Ryan D'Aprile

Ryan D’Aprile • Coaching Moments • Morning Routine

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For our first episode for 2019, we’re excited to announce that Ryan D’Aprile will be hosting a monthly series titled Coaching Moments!

Ryan D’Aprile personally coaches over 300 brokers at his real estate firm, D’Aprile Properties. Each month Ryan generously shares his exact systems, strategies and methods that have produced many top 1% real estate brokers. His passion is coaching, and we couldn’t be more honored to have him as a partner.

In this episode Ryan talks about best practices for starting off each workday. He explains in detail his pre-work routine which includes gratitude, meditation and journaling. Then, he pivots into his morning work routine discussing contacting your sphere of influence and tips on how to find discussion points. Lastly, I provide a suggestion about how to hire an accountability partner for $10 a week!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.492.7900 and execassistant@daprileproperties.com.

Ryan D'Aprile
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D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the only podcast made by Chicago real estate brokers for Chicago real estate brokers. My name is DJ Paris. I am the host. And we are really excited because today, by the way, welcome everyone to 2019. This is our first episode of the year. And we’re starting off with a brand new series on the call on the podcast again, once again. He did such a great job the first time we begged and pleaded him to come on more often. And so we have a new new episode, a regular episode every month we’re going to be doing this and I should tell you what it is and who is going to be doing this. So he is patiently waiting for me to finish so he can start talking. His name is Ryan de Abril. You probably know him dia pro properties, huge real estate company here in Chicago large brokerage firm. And over the years, as Ryan has built it up, they have tons of locations, great reputation, and Ryan’s favorite thing to do was actually coaching. So we went reached out to him and said, Hey, how would you like to do a monthly series on our show, similar to Carrie McCormack? Joel Schaub, but this one specifically around coaching. So Ryan, welcome. Very welcome. And thank you for offering to do this

Ryan D’Aprile 1:30
on a DJ. Thanks. Thanks for having me. And happy new year to you.

D.J. Paris 1:33
Happy New Year to you. And before you get started, I want to promote your your business. So do you have real properties, obviously great reputation. They are they were and are one of the top workplaces as the Chicago Tribune has awarded them. And so you guys should? Yeah, it was it’s it is it’s super cool. And so if you’re not familiar, and you want to learn more about what they offer, if you’re a broker looking to switch firms, give them give them a chance, look them up. And you know, Ryan goes around to all all the different offices teaching brokers as well. But I did do real properties.com. And we’ll post a link to it as well. But Ryan, thanks for coming on the show. And let us how do you want to get started with this series? Sure. So

Ryan D’Aprile 2:15
we chatted about it coaching moments. And I figured since this is a series we’re doing, why don’t we start in the beginning. And instead of jumping right into coaching and technical things and tactics that people need to do, I thought, why don’t we just start from the beginning? And why don’t we like literally start in the beginning of the day and talk about in this session, a morning routine, and a good practice that we all should incorporate into our daily life, it’s going to help us not only professionally, but personally, is what a good morning routine is. So that’s what I figured DJ, we chat with a little bit here. About what our morning routine isn’t what my morning routine looks like. Does that sound good? With you?

D.J. Paris 3:01
Yes, it’s perfect. So.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:03
So I think, and again, what I want to also point out to everybody is that you hear advice from individuals, and you think like they have it together and they they practice every single day perfectly. I would love to see I do that. But I want everybody to understand that I fall off my morning routine here and there. And you just have to have permission and understand it’s okay to not be so disciplined in doing this. And when you find yourself off course just jump back on and get back into it. Does that make sense?

D.J. Paris 3:33
Yeah, and I always love to say balance is a myth. So don’t Don’t, don’t shoot for perfection, just shoot for being able to, to re read school yourself and get as close to the balance as possible. Realize you’ll always there will always be something you’re missing. It’s okay. And just, you know, reset to center.

Ryan D’Aprile 3:53
Yeah, I found myself you know, in these past years speaking in public and to individuals on on these topics and, and then having the realization that they they actually think that I’m perfect and I have these things figured out which sure is not the case at all. So I just feel like I have to share that with everybody. Like, you know, I just came back from a family vacation. We were in Punta Cana for the week, the girls were off and we went out of town and you know, my morning routine went away and I was on social media and I saw one of our agents sharing a story about her morning routine, and she inspired me to get back onto the horse. So again, my I just don’t want to get too carried away with this. My emphasis is I’m going to go over morning routine with you. And I want everybody just you know, stick their toes in the water you know, give it a shot and it’s a practice and it gets better with time. So So myself is I like to get up early. I wouldn’t qualify myself as a morning person. I make myself a morning person I feel my energy is at its highest in the morning. I am exhausted when I get up and sometimes it’s hard to roll out of and get it going. But once I kind of get moving, I find my vibrational energy is at its highest moment early in the morning. So I usually like to get up around between five and 530 in the morning. Another reason I do that is I’m a father of three girls. And my house can be total chaos after seven o’clock in the morning. Sure, you know. And so now they’re getting the point where it’s battles for the bathrooms and everything else. So it’s a warzone. So between five and seven in the morning is nice two hours, where I can organize my day and get myself centered. So I wake up around five, between five and 530. And the first thing I like to do is I have a space in my home. And actually have two different spaces depending on the season one it is one is my bedroom. And the other one is down in our in our living area. In the wintertime, I like to go down in the living area, and I and I light a fire and sometimes I light a candle. And it’s total. It’s it’s pretty dark, and it’s silent. And it’s meant to be for myself. And I meditate, I take about 10 to 15 minutes to meditate. And I don’t know if DJ, if you’ve ever meditated it’s it’s not the easiest practice in the beginning. It’s incredibly difficult. It is. And there is an app that I use called the daily calm. Have you ever heard of it? No, that’s phenomenal. And I can’t remember the lady’s name, but she’ll guide you. So they have seven days of managing stress, seven days of gratitude, seven days of, for me, this is a this is a strong one for me, seven days of calming anxiety, I’m a personality and very hard driven person, which is a blessing. But it’s also a curse, because a lot of times that’s coupled with a high anxiety. And so I find these practices incredibly important for me to center myself in the day. And the daily calm is a wonderful app, I encourage anybody to take a look at it, I subscribe to it. Because then I have so many more, but they have a bunch of free seven day meditations. And it’s, it’s 10 to 12 minutes, it’s guided meditation. And again, you could pick the topic that you want to focus on for that week. And oh, my gosh, I cannot tell you how centered I am after I do it. And again, I’m an individual with a lot on my plate. And we all have a lot on our plates. And so if you gave yourself 10 to 12 minutes to meditate, I think it will put you in the right right mode for the day. So then the next thing I like to do is I like to do a daily reading. And I’ll won’t, it won’t be like a reading where I’m sitting down and reading a novel and I’ll spend a good half hour or an hour, I’ll just focus on two to three pages of a book that I’m reading. Now when I do that, I keep a notebook by my side. And this kind of going back to the meditating away meditating is so hard, you know, we have 30 to 50,000 thoughts a day that go right through our mind. It’s insane. So I have created the practice of keeping a notebook on my side so that when that thought comes in my head now when I’m meditating, I just observe the thought when I’m meditating. But when I’m reading, in my daily routine, I just do two three pages of the book that I’m reading. I’m reading a great book right now. By the way, have you ever heard of the self esteem prophecy?

D.J. Paris 8:16
Oh, sure. Yeah, Redfield?

Ryan D’Aprile 8:19
Yeah, so you’ve read it? Sure. Oh, I have. I’m reading it right now. It’s unbelievable. Yeah. Anyways, just loving that book anyway. So I’ll read to the three pages that in the morning. That’s what the book I’m reading right now. But as I’m reading, sometimes thoughts will come in my head. And so what I’ll do is I’ll just jot down the thought, and then I’ll get back to where I am. And what I mean by thought is something that I have to do that day. Does that make sense? Yes. So that I can be productive because I find between five and seven o’clock in the morning, I’m incredibly productive to I’m so productive, doing a few things and a few hours versus a whole bunch of things crossed an eight hour day. So I’ll write down and jot those notes.

D.J. Paris 9:00
Yeah, and just to jump in for a quick second, I could not agree more that whenever a to do comes into your head anytime day or night, but certainly in the morning, write it down, get it out of your head, immediately get it on paper or some system to where you’re not having to remember to think about it.

Ryan D’Aprile 9:18
Yeah, and it’s and you know what that is, that’s a habit, you know, and it takes time to carry to you know, to carry around a notepad like I mean, it takes time to create a habit, but if you can just try to form the habit, it’ll take time to always have a notepad with you, especially in your morning routine. It will make you so much more productive and healthy with because you’re gonna forget that thought because again, between 30 to 50,000 thoughts a day How can you how can you remember all these things going through? So um, and then I go through my gratitudes you know, this is have you ever gone to have you ever done ninja training?

D.J. Paris 9:56
I know of it. I have not done that. I’ve heard some amazing

Ryan D’Aprile 9:59
it’s Fantastic and you know, I’ve lived this lifestyle for some time I’ve gotten my first installation, we they’ve come to us a couple of times, I’ve gotten my first installation, and they helped me organize the morning routine. And I just, I love it. And so I do my three gratitudes. And I look back at the day before, and I write down three things that I’m grateful for. Now, this is incredibly important. And to some people, this might sound hokey, and for those people, that sounds hokey, I just beg of you to look at it in a different light, you have to understand that your attitude and mindset is 80 to 90% of success, agree or failure, depending on what it is. And so there is a lot to be happy about, there’s a lot to be unhappy about. And you have to pick one side, and you can’t, you know, like have your your feet on both sides of the aisle, you really have got to focus on what it is that you’re happy with. Because your belief system, your internal belief system has everything to do with the action that you take. And the action, obviously, is the results. And then the results reinforce your positive belief system or your negative belief system. And I think having the practice of writing down three things that you’re grateful for. And I tend to think about the day before, or the three things that I’m grateful for the happening for that day, really tend to put me in the right mood. Now I’ll tell you another reason why this is incredibly important. And this goes to the book that I’m reading right now, which I love so much because it’s so much my belief system, it’s it’s our energy. It’s an it’s our main form of communication is our vibrational energy. Of course, we have our language. But DJ, I don’t know about you, but have you ever walked in a room? You could feel somebody’s energy?

D.J. Paris 11:37
Oh, sure. They say the body language could be up to 90% of all communication. I mean, it’s yes.

Ryan D’Aprile 11:44
And in theory, I mean, we’re in sales, I tell all my agents that I coach and train, I’m in relationship building, that’s where I primarily focus on. I don’t focus on sales, I focus on relationship building, but we are in a function where people buy from us. And so you have to have a good vibrational energy, good body language when you are amongst people. Now I work with a huge staff, I have coworkers and everything else. So it’s really important that I walk in, and I have got a good vibrational energy that people could feel, or I could ruin the day for a lot of individuals. So it’s something to take into consideration. It’s a practice that I started a long time ago, and has just helped me I also journal. And now this is you can journal in so many different ways on what you want to do, I tend to write about my family, and keep a just a little brief history is something that my wife and I did, or one of my daughters are all through my daughters, I might be writing about what they’re doing at the time if one of them was awake or whatnot. And it’s something for me to go back and look through. And again, this might be to anybody who’s listening out there is like, what does this have to do with, with, with real estate sales, it has everything to do with real estate sales. Because if you’re not healthy, mentally and personally, and you do not have a good center, everything else is not going to fall into place for you. So you really have got to work on yourself, before you can work on all the other things. And so those are the three things that I three to four things that I do my morning routine. Then I move into my last part, which is my daily lists, and my daily lists, then focusing we’ll talk about this DJ in the in the upcoming podcasts. But my daily lists then will flow into my systems. And my system is what I use and our agents use called our dashboard and our snapshot. And this is a way where I think a lot of people in sales, it’s somewhat intangible, and they’ve got the running around and they’re busy, but they don’t really have a good form of tracking. And I think in the morning, after my morning routine is done, the last thing of my morning routine, I should say is create my daily list. And so in my dashboard, we have several different tabs. One is your network tab. The other one is your prospects tab. Another one is your active tab. And then another one is your well there’s another one called pending, but I skipped over that one during this daily tat list moment. And I go to my previous year close tab, or current year, I mean previous year because it’s January of 1919. So My Network tab, I create a pick 10. So I pick 10 individuals in my network that I’m going to make personal contact with that day. Now I’m going to just transition a little bit over into the coaching aspect of it which I’ll talk to you in in our next episode. When I reach out and connect with these individuals, I’m going to focus on them and what’s relevant in their lives. I’m not going to call them and ask them for a referral or have any line about if you know anybody looking to buy or sell. Think of me it’s It’s a pure relationship touch, but I’m going to pick 10 people, I have to be systematic about it so that I make sure they touch my network because our network is our net worth. And it’s very important to be in tune in line with your network. So I pick time people, then the next thing is, I go through and I look at my prospects, and depends on how many prospects I have. And the date, the last contact, which I notate, and I figure out, if there’s any of the prospects, I need to follow up with that week, I’ll pick those and I’ll write them that notepad DJ that I have to the right of me, like, these are the individuals I’ll connect with. And then I’ll go to the close tab now. So it’s January 2019. Okay, and so I’ll be looking at 2018. And all my close transactions, say I had 24, closed 36 Closed transactions or whatnot, I want to have personal contact at a minimum of nine times, with every closed transactions that I have in the previous year. It’s the rule is 16% of our network buys or sells a home every single year. But every single person in our network knows at least four people that are thinking about buying or selling. But the people who know and who are aware of the four people that are buying or selling are your past clients or people who bought in the past four months, because they’re talking about it, they’re moving, they’re talking to their family about it, and therefore other people are talking to them about it. And so this is the people that you want to be really in the flow with your past clients, a lot of

real estate agents, unfortunately, in other professions, after they make the sale, they move on. And it’s really the past sale that you want to nurture, make sure that they’re happy that everything that they wanted was there, and if there’s any difficulties that you are there for them. So I make sure I go through that tab and I have, we have selected dates for how many times you can contact these people and see if there are any of them or in that day or that week, they go on my list as a must to call that day. And that is that is how my morning starts. And that’s my morning routine. And I figured that’s what we focus on here. And I hope that was beneficial to you and listeners, it was a short moment with any questions DJ on that.

D.J. Paris 17:09
The first question I have, and I think I know the answer, but I want to get get your thoughts on it is, you know, hey, you know, you’re making these calls every day to your existing network. And you said, Hey, what, here’s what I’m not doing. I’m not going saying, Hey, I’m never too busy for your referrals, you know, anyone else who is buying or selling a home or detail? You’re calling them with a more personal touch? You know, and I think I know the answer of but a lot of a lot of our listeners probably haven’t built up those relationships to have a reason to call other than maybe ask for business, which I’m on the same page as you I don’t think that’s a good idea. So what do you talk about in these calls?

Ryan D’Aprile 17:46
Okay. So it’s so this is? That’s a great question. And there’s different degrees of individuals that, especially for people that are not used to relationship building like this, that you have to look at. So we have a practice of first social media, people think social media is a marketing tool. And I think I might have mentioned this in the previous pack podcast, I look at social media as r&d, research and develop relationships. Yes, great. Love, love. I’ll grab one individual, and I’ll go through the line, right. So I’ll pick, you know, DJ, and now okay, oh,

D.J. Paris 18:23
that’s so smart. I never would think to do that. That is so smart. And I’ll go

Ryan D’Aprile 18:27
through his Facebook feed, and I’ll just see what’s relevant what’s going on with and maybe I’ll look at his Instagram account, I’ll definitely go to his LinkedIn. All right, because I think people’s professionals, as is your profession important to you, DJ? For sure. Correct, right. And so it’s important for us to know, what our clients do, and I’m not going to bring it up in the conversation, but I’m going to know what they do. And I’m telling you, if you know what they do, and when I say know what they do, I mean, just where they work, what’s their function? You know, are they in sales? Are the human resources are in the operations and the financing? What’s the title of the Vice President Director just show a genuine interest in people? It just research and again, I wouldn’t bring it up in the conversation. But these are just things I want to know. And when you get into a conversation, you’ll have all this information at your disposal. Now, when I said earlier about different degrees, is somebody says, Well, I haven’t talked to that person in 10 years. I understand and that and I get making a phone call to them might be awkward. So let’s take baby steps at this. So we have DJ, you should contact everybody and network at least four times a year, once a quarter, right? So we look at this quarterly. So we say this is the first contact I’m going to make for you whatever time of the year is my first contact, I’m going to commit to make contact with you on a quarterly basis. We’ll talk about the marketing part of it after that, but we’re just talking about making personal contact. You can start with a Facebook or Instagram direct message. Okay, sure. Doesn’t have to be a phone call. It will count as a count tact. So I might say, hey, DJ just saw you got a new lammeter. So cute. I had one of those growing up. It’s been forever, man How you been hope all as well, you’re somebody I haven’t talked to in 10 years. I don’t think that’s strange. They send me know and

D.J. Paris 20:13
you can even if you’re doing it over the phone or or on an instant message through Facebook or LinkedIn, wherever you can always say, Hey, I have done a really crappy job of staying in touch. And I wanted and I wanted to do a better job or you could even own that too. You know, if you have done a crappy job of staying in touch, and that’s okay. I mean, it’s it’s the truth and acknowledging that.

Ryan D’Aprile 20:33
Well, you know, the thing is, is to I don’t want them in a DJ, when it comes to this from a different level as to it’s like, sure, you know, we all do a crappy job. So don’t, of course, to have to self deprecate, I guess even though it’s not self deprecating, but you know what I’m saying? Sure, say, Hey, I just saw a dog. It’s been forever You’re right. You’re right, then, you know, I, you know, such a such we’d love to hear from you hope all as well, and forget about it, and they send the message and I don’t think anything more about it. Now. People ask, well, what if they never respond, they never respond. It has nothing to do with you. It’s just life is so chaotic for everybody. I get text messages from friends. I get Facebook messages from friends and I haven’t responded shame on me. But I had a daughter sick at the time I had something my life blown up a business deal falling apart, and then you forgot the message even came so don’t look too much into it. Just Just do it. Don’t think just go through the process. Agree. Mel Robbins wrote a great book, The Five second rule that really would help people get over that hump of thinking too much. Have you ever read that book? The five? No, no,

D.J. Paris 21:38
I’m writing it down though. Fantastic. Great. So

Ryan D’Aprile 21:41
anyways, so so so that’s a different, you know, so that’s somebody I’ve been talking to 10 years. I’ll start with that. Okay, and then maybe the next quarter, I hit him with a text message, or even a handwritten note. Now, if it’s somebody that again, I haven’t talked to in a year or it’s been less frequently again, I look at the social media sites, I see what’s relevant. Then give them a phone call. Now, here’s what’s going on. What do you think’s gonna happen when you call somebody? DJ? AB eight out of 10 times,

D.J. Paris 22:11
you probably get voicemail. They’re gonna Yeah, exactly.

Ryan D’Aprile 22:14
And so I’m gonna say, hey, DJ, it’s Randy. April, hope all’s well, listen, no need to call me back. I was just thinking about you. And, and Sally, and I just wanted to say hello, hope you guys are all well, you know, and I just stumbled there. But I’d be better with sales live on the phone, right? Sure. But just think about you, man, hope all as well and love to catch up with you soon, someday talk to you later, and hang up. And the person is probably not going to call back, you left the voicemail. You told me just give me a call. See how you’re doing. Make a connection. And you’re on here today. So also, everybody’s so afraid of making contact with these individuals. You’re just calling them to see how they’re doing. Don’t think about you’re selling real estate? Because you’re not right now. Right? You’re developing relationships with you know, yeah,

D.J. Paris 22:58
these aren’t your prospects. These are your this is your your network. Right,

Ryan D’Aprile 23:02
exactly. Right. Yeah. So that’s how I go about that.

D.J. Paris 23:06
Yeah, I absolutely love and agree with all of that. I do have one suggestion I wanted to add to everything Ryan said. So really, what we’re talking about Ryan’s talked about throughout this episode is really building habits. And he even mentioned specifically building habits and he has his, his sort of pre work habits, and then his work habits, at least in the morning. And I will add something that I have done, I can’t take credit for inventing this idea. I learned it from a very, very great thinker named Marshall Goldsmith. But what this, he suggested, and he might be the world’s most foremost expert on leadership. But what he said is, or what he recommended is find somebody that you can, that that can ask you about your habits on a regular basis, preferably in the morning, or it could be any time and check in with you to see how you did on the previous day. So for the last two years, I pay a woman and I’m sort of embarrassed to say how little it is all she wants is like $10 a week. She calls me every morning at 730 and there’s a list of habits that I am trying to cultivate that are hard for me things like did I make my bed it’s a silly one but it’s important to me I don’t make my bed another one for a while was flossing Another one was Did I call somebody who I care about you know, friends family, that kind of thing and tell them I was thinking about them? Well, another one was that I checked my finances and I look at I reconcile all my you know, different charges etc. So anyway, I have about a list of 20 of these. One of them’s did you take the dog for a walk, write things that are good ideas that I struggled to do. And she calls me every morning at 730 or names all the time. And for 90 seconds. That’s as long as it takes. She asks me did you do X? I say yes or no, she doesn’t respond. She doesn’t have an opinion. She doesn’t care. She literally just records a little spreadsheet on Google Docs, or Google Sheets. And that’s it. We hang up and in all that does that she has no judgment. Whether and I’ve never had a perfect day in two years. Never once have I gotten yes is on all of my domains, but it keeps it in the front of my mind. I know every morning she’s going to call me. And every morning I’m going to say, Oh, I did this. No, I didn’t do that. And it just keeps things in the front of my mind. So if you can find an accountability partner, you don’t need to pay someone 10 bucks a week, although I think that’s money well spent. But you can find somebody, you know, Brian Buffini has a great story. He built his business with an accountability partner, Joe Nico. And they built a whole business together as a result of it, but they weren’t. Yeah, that’s right. And they were accountability partner. So you can have accountability partners for habits, because habits are everything. Habits are everything.

Ryan D’Aprile 25:34
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things that we do here is, it’s not an A daily, it’s daily, we tell everybody come into the office and work on your business. Sure, we do monthly workshops. However, there are about three to four hours, and it’s based on the dashboard. And we go through all these activities that I’m talking about right here and not the morning routine. But what comes after the morning routine. And then we have a private Facebook group that we message, and we discuss about it throughout the month. And then as the time fades, right? And then things fade, we here we are, again, it’s another time for a monthly workshop where people come in. And again, it’s a three to four hour workshop, where we’re actually sending out our annual real estate reports, we’re doing our contacts with their network, we’re following up with prospects and all those types of activities. Accountability is everything to success in this, but yeah,

D.J. Paris 26:25
don’t think that you you couldn’t benefit from it. Even if you are somebody that typically doesn’t need someone else to, to to check in with them. It helps it helps every single person on the planet, because nobody’s perfect. And the hard things that are hard for you to do, are probably always going to be hard to do, which is why accountability partners really make it a little easier.

Ryan D’Aprile 26:45
I saw something and I don’t know who it was, it might have been Darren Hardy, he did a podcast or something of that sort. And he talked about seminars, and there are so many different seminars that and you can go to and we all go to them, right? Sure. Occasionally here and there. Ninja was one of those, right, and it’s a four day seminar. And it’s great. But the statistics show and I’m off by percentages, but like, within one week, 47% of the data is lost and with for sure you’ve lost 80% of the data. And so it’s wonderful to go to them, but then you have to back it up with the daily activities and monthly workshops and whatnot to keep it relevant. And yes, we’re not going to get it all done all the time. But if you you know, you do two to two out of the four activities, three out of the four activities. You’re gonna be

D.J. Paris 27:31
lightyears ahead. Yeah, that’s a win. So So if you’re somebody that struggles with with their own accountability, you know, like, find, you know, I found somebody from the Philippines for $10 a week, and she calls me or find somebody local, or find somebody in your office or find a mentor, somebody that you can check in with on a regular basis. And there’s no shame associated with not doing things because we all don’t do everything. I mean, that’s that’s human nature, we’re not perfect. But it helps to have somebody you know, to be able to have those conversations with him, maybe somebody you can help hold accountable as well. All right. Well, well, Ryan, thank you, I think this is a great place for us to pause. We’re going to be doing these coaching moments every single month. If you are interested in either working if you’re if you happen to be a buyer or seller, you’re not a broker, and you’re interested in in looking for a good realtor, you know, anyone at April properties, there’s hundreds of brokers, you can visit the April properties.com. Also, if you are more likely a broker and you’re interested in learning what you know, being on a team or rather being at a company that offers this sort of coaching and support and very few do, but Ryan’s Ryan’s company does.

Ryan D’Aprile 28:43
Our workshops are open to agents from outside if they want to come in observe and get some help, you know, there’s no no pressure either just want to come in and and see what it looks like for a couple hours to get an idea to learn. No pressure, just come on. And just tell us where you’re coming from and just observe. Yeah, and

D.J. Paris 29:01
easiest way to get in touch with Ryan or anyone on his team. They’re extremely extraordinarily responsive. Go to D APR properties.com. We’ll have a link in the description as well. And you know, whether you’re interested in working for Ryan or just even attending one of his trainings as coaching sessions, Ryan is literally so passionate about this. This is where he focuses the majority of his time and energy is traveling around to his different offices doing this, this is what he he loves more than anything. So we’re so grateful. He’s also now making time for our for our show. So we want to make sure that if anyone’s listening and you want to learn more, you know, reach out to Ryan or his team and they’ll they’ll tell you all about what they offer. So Ryan, thanks for having me. I

Ryan D’Aprile 29:38
greatly appreciate Oh, this

D.J. Paris 29:40
is so much fun fun for us. And we’re so we’re so grateful to have you. So again, on behalf of Ryan, we say thank you for listening, we’re going to make this a great 2019 We’re gonna have Ryan on the show every month, along with some other people that we we talked to and also our regular interviews. So stay tuned. And thanks again for listening and we’ll see everyone next month. Thank Throw Thank you

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