How To Close Deals Without Ever Leaving Home • Chris Bello

September 27, 2021

Chris Bello talks about how he started his career in real estate. Chris discusses how a client’s expectations of meeting have changed because of the pandemic and the benefits of using technology. Next, Chris explains how you can use the pareto principle to determine where to spend your time. Chris also describes how he’s delegated much from his business and how he makes it work. Last, Chris discusses work/life balance.

Please check out Chris’ Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast by clicking here.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Chris Bello can be reached by booking a 15 minute Zoom meeting here.


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by thumbs up. Here’s a cool fact 50% of consumers rely on their social network to help them make purchasing decisions. So let me ask you how many more referrals and great leads would your business receive if all your happy customers took the time to post their experience and endorsed your business on social media? While I’ve got great news, thumbs up does just that. Thumbs Up is designed to help businesses create great social media posts, with pictures and personalized quotes that customers can easily share with their social media friends in just two clicks. These personalized posts help your customers celebrate their new purchases or service like the dream home that you just helped them buy or their shiny remodeled kitchen while simultaneously endorsing your business to all their connections. Check them out at get a thumbs Again, that’s good a thumbs Thumbs up referrals without asking and now on to our show.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show and in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with top producer Chris Bello. Before we get to Chris just a few quick reminders. Number one, please help us grow by telling a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing from top producers like Chris and send them a link to our website that’s keeping it real They can stream every episode we’ve ever done right there. And also please follow us on Facebook you can find forward slash keeping it real pod and for everyone that is going to the NAR conference this November in San Diego, I will be there. Now I’m not speaking And I’m not part of the the expo hall but I will be walking around so if you’re a listener and you’d like to shake hands and or I don’t know if we’re shaking hands anymore, right? But if you’d like to say hello We would be honored to do that. So myself and one other member of our team will be there. So just shoot us a message let us know and we would love to meet up and say thank you for being a listener in person and now on to our show with Chris Bello.

Right today on the show, we have Chris Bello, host of entrepreneur motivation podcast and also real estate expert Chris bello is a college graduate that quit his corporate job three years in, he wanted to take hold of the reins of life and write his own story. After struggling with one’s side hustle after another he went all in on residential real estate where he has quickly caught momentum. Chris is also the host of the top rated business podcast entrepreneur motivation podcast, which has just crossed over 1 million downloads. And as somebody who has a podcast who also is at that about that number. I know how hard that is. So Chris is doing something right, everyone want everyone listening. To check out Chris’s podcast again, just do a search for the entrepreneur motivation podcast, or go to Chris’s website, which is Chris And Chris’s motto, by the way, is less dreaming more doing, Chris, welcome to the show.

Chris Bello 3:32
Thanks for having me. I’m really excited to be here today.

D.J. Paris 3:35
Yeah, I’m excited too. I apologize for anyone watching. I’m beet red, because I was. I’m blonde haired and fair. And I have really no business being in the sun by the fall of that yesterday. And I was captain of our team. So I was had to stay on there the whole time. And so I apologize for anyone looking I was trying to fix it with lighting but now I’m but But Chris looks great. And we’re here to talk to him anyway.

Chris Bello 4:03
But Chris and I never

D.J. Paris 4:05
Yeah, thanks. Thankfully it does. My funny part is last night just because I was going off to bed. My I think I sprained my kicking foot. I hadn’t played kickball since I maybe fifth grade or sixth grade. And I was like, Man, am I that old? Right? Like I play kick roll your foot or just bruised it or something. And I was dragging it like an old man who’s like had a game plague. Thankfully, it’s better today but I’m still so I’m all beat up. I’m sunburned. I have a bad foot.

Chris Bello 4:39
Well, you made it here today. That’s all that counts right? Shall I battled.

D.J. Paris 4:43
Thankfully sitting in a chair is something I can still do. So I was good. But anyway, we are we’re here to learn more about you. But tell us a little bit about how you got involved with real estate. You sort of said goodbye to the corporate world and and wanted to take take a ownership of your destiny. So tell us about that.

Chris Bello 5:02
Yeah, absolutely. So I think a lot of people can resonate with this feeling of going with the flow going with the motions, kind of doing what your friends are doing and what your parents want you to do. Right? I joined a couple of clubs, you know, I was in like the Hispanic Student Union, I can’t even remember it’s been a while since high school in those days, but went to a high school that most of my friends went to like an all boys Jesuit prep school, then I went to Texas a&m university, I was just going from one thing to the next and never really thinking about what I wanted to do in my life, and got a supply chain degree because I took accounting and management. And I was like, I don’t like those classes, let me do supply chain, and got the job in oil and gas thought it was my dream job. I was so excited. I remember, I’m like, Oh my gosh, I got this job. And a few years in, I started to wonder like, why am I not feeling good? Like, is it just me? Do people like actually being here all day? Like I don’t, I don’t, I’ve just checked out in meetings, you know, wasn’t very interested in what I was doing. Definitely not the ideal employee. And I don’t, I don’t know, I just didn’t have that employee mindset of like, let me go work in Excel all day, and give it to somebody because the deadlines at 2pm. And then it sits in that person’s inbox for a week, because they’re going on vacation. I’m like, Why did I have to do this by by this deadline, this artificial deadline, and three and a half years in, I just decided, you know, hey, I want to quit and try my own thing. I had saved up some money. You know, no kids single at the time. And I had no debt or anything like that. So I was able to take more risks, and travel the world. That was kind of my thing, like I wanted to go on a trip. So I booked a one month trip to Asia without really having a plan. And it wasn’t directly going into real estate. But I’m kind of getting there, I tried a few things out, I spent a lot of money like 40 grand on an idea that pretty much just disappeared. And I learned a lot. It was an invention idea between intellectual property and try to manufacture stuff, it got expensive, fast, and then kind of put my tail between my legs and wound up working for a house buying Investment Company in Houston. And it’s like a wholesaling company, if anyone’s familiar with that you go to distressed homeowners and whatnot. And my job was business development, I was going to bring in Chick fil A and food and doughnuts to realtors, or Realtors rather. And everyone’s like, it’s not real, it’s realtor. And I started to make friends with real estate agents that were top producers to try to tell them like, Hey, if you got distressed homes, you know, homes that smell like cat pee, like, please bring that to us, we will take care of them and pay you 6% Commission. And it wasn’t too long before I realized like I need to get my license because yeah, some of these agents bringing us deals are making it easy 6%. And I’m over here like doing the work and trying to find this investor, buyer and stuff. And there’s a lot of great stuff that happens in both industries. But I basically got my license in 2019. So I’ve just over two years of having my license. And I guess I don’t know what the numbers are to hit top producer status. But I’ve been hitting awards in my office. And as we talked about, and I don’t wanna give away the whole story, but that’s how I got into real estate, I joined Dallas buying company realized I needed to get my license, and then I stuck with it. You know, I make fast friends, I make real relationships, and everyone would tell me, you’re gonna be an awesome realtor, you know, you make friends so easily. That’s that’s like being a realtor, right? It’s the personality type. In most cases. It is.

D.J. Paris 8:15
And it’s that sort of willingness to serve, I think to that idea of customer service as being sort of more important than talent, I would even say, not that talent, or skill isn’t needed. Of course it is. But that can be developed over time. But but it seems to me that after the hundreds of episodes we’ve done with top producers, customer service well and of course having systems and discipline and all of that but but once you get beyond that, like what actually makes them successful beyond just being a really hard worker, it seems to be that they just love to stay in touch with people and make sure that the clients know what’s going on throughout the day. I’m just curious to get to get your take on how important customer service has been to or follow up maybe is maybe a better way to say, you know, to your business,

Chris Bello 9:04
as a follow up is obviously very important. A lot of real estate agents that I know myself included, I’m great at being a people pleaser, making friends like hey, I’m always here if you need me, but I’m terrible at getting things done on time. We’re not done on time, but like organization, right? Yeah, I have all these ideas. I’m the idea, that visionary person but when it comes to like, oh my gosh, we got all these contracts and documents and showings and the open house and you know, listings to manage. I had to go get help quickly. But the way that I get around that is I let my clients know like I’m just I’m a friend and I’m available. Hey, I’m always here. If you have any questions, let me know. Like if the ball gets dropped somewhere, whether it’s my fault or someone else’s, let me know. And I will jump on it right away. I make myself very available. And that alone clients are so happy to know because when you talk about customer service, I think it’s just being willing to be there and being willing to fix anything that happened Ideally you want to get in front of it. But if in when things do happen, being able to make the phone call and deliver the news like, Hey guys, this happened a recent listing, front door glass broke during some of the showings somehow. And an agent on the last showing sent me the picture like, Hey, I think someone tried to break in or something. And I’m like, Okay, I don’t know how this happened, or who did it, but I’m going to own up to it and get ahead of it. Send a voice message to my clients. Hey, guys, no big deal. Front front door glass broke, I’m going to take care of it. Don’t worry, just wanted to let you know. Right. So before they could even get upset, I offered to pay for it and just cover it. And that is how I get ahead of it. And I think that’s what is so important with customer service is just letting your clients know, as things come up. I will be here for you. That’s all they want to know.

D.J. Paris 10:45
Yeah, it’s so funny. I have what a what a great example of getting in front of solving a problem before the person even knows it exists. Because I currently am going through this. So I have a SIM a totally different situation and a really dumb sort of anecdote, but but something that I think will people can relate to on the show. Our listeners can can understand this. So I have tomorrow Crate and Barrel is the we just had a dining room table delivered. And there’s a little defect that needs to be repaired. No big deal. So I bought a five minute repair, I’m guessing. And so they’re supposed to come tomorrow morning. So that was all scheduled. Great. No problem. They sent me an email. They called me yesterday to confirm and they sent me an email. And just today saying, hey, just reminder tomorrow, where we’ll be there between these hours will actually realize, Oh my gosh, I can’t be there tomorrow during these hours. So I and I hate to do that after you know, we’re really at sort of the the last hour, but the 11th hour, but I said okay, well, I’ll just call them to reschedule. It’s no big deal. So I called and I was on hold for 25 minutes. I couldn’t get through and Crate and Barrel is a pretty sizable retailer. I would I would. So I’m sort of surprised that that it took this long. And then I eventually had to just leave a voicemail because I couldn’t get through. Then I tried on their website, their chat feature, which they have a live chat. And I tried doing that couldn’t get through. Eventually, the live chat just said just email us. So I emailed them. I have no idea if the service man is going to be coming tomorrow. And honestly, I don’t really care because I feel like made an attempt. Yeah, well, I’ve tried but I still will feel a little guilty if the person because it won’t be that person’s fault if they show up. And I’ll feel bad that they made it to my place. And I can’t be there. But my point is, is I’ve spent like an hour on this today. And and it shouldn’t be that hard. And it just sort of took up time. Whereas in the email, it could have just said, Hey, if you need to reschedule hit this button, and we can take care of it immediately. But literally, they don’t have that. And I’m like how is that? So So again, there’s a problem, I can’t, they haven’t given me a way to easily solve it. And I have no idea if it’s actually solved. So that’s a really great example of what you gave is, all I want to know is the problem is solved. Or any anything in my life. I just just want somebody if I’m hiring somebody, or if I have a service provider, just say don’t worry about it. We got it. And likely, it’s so what you said was was so was really, it was such an experience I want which is I just wanted to reply from Korean girls saying hey, we got it. Don’t worry, we’ll call you next week. Don’t worry, we got that email or call yet but not not to pick on Crate and Barrel. I think hopefully they

Chris Bello 13:37
don’t show up. But yeah, like you said, you try. The whole thing is just being available and being responsive. And I use a lot of automation tools even for my clients, you know, like, hey, book a call with Calendly. For example, it sends automatic reminders for the Zoom call. Hey, it’s in an hour. FYI. If you need to reschedule, there’s a button there. Like you said, you can reschedule I don’t care if people can’t five minutes before the meeting, as long as I know. Because sometimes I look and I’m like okay, how this call in five minutes with my client. Oh reschedule reason kids had soccer practice. Okay, cool. We’ll do it tomorrow. I just don’t want to be sitting there for 10 minutes waiting for you to log in. And then, you know, where did the miscommunication happen? Like if you automate and have the right systems that no longer becomes an issue. So thanks, for example.

D.J. Paris 14:21
Well, your your example is great. I want to just make sure that our audience knows So as Chris was mentioning, Calendly Calendly sorry. And we’ll we’ll maybe we’ll provide a link to it here in the show notes but it is a low cost and possibly free I forgot if it’s free. Yeah, they have free versions, I think premium but I’m shocked at how many agents I know we have 800 agents in our company. I bet you 95% of them do not use a scheduling system and Calendly is like free or almost free. And it is amazing. So exactly what my issue right barrel doesn’t have a system like that, and they are a multibillion dollar company. So this is a super easy way for for your clients to be able to schedule and reschedule. And whether it’s an in person meeting or a zoom, call a phone call, please use some sort of scheduling software because it will automate the reminders.

Chris Bello 15:20
It’s like $10 a month for the premium unlimited meeting types. I mean, it’s it’s like a no brainer, it’s, it’s my best tool that’s transformed my business personally, I’ve given them a lot of kudos. But literally, I think I’ve used them for a year or two. And it’s just transformed my life. I’m not doing calls at 6pm on Friday anymore, because my link doesn’t allow people to book that. Right. So it’s on my schedule, it pops up, it sends reminders, it’s very difficult for someone to forget that a meeting is going to happen, because there’s all these safeguards and automations. And reminders in place where I don’t have to be like, Oh, crap, I forgot to call my client at two. Like I said, No, we’re going to be sitting there ready for the Zoom call, because we all got reminders multiple.

D.J. Paris 16:02
Yeah, and let’s talk about having zoom calls with with clients being obviously COVID accelerated our, our use of of zoom, of course, and now pretty much everyone at least here in America is pretty accustomed to using video, video meetings, Zoom being probably the most prominent one. On work, Chris and I are speaking via zoom right now, of course, as well. And let’s talk about the how the expectation of the client has shifted from the in person meeting, maybe at a coffee shop or at their home, if you’re listing a property, or you’re meeting them at the at a property they’re interested in buying, to having that initial conversation, you know, virtually,

Chris Bello 16:43
yeah, the virtual thing. I mean, as a millennial, I embrace technology, I learned things very quickly. And I have met a lot of top producers, they kind of jokingly refer to themselves as boomers like, Hey, can you show me I’m a boomer, I don’t know how to do anything on Instagram, for example. There’s a top guy that I know who’s killing it in Houston, and literally, I’ve gotten to his house to show them how to post on his story and share and link it to Facebook, you know, all these different types of things. But with technology, and obviously with with COVID going on, more and more people have, you know, adopted this technology, they kind of assume that it’s going to be on Zoom, like, it’s almost weird for me to even be like, Hey, can I meet you at your house, like, I don’t even think to ask that anymore. Because zoom call is convenient. They have their computer, I don’t have to like turn my laptop to show them my screen, I can just share it here, I can record it like we’re doing now. I can stream it to Facebook, I wouldn’t stream a buyer consultation to Facebook. But if I had some sort of informative thing, I can easily stream it to pages, and you’re just unable to do so much more have multiple people join in, maybe the husband is at work and the wife’s at home, they can both join at the same time, right. And so you’re able to do a lot more. And I think like you said more and more people have had to adapt and start to use this technology. So now that hesitancy is no longer there. Whereas a couple years ago, maybe like oh, I don’t have zoom, it’s not on my phone, it’s not downloaded, like can we just do a phone call, and three way or whatever, you know, add the call merge the calls, that’s kind of outdated. Whereas here, I know, when they’re on a zoom call, they’re gonna have someone looking after their kid, they’re gonna put their dog away, they’re gonna sit down and have their undivided attention for the most part. Occasionally, you get the person who zooms in from their phone, and they’re like driving or walking around. But you’re able to clearly communicate, you can record the calls. And if they forgot something, you said, Hey, here’s the recording of our call. We talked about that in 10 minutes in right, so just changed the game entirely for my business.

D.J. Paris 18:36
Yeah, I agree. Same, same with me. And I will say that, for those of you who think, well, some, you know, some of my my prospects, or my clients don’t want to be on camera, because then they feel like maybe they have to look a certain way. You can always tell them in your introductory email, Hey, if you just want to do audio via on Zoom, just don’t turn on your webcam, no big deal. So you don’t have to use the video feature necessarily. So you know, just as something that I because I initially thought, Gosh, I’m sure everyone doesn’t want to be on video. And then I went, oh, I’ll just tell them they don’t have to be. But it’s such we’re also used to using video conferencing, whether whether our, you know, webcam is turned on or we’re just doing audio, it’s just so much easier. And you said something that I think is really important, especially in listing presentations or buyer consultations, which is recording the meeting. I mean, my memory is terrible. I don’t know about yours, but but I just I don’t remember anything and so saying able to record and go back and say gosh, I think they said this, but I didn’t forgot to take the note. so valuable.

Chris Bello 19:45
Yeah. And I’ve even done this with training like with showing agents when I’m trying to get leverage and I offer to do some mentorship if they can show some houses or do some errands for me regarding listings. And one one question came up when I was teaching something about how to You showing time or how to optimize because I have the supply chain background. So I was doing this nerdy way of like optimizing your route. So you’re not driving in zigzags on showings, you’re, you’re going in the straightest possible route. And two weeks later, she asked a question like, Hey, how did you say you did that thing? Again, I didn’t spend five minutes telling her I’m a big productivity nut. I said, here’s the dropbox link to the video, it starts at seven minutes in or whatever the time was, that just saved me, it took me 10 seconds instead of let me give her a call and walk her through this again. And now she had the answer she needed, she could see it on my screen actually happening, what buttons to press. And it just, it’s just total game changer, right? You’re, you’re not duplicating your work anymore. It’s like one and done. Once you record it, and you document it, you can automate it and systematize it.

D.J. Paris 20:50
Yeah, it’s really so important. Because as an agent, our listeners, I’m sure get a lot of those similar questions over and over and over again. And even if all you ever did was create a Google Doc, or some sort of, you know, database of questions and answers that you could copy and paste into an email, or in the case of a video explanation, you just, you know, you have those YouTube clips, or you have them time stamped or whatever, you just do that you are going to save a tremendous amount of time, or even better. Prior to the person like Chris was saying, with, with the example of the broken glass in the front door, is solving the problem in advance, which is, hey, Mr. or Mrs. Buyer, before we even meet, here’s a whole bunch of stuff we’re gonna go over if you want to learn a little bit more about my process, here’s what we’re going to talk about, you know, all of those are systems and the idea of systematizing really is just going to save you so much time, I have to my dog is going to see the an ophthalmologist, which I didn’t even know there were ophthalmologists. And I shouldn’t really be joking about it, because it could possibly be something that’s, that’s that’s not not so great. But anyway, this just happened today. And and, you know, thankfully, I was able to get in. And I was very lucky because the the the ophthalmology center for the stock said, Oh, my gosh, we have one spot open on Monday. And if you can’t make it, we won’t be able to get to you until October. So I was like, okay, good. So I got it ago. And they immediately sent me a giant questionnaire because they want to know everything about my dog, and they are already going to get the history from my vet, like they already are going to have 13 years of history from my bet. And they still want me to go through a pretty serious questionnaire. And then the question is like, Well, why do they want that? Well, they want all that information before they meet me. So that and it’s a system, they automatically send it to me the moment I made the appointment. And they even had different ways where I could complete it, whether it was just by paper, or they have an interactive form. But the point is, is it’s systematized so that just like a consultant would go into a business and say, Tell me everything that’s going on with this business. And I’ll come back to you with a solution. They want to know everything before they even see the dog so that they can very efficiently get me in and out of there. So they can see more patients and make more money and just be more effective. So even though my appointment is 90 minutes long, which is a crazy amount of time to see to see a doctor for for a pet. I imagine the bulk of that time is going to be doing things that they can’t do if I’m sitting there filling out paperwork. So in fact, they require me to have it finished a day before I even so I have to have it to them by Sunday in the morning. So they’re and they’re like, Yeah, and also they’re like, take it or leave it like we know we’re good. I mean, they didn’t say this. But But anyway, my point was I was you know, doctors do that all the time. And I think that that’s a really good way to think about as agents, how can we systematize How can we solve problems in advance. But let’s I want to talk to you about something that that gets brought up a lot on the show, and I’m not so sure that we’ve really defined it as much as we ought to, which is something called The Pareto principle. And I know this is a big deal to you, and tell our audience like what is the Pareto principle? And why should they care about

Chris Bello 24:19
that? Yeah, so that’s a great question. The Pareto principle, I’m sure many people have heard of it, or maybe listened to it in some sort of book or another. It’s basically saying that 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions are the inputs or even the activities that you’re doing in real estate. So we all can do a million different things a million different ways. You can knock on doors, show houses, do open houses, you know, print flyers, hand them out, but what’s really moving the needle and it might be different for everyone, right? So if you can drill down and identify what are those two things that are bringing 80% of my leads? Is it pop buys in doing first time homebuyer seminars like if that’s what’s working for you. Double down and focus on that. So Pareto principle, you can apply it with anything. I even did this with my credit card spend just to monitor like, what am I spending my money on? I did, I pulled all the data, I kind of updated my Instagram story and show people how to do this. And you can do like a Pareto principle with your data to see, alright, I’ve got 500 lines of stuff, or 200 lines of stuff, but really 20 of these lines account for 80% of the spend, I don’t care about the little $5 stuff here. $10 stuff there. What did I spend two grand on, you know, I got engaged recently, like a big chunk of that was like, you know, the wedding ring, and then congratulations, thank you, thank you, you know, all the wedding expenses in the deposits like photographer videographer, that was my Pareto principle was all those deposits were putting down. So I don’t have to focus on all those little things like, oh, I need to cut out this $5 coffee that I went to twice last month? No, what are the things that I’m spending a lot of money on. And so you can do that with anything, whether it’s lead generating or managing your expenses, or even how you spend the time in your day. And so I really get very clear on what are the activities that are working for me, let me focus on those and ignore the rest. Because if you get those, right, a lot of the other things on your to do list, they just fall off magically.

D.J. Paris 26:11
They do and the and for the items that can’t fall off, that have to get done, but they don’t fall into this. While these are the two activities or three activities that really drive my business forward. You know, we all know that there’s just a lot of customer service in this industry, that isn’t necessarily going to generate new business, it’s going to just maintain my existing clients because they expect a certain level of service, or replying to emails or answering phone calls are the things that we have to do. And Chris is right, there are many things that just will fall away, and you won’t have to deal with them. And you’ll sort of be like, Wow, I had no idea I did. There was I had always heard and I don’t know who who came up with us. And I don’t even know how true it is. But I’ve I would read at one point in a book, if you’re in like, a big corporate sort of, if you’ve worked for a big, large corporation. And if there’s lots of layers, like you were saying in your first career, if you let an email sit for 21 days in your inbox, you can probably just delete it like nobody even remembers or cares if you had some deliverable. Yeah, and I I’ve only really worked in those kinds of companies a few times in my life. But I’m like, I that’s got to be pretty close to true. So Chris is a lot of things will fall away. But for the things that can’t fall away. Chris is a big fan of delegating. So can you talk a little bit about how you delegate some of the tasks that either you don’t enjoy? Or aren’t really the main drivers for the business? But you still need to get done?

Chris Bello 27:46
Yeah, so I’ve had to become a master delegator, because like we were talking about before we started recording, I moved to Denver in March of this year. And I still have a business address and my signature saying Houston, so a lot of people don’t even realize they see me checking in from Houston on deals that I’m closing remotely. And they’re like, oh, Chris, like you’re doing so well. Like we got to catch up and grab a coffee. How do you? How does your schedule look next week, I’m like, Hey, I actually moved to Denver months ago. And I’m still closing deals remotely. Because I’ve delegated everything I have showing agents who show buyers houses, I’m like, Hey, putting you in a group text, they want to see these four houses, can you show it, we feed back and showing time or whatever service and then I’ll reach out to the client and we’ll write the offer through my transaction coordinator. I feel like my transaction coordinator, she goes above and beyond. She probably does like 90% of my job. She emails clients, she emails, title companies, she reaches out to the other agent to follow up on documents that we haven’t had signatures on from both sides. And I’m just the client facing person, right? So in terms of Pareto principle, to tie it back to that, I’m focusing on my zone of genius. All I need to be doing is podcast interviews, meeting new people, business development, bringing in new business and listings. Cool, you want to list your house, here’s my transaction coordinator, she’s gonna send you all the paperwork. Oh, you want to go look at houses. You know, Kelly is going to show you these five houses on Saturday. And if you want to write any offers, let me know. And I’m just paying the showing agents $25 a door. So for $125 I could essentially go under contract on a $400,000 house and not have to split commission or anything.

D.J. Paris 29:24
That is That is incredible, because I assumed you were you know, you were probably splitting commissions. But you’re right. You’re we live in a gig economy, right? So what a gig economy means is is doing gigs for pay. And you’re absolutely right boy, what a smart idea to to have have a list of showing agents. And I guess eventually if if you if they if they wanted to take a larger role and the client, then maybe you would work out a different arrangement for them. But but we have this at our own company. So we have about 800 agents. I don’t know why this never occurred to me but we have a private Facebook group for agents to kind of chat back Come forth. And you know, we do support on there and everything. But people do it all the time where they’re like, Hey, I’m going out of town and need somebody to help to show

Chris Bello 30:06
this house. Yeah, yeah, when you find out whenever

D.J. Paris 30:09
exactly, but they never have it in advance, right? So Chris has was really smart, because he built a team that is, you know, basically ready and willing to do these type of short notice on short notice,

Chris Bello 30:22
which is what you need. When a buyer sends you five houses that just came on the market in this crazy market where things are only on the market for a few days and get multiple offers. You need someone who was able to go show it that evening or tomorrow. And so if you can find that person ahead of time, like you mentioned, you’re golden, I have someone who I trust, she’s done a great job. She’s been there on time, every time. She’s the first person I text every time and if she can’t make it, I go to you know, my my not be player, but like number two on my list of showing agents and just pay them via Venmo or Zelle. Afterwards, and boom, you’re done.

D.J. Paris 30:56
Yeah, it’s so smart. And this really allows you and you I believe, are the first just scanning my terrible memory. But I think I think my memory is accurate area. You’re the first agent I know, that is really has moved and is still closing deals without physically being present. And of course, we know during the height of COVID, you know, everyone was sort of working remotely anyway. But But now things have, you know, well, who knows where they are right now? Yeah, yeah, we’re sort of back to a bit of normalcy. Although, I was just on vacation for for some time and came, I was out of the country came back and I was like, Oh, we’re all wearing masks. Again. I

didn’t. I just missed the memo. I’m like, wait,

I did. So I don’t know, maybe we’re not back to normal fire away all my masks. And

Chris Bello 31:43
then literally, I saw people wearing them again, I’m like, I have like one left. You know, I gotta go buy more something, I guess. So it’s, it’s a weird world we’re living in now for sure. And like every day is something different. But being able to do stuff, quote, unquote, safely or even more efficiently, right? Zoom calls, I love that every day of the week, because I’m not driving 30 minutes to meet someone at a coffee shop anymore. And then they’re running 10 minutes late. And now I’m stuck in traffic, right? I can do way more calls, throw a podcast in there buyer consultation, listing consultation, and a call on clubhouse, all from this seat that I’m sitting in right now. It’s incredible to me. So just leveraging technology, and kind of using where we’ve gone as an excuse to just do that for everything going forward.

D.J. Paris 32:25
And the genie is out of the bottle on web conferencing, we are not going backwards. Yes, of course, people still like to meet face to face, you know, there still is that percentage of people that that want that. But we have now all been conditioned to have these types of interactions, and also to feel good about them. Because for the last, you know, year or two, this is how we’ve communicated with friends family. It you know, it’s not maybe a lot of our preferred mode. But it’s super efficient. It’s super effective. And it’s become very comfortable. And so you can have very positive experiences. I love it when I have a doctor’s appointment. Now sometimes with doctors, of course you got to go in because they have to examine you. But if it’s something that doesn’t require that I cannot tell you how excited I get like, obviously for this my dog going on a Monday I have to take but but when I go when I have to see my primary, now if I go in for a physical, she needs to see me to drop LEDs. But if I just have, you know, a general question, or if I normally I’d have to go, I’d have to get my car drive to the appointment. Now. It’s it’s Yeah, exactly. Now it’s all online, and an online video conferencing. And I love it, I’m so grateful. So agents really should start realizing that just because we can meet in person doesn’t mean you have to. And versus Chris is even living proof. You’re living proof that you don’t even have to be in the same area. And it doesn’t impact your ability to to help help that client. And that’s the most important thing is, you know, look if Chris was in another state and he now couldn’t service his clients as well, well, then we wouldn’t be talking about this because it wouldn’t be in the client’s best interest.

Chris Bello 34:09
But it wouldn’t be working. I’d be getting bad reviews. Exactly. And

D.J. Paris 34:13
Chris is living proof that this absolutely works. And so let’s talk about you know, and then well, I want to actually shift to work life balance because I know this is a big, big topic for you. So can you tell us a little bit about like what that means to you and how you how you would encourage our agents to start thinking about their work life and their their non work life, we’ll call it

Chris Bello 34:36
work life is such an important thing to me. And it always just I had that cognitive dissonance when I worked in corporate because I just had a call with someone yesterday I was doing like a free productivity coaching call to see if I want to try some coaching on top of real estate. And he’s been working, you know, like at NASA, I believe he worked at NASA for four or five years and he said his biggest constraint right now is time. And he’s a single young guy, maybe 20 The eighth or something, and he has no time for his hobbies, and he probably has time in there. But like, I remember the feeling of commuting to work in 45 minutes each way, and I don’t get home till 530. And now I gotta make dinner and I want to go to the gym and like, maybe watch one Netflix episode and then go to bed. Yeah, and you have no time. And so I was constantly fighting for that freedom. Four Hour Workweek was a very big book for me to just shift my mindset, oh my gosh, how do I live that laptop, laptop lifestyle and be that digital nomad closing deals across the world and having a business that operates without me. And so the seed was planted in my mind years ago. And I don’t have any kids or anything like that. Now I am engaged. I have two cats and a dog. So things have changed since I was a single guy, you know, making 70 or 80 grand a year in oil and gas. But time has always been very important. I want to be able to control my time. And this is even more important for those who are listening who have kids, and they’ve got soccer practice. And you like to play piano like how do you fit it all in, if you’re always working, always grinding, you know, all the time, 80 hours a week or whatever. I see people. People are so proud to brag about how much they work these days. But a lot of times they’re doing stuff, they’re working hard and not very smart. They want to be the one showing the clients, they they’re showing clients six hours on a Saturday, and they’re doing two open houses on Sunday. I’m getting the same result, my clients are happy. And I’m not doing any of those things. So I really challenge your listeners to shift their mindset. Because a lot of times we feel like as real estate agents to best represent our clients, it has to be us doing everything. No our clients hired us they want us showing the house, they want us doing the open house, know your clients want the result. They want that great house that they’re trying to buy, they want you to sell this house without any issues without fixing things that break you know, those little things. If you get them the result, they don’t care how you necessarily do it. And so from shifting my mindset that way, it’s allowed me to open up my schedule, but just determine what’s important to you. Right? I live in Denver now. 15 minutes for the mountains, we bought kayaks and bikes. I go riding my bike at like 2pm sometimes because I can and I have no appointments that spontaneously pop up. What is it for you? Do you want to be able to go play golf on Fridays? Do you want to take off on Sundays, I’m the realtor doesn’t really work weekends. You know, it’s funny, my parents made that comment, like, are you got anything going on this weekend? I’m like, No, we’re going to we’re going out of town. We’re going to Colorado Springs for like two days, you know? So hopefully that kind of answers the question, it’s gonna look a little different for all of us. But we have to be very intentional about what is our perfect day look like our perfect life. And if we’re not there now, what makes us think we’re gonna magically get there in five years, if we don’t build it into today’s schedule.

D.J. Paris 37:49
I couldn’t agree more. And I’ll give a personal example of something I’ve been thinking about. And you’re just sort of inspired me to actually take to take action on it this weekend. Awesome. So Chris was talking to you, thank you, I really I really owe you for this.

Chris Bello 38:03
Let’s do more doing.

D.J. Paris 38:05
That’s true. So So Chris was at the beginning of our episode was was talking about the Pareto are sort of the middle of the episodes talking about Pareto principle, and taking a look at like finances as a result, like where am I spending the bulk of my money. So really, what we’re talking about his budgeting, right, and making sure that you know, our finances are in order. So Chris was just also mentioning while work life balance, so there are also parts of of your life where you’re just avoiding them things, you’re not actually doing that, you know, you should do that you just don’t want to do. And so it’s not that it’s really affecting your work life, but you’re just not getting certain things done, which is going to create stress, because then you’re going to be like upset with yourself for not, you know, attending to certain matters. Well, this is perfect for for me, because speaking of like budgeting, I do not do a good job of recording, for example, for finding out where I’m spending the bulk of my money, I have software, I use a service called UNITA budget, which is absolutely amazing. If anyone has not checked them out. It’s the best budgeting software I’ve ever seen. But you have to go in and record all the all your things every day. And really, they automatically pull from all my credit cards. So it’s really easy. I just have to go and, you know, categorize each thing. And then the reports are right there. But anyway, I pay for the service. It’s great. And it maybe takes five minutes a day to do it, but I just don’t do it. So what could I do? Well, I could hire somebody to do it once a week for me, and I’d have to give them access to some of my financial stuff, which really they just need access to you need a budget, which wouldn’t really, you know, be a privacy issue. But

anyways, any of your data? Yeah,

I mean, yeah, I mean, and, you know, whatever. But But yes, it’s something that needs to get done. And I just probably not going to do it, but I need to do it. And I don’t want to do it. And so if I hire somebody and we live in this global gig economy, so it’s not even that I have to pay somebody locally here to do that, although that would be great. But I can find people from all over the world who are really financially minded who are, you know, the people like Chris was saying who he didn’t want to look at spreadsheets all day. But he was a person who does, yeah, find a person who does and say, Hey, for an hour a week, do you mind just going through and categorizing and maybe sending me even a report about where I’m spending my money? Yeah, and you know, maybe that would cost me $10 A week? Is that worth $10? A week for me? Oh, my God, it’s worth a lot more than that. So. So there’s parts of our life that, you know, we just don’t we’re just not good at it. And it’s okay to delegate or we just don’t want to do it, or we’re just not, you know, we’re not, we sort of avoid it. Just get someone else who lives to do that. And we’re so fortunate, because you might say, Well, how do you find somebody? Well, there’s, you know, from from all over the world? Well, there’s lots of websites where people congregate and are looking for these kinds of jobs. It’s how I found my producer for my podcast who lives in Kosovo. And she is amazing. And I couldn’t do the show without her. Yeah, I would, I would never have met her. I tried to find a producer locally for years. I just couldn’t find somebody reliable. I found somebody in Kosovo. She’s would been with me for years now. And she’s incredible. And totally she like Chris was saying, with his business, she does 90% of of this, this whole podcast is really because of her

Chris Bello 41:30
right? You just show up and perform and record the episode. Yeah, she handles the rest. That’s the way

D.J. Paris 41:36
she can. Absolutely. And so I used to do, I don’t know if if you were this way, you’re probably smarter than me. But I did every part of the pie just

Chris Bello 41:45
to I made my thumbnails in Canva, it would take 45 minutes, and it will look terrible. And then I found someone who makes them way better for $5 a thumbnail. I’m like, Why did I do this for two years? So I like to think of myself as smart. But when you’re stuck in the weeds, sometimes you know, you can’t really get that bird’s eye view, because you’re so busy in the work in the business, E Myth. If you read that book, it talks about it. You’re so busy in the business, that you’re not working on the business. It’s not even a business. It’s like a buy yourself a job at that point.

D.J. Paris 42:13
Yeah, and there’s so much of being a realtor, that is for lack of a better word, busywork. There’s, you know, and so we have already all these solutions, we have transaction coordinators, I know you, you use them, they can handle everything from list to close with respect to paperwork, timelines, you know, important dates, just chasing signatures digitally. I mean, there’s so many things that and I know, like, a transaction coordinator service that we recommend to to our agents, it’s what do they charge like, $300, a sale

Chris Bello 42:45
at closing, right. That’s how mine operates at closing, where if we don’t exactly I don’t pay, I’m like, this is incredible,

D.J. Paris 42:53
incredible. And so just think like, if if if you went to a doctor and you had an ailment, they said, you’re only going to pay me if I can get you, you know, basically better, which is essentially what a transaction coordinator does, it says, I’ll get you to the finish line, and then you’ll pay me and if you don’t make, we don’t make it to the finish line, because you know, things fall through. And I don’t

Chris Bello 43:10
understand that. But I’m like, Hey, I don’t get it either. Please don’t ever change it, because I love it. But personally, I’m like, gosh, I’d be so bummed if I’m writing five offers, and I don’t get paid until we get something accepted and closed. Like what if it takes time to do that? Right? So sometimes I’m sensitive. If we’re writing a lot of like lowball offers for an investor, I might just be like, Alright, I’m watching Netflix, I’m gonna write this one myself, because I don’t want to, I don’t want to send her too many that I know, we’re not going to get because I value her time too. So I kind of play play that by ear, you know?

D.J. Paris 43:42
Yeah, that’s very true. It’s just Christmas is so right is you have to take inventory of your day, and your week and your month, and just just look at your activity and write it down, you know, create a journal of you know, here’s what I did for these hours. And, and I always like what Brian Buffini. And I assume he still says that this is many, many years ago. But he said, you know, if you have an eight hour day, and this is kind of before pre gig economy, so maybe this isn’t as applicable today, but I think it probably still is, he said, you know, seven of those eight hours are probably doing customer service. And you’re probably if you can spend one hour a day prospecting for new business, boy, that’s great, but that probably the other seven out of the eight hours is probably taking care of your existing clients. And maybe that’s just the way it is. But boy, you could probably carve out half of those hours to push to someone else. And then you can focus on what you’re best at which in your case is business development and, and interactive meetings. And yeah, all of those activities. You said you’re not really strong. Organizationally, I’m the same way.

Chris Bello 44:48
And this thing is like getting a contract that my TC is like, Hey, you didn’t check the box on that thing. And I’m like as just the survey, whatever. It’s like 400 bucks. We’ll figure it out. And I’m okay with that. If you move fast and break things I think Mark Ducker burgers, somebody said that you can handle those little things like I want to make sure the sales price is right. And we’ve got an inspection period in there because that’s important. And I don’t want to put earnest money on the line. But occasionally if there’s a mistake, and I’ve got to cough up $100 to make it happen, but I go get three more deals. In the meantime, like, Isn’t that worth it? It’s kind of like the VA question you asked yourself, you would pay way more than $10 a week to get someone to look at that stuff. So just doing that Pareto principle with everything where if you focus on, a lot of people step over dollars to pick up pennies, I’ve heard that quote before, right, you’re stepping over all the opportunities to save a little bit of money here. If you just go out and make more money, you can afford to make a little bit of $50 mistakes. $100 mistakes, right? So that’s kind of the way I think of it, maybe, I don’t know if maybe I need to adjust my mindset. But it’s been working for me

D.J. Paris 45:46
so far. No, it’s It’s brilliant. And I always heard Brian Tracy and I don’t know if he’s the one who wrote this quote, but he I heard him say it, which was prospecting solves all problems, which I’ve always thought fail, I’d love to find out. I’d love to find a hole in that sentence. But and of course, it doesn’t solve all problems, but it solves a lot of them and a lot of it it allows you to then delegate even more.

Chris Bello 46:13
So business then how do you automate anything else? You’ve businesses, like the prospects are everything right? That’s the lifeblood of your business.

D.J. Paris 46:21
Yeah. What other productivity? Do you have any other productivity tips for our listeners? You know, again, realtors, you know, grinding it out. We know we know how hard Realtors work, we honor you for all the work you do. And we know that your data is not necessarily not saying Chris but but our listeners day doesn’t easily start at five and start at nine and stop at five, it can be almost a 24 hour type of job. But talking to you just talk about, you know, what’s helped you sort of, again, create that work life balance, I know delegations important, finding people to help with those tasks that that you really don’t want to spend time on, because takes away from other things. Anything else, any any systems or actual tools that you use, I’d love to hear, share to share with our audience.

Chris Bello 47:08
I’m a big tool and productivity person just overall with a background in supply chain. So I love talking about this stuff. And even with non real estate agents, because I can get nuggets from other industries and other people in sales roles, for example. But like I mentioned earlier, honestly, Calendly has changed the game for me so much, because it forced me to write down on pen, you know, pen to paper, what is my ideal schedule, and I had an inspection review, call it like Friday at 6pm. And I’m like, I never want to do this again, like, you know, if you want to say just got home from work, and she was like she was a girlfriend at the time. Like, I don’t want to be doing this at 6pm. Why can’t this be on a Saturday like 11 After I go to the gym, and I’m prepared to have this conversation, because we ended up talking till seven or 8pm reviewing this inspection report that really, I probably shouldn’t even have done but I get it first time buyers are sometimes a little hazy on that. So when you use a booking software, it forces you to be very, very intentional, where I thought to myself, in my perfect schedule, what would I do, I wouldn’t work on Friday. So I’d be able to go do fun stuff like indoor skydiving or go on a long weekend trip somewhere or just spend three hours getting a 90 minute massage and you know doing something else getting tapioca for example, I have a lot of free time and my fiance has a day job. So I have to go find things to do during the week. But if you have a booking software, whether it’s Calendly, or something else that frees you up because you push your clients to schedule a call schedule a showing coffee meeting, here’s the link for that lunch appointment. Here’s the link for that. So you never you no longer get people. Hey, do you have time for a quick call? Or how does lunch tomorrow sound? Once you operate on a schedule, and you align that and integrated with Google Calendar. My schedule is done for me. I wake up in the morning, I see we have this podcast in the afternoon. This is my only appointment on Fridays, because I don’t ever really do appointments on Friday. So happy to be here with you. But that honestly has taken care of so much because I can see what’s happening next week. What’s happening the week after that. If I don’t have enough stuff on the calendar, I gotta reach out to more people. Hey, who wants to do a quick call who needs to talk about sending referrals to each other. So Calendly is great. But if you have a team, Asana a s a n project management software, I use the free version of that. It’s a game changer because you can assign things I can put a checklist and say, Hey, John, can you edit the podcast by this date, medium priority, kind of important, you know, like to get this episode out, and someone else makes the thumbnail so I’m not doing that in Canva anymore. And so it helps you get the ideas out of your head, instead of sticking it on a sticky note that you never look at again. And you can assign it to people where they get automatic emails and reminders. Hey, FYI, this is due tomorrow. So in terms of software, it’s a Calendly. Asana. Another great one for communicating with multiple team members is slack. We all do text messages and phone calls and emails. I’ve gotten pretty bad Email where I’m like, I’m gonna check like once every five hours because anything in there is not urgent, right? If you have something that’s urgent with a team member, if you can go through something like Slack, where that’s the only notification you see on your phone, and you turn off the little bubbles for everything else. Now, you know, that’s the bottleneck, you need to answer that as fast as you can. So that your TC or your VA, your virtual assistant can get that next thing done. So hopefully, that’s helpful. I know, it’s not anything groundbreaking for my CRM, I just use an Excel file. I track everything from deals to how many pages I read a day, it’s a little, it’s a little intense. But I’ve got pivot tables and things if your audience is familiar with that, you can learn 10 minutes, 20 minutes on YouTube, figured out how to make a pivot table, store all your data in there, I’ve tracked everything from net worth to how many times I meditated day, which is to how many times I work out a week, it starts Simple, right? Start with one thing a day and start to add things on. Right? You don’t just wake up and read 20 pages a day, drink a gallon of water a day workout three times a week, right? You, you start by working out, then you start adding the water and then you start doing some fasting, it builds on itself, just like with real estate. So are there any other top software’s that get mentioned a lot on here, I’m sure like CRMs, and stuff like that.

D.J. Paris 51:19
There are and there’s so many different solutions that, that I know people can get overwhelmed with all the different software providers that exists. Simple. I do too. And I’ll tell you from a to do list perspective, and I use a to do list. So to do list is a wonderful to do list system. And again, you just put it in there you say you know, there’s a lot of different ways you could organize it, but it’s ridiculously inexpensive. You can probably get away with the free version. But that’s the that’s the one I liked the best. Chris uses Asana for project management. And really, project management could be an entire deal right from start to finish. For our podcast, which we treat each episode like a project. I use Trello, which is similar to Asana. It’s a little bit more visual that Asana is great. I mean, Trello is great. It again, cards. Yeah, the cards, we use Trello. Yep, has the card system. We’ve been doing that since day one. And this cost me $0. And it is it’s awesome. And there are so many great little software providers, again, my you need a budget for budgeting, except that only

Chris Bello 52:29
a year, right? I just signed up for the 30 day free version to try it out. And it’s amazing. For sure. It’s

D.J. Paris 52:34
It’s amazing. And it’s a great, it’s a great tool. But but the point is is is you know, there are all these software tools. And like Chris was saying, he’s a he’s a kind of a tech forward guy. And he’s like, I just use an Excel spreadsheet for my CRM. And there is nothing wrong with that. If that works. And it does work. I know top producers who are the same way they’re like, you know, I was using top producer or you know, fill in the blank CRM or whatever, exactly. And nothing against those solutions. They’re awesome. It’s just whatever works for you. And if you’re like, I just don’t like, for example, I was I talked about this a lot on the show where I say you need in your CRM, whatever CRM use, you need to know everyone’s birthday, if they’re married their anniversary date their kids birthdays, because then it gives you a reason to reach out from time to time be like, hey, kid’s birthday, congratulations. Happy birthday. And if you don’t know that, and now you’re like, Oh, my God, I have I have 200 clients that I don’t know anything like that. hire somebody to contact those clients on behalf that information. Yeah, exactly. You don’t have to do it all yourself delegate. And and boy, imagine if in your CRM, and again, I’m not talking to Chris, but our listeners if you had everyone’s birthday, anniversary date, and in your calendar, if every morning, it said call so and so it’s their wedding anniversary, or it’s their birthday, or it’s back to school time, maybe a good time to reach out and say How are your kids doing or when school started and you know, just the life events, that somebody’s home buying anniversary or home selling anniversary? If you have those in your calendar, you will always have a reason to pick up the phone and call people and say hey, how’s it going? Instead of hey, where are you? Are you buying or selling a home? Or do you know anyone that nobody wants those phone calls? And so we know that that’s a daunting task to go and get all that information. hire somebody to do it. It was worth its weight in gold. So that Chris he wakes up every day he goes there. That’s my calendar.

Chris Bello 54:31
I know what I’m doing today. Yeah. Boy, I

D.J. Paris 54:34
love it. Chris. Well, I could talk you know, I’m gonna have to have you on regularly because I love

Chris Bello 54:39
I know. I’m like, gosh, we’re out of time. I have so much more I could share and I love talking about this as well. So maybe next time,

D.J. Paris 54:45
I will say that everyone who’s listening, please go subscribe to Chris’s podcast just called entrepreneur motivation podcast. We will there is a link in the show notes. So click on you can go right there or you can always get to it by just pulling up a podcast. asked app searching for entrepreneur motivation, it’ll pop right up, hit the subscribe button, or go to Chris’s website, which has links to everything that Chris is involved in, which is Chris That’s Chris with a ch. And then bellow b e l l So Chris And think about this before, you’re like, Well, I’m not really an entrepreneur, if you’re a real estate agent, you’re an entrepreneur. So you don’t have to, you know, you don’t have to be the Mark Zuckerberg in the tech space, or Elon Musk, in all the different areas he’s in those, those are different, you know, those are the most public entrepreneurs that that we can think about. But everyone who has a real estate license is an entrepreneur. So don’t you don’t don’t we all need more help with motivation, and systems. This are the kinds of things Chris talks about in a show. And I can tell you how hard it is to get a million downloads, and for Christmas, to do that. It’s It’s incredible, incredible, incredible achievement. So thank you. That’s just proof that the his show is excellent. We’re big fans, and we encourage every one of our audience, go subscribe to entrepreneur motivation podcast, Chris, thank you. So so much for your show. You This was a lot of fun, and I couldn’t be more appreciative that you are on the show today. For everyone who is listening. Before you sign off, we just ask that you do one thing, tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing these great tips from Chris and send them a link to our show. There’s two easy ways to do that. The first send them to our website, which is keeping it real all of our episodes are there, they can stream it right from the website. Or if there’s somebody who likes listening to podcasts and already is involved in doing that, just have them pull up a podcast app search for keeping it real and hit the subscribe button and also subscribe to entrepreneur motivation, which is Chris’s. So thank you. And also one last thing, everyone who if you’re not already part of our Facebook page, please subscribe. You just find forward slash keeping it real pod. Right now as Chris and I are talking it’s being broadcast live on Facebook. Otherwise, if you’re listening through a podcast app, you’ve now waited two weeks to hear it which is fine. But if you wanted to hear these episodes sooner than that, subscribe to our Facebook page. As we record them we broadcast and live you can see some behind the scenes stuff as well. So keeping up sorry forward slash keeping it real pod. Chris, thank you so much. On behalf of Chris we want to thank the audience for continuing to listen and support our show and on behalf of the audience. I want to thank Chris for his time thanks not work much on Fridays and he took time out of his busy day to be here with us we’re so grateful for

Chris Bello 57:35
I guess it wasn’t that busy of a day right?

D.J. Paris 57:39
But but but life life stuff is really important and for you to take time out of your your your sort of, you know, work light day to help our show. We are super, super grateful for it. I

Chris Bello 57:51
really love being here. Thank you once again for having me.

D.J. Paris 57:53
Well, thanks, Chris and we will see everyone on the next episode.

Chris Bello 57:57
Sounds good.

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