Chris Linsell TheClose.com

Why is N.A.R.’s Clear Cooperation Policy Under Fire? • Unpopular Real Estate Opinions • Chris Linsell

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Welcome to our monthly feature Unpopular Real Estate Opinions with Chris Linsell.

In this episode, Chris explains what the N.A.R Clear Cooperation is. Chris and DJ discuss the pros and cons of clear cooperation. Next, Chris discusses why are agent’s connections important at this moment. Chris also talks about who is pushing against the Clear Cooperation policy and why. Last, Chris explains what changes would he personally do to the real estate policies if he had the power.

Please check Chris’ profile on LinkedIn.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

This episode is brought to you by Real Geeks and Michelle Berman (Keeping it Real Pod get 10% discount)

Chris Linsell TheClose.com

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