Welcome to our BRAND-NEW monthly feature, Social Bootcamp With Gogo Bethke!

Tired of boring “just listed” and “just sold” Instagram posts? Let’s take our Instagram game to the next level through Instagram Stories. In this episode, social media expert Gogo Bethke walks you step-by-step on how to use Instagram Stories to partner with local businesses for giveaways and contests. This will increase engagement and generate more real estate leads for your business. And, best of all, it’s FUN!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

DISCLAIMER: Gogo’s 30-day moneyback guarantee is no longer available.

Gogo Bethke can be reached at gogosrealestate@gmail.com and at her Instagram account.

Purchase Gogo’s Bootcamp by clicking here – Keeping It Real Podcast listeners get a discount – click now!

Gogo's Bootcamp 2.0


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the best social media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level. She’s so confident there’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Keeping it real listeners receive a special discount so please visit Gogo podcast.com That’s Gee oh gee Oh podcast.com for your special discount and now on with the show.

Welcome to keeping it real, the largest podcast in the country made for real estate agents and by real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your host and guide through the show, and we have gogo on our show. Today. She is an Instagram queen and a top 1% Real Estate Agent. She comes on our show every single month to talk about social media strategies. For our listeners. Let me tell you a little bit about Gogo. If you are new to the show, and haven’t yet experienced any of your episodes, by the way, you should go back and listen to all of her episodes. But gogo Becky came to the United States in 2003. To build her American dream. She was broke had no sphere of influence, no experience barely spoke English and only $6 to her name. So it left her with nothing else but Facebook at the time. That’s where she started and she created gogos real estate and her real estate career started with the power of social media gogo sold over 45 million in residential real estate transactions. She shares the good, the bad and the ugly side of real estate and her honest snippets in her everyday life earned her 10s of 1000s of social media followers. In the real estate community. She earned the nickname social media queen and after being asked to present at various conferences and realtor events. She has built a social media bootcamp just for you for realtors called gogos bootcamp and for listeners of our podcast we have a special discount. So visit gogo podcast Gogo podcast.com, just for our listeners, gogo Welcome to the show.

Gogo Bethke 2:27
Well, I thank you so much for having me again.

D.J. Paris 2:29
By the way before I almost forgot everyone out there go to Instagram right now and look up gogos real estate geo gos real estate and follow her to see the very one of the very best Instagram accounts I’ve ever seen across all industries. Certainly for real estate, she’s at the top. So anyway, thank you for being part of the show.

Gogo Bethke 2:49
Thank you so much for having me.

D.J. Paris 2:51
Okay, what do we want to talk about this month?

Gogo Bethke 2:55
So I was thinking let’s talk about how to use and abuse the social media or Instagram story features and all of the things that Instagram allows you to do with the power of the story. And let’s see how we can implement that to make money in real estate.

D.J. Paris 3:10
Yeah, that’s a good one too because I know I have an Instagram, non business account a personal account I’ve got about 10,000 followers which is I know not much but I have never personally myself even just for fun try the stories feature. And I know I’m missing out so let’s definitely talk about how realtors can use it all right,

Gogo Bethke 3:30
stories are awesome because it makes you more personal. So stories are only up for 24 hours they kind of go poof after that. They do have a feature that called highlights so you can capture those stories and I’ll talk about it in a little bit. But so it’s just kind of cool to like show who you are and show when it goes down on a day to day basis and show the highs and the lows and the good and the bad and the ugly. And that people really get to know you because when they get to know you then they get to feel a connection and when there is a connection that you’re really not selling them anything they already trust you They already gave you their time their attention and really it just becomes more of a relationship and it’s much easier when they call you that they need you to be the listing agent or buyer’s agent versus you calling strangers and selling yourself and your services. Great. So with stories I now on the other hand, I’ll probably make up for the for the stories that you don’t do. I do about 11 to 14 stories a day, maybe even a little bit more. I’m so much in the habit like accurate this device around this is my office. So for me it’s just grabbing it when something fun is going on or something good is going on. Like yesterday we had an agent that joined our team. We were doing mimosas just to celebrate and my husband was opening the champagne. And so we captured that and a boomerang so when we rang what that is so if you have if you’re driving and listening to this podcasts do not do what I’m saying I’m telling you to do but if you’re not driving, then open up your Instagram account. Feel free to go to Google’s realestate.com to check it out and follow me but if you’re not If you already follow me, then let’s go through the motion of posting a story. So you can see all of the features that I’m talking about. Okay? So stories allows you to record something at the moment in many different ways. And I walked through the features, but it also allows you to post something that’s already on your phone. Okay, if it’s a video, it’s going to break it down to 15 second increments. So if it’s a video, that’s that’s three minutes long, you do have to kind of cut it up into one minute segments. And then you can post it, it automatically cuts it up for you and in 15 minutes increments. But usually, you know, just a soften story, like a selfie style story like this, to shoot it right there. Inside the story feature, in order to access that open up your Instagram, and the bottom of there’s a little house, click that and then as soon as you do on the top left, the camera is going to show up. At the same time, you’re gonna make your first story. Are you ready? I am. Okay, open up Instagram. I’m there. Okay, how is the button in the bottom left? There are a little camera button on the top. Yep, that’s good that and now, is it on selfie mode? Or is that you see,

D.J. Paris 6:04
like, Yeah, I’ll turn it around. Okay, now it’s facing me.

Gogo Bethke 6:08
Okay, now you see a big white round button in the middle? Yes. If you just click it, it’s going to take a photo if you hold it down, or round circle is going to get a red circle is going to go circles. And you can say, Hey, guys, I’m like Pascal’s go great. And I’m so excited. This is my first life.

D.J. Paris 6:25
Hi guys. I am live pot live streaming a podcast right now with gogo of go goes real estate.

Gogo Bethke 6:31
Perfect. Did it go circles? It did they record. Okay, awesome. Now, if you swipe up, so you see your recording. I’m just gonna take a quick picture of myself. Now, if you swipe up on the recording, you see all of the different features and it gives you

D.J. Paris 6:45
Oh, yeah, I did not know that was a thing.

Gogo Bethke 6:48
Yeah. So now you can ask them a question. So for example, quick the question. And then right on there the type of you know, go go. Do

D.J. Paris 7:00
you know, go go? Okay, got it.

Gogo Bethke 7:03
Cool. Oh, so that could be an option. Now, if you don’t like what you’ve been doing, you can just hold down on that status you hold right down into your trash.

D.J. Paris 7:13
Oh, yeah. That’s really cool. I

Gogo Bethke 7:16
like that. Now we’re gonna we can do a poll. So pull off again. Yep. Cool feature. Yep, I see it. Yeah. So now you can say Do you know, though? And now you have the option of doing yes or no? That is so cool. And now these people can answer the question. So you kind of keep them entertained. But now we are talking about how to generate leads, because that’s what’s going to pay the bills for us. features, you can use them for two more many different reasons. But the two that are very important for us is organic growth, which requires correspondence interaction between you and your followers, because that’s how you’re going to grow organically. So that’s why you do all of these swipes and things like that. That’s where the growth side, because you want to be organic eyeballs on your business. Those are your future potential customers. The next way you want to do this, you want to have direct access to the consumer, meaning you want to find out, for example, let’s say you create a cute little video. And you say, Hey, guys, I’m just wondering, we are early in 2020, just before the spring season, who’s thinking about selling this year? Okay, then you put that questionnaire up here the same poll? Yes or no? So then you say, are you thinking about selling? Yes or no? Now, all of the people that answered Yes. What are you gonna do? Yeah, reach out to every single one of them. That simple cloth, you can do that on device set. So these questionnaires you can think of any question, and voila, you get the answers. You can also do giveaways, you can also do swipe ups for collecting email addresses. So for example, let’s say you are talking about your lead, lead tracker, how much you love your lead tracker sheet, and you can share it with everyone. And then you just do a quick little video and say, Hey, guys, I love my tracker. If you want a copy of it, just put your email address right here. So then,

D.J. Paris 9:04
you cannot do polls in regular postings, right only in stories,

Gogo Bethke 9:09
you can do regular posting, but people tend to spend more time on stories because it’s more interactive, and it’s quicker. So people have the average of a memory span of a goldfish about three seconds, you’ve got their attention span. So if whatever you’re posting is longer, it’s not going to show up also on a business page, your actual feed when you turn these accounts so everything that I’m sharing here, I’m assuming that you have a business page. Okay, on a personal page, many of these features are not available. Also you cannot run ads, you cannot reach the masses, you cannot reach strangers because you can throw money at it you can build an ad. So I’m assuming that you already have a business page

D.J. Paris 9:45
and everyone listening if you have a current Instagram account, you can possibly convert it to a business account as well.

Gogo Bethke 9:51
Very simple. You go into settings and in your accounts and you turn it from a personal to business account.

D.J. Paris 9:56
And doesn’t Instagram currently prioritize Stories. Isn’t that a huge push? So in other words, that is typically going to get more eyeballs than even your traditional postings.

Gogo Bethke 10:07
Correct? Correct. So using abuse stories, so let’s go through many of the features. You can do lives and events. So let’s say you’re at an event, like, let’s say your brokerage is throwing a big event and you want the world to know, okay, you should definitely go live and let them have an insider view. Like even if they can attend in person, let them see what it’s like they see what it’s about. So they will come next time because they don’t want to miss out. They may open houses, if you’re sitting in an open house, and you’re totaling your times, because nobody’s coming through guess what you should be doing, you should be live on Instagram. And you should automatically have your Instagram to feed to Facebook. So everything I post on Instagram, because I have business pages on both they are linked. You must link it. So you turn it into a business page, and you link it to your Facebook business page. That way you’re doing one thing and getting two platforms on at the same time.

D.J. Paris 10:53
That’s awesome. Because right now we’re live streaming on Facebook, but we’re not live streaming on Instagram. It Are there any restrictions for live streaming as far as a length of time that you can be?

Gogo Bethke 11:05
Not that I know of? No. Right? Yeah. So you should be able to just go as long as you want my understanding. Okay, wonderful. Um, you can also do polls. So for example, those are cute. Let’s say you have a new listing that’s coming on the market. And then you can say, okay, whoever guesses the price that this home is going to be listed for which you give them three or four options. Whoever gets it right or out of the people that you get right the price, and it’s going to be listed out, I’m going to give away a $25 Starbucks card. So now that’s just an interaction with your audience. So that grows you organically. And also, it helps you to kind of see who’s active, maybe looking for homes on the market. Capture them because it shows everybody that voted no, everybody that voted yes, everybody voted ABCD like all of that, it gives you the actual data in the background. And that’s the other awesome part about having a business page, because there’s what’s called Insight. So you actually get to see your numbers in the background, how many men woman following you? What time of the day? Where are they from? know all that stuff. So you know how to when to when to tackle them, I guess. giveaways are huge. Now, an awesome way of doing some of the local growth is to do giveaways, we talked about this last time that your local companies you can go when you’re doing the giveaways with them, you can go live again, when the winner accepts the gaps that that is even more important than going live initially, because they do want to, there’s so much fake stuff out there that the people probably not going to partake in your giveaways at first, because they want to make sure that you actually giving their stuff away. So when you go live and they see your stuff, your giveaways, and then they see what the other party receives, then they’re going to start partaking. So it’s just like think of it like postcards. When we used to do mailers, everybody knows it’s going to take at least eight times before that registers in their brain, and they’re going to take you seriously. So same with Instagram, you’re not going to make one post and then the the leads are just piling again, it’s going to take some time. So I look at it. It’s my job. I don’t cold call out into mailers. So it is my job. That’s what I do for generating leads. You can do less than for example, or swipe up video and say, Hey, are you thinking about buying? If so fill out this form below. And then it’s going to say yes, buying thinking about 123 months, three to six months, six to 12 months, and they get to choose, they got to just pick it and what you do again, you follow up with every single person that click those buttons. Tag location, always, always always tag location that people you are wet. And so let me show you how that works. So let’s say we create actually, this is awesome because I can tag you now that you’re in it. And so they can see the actual work. Okay, guys, so I am live right now, with keeping a real podcast with the best podcast DJ called DJ Paris,

D.J. Paris 13:45
certainly the coolest guy

Gogo Bethke 13:48
I would say so. So all their audience they are the largest real estate podcast in the nation and so honored to be a part of it. Today we are learning about how to use Instagram stories and the swipe up features and all of the features to generate leads for yourself and grow an organic audience. And it is learning right now how to use polls and things like that. So I wanted for everybody to see how this is getting done. And in about a week you can go and listen in go to keepin it real podcast and you can actually hear the whole story. Great. Okay, now we’re gonna do a swipe up. We can do we can tag you. So talking about tagging people. The reason why you want to do that because you want to grow your organic audience. So now everybody you said you had 10,000 followers, I have 43,000 followers. So now your 10,000 gets to see me and my 43,000 gets to see you because I thank you. So now you organically grow. This is what it’s called organic growth. So DJ Paris, what is your your Instagram?

D.J. Paris 14:46
Yeah, t f p. So Thomas, Frank Paul, and then humor blog. It’s from my old old humor website that I used to have and I’m going to be creating a keeping it real podcast Instagram account in the next week or so, but we’ll use the my old one for now.

Gogo Bethke 15:02
Sounds good. Okay, so I tagged you now you can use hashtags. So hashtags are like search words. Okay? So think about if I was searching for something on Google, what would I type in? So if I’m searching for something on Instagram, what do I type in? So right now, I use the hashtag feature, if you can see it on the screen. So I probably use hashtag and you literally type in what this is about. So this is this is keeping it real. Okay, yep. So let’s say you’re doing something about newest listing, you hashtag is going to be my newest listing, or let’s say you’re doing something homes for sale, or whatever that you are posting about that you want people to find it that way. Or you can say, Brighton, Michigan, Brighton homes for sale, because that’s what your listing is at. Now, you always want to tell the location in the real estate post for this course, location doesn’t matter. So I’m not going to tag it because you want to reach the masses. But if let’s say you’re doing a post about your newest listing in Brighton, Michigan, you definitely want to swipe up and you definitely want to tag the location. The reason why is that the people who already follow you, they’re gonna see your story no matter what, whether people who don’t follow you, but they follow Brighton, Michigan, or they’re just searching for anything in that area, they’ll go in to see your post.

D.J. Paris 16:15
And you know, the nice part about Instagram is that it shows you how many posts per hashtag are currently available. So you can actually do research to see, okay, well, I’m live in Brighton, Michigan, and I’m going to be posting something specific to people in Brighton, Michigan. What are the bright Michigan, Mike Brighton, Michigan hashtags that are most popular? Because you can see what other people have done just by starting to type in different different words and hashtags.

Gogo Bethke 16:42
Exactly. Good job. I love hashtags, because hashtags generate eyeballs and business to you. So you use it on a music. Okay, tag location, tag people questions. So we cover that you can use the question part for anything. So for example, I do a lot of coaching. And that’s my favorite time when I’m in the air. Now, I cannot do videos and things like that. But usually when I’m flying, and I know I’m going to be up there for four or five hours and nothing to do, I post a quick little little video and say, you know, type away ask me anything you want to know. And then I put that little question thing up there. So you do the video, you do the swipe up people in question. And then they can type away anything. So let’s say using it for the buyer side, or let’s say you have a buyer one on one, free, something that you’re giving away, okay, like a printout. You can say, Hey, guys, I have my buyers one, one tip, but put your email address right in here. If you’re a buyer on the market today, include your email address, I will shoot it over to you. Or let’s say you might say, Hey, guys, I have done over 100, buy sell transaction negotiated multiple bidding situation multiple times over. And I’m pretty proud to say I win pretty much all the time. So ask me anything about the value process I’m here for I’m here to answer it. So do you do the swipe? You do the question little box? They can actually type in their question. And then you can respond to that question and share it with everybody. You can do a type of response, you can do a video response, video responses, or even better. Now also, if somebody asks you something by side related question, do you think they’re in the market to buy a home? Of course, then you’re gonna follow up with them and turn them into a buyer and win them over? So there’s so many ways that you can turn somebody so many What do they say so many ways to skin a cat? Sure, is to find buyers and sellers. And it’s interactive, and it’s fun, and it’s more personal. And also,

D.J. Paris 18:24
let’s pause for a second and realize that I don’t know the percentage of realtors that take advantage of Instagram stories. And if they do, they’re likely just posting about their own lives and not necessarily interacting directly with the their followers, which is what really we’re talking about is you are going to be the only broker the only realtor that is doing that. So you’re asking, Hey, I’m here for the next hour, I’m answering questions about sell side transactions or whatever. And now people get to ask questions. Nobody else is doing that.

Gogo Bethke 18:59
As simple as let’s say you are doing your newest listing come in on the market and you go in over there and you can ask them like, do you guys think we should paint this? I think we should paint this What color do you think would be best, right? Interactive, they’re seeing your hustle they’re seeing your work and and you’re out their heart and you’re involved in them in your business. And people like to partake and feel important and feel like they made a decision and help you succeed. So that is another way of you can do in that countdown. We also have a countdown portion. So let’s say doing events where you have your open house this weekend. That is the biggest baddest luxury 17 bedroom a property bubble and you want the world to know you can do that you can do a countdown, talk about the open house or include maybe a cute little video that you created a marketing video created for the property and then do a countdown and just say Open House and literally you put in Saturday from 11 to two and it’s going to show them the countdown of how much time is left. When they click it they can actually opt in and be reminded of that event. Brilliant. That’s amazing. Swipe up feature. Now you said you have 10,000 followers so you Then swipe up, and you can actually take them directly to the lead. Now that’s a huge feature. And I use it all the time. And it does help our business tremendously because you’re taking traffic from somewhere that you’re talking about to the actual direct link. So if it’s an event, I can just say swipe up and register was that simple, but you do have to have a registered account, which, sorry, not a registered account, what is it called a little logo that is verified, verified account, thank you, you do have to have a verified account. If you don’t have that, then you have to have a minimum of 10,000 followers. So people would qualify, but most people, they’re not there just yet. So they have these organic steps to get there. As soon as they get there, then they can do the swipe ups and register now, even if you don’t have 10,000. And even if you’re not verified, you can still use the swipe up, if you create an ad and pay for it, then you can take them directly to a site, just FYI. But if you’re just doing it organically as like a quick something, then always generate them back to your bio link. So if you go to my Instagram and you go to my bio, you go to go go back to that calm. That’s only one in there, you will see that one has everything that I do. Yeah, that’s my sellers, my buyers, my events, my podcast, and I attend if you want to invite me to one if you want to invite me to an event, you know if you want to partner with me with the UFC, if you want to learn more about the UFC, everything that I do, because as realtors, we are a lot of hats. So I needed a site that is interactive allows me to put videos on there. So for my sellers, when they click it, they can actually see previous videos that we have done for our sellers and all the beautiful properties that I had the pleasure of selling, I do professional videography and photography, no customized sellers. So when a seller goes on there, I want them to see what they get when they get to work with me. So when you do a swipe up, or when you don’t have the ability to do the swipe up, but you want to generate them over to a site, you can type it onto the screen, or you can say go to my bio and the link is in my bio.

D.J. Paris 21:48
Or you can also put the link in the comments as well.

Gogo Bethke 21:52
Yes, but Instagram does not like you to take them away from Instagram. So if you’re typing a.com, your post is not going to rank high because you typed in an other www. So if you just tell them to go to your bio, which they do allow you to have one link on there. If you like my goal, go back to that camp site, it is an awesome, it’s a click funnel based site, you can just go to the bottom of that and say I like this, I want one just like it, I want to say it’s $19 a month. And you can customize it how ever you want to whatever links you want to have in there, whatever videos you want to have in there, if you want to have to have different steps because you do a lot of things. Maybe you’re an investor, maybe you you know, have your own podcast, whatever you have, you can plug it in there. And just this way you’re taking them to one link and anything they can possibly need from you is on there. So always make sure that you generate them, or you take them to a site where you generate income.

D.J. Paris 22:45
Yeah, that’s really smart. So we have a similar thing for the podcast. So as everyone who’s listening knows, there are a lot of ways to access podcasts, you can go to iTunes, you can go to Google Play, if you’re an Android user, you can go to Stitcher, you can go to Spotify, Pandora now, pretty much all these different apps, and they’re always changing. So we have a similar page for our podcasts that say, here are all the ways to subscribe to our podcast, instead of creating unique links for every single one, they just go to well, they just can go right from our website, keeping real pod.com. But it’s got all those links on there, because otherwise it would just be too difficult to try to push people to all those various sites.

Gogo Bethke 23:21
Yeah. Next one. And mine is reviews. Now reviews are very important. And I strongly recommend that you have Google reviews. So you get reviews from your clients. As you close one of our steps. When we close the file, Christy just send them an email has all of our links and we ask them, please write one review, and just go to these things and copy and paste. Okay, so those of us are very important. But now, imagine I posted a five star review that it’s a blah, blah, blah in writing. And imagine that I posted of selfie style video where my client is telling you in a 15 second video how much you love working with me, which one would convince you more video, video. Now the cool part is when you do that video, you can also test them. So then the consumer and the other and the person who’s watching can see that they are real human being they can go to their profile and see who they are. And people are so like, oh Jessica, what with you, I guess I work with you. So that kind of does that. And then also because if you have this feature turned on it’s called Let me just find it very quick.

Save to archive feature it’s called. So when you create these videos, you turn on your save to archive feature, it’s always going to be there because otherwise this video goes away and every 24 hours they go poof if you have the Save save to archive feature on there. Now you can go back and create different highlights. So when you go on someone’s profile and you see all these little bubbles and their profile that shows you all of the story style videos they’ve created but they saved and it’s going to be up there forever so it’s not going to disappear after 24 hours. So let’s say you create yourself a highlight that’s called reviews. Every time you had a closing table everybody congratulate each other everybody’s happy they got a key you got some money you can do Take a quick little video where they leaving a review about you how much they love working with you, you’re then going to go to your archives, you’re going to plug it right into your review, highlight little folder. So all of your video style reviews are going to be in your remote folder. So when somebody goes to check out your profile and see if you’re real and how you really work and yada, yada, they can just go there and watch people tell them in person almost face to face, how awesome it was to work with you.

D.J. Paris 25:26
That’s brilliant. I love it. Good.

Gogo Bethke 25:32
Okay, you can use tools to make this all credit. So they’re not created right there in the moment. You can do Canva, which is awesome, allows you to just create kind of like flyers, but it’s a full screen and doesn’t look like a PDF file.

D.J. Paris 25:45
Yeah, we use Canva for all of our artwork for everything related to our podcast. And we are a huge, huge Canva by the way, that’s canva.com it’s completely free. It’s the best is actually created by a couple of Australian women. I think we got a kit. Yeah, go to canva.com. It’s just the it’s amazing. If you have no even if you have no, you know graphic design skills, they do it all for you. It’s amazing. Yeah,

Gogo Bethke 26:09
it’s amazing. So we use Canva for that. And then story art. That’s just another one of like, so it’s a full screen photo and just animates things for you things can pop up. So it just keeps it more interactive. And I that’s what I have for today.

D.J. Paris 26:24
Wonderful. I’m also I you know, you just inspired me to talk about this on a future episode, I want to spend some time talking about Google My Business. So we know that real estate, of course is hyperlocal. Google, my business is the Google results that show up that show your business we talked about gogo said, Get a Google review, guys, I cannot emphasize how important Google is prioritizing reviews and your local business page. So we maybe on a future episode, we’ll talk more about that because you can do video there as well. Obviously, there’s there’s written and you can also do blog posts, right in your Google, every seven days, they disappear, kind of like Instagram stories, they disappear every seven days, you can go to Canva, you can create a still image of something you want to promote. And then it’ll show up and Google will prioritize it when people are searching. So we can talk about how to how to optimize that for going going forward.

Gogo Bethke 27:17
In the bootcamp, I have an actual whole episode about how to create how to set everything up for Google My Business, how to do your reviews, and make sure that the audits get posted in there because it is it is I don’t know if you knew that. But Google is the number one site that people visit. I do I do. A second, Instagram is third. So you want to definitely be present on all of those streets free marketing, it’s free eyeballs on your business. And reviews are you know, people are going to check you out to make sure you have it.

D.J. Paris 27:44
Let’s talk about the bootcamp because this it just got a huge facelift and and a refresh. And let’s talk about what’s included, so that people can learn all of what we just talked about in about a million times more on how to actually run their social media. So can you talk about the over 20

Gogo Bethke 28:01
hours of video training. It starts truly with the very basics of social media, what you should do, what you do not do how to set everything up, why you should do certain things, because many people like even though this comes very easy to me, many people they don’t they feel overwhelmed, they don’t even know where to start. So I literally break down step by step process. Also now we have so as we grow because we started as we started working together a few months now, as we grow, we add anchoring. So the features of the bootcamp change. So now we have a new added feature, which is a Facebook group, everyone at once every month, we do a live training where me and my digital marketers semi do an hour training. And I kind of call it like you’re building your social media house. So we just had our very first month training last month in January. And I called it that was the foundation that was the very, very basics, I kind of forced them to create a story video, I forced them to turn their accounts into business accounts, I forced them to link their accounts together, I forced them to take a video and send it out to all of their friends, there’s like actual work that you’re going to have to do, including the homework and then they hold you to it. And then the next month, we do build on that. And then we build on that. Now granted, you can join the straight and get anytime everything is recorded. So you can just go back to the first one and start on your own time however you want to. Now it’s not just social media, it’s pretty much everything that I do. It’s all of the systems it’s all of the databases and the CRM programs and when to hire an assistant and what is my Open House strategy and and how to build a team where to even start what are the systems for that how to do a DISC assessment, what is the DISC assessment? Should you even do a risk assessment? You don’t I mean like those kinds of how to make passive income, how to grow that scale that to seven digits, and just pretty much everything from the startup agent, the brand new all the way me now nine years in and how I got everything that I literally share everything down to my marketing agreement, to my lead tracker, you name it, everything I do is in there. Now also all of my vendors are in there. Everybody that I use and other systems and companies that I used to run this they I still get my discounted price because now there’s hundreds and 1000s of us, they get a lower price if they went to that same company on their own. I also teach them after they’ve grown their business, and they have the organic following and stuff, how to monetize on that. Because it’s all good. Of course, in the end of the day, we want commissions, because that’s what goes into pays the bills. But eventually, Warren Buffett says, if you can figure out a way how to make money while you’re sleeping, you’ll never be rich. So eventually you get to a point in your career, then you’re going to run out of time, you’re going to hit your personal ceiling. And that’s when you need to leverage and that’s when you need to take other people and grow a team. But you also need to then figure out how you can leverage that organic growth, how you can turn it into money. And that’s where the affiliate links come in, where I teach you how you should never really promote about some somebody else’s business or some other local this or local that or any any other product that you may personally use. And even if you love it, for the traffic for the sales that you’re going to generate to their site, you should be paid for. Yes. And that’s an affiliate link. And that’s a passive income. Now I have tons and tons of passive income my random checks showing up from real estate companies from agents that decide to go get into real estate because I mean, they use my link to sign up with it. So the company says if it wasn’t for me, monologue and all the my stories and doing a swipe up and taking the traffic over to their site, they would have not generated that sale. So you can get in average between 10 to 25% of the sales that you generate for that product or system or service.

D.J. Paris 31:26
Yeah, and guys, I am working with gogo for a future module bonus module to help everyone listening, consider creating a hyperlocal podcast for your market. And I can show you how to get affiliate links sponsorships as well. So that your podcast hosting and some of your equipment and all that can get paid for through the same idea. So a great, awesome idea.

Gogo Bethke 31:49
That reminds me the Amazon link. So I don’t know if you knew that, but you can become an Amazon affiliate. So all of the products, we’ll be talking about the microphone that yours I can just say, hey, go to my Amazon link. It’s right in there. Buy it.

D.J. Paris 32:01
Yeah. And my microphones like $400. That would be a nice little commission.

Gogo Bethke 32:07
Yeah. So so many ways to generate income. And my goal is to have fun while you’re doing it, you know, have multiple sources of income, so you don’t have to worry about your family and how you’re going to go on spring break this year.

D.J. Paris 32:23
Yeah, 100%. So guys, everyone who’s listening, I encourage you, I could not encourage you more. To check out Go Go’s boot camps, we have a special website that will direct you to Go Go’s to give you a discount for the bootcamp, which is Gogo podcast.com. So visit Gogo podcast.com to get a special link just for a special discount rather, just for our now viewers and listeners. Because of course now we’re doing video two and gogo is the one that pushed me to do video. So I am not just somebody who brings go go on because she’s got great information. I am a student of hers as well. So my next thing is to get an Instagram account going for our website

Gogo Bethke 33:01
for CEU. To that I’m gonna do it myself, I’m gonna like give me a password, I set it all up.

D.J. Paris 33:07
I might just let you do that.

Gogo Bethke 33:10
But I forgot to mention oh my gosh, one of the largest parts of the bootcamp and what we changed up in December for my birthday. So send me my digital marketer. Now I do everything organically. I teach the organic side of growth and the organic side of lead generation. Sammy teaches you how to do it with Facebook ads, Google ads, all of those chatbots yada yada he has his own courses over 100 video I think videos of literally breaking everything down he will not only teach you how to build the app but give you the actual verbiage that works he can generate seller leads from five to $10 apiece. Now imagine what’s the average commission you make? annalistic Yeah, that’s a no brainer. Almost $7,500 So if that’s the case, you just spent $10 to get a listing by side you can do even cheaper it’s unbelievable. So now Sam This course is a part of Google’s boot camp so now it’s your choice if you want to do it organically if you want to do it through Facebook ads and throw some money at it or maybe you meet yourself halfway and say you know what I do some organically i That way I have to spend less and ads because I can touch mine organically and then I spend a little bit to charge the people that don’t know about me yet.

D.J. Paris 34:14
Brilliant Yeah, this this is a course that not only is obviously the value you get is outstanding but it’s constantly evolving right she’s constantly Go Go’s enter team are constantly adding more features more training more knowledge. So it really is a steal for the price

Gogo Bethke 34:33
changes that algorithm about every five minutes so I’m like okay, there we go. You have to add on an add on. But it is I mean, we have to evolve like things that works in 2019 on social media they no longer work in 2020 or don’t I can say they no longer one doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to work in 2020 so as they change we have to change and adapt because if not you’re a dinosaur if you’re dinosaur you’re gonna go extinct.

D.J. Paris 34:57
Yeah, I agree. And guys, we all So gogo comes on once a month to answer your questions. So we need your questions. So please let us know what you would like us to cover in future episodes. What questions do you have for Gogo? Related anything related to social media? Or affiliate relationships or just setting up your business online? What’s the digital side? And we have at our firm, because I work at a real estate firm, we have 650 brokers. The number one question I get is, can you help me with my social media? Well, that’s, and I always tell everyone, you know what, go to Go Go’s bootcamp. Buy it, it’s the best investment you’ll make. And

Gogo Bethke 35:37
sorry to interrupt I went live on keepin it real to see if we have actual comments.

D.J. Paris 35:42
Gotcha. So I want everyone to send us your comments. There’s a number of ways you can do that. Obviously, if you’re watching this live on Facebook, you can send us comments there. If you’re listening to this on your podcast app, reach out to us visit our website keeping it real pod.com You can send us comments there. Also everyone please follow us on Facebook facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pod and soon to be on Instagram as well. But every single day on our Facebook page, not only do well one every single day we post an article that we find online designed to help you grow your business. That’s our commitment to you is every single day one article that will help you and then of course, we’re promoting these episodes as well there so facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pod. We’ll keep you up to date on everything going on with the podcast. Also go to Instagram right now and follow gogo gogos real estate. So again, Instagram and follow gogos real estate search for it, you’ll find it super easy. And also if you want to see what gogo is all about, you can visit our website gogo, Beth ki.com We’ll put all those links in the show notes for the episode. So guys, you can find everything there and go directly to the bootcamp as well as go goes Instagram and everywhere else. She is right from our show notes in the episode. So one last thing, guys, if everyone out there just tells one other realtor about this podcast and about gogo we will essentially double our listenership and our viewership will be able to help more and more brokers achieve whatever their level of success is. And this is why we do the show. It’s something we do. It’s a passion for us we want to help. So just think of one other real estate agent that would benefit from hearing from people like gogo, send them this podcast, you’ll be doing them a huge favor. And that does us a favor too, because it increases our listenership. And it allows us to do more episodes and support more people. So gogo, thank you, once again, you are amazing. We love having you on the show. You are a listener favorite. And we are so grateful that you take time out of your busy month to, you know, to be on the show. And we will see you again next month. So unburied. On behalf of the listeners, gogo thank you on behalf of gogo and myself. Everyone who’s listening, thank you so much telephoned support, go go buy her boot camp, I bought it, it’s an absolute steal, it’s a great investment. And it will just help you grow your business. And even even if it only helped you get one additional sale you would make you’d make a ton a great return. But it won’t just do that it’ll actually help you build a business. And that’s even more importantly, you’ll the sales will come that won’t be a problem. But you’ll actually have a social media platform that works for you. Instead of you always wondering kind of what should I be doing? I know I should be doing more. I’m not sure what let go go teach you. She takes all the legwork out of it, she tells you exactly what to do.

Gogo Bethke 38:25
And I seriously break it down like baby steps. Like if I’m talking to a five year old of how you need to do this. Now we have a comment NPR, Jen said help I need to happen. I forgot to mention this spot. We are coming out with a dark do it for you service. So where are they going to get access to the whole boot camp, when they can do everything organically. But if they feel overwhelmed, and they want us to just do you know what just set it up for me. And all I need to do is post from now on, we’ll also come coming out with that it’s not ready just yet when it is you’ll be the first to know, and we’ll share it with them. But that’s also an option. And there somebody asked, is there a way to automate Instagram post the own if I pronounced your name right as that and the and there is there are many, many services that you can pre schedule to post your Instagram posts. Now, I will strongly not recommend that. The reason why is because Instagram really does not like to report third party services. And you would have to give access to that third party service to have access to your account in order to post in your behalf. And a and b depending what kind of automated you’re talking about. If you’re talking about that you pre create the post and it’s personalized and the system was posted for you at a certain time. I guess use it but I still wouldn’t recommend and you have your cell phone and it’s gonna take you really three minutes to edit the photo type of everything you want to say tag the location tell the people you’re with it, use some hashtags, you can pre record your hashtags and a notes in your phone so go to notes and just put in all the hashtags that apply to your business locally. Like go go go go get back to Google’s you know set homes for sale luxury, luxury homes for sale Brighton, Brighton, Michigan, pretty much everything that applies to you, these are the ones that I use personally, everything that applies to you, you pre write those hashtags. So then when you’re making your posts, you just go to your notes, Copy, Paste while I made a post in three minutes. Now, if you’re talking about the services that are automated, meaning it’s not personalized post, everybody who uses that service is going to have the same posts on the profile that day, I strongly do not recommend that we are not posting to post guys we are posting to make money. Okay, so if I take in consideration all of the posts that I’ve made in my career, if I break it down, it’s probably about 40 bucks a post. Now, that doesn’t sound much. But if I actually made 40 bucks in three minutes for making that post, the way I look at it, not every post is going to generate you are by buyer or seller or if you’re selling a product, I mean, but over time, as they see just like your postcard so so A times they’re gonna buy from you. Okay, so that’s why you do it and don’t automate it, I remove something else from your plate that you feel like you don’t have the time for social media. And if you decide to do social media, that would be about you. Because we don’t have real estate. We sell our services. We sell us, I sell me you saw you. If you don’t sell you your social media is not going to work.

D.J. Paris 41:15
Well, that’s a perfect ending to a great episode. So guys, just to be clear, what that person was asking was should I use things like Buffer HootSuite, we would say try not to because number one, we believe Instagram doesn’t prioritize those posts because they want you on their platform posting. Yes, you can technically do it through third party solutions, but we think your results will be much better and honestly, it doesn’t take any more time to post directly into Instagram. It takes actually I the exact same amount of time. That’s a good point. I love that. All right, guys, we’re gonna end on this episode, let us know what you want us to cover on our next episode, which is coming in a month. Thank you everyone for listening. Gogo. Thank you and everyone. If you want to buy Go Go’s bootcamp at a discount, go to Gogo podcast.com and you’ll get a discount just for our listeners. So thank you go go. And we will see you next month.

Gogo Bethke 42:09
Thank you so much.

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