What does Knowing Your Business Mean To Real Estate Agents? • Coaching Moments • Ryan D’Aprile

June 8, 2020

Welcome to another episode of Coaching Moments With Ryan D’Aprile from D’Aprile Properties!

In this episode Ryan discusses the importance of knowing your business and the specific steps agents need to take to develop this skill set . Ryan also spends time talking about lead generation and deepening relationships with existing contacts and how agents should be spending a minimum of one hour a day on this activity, no matter how busy they are servicing existing clients.

If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube!

Ryan D’Aprile can be reached at 312.590.6416 and ryan@daprileproperties.com.

Ryan D'Aprile
d'aprile properties


D.J. Paris 0:00
This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by Agent youtube.com. Would you like more leads that find you instead of you finding them? Let the YouTube agents show you how the YouTube agents started making videos with no sphere of influence. This year. They’re on pace to close more than 100 sales all from leads generated on YouTube. They put a step by step video program to show you exactly what to do and what not to do to become a YouTube real estate superstar. Visit agent youtube.com to learn more and sign up today. That’s agent youtube.com. And now on to the show.

Welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris. I am your guide and host through the show and today we have our regular episode which is called coaching moments with Ryan de April. Now if you’re not familiar with Ryan Ryan is a progressive thought leader. Here in the Chicagoland area. We focused on providing for his agents and staff. He’s actually in Indiana, Illinois and also Wisconsin. His strengths are his motivational skills, his coaching style and his dedication to training. He has 14 offices throughout Chicagoland also Wisconsin, Indiana and I forgot Michigan, and has hundreds and hundreds of brokers do real property is a coaching company with eight strategic coaches who work week in and week out with every single agent at their firm individually focused on business, business planning, coaching and accountability. If you’d like to take your career to the next level, or if you’re just maybe not getting the attention you deserve. Check out deep real properties, visit them online deep real properties.com. Ryan, welcome once again. Thanks, TJ. Good to see you. I’m very dressed down today. Our listeners won’t see it. But this is about as dressed down as you’ll ever see me.

Ryan D’Aprile 2:07
So I apologize. It must be cool in your office because it’s hot outside.

D.J. Paris 2:11
It is I keep it. I keep it at 68 in here. So I keep it cool.

Ryan D’Aprile 2:17
Yeah. Then you get out and you just get hit with the heat.

D.J. Paris 2:21
I’m wearing a hoodie. So Ryan’s probably wondering why I’m wearing a hoodie in this weather. It’s only because a t shirt wouldn’t have looked as professional. So I’m just slightly above t shirt into a hoodie.

Ryan D’Aprile 2:33
I’m casual as well. I’m in a golf shirt. So that’s how I

D.J. Paris 2:36
that’s a huge step above where I’m at right now. But anyway, thanks. Thanks for once again being on our show. Yeah. How tell us what’s going on? What are your thoughts? What do you want to talk about?

Ryan D’Aprile 2:48
So what I figured we talked about with our agents today is kind of just bringing structure back in to our life. And we are in a very abstract type world sales, right being whatever sales you are in, it’s very unstructured business. And you have to know, you got to know what’s important, you have to know the importance of structure. And I think the theme that I want to go over in today’s session is structure and know your business. And there’s several different areas of your business that you should know about. But I figured that’s what I would cover. And I would also just, you know, go back to some best practices, as we all start begin to feel overwhelmed. Running our own business, there’s so much to do. And a lot of us are just busy being busy. And that’s where the unproductive work comes into play. And we got to get, you know, dial it back and figure out what’s the one two or three things that I could be doing, that’s going to be moving the needle, my business structure will help you bring that back. And also knowing your business will help you kind of bring it back to that. So I was in my office today and about in our our office in Oak Brook, which is our our mortgage and title company, office here. And I have a big whiteboard across from me. And I came in early started working and I felt overwhelmed. And right you get those feelings on a daily basis every day. So what I wrote on the top is just I had to talk myself off the ledge. And so what I wrote at the top is time management dummy. I mean, it’s literally what’s up there. And it was just me talking to myself. Sure. And then I went back to the 9091 and move the needle and all these things that we’ve talked about in the past that we’ve read, from great authors, great trainers and everything and how do you get yourself focused so it’s it comes down to knowing your business and there’s various things What’s your business? What are your statistics? What are your lead sources, you need to know that you know, what’s your value proposition? Know your clients why know your why I’m, so I was gonna figure we cover all that and figure out how do we get some good time management techniques into our day to day as well.

D.J. Paris 5:08
Great, that sounds awesome. You know, I think structure is such an important topic for us to talk about time and time again. Because it’s a look, if realtors out there who are listening to the show, if they’re anything like me, I’m not a practicing realtor. But I bet I’m wired very similarly to, to the average Realtors strengths and weaknesses, I’m probably very similar I struggle with with structure. And but I’m clear that it’s really the path to freedom. Oddly enough, structure equals freedom. But it’s something that that we probably couldn’t talk about it enough.

Ryan D’Aprile 5:44
No. And also, so in our business, again, it’s so abstract, it’s so entrepreneurial, and kind of choose your own adventure kind of day. So you really need to have a CRM, a dashboard of what we have, that’s going to structure and then, you know, you also have to get out of your mind that the CRM is going to do it for you. The CRM, the dashboard, we call it the dashboard, and we call it an entrepreneur, entrepreneur operating system, that what is what we have is what we built internally here. And you got to understand that it’s only as good as the driver, which is you the individual, and it’s going to give you the lines to stay between the focus you to help you grow your business, but it’s not going to do it for you. And that’s my biggest concern with a lot of CRMs. And it’s actually not the CRMs, it’s the individuals that are using them, it’s like, you got to understand this thing’s not going to do it for you, it’s not a set it and forget it, it’s a tool, right to teach you how to be an entrepreneur. And then, you know, I’m very transparent with my clients as a real estate agent. And I’m very transparent with my agents and my loan officers and I coach and, and other sales individuals that I coach, that I don’t sell anything, I don’t sell homes, and there’s a fine line, there’s there’s people that believe I sell homes and, and those others who believe i This my belief system, I facilitate the transaction, I facilitate the sale or the purchase of your home. And it’s very valuable to you the consumer, but I know, I know my value, and I’m able to articulate it to you. And quite honestly, you as a consumer will value that when I’m able to articulate the right way. And then when we have conversations about where your home needs to be priced. It’s not about marketing, right, it’s about their why. And, and so again, I’m coming back to the theme of this conversation is, know your business, and but also know what you do, and it’s not selling the product, it’s really selling yourself. And so then I come over to the Know Your lead source, because I’m in sales as an entrepreneur, right? We’re responsible for everything, we’re responsible for lead generation, but then we have to facilitate the transaction, then we have to close the transaction. Well, what happens is when we get one or two clients, maybe three or four clients, we go and we focus on the facilitating of a transaction. And we forget about the lead generation aspect of us. And so then that comes back to the theme that I want to talk about from knowing business. And then the time management, which most of us just stink in, you know, we just have poor time management. So I can tell the listeners here. And the viewers, I guess now because so get used to this not being a podcast and being recorded. Awkward is that you should you should have one hour a day dedicated to your lead generation aspect of it, which we talked about being in flow with your, your network, which is probably your biggest lead source. And that one hour a day should start at nine in the morning. And because we all have a limited amount of willpower, and when we start doing other things we’re going to become our willpower will be deleted, diluted, and we’re not going to go back to the most important part of your business. The lead generation aspect business, right? Because if you don’t have clients, you don’t have a business. And when you get two or three clients, I tell a lot of agents. Sometimes when you get a couple clients, it could be a conveyor belt right out of the business. Because what you do is you focus all your time and effort on them. And then they’re running your business. You’re not running your business. Right. Right.

D.J. Paris 9:37
Brian Buffini used to say, which I thought was a very smart and astute observation. He would say if you know if you’re working eight hours a day, seven of those hours might be spent servicing your existing clients. That’s customer service you have you know, you just those are things you have to do. They’re they’re unavoidable and they’re probably the bulk of the day, but that one hour a day that you have left should be focused on lead gen. And if you don’t do that you really in his in his words didn’t win the day. But you felt busy. You were busy. You were, you know, taking care of your customers, but you weren’t pushing your business forward, which is that lead gen. So so obviously, I’m a big believer in that as well. Yeah. And

Ryan D’Aprile 10:17
so as your time management really comes into play, and you have to block it out Robin Sharma, I think I’m saying his name properly. You are wonderful book. He’s a great speaker, you should all listen to him. He has philosophy called 9091. So it’s 90 minutes, which is an hour and a half, for 90 days. What’s that one thing that’s going to move your needle and your business. And I think that truly is going to be opening up your dashboard, your CRM, taking an hour and a half and go into that best lead source that you have. And I do believe that lead sources are ranked in quality. And I do believe that network is still the number one, there are listing leads, there are web purchase leads, there are open house leads. They’re all good to various extents. But your network is the best lead source, and used to spend an hour and a half every single day going through and connecting with everybody in network about them. How are they doing? Do that for an hour and a half for three months in a row. Okay, just do that. And then you could in your time management activities, before you do that you should write out one, two and three, that’s the one thing, what’s the second, what’s the third biggest task that you could accomplish, and just worry about the day, you know, don’t you know, we have 50,000 thoughts or so a day running through our head. So you got to really be disciplined in how you how you run your own business, how you run yourself. And just use a pen and paper and write down those three things. Number one, should be the lead generation network connecting with your network. And then number two, number three going to be other things and they probably should be going into your prospects. Looking at your warm look your cold make it cheerier in flow with them. And then going three plugins, your active clients and service into that.

D.J. Paris 12:05
There’s it couldn’t agree more and with respect to to contacting your existing network, I think maybe there’s listeners who might be thinking, Well, what do I say? And that’s, you know, why am I calling in Ryan, you briefly mentioned, check in with them, see how they’re doing?

Ryan D’Aprile 12:21
And it’s not about you? I mean, remember that? What did I say? It’s not about you. Ask a question.

D.J. Paris 12:29
Yeah. All you have to do, and we’re sort of, not that there’s any positives to the pandemic. But if there was a silver lining of sorts, it’s that people are, are more isolated, they’re yearning for human connection, there, they want so desperately for someone who care about them enough to call and see how they’re doing, or text or write a comment on a social media post, or just pay attention to them and connect. And this is what deepens relationships. And it’s the actually, you don’t have to worry about talking about real estate, necessarily, this is a call just to see how people are and it’s going to reap so much, obviously, it’s going to deepen your personal connection with them, which has its own benefit, but from a business perspective, you know, people want to work with people who they feel care about them. So this is a great opportunity to deepen those those relationships.

Ryan D’Aprile 13:17
Right. And, you know, I tell people that I have a love hate relationship with social media. What I hate about it is the nonsense and how it can make you feel with the with the FOMO, and how it can make your friends feel or your daughter’s like I have three daughters, right, and that it’s somewhat of a make believe world out there. But the love that I have for social media is not marketing. It’s the r&d. And I tell everybody, I use Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as r&d. I research my network, and then I develop a relationship with them. So if you’re wondering, What am I going to say, well, take an hour and a half, five days a week, and slow down, turn everything off. Pick one person out of your network, and your CRM your dashboard. And go research them. Go research them where you can, and then take the steps to develop relationship with them. change up the mediums, maybe do it a text message, maybe do a DM them, maybe an email, maybe a handwritten note. Yep. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. But now I’m going to shift. Let’s talk about

D.J. Paris 14:27
before you shift real quickly a pro tip for everyone because you mentioned LinkedIn and a lot of people might not know this is LinkedIn has a in the activity feed or your notification feed. I actually I believe it’s in your notification feed. If you go on there every morning, you will see number one who’s got a birthday. So great opportunity to reach out and just say happy birthday. But number two or number two and three people who start new positions or new jobs or have work anniversaries. So think about you know, somebody says oh, they just celebrated five years at their company. That’s Send me a great reason to reach out and say, Hey, I just saw that congratulations. And maybe that’s a phone call or a text message or whatever, however you want to communicate that, that is a unique opportunity that costs you virtually nothing. It’s the easiest r&d Because it’s there for you every day in your feed. And all you have to do is just look at it and then reach out and make that person’s day by noticing them.

Ryan D’Aprile 15:22
Yeah, you know, it’s interesting when I consult with agents, and I help them on deals that they’re working, I always go to standby have a question, I will get a conversation about a couple that they’re working with. And they’ll talk about one couple, and I’ll ask about the other person in the relationship. And I’ll say, Well, what does he do for a living? Now? I don’t know. Right? Or his work? I don’t know. Where does she work? Then? I think she works here. What does she do? I don’t know. And like, you really got to understand what we do for a living you guys. And the agents that have to discount their commission are the agents that actually think they sell homes, they don’t know what their value is. And they are working in a world of fear, because they think anybody can do this. And quite honestly, anybody can you could put a home on the market. And if the market is a home, it’s priced properly, it probably is going to sell the reality is we’re dealing with human beings. And there’s a lot going on, and we are consultants were paid, well, we should be paid well, the consumer is willing to pay us well. But if you know what your business is, is going to determine that. So if you don’t know who your consumer is, if you don’t know who your client is, you don’t know where they work, you don’t know what they do for a living. How are you going to consult and work with them and, and give them advice if you don’t know what their y is? How you’re going to guide them through the woods. And so again, the theme of this coaching session is is know your stuff, time management, and know your stuff and your stuff is your clients. It’s also the market statistics, you know, we really pump data to our agents on a gosh, if not daily, every other day basis about what the market is going on. So I’ll give an example. Do you know your market stats, right, and we’re here in Chicago, so Chicagoland and there’s so many different ways from broker metrics to Oh, guy that just dropped blank. That’s the red and white graph anyways, it’s another tool that we have info sparks. Okay. Yes. And it depends on, you know, different marketplaces and different analyzes that what they have, but what is going on with supply? What is going on with your demand? What’s going on with the average price? What is that in single family homes? And what does that detached homes? Take a little time, once a month? To know that? Right. And I just pulled up some statistics here, just since I said that when I just tell our struggling learners, you know, you have two types of you have month over month over two years supply and demand and the price and the you have six weeks rolling? So we’re looking at two years, and we’re gonna look at last April, because he’s not done yet. Okay. May is not over with yet. Right? No, left, a few more days. So two years ago, April, to compare to this past April, supply is down 20%. And demand is down 27%. That’s not surprising. I mean, people pulled their homes off the market. And then people just pulled away. Now down 20% percent is starting to rise up. So that’s a good sign. Right? And so now I can, I can have a conversation with you. If you’re a consumer, because I know this stuff, I can tell you why that is. And then if you that’s supply and demand, which is causing a cohort effect. Actually, homes are selling 1% More than they were two years ago. So we didn’t really take a hit. Now, if we look at the six weeks, right, if we look at six weeks, so last week, ending which was maybe may 24th, or 23rd. In the previous six weeks, supply is down 4%. Right. So supply was down 20%. Now supplies down 4% demands up almost 30% It’s up 28% Oh, by the way, this took me three minutes, right? We have so many tools. It took me three minutes for a call. And then what took the three minutes and writing on the whiteboard. So I could look at it. But it was right from my screen. So supplies down 4% demands up 20% But in suite six week rolling average people are pricing their homes 9% More, they’re actually selling at 10.6%. Now this is just for single family homes. But I was I’m in our building here in Oak Brook, and I’m looking at our site because we kind of need to expand as with a commercial real estate agent and commercial real estate agent, a CBRE, right click. And he says, Well, what’s going on with the housing market? Right? I’m a real estate agent. I’m a residential person and I’m the professional. And he says our price has taken a hit. I said no prices are going up because really cool. Yeah, there’s a lack of inventory and demand is there. You guys, I mean, this business is so much fun. There’s so much data. Everybody wants to talk about real estate. So take time.

Manage your time. Educate yourself, know your business, know your market stats, know your lead source, know your value proposition, know your why your clients why, and then dial it back one day at a time, and use what Robin Sharma talks about 9091 An hour and a half, 90 days in a row, do the one thing. Once that’s done, then you can back out to other things, and then go freestyle for the rest of the day. That’s all going to come to you. And that’s what most people start with is the freestyle. And that’s right, the biggest problem.

D.J. Paris 20:43
Well, we yeah, we because things hit us all day long, which we come in which come into our inbox or our phone. And they appear urgent, because they’re immediate. Right? So something comes and I always this was a Stephen Covey thing was to ask, is this urgent? You know, Is it urgent or not? Urgent isn’t important or not, not important. So he has quadrants to say it. And it’s a really important thing to know, when your client is texting you. Is it urgent and important for me to respond within two minutes? What’s the expectation I have set with this with this client? What’s his client think? The expectation is, Have I defined that so that they don’t feel that I’m dropping the ball? If I don’t reply for four hours or 24 hours? Even? You know, what’s the expectation and having a policy in place to know, you know, what’s the expectation so that when things hit me, you know, do I have to stop what I’m doing? Is it urgent isn’t important? Or is it something that can be answered at a later time? I think that’s a really important thing for agents to to identify, but also to communicate with our clients. Otherwise, the client might have a completely different expectation.

Ryan D’Aprile 21:54
Well, yeah, and you guys, don’t be hard on yourselves either. Because this is a work in progress. I mean, when I coach groups of people, individuals, I will two to three times throughout an hour to two hour session. I’ll pause and wait, please turn your phones back upside down. Turn your phones back upside down and focus on here. I mean, you know, you’re getting a ton of value here. But what happens is our brains release dopamine, right? Yeah, we drink a drink, you smoke a cigarette, or you go for a run, you do all these different things, good or bad habits, right? I mean, two bad habits. And then one of the good one. Your phone is releasing dopamine, so you become addicted to it. And you’re addicted to distraction. And distraction is the enemy of progress. Again, Robin Sharma. But that’s just the truth. Distraction is the enemy of progress. So you listened, we’re not all perfect. And we just got to carve out this comes down to time management, carve out one or two hours a day. But Jesus, Jesus unique, do it, guys five days in a row, you know, make it a habit. And going back to your emails, I think I’m just gonna take a quick peek here. At this, if I could look, I have 180,000 unread emails. And this is this is a good point what with it. And so what I want to communicate to our listeners here as well is understand people don’t read either. So sometimes get your message out in subject line, get your message out in the subject line. And then what I do is I just scan, I can tell what’s important by looking at the subject line, hazard, spam, and all that stuff. But I don’t I look at my email, I try to limit to one hour, you know, once an hour, and look at it. And most things can wait. Everything can wait, what shouldn’t wait is you what shouldn’t wait Is your business and nobody’s going to do it for you guys. Nobody’s going to do it for you. So you need to be disciplined, you need to set some structure for yourself, you know, know your business, know where your business is coming from. So then you could take the activities to continue getting business from that best lead source.

D.J. Paris 24:06
Yeah, I think if you’re thinking to structure your day, a really simple structure could be as Ryan said, you know, spend 90 minutes a day, you know, five days a week, you know, connecting with your sphere of influence your your contact list, the people you’re closest to contact them, connect with them, make that maybe the first 90 minutes of the day. And then you know, if you want to just make it a full two hours, make maybe make that last 30 minutes knowing your market knowing your statistics. If you just spent two hours a day, you know, prospecting and also learning your business within 90 days, you will have so many leads and so much additional knowledge. You won’t believe what that will do to your ability to better communicate with clients be able to serve them better and also just to find more clients to work with. It’s a great, great strategy and then you know, like Ryan said the maybe the remaining five hours or six hours of the day or six plus hours a day is free, free wheeling, whatever comes your way you’re going to, you know, react to you’re going to service, your clients are going to do all the things that you have to do. But yeah, maybe carve out those two hours and just make it non negotiable. Just, you know, your phone goes off, and you just you just get to work.

Ryan D’Aprile 25:17
You know, again, I’m an advocate of CRMs. And, you know, ideally, real estate or mortgage lending CRMs, and the one that we custom built, because I couldn’t find it out there. But one that we custom built is, is knowing your forecasts and what you’re going to do that calendar year. Yeah, we were just working with our agents, one of our agents. And she consistently does between 10 and $12 million a year. And, you know, the agent was saying what, you know, I have only done three sales, I’ve only done three sales. But then we opened up the snapshot of her dashboard. And she’s forecasted $11 million already. Because her prospects are graded properly, her actives are graded properly, it calculates it and tells you what your forecast is. And if you don’t have a CRM that does it, then take a piece of paper and write down who are your warm prospects? What does warm mean? You have to define it, here’s what warm means to me. You’re 90% Certain they’re going to transact this calendar year. So before December 31 2020, and you’re 90%, certain they’re going to use you then you have and then you then you add up their sales time, then you have your active clients. Now there you gotta calibrated to write your active buyers, you know, you’ve set certain you’ll know, and then your listings, are they priced properly? Do you have real true sellers? And then the answer is yes, you add them up. And then you look at what you closed. And then you look at what you have under contract. And there is your forecast folks. And that should not take you more than 20 minutes, that could be your number two thing. And you could probably do that once a week instead of five times a week, five days a week, you should be in your network in your CRM, making life flow with your network, twice a week, you should be looking at your business, you’re grading your temperatures, knowing your forecast. So you’re going to glide into the sales goal that you want. And then you need to take time to educate yourself and know, again, market statistics, you know, your lead source, your value proposition, all those things that you don’t really do on a weekly basis, but you should be doing on a monthly basis.

D.J. Paris 27:27
Yeah, I think that’s I think that’s a great structure. And everyone who’s out there listening, this is a great time, where as we’re all probably a little less busy than we normally will are, if things weren’t the way they are currently, or that we won’t be once things return fully to normal. So this is a great time to figure out, Okay, where am I? Where am I, where there’s some opportunity for creating better structure.

Ryan D’Aprile 27:55
And there’s opportunities everywhere, there’s opportunities everywhere to create better structure for yourself. It’s just dialing it back, turning that technology off, get a good old fashioned piece of paper, you know, and pen and, and maybe write down what you want to do. And then create habits for yourself, you know, what’s the one hour and understand things are gonna come up and pull you off your block, just get back onto it the next day?

D.J. Paris 28:21
Yeah, it’s that old sort of meditation, you know, sort of exercise where it’s like, you don’t have to perfectly, you know, wipe your mind. But you want to observe the thoughts as they come in. And then when you find yourself off track, you just you just readjust, you get back and get back to center. And we that’s the other thing, too, is perfectionism is really a huge problem for anyone trying to become more productive, because we don’t tend to factor in, you know, challenges or imperfection or just, you know, life, life is going to come in and disrupt your structure it’s going to happen. So build in a little flexibility there to give yourself the leeway that you’re going to need when things just come in and hit you in the face where you weren’t expecting and you have to react to it.

Ryan D’Aprile 29:10
Yeah, and remember this and I think this one might be a good way to kind of close our session here. But remember this you guys, this is a tough, this is a tough truth and life is success and business success and business and success in life. It’s a choice. And it’s your choice to make it simple. But it is a conscious decision. We run our lives subconsciously. So in your moments of consciousness and clarity, you got to stop yourself. You got to write down what is it I’m going to do understand your biggest obstacle to success is your time management and your belief probably in yourself to do it. Once you just start taking little baby steps and start working into this process and educating you’re you’re going to eventually start having what we call a snowball effect, and actually does get easier and easier. You will fall off the wagon, you just jump back on, and do these things to control your business.

D.J. Paris 30:05
Yeah, that’s exactly right. If you can just remember that, that if all you ever do is just keep going for it and just keep courageously moving forward, you know, even in the face of not wanting to do it, some days, or something really knocked me off track, or I got some really bad news and lost a client, I just want to, you know, check out the rest of the day, you know, okay, give yourself an hour or two to check out, allow that because you need to process difficult feelings and, and we all have them as they come up, especially in these days, there’s lots of hard feelings. So process those, give yourself the flexibility to do that. And then and then try to try to just try again, keep keep, you know, habits are, gosh, they’re everything, aren’t they?

Ryan D’Aprile 30:49
Habits are everything. And also, structure is everything. Yeah, and I just got a text from somebody. So maybe I’ll do this next time in our session, I do some screenshots. And I’ll show people how you could structure yourself and categorize. I think I could do a screen share here. Slideshow up for you, for sure. I’ll do that next time. And I’ll show everybody how you can I’ll give you some visual aids and how you could structure your time. properly, I’ll even look at some other CRMs I can deceive. There’s other ways that people could do it. But you got it, you got to buy into that you guys and you got to get away from the abstract sales shouldn’t be abstract sales is a process. It’s a process, just follow the process. Follow the follow the rulebook, everything else becomes easier for you.

D.J. Paris 31:33
And thankfully, the path to success as well trodden and it’s been well defined. And there’s lots of different ways to get there. But the good news is you don’t have to figure it out. You just have to pick, pick a discipline, and proceed boldly. And if you just do that, you know you no way dumber people than you have been successful way, way less discipline people than you have been successful, and less skilled people have been successful. So you probably have a huge advantage because there’s something that you’re really strong at, but maybe if you lack structure, you know, like a lot of us do I know I do. This is or rather I struggle with staying on task. So it’s a daily reminder for me, it’s it’s this is the boulder I push up the hill every day is structure and discipline. And if I can just find the courage and energy to push that boulder up the hill, I know that my life is ultimately better, my business is better, my relationships are better. You know, I have to have even structure around I’m going to visit my girlfriend, okay? What are some things that are important to her that I need to think about doing so that when I get to her place, I don’t forget, because you know, when I get to her place, and I visit with her, maybe something comes in, disrupts, okay, I have to remember there’s three things I wanted to, you know, that are important her that I want to share with her or there’s something I want to say to her, right, I have to structure that out. It’s maybe not the most romantic thing. But it’s a good example of if I don’t do that I forget to do certain things, or I just get get, you know, and so that that’s a more personal as an example. But the idea is that have that have your day structured out, but add in some flexibility as well, to have you know, life come at you.

Ryan D’Aprile 33:11
Yeah. Well, thanks, Jay. I appreciate you having me.

D.J. Paris 33:14
Yeah, thanks once again. And so a great teaser for next time. So on our next coaching moments, which we do once a month, maybe Ryan will be able to do some screen shares to show you know, visually how to structure we’ll figure out a way to

Ryan D’Aprile 33:25
sales process. Yeah, that would be great. And I’ll show you guys I’ll show you the sales process from lead source to prospects active to close and give you an idea of what that forecasting looks like. And it because a lot of times people don’t forecast and look like we forecast weekly, you know, because you set a goal. And then you have these activities, you should have forecasts kind of coming into where it is. I could show that to you. So you get a feel for what that looks like. Okay.

D.J. Paris 33:53
Yeah, I bet most Most brokers are listening. Most Realtors listing probably don’t have a good tool for forecasting or don’t really know how to do that other than, well, I can just add everything up and but Ryan’s gonna get a little bit more specific on how to do that. So we’ll we’ll look forward to that on the next episode. For everyone listening, if you are in the Chicagoland area or Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ryan and his company have offices and they would love to speak with you if you’re looking for another firm or maybe you’re brand new to the business. Maybe you’re a mortgage lender as well. Ryan has a mortgage company. So definitely reach out whether you’re a realtor or in lending and you’re looking for maybe a new place to call home. Pardon the pun, that is deep real properties is a great, great company and Ryan is the head of the company and also goes and coaches the coaches so he their coaches are getting coached by Ryan and Ryan is also working directly with the agents. So the best way to reach out is is D APR properties.com. That’s D A p r i l e properties.com. And you can learn all about Ryan’s car I’m putting in what they offer agents. And, Ryan, thanks again for being on the show on behalf of our listeners. This is actually one of our most popular segments, we look at. As far as forecasting goes, we look at all of our data as well. And this is such a popular series that we do. So we appreciate on behalf of listeners, thank you for your continued involvement. And then on behalf of Ryan and myself, I want to thank all the listeners for continuing to listen and support our show, we ask that everyone just do two quick things before stopping the episode, which is one, please tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing this particular episode with Ryan, and about structure and discipline and knowing you know, sort of how to how to, you know, manage your day and pass this over to them, we just rebuilt our website. So the easiest way is maybe just shoot him a link over to our site, which is keeping it real pod.com. Also let us know what you think of the new website, I spent a lot of time on it. So hopefully people like it, you can actually also even go by the different shows we have, you can actually listen to it. So if you want to listen to all the the Ryan coaching moments, you can actually do that by scrolling to the bottom, and you’ll see all of Ryan’s episodes you can listen to in order. And then also the second thing is to please follow us on Facebook, you can find us@facebook.com forward slash keeping it real pod. Two reasons. Number one, we post an article that we find every single day we post an article that we find online written to help you build your business. And then we also post of course, links to all of our episodes and you can actually watch us recording episodes in real time there as well. So, Ryan, thanks again. We appreciate you being part of the show and I will see you next month. Thanks CJ

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