of his career in real estate business and his transition from commercial to residential real estate. Kyle discusses the mistakes agents do with their videos and why agents should not try to be viral and instead provide value. Next, Kyle describes how he decides what content to share. Last, Kyle describes how to use videos to introduce yourself to your prospecting clients.

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Kyle Whissel can be reached at 619-618-7997 and

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D.J. Paris 0:00
Today’s episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by follow up boss. The best of the best know that outstanding follow up is essential for a thriving real estate business. And more than ever, they’re using follow up boss the leading CRM for real estate to make it happen. Follow up boss helps you convert more leads Robert slack founder of the number one real estate team the United States uses it in his $1.5 billion business. Deborah Beagle uses it to guarantee that agents who join our team get two homes under contract in their first 90 days, and Barry Jenkins uses it to automate everything to run his $200 million team on a 25 hour work week to reclaim his work life balance and for a limited time follow up boss is doubling their free trial for keeping it real podcast listeners go to follow up forward slash real for 30 days of unlimited access, no credit card required. That’s follow up forward slash real for a 30 day free trial. And now on to our show.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris, I am your guide and host through the show and in just a moment we’re going to be speaking with Kyle whistle for exp but before we get to Kyle, just a few quick reminders first, as always, we say thank you for continuing to listen and support our show, the best way you can help us is by telling a friend think of one other real estate professional that you know that could benefit from hearing from top producers like Kyle and send them a link to our website that’s keeping it real Or if the person you’re referring to us is a podcast person just haven’t pull up a podcast app search for keeping it real and hit that subscribe button. And also if you are an iTunes user, we would love it if you’d leave us a review it helps us grow helps us learn what our audience likes and dislikes about our show. So feel free to leave us a review we really appreciate it. But now on to our interview with Kyle whistle. Day on the show we have Kyle Whistle, whistle Realty Group and exp in San Diego. Now let me tell you about Kyle Kyle leads the whistle Realty Group which is brokered by exp Realty and they are currently ranked number one in San Diego County for the seventh year in a row and number three in California buy real trends as advertised in the Wall Street Journal. Kyle was also named in this is beyond amazing if that wasn’t amazing enough. He’s also named the number one video influencer in North America by bom bom. His team has closed over 3000 transactions with over 2 billion in sales volume. And he’s a husband and he’s a proud father a beautiful daughter and he has two pet pigs. And in 2014, Kyle’s wife and he founded Penelope his purpose which is a nonprofit pot bellied pig rescue. Kyle is also a sought after speaker at various conferences, where he reveals his sales and marketing strategies that has taken his team to the top. He is also the author of the media Mayor mastermind video training course, which is where he teaches Realtors best practices for shooting, editing and distributing video content so that you can get more leads and clients to learn more about Kyle and everything that he’s all about. Go to his website, which is the whistle And that’s whistle is w h i s s e elegant the whistle Welcome, Kyle.

Kyle Whissel 3:53
Thank you, man. I appreciate the introduction. That was a good read.

D.J. Paris 3:56
Well, thanks I am. It’s it’s fun. I always love learning about our guests. And you are somebody that I am so excited to have on the show. You’re you know, I’ve always whenever I’ve looked at your content, I’ve been really impressed because I know you’ve spoken you’ve you’ve been at conferences, you’ve spoken with Tom Ferry, you’ve spoken at Tom Ferry events, and you’re super dynamic and exciting. And I’m a marketing guy. So I love great marketing. And obviously you’re a great real real estate firm as a real estate team as well. But I just love great marketing, and that’s what you’re all about. So before we get into all the cool stuff that you do, I’d love to hear about you know how you got into real estate.

Kyle Whissel 4:38
Yeah, so growing up, I despised real estate. My dad and my mom moved to San Diego from Buffalo, New York in 1979. And luckily they moved before they had me so didn’t have to grow up in Buffalo. Great place to visit I could not imagine growing up there. And my dad was in real estate from the day I was born. And let’s just say sometimes real estate took precedent over me. So my dad was just, you know, constantly working constantly on the phone, all of those things. So just growing up, I was never a huge fan of real estate. Because I kind of associated real estate with that. That’s not what I want it to be. So I kind of hated real estate growing up. While I was in college, didn’t really know what I wanted to do. But I was like, whatever, go to college, because that’s just what you’re supposed to do. And while I was there, my dad kept pushing me he’s like, you gotta buy something, you got to buy something. This was in 2002. And just kept pushing me you gotta buy you gotta buy, you gotta buy. And I was like, I’m a college student that sells popcorn at the movie theater, like, I can’t afford a house. And he’s like, just, you have good credit, sign this thing, and they’ll give you a house. And so I bought a house for like, half a million dollars while I was 20 years old. And college

D.J. Paris 5:53
was this was this back in the days of like, the interest only loans and, and that sort of tie. Yeah,

Kyle Whissel 5:58
yeah, they pretty much are under my nose, I fog the mirror and they gave me half a million bucks. It was great. I sold that property three months later, and I made $17,000, which, when you’re just got a nickel an hour raise for scooping popcorn, and then you got a $17,000 check. I was just like, all right. I know I’ve despised real estate my whole life. But we should probably talk. And so yeah, I worked with my dad on the commercial side of it, because that’s where he specialized in mostly multifamily apartment buildings and retail. And so I did that with him for about six years, and then transitioned over to the residential side on my own. Around 2008. And you have just been a top performing team here in San Diego ever since.

D.J. Paris 6:46
Wow. 2008. Two, that’s a that’s an interesting time to get into the residential market. As for those of us that are old enough to remember what happened around that time, it’s a particularly difficult time for I would say established agents. But I guess, you sort of starting in the residential space, I wonder if it was almost a great sort of training ground because so many people were exiting the business and were frustrated, I imagine, you probably just learned how to do it in the worst possible environment, which probably makes it when it’s better. Like when the markets, you know, obviously, it’s up now, it’s probably makes it so much easier when things are better.

Kyle Whissel 7:25
Yeah, I mean, the reason I moved from Commercial to Residential, one, the commercial side was drying up, because we were selling apartment buildings to people who would then cut them and convert them into individual condos and then sell them off individually. And then the city of San Diego and all the other surrounding cities pretty much put an end to that because literally every apartment building in town was getting converted, and they were running out of rentals. So the city shut that down. And so now all my investors had nothing to buy anymore. And they’re like, Well, I can’t buy these apartments if I can’t convert them to condos. So what else can I buy? And I wasn’t I started looking around and I was like, you could buy one of these like foreclosed houses. And then I’d look and be like, holy crap, like this girl’s got 300 of these listings. And then I’d be like, Oh, you could buy one of these short sales. And this guy’s got 500 short sales. And I was like, That’s freaking crazy. Like, you know, commercial, I was closing like a deal every two or three months, big checks, which is cool. But in your early 20s, big checks are not necessarily the best thing because you just blow the money. So I saw kind of an opportunity one to get out from under my dad’s, you know, wing, and then to to get something that would be a little bit more stable and consistent on the income side of it. And so I jumped over, I started out initially doing a lot of short sales, because I could just run direct mail marketing campaigns and sharp people out that were in trouble. And that was very rewarding and helping a lot of people. And then at the same time, I was really working on like the relationship side of things with the banks to you know, get the properties assigned to me once they were foreclosed on. And eventually those you know, those efforts started to pay off. And eventually I landed accounts with Fannie Mae, direct HUD direct, and then Bank of America and chase and it was Wachovia at the time and a bunch of other banks. So I mean, it was a really fun, we did a ton of business back then. And that’s kind of taught me early in my career to not just think about, like, how do I go from one listing to the next to the next, like, how do I establish a relationship that’s going to get me streams of business? And so that was a good way for me to get into it. And that’s just kind of how we’ve always thought since then.

D.J. Paris 9:37
Yeah, it’s really a smart strategy. I sort of remember those those days. I don’t practice real estate myself, but I was around around during that time. And I remember I remember I would get calls all the time from agents, you know, who were interested in joining our firm and, and they would say things like, hey, what kind of relationships do you have with banks? And are you getting these these listings, you know, assigned to you? And I was like, No, that’s, that’s really what you would have have to do, you’d have to go out and build those relationships. And it’s tough to do and because everybody wants those listings and very, very difficult, but it’s amazing that you you got through and, and have built this incredible business since and how big is your team now? Now you have it’s not just you you have a pretty good sized team there.

Kyle Whissel 10:18
Yeah, I mean, we started the year with 25 agents, and we’re now north of 60 agents. So we’ve had a massive growth this year. Last year, we finished at 267 million this year, we’ll finish near to 400 million and volume.

D.J. Paris 10:34
Unbelievable. That’s really, really we have 44,000 agents here in Chicago and try to think of what the top agent does probably about about 400 million. And so I mean, it just absolutely incredible what what your team is published. It is. It’s it’s incredible. I would love to talk about Well, first, we should mention, by the way, that if you are an agent and are looking to join up with a team in particular, if you’re in the San Diego area, and you’re looking to join, I would want to join the number one team that would seem like that would be a good idea for me if I was an agent there. But do you also have agents not just in the San Diego area? Is that correct?

Kyle Whissel 11:12
Yeah, I mean, so locally, within whistle Realty Group were, you know, in massive growth mode, I think we have six agents starting next week. So we’re definitely growing locally. We’ve literally got more leads than we can handle right now. And we utilize isas to take those leads and turn them into appointments for our agents. So our A our isas teed up over 150 appointments for our agents just this month alone. And these are high quality appointments. This isn’t like you’re Oh, hey, Kyle, you got a call with this guy tomorrow at three good luck. Like I’m talking you’ve got like paragraphs of notes, you know, their motivation, you know, their DISC profile, you know, where they want to go when they want to get there, where they’re at financially, like super high quality appointments. So yeah, if you’re local in San Diego, and you’re looking for something where a lot of the work is done for you, and you can focus on the fun stuff of meeting clients and showing properties and doing deals, we should talk and whether you’re you know, in the States or really internationally at this point, we also have the EXP side of our business where we do a ton of collaboration with all of the top teams around the country. Within our group, we call it fast forward movement, we’ve got over 100 agents or teams doing 50 million plus in our group. So super high level masterminding with all of the best teams are really across the world at this point. And really helping people grow from you know, wherever they’re at, we took one of our guys from 8 million to 200 million in three years and one of our girls from six transactions to 60 in two years. So wherever you are in your business, if you want to grow, we can definitely link up whether you’re you know, in San Diego or or anywhere in the world at this point.

D.J. Paris 12:49
Yeah, definitely reach out to Kyle and he is a master marketer, in particular with video although among a lot of other mediums as well. But I love you know, we’ve done about a cash about 300 episodes and really done really a couple of episodes with people who talk video and so I’m really excited to do that with you. Tell us a little bit about how you know how you think about using video maybe what Realtors actually what I’d love to do first is talk about mistakes that Realtors make when producing video content, whether it’s on social media, Facebook, Instagram, whether it’s on YouTube Tiktok Of course, you know what are Realtors doing in your opinion that you see and you’re kind of go that’s that’s not really working or that doesn’t really help you you know, improve your brand or get more leads?

Kyle Whissel 13:37
Yeah, I think the the original tic tock style of like doing the dance videos and like pointing at things like that’s played out, you don’t need to do that anymore. There’s a few like I follow Tristan, who Mata and Glenda Baker, those are two of the people that I really like watch what they’re doing. And I think they’re doing it the right way. They’re being true real estate professionals, and they’re providing valuable content and they’re getting a lot of engagement on that content. So I look up to what they’re doing. I think they’re doing it the right way. I think the people that are trying to make like trying to be viral. You shouldn’t try to be viral. I think you just look like an idiot like I literally see some of these videos and just literally facepalm when I watch these because it’s just so painful. And you know they’re spending so much time trying to shoot these dumbass videos just focus on adding value and it’s gonna be far more successful for you than like trying like watching a you know a Jake Paul video and trying to copy what he does or somebody you know, some one of these Tiktok influencers like this is so stupid. Really focus on adding value. Because the way that I look at video, is that right? I could do a lot of different things when it comes to marketing. I could you know sit and you know, circle prospect or call expireds or call fizz bows Right? Or I could go door knocking Here, I could do a lot of these things. The problem with those things is that the second I stopped calling, it’s over, right? The second I stop door knocking, it’s over your training, or, yeah, where if I could put out good quality video, that video is working for me 24 hours a day, seven days a week, like, I just went back through some of my old videos today. And I got videos from like, eight, nine years ago, that are still getting views today. So there’s this compound effect, where every time you create a video, right, and you go from you shoot one video a week, which it’s one video working for you cool, by the time the year is over, you got 52 videos that are all out there working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to where theoretically, you could stop shooting video and still get business from those. I can’t stop calling expireds and still get business from, I can’t stop door knocking and still get business from it. Where video once I created, that content keeps working for me whether I’m awake, or I’m asleep, whether I’m in town or out of town, those videos are working for me all day long. And so that’s the way that I like to work is trying to find ways to duplicate myself and be in, you know, multiple places at once. I mean, while we’re shooting this podcast, I’ve got, you know, 100 other podcasts I’ve been on that are on video that are all working for me right now. Can’t do that with a lot of other marketing messages and methods out there.

D.J. Paris 16:20
It’s a really strong point, it’s it’s nice, sort of the old idea that it’s not an old idea, but it’s an important idea that you know, real estate is such a transactional business. It’s so hey, you know, I like you were saying for from business acquisition. So I’m cold calling or I’m door knocking, or I’m sending out mailers or whatever I’m doing. And, you know, I get some sort of result from that, hopefully, but the moment I stop or go on vacation, those leads most likely are going to stop as well. So creating content that can live indefinitely. But then the question becomes how do you create content that people care about? And the that’s, that’s, of course, the challenge, to create content that’s so insanely valuable, that people are going to find it, share it, you know, engage with it. So I’d love to talk about how you start to think about what type of content to create, you know, what, what is your thought process for where you want to go with your video marketing?

Kyle Whissel 17:15
For sure. So the thing that we teach in the media mer Mastermind course is, the foundational thing is to get two videos a month out to your database. So before I ever worry about trying to generate any new business, I want to focus on, right if you’ve never, you know, read acres of diamonds story, like most of us are literally sitting on acres of diamond. But yes, we search all over the place trying to find diamonds, when in reality, they’re right underneath us right now. And in reality, when I say underneath us, they’re sitting in inside of this thing. Yeah. So a lot of us screw it up, I constantly, you know, I was just that one conference this week, I’m going to be at another conference next week. And every time I go, somebody tells me about like the hot new lead source. So right now what do I do? I’m like, Oh, I gotta get on this. so and so said, this one’s working so and so. So that one’s working. And that’s what most of us Realtors do. And meanwhile, we’re neglecting this fricking thing that has hundreds, if not 1000s of people that we already know inside of it. Why are we going and chasing new people all the time, when we already have people we know that in order for somebody to do business with us, I gotta know like, and trust us. Odds are everybody who’s in your phonebook, knows, likes and trusts you otherwise they probably wouldn’t give you their phone number. They wouldn’t be in your phone, right. So before we worry about anything new, let’s focus on what we already have. And let’s do that by staying engaged with those people via video content. So we’d like to get two videos a month out to our database. And that’s at a minimum or up to four videos a month for us. But for most people starting out two videos a month is a really good place to start. We love to get market update videos, people really do appreciate getting a market update video, they want to know what’s going on in the market. So we get one of those out each month. And the key when you do a market update videos, you don’t want to go too heavy on the data. Because in all reality, like people have the data, they can go on Redfin, they can go on Zillow, the data exist, the value that we provide, is interpreting that data and helping people understand what does it means to them. Alright, so anytime we do a video, we keep it three, maybe four data points, Max, don’t go into 10 data points. And then most importantly, when you shoot these videos, and you guys can, you know, pull up any of our market update videos on YouTube will always finish the video and say, if you’re watching this video, and you’re thinking about buying a home, here’s what this means to you. And if you’re thinking about selling a home, here’s what this means to you, right? You got to help people understand, like, if I’m watching this and I’m thinking about buying like, Okay, that’s cool. You just told me all this information, but like, what does that mean to me, right with what’s in it for me? So you got to make sure that you do that in those market update videos. Don’t just give a bunch of data and be like, Alright, cool, good to see you later. Like,

D.J. Paris 19:54
you know, pause, because that is that is such an important point. And he just says Something incredibly profound that will really help with conversion. So what Kyle just said is huge. And I’m just going to walk it back just for a moment. Because it’s really a such an amazing tip that I don’t know that anyone’s ever given on our show before, which is, hey, create some content, for example, market update stuff, give a few data points don’t overwhelm the audience with with too much content. Just give them a couple of things that they might be interested in learning. And then, in addition to that, say, here’s what this means for you, or here’s what this could mean for you. If you’re thinking about buying or selling, you know, x. And I’m sorry, to to stop your flow there. But that was such an important and critical point. I just wanted to put a sort of hammer in a bit because it’s so critical. I’m sorry, go right ahead.

Kyle Whissel 20:43
Yeah, no. And the other thing that in I don’t even know if you realized it, when you were saying it or now is thing is, when we shoot these videos, I’m not saying hey, all you San Diegans Hey, everybody out there, like I’m talking to you, right? If you are watching this video, and you are thinking about buying a home, here’s what it means to you, right? Talk to the individual, especially when you’re using those words, when you’re saying you, like look at the camera, like make eye contact, pretend like you’re literally staring at somebody’s eyes when you say these things. If people want to feel connected, and when they feel like you’re talking directly to them, they’re going to feel a lot better connection. But when you’re sitting there talking about Hey, everyone, well, if any of you people out there like nobody’s watching in a group, nobody watches YouTube videos like, Hey, guys, we all kind of watch this video, let’s huddle up, like they’re watching it on their phone, right? Or they’re maybe watching it on their computer, but they’re watching it by themselves. So talk to that one person who’s watching it by themselves, you’ll make a much deeper connection with them. So market update videos, we think those are super crucial, especially because we’re in a, you know, a wild market right now. You know, and it’s it’s volatile, which people are actually craving that information more, when we have a market that is shifting like it is today. people crave that content even more. So that’s a big part of it. And then we’d like to do we recommend you do one FAQ video a month FAQ Frequently asked question. So something I learned early in my career, is it if there’s any question you’ve been asked three times, you’re gonna get asked it 300 times over the course of your career. So you might as well shoot a video about it. And the cool thing is, you can shoot that video one. So you can when a client asks a question you can like, Oh, that’s a great question. Actually just shot a video on that. And you could send that. But again, think about if people are asking you this question, guess what they’re doing? They’re going on Google. And they’re Googling that question too. Well, guess who owns Google? Or I guess who owns YouTube is Google. And so when somebody Google’s a question, a lot of time, what pulls up is a YouTube video response. So if you know the questions that people are asking in your market, you should probably shoot videos answering those questions, because now what will happen is people will find your video answering the exact question that they had, like, Oh, this guy knows what he’s talking about, like we should call him. So one you can generate leads from that by answering questions people have that their existing realtor is not able to answer so they’re seeking out the answer online. In addition, when you have people who are thinking about working with you, you start to become a valuable resource, because now you’re sending them content answering the questions like How did he know I was wondering about that? What because all of my clients keep asking me the same question. So I might as well shoot a video and answer it not just for that client, but for everybody. So those videos those are the really the two foundational videos that we recommend people get out every single month. And there’s different ways to do it. Right. We I’m big on layering things because I understand some people are you know, in my shoes where I’m extremely busy, and I have no time, but we’re selling a lot of homes so I have more money. So I’m willing to pay more money because I don’t have the time so I use a service like viral marketing. Vy Ral so I use those guys and I pay them money but they take a lot of the work off my plate they shoot the video they do the editing, they do the copywriting the distribution they send the reporting like they do all the work Cool. Well maybe you have no money maybe you’re brand new and you’re you literally can’t rub two nickels together cool there’s there’s free solutions right there’s free ways to do this with something like soap box which is video distribution service and it’s free. So you could use something like soap box and I think MailChimp has like a free option so you could record your video and soap box use the free version of MailChimp and you could do it that way and then there’s the middle action which is like a bom bom bom bom is a new kind of an all in one solution so you can record the videos you can you know build your email list you could do it all in there so regardless of where you’re at whether you’re on you know you’ve got tons of check equity and don’t have any time for sweat equity Cool, let’s do it with viral or you’re on the other end where you have no check equity but you got time so you put that sweat equity in and do soap box and MailChimp or you’re somewhere in the middle and maybe Bom Bom is your solution. But no matter what there’s no excuse is to not do it. Because, you know, Chet blacks, one of my coaches and one of the things he always talks about is like my shitty video regardless of how good your videos my shitty video will outperform your nonexisting video every day of the week, it’s a really good don’t obsess over how good your video is. Just get the damn videos out there.

D.J. Paris 25:18
Yeah, and and our phones now are so sophisticated with the cameras that most of us have, that, you know, turning the camera, turning the phone around, and hitting the record button is probably still going to produce a pretty watchable image. And the audience too. I’d love to talk to you about expectation from audience because I know a lot of our listeners and viewers are probably, you know, a little fearful about putting themselves on video. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I stumble over my words? What if, and the reality of it is is it probably endears you more to your audience when you make mistakes and when you don’t look perfect? Because guess what, nobody’s perfect anyway. So this idea that we have to have perfect lighting, although certainly would be awesome to have that. But I think people relate more to the imperfections. So I’m curious to get your thoughts on imperfect video versus, you know, well shot, edited and polished video.

Kyle Whissel 26:13
For sure. Yeah, I’m a huge fan of Facebook Live. For the reason being that one it is like the questions we get asked all the time, what camera what lens? What microphone? What editing software, like, it’s this right? This is my camera. This is my lens. This is my microphone. This is my edit Facebook Lives my editing software. Yeah, because all I do is I go on there and I hit the Live button. And it’s just record. And the beauty of Facebook Live is that there is zero expectation of perfection on a Facebook Live. Like if somehow somebody is a Facebook Live and everything is perfect. It’s almost weird. You’re almost like, the hell is this all like staged like this, right? This looks odd, that’s expected that it’s not gonna you’re not going to have the best audio, the cameras gonna be shaky, it’s probably going to you’re going to be holding it yourself. So it’s gonna be like two feet from your face. So all they’re going to see is like, just your face. You know. And so I love Facebook Live, I think it’s a great way to go. Because it’s just going to be very real, very authentic. And the bar is very low as far as what people expect in a Facebook live video. So I think it’s a really good way to go. I’m the kind of person where like, if you’re scared of heights, you go skydiving, if you’re scared of the ocean, you go shark diving. And if you’re scared of video, you go Facebook Live die thing, like just dive into it and just hit the download button and talk. You’d be amazed what happens when you just go live. And honestly live is better. Because what I see people do when they do want to shoot a video. I see people post screenshots sometimes and you look at their like photo gallery. And you could see the like 25 times they tried to shoot the video and didn’t like it and rerecord it and rerecord it, reassure it, don’t do that,

D.J. Paris 27:48
guys to do that, too, when when I would shoot video for a different industry I was in I had to I had to be perfect in my mind. And I ended up doing 25 takes. And then I realized nobody cares. Really, they just care about the quality of the content. And that’s and so you said something really profound earlier, I just want to really quickly circle back to that to make sure our audience heard it. Kyle just said something really, really critical, which when I was we were asking about what kind of content he thinks about. And if you are if you like if you’re taking Kyle’s advice and you’re doing two to four videos a month, which you absolutely can and should do. And you have this great phone that can take a decent shot. And you go okay, now what what kind of content should I be providing? Well just think about questions you could ask on a regular basis. I mean, that will give you an unlimited amount of content. So you will never have to worry about oh my gosh, what do I talk about these days. So I just wanted to really just circle back to that for a second. Because that will solve the content problem for you. If if you have nothing else to talk about. Just think about your last three questions from clients.

Kyle Whissel 28:48
Yeah, and I mean, just put whether you have like a notepad or, you know, whatever system you use to keep notes, like every time an idea pops in your head, just put it on that you know, task list or that notepad or whatever it is that you use. Because if you’re like, Oh, I got a great idea for video, and then you don’t write it down the next day, like, what was that thing I was thinking about and you can’t remember it. So like, anytime an idea pops in your head, just throw it on that list, just throw it on there, throw it in the notepad, throw it on your task list, so that you have this kind of like depository of where you put these ideas. And then you can make withdrawals from that you know that bank whenever you need to when you have a video idea, and if you can’t come up with a video idea, just post on Facebook and say, Hey, friends, what questions do you have about the real estate industry or the real estate market and let your friends on? You know, Facebook and Instagram tell you what to do videos about?

D.J. Paris 29:38
Yeah, I also want to talk about podcasting because obviously we’re on a podcast and you have a podcast as well. I’d love to talk about where you see the opportunity there for realtors because a lot of people can can sort of understand a lot of realtors can think well I can understand turning my phone around shooting a Facebook Live which is scary because I’m working without a net or I’m pre recording something with my phone and posting it to Instagram or Facebook. So I can sort of wrap my mind around that, because I’ve done that before most of us have probably done something like that. But starting a podcast might seem particularly daunting or overwhelming or challenging, or, Hey, I’m not a broadcaster, I can’t do that, or I don’t know how to do that, or so I’m curious on your thoughts about, you know, what your opinion is about agents starting podcasts and, and you know what the opportunity is?

Kyle Whissel 30:27
Yeah. So I mean, obviously, we’re on a podcast, we run a podcast, some big podcast fan. As far as doing a podcast locally, for your local community, I think it’s tough. I’ll just be honest, I’ve, I’ve racked my brain trying to figure out how do I run a local podcast that’s truly going to get engagement, I don’t know that it’s the easiest thing.

D.J. Paris 30:49
The greatest idea that’s hard to execute it. And what Kyle’s really talking about is, if you live in, in a particular area, creating a podcast specific to, you know, you know, whatever is going on in that area is in theory, an awesome idea. And you could, for example, just start interviewing local businesses and doing that. And in theory, it’s amazing. But boy, is it hard to get people to pay attention?

Kyle Whissel 31:12
Yeah, I think that’s hard on the local level. That’s why we’re big on the video side of it. I mean, the thing that we’re most known for is going out and creating videos with local businesses and restaurants much better. And doing that all via video. I mean, that’s what’s really, you know, put us on the map and got us the recognition we have, we’ve shot hundreds of episodes of local businesses and restaurants. And that gets a lot of traction. I think it’s hard without the visual element on that. Which is why I think that’s got to be done on video. But if you’re, you know, running something, obviously, like we’re at exp, we want to attract agents all around the country. So if I can do things to pour in and add value to other agents lives, and they find that attractive, and maybe they’re attracted to join me. Or if I’m running other business owners, other businesses, or I have courses that I sell, or, you know things where I’m trying to reach a more broad, large audience, then I think you can really dive into the podcast. And I mean, at the end of the day, a podcast just has to add value for the listener. So you know, one of the things we teach is like this whole acronym for scripting videos, and part of it applies, whether it’s video podcast, or really any marketing thing out there. The whole acronym is called great ass. But the Ask part of it is, every time you’re creating a piece of content, you need to have assets in mind. So we came up with something, it’s kind of catchy, it’s hard to forget it. So A is for audience. So anytime I’m creating a piece of content. So let’s say it’s a podcast and this example, like, I have to know, who is the audience? Who do I want to actually consume this content? So first, I gotta have an audience. Second, I got to determine what is the situation that that audience is facing? So let’s just say, you know, a really good situation right now is people’s forbearance is ending on their mortgage. Like that’s, that’s a situation a lot of people are facing, and then I gotta have what’s the solution for that situation they’re facing. And so you know, that whether it’s a podcast episode or a video, right, doing something that’s geared towards homeowners who have their forbearance, it’s ending, and you’re gonna provide the solutions to help them avoid foreclosure. Like that’s a killer freakin video topic right now. You know, and again, if you’re doing a podcast, whether you’re doing it for yourself locally, or you want to share some of those solutions with other agents, so that they can then go and implement that in their market. I think that that’s a killer topic. So that would be an example of like, how you come up with that ass acronym is audience situation and solution. And the same thing goes, if it’s a postcard, you should be thinking about that. If it’s a podcast, if it’s a video, you know, if it’s a flyer that you’re delivering anything that you do, you should always have those three things in mind.

D.J. Paris 33:53
Yeah, that’s really important. Let’s just go over that one more time. The sort of the, the acronym so you if you don’t mind, give us the ass acronym once more. Yeah, so

Kyle Whissel 34:02
ask this audience. Who is this content for? situation? What’s the situation that the audience is facing? And then the solution to their situation? So audience situation solution.

D.J. Paris 34:15
I love it. And before I’m going to ask Kyle in just a moment about going viral and the importance of, of virality of creating content that is accepted by the masses or not worrying about that but before we do that, I want to just pause and mention our sponsor for this episode, which is follow up boss after interviewing hundreds of top Realtors in the country for this show. You know what CRM is used by more than any other for by our amazing guests. Of course it’s follow up boss let’s face it. Follow up is the key. Excuse me to taking your business to the next level. Follow up boss will help you drive more leads and less time with less effort. Don’t take my word for it. Robert slack who runs the number one team in the US uses follow up boss and he has built a $1.5 billion business in Six years follow up boss integrates with over 250 different systems, you can keep your current tools and lead sources. And they have seven day a week support. So you’ll get the help you need and get this follow up boss is so sure you’re going to love their CRM that for a limited time they’re offering and keeping it real listeners a 30 day free trial that’s twice as much time as they give everyone else. And oh yeah, no credit card required. But only if you use the special link, which is follow up forward slash real, that’s follow up forward slash real for your free 30 day trial. Follow up like a boss. With follow up, boss. Okay, Kyle, thank you for indulging me there. Let’s talk about the I’m gonna call it the myth of going viral. I’ll tell a story. Real, real quick story. I used to be a blogger, not not in the real estate, I wrote humor and I had a somewhat moderately successful following with with my dopey little, little website. And I wrote a story. I went to a Tony Robbins event many many years ago and sort of wrote a fun take on on my experience there. And I didn’t think anything of it. But whoever runs Tony Robbins is sort of PR side of his business must have somehow gotten alert that there was a, you know, a blog post that that was seen by people. And they retweeted this, that my story. And Tony himself retweeted it, which back when Twitter was a lot more important than it is today. This was incredible for me, because at the time, I was probably averaging about 1000 hits a day, which was still pretty substantial for just, you know, bozo like me. But when he when he when he retweeted it to his, I don’t know, several million followers, I got an instant, about 30,000 people hit my website within about 10 minutes, which was very exciting. But also what I noticed, and I’m curious if you, you know, have a sort of similar thought about it. But what happened about two days later, was that my traffic went right back down to where it was pre pre Tony Robbins sending out my tweet. So unless I were just to create amazing content that he would tweet out every day, which of course never happened again. I was like, oh, and again, I 30,000 views maybe isn’t doesn’t doesn’t seem like a lot. But back then it was a lot for me. And I realized, Okay, I’m back to normal now. And I’m curious on what your thoughts are about views, because I know a lot of our listeners might also be thinking, well, what if no one watches my stuff? What if I’m not getting engagement? And how do you sort of help them through that? Or what do you tell them when when they’re worried about, you know, view count and things like that?

Kyle Whissel 37:36
Yeah, I mean, those are just vanity metrics. I couldn’t care less about those. I just want to be consistent, because you never know, like, what piece of content is going to connect with somebody. The best example I could give is the first video series we did was called Santy, Saturdays, Santis that one of the communities we work in here in San Diego, and we interviewed like every different type of business under the sun. And we did 100 episodes, and I ended up landing a $4 million listing and it was from one of the least watched videos of the entire series because it was on like a senior community. And it was just not an exciting interview in any way shape or form. Like the people who were interviewing weren’t, you know, lively people. The people who live in senior communities aren’t exactly on social media and YouTube to watch the content so like the view count was ridiculously low. But all it took was one person watching it had a $4 million home and there you go, right so it’s, it’s not I mean, we’ve had a video with 3 million views on it this maybe had 3000 views like you know, a fraction of what we’ve seen on other videos, but it connected with the right person at the right time with the right message and here we go, you know, monster six figure commission coming in. So that’s the thing that that’s the part of the best example I can get personally having been through it is it’s not about every video being a banger, as we call them, like you’re gonna have some that are, you know, not gonna get much traction at all, and that’s fine. But don’t just stop like, I mean, most of us have been in a relationship in our life like if we stopped the first time somebody rejected us like nobody would ever get married. No, we did ever have kids right? Like, we don’t stop because you have like one bad video you don’t stop because you get turned down one time in your life like you keep going. And so that’s, that’s the best advice I could give. And in all honesty, like what I’m actually more obsessed with today is less I don’t even want 3000 video views on a video I just want one. And I’m shooting a lot more one to one video right now, which would be a video from me directly to you, not to anybody else. Nobody’s ever going to see it. That one to one video, I would argue is more important right now than my 3 million view video. Because if I can connect with you with the right message right time, like you know, we do videos for people’s birthdays because What does everybody else do on people’s birthdays? They send like a happy birthday, dude. HBD because we’re freaking lazy, like all I’m worth is three letters to you on a Facebook post, like, you know, but what if you actually just go through Facebook every day it tells you whose birthday it is shoot each person a personalized video?

D.J. Paris 40:16
Well, what is what does that take? 20 seconds, 30 seconds.

Kyle Whissel 40:20
30 seconds max is the limit on Facebook. So like, what if you just shot everybody, every day that had a birthday, a quick video message. And it could be the exact same video five times in a row, they don’t know the difference. But just shoot them a personal video, they’re gonna remember it. Because if you’re watching this podcast right now, if you’ve got a video message, which most of you never didn’t get one on your last birthday, but let’s assume you did get one on your last birthday. I bet you within a split second, you could tell me who it was who sent you that video. Like you would remember it instantaneously. And you don’t remember the revenue Did you don’t remember the 500 HBD messages you got or the

D.J. Paris 40:59
500 holiday cards you’re about to get this this this winter. You’re you’re going? Yeah, and so that the idea of the video messages is brilliant. Because literally Yeah, you might have got one I’ve never received any ever. And I have a pretty healthy following. So most people have never received that ever. And so that’s a such a great point. I want to also mention, just just you just triggered something in me to remind our audience that LinkedIn really does a cool thing. If you go into LinkedIn, and you go to your notifications, and it really just is, what it does is it really tells you about four things it tells you when somebody’s birthday is so Facebook does that too. So not a big deal there. But LinkedIn, you might have different connections there. So it tells you the birthday not such a great thing because everybody wishes you Happy Birthday via you know, LinkedIn on your birthday. It just gets lost in the shuffle. But there’s also work anniversaries. There’s when somebody starts a new job. And there’s also when someone gets a promotion, right. So like, those are great reasons. Now you don’t have to do it on LinkedIn. Right? If you want to send somebody hey, man, I just saw you got a promotion, you could do that on Facebook, you could do that on a text message. But that’s another great reason to do a one to 100%

Kyle Whissel 42:11
Yeah, we love doing it for that. Obviously, you know, we all know plenty of people who are getting COVID. So shooting them a message because anybody who’s had COVID knows it sucks. You feel like super freaking isolated. You can’t go anywhere really publicly, nobody can come hang out with you. So like shooting people a heartfelt message when they’re in that like isolation. That can be huge. When people have you know, big accomplishments, like you mentioned, shoot them a message for that. Congratulations type messages. And then also like, one of the guys in my office his dad passed away recently. And it’s like, I could you know, what do you send them prayer hands or send them like our condolences. If you need anything, I’m here for you. Like, what if you actually shot a heartfelt video in that moment, right, like that’s going to have such an impact for that person that they will never ever forget it. Plus, you could show your true emotion in that video. Because when you just get the like, condolences sorry for your loss, rest in peace got to be like whatever. Like those, those messages are so meaningless. You don’t even remember a single one of them, but the person who sends you a heartfelt message. And you know, in a difficult time in your life, you are going to remember that.

D.J. Paris 43:25
And it’s going to endear you I mean, we’re now we’re talking about intimacy. And Kyle just really shifted from, you know, talking about creating videos for the masses creating content that would be seen by a wide variety of people and his HSS method to sort of create that content. And now he’s also saying in addition to that, let’s work on one on one to one and we’ve all been conditioned in the last two years to do one on one to one video. So this isn’t even weird anymore. There’s nothing weird about it. Everybody’s on Zoom. Everybody’s been doing this no matter what industry they’re in, or even if it’s just talking to family members that couldn’t see other through them through video screens. There is never been a better time to start getting comfortable having these one to ones

Kyle Whissel 44:07
Yeah, I mean the one that’s really that I think about a lot right in this this world that we live in today’s mental health is a serious freakin thing, right? I mean, there’s how many stories? Are there people who took their own lives or took other people’s lives like because of mental health? Like when you see people who are posting things where you could tell like, hey, something’s a little bit out of character for that person. I don’t know about that like one call them but people in those moments a lot of times won’t answer the phone. They don’t want to talk to anybody. That’s that’s like I’ve studied a lot of psychology in school. People don’t want to talk to people when they’re in those those moments. But what if you could shoot them a video? Like what if you could shoot some like, Hey, man, I know you’re going through some difficult times right now. Like I just want to let you know I’m here for you. I freaking love you. I’ve known you for so long. You’ve been an amazing friend to me. You mean the world to me and to my family and and I just want to let you know I’m here for you. I love you. If you need to get out, you need to talk, you want to grab a beer, you want to, you know, go do some drugs, whatever you’re into, man, I’m here for you. Like, I just want to let you know that and just shoot that message. Like, that message could literally save somebody’s life. If you could send that message, right moment. Yeah,

D.J. Paris 45:15
yeah, it’s, it’s, you know, it’s funny, it’s like intimacy, the scariest thing for most of us is vulnerability, because it opens us up to rejection to getting hurt. You know, we’re bearing, you know, some, some tender parts of us that people can take advantage of, or people can dismiss. But the irony is, most people don’t, when you’re, when you have the courage to be vulnerable. They, you know, that’s, that’s what they’re craving as well. And that’s what intimacy is actually built on his vulnerability. So Kyle just said something worth its weight in gold, in business, and just in your personal life, is that having the courage is really all you need to to be authentic and to care about someone, especially now, when people are still pretty isolated, you know, whether they’re sick or just, you know, worried about the Delta variant, and, you know, just not able to get out as much. This is a great time to really deepen those relationships with with with your prospect list your customers or clients just go to Hey, man, how’s everything going? Like? Are you back in the office? Are you still working at home? Like, what’s going on? Are you handling the kids? Are they back in school? I mean, these are all things that that realtors, oftentimes just Do you know, you do that with your close friends, but you don’t maybe think to do that with the people that are in your prospect list. And maybe maybe no one else is reaching out to them. And that like you were setting it, at its most extreme, it could save a life. But even at its at its least less extreme, it could just deepen the relationship. Think like, Wow, that guy cares about me. That’s huge. And when you care about somebody, they’re never going to work with another realtor.

Kyle Whissel 46:46
Exactly. And it’s got to come from the heart. So don’t just do this be like, Oh, I watched podcast cost to do this someday. Hey, what’s up Happy Birthday haven’t gotten by, like, you know, what, put some effort into this and actually mean it. But yeah, it’s never that’s the thing, too, is never assume like, oh, well, everybody else is doing it. So I don’t need to like, Oh, they’re not, they’re gonna get a bunch of these. They’re gonna get a bunch of like, HPDs on their birthday. They’re not gonna get a bunch of personalized videos on their birthday. So just do it. If you’re even thinking like, should I send this person? Yes, that’s the answer. Always just short little videos. 1015 20 seconds. That’s it. You don’t need to sit here and go on like a monologue just just to check in with people. It goes such a long way. You know, and same thing when you get a new lead, like shoot him a frickin video. Like, Hey, what’s up, it’s Kyle whistle. I just wanted to shoot a video. So you have a face to put with the name. Zillow just connected us. I’ll be reaching out on the phone real soon. But it just wanted to let you know I’m a real human and I’m here. I’m here to help you. I’ll call you soon. Like, shoot that video. Or you have an appointment with somebody like that you only talk to on the phone like Hey, what’s up Kyle whistle just wants you to video facebook with the name we’re gonna be meeting tomorrow at four o’clock. Just want to know the sooner look for a drive away car. I’ll see you there like to shoot them that you’re you humanize yourself, you become like a real person. Because I’ve literally only one of my agents told me a story one time where like he set an appointment to go show a property to somebody. And he shows up like at the set appointment time. And people are walking out of the house. And he’s like standing around waiting, waiting. Nobody’s showing up and people walk out of the house. And then they’re like, Hey, are you Jared? And he’s like, yeah, and they’re walking out with the other realtor, because they didn’t even know who to look for. Like they don’t even know Jared was they went through with the realtor who just finished showing it doesn’t even know who to frickin look for, like, you might want to send people a picture, at least hopefully a video of your face. So when you’re meeting them for the first time, you don’t have that awkward like is that her Is that am I don’t know, like, don’t do that.

D.J. Paris 48:36
And that is awkward. And it’s so easy that you can literally just do that the night before an appointment and say, Hey, I’m super excited to meet with you tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know what I look like so that you know you’re not scanning the coffee shop looking for somebody that looks like a realtor. But boy, you know, and I want everyone to pause for a second. I’m going to pause the podcast flow for a moment. And I want you to think about how do we how are you thinking about Kyle right now as as a as a person, right. And I want to make this really important point because Kyle has done something extraordinary in this conversation that most of our guests have never done which is he just talked about something that was really important to him and he got vulnerable and he talked about the importance of mental health and you could hear how sincere he was and how important it was to him to talking about reaching out to people when you see that you suspect they might be struggling and I want you to think about what you now how you now view Kyle it because I guarantee that most of you feel very, very positive and warm towards Colin it was not a some sort of calculated move. He was speaking from the heart. And if you can learn how to put more of your heart into your communication like Kyle does. And this is just who Kyle is right so Kyle is probably like well, that’s just who I am. But but that’s how and why he is part of the number one team in San Diego because he is who he is and he’s not afraid to talk about some of those those things, and he puts that stuff into his content. And that is a significant thing. So Kyle, I apologize for taking over the conversation from all but I just wanted to honor you for that, because that is a substantial thing. And and I really appreciate your courage there.

Kyle Whissel 50:15
Yeah, I appreciate it, man. Yeah, I think this being real and authentic. I mean, that’s, that’s where we’re going here with video two is, don’t try to like emulate somebody else. Don’t try to talk the way I do. Or you do or, or anybody else does, like, just be real be super freakin authentic. I’m from San Diego. Like I say, Dude, I say, bro, I say what’s up, like, that’s how I talk here. You know, and somebody who’s from the Bronx is going to talk totally differently. And that’s fine. Like, talk, however you talk in person in your videos, because the person they see in the video should be the same person they meet with is if they’re not, and there’s a misalignment, there’s not going to be business, it’s done. So stay true to who you are. Like the best analogy I can give in this world today is like, no matter who flies the red flag in a couple years, everybody who flies a blue flag is not going to like that. And vice versa, right? Like that’s the society we’re in today, like 50% of people are not going to like somebody just because they fly the Blue Flag and or the red flag. That’s just the way that it is today. So the sooner you accept that no matter what you do, 50% of people aren’t going to like you, the better off you’re going to be. Because the 50% of people that do like you are going to be truly endear to who you are. And that’s the kind of person that they want to work with. So stay true to who you are, in the videos, show emotions show passion, if that’s how you are, if you are completely monotone, and, and very soft spoken than that, then be that because there’s people that are going to love that too. Not everybody wants the big flamboyant person. Some people want that just a very slow measured person, because that’s how they are. And well that guy over there is too much for me. But this girl over here is nice and quiet. Like, this is how I roll. That’s the kind of person I want to work with. Cool, that’s fine, be you stay true to who you are.

D.J. Paris 52:01
That’s really smart, too. And the algorithms from the social media companies who are serving up this content to their audience, you know, the public will say are selecting content that their algorithms are smart enough to know are going to more than likely than not resonate with that person. So you don’t really like as I was saying, don’t have to worry about who’s not going to be interested. Because odds are the systems in place are going to self select those people out they’re not even going to see your gods at most, most likely anyway. So the people are gonna get hooked on your stuff. I mean, people who listen to this show our audience people listening right now. They like what we put together the people that I’m sure the tons of people listened. And they’re like, that’s not very valuable. I’m tuning out. And yeah, I wish everyone loved it. Because you know, I would love to have everybody in the country listening. But that’s not realistic. And it’s okay, that people who like it really like it. And don’t worry about who doesn’t like it. And the people who don’t like it aren’t just aren’t, they’re not going to watch it. They’re going to watch it for 10 seconds, and they’re never gonna watch it again. But I want to I want to wrap up because Kyle is absolutely insanely busy, I could talk to him all night. But that wouldn’t be fair to him and his team because he is the number one team in San Diego. And they are busy. They’ve done 1000s and 1000s of transactions. So if anyone is looking to work with a realtor, maybe you’re listening to this show, and you’re not a real estate agent, but you’re just looking to work with a good agent, the best agent may be in San Diego, Kyle and his team would love the opportunity to work with you. So he you know whether you’re an investor or you’re just a regular person buying their first home or you know, you your realtor just isn’t doing a great job for you. And you want to work with a great team, Kyle whistle, and his team would love the opportunity to chat with you. But for most of our audience, you are realtors. And if you want to work with somebody like Kyle, and I know if I was practicing real estate in San Diego, he would be my first call because he understands branding, marketing. He’s Uh, he’s a great guy, as you can tell through this. And he’s just got great systems that he’s willing to teach that to you. So definitely reach out to him if you’re not getting the attention you need from your current firm. And oh, how about this he actually gets leads and provides them to his agents. Nobody does that. Very few people do that. Very few firms do that our firm doesn’t do that his his group does. That is amazing. So definitely check him out as well. And also we want to talk about his his his service that he provides to anyone which is called the the media Mayor mastermind. This is a video training course. Kyle, can you tell us a little bit about that?

Kyle Whissel 54:35
Yeah, so I’ve had a full time videographer. Now for seven years, we’ve created 1000s of videos that have had millions of views. We’ve done tons and tons of business from these and it’s helped establish us as the number one agent in our county and number one video influencer in North America. So we decided like hey, let’s take all the things we’ve learned over the last seven years and let’s share that and we put it all into a digital course. You can go to the whistle way dot Calm, and you can check that course out. But it’s literally everything we’ve learned how to prepare for the videos, how to shoot the videos, how to distribute the videos, how to get leads, from the videos, all different types of videos, whether it be one to one videos, community videos, you know, talking head videos, email videos, all of the different types of videos as well as podcasting. So we want to get into that as well really teaching you how to add a media wing to your business. Because like I said, the content you create this content is working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. So creating content is one of the best ways to really grow your business. So if you want to go deeper on creating more media, we’d love to have you be a part of the course. One of the really cool things we talked about, you need to get, you know, two videos out a month well we actually give you four videos every single month, we’ll give you the video that we’ve shot that we’ve distributed on our team so you have an example the follow plus will give you the outline that we use when we created that video. So you can now do that exact same video in your own words in your own way and distributed that out to your database so love to have you guys be a part of it. The whistle

D.J. Paris 56:08
And we should also mention that you know, anyone can put a video course together but not anyone is going to be named the number one video influencer in North America by bom bom. If you’re not familiar with Bom, bom, that is what they do. They are that is all they do is video marketing. And for them to name Kyle as their number one sort of representative of how it should be done is a huge, huge feather in his cap. So go to the whistle, I couldn’t more strongly encourage all of our agents to if you’re looking to step up your video game or just looking to get into video, and you absolutely should, because you are missing out on the existing leads, as Kyle started out by saying there are people in your database that you don’t even realize are going to transact in real estate in the next 12 months. And if you don’t consistently get your content in front of them, they may just forget that you’re there that you’re a realtor. So this is a great way to stay in touch in a very soft way. Or you can do the one on one stuff, as we mentioned, as well. So check out the whistle And Kyle will teach you all of his strategies and secrets about video, video marketing. Uh, Kyle, thank you so much for being on the show. I know how busy you are. And I know that this was we went a bit long, so I appreciate your time. On behalf of Kyle and myself, we want to thank our audience. We appreciate everyone for sticking around listening to this great interview. And we ask that you just do one quick thing. Tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing this amazing conversation with Kyle and send them a link to our show. Easiest way to do that, send them right over to our website, which is keeping it real Every episode we’ve ever done can be streamed right there. Or if they are a podcast person, and you know that about them, have them pull up a podcast app search for keeping it real and hit that subscribe button, Kyle, and on behalf of our audience, we want to thank Kyle for being on our show and sharing all these unbelievable secrets. We’ll have to have Kyle back because we could I could talk to you all night. But I know you’re busy. And I really wanted to get into your pot belly rescue. But let’s plug the nonprofit that you founded which is called Penelope is purpose do you mind sharing just a quick moment of exactly what that is? Because it’s so interesting.

Kyle Whissel 58:18
Yeah, my wife and I, we got our first pig like eight years ago, we got one of these little like micro teacup pigs that we’ve all like seen on TV with perisylvian and Miley Cyrus. And the reality is there’s no such thing as a mini pig or a teacup pig. So those tiny little pigs that you see on TV, they just conveniently forget to show you that those end up being like two or 300 pound pigs. So a lot of people don’t realize that when they get them their pig ends up being huge, they can’t have it anymore. They don’t realize pigs need a lot more attention than a dog or a cat. So don’t give them attention. They can be destructive. And a lot of people are just stupid and get a pig without checking their zoning. And then they ended up getting popped by code compliance. So we founded a nonprofit to help rescue rehabilitate and rehome these pigs and find them new permanent homes. And so that’s been a passion project for my wife and I it’s full 501 C three and that’s what we like to do and kind of give back and that’s our way of doing it.

D.J. Paris 59:11
So well. We applaud you for your service there. I have a dog underneath my desk right now who has got a coat on he was recovering from an eye illness. So I have a particular soft spot for anything related to and she was a rescue as well. So anyway, check out Penelope has purpose which is their pot bellied pig rescue. Kyle, thank you so much for being on the show. Really appreciate your time. And we will see everyone on the next episode. Thanks ca See you

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