How To Increase Your Real Estate Business in 2021 • Coaching Moments • Ryan D’Aprile

January 13, 2021

Welcome to another episode of Coaching Moments With Ryan D’Aprile from D’Aprile Properties!

In this episode Ryan D’Aprile and Mikki Moore from D’Aprile Properties discuss the importance of coaching for your business. They explain the difference between accountability and performance coaching. Ryan and Mikki emphasize the importance of systematizing each part of the business for success. They also discuss improving communication between agents and clients and how that will lead you to your best year ever!

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.590.6416 and

d'aprile properties


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the very best media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country and her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level, keeping it real listeners receive a special discount so please visit Gogo That’s Gee oh gee Oh for your special discount and now on with the show

Welcome to keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show and today is our monthly coaching moments episode with Ryan Gabriel. Now if you’re not yet familiar with Ryan, or if you’re just new to the show, Ryan comes on every single month to give our listeners and viewers a coaching moment and a coaching session. So let me tell you about Ryan Ryan Gabriel is a progressive thought leader focused on providing for his agents and staff at D APR properties as well as Midwest lending. And in Ryan, I apologize. Your title company is called archery title, Hubbard Street title. His strengths are his motivational skills coaching style and his dedication to training. He has 14 offices throughout Chicagoland and is also in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan with hundreds and hundreds of top producers. D April properties is a coaching company with eight strategic coaches who work week in and week out with every agent individually focused on business planning, coaching and accountability. If you’d like to take your career to the next level, or if you’re just not getting the attention you need, check out D APR properties, visit D APR Welcome once again, Ryan. And we have a special guest with us as well.

Ryan D’Aprile 2:03
Yeah, thanks, Nick. Thanks, CJ Mickey Moore is with us. Mickey is the vice president of our company. She does high level coaching with our agents. She does branding she’s very hands on maybe was a $40 million producing real estate agent as well. And we’re just very grateful to have her with us. And I thought why not have been able to join us today? I’ve been enjoying bringing guests along with me when the organization to come and visit with you and the crew.

D.J. Paris 2:32
Well, we are excited to have Mickey. So Mickey, welcome to the show.

Mikki Moore 2:35
Thank you so much for having me.

D.J. Paris 2:38
So what are we talking about today? What’s our first coaching moment of 2021? Yeah, sure.

Ryan D’Aprile 2:43
Well, you know, so here we are, it’s January and January’s you know, infamous for turning a new leaf and everybody focusing on self improvement. So let’s circle back to you know, coaching and high performance. And talk about the basics. You know, 2020 was 2020 was a unique year, it was a great year for some was a is a terrible year for others. And we’re all I think glad to have it behind us. But I think the thing that I want the audience to understand is really coaching and accountability is what gets you through years like 2020. And, and actually, when you have years, not like 2020, it’s what sets separates you from the crowd. And so we really have a very strong belief system and a coaching structure and accountability here. So I figured let’s talk about that. And let’s talk about, you know, how it differentiates you how it helps you stand above the crowd, right, and get you through a year like 2020, like we just had.

D.J. Paris 3:48
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I was reflecting back myself on 2020. And my own personal journey through the year and I was very fortunate to not have is as difficult of a year as as many. But I was thinking about coaching in particular because I hired a personal trainer for my physical well being this year. And I was at first I was a bit embarrassed to do it because I thought, Well, I I belong to a gym for basically my entire adult life yet. I don’t seem to find myself at the gym as much as possible. And so I hired a personal trainer because I knew that accountability would get me to the gym and I thought, well, if nothing else, that’s going to be at least that’ll get me to the gym because when I know I’m paying somebody and also I have to get the standing appointment I show up. But what I found was in addition to just getting me there, what the coach really did, and I think that we’ll be talking about this is really helped me specifically with my form because I really didn’t know how to do a lot of those exercises that I thought I did. And so she was correcting and has been correcting my form. You know the entire time and here it is now six years. Seven months later, I’m at the strongest physically I’ve ever been. And I’m even upping my coaching in weight training two to three days a week. So I am such a big fan. And I encourage everyone listening to think about this for their business, we all oftentimes do think about coaching for things like physical exercise, but not always with business. So that’s what we’re gonna be talking about today.

Ryan D’Aprile 5:20
Yeah, you know, and it reminds me of, we just had our company call on Tuesday. And, you know, one of the things that is really ninja will talk about ninja in this as well, but you know, you know, having your word for the year, and, you know, I’m telling the agents my word for the years routine, and routine, you know, I think, you know, a goal, I think the goal without a routine is just a wish. And, and then a routine without, you know, you know, without a goal is just being misled. So you have to be purposeful in what you’re doing. And the benefit of the coaching, okay? Is really comes down to like accountability, coaching and breaking it down into three, three categories, one of what you just kind of mentioned there, so, you know, one of it, it’s the mindset, which we’ve, we’ve talked about, okay. And then also, the second one is behavior, okay. And then the third is the psychology of performance. And Mickey and I are gonna kind of touch on each of those. Okay, right, we’re gonna try to touch on the latter two more, so then the mindset, and this one here as well, and focusing on your vernacular and the words you use and, and, and, and how you interact with your network. And then how you also convert, right, and how you get these, how you get these potential leads over and convert them into actually sales. So, you know, it’s a new year, right. And we like to work on goal settings, and we focus on the routine, but then, you know, you talked about agents, and you have goals and different goals, you know, one to 4,000,004, to 8,000,008, to 12,000,012 to 20 million or so. And then 2013, you know, we have agents that are between 30 and $35 million range. And then we have some agents that have some teams that are higher than that, really, we have a handful of agents doing that 20 to $40 million production, and there’s out there in the area as well that are not teams. And then once you get over $40 million, I think you get so much business, you might want to leverage. But like we talked about last time, you should really think that through and the why behind that. So you know, so we just want to set the foundation of your business and where we’re coming from and kind of touch on those elements here. You know, and specifically, you know, behavior and the performance, you know, the psychology of performance and language of how you use it.

D.J. Paris 7:53
I love it. Let’s do it.

Ryan D’Aprile 7:55
Okay, so where do we want to start? Do you want to?

Mikki Moore 7:57
Well, I think we should probably explain the difference between accountability and performance coaching. Yeah, I think that’d be important. So yeah, I feel like you have the texture.

Ryan D’Aprile 8:07
So that don’t worry. So let’s talk about the difference. So the difference between accountability and performance coaching, okay, so accountability is coming down to those routines. Okay. Accountability is essentially setting good habits, you know, one of the sayings we have is don’t focus on the outcome focus on your activities. And so we have, you know, software that work with and it’s out there, you know, for people to use that tracks your daily activities, but then there’s a human being next to you, meeting with you on a week in week out averaging, dialoguing with how are you doing this? How are you holding them accountable, and the kind of really, you know, being in flow with your network is incredibly important. So that’s, that’s the difference between accountability, right, and then we’re going to move into reviewing your business. So that’s looking at your prospects, you know, grading them properly, are they cool? Are they cold, or they warm? That’s incredibly important. And then the prospect move over to act us. And then there, we’re getting into the performance culture. You know, now we’re getting into the contracts, the language of contracts, we’re getting the language of converting, we’re understanding how to work with other agents in the marketplace.

Mikki Moore 9:21
Yeah. So we use exactly what we have the accountability coaching to have and lay that foundation, which is then the liaison into performance coaching, which would be the difference between working on your business or in your business. So Ryan, Ryan is, you know, our head of accountability, coaching, and that’s working on your business. And once he gets that, they get that all dialed in. Then I have my fun, and they come in and I get in their business like I am in there with them. We are, you know, part of this, I think sometimes is feeling like you’re alone in this as an agent that you need to hit the ground running. There’s all this expectation and all of this pressure to perform, but no one’s taught you how no one’s taught you what the process is, no one explains that there is a process. And I think that that’s just a huge thing and a misnomer in our industry in general, which is one of the things we’ve tackled head on, which is the way we operate here anyway, as we just face this, anything straight on, and we find solutions, so we layer value. But for performance coaching, the three things we really look at is communication, collaboration, and competency. Okay, so for communication, it’s facilitating different ways and using our words effectively, because it matters who says it. We’re very solution oriented. And when I work in someone’s business with them, literally, if they’re having an issue in a contract, I’m in the contract, if they don’t understand how to do an open house. So get in the car, you know, I mean, literally, we’re arm an arm so that they’re able to see how do I need to show up as a top producer? What’s the etiquette behind how I show something as a top producer? How do I submit a write an offer in a way that it’s going to be either accepted, I get one counter or we just, you know, we’re going straight to closing so

Ryan D’Aprile 11:09
so so like, you see how this works. So like once the accountability starts creating the opportunities, need the tools? Okay, I got the opportunity. Now, what do ya what do I do? Right? What were those things you just mentioned? Again,

Mikki Moore 11:25
communication, collaboration, and competency, communication, collaboration and competency, zero error margin, if

passable hospital corner contracts?

D.J. Paris 11:34
Well, it’s so interesting, because really what you’re what we’re talking about is systematizing every part of the business so that you know what the routine is to not only find clients to go out in the world and, and attract clients to you. But then once that client raises their hand and says, I’m ready, that you are not like, Okay, I really don’t know how to do an open house or I don’t know how to run comps, or take a client on showing or ask them even the right questions. Do I have a process? I mean, so I’ve heard so often from and I hope this this trend is, is not continuing in the future. But if it’s so many agents say they show up to a to a listing appointment, or a buyer appointment with a blank sheet of paper, and no pre written systematized questions. And guess I guess, if you’ve been practicing for 20 plus years, you have it all memorized and can do it from memory. But most of us aren’t going to know all of those questions to ask, and how could we even provide our clients with the best possible solution, if we don’t have a system in place to extract every bit of information that we need to move forward?

Ryan D’Aprile 12:38
Yeah, and if you if you create a process, you know, like Mickey was just talking about and you accompany with the accountability in beginning, you start to create predictable results. Yeah, that’s what this comes down to this is, I think one of the biggest things that drives people from the businesses in predictability. And it does not have to be that way. It’s not like that, for me, or for a lot of top producing real estate agents out there. It’s predictable year in, year out. Um, but that’s a team approach. And, you know, in some people, you know, some people just have had different experiences with coaching, some people tend to shy away from it, because they didn’t have the right experience with it. Um, but again, I’ll come back to this is like, you know, you can see that, you know, I have some pretty successful organizations, and I have three of them, and they’re doing quite well, but I’m still being coached, I’m still reading, I’m still growing and, and I’ve had bad experiences, and I’ve read good books or bad bad coaches. But that doesn’t mean that I throw the baby with the bathwater, it’s incredibly important to know that even our top producers continually come in for restructuring, whether it’s high performance coaching, it’s accountability and structuring, you know, their day to day routines and whatnot. And you know, that Frank Sinatra, John Piper are key with this life. You know, I mean, we’ve all been up and we’ve all been down. And so it’s important to have that structure in that community around you to come back and say, Hey, let me get back to the basics. Because once you’ve been there so quickly, to get back there, you’ve been there. So you have that understanding. But just like those three elements, you said, again, what were those again, love it,

Mikki Moore 14:21
communication, collaboration and competency. Right and repeating

Ryan D’Aprile 14:25
all this for our listeners here is like there’s a there’s a lot to this not complicated, but it is it has, it’s about having a set structure and an understanding of the business and how to how to act in the business, how to perform when you’re out with clients, how to be accountable to yourself and your business, so that you are continually delivering predictable results, not just to you then to your buyers and your sellers as well.

D.J. Paris 14:51
Yeah, let’s let’s talk a little bit about communication because you guys have mentioned that a few times and how important the language that we use not only to our clients, but what we’re saying to ourselves, but certainly to our clients, and talk about can you talk a little bit about sort of how you coach agents around, you know the words they use what they discuss what they don’t discuss, anything that would be maybe helpful to our listeners as

Ryan D’Aprile 15:17
well. Don’t you take it? As you were just you’re just in Hinsdale with one doing.

Mikki Moore 15:20
Absolutely. So Hinsdale, and then Park Ridge. So what we really focus on here is law of attraction. And you would think that when we’re talking about what should we or should we not talk about when we talk contractually? Or? Or what would be within compliance be when they get to me they aren’t, we already have that laid there down, they already know all that. This is literally understanding the tone in which we discuss anything from Hi, how are you, too, let’s write this and sign it in the driveway. Okay, so we’re constantly organizing intensely preparing ourselves for that meeting for that buyer tour, or for that listing appointment, and everything that we have with our processes already in our heads. So, so by the time our agents are in the listing appointment, we’ve already gone through this and roleplay to the point where I can feel as though they’re a veteran agent, no joke, I need to feel that and I need to feel like I’m sitting with an advocate. So when I’m talking about communication, and facilitating something like that, and in that conversation, I want the next natural step to be okay. And then we’re going to sign this or I understand you’ve explained everything. So now we’re going to do this. And there’s there’s always a sequence to it. What we do is eliminate triggers. So I want if I call Ryan, I want Ryan to see my name on his phone and exhale. Because if he doesn’t do anything wrong, yes, right. I truly feel that way. And the same for him. So I know when I call Ryan and I say something like, Hey, I need that I need to do this, or where’s this going? I already hear his fingers on his keyboard, say, okay, Mike, I got it. Okay, I just hit send, we’re good, we’re gone. So it’s a accountability and understanding that I’m talking with another person that’s on their game, that takes me seriously, that’s going to do what I need to do right now and is going to get results and where I need to feel comfortable. Because when you think about it, the psychology wise, we’re always looking for places to be safe and visual reminders that we are safe in the environment, in the transaction in the conversation. And so we always want to provide that continuity within our own culture, and then within our conversations with our clients. So to answer your question, the communication all the way from, you know, no exclamation points and in big letters, and you know, all these sorts of things on text to how our subject line is communicated. When we’re going to send an offer to a pally, there’s a lot that goes into having the respect of not only yourself, but your colleagues and being an expert in the market. You need to be taken seriously, especially if you’re going to be playing at numbers where these agents are. There’s, there’s no room for Yeah,

Ryan D’Aprile 17:59
yeah, exactly. And then one of the things that to tap on to what Mickey saying. And what Mickey does well, with a lot of our agents is teaching them how to be assertive. Because you have to be because your clients are looking for you to be assertive. They’re looking for a leader. That’s why they hired us right? Now serve doesn’t mean pushy, doesn’t mean bossy, right? assertive, its assertive, its timing, command and control. I’m competent. And I want to feel confident when I’m hiring a professional, whether I’m looking to buy or sell or rent or lease my property. And so that’s kind of like the performance psychology part of this and getting the language and I mean, there’s so many different things. She’s so that is that is like trained with somebody who’s in the business been in for lunch or not, but also, then you’re also working with me, you’re just with a $40 million producer, where you’re helping her with her brand.

Unknown Speaker 18:51
So then we go into personal branding and communication, using everything visual. So we start to attract who is going to be in our tribe or our sphere, by what we’re putting out there for marketing. But it’s not just marketing, we’re not spamming things. We’re not just talking we’re on Facebook, we’re actually connecting,

D.J. Paris 19:10
we’re not just posting Hey, check out my new listing or check out my just closed now. Because Because right that that

Mikki Moore 19:16
would unfriend them immediately. And I said please don’t do that because I don’t want to be your friend. Because I don’t I don’t want to you know, if I’m gonna buy a house, I’m gonna buy it because I trust you. Because I want to be around you because I know I’m safe being you know, and you’re gonna have this transaction, you’re gonna lay out with the next one. That’s where I want our agents to be on both sides. You know,

Ryan D’Aprile 19:37
that’s not true. Just marketing that is through the life flow. That’s true, right? The the routine, the daily in and day out working on your business and understanding the importance of befriending your network day in and day out so that you are that trusted person that they call because if you’re doing it right 80% or more of your business is coming from your network. You directly or indirectly through what we call network referrals.

D.J. Paris 20:04
Your communication is just so, so important, you guys really set a lot of one really important things there. And I just was writing me that everyone who’s listening or watching, this is the year to create a communication policy for every part of your business. So I once interviewed a top producer here in Chicago, and one of the very, very top top 10, broker out of about 44,000 agents. And I asked her what she thought, maybe what made her different than all the other agents. And she says, honestly, I am embarrassed to say this, but I call every single one of my clients every week, and let them know what’s going on. And I said, Oh, and what else? And she said, that’s pretty much it in what separates and she goes, you’d be shocked how many clients out there are currently working with an agent who aren’t being communicated with. So as Ryan was saying, and also Mickey, this also goes to how do you talk to your sphere of influence? You know, on social media? How are you staying in touch? How are you demonstrating that you care about them? What happens once they become a client? How often are you communicating? What is your policy? You know, what’s your policy on returning phone calls, emails, proactively reaching out? And then after the sale? How are you staying in touch so that people don’t forget that you help them in this in this really important transaction? So I think, you know, what we’re talking about here is creating structure to know every single day, having a predictable structure so that we’re not waking up going, what do I do today?

Ryan D’Aprile 21:29
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it comes back like that expression we have like, right is your networks your net worth now important? What’s the thing that you say about money on an island?

Mikki Moore 21:39
Oh, so when we have new agents that come in, and they’ll sit with me, sometimes, they’ll come and say, you know, I have 500 contacts, right on however many, whatever. And I think that’s terribly important, right, however, is not important if we don’t understand how to talk with our sphere, or how to warm up to understanding and understand the language of what they’re saying, or what they’re really not saying. And so it would be the same as having a million dollars on an island, unless someone teaches you the skill set that you need to understand and how to listen, and convert leads, or convert and watch even social networking and know a warm is going to go to a hot and then that hot needs to go on my dashboard. And then I’m continually looking into Excel spreadsheets are not immune, it’s a very nerdy kind of thing. I’m a big nerd, you know, when it comes down to it, but you look at this stuff, and then you dump it all into what does this really mean? You organize it? And then you proceed from there, because that’s the process, you know, yeah. And,

Ryan D’Aprile 22:38
and going to the nerdy thing, you know, which I love. But you know, there are, you know, but when you’re when you’re producing, first of all, you have to understand, for all the agents out there listening, you can sell $20 million in real estate, you could sell 2030, when either as a as an individual, plenty of agents doing that, that’s a hell of a living. So you need to be nerdy about it, you need to take care of it. You need to first believe in yourself that you can do it because you can. You know, we have an agent here did 63 deals this year on his own $21 million, it was average price points around $200,000.63 deals is a lot of deals for one amazing matter team is one individual. You know, as he gets older, his network will grow, you’ll probably easily become a $40 million producer without having to sell more units, because his network is getting more influential. Because he’s young, early 30s. I just turned 30. But the point that I was making on that is, he’s, like you said, I’m making a joke with the word nerdy. He’s nerdy in business. Yeah, he’s very routine. He’s in here, five days a week, not nine hours a day. But he’s in here five days a week, two hours a day. He’s in his routine of cultivating those relationships. And then he’s going in just doing the business now. He’s been coached through the language and everything. He’s got that down, Pat, but he’s so routine, and business continually grows year after year, and one individual doing 63 deals, coming up at $21 million. Folks, that’s a physician’s income. It’s big money, it’s wonderful. And but you got to treat it like a business. And the reality is, it’s important for all your listeners out there, only 20% of you are going to do it. And the reality is because the 20% that are doing it, are choosing to do it. And if making that choice, it’s hard and to get an accountability partner, get a coach, recognize who you are, you know and what you’re working with. And then make the choice to say hey, I want to commit to this. This is what I want to do. And don’t go don’t make it please don’t make an abstract. It abstract doesn’t work you need need lines need structure, need to know where you’re, you know, where you’re headed to what your Actually,

D.J. Paris 25:02
yeah, I think coaching is is also something that agents should be thinking about systematizing. And making sure that’s part of your, if not daily routine, a weekly routine or a monthly routine, or however often you can, can do that. So you should be also including professional development into into that routine. And part of that comes from, you know, self study, and part of it comes from having somebody who’s outside of you taking a look very granularly at your business, and saying, Hey, I think you’re missing something here, or here’s a skill we can work on that I can I can teach you or, you know, it does very much feel like you’re an island when you start in real estate and a lot of places and you’re especially now when most our physical offices aren’t even open. Hopefully that will change it this year. But a lot of times it’s we’re stuck at home. And so it’s easy to not have a routine are not set up that structure. And so this is really what we’re talking about.

Ryan D’Aprile 25:58
It’s like a homeless brutal, isn’t it? Brutal? Yeah. sitting in one position is brutal.

Mikki Moore 26:06
But here’s the thing is there’s so many different personalities in this industry. Like, I’m, we’ve got so many introverts, you know, in this industry, and I fall in love with all of them, I love all of our agents, and we’ve got such different personalities, and all of them are so successful. And so I think that there’s a way to like, I’ve actually loved being at home. I’ve loved working from home, I love being online, I love my people on Facebook, and Instagram and, and LinkedIn. And that really I love our culture online and our the groups that we’re in, and it’s given someone like me the opportunity when I am online, or social networking to respond and not react, it gives me that pause, you know, and it helps people also approach me and tell me, You know what, I’m not happy in this house. I don’t know why. But I’ve been stuck in this house. And now I need something different. Alright, well, let’s go. And let’s look, let’s use a process of elimination instead of selection, because we’re not getting in the car until we have about only five, because that’s the way we operate here. And then when we get to that fifth one, then you know, let’s figure out which one is really for you. But it gives us that opportunity to have this dialogue back and forth in our comfort zone. So for some people, it’s been awesome. Like, I’ve had to an agent said to me yesterday, gosh, I hate to say it, but I hope we can still stay home for a while.

D.J. Paris 27:28
Sure. I think 2009 teen

Mikki Moore 27:33
girls, it was 10 million last year, she was a record year for her. And it was great. You know, so it just depends.

Ryan D’Aprile 27:40
My I think my wife’s at home, I talked to her before heading up here and like, what are you doing? Like, I’m making sandwiches for the girls, and I’m going on a listing presentation, you’re asking you to call. Three girls that should be in school, and all year they’ve been at home. Plus, you know, the woman’s doing 25 $26 million in production she did last year. So she’s amazing.

D.J. Paris 28:05
It’s really, you know, it’s really interesting. I think introverts in particular over the last year have really found a way to, you know, sort of become more assertive in real estate where all of a sudden, the uncomfortable parts. And so a huge percentage of the population is introverted. So we now have tools to be able to effectively run our business, which was really tilted more towards the extroverted agents, who needed to be in person. And now the whole, you know, our whole world is so virtual, that it’s it’s really given introverts more of those tools to be able to, you know, grow that business.

Mikki Moore 28:45
Yeah, totally. I mean, PR wise and everything. It’s a totally different playing field and the anxiety that goes around having the CNBC programs, it’s been tough, you know, for people like that, but yeah, it’s good.

D.J. Paris 28:59
Well, let’s talk a little bit of I’d love to talk a little bit about competency because I think for a lot of agents, a lot of people that listen to our show are newer to the to the industry, and of course, are the big fear is what happens if the client asks me a question, I don’t know the answer. I’m going to feel stupid, I’m going to feel foolish. I’m going to look like I don’t know what I’m doing. You know, and obviously, all of us have to start somewhere. So just get some I’m curious to what your thoughts are on sort of how to attack.

Mikki Moore 29:29
Yeah, so So I would love to sit with an agent that asks or has that worry. Because the first thing we do is we never we never leave the office unless we know exactly what our where we’re going what we’re selling, and we’re an expert in that area. So so when we when we coach with our agents, when I asked them Are you an expert in your area, that means they can tell me what their median sale price is? How many houses have been sold in that space? If ik area what the last quarter looks like, they know everything about that area. So there’s absolutely no reason that that agent should ever feel unprepared or nervous or have any anxiety over any question that should be asking them under any circumstances.

Ryan D’Aprile 30:15
And like we talked about, you know, jobelan, reaching a thought, but as we talked about in earlier sessions that we had to beat, Stata is everywhere, it’s so easy to find, but you have to commit to working on your practice people, right? Because what you just mentioned is not rocket science.

Mikki Moore 30:30
No, but you must be. So if I were gonna go on a buyer tour, my prep for buyer tour is two days worth of figuring out the information. And I’m not kidding, we do a process of elimination. So we can only get to five houses that actually we’re going to get in the car and go see because then those five houses are deliberately placed where we need them to. And I go to the showings with an offer written, everything all 35 pages are done. The only thing that’s missing is the earnest money, the closing date and the purchase price. And I go as a buyer’s agent. So i Everything is on purpose, everything is 100%. Deliberate, never ever is it by accident. And that I just want

D.J. Paris 31:14
to, I want to pause just for a sec, because you just said something very important, which is to say, when you’re going in, and it’s just a little like a very specific tip. But I think it’s an awesome, amazing tip. When you are going to a showing when working with a buyer, bring the contract habit completed, if you’re going to see five homes have have, you know, five different contracts if need be ready to go. And you know, now with virtual, it’s really easy with dot loop or DocuSign, or whichever system you’re using, but have that there? Because if not what happens when the person says you know, I’m thinking about this one, then now you have to delay the entire next step. That’s okay, I’ll go back to my office, I’ll work on the contract, I’ll set

Mikki Moore 31:54
lost the sale. Right? That’s what you did

D.J. Paris 31:57
you just say someone else might have been putting in an offer right? That moment as well. Right?

Mikki Moore 32:01
I mean, it’s the dumbest thing ever. So never, ever, ever should an agent go to a showing if there really was an a buyer without the offer. And I don’t care if you can put it in DocuSign, or paperless, whatever you need that in their hands. So they have something you’re giving them a gift of an opportunity. And so I could offer sign in the driveway. And I don’t care what the price point is. Because when you when you decide you know what you want you did it, they just have to know that they have no questions that have been answered. And you are the authority in that space.

D.J. Paris 32:33
It all makes makes perfect sense. Yeah.

Mikki Moore 32:36
Me It does to me.

Ryan D’Aprile 32:38
Well, you gotta understand, these are stylistic approaches correct. But it’s it is the point of being assertive, understanding what you have, right? And knowing that the client is coming to you and looking for you to be right. So we have a contract in hand, we’re not forcing someone to buy a home. Not sure if we’re just prepared. If they’re prepared, we’re prepared. And there’s so many people that are unprepared. I think that’s the underlying message here is that you know, prior proper planning, right is the key to success. And you know, you work for yourself, you have an opportunity to own your own business. And it’s so interesting how many people will go to work harder for other people are unable to themselves. And the reason why they go to work harder for other people than they will for themselves. Because the other person they’re working for is getting the structure. Coming full circle to accountability and culture.

D.J. Paris 33:32
That’s a really interesting point. So Ryan, you just said something really, really profound. Which reminds me of something that Brian Buffini, I saw him speak many years ago, it said a very similar thing, which was what Ryan was just mentioning was, a lot of times when we’re working with clients, you know, there’s there’s two dues there, they’re writing, we’re responding. And it seems like we’re busy, and we are working. Are we working on our business or in our business while we’re trying to service this particular client? And it feels very satisfying to have the back and forth and checking off boxes? But if that’s all we’re doing in a given day, there’s other parts of our business that have been neglected. You know, did we spend time also prospecting that day? Did we also spend time learning about our market outside of you know, the clients we have, you know, are any, are spending time doing professional development? Are we spending time nurturing my, our existing sphere of influence, and having having those processes in place, you know, will create the structure otherwise you’re sort of, you know, a leaf in the wind being blown in any which direction which might feel like you’re doing a lot, but there’s other parts of your business that might not be getting the attention it deserves.

Ryan D’Aprile 34:42
Yeah, yeah. I mean, most of us go through our day, mindlessly and aimlessly, not here, tired and exhausted at the other day, because you’ve been so much, but it was mindless and it was aimless. And so you know, again, that prior proper planning setup day going on joins with us On track, you know, having purpose and intent behind every single thing you do. It’s like, you know, we say the routine will give you the freedom, you know, the freedom, you’re looking for the routine and the discipline, taking the time to study and being an expert in your marketplace, that will give you the trust that your networks looking for, and will give you the freedom and financial freedom that this business provides. It’s life changing, it really is.

D.J. Paris 35:30
Yeah, let’s, I would love to talk a little bit more about coaching, because so many listeners and viewers are saying, Wow, this all sounds great. But you know, at my current firm, we don’t really have coaching opportunities, most firms probably don’t offer that directly. I know, your firm of course does. And some do. There’s obviously outside coaching companies as well. But just thoughts about maybe what an agent should be looking for in a coach.

Ryan D’Aprile 35:56
So I think leading by example, is one of the most important things for a coach. Okay, um, there are some great coaches out there. And there’s some great coaching platforms out there. And there are some other people or coaches out there, and I can’t believe that the coaches, and you know, you have to lead by example. So I think do your research in your coach is one, and then two, I think it’s is it so much that what you’re looking for the culture is what you’re looking from within. And so like, what I mean, is, when I tell people, I’m going to coach you, right, and I need you to surrender, I need you to surrender. And let me lead the way here in this half an hour. And I’m listening to answers looking for within for people, when they’re looking for a coach, our coaches, our top producers, our coaches, our top producing real estate agents, they are in the field, they are coaches, our coaches, our coach, they’re coached by me, Coach by Nikki, they have coaching themselves, I did coaching, so we all you know, we believe in it, it’s all about continuous improvement. It’s all about, you know, kaizen. And then we talked about the dashboard, we just combine visual flow and, and in seeing and so I think you should look for a coach that also has technology, pen and paper are great, but I think you need to have the CRM, the technology that’s going to give you the visual flow of what you’re building businesses. You know, I was coaching an agent on Tuesday morning, i Her goal is 50 million this year, she did 36 million, which is a huge accomplishment, given the fact that she’s six years in the business. She set a goal for $50 million. And I can tell you right now, she’s forecasted at $22.4 million, or 22.7, within two, three days. But the fact is, is that we went through and we were able to grade, you know, warm, cool, right, in warm is 95%. Certain can translate this year. And then we talked about the actives. And so she had 15 or 14 million and in warm to cold sale over there. And she had another 7 million in active we talked about the actives. And are they priced correctly? Are they serious buyers? Visual flow is incredibly important. So again, it’s going to talk about like, you know, the mindset and kind of like your behavior, your routine, but then we’re gonna get performance coaching, which comes with visual flow. So again, the answer your question, you got to find somebody who you believe in and look within and surrender, and then also you need to technology, because you should know, you know, you should know where are you are throughout the year, whether it’s January, or it’s July, or October, what you’re going to sell that year, you should you should have a goal set to it. At some point, your forecast should come and focus. And in January, February, March, your forecasts should be 50% of what your goal is. And with the agent that I coached on Tuesday, I tissue that $22 million, it’s it’s almost a little bit under a half of what her goal is 50 million this year. So I will feel uncomfortable. But I said to her, okay, you know, let’s get these processes, get them over it these warms over to active if these actives over depending getting your network, because you don’t have enough, but it’s only January. So the great thing, but now get into your network and get into your life well. Alright, and make sure you’re doing your marketing and all that’s being done. Right. So I don’t know if I answered your question. You know, I answered in the paragraph, I

D.J. Paris 39:33
guess it’s not one No, no, you answered it really well. And I think you said something very important that probably a lot of our listeners and viewers wouldn’t have known him and I certainly didn’t know but Ryan just said something in the first three months. You know, if you look at your pipeline, and you know you have a reasonable good at reasonably high expectation that a certain percentage of these are going to close. You know that ideally should be about half of your goal for the year and if You’re on, that’ll get you pretty much on pace to to then double that for the remainder of the year. Did I? Did I get that correctly?

Ryan D’Aprile 40:06
Yeah, yes. Yeah. And, and again, I think one of the things I tell everybody is, is to continually say to yourself, this is easy. This is easy, this is so doable. We get so in our heads, right, and I get it on the mindset part of it. This is easy, this is doable, but you’re not going to do it. If you are not organized, you’re not going to do it, if you don’t have good habits, you know, and equate to somebody looking to lose in really good shape. Well, yeah,

D.J. Paris 40:34
I’m in the I’m in the process of closing myself. And even though I’m in this industry, I’m not a producing real estate agent. So I am as I’m really as clueless as, as a lot of consumers out there that our listeners are servicing. And I realized so much of this business is about alleviating anxiety, because I have tremendous anxiety about all of the steps I need to take before I end up closing in order to successfully transition to this new this new property. And even I am totally overwhelmed by that. And I was thinking that, you know, if agents can really appreciate the fear and anxiety that that, you know, even the most confident of their clients is probably experiencing, whether the client is sharing it or not, if you approach it from, you know, how can I alleviate this person’s fears and anxiety and make this make their purchase or sell as as seamless and as drama free as possible? You know, it really you become so incredibly valuable. I mean, it reminds me too, of going to the gym, back to that example of advocate trainer is if I think about all the stuff I do when I go see my trainer, it’s overwhelming, it’s scary, it hurts, it’s no fun. And if I do that, it makes me not want to go. But if I just go and say okay, I’m just going to follow the instructions. And she says don’t worry, just do this push up or do that, I can handle the little step by step instructions. But for agents, you know, really shouldn’t be thinking about their business that can feel in their own business that can feel very anxiety producing as well as oh my gosh, there’s so many things to do. Just systematize focus on and then also remember, your clients are going through their own anxiety and figuring out ways to alleviate their fears.

Ryan D’Aprile 42:18
Well, that reminds me of what like, you know, Mickey was talking about in, in, in the language and when she’s meeting with the agents. And one thing that, you know, we say, and she says, it’s very ninja basis, don’t practice on your clients. Right? Don’t practice on your clients be

Mikki Moore 42:32
prepared. That’s exactly what we do performance coaching. So what you just explained would be something that we tackle, meaning we have our agents writing contracts constantly and sending them to me, and then I counted them back. And then I want them yeah, if you are in a Walmart line checking out, you can still send in a calendar from your phone, I’ll show you right, you know, like this is okay, when you do it 700 times and you have that level of comfort and confidence knowing that you know what you’re doing. You don’t have to talk about it. Never one time should any realtor here say that. They’re a realtor, you don’t have to it’s just part of who you are. It’s part of your lifestyle. And when you’re hanging out with somebody like that, you get that sense of calm that they know what they’re doing, because they’ve done it too many times to have that worry. And your the level of resilience that you build through experience is, is really what gets you the furthest is because your sense of calm. Walmart, Walmart, Walmart, Target library, Walmart, but yeah, I was

D.J. Paris 43:42
just Walmart just a few weeks ago in Florida, and so a lot of people were not wearing masks. But, but but yes. But you’re absolutely right, that this idea

Mikki Moore 43:54
of I meant home.

D.J. Paris 43:57
No, I mean, yeah. Well, Florida is just they have everything’s different in Florida, I guess. But, but But you’re absolutely right is that, you know, you’re either going to learn by screwing up with a client, which we would like to not do as much as possible. Or you’re going to learn because you’re going to be practicing with a coach or with an accountability partner. And you’re going to you’re going to screw up somewhere might as well screw up with the coach and get your scripts down, get your objections handled, get your professionalism down with a coach so that you make as few mistakes as possible when you’re actually working with clients. So I think maybe you said something really important.

Ryan D’Aprile 44:36
Yeah. And for the listeners that are new to this, it’s just there’s nothing to it if you prepare. There’s nothing to it. It’s just you’re not going to get to know right four or five, six contracts with your coach got to send it back and forth negotiate. It’s it’s it’s a fun practice, but it’s kind of important because don’t practice it your clients. Yeah, absolutely

Mikki Moore 44:56
not. I mean in the thing too about looking for a great coach. As I want people to find a coach that resonates with them, who they feel authentically will lead them where they want to go. So somebody that, you know, when you when you see Ryan talking about coaching, or when I sit with an agent nine coaching, I can’t help but get passionate about where they want to be, and it gets under my skin. But I think once you’ve been in the industry, and you, you get into multiple counters, and you want the closing and you’re part of that light, it gets to be of just in your blood. You know, I mean, you just Yeah, mostly fun, but you get like knots about it. So I’ll sit with someone said, I think I might want this more than you. I’m pretty sure that you’re going to close this amount. Because if you don’t, I want to figure out why. You know, and you just fit into it. But that’s I want somebody to coach you that has that level of passion, because they care right now. We don’t do as I say we do as I do. And we walk our talk. And that’s really important.

Ryan D’Aprile 46:00
It with your excitement, it reminds me of Angela Duckworth, quote, enthusiasm is rare. So I’m gonna come back to the routine. Right? So we’re very, you know, Mick and I are very A personalities, we just have a lot of energy, which is, it’s awesome. And it’s the only one I’d love to be right. But a Suzy ASAM tends to wear off. And that’s why gritty people, right? If you read Grit by Angela Duckworth, if you haven’t need to. I’m a gritty person, but I’m gritty because I have deliberate practice deliberate practice, because I have a routine and gritty people experience flow. Anybody can have this. Introverts, huge producers, extroverts, huge producers. It just comes down to predictable results. And predictable results come from that prior proper planning that set routine and understanding you are what your daily habits are. You are, what your daily habits are.

D.J. Paris 47:06
You absolutely are. And all of us can think about, you know, our physical health. And at the end of the year, we tend to reevaluate that. It’s also important to reevaluate your business health and think, okay, you know, what was I feeding myself for my business? This last year? Where did I? Where did I drop the ball a little bit? Where do I need to improve? What additional disciplines do I want to cultivate for this year, because once you do that, it alleviates so much anxiety, and, and just fear of what’s going to happen to my business, because you’re going to experience that anyway. But as you as you go ahead and systematize your day, in an industry that really doesn’t do that for you, if you can do that, and with the help of a coach to help structure your day, you’re just gonna have a lot of you’re just gonna have a much easier time in this business. Sure,

Mikki Moore 48:01
you’ll make a lot more money. Yeah, there’s laughing me, I can’t imagine working at a company that didn’t have accountability coaching where you could support an agent from the inside out that way. Actually, again, because I started that way. And it’s it is it’s a very hard thing to continually have to be that person that’s a self starter, even on those hardest days. And no one wants to build resilience that way. There’s an easier way to do it. And a lot more.

D.J. Paris 48:27
Yes. Yeah. Yeah, you don’t, it doesn’t have to, you know, you don’t have to be on an island even though it might feel that way these days, especially with some of the restrictions that our listeners and viewers are facing. So this is actually a great place to wrap up. Because, of course, we have listeners and viewers all over the country and even beyond in other countries. But for those that are here in the local Chicago, Atlanta area, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, you know, if they are looking for another firm that does offer this kind of level of coaching, where you know, they can really help take agents to their to the next level. What’s the best way that one of our listeners or viewers should reach out?

Ryan D’Aprile 49:09
I mean, what is the best way you can make it go online, visit our website, there’s an inquiry there, you can reach out to me personally, I’ve given my cell phone out many times on this. I’ll give it again, do you want 25906416 He call any one of our eight nine means brokers who are all strategic coaches. We have mentioned brokers, we have vice presidents and sales, the organization, but the managing brokers are all you’re all certified in coaching. So you reach out to fellow diva properties agent, there’s 500 of them in Chicagoland area. If you’re doing a deal with somebody you’re interested. Ask them what it’s about and ask them how you can get in touch with us.

Mikki Moore 49:47
or Facebook. You can private message me on Facebook. That’s been very popular lately. So find me on Facebook. Yeah. Come and like your page.

D.J. Paris 49:58
Wonderful. Well, guys, thank you So much Mickey Ryan, once again, coming on to do our coaching moments monthly episode, first one of 2021. We believe the we see the light at the end of the tunnel for some of the restrictions that we’ve all been been dealing with and very hopeful for for this year. But now is the time when things are a little slower to really reevaluate. What are those disciplines that you want to cultivate? You know, is it time to get a coach? And the answer is yes, it’s always time to get a coach. Even if you can’t afford it, that’s maybe even the best time to get a coach, which I know seems counterintuitive. But think about it. If the coach helps you sell a couple of homes a year, which probably they will based on what they’re teaching you, then it’s of course going to more than pay for itself. But think about all of these parts of your business. And now’s the time to work on those those additional disciplines that maybe haven’t yet been cultivated.

Ryan D’Aprile 50:52
Thanks, TJ.

D.J. Paris 50:53
Yeah, thanks, guys. And to all of our listeners and viewers, we want to thank you for continuing to support our show. And please tell a friend think of one other real estate agent or professional, sales professional, even in any capacity because of course, what we’re talking about really goes across multiple industries, anyone who’s in sales, and is looking to get to the next level, tell them about our show, we really would appreciate it. You can direct them right to our website, which is keeping it real We have every episode we’ve ever done. And for example, if you’re listening saying boy, I’d love to hear all of these Ryan coaching moment episodes, we’ve organized them in via through categories right on our website, so you don’t have to scroll through and just find the Ryan ones, we’ve actually got them isolated, so you can just listen to them one after another. So again, keeping it real And also follow us on Facebook, which is forward slash keeping it real pod. Guys, thank you so much for being on the show. It was wonderful, Mickey, meeting you and having you on hopefully we’ll have you on again. And Ryan and Mickey and everyone at Table Properties. Thank you for your support. And I will see you guys next next month. Thank you. Thank you

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