We are SO excited to announce a new feature to the show! Superstar broker Carrie McCormick is going to co-host the podcast on the first Monday of each month. Carrie will be reporting on what has happened in the Chicago real estate market recently and also what brokers and clients should expect in the coming month. She’ll also be answering YOUR questions about how to reach that next level in your real estate business.

If you’d like to submit a question to Carrie, follow one of the links below!

Carrie McCormick


D.J. Paris 0:14
Hello, and welcome to our 10th episode of Keeping it real the only podcast for Chicago real estate brokers made by Chicago real estate brokers. I’m your host, DJ Parris, and this episode is a little different than our usual format. And if this is your first time listening, what we normally do is interview a top producer in the Chicagoland area and have them tell their story about how they built their business, what advice they have for other brokers looking to do the same. But instead of an interview today, we have an important announcement. This is very exciting for us. Now starting next month, we’re launching a new segment on the show. On the first Monday of every month, we’re going to do a special episode with myself, and top producer Carrie McCormack. Now we featured Carrie on a previous episode, and she reached out to us with a really great idea. And by the way, if you haven’t listened to that episode, where we interviewed Carrie, please go check it out. It’s fantastic. But once a month, Carrie and I are going to do a special episode ourselves. We’re going to call it the Monday market minute. Now Carrie will be reporting on the Chicago real estate market with trends, a look back on what we’ve just gone through and a look forward on what to expect in real estate. In addition to that, she’s going to be answering questions from you, the audience. Now, if you’ve always wanted to pick the brain of a top producer, you can now do this. We’ll be reading your questions on the show and Carrie will be answering them for you. She’s a 20 year real estate veteran with top producers. She knows everything. She’s great. So you’re gonna definitely get your questions ready. And if you’d like to submit one, to the show that Carrie can answer for you, there’s a few ways to do this, that you can write us on our Facebook page, which is facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pod. Also, we have a contact form on our website, where the website is keeping it real pod.com. And we also have a Twitter account so you can tweet us your questions, which is at keep it real pod. And lastly, on these episodes, I will also be providing a marketing tip that you can use to go out and find new buyers and sellers to grow your business. So that’s it for this episode. Our first Monday market minute is scheduled for October 2. So stay tuned as the other three weeks of the month. We’ll be interviewing brokers as usual. And if by the way, if you have someone in mind that we should be interviewing, please, please let us know. Again. I’m really excited to announce having Carrie McCormack as my co host for the Monday market minute segments. And thank you by the way for supporting this podcast. If you’d like to help us out, please tell the other brokers you know about this show. And thanks in advance for telling a friend. Well that’s it for this one. Have a great week and thank you for listening

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