How Radical Honesty Made Her A Top Real Estate Agent • Deidre Joyner

September 16, 2021

Deidre Joyner with Red Oak Realty in East Bay Area talks about the beginning of her career in real estate and how she got her first big break. Deidre emphasizes how important it is to be honest and forthright with your clients and how this has brought business to her. Next, Deidre also talks about the importance of knowing and understanding the data around the property before meeting your clients. Last, Diedre discusses the funniest and unusual experiences of her career until now.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Deidre Joyner can be reached at 510.693.4253 and


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the very best media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level, keeping it real listeners receive a special discount. So please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show and in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with top producer Deirdre joiner before we get to Deirdre just a couple of quick reminders. As always, the best way you can help our show is by telling a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing from top producers like Deirdre and send them a link to our website, they can stream every episode we’ve ever done right from keeping it real Again, that’s keeping it real And also please follow us on Facebook, which is forward slash keeping it real pod. And last, I am going to be at the NAR conference walking around as a participant like probably a lot of our audience. And so if you’re going to be in San Diego this November for the NAR event, please let us know and I’d be happy to say hello to you in person and thank you for being a listener and supporter of our show. And now on to our interview with Deirdre Joiner.

Today on the show we have Deirdre joiner from Red Oak Realty in East Bay in California. Now Deirdre is a 17 year veteran realtor selling over 350 homes totaling over 300 million in sales volume, dirties production consistently ranks her as the number one or number two agent at Red Oak Realty year after year and she was born in Berkeley to a musician and a teacher who became an East Bay realtor. They lived in a funky rental that cost $165 per month. The neighborhood was flat friendly and kids were out playing until the streetlights came on. And in 1979 their little rental went on the market for sale and their folks decided to buy an ugly fixer up in Oakland. For a few months they stayed at their grandmother’s home as they weekend warrior that bartering music studio time for construction labor. Fast forward to now 9099 Dierdre was a young mom and a wife and her husband and her decided to buy a 1951 major fixer up in Redwood heights. And it was the perfect call to sack location blocks from the same elementary school that her mother, her aunt, and she attended. And it fed into her fervor for mid century architecture. In 2004, she left the restaurant industry and became a realtor. She’s from the generation in which True Grit determines destiny. She started with no leads no clients and a fantasy and she built her business on the philosophy of working hard and thinking outside the box grounded in customer service. Please follow Deirdre on Instagram at Dierdre j so that’s D I D R E and then the letter J. Again di d r e j dears. You’re welcome to the show.

Deidre Joyner 3:46
Wow. Thank you. I sound interesting.

D.J. Paris 3:49
You are you’re super interesting. And we are so excited to have you on the show some of the best interviews we’ve done over the last, in my opinion, of course, over the last four or five years. And again, not just counting any other interviews we’ve done, but some of my favorite ones have been people from the Bay Area. I don’t know why maybe it just attracts a more interesting type of realtor to our show. But we’re so excited to chat with you. And you have a very interesting backstory which I was so happy to share with our audience. But yeah, let’s let’s start at the beginning. You know, I always ask our guests how they got into real estate and I know you’ve been doing it now for 17 years. But can you kind of take us back to that and what prompted you to make this your career?

Deidre Joyner 4:35
Um, well, I was in the restaurant industry and I had two young kids and I remember distinctively that my son was home with a high fever and I was given a lot of crap by my manager at the time, and I said to myself, this will be the last holiday season, I will be working in the food industry. You know, my family, obviously is important and I shouldn’t be made felt to feel guilty for taking care of a sick child, it’s really hard for women so many times to be a mom and a working mom. And my mother’s said that I should consider real estate which I thought there’s no way I want to do what my mother does right? Now, just on general principle, right? In your footsteps, no way. So my husband encouraged me to maybe pursue it. And I actually went to my local community college, and took my classes. And that’s where I took all of my classes for real estate and, and then took a leap of faith and gave me notice, and that was in 2004. So

D.J. Paris 5:58
yeah, we should also mention, just for anyone who’s not familiar with sort of the the Bay Area in general, but I and again, I’m, I’m not not a practicing realtor, myself, but I live in Chicago. And I know, we have lots of Realtors at our firm. So I think I have a general idea of the difficulty here in Chicago, I would say the difficulty ramps up significantly, maybe exponentially in the Bay Area, because pricing of courses is so extreme, and probably a lot of competition as well from other agents. And you started, you know, back when I guess the market was was really starting to heat up. But But still, you know, I had to be difficult with no leads. Sounds like you didn’t have a huge sphere of influence to draw from. So I’d love to hear about how you got started and how you did start to succeed. You know, what once you began?

Deidre Joyner 6:54
Absolutely, because, of course, at the time, my mother was a working real tour. And I couldn’t tap into her sphere of influence, because that wouldn’t be right. And, you know, I think like most people, your friends and family, they love you, but they don’t want to necessarily use you until you get a little experience. Right? You know, they’re like, Yeah, we love you, but we’re not gonna allow you to cut your teeth on us.

D.J. Paris 7:24
We’re gonna screw up screw up with someone else and then then come to us.

Deidre Joyner 7:27
Exactly, exactly. But my mother was in a position to refer me a few buyer leads. And of course, I did pay a referral fee. It was strictly business, but I did a lot of open houses. Um, and you really have to put yourself out there for Oakland open houses. And I remember, I thought, well, what can I give someone during the open house? Like I can give them information, I can give them my time, I can answer questions. I remember we had, like a Sunday open home guide that are a little local ad review, which is this little private company that kind of publishes all the open houses, the hours open, etc. And I would print that out, and I would staple my business card. And I said, if you want to receive this every week, I can email it to you if you give me your email address. And so I was like, Well, I want to give them something of value. Or, you know, if you’d like this, you know, I’m happy to look up some other options for you. Because really and truly knowing cares about you. It’s really them and their process. At the same time, there was this huge amount of kind of cheerleading from my office, which was trying to jumpstart some new agents to do door knocking. So I do remember doing some door knocking. I hated it. But I was like, Look, this is what I have to do. This is what I have to do. I started a blog. I mean, I blogged about the most hideous things starting out like because I had really nothing to say no experience. Draw. And I mean, I had to go back and kind of delete some of those because it’s like, wow, that’s pretty bad. But open houses I really kind of chalked up as a numbers game, and I will say that it’s probably different than it is now back in 2004 or 567 Less people came to open houses with realtors already. You had an opportunity to be in front of people who were unrepresented. I think now because technology has grown so fiercely. A lot of people are doing a lot of research and finding agents ahead of time online through Yelp. through other avenues, but at that time, that was a really good avenue for me. Um, and that really helped. I remember one of my big breaks in real estate was there was a veteran agent who had a listing interview in a neighborhood that’s not far from mine. It’s called the Laurel district of Oakland. Sure. And she said, Oh, let me pick your brain, you know, that area. I don’t know that area. So I gave her a few little things about the neighborhood. And then I followed up with her. See, that’s like, the whole key, I feel like in real estate is following up just with everything. And I said, How did your appointment go? And she says, Well, I think it went well. But I did have to ask directions to get back to the freeway. I was like, wow, that’s not a good luck, you’re trying to sell their house, and you don’t know how to get to the freeway, boom, okay. And she said, I tell you what, maybe I’ll refer this to you. And you can help them. But I have to tell you, I will want a referral fee. And this is already referred to me. So you’ll have to pay two referral fees, no willing to do that. I’ll refer it to you. And

D.J. Paris 11:19
so you’re basically the third realtor down the line, but you were hungry, and it was worth it.

Deidre Joyner 11:25
It was worth it. And you know, a month later, I got a listing around the corner. And then there you go, I have two listings in a neighborhood that’s very specific, and you can build on that. So I think it’s great. And it’s it’s really, you know, putting in the time, and knowing that one day it will come back to you, but you don’t know when and you just have to have that face.

D.J. Paris 11:49
And I guess you really don’t know how either, right? Like it just in this. In this way, one of your listings came from a referral of a referral. And, and, you know, I’ve had, gosh, hundreds of people on our show, and I don’t think anyone has particularly, you know, mentioned I’m sure other people have been in that situation. But if that’s a way that you wouldn’t expect for a lead to come. And I wanted to just circle back very quickly to something I think you said that or that you said that I believe is very interesting and important to our audience, which was because open houses are still obviously, you know, quite successful, depending on your market. Certainly, it’s a, you know, an activity that most of the our listeners are probably involved in. But this idea of providing something of value, as I’m sort of cycling back through my memories of all of our different episodes and trying to remember if anyone has specifically talked about this, I’m not sure that anyone has. And it’s such a simple idea. But it’s so powerful. And I’m really grateful that you talked about it, instead of just, you know, hey, here’s the brochure, here’s my information, here’s, you know, whatever about you, or the home itself, which of course, I’m sure you had some of that material too. But this idea of, hey, I’ve got this cool thing that I can send you. And I’ll staple my car to it. In fact, if you just give me your email, I’ll do that every week. That’s a really brilliant strategy. I know, you just sort of said it. Matter of fact, but but I want to kind of just step on it a little bit. Because I think it’s really smart. Because now you have somebody’s contact information, whether they work with you or not, you’re going to be able to market to them in whatever fashion you think’s appropriate, really indefinitely. So that really is brilliant. And even if they end up not using you, maybe they get hooked on your content and the content you send them, and maybe they pass it around or you know, refer you to other people. So I know for you that was just probably a minor detail. But I think Gosh, what a great smart idea that I don’t think anyone else has ever mentioned on our show. So, so thank you for that.

Deidre Joyner 13:50
Well, absolutely. I do think that, you know, so many times I, you know, look at other people’s websites, I look at other people’s content, I look at how people sell themselves. And I think that’s great. You do have to sell yourself you do have to be your own advocate, you have to negotiate for yourself because, frankly, you have to prove to your clients that you’re going to negotiate for them and you’re showing that by standing up in negotiating for yourself but really truly it’s just like life, you know, you might date someone because they’re nice, but you like how they make you feel right? You like how they make you feel and and so you that same concept, I think really works well. And client relationships, right? Your client wants to feel well taken care of and someone wants to feel like maybe you have some insight and knowledge that they can’t readily get themselves. And so sometimes I have had clients call me or someone take my card and call me after the faxing, you know, you know you were talking about the market, you answered questions, you made me feel comfortable. I think that, you know, I want to talk to you about maybe being my real tour. So I think just providing something with nothing, expecting nothing in return is really the key. Yeah, I

D.J. Paris 15:19
agree. And I also know that for you, salesmanship, or, you know, sales tactics are just not part of your toolbox, which I love. Because I think most people, not everyone, there are people that I guess like to be sold, but I think most of us really don’t. And maybe that was different, you know, 50 years ago, when we didn’t have as much information as readily accessible. But now I think people just want good, honest information. And you basically just just said that as well. And I know that’s a big part of your business is just telling clients what they need to hear versus maybe what might help you win the listing or, you know, the contract.

Deidre Joyner 16:01
Right, right. I had a listing that I got, it was a referral. So one of my past clients recommended me, but I know that they interviewed three people. And the house was in general, in a overall good location walking distance to BART. In a high performing school district, check, three bedrooms, two baths, but it was on a highly trafficked Street and it was next door to a very big apartment building. And Zillow and Redfin had their house valued, much higher than I felt the value was, and a lot of people look at Zillow and Redfin. And they feel that those valuations apply to them. But they’re not always, you know, they’re great in some regard, but they don’t know some of the subtle differences of the property. And so I told them, I said, you know, I don’t think your house is worth anywhere near that, I would love to get that for you. But let me break down all of the solds in your area, and tell you how they’re different. And I thought for sure, they were gonna go with someone who told them that they could get the highest, a higher price, and they went with me. And thank God, I, you know, gave them the data and insight because they didn’t get anywhere close to that. But at the end of the day, they felt well taken care of well represented. And there was no surprise at the end. Right, as we started with that candid conversation.

D.J. Paris 17:40
Yeah, I Gosh, what a smart strat. It’s not, it is technically a strategy, but just being honest and forthright. It’s, I am shocked it isn’t done more often in this in this market in this industry. Not that people are intentionally deceptive. But I think in the case of this listing, you know, maybe you wouldn’t talk about the traffic on the street. Because it’s an you know, it’s a negative, it’s going to affect the value and then the apartment building next door, it’s going to affect the value and also having to discount, you know, Zillow and red fins estimates is also not fun. I just looked up this condo I just purchased about five, four or five months ago. And it’s it says on on Zillow, and I’m not picking on Zillow, Zillow as a partner on this podcast they come on every month are really lovely people. But it says that my place is appreciated almost $150,000 Well, that is just not the case. I would love for that to be the case. And maybe I’d even sell it right away, but the reality of it is isn’t and and so even I get excited when I see that oh, my place is appreciated, except that I actually think about them like actually it hasn’t. I know that that is that is a really important conversation because even though I’m in the industry I see that number that Zestimate or whatever and I go oh look at that. And then I go wait a minute, but But it’s important,

Deidre Joyner 19:05
it’s hard because with the low inventory being such a huge drivers for so for so long. Sometimes you’re looking you know, in a year’s time 812 listings and you have one that’s a complete outlier, a unicorn of a property that you see rainbows when you walk through the door and that’s gonna skew everything right so that’s the hard part. And the the other challenging per with real estate and to be able to articulate it well is you know, for most communities unless you’re buying into a condo building that has a lot of volume to analyze. Nothing is like unkind so you’re comparing Kiwis to grapes, right and you have to know the fruit and be able to explain In it, and that’s the thing that you that, you know, I think you have to do is really immerse yourself and educate yourself so that when you are talking to clients, you have the confidence to speak out based on data, because relationships are great. But there’s a lot of people out there that are analytical people who are like, Okay, you’re nice. Now show me the data, show me the analytics. And you know, you can’t just be one note, you have to really encompass the whole the whole picture.

D.J. Paris 20:33
And you also live and work in an area that is very tech focused as far as career and industry. And you probably have a tremendous amount of engineers and, and just different people that are analytical people in nature, and by nature, and really do want to pour over that information. So I imagine that’s very helpful. I mean, it’s helpful anywhere, because I think most of us one want the information to be able to review not every one, of course, sometimes it’s just an emotional connection. And we say, oh, that’s our realtor. But I imagine in your area that’s particularly useful. I’m, I’m stereotyping the Bay Area, but just

Deidre Joyner 21:12
You’re absolutely right. And you could be working with someone single, or someone in a partnership, and one person can be relationship person and one person can be an analytic, and you have to be able to talk to both. But at the end of the day, you know, immersing yourself so that you can be an export is important. And I also think it’s very important to kind of stay in your lane, if you will, and work areas that you know, you know, don’t go too far outside your comfort zone, because then you get yourself in a little trouble. And then you get out of your comfort zone. Yeah.

D.J. Paris 21:50
Yeah, that’s that’s a good point. I, I yeah, I think it’s you they what do they say? It’s the jack of all trades, master of none, right? Like, if you try to be everything to everybody, and try to work the entire, you know, geographic area that you know, in your case, it’s pretty vast, then it’s, it’s you’re going to, you’re going to have a situation where you don’t know how to get to the highway, maybe. And that doesn’t look good. You know, in a client meeting. I never ever get to this part of the interview. And I absolutely have to, because these two, these two stories are incredible. And I’ve made a promise that I will not be you know, running out of time before we get to get to these going forward, because they’re so great. After 300 episodes, I’m like, I’m never letting these past by again. Can you please, you sent us so two great stories, ones, your funniest experience and one’s unusual? Look, we let’s start with the funniest one. The I don’t want to ruin what it is. But the basically the $700,000 contract. Yeah.

Deidre Joyner 22:52
So this was about five years ago, it was great. I had this cute little listing. Just to give you some context in our area, people under priced listings anywhere from 10 to 40%. To try it. I know it’s it’s, it’s interesting, but it’s been like that for years. And but people are underpricing to kind of set the table for a lot of interests, multiple offers. And of course, you know, you want the bidding war for your seller. You know, when you’re a listing agent, you have a different objective than being a buyer’s agent. So this house was listed at 699, we knew that it was worth roughly around 800 ish. So say I say this to say it was a busy open house because you know, it 699 We had a wide audience. And the house was full. And a gentleman walks in and asked me how much the house is. And I said, it’s listed at 699. And he walks around and he comes back and he says, I’ll take it and pull out his publisher clearing house, you want a million dollar certificate and said, I’ll design this over to you. And I’d like to do the transaction right here right now. And meanwhile, I want to be sensitive and respectful to everyone. I just said, you know, I’m sorry. We have set an offer date. And you know, I don’t handle the finances directly. I’ll have to refer you to an agent. And you know, it was almost like you could hear a pin drop in the open house. Wow. But but, you know, I think that the bottom line is you know, I treated him with respect and you know, he didn’t like that he couldn’t buy the house right back then and there that he left and and and then we resumed the conference. Asians at hand with the open house, but it just kind of goes to show. I mean, I think it was, it was like, wow, I haven’t I haven’t encountered this before. But you know, at the end of the day, you do have to treat everyone with with respect and kindness.

D.J. Paris 25:15
And for those who are maybe younger and aren’t familiar, the Publishers Clearing House just explain what this is, was, every person in America would receive this letter in the mail that said, you may have one, but it would make you think that you had one because they give you they’d send you a mailer. And there would be like, kind of a fake check in there. And it looked real. And then eventually, you know, they were what were they selling magazine subscriptions? I forget what yeah, man, am I I was and then Ed McMahon would whatever the actual winner was, would they would do it live on TV, and they would big this big giant novelty check. And I was almost thinking when I when you first sent us that story that somebody walked in, it was the actual winner with a big giant novelty check. But this was somebody who came in with basically the same mailer that everyone else gets. And you you really were put in a tough position. Because yes, you’re in a room of other people, you certainly don’t want to humiliate somebody. And boy, what a funny, and not to poke fun at that person. But boy, that’s a funny situation.

Deidre Joyner 26:19
Yeah, I mean, you know, I think that I probably submitted that in my younger years to think that, oh, I might win this. I mean, I did two shows my age, oh, I might have done this.

D.J. Paris 26:35
I did the same thing. And then also I am, we have an astrology story. And and I, you know, it doesn’t matter when I think of astrology. But But I love this story. So please tell us your Mercury story.

Deidre Joyner 26:52
Well, um, prior to this year, I wasn’t very familiar with Mercury in Retrograde. You know, I had some clients and I met with them. And they said, you know, it’s really important that we get on before the next Mercury in Retrograde, I was like, no problem. I look at the calendar, I see the date. And I’m like, as long as I get the house on the market before that date, we’ll do it. And we are, you know, managing, managing, maybe 10 different things to get done also managing their schedule of work. So literally, we have maybe a four or five week window. And so I find out that they actually want it to be on the market and pending and everything negotiated by them. And I had to call and say, you know, I’m really sorry, I am not really well well versed in this Mercury Retrograde, I really just thought I had to give up on the day before. And they were disappointed. They were disappointed. I mean, I fell on the sword. I was like, What can I do? What can I do to make this right? Do you want to delay a month? What do you want to do? So we ended up going on the market, and we did negotiate a contract during Mercury in Retrograde. But we made it where they did not sign their final closing documents until retrograde was over. Because that was the actual documents and the contract to close. So yes. So now, I will completely understand if someone comes to me and says that they want to avoid those dates, that they mean that whole five week period or four week period that they don’t want to do any negotiations during that time. But it was a little embarrassing, perhaps I should have done a little research when they told me that but I was like yeah, no problem we’ll get on the day before

D.J. Paris 28:56
you know it, maybe you could you could you know, find some astrology, meet ups and go and say, hey, if anyone is if mercury, Mercury being in retrograde is an issue for anyone I have experience doing doing this particular type of transaction, but it really goes to the point that you know, different people have different beliefs and you have to respect and honor them, you know, despite, you know, your knowledge or or, you know, understanding of it, and you have to as you said, you know, take it on the chin if something doesn’t necessarily go go as according to plan but but but I think I think it speaks to your ability to you know, again, similar to the other story about the gentleman with the check and I’m not putting these people in that same category, but but having people who have different beliefs and having to say you know, I will figure this out I will make this work. And and you did and I think it really goes to your your ability to meet people where they are As opposed to where you’d like them to be, and I think that is got to be one of the keys to your success is is saying, Okay, you’re here, I will meet you here, I will do what you need. And I know that hard work. Would you say that that, you know, grit I know you’ve spoken about is that the most important quality you think that because it contributed to your success, or certainly maybe one of the most,

Deidre Joyner 30:21
I would say it is probably the one one of the top three, simply because people are busy. You know, here’s the thing, I am the biggest, sensitive person out there, you know, somebody doesn’t respond to me, I’m like, oh, maybe they don’t like me. I mean, it’s, you’re really putting yourself out there. You know, sometimes life happens and people are busy. And sometimes you don’t get a response for a month. So it really took a lot for me to go, okay, like I emailed someone last night in the subject line was like checking in, not to pester, like, Hey, I know you might be busy, I don’t know where you are, I would really love to work with you, if you decide that selling is the right thing for you to do. I’m here if you need me, and sending people maybe a second or third email that’s not aggressive, but yet supportive and trying to figure out that fine line and that voice where you can articulate, hey, I’m just being proactive. I’m not here to be pushy. I’m not here to talk you in or out of buying or selling. But I really did like you and I really do think I can help you. And doing that when you’ve got no response. And it’s been a month or a week or two weeks. It’s really like getting disturbed, discouraged, not getting a listing, losing a client and trying to start over the next day with with the faith and grounded in service. Really, that’s the thing, because it’s very hard to do this day in and out when you think about it. And I get a lot of business from Yelp now because I’ve been on Yelp for so long. But you think about it, let’s just say I sell 30 or 40 houses any year, I might have some people who’ve worked with me in the past who are like, I’m ready to sell and you know, there’s no interview, but I’ve even had past clients decide that they want to interview me and another agent or two because they’ve been told that that’s the right thing to do. So you might be if you sell 30 to 40 houses 100 Sorry, that’s okay. You might be um, I’m gonna put my phone on airplane mode. Sorry,

D.J. Paris 33:05
no problem. I thought it was my phone. I was like, Oh my gosh,

Deidre Joyner 33:10
you might be on 100 interviews in a year. Yeah, that’s right. And you know, you will get rejected, period, you will be rejected. And you have to keep going because that’s just the business. I mean, just think about it. You know, it how you live in your life, you might explore multiple restaurants to go to you might explore people, doctors, some doctors are not going to get selected some restaurants are not going to get selected. You have to tell yourself this is part of business.

D.J. Paris 33:44
It is and you obviously have done a tremendous job building your business through honesty through hard work through perseverance. And and also just you know, being a as you said earlier, following up it seems like such a simple concept, but I have interviewed so many top producers from all over the country, and most of them mentioned following up as if it’s not, it’s obvious to them, but they’re always shocked that everyone doesn’t do that. So I am I am so impressed with with how you’ve grown your business. And I want everyone who is listening to please if you want to learn more about Dierdre or if you’re a buyer or a seller or renter and investor in the Bay Area, the East Bay Area Dierdre would love to work with you she is with us. She is the top producer at her company and one of the top producers in the entire area. So if you are a realtor who wants to learn more about Dierdre and just see how she’s grown her business and see a little bit more about what she does follow her on Instagram. You can find her at Dierdre J That’s di d r e j you can also easily find her Dierdre joiner just Googlers She’s everywhere and also Dorado If there is anyone out there who would like to maybe consider interviewing you to help them buy or sell a home or rent, what’s the best way they should reach out to you?

Deidre Joyner 35:09
Um, I mean, I love a good text. But email is great because I can keep track of it. And I’m D I D R E at Red Oak. Deidre Dei, D R. E at Red Oak Thanks.

D.J. Paris 35:29
Well, for this, thank you so much for being on our show. We are huge fans of what you’ve accomplished and your success and the feedback or sorry, the information you gave on this episode is, is huge, because it oftentimes I found over the years that it’s so much about fundamentals, and you are like a master of fundamentals. And so you gave our audience some really great fundamentals today as a reminder of what to do to keep going and grow their business. So thank you so much for on behalf of Dierdre. And myself, I want to thank the audience for continuing to listen and support our show, please, we ask everyone who is listening or watching to just do one thing, tell a friend, think of one other real estate agent that could benefit from hearing this great interview with Dr. Dre and send them a link to our show. Easiest way to do that, send them right over to our website, keeping it real Or if they’re a podcast person, just have them pull up a podcast app search for keeping it real, hit the subscribe button, but please tell a friend and on behalf of our audience and myself, I want to thank you for taking time out of her crazy busy life of being a mom and a business owner and runner and a realtor for coming on our show and sharing her wisdom with everybody. So thank you Deirdre again, and we will see everybody on our next episode. Thanks for joining.

Deidre Joyner 36:44
Thank you. Appreciate it. Have a great day.

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